path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala')
1 files changed, 551 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..365b5d268
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/tasty/TreePickler.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,551 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package core
+package tasty
+import ast.Trees._
+import TastyFormat._
+import Contexts._, Symbols._, Types._, Names._, Constants._, Decorators._, Annotations._, StdNames.tpnme, NameOps._
+import collection.mutable
+import NameOps._
+import TastyBuffer._
+class TreePickler(pickler: TastyPickler) {
+ val buf = new TreeBuffer
+ pickler.newSection("ASTs", buf)
+ import buf._
+ import pickler.nameBuffer.{nameIndex, fullNameIndex}
+ import ast.tpd._
+ private val symRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, Addr]
+ private val forwardSymRefs = new mutable.HashMap[Symbol, List[Addr]]
+ private val pickledTypes = new java.util.IdentityHashMap[Type, Any] // Value type is really Addr, but that's not compatible with null
+ private def withLength(op: => Unit) = {
+ val lengthAddr = reserveRef(relative = true)
+ op
+ fillRef(lengthAddr, currentAddr, relative = true)
+ }
+ def addrOfSym(sym: Symbol): Option[Addr] = {
+ symRefs.get(sym)
+ }
+ def preRegister(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit = tree match {
+ case tree: MemberDef =>
+ if (!symRefs.contains(tree.symbol)) symRefs(tree.symbol) = NoAddr
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ def registerDef(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ symRefs(sym) = currentAddr
+ forwardSymRefs.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(refs) =>
+ refs.foreach(fillRef(_, currentAddr, relative = false))
+ forwardSymRefs -= sym
+ case None =>
+ }
+ }
+ private def pickleName(name: Name): Unit = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index)
+ private def pickleName(name: TastyName): Unit = writeNat(nameIndex(name).index)
+ private def pickleNameAndSig(name: Name, sig: Signature) = {
+ val Signature(params, result) = sig
+ pickleName(TastyName.Signed(nameIndex(name), params.map(fullNameIndex), fullNameIndex(result)))
+ }
+ private def pickleName(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Unit =
+ if (sym is Flags.ExpandedName)
+ pickleName(TastyName.Expanded(
+ nameIndex(sym.name.expandedPrefix), nameIndex(sym.name.unexpandedName)))
+ else pickleName(sym.name)
+ private def pickleSymRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = symRefs.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(label) =>
+ if (label != NoAddr) writeRef(label) else pickleForwardSymRef(sym)
+ case None =>
+ ctx.log(i"pickling reference to as yet undefined $sym in ${sym.owner}", sym.pos)
+ pickleForwardSymRef(sym)
+ }
+ private def pickleForwardSymRef(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val ref = reserveRef(relative = false)
+ assert(!sym.is(Flags.Package), sym)
+ forwardSymRefs(sym) = ref :: forwardSymRefs.getOrElse(sym, Nil)
+ }
+ private def isLocallyDefined(sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) = symRefs.get(sym) match {
+ case Some(label) => assert(sym.exists); label != NoAddr
+ case None => false
+ }
+ def pickle(trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ def qualifiedName(sym: Symbol): TastyName =
+ if (sym.isRoot || sym.owner.isRoot) TastyName.Simple(sym.name.toTermName)
+ else TastyName.Qualified(nameIndex(qualifiedName(sym.owner)), nameIndex(sym.name))
+ def pickleConstant(c: Constant): Unit = c.tag match {
+ case UnitTag =>
+ writeByte(UNITconst)
+ case BooleanTag =>
+ writeByte(if (c.booleanValue) TRUEconst else FALSEconst)
+ case ByteTag =>
+ writeByte(BYTEconst)
+ writeInt(c.byteValue)
+ case ShortTag =>
+ writeByte(SHORTconst)
+ writeInt(c.shortValue)
+ case CharTag =>
+ writeByte(CHARconst)
+ writeNat(c.charValue)
+ case IntTag =>
+ writeByte(INTconst)
+ writeInt(c.intValue)
+ case LongTag =>
+ writeByte(LONGconst)
+ writeLongInt(c.longValue)
+ case FloatTag =>
+ writeByte(FLOATconst)
+ writeInt(java.lang.Float.floatToRawIntBits(c.floatValue))
+ case DoubleTag =>
+ writeByte(DOUBLEconst)
+ writeLongInt(java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(c.doubleValue))
+ case StringTag =>
