path: root/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
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1 files changed, 1180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be4e56375
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/backend/sjs/JSCodeGen.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,1180 @@
+package dotty.tools.backend.sjs
+import scala.annotation.switch
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import dotty.tools.FatalError
+import dotty.tools.dotc.CompilationUnit
+import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.tpd
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Phases.Phase
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core._
+import Periods._
+import SymDenotations._
+import Contexts._
+import Flags._
+import dotty.tools.dotc.ast.Trees._
+import Types._
+import Symbols._
+import Denotations._
+import Phases._
+import dotty.tools.dotc.util.Positions
+import Positions.Position
+import StdNames._
+import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.Erasure
+import org.scalajs.core.ir
+import org.scalajs.core.ir.{ClassKind, Trees => js, Types => jstpe}
+import js.OptimizerHints
+import JSEncoding._
+import ScopedVar.withScopedVars
+/** Main codegen for Scala.js IR.
+ *
+ * [[GenSJSIR]] creates one instance of `JSCodeGen` per compilation unit.
+ * The `run()` method processes the whole compilation unit and generates
+ * `.sjsir` files for it.
+ *
+ * There are 4 main levels of translation:
+ *
+ * - `genCompilationUnit()` iterates through all the type definitions in the
+ * compilation unit. Each generated `js.ClassDef` is serialized to an
+ * `.sjsir` file.
+ * - `genScalaClass()` and other similar methods generate the skeleton of
+ * classes.
+ * - `genMethod()` and similar methods generate the declarations of methods.
+ * - `genStatOrExpr()` and everything else generate the bodies of methods.
+ */
+class JSCodeGen()(implicit ctx: Context) {
+ import tpd._
+ private val jsdefn = JSDefinitions.jsdefn
+ private val primitives = new JSPrimitives(ctx)
+ private val positionConversions = new JSPositions()(ctx)
+ import positionConversions.{pos2irPos, implicitPos2irPos}
+ // Some state --------------------------------------------------------------
+ private val currentClassSym = new ScopedVar[Symbol]
+ private val currentMethodSym = new ScopedVar[Symbol]
+ private val localNames = new ScopedVar[LocalNameGenerator]
+ private val thisLocalVarIdent = new ScopedVar[Option[js.Ident]]
+ private val undefinedDefaultParams = new ScopedVar[mutable.Set[Symbol]]
+ /** Implicitly materializes the current local name generator. */
+ private implicit def implicitLocalNames: LocalNameGenerator = localNames.get
+ /* See genSuperCall()
+ * TODO Can we avoid this unscoped var?
+ */
+ private var isModuleInitialized: Boolean = false
+ private def currentClassType = encodeClassType(currentClassSym)
+ // Compilation unit --------------------------------------------------------
+ def run(): Unit = {
+ genCompilationUnit(ctx.compilationUnit)
+ }
+ /** Generates the Scala.js IR for a compilation unit
+ * This method iterates over all the class and interface definitions
+ * found in the compilation unit and emits their IR (.sjsir).
+ *
+ * Some classes are never actually emitted:
+ * - Classes representing primitive types
+ * - The scala.Array class
+ *
+ * TODO Some classes representing anonymous functions are not actually emitted.
+ * Instead, a temporary representation of their `apply` method is built
+ * and recorded, so that it can be inlined as a JavaScript anonymous
+ * function in the method that instantiates it.
+ *
+ * Other ClassDefs are emitted according to their nature:
+ * * Scala.js-defined JS class -> `genScalaJSDefinedJSClass()`
+ * * Other raw JS type (<: js.Any) -> `genRawJSClassData()`
+ * * Interface -> `genInterface()`
+ * * Normal class -> `genClass()`
+ */
+ private def genCompilationUnit(cunit: CompilationUnit): Unit = {
+ def collectTypeDefs(tree: Tree): List[TypeDef] = {
+ tree match {
+ case EmptyTree => Nil
+ case PackageDef(_, stats) => stats.flatMap(collectTypeDefs)
+ case cd: TypeDef => cd :: Nil
+ case _: ValDef => Nil // module instance
+ }
+ }
+ val allTypeDefs = collectTypeDefs(cunit.tpdTree)
+ val generatedClasses = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[(Symbol, js.ClassDef)]
+ // TODO Record anonymous JS function classes
+ /* Finally, we emit true code for the remaining class defs. */
+ for (td <- allTypeDefs) {
+ val sym = td.symbol
+ implicit val pos: Position = sym.pos
+ /* Do not actually emit code for primitive types nor scala.Array. */
+ val isPrimitive =
+ sym.isPrimitiveValueClass || sym == defn.ArrayClass
+ if (!isPrimitive) {
+ withScopedVars(
+ currentClassSym := sym
+ ) {
+ val tree = if (isRawJSType(sym)) {
+ /*assert(!isRawJSFunctionDef(sym),
+ s"Raw JS function def should have been recorded: $cd")*/
+ if (!sym.is(Trait) && isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym))
+ genScalaJSDefinedJSClass(td)
+ else
+ genRawJSClassData(td)
+ } else if (sym.is(Trait)) {
+ genInterface(td)
+ } else {
+ genScalaClass(td)
+ }
+ generatedClasses += ((sym, tree))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val clDefs = generatedClasses.map(_._2).toList
+ for ((sym, tree) <- generatedClasses) {
+ val writer = new java.io.PrintWriter(System.err)
+ try {
+ new ir.Printers.IRTreePrinter(writer).print(tree)
+ } finally {
+ writer.flush()
+ }
+ genIRFile(cunit, sym, tree)
+ }
+ }
+ private def genIRFile(cunit: CompilationUnit, sym: Symbol,
+ tree: ir.Trees.ClassDef): Unit = {
+ val outfile = getFileFor(cunit, sym, ".sjsir")
+ val output = outfile.bufferedOutput
+ try {
+ ir.InfoSerializers.serialize(output, ir.Infos.generateClassInfo(tree))
+ ir.Serializers.serialize(output, tree)
+ } finally {
+ output.close()
+ }
+ }
+ private def getFileFor(cunit: CompilationUnit, sym: Symbol,
+ suffix: String) = {
+ import scala.reflect.io._
+ val outputDirectory: AbstractFile = // TODO Support virtual files
+ new PlainDirectory(new Directory(new java.io.File(ctx.settings.d.value)))
+ val pathParts = sym.fullName.toString.split("[./]")
+ val dir = (outputDirectory /: pathParts.init)(_.subdirectoryNamed(_))
+ var filename = pathParts.last
+ if (sym.is(ModuleClass))
+ filename = filename + nme.MODULE_SUFFIX.toString
+ dir fileNamed (filename + suffix)
+ }
+ // Generate a class --------------------------------------------------------
+ /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a Scala class definition (maybe a module class).
+ */
+ private def genScalaClass(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = {
+ val sym = td.symbol.asClass
+ implicit val pos: Position = sym.pos
+ assert(!sym.is(Trait),
+ "genScalaClass() must be called only for normal classes: "+sym)
+ assert(sym.superClass != NoSymbol, sym)
+ /*if (hasDefaultCtorArgsAndRawJSModule(sym)) {
+ reporter.error(pos,
+ "Implementation restriction: constructors of " +
+ "Scala classes cannot have default parameters " +
+ "if their companion module is JS native.")
+ }*/
+ val classIdent = encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym)
+ val isHijacked = false //isHijackedBoxedClass(sym)
+ // Optimizer hints
+ def isStdLibClassWithAdHocInlineAnnot(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
+ val fullName = sym.fullName.toString
+ (fullName.startsWith("scala.Tuple") && !fullName.endsWith("$")) ||
+ (fullName.startsWith("scala.collection.mutable.ArrayOps$of"))
+ }
+ val shouldMarkInline = (
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.InlineAnnot) ||
+ (sym.isAnonymousFunction && !sym.isSubClass(defn.PartialFunctionClass)) ||
+ isStdLibClassWithAdHocInlineAnnot(sym))
+ val optimizerHints = {
+ OptimizerHints.empty
+ .withInline(shouldMarkInline)
+ .withNoinline(sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.NoinlineAnnot))
+ }
+ // Generate members (constructor + methods)
+ val generatedMethods = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.MethodDef]
+ val exportedSymbols = new mutable.ListBuffer[Symbol]
+ val tpl = td.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template]
+ for (tree <- tpl.constr :: tpl.body) {
+ tree match {
+ case EmptyTree => ()
+ case _: ValDef =>
+ () // fields are added via genClassFields()
+ case dd: DefDef =>
+ val sym = dd.symbol
+ val isExport = false //jsInterop.isExport(sym)
+ val isNamedExport = false /*isExport && sym.annotations.exists(
+ _.symbol == JSExportNamedAnnotation)*/
+ /*if (isNamedExport)
+ generatedMethods += genNamedExporterDef(dd)
+ else*/
+ generatedMethods ++= genMethod(dd)
+ if (isExport) {
+ // We add symbols that we have to export here. This way we also
+ // get inherited stuff that is implemented in this class.
+ exportedSymbols += sym
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError("Illegal tree in body of genScalaClass(): " + tree)
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate fields and add to methods + ctors
+ val generatedMembers = genClassFields(td) ++ generatedMethods.toList
+ // Generate the exported members, constructors and accessors
+ val exports = {
+ // Hack to export hello.world
+ if (sym.fullName.toString == "hello.world$") {
+ List(
+ js.ModuleExportDef("hello.world"),
+ js.MethodDef(static = false, js.StringLiteral("main"),
+ Nil, jstpe.AnyType,
+ js.Block(List(
+ js.Apply(js.This()(jstpe.ClassType(classIdent.name)), js.Ident("main__V"), Nil)(jstpe.NoType),
+ js.Undefined())))(
+ OptimizerHints.empty, None))
+ } else {
+ /*
+ // Generate the exported members
+ val memberExports = genMemberExports(sym, exportedSymbols.toList)
+ // Generate exported constructors or accessors
+ val exportedConstructorsOrAccessors =
+ if (isStaticModule(sym)) genModuleAccessorExports(sym)
+ else genConstructorExports(sym)
+ memberExports ++ exportedConstructorsOrAccessors
+ */
+ Nil
+ }
+ }
+ // Hashed definitions of the class
+ val hashedDefs =
+ ir.Hashers.hashDefs(generatedMembers ++ exports)
+ // The complete class definition
+ val kind =
+ if (isStaticModule(sym)) ClassKind.ModuleClass
+ else if (isHijacked) ClassKind.HijackedClass
+ else ClassKind.Class
+ val classDefinition = js.ClassDef(
+ classIdent,
+ kind,
+ Some(encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym.superClass)),
+ genClassInterfaces(sym),
+ None,
+ hashedDefs)(
+ optimizerHints)
+ classDefinition
+ }
+ /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a Scala.js-defined JS class. */
+ private def genScalaJSDefinedJSClass(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = {
+ ???
+ }
+ /** Gen the IR ClassDef for a raw JS class or trait.
+ */
+ private def genRawJSClassData(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = {
+ ???
+ }
+ /** Gen the IR ClassDef for an interface definition.
+ */
+ private def genInterface(td: TypeDef): js.ClassDef = {
+ val sym = td.symbol.asClass
+ implicit val pos: Position = sym.pos
+ val classIdent = encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym)
+ val generatedMethods = new mutable.ListBuffer[js.MethodDef]
+ val tpl = td.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template]
+ for (tree <- tpl.constr :: tpl.body) {
+ tree match {
+ case EmptyTree => ()
+ case dd: DefDef => generatedMethods ++= genMethod(dd)
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError("Illegal tree in gen of genInterface(): " + tree)
+ }
+ }
+ val superInterfaces = genClassInterfaces(sym)
+ // Hashed definitions of the interface
+ val hashedDefs =
+ ir.Hashers.hashDefs(generatedMethods.toList)
+ js.ClassDef(classIdent, ClassKind.Interface, None, superInterfaces, None,
+ hashedDefs)(OptimizerHints.empty)
+ }
+ private def genClassInterfaces(sym: ClassSymbol)(
+ implicit pos: Position): List[js.Ident] = {
+ import dotty.tools.dotc.transform.SymUtils._
+ for {
+ intf <- sym.directlyInheritedTraits
+ } yield {
+ encodeClassFullNameIdent(intf)
+ }
+ }
+ // Generate the fields of a class ------------------------------------------
+ /** Gen definitions for the fields of a class.
+ */
+ private def genClassFields(td: TypeDef): List[js.FieldDef] = {
+ val classSym = td.symbol.asClass
+ assert(currentClassSym.get == classSym,
+ "genClassFields called with a ClassDef other than the current one")
+ // Non-method term members are fields
+ (for {
+ f <- classSym.info.decls
+ if !f.is(Method) && f.isTerm
+ } yield {
+ implicit val pos: Position = f.pos
+ val name =
+ /*if (isExposed(f)) js.StringLiteral(jsNameOf(f))
+ else*/ encodeFieldSym(f)
+ val irTpe = //if (!isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(classSym)) {
+ toIRType(f.info)
+ /*} else {
+ val tpeEnteringPosterasure =
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(f.tpe)
+ tpeEnteringPosterasure match {
+ case tpe: ErasedValueType =>
+ /* Here, we must store the field as the boxed representation of
+ * the value class. The default value of that field, as
+ * initialized at the time the instance is created, will
+ * therefore be null. This will not match the behavior we would
+ * get in a Scala class. To match the behavior, we would need to
+ * initialized to an instance of the boxed representation, with
+ * an underlying value set to the zero of its type. However we
+ * cannot implement that, so we live with the discrepancy.
+ * Anyway, scalac also has problems with uninitialized value
+ * class values, if they come from a generic context.
+ *
+ * TODO Evaluate how much of this needs to be adapted for dotc,
+ * which unboxes `null` to the zero of their underlying.
+ */
+ jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(tpe.valueClazz))
+ case _ if f.tpe.typeSymbol == CharClass =>
+ /* Will be initialized to null, which will unbox to '\0' when
+ * read.
+ */
+ jstpe.ClassType(ir.Definitions.BoxedCharacterClass)
+ case _ =>
+ /* Other types are not boxed, so we can initialized them to
+ * their true zero.
+ */
+ toIRType(f.tpe)
+ }
+ }*/
+ js.FieldDef(name, irTpe, f.is(Mutable))
+ }).toList
+ }
+ // Generate a method -------------------------------------------------------
+ private def genMethod(dd: DefDef): Option[js.MethodDef] = {
+ withScopedVars(
+ localNames := new LocalNameGenerator
+ ) {
+ genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope(dd)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for a method definition in a class or in an impl class.
+ * On the JS side, method names are mangled to encode the full signature
+ * of the Scala method, as described in `JSEncoding`, to support
+ * overloading.
+ *
+ * Some methods are not emitted at all:
+ * - Primitives, since they are never actually called
+ * - Constructors of hijacked classes
+ *
+ * Constructors are emitted by generating their body as a statement.
+ *
+ * Other (normal) methods are emitted with `genMethodBody()`.
