path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98649234f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/ConstraintHandling.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+import Types._, Contexts._, Symbols._
+import Decorators._
+import config.Config
+import config.Printers._
+/** Methods for adding constraints and solving them.
+ *
+ * Constraints are required to be in normalized form. This means
+ * (1) if P <: Q in C then also Q >: P in C
+ * (2) if P r Q in C and Q r R in C then also P r R in C, where r is <: or :>
+ *
+ * "P <: Q in C" means here: There is a constraint P <: H[Q],
+ * where H is the multi-hole context given by:
+ *
+ * H = []
+ * H & T
+ * T & H
+ * H | H
+ *
+ * (the idea is that a parameter Q in a H context is guaranteed to be a supertype of P).
+ *
+ * "P >: Q in C" means: There is a constraint P >: L[Q],
+ * where L is the multi-hole context given by:
+ *
+ * L = []
+ * L | T
+ * T | L
+ * L & L
+ */
+trait ConstraintHandling {
+ implicit val ctx: Context
+ def isSubType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean
+ def deSkolemize(tp: Type, toSuper: Boolean): Type
+ val state: TyperState
+ import state.constraint
+ /** If the constraint is frozen we cannot add new bounds to the constraint. */
+ protected var frozenConstraint = false
+ /** If the constraint is ignored, subtype checks only take into account
+ * declared bounds of PolyParams. Used when forming unions and intersectons
+ * of constraint bounds
+ */
+ private var ignoreConstraint = false
+ private def ignoringConstraint[T](op: => T): T = {
+ val savedIgnore = ignoreConstraint
+ val savedFrozen = frozenConstraint
+ ignoreConstraint = true
+ frozenConstraint = true
+ try op
+ finally {
+ ignoreConstraint = savedIgnore
+ frozenConstraint = savedFrozen
+ }
+ }
+ /** The current bounds of type parameter `param` */
+ def bounds(param: PolyParam): TypeBounds = constraint at param match {
+ case bounds: TypeBounds if !ignoreConstraint => bounds
+ case _ => param.binder.paramBounds(param.paramNum)
+ }
+ /** Compare a solution of the constraint instead of the constrained parameters.
+ * The solution maps every parameter to its lower bound.
+ */
+ protected var solvedConstraint = false
+ /** The parameters currently being constrained by addConstraint */
+ private var pendingParams: Set[PolyParam] = Set()
+ /** Make p2 = p1, transfer all bounds of p2 to p1 */
+ private def unify(p1: PolyParam, p2: PolyParam): Boolean = {
+ constr.println(s"unifying $p1 $p2")
+ val constraint1 = constraint.unify(p1, p2)
+ val bounds = constraint1.bounds(p1)
+ isSubType(bounds.lo, bounds.hi) && { constraint = constraint1; true }
+ }
+ /** If current constraint set is not frozen, add the constraint
+ *
+ * param >: bound if fromBelow is true
+ * param <: bound otherwise
+ *
+ * to the bounds of `param`. If `bound` is itself a constrained parameter, also
+ * add the dual constraint to `bound`.
+ * @pre `param` is in the constraint's domain
+ * @return Whether the augmented constraint is still satisfiable.
+ */
+ def addConstraint(param: PolyParam, bound0: Type, fromBelow: Boolean): Boolean = {
+ /** Add bidirectional constraint. If new constraint implies 'A <: B' we also
+ * make sure 'B >: A' gets added and vice versa. Furthermore, if the constraint
+ * implies 'A <: B <: A', A and B get unified.
+ */
+ def addc(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean): Boolean =
+ constraint.bounds(param) match {
+ case TypeBounds(plo: PolyParam, phi) if (plo eq phi) && constraint.contains(plo) =>
+ addc(plo, bound, fromBelow)
+ case pbounds0 =>
+ bound match {
+ case bound: PolyParam if constraint contains bound =>
+ val bbounds0 @ TypeBounds(lo, hi) = constraint.bounds(bound)
+ if (lo eq hi)
+ addc(param, lo, fromBelow)
+ else if (param == bound)
+ true
+ else if (fromBelow && param.occursIn(lo, fromBelow = true))
+ unify(param, bound)
+ else if (!fromBelow && param.occursIn(hi, fromBelow = false))
+ unify(bound, param)
+ else {
+ val pbounds = prepare(param, bound, fromBelow)
+ val bbounds = prepare(bound, param, !fromBelow)
+ pbounds.exists && bbounds.exists && {
+ install(param, pbounds.bounds, pbounds0)
+ install(bound, bbounds.bounds, bbounds0)
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ case bound: AndOrType if fromBelow != bound.isAnd =>
+ addc(param, bound.tp1, fromBelow) &&
+ addc(param, bound.tp2, fromBelow)
+ case bound: WildcardType =>
+ true
+ case bound => // !!! remove to keep the originals
+ val pbounds = prepare(param, bound, fromBelow)
+ pbounds.exists && {
+ install(param, pbounds.bounds, pbounds0)
+ true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Install bounds for param */
+ def install(param: PolyParam, newBounds: TypeBounds, oldBounds: TypeBounds): Unit = {
+ val curBounds = constraint.bounds(param)
+ constraint = constraint.updated(param, newBounds)
+ if (curBounds ne oldBounds) {
+ // In this case the bounds were updated previously by a recursive isSubType in
+ // the satisfiability check of prepare. Reapply the previously added bounds, but
+ // go through a full addConstraint in order to eliminate any cyclic dependencies
+ // via unification.