+ writeByte(STRINGconst)
+ writeNat(nameIndex(c.stringValue).index)
+ case NullTag =>
+ writeByte(NULLconst)
+ case ClazzTag =>
+ writeByte(CLASSconst)
+ pickleType(c.typeValue)
+ case EnumTag =>
+ writeByte(ENUMconst)
+ pickleType(c.symbolValue.termRef)
+ }
+ def pickleType(tpe0: Type, richTypes: Boolean = false): Unit = try {
+ val tpe = tpe0.stripTypeVar
+ val prev = pickledTypes.get(tpe)
+ if (prev == null) {
+ pickledTypes.put(tpe, currentAddr)
+ pickleNewType(tpe, richTypes)
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(SHARED)
+ writeRef(prev.asInstanceOf[Addr])
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case ex: AssertionError =>
+ println(i"error when pickling type $tpe0")
+ throw ex
+ }
+ def pickleNewType(tpe: Type, richTypes: Boolean): Unit = try { tpe match {
+ case ConstantType(value) =>
+ pickleConstant(value)
+ case tpe: TypeRef if tpe.info.isAlias && tpe.symbol.is(Flags.AliasPreferred) =>
+ pickleType(tpe.info.bounds.hi)
+ case tpe: WithFixedSym =>
+ val sym = tpe.symbol
+ if (sym.is(Flags.Package)) {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFpkg else TERMREFpkg)
+ pickleName(qualifiedName(sym))
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(tpe.prefix == NoPrefix)
+ def pickleRef() = {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFdirect else TERMREFdirect)
+ pickleSymRef(sym)
+ }
+ if (sym is Flags.BindDefinedType) {
+ registerDef(sym)
+ writeByte(BIND)
+ withLength {
+ pickleName(sym.name)
+ pickleType(sym.info)
+ pickleRef()
+ }
+ }
+ else pickleRef()
+ }
+ case tpe: TermRefWithSignature =>
+ if (tpe.symbol.is(Flags.Package)) picklePackageRef(tpe.symbol)
+ else {
+ writeByte(TERMREF)
+ pickleNameAndSig(tpe.name, tpe.signature); pickleType(tpe.prefix)
+ }
+ case tpe: NamedType =>
+ if (tpe.name == tpnme.Apply && tpe.prefix.argInfos.nonEmpty && tpe.prefix.isInstantiatedLambda)
+ // instantiated lambdas are pickled as APPLIEDTYPE; #Apply will
+ // be reconstituted when unpickling.
+ pickleType(tpe.prefix)
+ else if (isLocallyDefined(tpe.symbol)) {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREFsymbol else TERMREFsymbol)
+ pickleSymRef(tpe.symbol); pickleType(tpe.prefix)
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isType) TYPEREF else TERMREF)
+ pickleName(tpe.name); pickleType(tpe.prefix)
+ }
+ case tpe: ThisType =>
+ if (tpe.cls.is(Flags.Package) && !tpe.cls.isEffectiveRoot)
+ picklePackageRef(tpe.cls)
+ else {
+ writeByte(THIS)
+ pickleType(tpe.tref)
+ }
+ case tpe: SuperType =>
+ writeByte(SUPERtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.thistpe); pickleType(tpe.supertpe)}
+ case tpe: SkolemType =>
+ writeByte(SKOLEMtype)
+ writeRef(pickledTypes.get(tpe.binder).asInstanceOf[Addr])
+ case tpe: RefinedType =>
+ val args = tpe.argInfos(interpolate = false)
+ if (args.isEmpty) {
+ writeByte(REFINEDtype)
+ withLength {
+ pickleType(tpe.parent)
+ pickleName(tpe.refinedName)
+ pickleType(tpe.refinedInfo, richTypes = true)
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ writeByte(APPLIEDtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.withoutArgs(args)); args.foreach(pickleType(_)) }
+ }
+ case tpe: TypeAlias =>
+ writeByte(TYPEALIAS)
+ withLength {
+ pickleType(tpe.alias, richTypes)
+ tpe.variance match {
+ case 1 => writeByte(COVARIANT)
+ case -1 => writeByte(CONTRAVARIANT)
+ case 0 =>
+ }
+ }
+ case tpe: TypeBounds =>
+ writeByte(TYPEBOUNDS)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.lo, richTypes); pickleType(tpe.hi, richTypes) }
+ case tpe: AnnotatedType =>
+ writeByte(ANNOTATED)
+ withLength { pickleTree(tpe.annot.tree); pickleType(tpe.tpe, richTypes) }
+ case tpe: AndOrType =>
+ writeByte(if (tpe.isAnd) ANDtype else ORtype)
+ withLength { pickleType(tpe.tp1, richTypes); pickleType(tpe.tp2, richTypes) }
+ case tpe: ExprType =>
+ writeByte(BYNAMEtype)
+ pickleType(tpe.underlying)
+ case tpe: MethodType if richTypes =>
+ writeByte(METHODtype)
+ pickleMethodic(tpe.resultType, tpe.paramNames, tpe.paramTypes)
+ case tpe: PolyType if richTypes =>
+ writeByte(POLYtype)
+ pickleMethodic(tpe.resultType, tpe.paramNames, tpe.paramBounds)
+ case tpe: PolyParam =>
+ if (!pickleParamType(tpe))
+ // TODO figure out why this case arises in e.g. pickling AbstractFileReader.
+ ctx.typerState.constraint.entry(tpe) match {
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) if lo eq hi => pickleNewType(lo, richTypes)
+ case _ => assert(false, s"orphan poly parameter: $tpe")
+ }
+ case tpe: MethodParam =>
+ assert(pickleParamType(tpe), s"orphan method parameter: $tpe")
+ case tpe: LazyRef =>
+ pickleType(tpe.ref)
+ }} catch {
+ case ex: AssertionError =>
+ println(i"error while pickling type $tpe")
+ throw ex
+ }
+ def picklePackageRef(pkg: Symbol): Unit = {
+ writeByte(TERMREFpkg)
+ pickleName(qualifiedName(pkg))
+ }
+ def pickleMethodic(result: Type, names: List[Name], types: List[Type]) =
+ withLength {
+ pickleType(result, richTypes = true)
+ (names, types).zipped.foreach { (name, tpe) =>
+ pickleName(name); pickleType(tpe)
+ }
+ }
+ def pickleParamType(tpe: ParamType): Boolean = {
+ val binder = pickledTypes.get(tpe.binder)
+ val pickled = binder != null
+ if (pickled) {
+ writeByte(PARAMtype)
+ withLength { writeRef(binder.asInstanceOf[Addr]); writeNat(tpe.paramNum) }
+ }
+ pickled
+ }
+ def pickleTpt(tpt: Tree): Unit = pickleType(tpt.tpe) // TODO correlate with original when generating positions
+ def pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(tree: Tree): Unit =
+ if (!tree.isEmpty) pickleTree(tree)
+ def pickleTree(tree: Tree): Unit = try {
+ pickledTrees.put(tree, currentAddr)
+ tree match {
+ case Ident(name) =>
+ tree.tpe match {
+ case tp: TermRef => pickleType(tp)
+ case _ =>
+ writeByte(IDENT)
+ pickleName(name)
+ pickleType(tree.tpe)
+ }
+ case This(_) =>
+ pickleType(tree.tpe)
+ case Select(qual, name) =>
+ writeByte(SELECT)
+ val realName = tree.tpe match {
+ case tp: NamedType if tp.name.isShadowedName => tp.name
+ case _ => name
+ }
+ val sig = tree.tpe.signature
+ if (sig == Signature.NotAMethod) pickleName(realName)
+ else pickleNameAndSig(realName, sig)
+ pickleTree(qual)
+ case Apply(fun, args) =>
+ writeByte(APPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ args.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case TypeApply(fun, args) =>
+ writeByte(TYPEAPPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ args.foreach(pickleTpt)
+ }
+ case Literal(const1) =>
+ pickleConstant {
+ tree.tpe match {
+ case ConstantType(const2) => const2
+ case _ => const1
+ }
+ }
+ case Super(qual, mix) =>
+ writeByte(SUPER)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(qual);
+ if (!mix.isEmpty) {
+ val SuperType(_, mixinType) = tree.tpe
+ pickleType(mixinType)
+ }
+ }
+ case New(tpt) =>
+ writeByte(NEW)
+ pickleTpt(tpt)
+ case Pair(left, right) =>
+ writeByte(PAIR)
+ withLength { pickleTree(left); pickleTree(right) }
+ case Typed(expr, tpt) =>
+ writeByte(TYPED)
+ withLength { pickleTree(expr); pickleTpt(tpt) }
+ case NamedArg(name, arg) =>
+ writeByte(NAMEDARG)
+ withLength { pickleName(name); pickleTree(arg) }
+ case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
+ writeByte(ASSIGN)
+ withLength { pickleTree(lhs); pickleTree(rhs) }
+ case Block(stats, expr) =>
+ writeByte(BLOCK)
+ stats.foreach(preRegister)
+ withLength { pickleTree(expr); stats.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
+ writeByte(IF)
+ withLength{ pickleTree(cond); pickleTree(thenp); pickleTree(elsep) }
+ case Closure(env, meth, tpt) =>
+ writeByte(LAMBDA)
+ assert(env.isEmpty)
+ withLength{
+ pickleTree(meth)
+ if (tpt.tpe.exists) pickleTpt(tpt)
+ }
+ case Match(selector, cases) =>
+ writeByte(MATCH)
+ withLength { pickleTree(selector); cases.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case CaseDef(pat, guard, rhs) =>
+ writeByte(CASEDEF)
+ withLength { pickleTree(pat); pickleTree(rhs); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(guard) }
+ case Return(expr, from) =>
+ writeByte(RETURN)
+ withLength { pickleSymRef(from.symbol); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(expr) }
+ case Try(block, cases, finalizer) =>
+ writeByte(TRY)
+ withLength { pickleTree(block); cases.foreach(pickleTree); pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(finalizer) }
+ case SeqLiteral(elems) =>
+ writeByte(REPEATED)
+ withLength { elems.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case TypeTree(original) =>
+ pickleTpt(tree)
+ case Bind(name, body) =>
+ registerDef(tree.symbol)
+ writeByte(BIND)
+ withLength { pickleName(name); pickleType(tree.symbol.info); pickleTree(body) }
+ case Alternative(alts) =>
+ writeByte(ALTERNATIVE)
+ withLength { alts.foreach(pickleTree) }
+ case UnApply(fun, implicits, patterns) =>
+ writeByte(UNAPPLY)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(fun)
+ for (implicitArg <- implicits) {
+ writeByte(IMPLICITarg)
+ pickleTree(implicitArg)
+ }
+ pickleType(tree.tpe)
+ patterns.foreach(pickleTree)
+ }
+ case tree: ValDef =>
+ pickleDef(VALDEF, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs)
+ case tree: DefDef =>
+ def pickleAllParams = {
+ pickleParams(tree.tparams)
+ for (vparams <- tree.vparamss) {
+ writeByte(PARAMS)
+ withLength { pickleParams(vparams) }
+ }
+ }
+ pickleDef(DEFDEF, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs, pickleAllParams)
+ case tree: TypeDef =>
+ pickleDef(TYPEDEF, tree.symbol, tree.rhs)
+ case tree: Template =>
+ registerDef(tree.symbol)
+ writeByte(TEMPLATE)
+ val (params, rest) = tree.body partition {
+ case stat: TypeDef => stat.symbol is Flags.Param
+ case stat: ValOrDefDef =>
+ stat.symbol.is(Flags.ParamAccessor) && !stat.symbol.isSetter
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ withLength {
+ pickleParams(params)
+ tree.parents.foreach(pickleTree)
+ val cinfo @ ClassInfo(_, _, _, _, selfInfo) = tree.symbol.owner.info
+ if ((selfInfo ne NoType) || !tree.self.isEmpty) {
+ writeByte(SELFDEF)
+ pickleName(tree.self.name)
+ pickleType {
+ cinfo.selfInfo match {
+ case sym: Symbol => sym.info
+ case tp: Type => tp
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ pickleStats(tree.constr :: rest)
+ }
+ case Import(expr, selectors) =>
+ writeByte(IMPORT)
+ withLength {
+ pickleTree(expr)
+ selectors foreach {
+ case Pair(Ident(from), Ident(to)) =>
+ writeByte(RENAMED)
+ withLength { pickleName(from); pickleName(to) }
+ case Ident(name) =>
+ writeByte(IMPORTED)
+ pickleName(name)
+ }
+ }
+ case PackageDef(pid, stats) =>
+ writeByte(PACKAGE)
+ withLength { pickleType(pid.tpe); pickleStats(stats) }
+ }}
+ catch {
+ case ex: AssertionError =>
+ println(i"error when pickling tree $tree")
+ throw ex
+ }
+ def pickleDef(tag: Int, sym: Symbol, tpt: Tree, rhs: Tree = EmptyTree, pickleParams: => Unit = ()) = {
+ assert(symRefs(sym) == NoAddr)
+ registerDef(sym)
+ writeByte(tag)
+ withLength {
+ pickleName(sym)
+ pickleParams
+ tpt match {
+ case tpt: TypeTree => pickleTpt(tpt)
+ case _ => pickleTree(tpt)
+ }
+ pickleTreeUnlessEmpty(rhs)
+ pickleModifiers(sym)
+ }
+ }
+ def pickleParam(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
+ case tree: ValDef => pickleDef(PARAM, tree.symbol, tree.tpt)
+ case tree: DefDef => pickleDef(PARAM, tree.symbol, tree.tpt, tree.rhs)
+ case tree: TypeDef => pickleDef(TYPEPARAM, tree.symbol, tree.rhs)
+ }
+ def pickleParams(trees: List[Tree]): Unit = {
+ trees.foreach(preRegister)
+ trees.foreach(pickleParam)
+ }
+ def pickleStats(stats: List[Tree]) = {
+ stats.foreach(preRegister)
+ stats.foreach(stat => if (!stat.isEmpty) pickleTree(stat))
+ }
+ def pickleModifiers(sym: Symbol): Unit = {
+ import Flags._
+ val flags = sym.flags
+ val privateWithin = sym.privateWithin
+ if (privateWithin.exists) {
+ writeByte(if (flags is Protected) PROTECTEDqualified else PRIVATEqualified)
+ pickleType(privateWithin.typeRef)
+ }
+ if (flags is Private) writeByte(PRIVATE)
+ if (flags is Protected) if (!privateWithin.exists) writeByte(PROTECTED)
+ if ((flags is Final) && !(sym is Module)) writeByte(FINAL)
+ if (flags is Case) writeByte(CASE)
+ if (flags is Override) writeByte(OVERRIDE)
+ if (flags is Inline) writeByte(INLINE)
+ if (flags is JavaStatic) writeByte(STATIC)
+ if (flags is Module) writeByte(OBJECT)
+ if (flags is Local) writeByte(LOCAL)
+ if (flags is Synthetic) writeByte(SYNTHETIC)
+ if (flags is Artifact) writeByte(ARTIFACT)
+ if (flags is Scala2x) writeByte(SCALA2X)
+ if (flags is InSuperCall) writeByte(INSUPERCALL)
+ if (sym.isTerm) {
+ if (flags is Implicit) writeByte(IMPLICIT)
+ if ((flags is Lazy) && !(sym is Module)) writeByte(LAZY)
+ if (flags is AbsOverride) writeByte(ABSOVERRIDE)
+ if (flags is Mutable) writeByte(MUTABLE)
+ if (flags is Accessor) writeByte(FIELDaccessor)
+ if (flags is CaseAccessor) writeByte(CASEaccessor)
+ if (flags is DefaultParameterized) writeByte(DEFAULTparameterized)
+ } else {
+ if (flags is Sealed) writeByte(SEALED)
+ if (flags is Abstract) writeByte(ABSTRACT)
+ if (flags is Trait) writeByte(TRAIT)
+ if (flags is Covariant) writeByte(COVARIANT)
+ if (flags is Contravariant) writeByte(CONTRAVARIANT)
+ }
+ sym.annotations.foreach(pickleAnnotation)
+ }
+ def pickleAnnotation(ann: Annotation) = {
+ writeByte(ANNOTATION)
+ withLength { pickleType(ann.symbol.typeRef); pickleTree(ann.tree) }
+ }
+ def updateMapWithDeltas[T](mp: collection.mutable.Map[T, Addr]) =
+ for (key <- mp.keysIterator.toBuffer[T]) mp(key) = adjusted(mp(key))
+ trees.foreach(tree => if (!tree.isEmpty) pickleTree(tree))
+ assert(forwardSymRefs.isEmpty, i"unresolved symbols: ${forwardSymRefs.keySet.toList}%, %")
+ compactify()
+ updateMapWithDeltas(symRefs)
+ }