+ */
+ private def genMethodWithCurrentLocalNameScope(dd: DefDef): Option[js.MethodDef] = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = dd.pos
+ val sym = dd.symbol
+ val vparamss = dd.vparamss
+ val rhs = dd.rhs
+ isModuleInitialized = false
+ withScopedVars(
+ currentMethodSym := sym,
+ undefinedDefaultParams := mutable.Set.empty,
+ thisLocalVarIdent := None
+ ) {
+ assert(vparamss.isEmpty || vparamss.tail.isEmpty,
+ "Malformed parameter list: " + vparamss)
+ val params = if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil else vparamss.head.map(_.symbol)
+ val isJSClassConstructor =
+ sym.isClassConstructor && isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(currentClassSym)
+ val methodName: js.PropertyName = encodeMethodSym(sym)
+ def jsParams = for (param <- params) yield {
+ implicit val pos: Position = param.pos
+ js.ParamDef(encodeLocalSym(param), toIRType(param.info),
+ mutable = false, rest = false)
+ }
+ /*if (primitives.isPrimitive(sym)) {
+ None
+ } else*/ if (sym.is(Deferred)) {
+ Some(js.MethodDef(static = false, methodName,
+ jsParams, toIRType(patchedResultType(sym)), js.EmptyTree)(
+ OptimizerHints.empty, None))
+ } else /*if (isJSNativeCtorDefaultParam(sym)) {
+ None
+ } else if (sym.isClassConstructor && isHijackedBoxedClass(sym.owner)) {
+ None
+ } else*/ {
+ /*def isTraitImplForwarder = dd.rhs match {
+ case app: Apply => foreignIsImplClass(app.symbol.owner)
+ case _ => false
+ }*/
+ val shouldMarkInline = {
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.InlineAnnot) ||
+ sym.isAnonymousFunction
+ }
+ val shouldMarkNoinline = {
+ sym.hasAnnotation(jsdefn.NoinlineAnnot) /*&&
+ !isTraitImplForwarder*/
+ }
+ val optimizerHints = {
+ OptimizerHints.empty
+ .withInline(shouldMarkInline)
+ .withNoinline(shouldMarkNoinline)
+ }
+ val methodDef = {
+ /*if (isJSClassConstructor) {
+ val body0 = genStat(rhs)
+ val body1 =
+ if (!sym.isPrimaryConstructor) body0
+ else moveAllStatementsAfterSuperConstructorCall(body0)
+ js.MethodDef(static = false, methodName,
+ jsParams, jstpe.NoType, body1)(optimizerHints, None)
+ } else*/ if (sym.isConstructor) {
+ js.MethodDef(static = false, methodName,
+ jsParams, jstpe.NoType,
+ genStat(rhs))(optimizerHints, None)
+ } else {
+ val resultIRType = toIRType(patchedResultType(sym))
+ genMethodDef(static = false, methodName,
+ params, resultIRType, rhs, optimizerHints)
+ }
+ }
+ /* Work around https://github.com/scala-js/scala-js/issues/2259
+ * TODO Remove this when we upgrade to Scala.js 0.6.8.
+ */
+ val methodDef1 = if (!sym.owner.is(Trait)) {
+ methodDef
+ } else {
+ val workaroundBody = js.Block(
+ js.Apply(js.ClassOf(jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(sym.owner))),
+ js.Ident("isPrimitive__Z"), Nil)(jstpe.BooleanType),
+ methodDef.body)
+ methodDef.copy(body = workaroundBody)(
+ methodDef.optimizerHints, methodDef.hash)
+ }
+ Some(methodDef1)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Generates the MethodDef of a (non-constructor) method
+ *
+ * Most normal methods are emitted straightforwardly. If the result
+ * type is Unit, then the body is emitted as a statement. Otherwise, it is
+ * emitted as an expression.
+ *
+ * Methods Scala.js-defined JS classes are compiled as static methods taking
+ * an explicit parameter for their `this` value.
+ */
+ private def genMethodDef(static: Boolean, methodName: js.PropertyName,
+ paramsSyms: List[Symbol], resultIRType: jstpe.Type,
+ tree: Tree, optimizerHints: OptimizerHints): js.MethodDef = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ ctx.debuglog("genMethod " + methodName.name)
+ ctx.debuglog("")
+ val jsParams = for (param <- paramsSyms) yield {
+ implicit val pos: Position = param.pos
+ js.ParamDef(encodeLocalSym(param), toIRType(param.info),
+ mutable = false, rest = false)
+ }
+ def genBody() =
+ if (resultIRType == jstpe.NoType) genStat(tree)
+ else genExpr(tree)
+ //if (!isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(currentClassSym)) {
+ js.MethodDef(static, methodName, jsParams, resultIRType, genBody())(
+ optimizerHints, None)
+ /*} else {
+ assert(!static, tree.pos)
+ withScopedVars(
+ thisLocalVarIdent := Some(freshLocalIdent("this"))
+ ) {
+ val thisParamDef = js.ParamDef(thisLocalVarIdent.get.get,
+ jstpe.AnyType, mutable = false, rest = false)
+ js.MethodDef(static = true, methodName, thisParamDef :: jsParams,
+ resultIRType, genBody())(
+ optimizerHints, None)
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ // Generate statements and expressions -------------------------------------
+ /** Gen JS code for a tree in statement position (in the IR).