+ if (!ignoringConstraint(isSubType(curBounds.lo, newBounds.lo)))
+ addConstraint(param, curBounds.lo, fromBelow)
+ if (!ignoringConstraint(isSubType(newBounds.hi, curBounds.hi)))
+ addConstraint(param, curBounds.hi, !fromBelow)
+ }
+ }
+ /** Compute new bounds for `param` and check whether they are
+ * satisfiable. The check might in turn trigger other additions to the constraint.
+ * @return The new bounds for `param` (which are not installed yet), or
+ * NoType, if the new constraint would not be satisfiable.
+ */
+ def prepare(param: PolyParam, bound: Type, fromBelow: Boolean): Type = {
+ constr.println(s"prepare ${param.show} ${if (fromBelow) ">:>" else "<:<"} ${bound.show}")
+ val oldBounds = constraint.bounds(param)
+ val newBounds = ignoringConstraint {
+ if (fromBelow) oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(oldBounds.lo | bound, oldBounds.hi)
+ else oldBounds.derivedTypeBounds(oldBounds.lo, oldBounds.hi & bound)
+ }
+ val ok =
+ (param == bound) ||
+ (oldBounds eq newBounds) ||
+ {
+ if (pendingParams contains param) {
+ // Why the pendingParams test? It is possible that recursive subtype invocations
+ // come back with another constraint for `param`. An example came up when compiling
+ // ElimRepeated where we got the constraint
+ //
+ // Coll <: IterableLike[Tree, Coll]
+ //
+ // and added
+ //
+ // List[Tree] <: Coll
+ //
+ // The recursive bounds test is then
+ //
+ // List[Tree] <: IterableLike[Tree, Coll]
+ //
+ // and because of the F-bounded polymorphism in the supertype of List,
+ // i.e. List[T] <: IterableLike[T, List[T]], this leads again to
+ //
+ // List[Tree] <: Coll
+ //
+ // If a parameter is already pending, we avoid revisiting it here.
+ // Instead we combine the bounds computed here with the originally
+ // computed bounds when installing the original type.
+ constr.println(i"deferred bounds: $param $newBounds")
+ true
+ } else {
+ pendingParams += param
+ try isSubType(newBounds.lo, newBounds.hi)
+ finally pendingParams -= param
+ }
+ }
+ if (ok) newBounds else NoType
+ }
+ val bound = deSkolemize(bound0, toSuper = fromBelow).dealias.stripTypeVar
+ def description = s"${param.show} ${if (fromBelow) ">:>" else "<:<"} ${bound.show} to ${constraint.show}"
+ constr.println(s"adding $description")
+ val res = addc(param, bound, fromBelow)
+ constr.println(s"added $description")
+ if (Config.checkConstraintsNonCyclicTrans) constraint.checkNonCyclicTrans()
+ res
+ }
+ def isConstrained(param: PolyParam): Boolean =
+ !frozenConstraint && !solvedConstraint && (constraint contains param)
+ /** Test whether the lower bounds of all parameters in this
+ * constraint are a solution to the constraint.
+ */
+ def isSatisfiable: Boolean = {
+ val saved = solvedConstraint
+ solvedConstraint = true
+ try
+ constraint.forallParams { param =>
+ val TypeBounds(lo, hi) = constraint.at(param)
+ isSubType(lo, hi) || {
+ ctx.log(i"sub fail $lo <:< $hi")
+ ctx.log(i"approximated = ${approxParams(lo)} <:< ${approxParams(hi)}")
+ false
+ }
+ }
+ finally solvedConstraint = saved
+ }
+ /** Solve constraint set for given type parameter `param`.
+ * If `fromBelow` is true the parameter is approximated by its lower bound,
+ * otherwise it is approximated by its upper bound. However, any occurrences
+ * of the parameter in a refinement somewhere in the bound are removed.
+ * (Such occurrences can arise for F-bounded types).
+ * The constraint is left unchanged.
+ * @return the instantiating type
+ * @pre `param` is in the constraint's domain.
+ */
+ def approximation(param: PolyParam, fromBelow: Boolean): Type = {
+ val avoidParam = new TypeMap {
+ override def stopAtStatic = true
+ def apply(tp: Type) = mapOver {
+ tp match {
+ case tp: RefinedType if param occursIn tp.refinedInfo => tp.parent
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val bounds = constraint.bounds(param)
+ val bound = if (fromBelow) bounds.lo else bounds.hi
+ val inst = avoidParam(bound)
+ typr.println(s"approx ${param.show}, from below = $fromBelow, bound = ${bound.show}, inst = ${inst.show}")
+ inst
+ }
+ /** Map that approximates each param in constraint by its lower bound.
+ * Currently only used for diagnostics.
+ */
+ def approxParams = new TypeMap { // !!! Dotty problem: Turn this def into a val => -Ycheck:mix fails
+ def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp.stripTypeVar match {
+ case tp: PolyParam if constraint contains tp =>
+ this(constraint.bounds(tp).lo)
+ case tp =>
+ mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }