path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing')
6 files changed, 1780 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaParsers.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaParsers.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..095342c48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaParsers.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package parsing
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Constants.Constant
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags
+import dotty.tools.dotc.core.Flags.FlagSet
+import scala.language.implicitConversions
+import JavaTokens._
+import JavaScanners._
+import Parsers._
+import core._
+import Contexts._
+import Names._
+import NameOps._
+import Types._
+import Symbols._
+import ast.Trees._
+import Decorators._
+import StdNames._
+import dotty.tools.dotc.util.SourceFile
+import util.Positions._
+import annotation.switch
+import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
+import scala.reflect.internal.util.Collections._
+object JavaParsers {
+ import ast.untpd._
+ class JavaParser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ParserCommon(source) {
+ val definitions = ctx.definitions
+ import definitions._
+ val in: JavaScanner = new JavaScanner(source)
+ /** The simple name of the package of the currently parsed file */
+ private var thisPackageName: TypeName = tpnme.EMPTY
+ /** This is the general parse entry point.
+ * Overridden by ScriptParser
+ */
+ def parse(): Tree = {
+ val t = compilationUnit()
+ accept(EOF)
+ t
+ }
+ // -------- error handling ---------------------------------------
+ protected def skip(): Unit = {
+ var nparens = 0
+ var nbraces = 0
+ while (true) {
+ in.token match {
+ case EOF =>
+ return
+ case SEMI =>
+ if (nparens == 0 && nbraces == 0) return
+ case RPAREN =>
+ nparens -= 1
+ case RBRACE =>
+ if (nbraces == 0) return
+ nbraces -= 1
+ case LPAREN =>
+ nparens += 1
+ case LBRACE =>
+ nbraces += 1
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ in.nextToken()
+ }
+ }
+ def syntaxError(msg: String, skipIt: Boolean): Unit = {
+ syntaxError(in.offset, msg, skipIt)
+ }
+ def syntaxError(pos: Int, msg: String, skipIt: Boolean): Unit = {
+ if (pos > lastErrorOffset) {
+ syntaxError(msg, pos)
+ // no more errors on this token.
+ lastErrorOffset = in.offset
+ }
+ if (skipIt)
+ skip()
+ }
+ def errorTypeTree = TypeTree().withType(ErrorType) withPos Position(in.offset)
+ // --------- tree building -----------------------------
+ def rootId(name: Name) = Select(Ident(nme.ROOTPKG), name)
+ def scalaDot(name: Name) = Select(Ident(nme.scala_), name)
+ def scalaAnnotationDot(name: Name) = Select(scalaDot(nme.annotation), name)
+ def javaDot(name: Name): Tree =
+ Select(rootId(nme.java), name)
+ def javaLangDot(name: Name): Tree =
+ Select(javaDot(nme.lang), name)
+ def javaLangObject(): Tree = javaLangDot(tpnme.Object)
+ def arrayOf(tpt: Tree) =
+ AppliedTypeTree(Ident(nme.Array.toTypeName), List(tpt))
+ def unimplementedExpr = Ident("???".toTermName)
+ def makePackaging(pkg: RefTree, stats: List[Tree]): PackageDef =
+ atPos(pkg.pos) { PackageDef(pkg, stats) }
+ def makeTemplate(parents: List[Tree], stats: List[Tree], tparams: List[TypeDef]) = {
+ def pullOutFirstConstr(stats: List[Tree]): (Tree, List[Tree]) = stats match {
+ case (meth: DefDef) :: rest if meth.name.isConstructorName => (meth, rest)
+ case first :: rest =>
+ val (constr, tail) = pullOutFirstConstr(rest)
+ (constr, first :: tail)
+ case nil => (EmptyTree, nil)
+ }
+ val (constr, stats1) = pullOutFirstConstr(stats)
+ val constr1 = if(constr == EmptyTree) makeConstructor(List(), tparams) else constr.asInstanceOf[DefDef]
+ Template(constr1, parents, EmptyValDef, stats1)
+ }
+ def makeSyntheticParam(count: Int, tpt: Tree): ValDef =
+ makeParam(nme.syntheticParamName(count), tpt)
+ def makeParam(name: String, tpt: Tree): ValDef =
+ makeParam(name.toTermName, tpt)
+ def makeParam(name: TermName, tpt: Tree, flags: FlagSet = Flags.Param): ValDef =
+ ValDef(Modifiers(flags | Flags.JavaDefined), name, tpt, EmptyTree)
+ def makeConstructor(formals: List[Tree], tparams: List[TypeDef]) = {
+ val vparams = mapWithIndex(formals)((p, i) => makeSyntheticParam(i + 1, p))
+ DefDef(Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined), nme.CONSTRUCTOR, tparams, List(vparams), TypeTree(), EmptyTree)
+ }
+ // ------------- general parsing ---------------------------
+ /** skip parent or brace enclosed sequence of things */
+ def skipAhead(): Unit = {
+ var nparens = 0
+ var nbraces = 0
+ do {
+ in.token match {
+ case LPAREN =>
+ nparens += 1
+ case LBRACE =>
+ nbraces += 1
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ in.nextToken()
+ in.token match {
+ case RPAREN =>
+ nparens -= 1
+ case RBRACE =>
+ nbraces -= 1
+ case _ =>
+ }
+ } while (in.token != EOF && (nparens > 0 || nbraces > 0))
+ }
+ def skipTo(tokens: Int*): Unit = {
+ while (!(tokens contains in.token) && in.token != EOF) {
+ if (in.token == LBRACE) { skipAhead(); accept(RBRACE) }
+ else if (in.token == LPAREN) { skipAhead(); accept(RPAREN) }
+ else in.nextToken()
+ }
+ }
+ /** Consume one token of the specified type, or
+ * signal an error if it is not there.
+ */
+ def accept(token: Int): Int = {
+ val offset = in.offset
+ if (in.token != token) {
+ val offsetToReport = in.offset
+ val msg =
+ tokenString(token) + " expected but " +
+ tokenString(in.token) + " found."
+ syntaxError(offsetToReport, msg, skipIt = true)
+ }
+ if (in.token == token) in.nextToken()
+ offset
+ }
+ def acceptClosingAngle(): Unit = {
+ val closers: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
+ case GTGTGT => GTGT
+ case GTGTEQ => GTEQ
+ case GTGT => GT
+ case GTEQ => EQUALS
+ }
+ if (closers isDefinedAt in.token) in.token = closers(in.token)
+ else accept(GT)
+ }
+ def identForType(): TypeName = ident().toTypeName
+ def ident(): Name =
+ if (in.token == IDENTIFIER) {
+ val name = in.name
+ in.nextToken()
+ name
+ } else {
+ accept(IDENTIFIER)
+ nme.ERROR
+ }
+ def repsep[T <: Tree](p: () => T, sep: Int): List[T] = {
+ val buf = ListBuffer[T](p())
+ while (in.token == sep) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ buf += p()
+ }
+ buf.toList
+ }
+ /** Convert (qual)ident to type identifier
+ */
+ def convertToTypeId(tree: Tree): Tree = convertToTypeName(tree) match {
+ case Some(t) => t withPos tree.pos
+ case _ => tree match {
+ case AppliedTypeTree(_, _) | SelectFromTypeTree(_, _) =>
+ tree
+ case _ =>
+ syntaxError("identifier expected", tree.pos)
+ errorTypeTree
+ }
+ }
+ /** Translate names in Select/Ident nodes to type names.