+ */
+ private def genStat(tree: Tree): js.Tree = {
+ exprToStat(genStatOrExpr(tree, isStat = true))
+ }
+ /** Turn a JavaScript expression of type Unit into a statement */
+ private def exprToStat(tree: js.Tree): js.Tree = {
+ /* Any JavaScript expression is also a statement, but at least we get rid
+ * of some pure expressions that come from our own codegen.
+ */
+ implicit val pos: ir.Position = tree.pos
+ tree match {
+ case js.Block(stats :+ expr) => js.Block(stats :+ exprToStat(expr))
+ case _:js.Literal | js.This() => js.Skip()
+ case _ => tree
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for a tree in expression position (in the IR).
+ */
+ private def genExpr(tree: Tree): js.Tree = {
+ val result = genStatOrExpr(tree, isStat = false)
+ assert(result.tpe != jstpe.NoType,
+ s"genExpr($tree) returned a tree with type NoType at pos ${tree.pos}")
+ result
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for a tree in statement or expression position (in the IR).
+ *
+ * This is the main transformation method. Each node of the Scala AST
+ * is transformed into an equivalent portion of the JS AST.
+ */
+ private def genStatOrExpr(tree: Tree, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ ctx.debuglog(" " + tree)
+ ctx.debuglog("")
+ tree match {
+ /** LabelDefs (for while and do..while loops) */
+ /*case lblDf: LabelDef =>
+ genLabelDef(lblDf)*/
+ /** Local val or var declaration */
+ case tree @ ValDef(name, _, _) =>
+ /* Must have been eliminated by the tail call transform performed
+ * by genMethodBody(). */
+ assert(name != nme.THIS,
+ s"ValDef(_, nme.THIS, _, _) found at ${tree.pos}")
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ val rhs = tree.rhs
+ val rhsTree = genExpr(rhs)
+ rhsTree match {
+ case js.UndefinedParam() =>
+ /* This is an intermediate assignment for default params on a
+ * js.Any. Add the symbol to the corresponding set to inform
+ * the Ident resolver how to replace it and don't emit the symbol.
+ */
+ undefinedDefaultParams += sym
+ js.Skip()
+ case _ =>
+ js.VarDef(encodeLocalSym(sym),
+ toIRType(sym.info), sym.is(Mutable), rhsTree)
+ }
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ js.If(genExpr(cond), genStatOrExpr(thenp, isStat),
+ genStatOrExpr(elsep, isStat))(toIRType(tree.tpe))
+ case Return(expr, from) =>
+ // TODO Need to consider `from`?
+ js.Return(toIRType(expr.tpe) match {
+ case jstpe.NoType => js.Block(genStat(expr), js.Undefined())
+ case _ => genExpr(expr)
+ })
+ /*case t: Try =>
+ genTry(t, isStat)*/
+ /*case Throw(expr) =>
+ val ex = genExpr(expr)
+ js.Throw {
+ if (isMaybeJavaScriptException(expr.tpe)) {
+ genApplyMethod(
+ genLoadModule(RuntimePackageModule),
+ Runtime_unwrapJavaScriptException,
+ List(ex))
+ } else {
+ ex
+ }
+ }*/
+ case app: Apply =>
+ genApply(app, isStat)
+ /*case app: ApplyDynamic =>
+ genApplyDynamic(app)*/
+ case tree: This =>
+ if (tree.symbol == currentClassSym.get) {
+ genThis()
+ } else {
+ assert(tree.symbol.is(Module),
+ "Trying to access the this of another class: " +
+ "tree.symbol = " + tree.symbol +
+ ", class symbol = " + currentClassSym.get +
+ " pos:" + pos)
+ genLoadModule(tree.symbol)
+ }
+ case Select(qualifier, _) =>
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ if (sym.is(Module)) {
+ assert(!sym.is(Package), "Cannot use package as value: " + tree)
+ genLoadModule(sym)
+ } else /*if (sym.isStaticMember) {
+ genStaticMember(sym)
+ } else if (paramAccessorLocals contains sym) {
+ paramAccessorLocals(sym).ref
+ } else if (isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym.owner)) {
+ val genQual = genExpr(qualifier)
+ val boxed = if (isExposed(sym))
+ js.JSBracketSelect(genQual, js.StringLiteral(jsNameOf(sym)))
+ else
+ js.JSDotSelect(genQual, encodeFieldSym(sym))
+ fromAny(boxed,
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(sym.tpe))
+ } else*/ {
+ js.Select(genExpr(qualifier),
+ encodeFieldSym(sym))(toIRType(sym.info))
+ }
+ case tree: Ident =>
+ desugarIdent(tree).fold[js.Tree] {
+ val sym = tree.symbol
+ assert(!sym.is(Package), "Cannot use package as value: " + tree)
+ if (sym.is(Module)) {
+ genLoadModule(sym)
+ } else if (undefinedDefaultParams.contains(sym)) {
+ /* This is a default parameter whose assignment was moved to
+ * a local variable. Put an undefined param instead.
