path: root/project/Build.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'project/Build.scala')
1 files changed, 38 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/project/Build.scala b/project/Build.scala
index 7d5d59ec5..d21b4c807 100644
--- a/project/Build.scala
+++ b/project/Build.scala
@@ -17,8 +17,6 @@ object DottyBuild extends Build {
// "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError", "-Xmx1g", "-Xss2m"
- var partestLock: FileLock = null
val defaults = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
scalaVersion in Global := "2.11.5",
version in Global := "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
@@ -63,25 +61,18 @@ object DottyBuild extends Build {
// enable verbose exception messages for JUnit
testOptions in Test += Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.JUnit, "-a", "-v", "--run-listener=test.ContextEscapeDetector"),
- testOptions in Test += Tests.Cleanup({ () => if (partestLock != null) partestLock.release }),
- // When this file is locked, running test generates the files for partest.
- // Otherwise it just executes the tests directly. So running two separate
- // sbt instances might result in unexpected behavior if one does partest
- // and the other test, since the second still sees the locked file and thus
- // generates partest files instead of running JUnit tests, but doesn't
- // partest them.
+ testOptions in Test += Tests.Cleanup({ () => partestLockFile.delete }),
lockPartestFile := {
- val partestLockFile = "." + File.separator + "tests" + File.separator + "partest.lock"
- try {
- partestLock = new RandomAccessFile(partestLockFile, "rw").getChannel.tryLock
- if (partestLock == null)
- throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: sbt partest: file is locked already. Bad things happen when trying to mix test/partest in two concurrent sbt instances.")
- } catch {
- case ex: java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException => // locked already, Tests.Cleanup didn't run
- if (partestLock != null)
- partestLock.release
- throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: sbt partest: file was still locked, please try again or restart sbt.")
- }
+ // When this file is present, running `test` generates the files for
+ // partest. Otherwise it just executes the tests directly.
+ val lockDir = partestLockFile.getParentFile
+ lockDir.mkdirs
+ // Cannot have concurrent partests as they write to the same directory.
+ if (lockDir.list.size > 0)
+ throw new RuntimeException("ERROR: sbt partest: another partest is already running, pid in lock file: " + lockDir.list.toList.mkString(" "))
+ partestLockFile.createNewFile
+ partestLockFile.deleteOnExit
runPartestRunner <<= Def.taskDyn {
val jars = Seq((packageBin in Compile).value.getAbsolutePath) ++
@@ -99,29 +90,29 @@ object DottyBuild extends Build {
// http://grokbase.com/t/gg/simple-build-tool/135ke5y90p/sbt-setting-jvm-boot-paramaters-for-scala
javaOptions <++= (managedClasspath in Runtime, packageBin in Compile) map { (attList, bin) =>
- // put the Scala {library, reflect} in the classpath
- val path = for {
- file <- attList.map(_.data)
- path = file.getAbsolutePath
- } yield "-Xbootclasspath/p:" + path
- // dotty itself needs to be in the bootclasspath
- val fullpath = ("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + bin) :: path.toList
- // System.err.println("BOOTPATH: " + fullpath)
- val travis_build = // propagate if this is a travis build
- if (sys.props.isDefinedAt(TRAVIS_BUILD))
- List(s"-D$TRAVIS_BUILD=${sys.props(TRAVIS_BUILD)}") ::: travisMemLimit
- else
- List()
- val tuning =
- if (sys.props.isDefinedAt("Oshort"))
- // Optimize for short-running applications, see https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/222
- List("-XX:+TieredCompilation", "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1")
+ // put the Scala {library, reflect} in the classpath
+ val path = for {
+ file <- attList.map(_.data)
+ path = file.getAbsolutePath
+ } yield "-Xbootclasspath/p:" + path
+ // dotty itself needs to be in the bootclasspath
+ val fullpath = ("-Xbootclasspath/a:" + bin) :: path.toList
+ // System.err.println("BOOTPATH: " + fullpath)
+ val travis_build = // propagate if this is a travis build
+ if (sys.props.isDefinedAt(TRAVIS_BUILD))
+ List(s"-D$TRAVIS_BUILD=${sys.props(TRAVIS_BUILD)}") ::: travisMemLimit
+ else
+ List()
+ val tuning =
+ if (sys.props.isDefinedAt("Oshort"))
+ // Optimize for short-running applications, see https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/222
+ List("-XX:+TieredCompilation", "-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1")
- tuning ::: agentOptions ::: travis_build ::: fullpath
+ ("-DpartestParentID=" + pid) :: tuning ::: agentOptions ::: travis_build ::: fullpath
) ++ addCommandAlias("partest", ";test:compile;lockPartestFile;test:test;runPartestRunner")
@@ -174,10 +165,14 @@ object DottyBuild extends Build {
lazy val benchmarks = Project(id = "dotty-bench", settings = benchmarkSettings,
base = file("bench")) dependsOn(dotty % "compile->test")
- lazy val lockPartestFile = TaskKey[Unit]("lockPartestFile", "Creates the file lock on ./tests/partest.lock")
- lazy val runPartestRunner = TaskKey[Unit]("runPartestRunner", "Runs partests")
- lazy val partestDeps = SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]("partestDeps", "Finds jars for partest dependencies")
+ // Partest tasks
+ lazy val lockPartestFile = TaskKey[Unit]("lockPartestFile", "Creates the lock file at ./tests/locks/partest-<pid>.lock")
+ val partestLockFile = new File("." + File.separator + "tests" + File.separator + "locks" + File.separator + s"partest-$pid.lock")
+ val pid = java.lang.Long.parseLong(java.lang.management.ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getName().split("@")(0))
+ lazy val runPartestRunner = TaskKey[Unit]("runPartestRunner", "Runs partest")
+ lazy val partestDeps = SettingKey[Seq[ModuleID]]("partestDeps", "Finds jars for partest dependencies")
def getJarPaths(modules: Seq[ModuleID], ivyHome: Option[File]): Seq[String] = ivyHome match {
case Some(home) =>
modules.map({ module =>