path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/References.scala
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--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/References.scala
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-package dotty.tools.dotc
-package core
-import Denotations.Denotation
-import Contexts.Context
-import Names.Name
-import Names.TypeName
-import Periods.containsPeriod
-import Symbols.NoSymbol
-import Symbols.Symbol
-import Types._
-import Flags._
-/** Classes that implement references and sets of references
- */
-object References {
- /** The signature of a reference.
- * Overloaded references with the same name are distinguished by
- * their signatures. A signature is a list of the fully qualified names
- * of the type symbols of the erasure of the parameters of the
- * reference. For instance a reference to the definition
- *
- * def f(x: Int)(y: List[String]): String
- *
- * would have signature
- *
- * List("scala.Int".toTypeName, "scala.collection.immutable.List".toTypeName)
- */
- type Signature = List[TypeName]
- /** The signature of a val or parameterless def, as opposed
- * to List(), which is the signature of a zero-parameter def.
- */
- val NullSignature = List(Names.EmptyTypeName)
- /** A reference is the result of resolving a name (either simple identifier or select).
- *
- * Reference has two subclasses: OverloadedRef and SymRef.
- *
- * A SymRef refers to a `symbol` and a type (`info`) that the symbol has
- * when referred through this reference.
- *
- * References (`SymRef`s) can be combined with `&` and `|`.
- * & is conjunction, | is disjunction.
- *
- * `&` will create an overloaded reference from two
- * non-overloaded references if their signatures differ.
- * Analogously `|` of two references with different signatures will give
- * an empty reference `NoRef`.
- *
- * A reference might refer to `NoSymbo`. This is the case if the reference
- * was produced from a disjunction of two references with different symbols
- * and there was no common symbol in a superclass that could substitute for
- * both symbols. Here is an example:
- *
- * Say, we have:
- *
- * class A { def f: A }
- * class B { def f: B }
- * val x: A | B = if (???) new A else new B
- * val y = x.f
- *
- * Then the reference of `y` is `SymRef(NoSymbol, A | B)`.
- */
- abstract class Reference {
- /** The referenced symbol, exists only for non-overloaded references */
- def symbol: Symbol =
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass + ".symbol")
- /** The type info of the reference, exists only for non-overloaded references */
- def info: Type =
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass+".info")
- /** Is this a reference to a type symbol? */
- def isType: Boolean = false
- /** The signature of the reference */
- def signature: Signature =
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException(this.getClass+".signature")
- /** Resolve overloaded reference to pick the one with the given signature */
- def atSignature(sig: Signature): Reference
- def exists: Boolean = true
- def orElse(that: => Reference) = if (this.exists) this else that
- /** Form a reference by conjoining with reference `that` */
- def & (that: Reference)(implicit ctx: Context): Reference =
- if (this eq that) this
- else if (!this.exists) that
- else if (!that.exists) this
- else that match {
- case that @ SymRef(sym2, info2) =>
- val r = mergeRef(this, that)
- if (r ne NoRef) r else OverloadedRef(this, that)
- case that @ OverloadedRef(ref1, ref2) =>
- this & ref1 & ref2
- }
- /** Try to merge ref1 and ref2 without adding a new signature.
- * If unsuccessful, return NoRef.
- */
- private def mergeRef(ref1: Reference, ref2: SymRef)(implicit ctx: Context): Reference = ref1 match {
- case ref1 @ OverloadedRef(ref11, ref12) =>
- val r1 = mergeRef(ref11, ref2)
- if (r1 ne NoRef) r1 else mergeRef(ref12, ref2)
- case ref1 @ SymRef(sym1, info1) =>
- if (ref1 eq ref2) ref1
- else if (ref1.signature == ref2.signature) {
- val SymRef(sym2, info2) = ref2
- def isEligible(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol) =
- if (sym1.isType) !sym1.isClass
- else sym1.isConcrete || sym2.isDeferred || !sym2.exists
- def normalize(info: Type) =
- if (isType) info.bounds else info
- val sym1Eligible = isEligible(sym1, sym2)
- val sym2Eligible = isEligible(sym2, sym1)
- val bounds1 = normalize(info1)
- val bounds2 = normalize(info2)
- if (sym2Eligible && bounds2 <:< bounds1) ref2
- else if (sym1Eligible && bounds1 <:< bounds2) ref1
- else new JointSymRef(if (sym2Eligible) sym2 else sym1, bounds1 & bounds2)
- } else NoRef
- }
- def | (that: Reference)(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Reference = {
- def lubSym(sym1: Symbol, sym2: Symbol): Symbol = {
- def qualifies(sym: Symbol) =
- (sym isAccessibleFrom pre) && (sym2.owner isSubClass sym.owner)
- sym1.allOverriddenSymbols find qualifies getOrElse NoSymbol
- }
- def throwError = throw new MatchError(s"orRef($this, $that)")
- if (this eq that) this
- else if (!this.exists) this
- else if (!that.exists) that
- else this match {
- case ref1 @ OverloadedRef(ref11, ref12) =>
- ref1.derivedOverloadedRef((ref11 | that)(pre), (ref12 | that)(pre))
- case _ =>
- that match {
- case ref2 @ OverloadedRef(ref21, ref22) =>
- ref2.derivedOverloadedRef((this | ref21)(pre), (this | ref22)(pre))
- case ref2: SymRef =>
- this match {
- case ref1: SymRef =>
- if (ref1.signature != ref2.signature) NoRef
- else new JointSymRef(lubSym(ref1.symbol, ref2.symbol), ref1.info | ref2.info)
- case _ =>
- throwError
- }
- case _ =>
- throwError
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** The class of overloaded references
- * @param variants The overloaded variants indexed by thheir signatures.
- */
- case class OverloadedRef(ref1: Reference, ref2: Reference) extends Reference {
- def derivedOverloadedRef(r1: Reference, r2: Reference) =
- if ((r1 eq ref1) && (r2 eq ref2)) this else OverloadedRef(r1, r2)
- def atSignature(sig: Signature): Reference =
- ref1.atSignature(sig) orElse ref2.atSignature(sig)
- }
- abstract case class SymRef(override val symbol: Symbol,
- override val info: Type) extends Reference with RefSet {
- override def isType = symbol.isType
- override def signature: Signature = {
- def sig(tp: Type): Signature = tp match {
- case tp: PolyType =>
- tp.resultType match {
- case mt: MethodType => mt.signature
- case _ => List()
- }
- case mt: MethodType => mt.signature
- case _ => NullSignature
- }
- if (isType) NullSignature else sig(info)
- }
- def derivedSymRef(s: Symbol, i: Type): SymRef =
- if ((s eq symbol) && (i eq info)) this else copy(s, i)
- protected def copy(s: Symbol, i: Type): SymRef = this
- def atSignature(sig: Signature): Reference =
- if (sig == signature) this else NoRef
- // ------ RefSet ops ----------------------------------------------
- def toRef(implicit ctx: Context) = this
- def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- signature == sig
- def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- if (p(symbol)) this else NoRef
- def filterDisjoint(refs: RefSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- if (refs.containsSig(signature)) NoRef else this
- def filterExcluded(flags: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- if (symbol.hasFlag(flags)) NoRef else this
- def filterAccessibleFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- if (symbol.isAccessibleFrom(pre)) this else NoRef
- def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- derivedSymRef(symbol, info.asSeenFrom(pre, owner))
- }
- class UniqueSymRef(symbol: Symbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) extends SymRef(symbol, info) {
- private val denot = symbol.deref
- private val runid = ctx.runId
- override protected def copy(s: Symbol, i: Type): SymRef = new UniqueSymRef(s, i)
- }
- class JointSymRef(symbol: Symbol, info: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) extends SymRef(symbol, info) {
- private val period = ctx.period
- override protected def copy(s: Symbol, i: Type): SymRef = new JointSymRef(s, i)
- }
- object ErrorRef extends SymRef(NoSymbol, NoType) {
- }
- object NoRef extends SymRef(NoSymbol, NoType) {
- override def exists = false
- }
-// --------------- RefSets -------------------------------------------------
- trait RefSet {
- def exists: Boolean
- def toRef(implicit ctx: Context): Reference
- def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean
- def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet
- def filterDisjoint(refs: RefSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet
- def filterExcluded(flags: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet
- def filterAccessibleFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet
- def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet
- def union(that: RefSet) =
- if (!this.exists) that
- else if (that.exists) this
- else RefUnion(this, that)
- }
- case class RefUnion(refs1: RefSet, refs2: RefSet) extends RefSet {
- assert(refs1.exists && !refs2.exists)
- private def derivedUnion(s1: RefSet, s2: RefSet) =
- if (!s1.exists) s2
- else if (!s2.exists) s1
- else if ((s1 eq refs2) && (s2 eq refs2)) this
- else new RefUnion(s1, s2)
- def exists = true
- def toRef(implicit ctx: Context) = refs1.toRef & refs2.toRef
- def containsSig(sig: Signature)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- (refs1 containsSig sig) || (refs2 containsSig sig)
- def filter(p: Symbol => Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) =
- derivedUnion(refs1 filter p, refs2 filter p)
- def filterDisjoint(refs: RefSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- derivedUnion(refs1 filterDisjoint refs, refs2 filterDisjoint refs)
- def filterExcluded(flags: FlagSet)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- derivedUnion(refs1 filterExcluded flags, refs2 filterExcluded flags)
- def filterAccessibleFrom(pre: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- derivedUnion(refs1 filterAccessibleFrom pre, refs2 filterAccessibleFrom pre)
- def asSeenFrom(pre: Type, owner: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): RefSet =
- derivedUnion(refs1.asSeenFrom(pre, owner), refs2.asSeenFrom(pre, owner))
- }