+ */
+ js.UndefinedParam()(toIRType(sym.info))
+ } else {
+ js.VarRef(encodeLocalSym(sym))(toIRType(sym.info))
+ }
+ } { select =>
+ genStatOrExpr(select, isStat)
+ }
+ case Literal(value) =>
+ import Constants._
+ value.tag match {
+ case UnitTag =>
+ js.Skip()
+ case BooleanTag =>
+ js.BooleanLiteral(value.booleanValue)
+ case ByteTag | ShortTag | CharTag | IntTag =>
+ js.IntLiteral(value.intValue)
+ case LongTag =>
+ js.LongLiteral(value.longValue)
+ case FloatTag =>
+ js.FloatLiteral(value.floatValue)
+ case DoubleTag =>
+ js.DoubleLiteral(value.doubleValue)
+ case StringTag =>
+ js.StringLiteral(value.stringValue)
+ case NullTag =>
+ js.Null()
+ case ClazzTag =>
+ genClassConstant(value.typeValue)
+ /*case EnumTag =>
+ genStaticMember(value.symbolValue)*/
+ }
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ js.Block(stats.map(genStat) :+ genStatOrExpr(expr, isStat))
+ case Typed(expr, _) =>
+ expr match {
+ case _: Super => genThis()
+ case _ => genExpr(expr)
+ }
+ case Assign(lhs0, rhs) =>
+ val sym = lhs0.symbol
+ if (sym.is(JavaStaticTerm))
+ throw new FatalError(s"Assignment to static member ${sym.fullName} not supported")
+ val genRhs = genExpr(rhs)
+ val lhs = lhs0 match {
+ case lhs: Ident => desugarIdent(lhs).getOrElse(lhs)
+ case lhs => lhs
+ }
+ lhs match {
+ case lhs: Select =>
+ val qualifier = lhs.qualifier
+ def ctorAssignment = (
+ currentMethodSym.get.name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR &&
+ currentMethodSym.get.owner == qualifier.symbol &&
+ qualifier.isInstanceOf[This]
+ )
+ if (!sym.is(Mutable) && !ctorAssignment)
+ throw new FatalError(s"Assigning to immutable field ${sym.fullName} at $pos")
+ val genQual = genExpr(qualifier)
+ /*if (isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym.owner)) {
+ val genLhs = if (isExposed(sym))
+ js.JSBracketSelect(genQual, js.StringLiteral(jsNameOf(sym)))
+ else
+ js.JSDotSelect(genQual, encodeFieldSym(sym))
+ val boxedRhs =
+ ensureBoxed(genRhs,
+ enteringPhase(currentRun.posterasurePhase)(rhs.tpe))
+ js.Assign(genLhs, boxedRhs)
+ } else {*/
+ js.Assign(
+ js.Select(genQual, encodeFieldSym(sym))(toIRType(sym.info)),
+ genRhs)
+ //}
+ case _ =>
+ js.Assign(
+ js.VarRef(encodeLocalSym(sym))(toIRType(sym.info)),
+ genRhs)
+ }
+ /** Array constructor */
+ /*case av: ArrayValue =>
+ genArrayValue(av)
+ /** A Match reaching the backend is supposed to be optimized as a switch */
+ case mtch: Match =>
+ genMatch(mtch, isStat)
+ /** Anonymous function (only with -Ydelambdafy:method) */
+ case fun: Function =>
+ genAnonFunction(fun)
+ case EmptyTree =>
+ js.Skip()*/
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError("Unexpected tree in genExpr: " +
+ tree + "/" + tree.getClass + " at: " + tree.pos)
+ }
+ } // end of genStatOrExpr()
+ // !!! DUPLICATE code with DottyBackendInterface
+ private def desugarIdent(i: Ident): Option[Select] = {
+ i.tpe match {
+ case TermRef(prefix: TermRef, name) =>
+ Some(tpd.ref(prefix).select(i.symbol))
+ case TermRef(prefix: ThisType, name) =>
+ Some(tpd.This(prefix.cls).select(i.symbol))
+ /*case TermRef(NoPrefix, name) =>
+ if (i.symbol is Method) Some(This(i.symbol.topLevelClass).select(i.symbol)) // workaround #342 todo: remove after fixed
+ else None*/
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS this of the current class.
+ * Normally encoded straightforwardly as a JS this.
+ * But must be replaced by the `thisLocalVarIdent` local variable if there
+ * is one.
+ */
+ private def genThis()(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ /*if (tryingToGenMethodAsJSFunction) {
+ throw new CancelGenMethodAsJSFunction(
+ "Trying to generate `this` inside the body")
+ }*/
+ thisLocalVarIdent.fold[js.Tree] {
+ js.This()(currentClassType)
+ } { thisLocalIdent =>
+ js.VarRef(thisLocalIdent)(currentClassType)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for an Apply node (method call)
+ *
+ * There's a whole bunch of varieties of Apply nodes: regular method
+ * calls, super calls, constructor calls, isInstanceOf/asInstanceOf,
+ * primitives, JS calls, etc. They are further dispatched in here.
+ */
+ private def genApply(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ val args = tree.args
+ val sym = tree.fun.symbol
+ val fun = tree.fun match {
+ case fun: Ident => desugarIdent(fun).getOrElse(fun)
+ case fun => fun
+ }
+ def isRawJSDefaultParam: Boolean = {
+ false /*
+ if (isCtorDefaultParam(sym)) {
+ isRawJSCtorDefaultParam(sym)
+ } else {
+ sym.hasFlag(reflect.internal.Flags.DEFAULTPARAM) &&
+ isRawJSType(sym.owner.tpe)
+ }*/
+ }
+ fun match {
+ /*case _: TypeApply =>
+ genApplyTypeApply(tree)*/
+ /*case _ if isRawJSDefaultParam =>
+ js.UndefinedParam()(toIRType(sym.tpe.resultType))*/
+ case Select(Super(_, _), _) =>
+ genSuperCall(tree, isStat)
+ /*case Select(New(_), nme.CONSTRUCTOR) =>
+ genApplyNew(tree)*/
+ case _ =>
+ /*if (sym.isLabel) {
+ genLabelApply(tree)
+ } else if (primitives.isPrimitive(tree)) {
+ genPrimitiveOp(tree, isStat)
+ } else*/ if (Erasure.Boxing.isBox(sym)) {
+ // Box a primitive value (cannot be Unit)
+ val arg = args.head
+ makePrimitiveBox(genExpr(arg), arg.tpe)
+ } else if (Erasure.Boxing.isUnbox(sym)) {
+ // Unbox a primitive value (cannot be Unit)
+ val arg = args.head
+ makePrimitiveUnbox(genExpr(arg), tree.tpe)
+ } else {
+ genNormalApply(tree, isStat)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen JS code for a super call, of the form Class.super[mix].fun(args).
+ *
+ * This does not include calls defined in mixin traits, as these are
+ * already desugared by the 'mixin' phase. Only calls to super classes
+ * remain.
+ *
+ * Since a class has exactly one direct superclass, and calling a method
+ * two classes above the current one is invalid in Scala, the `mix` item is
+ * irrelevant.
+ */
+ private def genSuperCall(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ val Apply(fun @ Select(sup @ Super(_, mix), _), args) = tree
+ val sym = fun.symbol
+ if (sym == defn.Any_getClass) {
+ // The only primitive that is also callable as super call
+ js.GetClass(genThis())
+ } else /*if (isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(currentClassSym)) {
+ genJSSuperCall(tree, isStat)
+ } else*/ {
+ val superCall = genApplyMethodStatically(
+ genThis()(sup.pos), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
+ // Initialize the module instance just after the super constructor call.
+ if (isStaticModule(currentClassSym) && !isModuleInitialized &&
+ currentMethodSym.get.isClassConstructor) {
+ isModuleInitialized = true
+ val thisType = jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(currentClassSym))
+ val initModule = js.StoreModule(thisType, js.This()(thisType))
+ js.Block(superCall, initModule)
+ } else {
+ superCall
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen a "normal" apply (to a true method).
+ *
+ * But even these are further refined into:
+ * * Methods of java.lang.String, which are redirected to the
+ * RuntimeString trait implementation.
+ * * Calls to methods of raw JS types (Scala.js -> JS interop)
+ * * Calls to methods in impl classes of Scala2 traits.
+ * * Regular method call
+ */
+ private def genNormalApply(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean): js.Tree = {
+ implicit val pos: Position = tree.pos
+ val fun = tree.fun match {
+ case fun: Ident => desugarIdent(fun).get
+ case fun: Select => fun
+ }
+ val receiver = fun.qualifier
+ val args = tree.args
+ val sym = fun.symbol
+ def isStringMethodFromObject: Boolean = sym.name match {
+ case nme.toString_ | nme.equals_ | nme.hashCode_ => true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /*if (sym.owner == defn.StringClass && !isStringMethodFromObject) {
+ genStringCall(tree)
+ } else if (isRawJSType(sym.owner)) {
+ if (!isScalaJSDefinedJSClass(sym.owner) || isExposed(sym))
+ genPrimitiveJSCall(tree, isStat)
+ else
+ genApplyJSClassMethod(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
+ } else*/ if (foreignIsImplClass(sym.owner)) {
+ genTraitImplApply(sym, args.map(genExpr))
+ } else if (sym.isClassConstructor) {
+ // Calls to constructors are always statically linked
+ genApplyMethodStatically(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
+ } else {
+ genApplyMethod(genExpr(receiver), sym, genActualArgs(sym, args))
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen a dynamically linked call to a Scala method. */
+ private def genApplyMethod(receiver: js.Tree,
+ methodSym: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ js.Apply(receiver, encodeMethodSym(methodSym), arguments)(
+ toIRType(patchedResultType(methodSym)))
+ }
+ /** Gen a statically linked call to an instance method. */
+ private def genApplyMethodStatically(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol,
+ arguments: List[js.Tree])(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ val className = encodeClassFullName(method.owner)
+ val methodIdent = encodeMethodSym(method)
+ val resultType = toIRType(patchedResultType(method))
