path: root/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/core/DocASTPhase.scala
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1 files changed, 177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/core/DocASTPhase.scala b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/core/DocASTPhase.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..72e679565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dottydoc/jvm/src/dotty/tools/dottydoc/core/DocASTPhase.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dottydoc
+package core
+/** Dotty and Dottydoc imports */
+import dotc.ast.Trees._
+import dotc.CompilationUnit
+import dotc.config.Printers.dottydoc
+import dotc.core.Contexts.Context
+import dotc.core.Phases.Phase
+import dotc.core.Symbols.Symbol
+class DocASTPhase extends Phase {
+ import model._
+ import model.factories._
+ import model.internal._
+ import model.parsers.WikiParser
+ import model.comment.Comment
+ import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags
+ import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd._
+ import util.traversing._
+ import util.internal.setters._
+ def phaseName = "docphase"
+ private[this] val commentParser = new WikiParser
+ /** Saves the commentParser function for later evaluation, for when the AST has been filled */
+ def track(symbol: Symbol, ctx: Context)(op: => Entity) = {
+ val entity = op
+ if (entity != NonEntity)
+ commentParser += (entity, symbol, ctx)
+ entity
+ }
+ /** Build documentation hierarchy from existing tree */
+ def collect(tree: Tree, prev: List[String] = Nil)(implicit ctx: Context): Entity = track(tree.symbol, ctx) {
+ val implicitlyAddedMembers = ctx.base.defs(tree.symbol)
+ def collectList(xs: List[Tree], ps: List[String])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Entity] =
+ xs.map(collect(_, ps)).filter(_ != NonEntity)
+ def collectEntityMembers(xs: List[Tree], ps: List[String])(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ collectList(xs, ps).asInstanceOf[List[Entity with Members]]
+ /** TODO: should be a set, not a uniqued list */
+ def collectMembers(tree: Tree, ps: List[String] = prev)(implicit ctx: Context): List[Entity] = {
+ val defs = (tree match {
+ case t: Template => collectList(t.body, ps)
+ case _ => Nil
+ }) ++ implicitlyAddedMembers.flatMap(addedFromSymbol)
+ defs
+ }
+ def addedFromSymbol(sym: Symbol): List[Entity] = {
+ val defs = sym.info.membersBasedOnFlags(Flags.Method, Flags.Synthetic | Flags.Private).map { meth =>
+ track(meth.symbol, ctx) {
+ DefImpl(meth.symbol.name.decode.toString, Nil, path(meth.symbol), returnType(meth.info), typeParams(meth.symbol), paramLists(meth.info))
+ }
+ }.toList
+ val vals = sym.info.fields.filterNot(_.symbol.is(Flags.Private | Flags.Synthetic)).map { value =>
+ track(value.symbol, ctx) {
+ ValImpl(value.symbol.name.decode.toString, Nil, path(value.symbol), returnType(value.info))
+ }
+ }
+ defs ++ vals
+ }
+ tree match {
+ /** package */
+ case pd @ PackageDef(pid, st) =>
+ val newPath = prev :+ pid.name.toString
+ addEntity(PackageImpl(newPath.mkString("."), collectEntityMembers(st, newPath), newPath))
+ /** trait */
+ case t @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if t.symbol.is(Flags.Trait) =>
+ val name = n.decode.toString
+ val newPath = prev :+ name
+ //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well
+ TraitImpl(name, collectMembers(rhs), flags(t), newPath, typeParams(t.symbol), superTypes(t))
+ /** objects, on the format "Object$" so drop the last letter */
+ case o @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if o.symbol.is(Flags.Module) =>
+ val name = n.decode.toString.dropRight(1)
+ //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well
+ ObjectImpl(name, collectMembers(rhs, prev :+ name), flags(o), prev :+ (name + "$"), superTypes(o))
+ /** class / case class */
+ case c @ TypeDef(n, rhs) if c.symbol.isClass =>
+ val name = n.decode.toString
+ val newPath = prev :+ name
+ //TODO: should not `collectMember` from `rhs` - instead: get from symbol, will get inherited members as well
+ (name, collectMembers(rhs), flags(c), newPath, typeParams(c.symbol), superTypes(c), None) match {
+ case x if c.symbol.is(Flags.CaseClass) => CaseClassImpl.tupled(x)
+ case x => ClassImpl.tupled(x)
+ }
+ /** def */
+ case d: DefDef =>
+ DefImpl(d.name.decode.toString, flags(d), path(d.symbol), returnType(d.tpt.tpe), typeParams(d.symbol), paramLists(d.symbol.info))
+ /** val */
+ case v: ValDef if !v.symbol.is(Flags.ModuleVal) =>
+ ValImpl(v.name.decode.toString, flags(v), path(v.symbol), returnType(v.tpt.tpe))
+ case x => {
+ //dottydoc.println(s"Found unwanted entity: $x (${x.pos},\n${x.show}")
+ NonEntity
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var packages: Map[String, Package] = Map.empty
+ def addEntity(p: Package): Package = {
+ def mergedChildren(x1s: List[Entity], x2s: List[Entity]): List[Entity] = {
+ val (packs1, others1) = x1s.partition(_.kind == "package")
+ val (packs2, others2) = x2s.partition(_.kind == "package")
+ val others = others1 ::: others2
+ val packs = (packs1 ::: packs2).groupBy(_.path).map(_._2.head)
+ (others ++ packs).sortBy(_.name)
+ }
+ val path = p.path.mkString(".")
+ val newPack = packages.get(path).map {
+ case ex: PackageImpl =>
+ if (!ex.comment.isDefined) ex.comment = p.comment
+ ex.members = mergedChildren(ex.members, p.members)
+ ex
+ }.getOrElse(p)
+ packages = packages + (path -> newPack)
+ newPack
+ }
+ private[this] var totalRuns = 0
+ private[this] var currentRun = 0
+ override def run(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = {
+ currentRun += 1
+ println(s"Compiling ($currentRun/$totalRuns): ${ctx.compilationUnit.source.file.name}")
+ collect(ctx.compilationUnit.tpdTree) // Will put packages in `packages` var
+ }
+ override def runOn(units: List[CompilationUnit])(implicit ctx: Context): List[CompilationUnit] = {
+ // (1) Create package structure for all `units`, this will give us a complete structure
+ totalRuns = units.length
+ val compUnits = super.runOn(units)
+ // (2) Set parents of entities, needed for linking
+ for {
+ parent <- packages.values
+ child <- parent.children
+ } setParent(child, to = parent)
+ // (3) Create documentation template from docstrings, with internal links
+ println("Generating documentation, this might take a while...")
+ commentParser.parse(packages)
+ // (4) Clear caches
+ commentParser.clear()
+ // (5) Update Doc AST in ctx.base
+ for (kv <- packages) ctx.base.packages += kv
+ // Return super's result
+ compUnits
+ }