+ js.ApplyStatically(receiver, jstpe.ClassType(className),
+ methodIdent, arguments)(resultType)
+ }
+ /** Gen a call to a static method. */
+ private def genApplyStatic(method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ val cls = jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(method.owner))
+ val methodIdent = encodeMethodSym(method)
+ js.ApplyStatic(cls, methodIdent, arguments)(
+ toIRType(patchedResultType(method)))
+ }
+ /** Gen a call to a Scala2 impl class method. */
+ private def genTraitImplApply(method: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ genApplyStatic(method, arguments)
+ }
+ /** Gen a call to a non-exposed method of a non-native JS class. */
+ private def genApplyJSClassMethod(receiver: js.Tree, method: Symbol,
+ arguments: List[js.Tree])(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ genApplyStatic(method, receiver :: arguments)
+ }
+ /** Gen a call to a method of a Scala top-level module. */
+ private def genModuleApplyMethod(methodSym: Symbol, arguments: List[js.Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ genApplyMethod(genLoadModule(methodSym.owner), methodSym, arguments)
+ }
+ /** Gen a boxing operation (tpe is the primitive type) */
+ private def makePrimitiveBox(expr: js.Tree, tpe: Type)(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ toReferenceType(tpe) match {
+ case jstpe.ClassType(cls) if ir.Definitions.isPrimitiveClass(cls) =>
+ assert(cls.length == 1)
+ (cls.charAt(0): @switch) match {
+ case 'V' =>
+ // must be handled at least for JS interop
+ js.Block(expr, js.Undefined())
+ case 'C' =>
+ genModuleApplyMethod(jsdefn.BoxesRunTime_boxToCharacter, List(expr))
+ case _ =>
+ expr // box is identity for all non-Char types
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError(
+ s"makePrimitiveBox requires a primitive type, found $tpe at $pos")
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen an unboxing operation (tpe is the primitive type) */
+ private def makePrimitiveUnbox(expr: js.Tree, tpe: Type)(
+ implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ toReferenceType(tpe) match {
+ case jstpe.ClassType(cls) if ir.Definitions.isPrimitiveClass(cls) =>
+ assert(cls.length == 1)
+ (cls.charAt(0): @switch) match {
+ case 'V' =>
+ // must be handled at least for JS interop
+ expr
+ case 'C' =>
+ genModuleApplyMethod(jsdefn.BoxesRunTime_unboxToChar, List(expr))
+ case primitiveCharCode =>
+ js.Unbox(expr, primitiveCharCode)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ throw new FatalError(
+ s"makePrimitiveUnbox requires a primitive type, found $tpe at $pos")
+ }
+ }
+ /** Gen actual actual arguments to Scala method call.
+ * Returns a list of the transformed arguments.
+ *
+ * This tries to optimize repeated arguments (varargs) by turning them
+ * into js.WrappedArray instead of Scala wrapped arrays.
+ */
+ private def genActualArgs(sym: Symbol, args: List[Tree])(
+ implicit pos: Position): List[js.Tree] = {
+ args.map(genExpr)
+ /*val wereRepeated = exitingPhase(currentRun.typerPhase) {
+ sym.tpe.params.map(p => isScalaRepeatedParamType(p.tpe))
+ }
+ if (wereRepeated.size > args.size) {
+ // Should not happen, but let's not crash
+ args.map(genExpr)
+ } else {
+ /* Arguments that are in excess compared to the type signature after
+ * erasure are lambda-lifted arguments. They cannot be repeated, hence
+ * the extension to `false`.
+ */
+ for ((arg, wasRepeated) <- args.zipAll(wereRepeated, EmptyTree, false)) yield {
+ if (wasRepeated) {
+ tryGenRepeatedParamAsJSArray(arg, handleNil = false).fold {
+ genExpr(arg)
+ } { genArgs =>
+ genNew(WrappedArrayClass, WrappedArray_ctor,
+ List(js.JSArrayConstr(genArgs)))
+ }
+ } else {
+ genExpr(arg)
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ /** Generate loading of a module value
+ * Can be given either the module symbol, or its module class symbol.
+ */
+ private def genLoadModule(sym0: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree = {
+ require(sym0.is(Module),
+ "genLoadModule called with non-module symbol: " + sym0)
+ val sym1 = if (sym0.isTerm) sym0.moduleClass else sym0
+ val sym = // redirect all static methods of String to RuntimeString
+ if (sym1 == defn.StringModule) jsdefn.RuntimeStringModule.moduleClass
+ else sym1
+ //val isGlobalScope = sym.tpe.typeSymbol isSubClass JSGlobalScopeClass
+ /*if (isGlobalScope) {
+ genLoadGlobal()
+ } else if (isJSNativeClass(sym)) {
+ genPrimitiveJSModule(sym)
+ } else {*/
+ val cls = jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(sym))
+ if (isRawJSType(sym)) js.LoadJSModule(cls)
+ else js.LoadModule(cls)
+ //}
+ }
+ /** Generate a Class[_] value (e.g. coming from classOf[T]) */
+ private def genClassConstant(tpe: Type)(implicit pos: Position): js.Tree =
+ js.ClassOf(toReferenceType(tpe))
+ private def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
+ sym.is(Module) && sym.isStatic