+ */
+ def convertToTypeName(tree: Tree): Option[RefTree] = tree match {
+ case Select(qual, name) => Some(Select(qual, name.toTypeName))
+ case Ident(name) => Some(Ident(name.toTypeName))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ // -------------------- specific parsing routines ------------------
+ def qualId(): RefTree = {
+ var t: RefTree = atPos(in.offset) { Ident(ident()) }
+ while (in.token == DOT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ t = atPos(in.offset) { Select(t, ident()) }
+ }
+ t
+ }
+ def optArrayBrackets(tpt: Tree): Tree =
+ if (in.token == LBRACKET) {
+ val tpt1 = atPos(in.offset) { arrayOf(tpt) }
+ in.nextToken()
+ accept(RBRACKET)
+ optArrayBrackets(tpt1)
+ } else tpt
+ def basicType(): Tree =
+ atPos(in.offset) {
+ in.token match {
+ case BYTE => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(ByteType)
+ case SHORT => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(ShortType)
+ case CHAR => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(CharType)
+ case INT => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(IntType)
+ case LONG => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(LongType)
+ case FLOAT => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(FloatType)
+ case DOUBLE => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(DoubleType)
+ case BOOLEAN => in.nextToken(); TypeTree(BooleanType)
+ case _ => syntaxError("illegal start of type", skipIt = true); errorTypeTree
+ }
+ }
+ def typ(): Tree =
+ optArrayBrackets {
+ if (in.token == FINAL) in.nextToken()
+ if (in.token == IDENTIFIER) {
+ var t = typeArgs(atPos(in.offset)(Ident(ident())))
+ // typeSelect generates Select nodes is the lhs is an Ident or Select,
+ // SelectFromTypeTree otherwise. See #3567.
+ // Select nodes can be later
+ // converted in the typechecker to SelectFromTypeTree if the class
+ // turns out to be an instance ionner class instead of a static inner class.
+ def typeSelect(t: Tree, name: Name) = t match {
+ case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) => Select(t, name)
+ case _ => SelectFromTypeTree(t, name.toTypeName)
+ }
+ while (in.token == DOT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ t = typeArgs(atPos(in.offset)(typeSelect(t, ident())))
+ }
+ convertToTypeId(t)
+ } else {
+ basicType()
+ }
+ }
+ def typeArgs(t: Tree): Tree = {
+ var wildnum = 0
+ def typeArg(): Tree =
+ if (in.token == QMARK) {
+ val offset = in.offset
+ in.nextToken()
+ val hi = if (in.token == EXTENDS) { in.nextToken() ; typ() } else EmptyTree
+ val lo = if (in.token == SUPER) { in.nextToken() ; typ() } else EmptyTree
+ atPos(offset) {
+ /*
+ TypeDef(
+ Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Deferred),
+ typeName("_$"+(wildnum += 1)),
+ List(),
+ TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi))
+ */
+ TypeBoundsTree(lo, hi)
+ }
+ } else {
+ typ()
+ }
+ if (in.token == LT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ val t1 = convertToTypeId(t)
+ val args = repsep(typeArg, COMMA)
+ acceptClosingAngle()
+ atPos(t1.pos) {
+ AppliedTypeTree(t1, args)
+ }
+ } else t
+ }
+ def annotations(): List[Tree] = {
+ //var annots = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ while (in.token == AT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ annotation()
+ }
+ List() // don't pass on annotations for now
+ }
+ /** Annotation ::= TypeName [`(` AnnotationArgument {`,` AnnotationArgument} `)`]
+ */
+ def annotation(): Unit = {
+ qualId()
+ if (in.token == LPAREN) { skipAhead(); accept(RPAREN) }
+ else if (in.token == LBRACE) { skipAhead(); accept(RBRACE) }
+ }
+ def modifiers(inInterface: Boolean): Modifiers = {
+ var flags = Flags.JavaDefined
+ // assumed true unless we see public/private/protected
+ var isPackageAccess = true
+ var annots: List[Tree] = Nil
+ def addAnnot(sym: ClassSymbol) = annots :+= New(TypeTree(sym.typeRef))
+ while (true) {
+ in.token match {
+ case AT if (in.lookaheadToken != INTERFACE) =>
+ in.nextToken()
+ annotation()
+ case PUBLIC =>
+ isPackageAccess = false
+ in.nextToken()
+ case PROTECTED =>
+ flags |= Flags.Protected
+ in.nextToken()
+ case PRIVATE =>
+ isPackageAccess = false
+ flags |= Flags.Private
+ in.nextToken()
+ case STATIC =>
+ flags |= Flags.Static
+ in.nextToken()
+ case ABSTRACT =>
+ flags |= Flags.Abstract
+ in.nextToken()
+ case FINAL =>
+ flags |= Flags.Final
+ in.nextToken()
+ case DEFAULT =>
+ flags |= Flags.DefaultMethod
+ in.nextToken()
+ case NATIVE =>
+ addAnnot(NativeAnnot)
+ in.nextToken()
+ case TRANSIENT =>
+ addAnnot(TransientAnnot)
+ in.nextToken()
+ case VOLATILE =>
+ addAnnot(VolatileAnnot)
+ in.nextToken()
+ in.nextToken()
+ case _ =>
+ val privateWithin: TypeName =
+ if (isPackageAccess && !inInterface) thisPackageName
+ else tpnme.EMPTY
+ return Modifiers(flags, privateWithin) withAnnotations annots
+ }
+ }
+ assert(false, "should not be here")
+ throw new RuntimeException
+ }
+ def typeParams(flags: FlagSet = Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.PrivateLocal | Flags.Param): List[TypeDef] =
+ if (in.token == LT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ val tparams = repsep(() => typeParam(flags), COMMA)
+ acceptClosingAngle()
+ tparams
+ } else List()
+ def typeParam(flags: FlagSet): TypeDef =
+ atPos(in.offset) {
+ val name = identForType()
+ val hi = if (in.token == EXTENDS) { in.nextToken() ; bound() } else EmptyTree
+ TypeDef(Modifiers(flags), name, Nil, TypeBoundsTree(EmptyTree, hi))
+ }
+ def bound(): Tree =
+ atPos(in.offset) {
+ val buf = ListBuffer[Tree](typ())
+ while (in.token == AMP) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ buf += typ()
+ }
+ val ts = buf.toList
+ if (ts.tail.isEmpty) ts.head
+ else ts.reduce(AndTypeTree(_,_))
+ }
+ def formalParams(): List[ValDef] = {
+ accept(LPAREN)
+ val vparams = if (in.token == RPAREN) List() else repsep(formalParam, COMMA)
+ accept(RPAREN)
+ vparams
+ }
+ def formalParam(): ValDef = {
+ if (in.token == FINAL) in.nextToken()
+ annotations()
+ var t = typ()
+ if (in.token == DOTDOTDOT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ t = atPos(t.pos) {
+ PostfixOp(t, nme.raw.STAR)
+ }
+ }
+ varDecl(Position(in.offset), Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Param), t, ident().toTermName, dontAddMutable = true)
+ }
+ def optThrows(): Unit = {
+ if (in.token == THROWS) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ repsep(typ, COMMA)
+ }
+ }
+ def methodBody(): Tree = {
+ skipAhead()
+ accept(RBRACE) // skip block
+ unimplementedExpr
+ }
+ def definesInterface(token: Int) = token == INTERFACE || token == AT
+ def termDecl(mods: Modifiers, parentToken: Int, parentTParams: List[TypeDef]): List[Tree] = {
+ val inInterface = definesInterface(parentToken)
+ val tparams = if (in.token == LT) typeParams(Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Param) else List()
+ val isVoid = in.token == VOID
+ var rtpt =
+ if (isVoid) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ TypeTree(UnitType) withPos Position(in.offset)
+ } else typ()
+ var offset = in.offset
+ val rtptName = rtpt match {
+ case Ident(name) => name
+ case _ => nme.EMPTY
+ }
+ if (in.token == LPAREN && rtptName != nme.EMPTY && !inInterface) {
+ // constructor declaration
+ val vparams = formalParams()
+ optThrows()
+ List {
+ atPos(offset) {
+ DefDef(mods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, parentTParams, List(vparams), TypeTree(), methodBody())
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ var mods1 = mods
+ if (mods is Flags.Abstract) mods1 = mods &~ Flags.Abstract
+ offset = in.offset
+ val name = ident()
+ if (in.token == LPAREN) {
+ // method declaration
+ val vparams = formalParams()
+ if (!isVoid) rtpt = optArrayBrackets(rtpt)
+ optThrows()
+ val bodyOk = !inInterface || (mods is Flags.DefaultMethod)
+ val body =
+ if (bodyOk && in.token == LBRACE) {
+ methodBody()
+ } else {
+ if (parentToken == AT && in.token == DEFAULT) {
+ val annot =
+ atPos(offset) {
+ New(Select(scalaDot(nme.runtime), tpnme.AnnotationDefaultATTR), Nil)
+ }
+ mods1 = mods1 withAnnotations annot :: Nil
+ skipTo(SEMI)
+ accept(SEMI)
+ unimplementedExpr
+ } else {
+ accept(SEMI)
+ EmptyTree
+ }
+ }
+ //if (inInterface) mods1 |= Flags.Deferred
+ List {
+ atPos(offset) {
+ DefDef(mods1 | Flags.Method, name.toTermName, tparams, List(vparams), rtpt, body)
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (inInterface) mods1 |= Flags.Final | Flags.Static
+ val result = fieldDecls(Position(offset), mods1, rtpt, name)
+ accept(SEMI)
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Parse a sequence of field declarations, separated by commas.
+ * This one is tricky because a comma might also appear in an
+ * initializer. Since we don't parse initializers we don't know
+ * what the comma signifies.
+ * We solve this with a second list buffer `maybe` which contains
+ * potential variable definitions.
+ * Once we have reached the end of the statement, we know whether
+ * these potential definitions are real or not.
+ */
+ def fieldDecls(pos: Position, mods: Modifiers, tpt: Tree, name: Name): List[Tree] = {
+ val buf = ListBuffer[Tree](varDecl(pos, mods, tpt, name.toTermName))
+ val maybe = new ListBuffer[Tree] // potential variable definitions.
+ while (in.token == COMMA) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ if (in.token == IDENTIFIER) { // if there's an ident after the comma ...
+ val name = ident()
+ if (in.token == EQUALS || in.token == SEMI) { // ... followed by a `=` or `;`, we know it's a real variable definition
+ buf ++= maybe
+ buf += varDecl(Position(in.offset), mods, tpt, name.toTermName)
+ maybe.clear()
+ } else if (in.token == COMMA) { // ... if there's a comma after the ident, it could be a real vardef or not.
+ maybe += varDecl(Position(in.offset), mods, tpt, name.toTermName)
+ } else { // ... if there's something else we were still in the initializer of the
+ // previous var def; skip to next comma or semicolon.
+ skipTo(COMMA, SEMI)
+ maybe.clear()
+ }
+ } else { // ... if there's no ident following the comma we were still in the initializer of the
+ // previous var def; skip to next comma or semicolon.
+ skipTo(COMMA, SEMI)
+ maybe.clear()
+ }
+ }
+ if (in.token == SEMI) {
+ buf ++= maybe // every potential vardef that survived until here is real.
+ }
+ buf.toList
+ }
+ def varDecl(pos: Position, mods: Modifiers, tpt: Tree, name: TermName, dontAddMutable: Boolean = false): ValDef = {
+ val tpt1 = optArrayBrackets(tpt)
+ if (in.token == EQUALS && !(mods is Flags.Param)) skipTo(COMMA, SEMI)
+ val mods1 = if (mods is Flags.Final) mods &~ Flags.Final else if(dontAddMutable) mods else mods | Flags.Mutable
+ atPos(pos) {
+ ValDef(mods1, name, tpt1, EmptyTree)
+ }
+ }
+ def memberDecl(mods: Modifiers, parentToken: Int, parentTParams: List[TypeDef]): List[Tree] = in.token match {
+ typeDecl(if (definesInterface(parentToken)) mods | Flags.Static else mods)
+ case _ =>
+ termDecl(mods, parentToken, parentTParams)
+ }
+ def makeCompanionObject(cdef: TypeDef, statics: List[Tree]): Tree =
+ atPos(cdef.pos) {
+ ModuleDef((cdef.mods & (Flags.AccessFlags | Flags.JavaDefined)).toTermFlags, cdef.name.toTermName,
+ makeTemplate(List(), statics, List()))
+ }
+ private val wild = Ident(nme.WILDCARD) withPos Position(-1)
+ private val wildList = List(wild) // OPT This list is shared for performance.
+ def importCompanionObject(cdef: TypeDef): Tree =
+ atPos(cdef.pos) {
+ Import(Ident(cdef.name.toTermName), wildList)
+ }
+ // Importing the companion object members cannot be done uncritically: see
+ // ticket #2377 wherein a class contains two static inner classes, each of which
+ // has a static inner class called "Builder" - this results in an ambiguity error
+ // when each performs the import in the enclosing class's scope.
+ //
+ // To address this I moved the import Companion._ inside the class, as the first
+ // statement. This should work without compromising the enclosing scope, but may (?)
+ // end up suffering from the same issues it does in scala - specifically that this
+ // leaves auxiliary constructors unable to access members of the companion object
+ // as unqualified identifiers.
+ def addCompanionObject(statics: List[Tree], cdef: TypeDef): List[Tree] = {
+ // if there are no statics we can use the original cdef, but we always
+ // create the companion so import A._ is not an error (see ticket #1700)
+ val cdefNew =
+ if (statics.isEmpty) cdef
+ else {
+ val template = cdef.rhs.asInstanceOf[Template]
+ cpy.TypeDef(cdef, cdef.mods, cdef.name,
+ cpy.Template(template, template.constr, template.parents, template.self,
+ importCompanionObject(cdef) :: template.body),
+ cdef.tparams)
+ }
+ List(makeCompanionObject(cdefNew, statics), cdefNew)
+ }
+ def importDecl(): List[Tree] = {
+ accept(IMPORT)
+ val offset = in.offset
+ val buf = new ListBuffer[Name]
+ def collectIdents() : Int = {
+ if (in.token == ASTERISK) {
+ val starOffset = in.offset
+ in.nextToken()
+ buf += nme.WILDCARD
+ starOffset
+ } else {
+ val nameOffset = in.offset
+ buf += ident()
+ if (in.token == DOT) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ collectIdents()
+ } else nameOffset
+ }
+ }
+ if (in.token == STATIC) in.nextToken()
+ else buf += nme.ROOTPKG
+ val lastnameOffset = collectIdents()
+ accept(SEMI)
+ val names = buf.toList
+ if (names.length < 2) {
+ syntaxError(offset, "illegal import", skipIt = false)
+ List()
+ } else {
+ val qual = ((Ident(names.head): Tree) /: names.tail.init) (Select(_, _))
+ val lastname = names.last
+ val ident = Ident(lastname) withPos Position(lastnameOffset)
+// val selector = lastname match {
+// case nme.WILDCARD => Pair(ident, Ident(null) withPos Position(-1))
+// case _ => Pair(ident, ident)
+// }
+ List(atPos(offset)(Import(qual, List(ident))))
+ }
+ }
+ def interfacesOpt() =
+ if (in.token == IMPLEMENTS) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ repsep(typ, COMMA)
+ } else {
+ List()
+ }
+ def classDecl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = {
+ accept(CLASS)
+ val offset = in.offset
+ val name = identForType()
+ val tparams = typeParams()
+ val superclass =
+ if (in.token == EXTENDS) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ typ()
+ } else {
+ javaLangObject()
+ }
+ val interfaces = interfacesOpt()
+ val (statics, body) = typeBody(CLASS, name, tparams)
+ addCompanionObject(statics, atPos(offset) {
+ TypeDef(mods, name, makeTemplate(superclass :: interfaces, body, tparams))
+ })
+ }
+ def interfaceDecl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = {
+ accept(INTERFACE)
+ val offset = in.offset
+ val name = identForType()
+ val tparams = typeParams()
+ val parents =
+ if (in.token == EXTENDS) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ repsep(typ, COMMA)
+ } else {
+ List(javaLangObject())
+ }
+ val (statics, body) = typeBody(INTERFACE, name, tparams)
+ addCompanionObject(statics, atPos(offset) {
+ TypeDef(mods | Flags.Trait | Flags.Interface | Flags.Abstract,
+ name, tparams,
+ makeTemplate(parents, body, tparams))
+ })
+ }
+ def typeBody(leadingToken: Int, parentName: Name, parentTParams: List[TypeDef]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = {
+ accept(LBRACE)
+ val defs = typeBodyDecls(leadingToken, parentName, parentTParams)
+ accept(RBRACE)
+ defs
+ }
+ def typeBodyDecls(parentToken: Int, parentName: Name, parentTParams: List[TypeDef]): (List[Tree], List[Tree]) = {
+ val inInterface = definesInterface(parentToken)
+ val statics = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ val members = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ while (in.token != RBRACE && in.token != EOF) {
+ var mods = modifiers(inInterface)
+ if (in.token == LBRACE) {
+ skipAhead() // skip init block, we just assume we have seen only static
+ accept(RBRACE)
+ } else if (in.token == SEMI) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ } else {
+ if (in.token == ENUM || definesInterface(in.token)) mods |= Flags.Static
+ val decls = memberDecl(mods, parentToken, parentTParams)
+ (if ((mods is Flags.Static) || inInterface && !(decls exists (_.isInstanceOf[DefDef])))
+ statics
+ else
+ members) ++= decls
+ }
+ }
+ def forwarders(sdef: Tree): List[Tree] = sdef match {
+ case TypeDef(mods, name, _) if (parentToken == INTERFACE) =>
+ var rhs: Tree = Select(Ident(parentName.toTermName), name)
+ List(TypeDef(Modifiers(Flags.Protected), name, rhs))
+ case _ =>
+ List()
+ }
+ val sdefs = statics.toList
+ val idefs = members.toList ::: (sdefs flatMap forwarders)
+ (sdefs, idefs)
+ }
+ def annotationParents = List(
+ scalaAnnotationDot(tpnme.Annotation),
+ Select(javaLangDot(nme.annotation), tpnme.Annotation),
+ scalaAnnotationDot(tpnme.ClassfileAnnotation)
+ )
+ def annotationDecl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = {
+ accept(AT)
+ accept(INTERFACE)
+ val offset = in.offset
+ val name = identForType()
+ val (statics, body) = typeBody(AT, name, List())
+ val constructorParams = body.collect {
+ case dd: DefDef => makeParam(dd.name, dd.tpt, Flags.PrivateLocalParamAccessor)
+ }
+ val constr = DefDef(Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined), nme.CONSTRUCTOR,
+ List(), List(constructorParams), TypeTree(), EmptyTree)
+ val body1 = body.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[DefDef])
+ val templ = makeTemplate(annotationParents, constr :: body1, List())
+ addCompanionObject(statics, atPos(offset) {
+ TypeDef(mods, name, templ)
+ })
+ }
+ def enumDecl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = {
+ accept(ENUM)
+ val offset = in.offset
+ val name = identForType()
+ def enumType = Ident(name)
+ val interfaces = interfacesOpt()
+ accept(LBRACE)
+ val buf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ def parseEnumConsts(): Unit = {
+ if (in.token != RBRACE && in.token != SEMI && in.token != EOF) {
+ buf += enumConst(enumType)
+ if (in.token == COMMA) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ parseEnumConsts()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ parseEnumConsts()
+ val consts = buf.toList
+ val (statics, body) =
+ if (in.token == SEMI) {
+ in.nextToken()
+ typeBodyDecls(ENUM, name, List())
+ } else {
+ (List(), List())
+ }
+ val predefs = List(
+ DefDef(
+ Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Static | Flags.Method), nme.values, List(),
+ ListOfNil,
+ arrayOf(enumType),
+ unimplementedExpr),
+ DefDef(
+ Modifiers(Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Static | Flags.Method), nme.valueOf, List(),
+ List(List(makeParam("x", TypeTree(StringType)))),
+ enumType,
+ unimplementedExpr))
+ accept(RBRACE)
+ /*
+ val superclazz =
+ AppliedTypeTree(javaLangDot(tpnme.Enum), List(enumType))
+ */
+ val superclazz = Apply(TypeApply(
+ Select(New(javaLangDot(tpnme.Enum)), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List(enumType)),
+ List(Literal(Constant(null)),Literal(Constant(0))))
+ addCompanionObject(consts ::: statics ::: predefs, atPos(offset) {
+ TypeDef(mods | Flags.Enum, name, List(),
+ makeTemplate(superclazz :: interfaces, body, List()))
+ })
+ }
+ def enumConst(enumType: Tree) = {
+ annotations()
+ atPos(in.offset) {
+ val name = ident()
+ if (in.token == LPAREN) {
+ // skip arguments
+ skipAhead()
+ accept(RPAREN)
+ }
+ if (in.token == LBRACE) {
+ // skip classbody
+ skipAhead()
+ accept(RBRACE)
+ }
+ ValDef(Modifiers(Flags.Enum | Flags.Stable | Flags.JavaDefined | Flags.Static), name.toTermName, enumType, unimplementedExpr)
+ }
+ }
+ def typeDecl(mods: Modifiers): List[Tree] = in.token match {
+ case ENUM => enumDecl(mods)
+ case INTERFACE => interfaceDecl(mods)
+ case AT => annotationDecl(mods)
+ case CLASS => classDecl(mods)
+ case _ => in.nextToken(); syntaxError("illegal start of type declaration", skipIt = true); List(errorTypeTree)
+ }
+ /** CompilationUnit ::= [package QualId semi] TopStatSeq
+ */
+ def compilationUnit(): Tree = {
+ var offset = in.offset
+ val pkg: RefTree =
+ if (in.token == AT || in.token == PACKAGE) {
+ annotations()
+ offset = in.offset
+ accept(PACKAGE)
+ val pkg = qualId()
+ accept(SEMI)
+ pkg
+ } else {
+ Ident(nme.EMPTY_PACKAGE)
+ }
+ thisPackageName = convertToTypeName(pkg) match {
+ case Some(t) => t.name.toTypeName
+ case _ => tpnme.EMPTY
+ }
+ val buf = new ListBuffer[Tree]
+ while (in.token == IMPORT)
+ buf ++= importDecl()
+ while (in.token != EOF && in.token != RBRACE) {
+ while (in.token == SEMI) in.nextToken()
+ if (in.token != EOF)
+ buf ++= typeDecl(modifiers(inInterface = false))
+ }
+ accept(EOF)
+ atPos(offset) {
+ makePackaging(pkg, buf.toList)
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaScanners.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaScanners.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..faac8e163
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaScanners.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package parsing
+import core.Names._, core.Contexts._, core.Decorators._, util.Positions._
+import Scanners._
+import util.SourceFile
+import JavaTokens._
+import scala.annotation.{ switch, tailrec }
+import scala.reflect.internal.Chars._
+object JavaScanners {
+ class JavaScanner(source: SourceFile, override val startFrom: Offset = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ScannerCommon(source)(ctx) {
+ def toToken(idx: Int): Token =
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx <= lastKeywordStart) kwArray(idx) else IDENTIFIER
+ private class JavaTokenData0 extends TokenData
+ /** we need one token lookahead
+ */
+ val next : TokenData = new JavaTokenData0
+ val prev : TokenData = new JavaTokenData0
+ // Get next token ------------------------------------------------------------
+ def nextToken(): Unit = {
+ if (next.token == EMPTY) {
+ fetchToken()
+ }
+ else {
+ this copyFrom next
+ next.token = EMPTY
+ }
+ }
+ def lookaheadToken: Int = {
+ prev copyFrom this
+ nextToken()
+ val t = token
+ next copyFrom this
+ this copyFrom prev
+ t
+ }
+ /** read next token
+ */
+ private def fetchToken(): Unit = {
+ offset = charOffset - 1
+ ch match {
+ case ' ' | '\t' | CR | LF | FF =>
+ nextChar()
+ fetchToken()
+ case _ =>
+ (ch: @switch) match {
+ case 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' |
+ 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' |
+ 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' |
+ 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' |
+ 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' |
+ 'Z' | '$' | '_' |
+ 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' |
+ 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' |
+ 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' |
+ 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' |
+ 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' |
+ 'z' =>
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ getIdentRest()
+ case '0' =>
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == 'x' || ch == 'X') {
+ nextChar()
+ base = 16
+ } else {
+ base = 8
+ }
+ getNumber()
+ case '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' |
+ '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
+ base = 10
+ getNumber()
+ case '\"' =>
+ nextChar()
+ while (ch != '\"' && (isUnicodeEscape || ch != CR && ch != LF && ch != SU)) {
+ getlitch()
+ }
+ if (ch == '\"') {
+ token = STRINGLIT
+ setStrVal()
+ nextChar()
+ } else {
+ error("unclosed string literal")
+ }
+ case '\'' =>
+ nextChar()
+ getlitch()
+ if (ch == '\'') {
+ nextChar()
+ token = CHARLIT
+ setStrVal()
+ } else {
+ error("unclosed character literal")
+ }
+ case '=' =>
+ token = EQUALS
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = EQEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '>' =>
+ token = GT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = GTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '>') {
+ token = GTGT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = GTGTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '>') {
+ token = GTGTGT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = GTGTGTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ case '<' =>
+ token = LT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = LTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '<') {
+ token = LTLT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = LTLTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ }
+ case '!' =>
+ token = BANG
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = BANGEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '~' =>
+ token = TILDE
+ nextChar()
+ case '?' =>
+ token = QMARK
+ nextChar()
+ case ':' =>
+ token = COLON
+ nextChar()
+ case '@' =>
+ token = AT
+ nextChar()
+ case '&' =>
+ token = AMP
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '&') {
+ token = AMPAMP
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '=') {
+ token = AMPEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '|' =>
+ token = BAR
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '|') {
+ token = BARBAR
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '=') {
+ token = BAREQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '+' =>
+ token = PLUS
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '+') {
+ token = PLUSPLUS
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '=') {
+ token = PLUSEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '-' =>
+ token = MINUS
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '-') {
+ token = MINUSMINUS
+ nextChar()
+ } else if (ch == '=') {
+ token = MINUSEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '*' =>
+ token = ASTERISK
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = ASTERISKEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '/' =>
+ nextChar()
+ if (!skipComment()) {
+ token = SLASH
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = SLASHEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ } else fetchToken()
+ case '^' =>
+ token = HAT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = HATEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '%' =>
+ token = PERCENT
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '=') {
+ token = PERCENTEQ
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case '.' =>
+ token = DOT
+ nextChar()
+ if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
+ putChar('.');
+ getFraction()
+ } else if (ch == '.') {
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '.') {
+ nextChar()
+ token = DOTDOTDOT
+ } else error("`.' character expected")
+ }
+ case ';' =>
+ token = SEMI
+ nextChar()
+ case ',' =>
+ token = COMMA
+ nextChar()
+ case '(' =>
+ token = LPAREN
+ nextChar()
+ case '{' =>
+ token = LBRACE
+ nextChar()
+ case ')' =>
+ token = RPAREN
+ nextChar()
+ case '}' =>
+ token = RBRACE
+ nextChar()
+ case '[' =>
+ token = LBRACKET
+ nextChar()
+ case ']' =>
+ token = RBRACKET
+ nextChar()
+ case SU =>
+ if (isAtEnd) token = EOF
+ else {
+ error("illegal character")
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierStart(ch)) {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ getIdentRest()
+ } else {
+ error("illegal character: " + ch.toInt)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ protected def skipComment(): Boolean = {
+ @tailrec def skipLineComment(): Unit = ch match {
+ case CR | LF | SU =>
+ case _ => nextChar(); skipLineComment()
+ }
+ @tailrec def skipJavaComment(): Unit = ch match {
+ case SU => incompleteInputError("unclosed comment")
+ case '*' => nextChar(); if (ch == '/') nextChar() else skipJavaComment()
+ case _ => nextChar(); skipJavaComment()
+ }
+ ch match {
+ case '/' => nextChar(); skipLineComment(); true
+ case '*' => nextChar(); skipJavaComment(); true
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ }
+ // Identifiers ---------------------------------------------------------------
+ private def getIdentRest(): Unit = {
+ while (true) {
+ (ch: @switch) match {
+ case 'A' | 'B' | 'C' | 'D' | 'E' |
+ 'F' | 'G' | 'H' | 'I' | 'J' |
+ 'K' | 'L' | 'M' | 'N' | 'O' |
+ 'P' | 'Q' | 'R' | 'S' | 'T' |
+ 'U' | 'V' | 'W' | 'X' | 'Y' |
+ 'Z' | '$' |
+ 'a' | 'b' | 'c' | 'd' | 'e' |
+ 'f' | 'g' | 'h' | 'i' | 'j' |
+ 'k' | 'l' | 'm' | 'n' | 'o' |
+ 'p' | 'q' | 'r' | 's' | 't' |
+ 'u' | 'v' | 'w' | 'x' | 'y' |
+ 'z' |
+ '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' |
+ '5' | '6' | '7' | '8' | '9' =>
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ case '_' =>
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ getIdentRest()
+ return
+ case SU =>
+ finishNamed()
+ return
+ case _ =>
+ if (Character.isUnicodeIdentifierPart(ch)) {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ } else {
+ finishNamed()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Literals -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ /** read next character in character or string literal:
+ */
+ protected def getlitch() =
+ if (ch == '\\') {
+ nextChar()
+ if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7') {
+ val leadch: Char = ch
+ var oct: Int = digit2int(ch, 8)
+ nextChar()
+ if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '7') {
+ oct = oct * 8 + digit2int(ch, 8)
+ nextChar()
+ if (leadch <= '3' && '0' <= ch && ch <= '7') {
+ oct = oct * 8 + digit2int(ch, 8)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ }
+ putChar(oct.asInstanceOf[Char])
+ } else {
+ ch match {
+ case 'b' => putChar('\b')
+ case 't' => putChar('\t')
+ case 'n' => putChar('\n')
+ case 'f' => putChar('\f')
+ case 'r' => putChar('\r')
+ case '\"' => putChar('\"')
+ case '\'' => putChar('\'')
+ case '\\' => putChar('\\')
+ case _ =>
+ error("invalid escape character", charOffset - 1)
+ putChar(ch)
+ }
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ } else {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ /** read fractional part and exponent of floating point number
+ * if one is present.
+ */
+ protected def getFraction(): Unit = {
+ token = DOUBLELIT
+ while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') {
+ val lookahead = lookaheadReader
+ lookahead.nextChar()
+ if (lookahead.ch == '+' || lookahead.ch == '-') {
+ lookahead.nextChar()
+ }
+ if ('0' <= lookahead.ch && lookahead.ch <= '9') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ if (ch == '+' || ch == '-') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ while ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ }
+ token = DOUBLELIT
+ }
+ if (ch == 'd' || ch == 'D') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ token = DOUBLELIT
+ } else if (ch == 'f' || ch == 'F') {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ token = FLOATLIT
+ }
+ setStrVal()
+ }
+ /** read a number into name and set base
+ */
+ protected def getNumber(): Unit = {
+ while (digit2int(ch, if (base < 10) 10 else base) >= 0) {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ }
+ token = INTLIT
+ if (base <= 10 && ch == '.') {
+ val lookahead = lookaheadReader
+ lookahead.nextChar()
+ lookahead.ch match {
+ case '0' | '1' | '2' | '3' | '4' | '5' | '6' | '7' |
+ '8' | '9' | 'd' | 'D' | 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'F' =>
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ return getFraction()
+ case _ =>
+ if (!isIdentifierStart(lookahead.ch)) {
+ putChar(ch)
+ nextChar()
+ return getFraction()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (base <= 10 &&
+ (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E' ||
+ ch == 'f' || ch == 'F' ||
+ ch == 'd' || ch == 'D')) {
+ return getFraction()
+ }
+ setStrVal()
+ if (ch == 'l' || ch == 'L') {
+ nextChar()
+ token = LONGLIT
+ }
+ }
+ // Errors -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ override def toString() = token match {
+ case IDENTIFIER =>
+ "id(" + name + ")"
+ case CHARLIT =>
+ "char(" + intVal + ")"
+ case INTLIT =>
+ "int(" + intVal + ")"
+ case LONGLIT =>
+ "long(" + intVal + ")"
+ case FLOATLIT =>
+ "float(" + floatVal + ")"
+ case DOUBLELIT =>
+ "double(" + floatVal + ")"
+ case STRINGLIT =>
+ "string(" + name + ")"
+ case SEMI =>
+ ";"
+ case COMMA =>
+ ","
+ case _ =>
+ tokenString(token)
+ }
+ /* Initialization: read first char, then first token */
+ nextChar()
+ nextToken()
+ }
+ val (lastKeywordStart, kwArray) = buildKeywordArray(keywords)
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaTokens.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaTokens.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9530e0516
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/JavaTokens.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package parsing
+import collection.immutable.BitSet
+object JavaTokens extends TokensCommon {
+ final val minToken = EMPTY
+ final val maxToken = DOUBLE
+ final val javaOnlyKeywords = tokenRange(INSTANCEOF, ASSERT)
+ final val primTypes = tokenRange(VOID, DOUBLE)
+ final val keywords = sharedKeywords | javaOnlyKeywords | primTypes
+ /** keywords */
+ final val INSTANCEOF = 101; enter(INSTANCEOF, "instanceof")
+ final val CONST = 102; enter(CONST, "const")
+ /** templates */
+ final val INTERFACE = 105; enter(INTERFACE, "interface")
+ final val ENUM = 106; enter(ENUM, "enum")
+ final val IMPLEMENTS = 107; enter(IMPLEMENTS, "implements")
+ /** modifiers */
+ final val PUBLIC = 110; enter(PUBLIC, "public")
+ final val DEFAULT = 111; enter(DEFAULT, "default")
+ final val STATIC = 112; enter(STATIC, "static")
+ final val TRANSIENT = 113; enter(TRANSIENT, "transient")
+ final val VOLATILE = 114; enter(VOLATILE, "volatile")
+ final val SYNCHRONIZED = 115; enter(SYNCHRONIZED, "synchronized")
+ final val NATIVE = 116; enter(NATIVE, "native")
+ final val STRICTFP = 117; enter(STRICTFP, "strictfp")
+ final val THROWS = 118; enter(THROWS, "throws")
+ /** control structures */
+ final val BREAK = 130; enter(BREAK, "break")
+ final val CONTINUE = 131; enter(CONTINUE, "continue")
+ final val GOTO = 132; enter(GOTO, "goto")
+ final val SWITCH = 133; enter(SWITCH, "switch")
+ final val ASSERT = 134; enter(ASSERT, "assert")
+ /** special symbols */
+ final val EQEQ = 140
+ final val BANGEQ = 141
+ final val LT = 142
+ final val GT = 143
+ final val LTEQ = 144
+ final val GTEQ = 145
+ final val BANG = 146
+ final val QMARK = 147
+ final val AMP = 148
+ final val BAR = 149
+ final val PLUS = 150
+ final val MINUS = 151
+ final val ASTERISK = 152
+ final val SLASH = 153
+ final val PERCENT = 154
+ final val HAT = 155
+ final val LTLT = 156
+ final val GTGT = 157
+ final val GTGTGT = 158
+ final val AMPAMP = 159
+ final val BARBAR = 160
+ final val PLUSPLUS = 161
+ final val MINUSMINUS = 162
+ final val TILDE = 163
+ final val DOTDOTDOT = 164
+ final val AMPEQ = 165
+ final val BAREQ = 166
+ final val PLUSEQ = 167
+ final val MINUSEQ = 168
+ final val ASTERISKEQ = 169
+ final val SLASHEQ = 170
+ final val PERCENTEQ = 171
+ final val HATEQ = 172
+ final val LTLTEQ = 173
+ final val GTGTEQ = 174
+ final val GTGTGTEQ = 175
+ /** primitive types */
+ final val VOID = 180; enter(VOID, "void")
+ final val BOOLEAN = 181; enter(BOOLEAN, "boolean")
+ final val BYTE = 182; enter(BYTE, "byte")
+ final val SHORT = 183; enter(SHORT, "short")
+ final val CHAR = 184; enter(CHAR, "char")
+ final val INT = 185; enter(INT, "int")
+ final val LONG = 186; enter(LONG, "long")
+ final val FLOAT = 187; enter(FLOAT, "float")
+ final val DOUBLE = 188; enter(DOUBLE, "double")
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Parsers.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Parsers.scala
index 1b08b7400..e8a6fd815 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Parsers.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Parsers.scala
@@ -51,9 +51,56 @@ object Parsers {
if (source.isSelfContained) new ScriptParser(source)
else new Parser(source)
- class Parser(val source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends DotClass {
+ abstract class ParserCommon(val source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends DotClass {
- val in = new Scanner(source)
+ val in: ScannerCommon
+ /* ------------- POSITIONS ------------------------------------------- */
+ def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset, end: Offset)(t: T): T =
+ atPos(Position(start, end, point))(t)
+ def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset)(t: T): T =
+ atPos(start, point, in.lastOffset)(t)
+ def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset)(t: T): T =
+ atPos(start, start)(t)
+ def atPos[T <: Positioned](pos: Position)(t: T): T =
+ if (t.pos.isSourceDerived) t else t.withPos(pos)
+ def tokenRange = Position(in.offset, in.lastCharOffset, in.offset)
+ def sourcePos(off: Int = in.offset): SourcePosition =
+ source atPos Position(off)
+ /* ------------- ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
+ /** The offset where the last syntax error was reported, or if a skip to a
+ * safepoint occurred afterwards, the offset of the safe point.
+ */
+ protected var lastErrorOffset : Int = -1
+ /** Issue an error at given offset if beyond last error offset
+ * and update lastErrorOffset.
+ */
+ def syntaxError(msg: String, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
+ if (offset > lastErrorOffset) {
+ syntaxError(msg, Position(offset))
+ lastErrorOffset = in.offset
+ }
+ /** Unconditionally issue an error at given position, without
+ * updating lastErrorOffset.
+ */
+ def syntaxError(msg: String, pos: Position): Unit =
+ ctx.error(msg, source atPos pos)
+ }
+ class Parser(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ParserCommon(source) {
+ val in: Scanner = new Scanner(source)
val openParens = new ParensCounters
@@ -85,25 +132,6 @@ object Parsers {
def isStatSep: Boolean =
in.token == NEWLINE || in.token == NEWLINES || in.token == SEMI
-/* ------------- POSITIONS ------------------------------------------- */
- def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset, end: Offset)(t: T): T =
- atPos(Position(start, end, point))(t)
- def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset, point: Offset)(t: T): T =
- atPos(start, point, in.lastOffset)(t)
- def atPos[T <: Positioned](start: Offset)(t: T): T =
- atPos(start, start)(t)
- def atPos[T <: Positioned](pos: Position)(t: T): T =
- if (t.pos.isSourceDerived) t else t.withPos(pos)
- def tokenRange = Position(in.offset, in.lastCharOffset, in.offset)
- def sourcePos(off: Int = in.offset): SourcePosition =
- source atPos Position(off)
/* ------------- ERROR HANDLING ------------------------------------------- */
/** The offset of the last time when a statement on a new line was definitely
@@ -177,26 +205,6 @@ object Parsers {
def deprecationWarning(msg: String, offset: Int = in.offset) =
ctx.deprecationWarning(msg, source atPos Position(offset))
- /** The offset where the last syntax error was reported, or if a skip to a
- * safepoint occurred afterwards, the offset of the safe point.
- */
- private var lastErrorOffset : Int = -1
- /** Issue an error at given offset if beyond last error offset
- * and update lastErrorOffset.
- */
- def syntaxError(msg: String, offset: Int = in.offset): Unit =
- if (offset > lastErrorOffset) {
- syntaxError(msg, Position(offset))
- lastErrorOffset = in.offset
- }
- /** Unconditionally issue an error at given position, without
- * updating lastErrorOffset.
- */
- def syntaxError(msg: String, pos: Position): Unit =
- ctx.error(msg, source atPos pos)
/** Issue an error at current offset taht input is incomplete */
def incompleteInputError(msg: String) =
ctx.incompleteInputError(msg, source atPos Position(in.offset))
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala
index 4d8fdd10d..5eb8357a4 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Scanners.scala
@@ -58,36 +58,136 @@ object Scanners {
- class Scanner(source: SourceFile, override val startFrom: Offset = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) extends CharArrayReader with TokenData {
+ abstract class ScannerCommon(source: SourceFile)(implicit ctx: Context) extends CharArrayReader with TokenData {
val buf = source.content
- var keepComments = false
- /** All comments in the reverse order of their position in the source.
- * set only when `keepComments` is true.
- */
- var revComments: List[Comment] = Nil
+ // Errors -----------------------------------------------------------------
/** the last error offset
- */
+ */
var errOffset: Offset = NoOffset
- /** A buffer for comments */
- val commentBuf = new StringBuilder
+ /** Generate an error at the given offset */
+ def error(msg: String, off: Offset = offset) = {
+ ctx.error(msg, source atPos Position(off))
+ token = ERROR
+ errOffset = off
+ }
+ /** signal an error where the input ended in the middle of a token */
+ def incompleteInputError(msg: String): Unit = {
+ ctx.incompleteInputError(msg, source atPos Position(offset))
+ token = EOF
+ errOffset = offset
+ }
+ // Setting token data ----------------------------------------------------
/** A character buffer for literals
- */
+ */
val litBuf = new StringBuilder
/** append Unicode character to "litBuf" buffer
- */
+ */
protected def putChar(c: Char): Unit = litBuf.append(c)
+ /** Return buffer contents and clear */
+ def flushBuf(buf: StringBuilder): String = {
+ val str = buf.toString
+ buf.clear()
+ str
+ }
+ /** Clear buffer and set name and token */
+ def finishNamed(idtoken: Token = IDENTIFIER, target: TokenData = this): Unit = {
+ target.name = flushBuf(litBuf).toTermName
+ target.token = idtoken
+ if (idtoken == IDENTIFIER) {
+ val idx = target.name.start
+ target.token = toToken(idx)
+ }
+ }
+ def toToken(idx: Int): Token
/** Clear buffer and set string */
- private def setStrVal() =
+ def setStrVal() =
strVal = flushBuf(litBuf)
+ /** Convert current strVal to char value
+ */
+ def charVal: Char = if (strVal.length > 0) strVal.charAt(0) else 0
+ /** Convert current strVal, base to long value
+ * This is tricky because of max negative value.
+ */
+ def intVal(negated: Boolean): Long = {
+ if (token == CHARLIT && !negated) {
+ charVal
+ } else {
+ var value: Long = 0
+ val divider = if (base == 10) 1 else 2
+ val limit: Long =
+ if (token == LONGLIT) Long.MaxValue else Int.MaxValue
+ var i = 0
+ val len = strVal.length
+ while (i < len) {
+ val d = digit2int(strVal charAt i, base)
+ if (d < 0) {
+ error("malformed integer number")
+ return 0
+ }
+ if (value < 0 ||
+ limit / (base / divider) < value ||
+ limit - (d / divider) < value * (base / divider) &&
+ !(negated && limit == value * base - 1 + d)) {
+ error("integer number too large")
+ return 0
+ }
+ value = value * base + d
+ i += 1
+ }
+ if (negated) -value else value
+ }
+ }
+ def intVal: Long = intVal(false)
+ /** Convert current strVal, base to double value
+ */
+ def floatVal(negated: Boolean): Double = {
+ val limit: Double =
+ if (token == DOUBLELIT) Double.MaxValue else Float.MaxValue
+ try {
+ val value: Double = java.lang.Double.valueOf(strVal).doubleValue()
+ if (value > limit)
+ error("floating point number too large")
+ if (negated) -value else value
+ } catch {
+ case _: NumberFormatException =>
+ error("malformed floating point number")
+ 0.0
+ }
+ }
+ def floatVal: Double = floatVal(false)
+ }
+ class Scanner(source: SourceFile, override val startFrom: Offset = 0)(implicit ctx: Context) extends ScannerCommon(source)(ctx) {
+ var keepComments = false
+ /** All comments in the reverse order of their position in the source.
+ * set only when `keepComments` is true.
+ */
+ var revComments: List[Comment] = Nil
+ /** A buffer for comments */
+ val commentBuf = new StringBuilder
+ def toToken(idx: Int): Token =
+ if (idx >= 0 && idx <= lastKeywordStart) kwArray(idx) else IDENTIFIER
private class TokenData0 extends TokenData
/** we need one token lookahead and one token history
@@ -818,84 +918,6 @@ object Scanners {
strVal = name.toString
-// Setting token data ----------------------------------------------------
- /** Clear buffer and set name and token */
- def finishNamed(idtoken: Token = IDENTIFIER, target: TokenData = this): Unit = {
- target.name = flushBuf(litBuf).toTermName
- target.token = idtoken
- if (idtoken == IDENTIFIER) {
- val idx = target.name.start
- if (idx >= 0 && idx <= lastKeywordStart) target.token = kwArray(idx)
- }
- }
- /** Return buffer contents and clear */
- def flushBuf(buf: StringBuilder): String = {
- val str = buf.toString
- buf.clear()
- str
- }
- /** Convert current strVal to char value
- */
- def charVal: Char = if (strVal.length > 0) strVal.charAt(0) else 0
- /** Convert current strVal, base to long value
- * This is tricky because of max negative value.
- */
- def intVal(negated: Boolean): Long = {
- if (token == CHARLIT && !negated) {
- charVal
- } else {
- var value: Long = 0
- val divider = if (base == 10) 1 else 2
- val limit: Long =
- if (token == LONGLIT) Long.MaxValue else Int.MaxValue
- var i = 0
- val len = strVal.length
- while (i < len) {
- val d = digit2int(strVal charAt i, base)
- if (d < 0) {
- error("malformed integer number")
- return 0
- }
- if (value < 0 ||
- limit / (base / divider) < value ||
- limit - (d / divider) < value * (base / divider) &&
- !(negated && limit == value * base - 1 + d)) {
- error("integer number too large")
- return 0
- }
- value = value * base + d
- i += 1
- }
- if (negated) -value else value
- }
- }
- def intVal: Long = intVal(false)
- /** Convert current strVal, base to double value
- */
- def floatVal(negated: Boolean): Double = {
- val limit: Double =
- if (token == DOUBLELIT) Double.MaxValue else Float.MaxValue
- try {
- val value: Double = java.lang.Double.valueOf(strVal).doubleValue()
- if (value > limit)
- error("floating point number too large")
- if (negated) -value else value
- } catch {
- case _: NumberFormatException =>
- error("malformed floating point number")
- 0.0
- }
- }
- def floatVal: Double = floatVal(false)
override def toString =
showTokenDetailed(token) + {
if ((identifierTokens contains token) || (literalTokens contains token)) " " + name
@@ -930,22 +952,6 @@ object Scanners {
-// Errors -----------------------------------------------------------------
- /** Generate an error at the given offset */
- def error(msg: String, off: Offset = offset) = {
- ctx.error(msg, source atPos Position(off))
- token = ERROR
- errOffset = off
- }
- /** signal an error where the input ended in the middle of a token */
- def incompleteInputError(msg: String): Unit = {
- ctx.incompleteInputError(msg, source atPos Position(offset))
- token = EOF
- errOffset = offset
- }
/* Initialization: read first char, then first token */
@@ -953,14 +959,5 @@ object Scanners {
// ------------- keyword configuration -----------------------------------
- private def start(tok: Token) = tokenString(tok).toTermName.start
- private def sourceKeywords = keywords.toList.filterNot(kw => tokenString(kw) contains ' ')
- private val lastKeywordStart = sourceKeywords.map(start).max
- private val kwArray: Array[Token] = {
- val arr = Array.fill(lastKeywordStart + 1)(IDENTIFIER)
- for (kw <- sourceKeywords) arr(start(kw)) = kw
- arr
- }
+ val (lastKeywordStart, kwArray) = buildKeywordArray(keywords)
diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Tokens.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Tokens.scala
index 09124d0d1..226a3710d 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Tokens.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/parsing/Tokens.scala
@@ -3,11 +3,10 @@ package dotc
package parsing
import collection.immutable.BitSet
+import core.Decorators._
-object Tokens {
- final val minToken = EMPTY
- final val maxToken = XMLSTART
+abstract class TokensCommon {
+ val maxToken: Int
type Token = Int
type TokenSet = BitSet
@@ -24,6 +23,7 @@ object Tokens {
val tokenString, debugString = new Array[String](maxToken + 1)
def enter(token: Int, str: String, debugStr: String = ""): Unit = {
+ assert(tokenString(token) == null)
tokenString(token) = str
debugString(token) = if (debugStr.isEmpty) str else debugStr
@@ -41,17 +41,12 @@ object Tokens {
final val DOUBLELIT = 7; enter(DOUBLELIT, "double literal")
final val STRINGLIT = 8; enter(STRINGLIT, "string literal")
final val STRINGPART = 9; enter(STRINGPART, "string literal", "string literal part")
- final val INTERPOLATIONID = 10; enter(INTERPOLATIONID, "string interpolator")
- final val SYMBOLLIT = 11; enter(SYMBOLLIT, "symbol literal") // TODO: deprecate
+ //final val INTERPOLATIONID = 10; enter(INTERPOLATIONID, "string interpolator")
+ //final val SYMBOLLIT = 11; enter(SYMBOLLIT, "symbol literal") // TODO: deprecate
/** identifiers */
final val IDENTIFIER = 12; enter(IDENTIFIER, "identifier")
- final val BACKQUOTED_IDENT = 13; enter(BACKQUOTED_IDENT, "identifier", "backquoted ident")
- final val identifierTokens = BitSet(IDENTIFIER, BACKQUOTED_IDENT)
- def isIdentifier(token : Int) =
- token >= IDENTIFIER && token <= BACKQUOTED_IDENT
+ //final val BACKQUOTED_IDENT = 13; enter(BACKQUOTED_IDENT, "identifier", "backquoted ident")
/** alphabetic keywords */
final val IF = 20; enter(IF, "if")
@@ -60,67 +55,63 @@ object Tokens {
final val THIS = 23; enter(THIS, "this")
final val NULL = 24; enter(NULL, "null")
final val NEW = 25; enter(NEW, "new")
- final val WITH = 26; enter(WITH, "with")
+ //final val WITH = 26; enter(WITH, "with")
final val SUPER = 27; enter(SUPER, "super")
- final val CASE = 28; enter(CASE, "case")
- final val CASECLASS = 29; enter(CASECLASS, "case class")
- final val CASEOBJECT = 30; enter(CASEOBJECT, "case object")
- final val VAL = 31; enter(VAL, "val")
+ //final val CASE = 28; enter(CASE, "case")
+ //final val CASECLASS = 29; enter(CASECLASS, "case class")
+ //final val CASEOBJECT = 30; enter(CASEOBJECT, "case object")
+ //final val VAL = 31; enter(VAL, "val")
final val ABSTRACT = 32; enter(ABSTRACT, "abstract")
final val FINAL = 33; enter(FINAL, "final")
final val PRIVATE = 34; enter(PRIVATE, "private")
final val PROTECTED = 35; enter(PROTECTED, "protected")
final val OVERRIDE = 36; enter(OVERRIDE, "override")
- final val IMPLICIT = 37; enter(IMPLICIT, "implicit")
- final val VAR = 38; enter(VAR, "var")
- final val DEF = 39; enter(DEF, "def")
- final val TYPE = 40; enter(TYPE, "type")
+ //final val IMPLICIT = 37; enter(IMPLICIT, "implicit")
+ //final val VAR = 38; enter(VAR, "var")
+ //final val DEF = 39; enter(DEF, "def")
+ //final val TYPE = 40; enter(TYPE, "type")
final val EXTENDS = 41; enter(EXTENDS, "extends")
final val TRUE = 42; enter(TRUE, "true")
final val FALSE = 43; enter(FALSE, "false")
- final val OBJECT = 44; enter(OBJECT, "object")
+ //final val OBJECT = 44; enter(OBJECT, "object")
final val CLASS = 45; enter(CLASS, "class")
final val IMPORT = 46; enter(IMPORT, "import")
final val PACKAGE = 47; enter(PACKAGE, "package")
- final val YIELD = 48; enter(YIELD, "yield")
+ //final val YIELD = 48; enter(YIELD, "yield")
final val DO = 49; enter(DO, "do")
- final val TRAIT = 50; enter(TRAIT, "trait")
- final val SEALED = 51; enter(SEALED, "sealed")
+ //final val TRAIT = 50; enter(TRAIT, "trait")
+ //final val SEALED = 51; enter(SEALED, "sealed")
final val THROW = 52; enter(THROW, "throw")
final val TRY = 53; enter(TRY, "try")
final val CATCH = 54; enter(CATCH, "catch")
final val FINALLY = 55; enter(FINALLY, "finally")
final val WHILE = 56; enter(WHILE, "while")
final val RETURN = 57; enter(RETURN, "return")
- final val MATCH = 58; enter(MATCH, "match")
- final val LAZY = 59; enter(LAZY, "lazy")
- final val THEN = 60; enter(THEN, "then")
- final val FORSOME = 61; enter(FORSOME, "forSome") // TODO: deprecate
- final val alphaKeywords = tokenRange(IF, FORSOME)
+ //final val MATCH = 58; enter(MATCH, "match")
+ //final val LAZY = 59; enter(LAZY, "lazy")
+ //final val THEN = 60; enter(THEN, "then")
+ //final val FORSOME = 61; enter(FORSOME, "forSome") // TODO: deprecate
/** special symbols */
final val COMMA = 70; enter(COMMA, "','")
final val SEMI = 71; enter(DOT, "'.'")
final val DOT = 72; enter(SEMI, "';'")
- final val NEWLINE = 78; enter(NEWLINE, "end of statement", "new line")
- final val NEWLINES = 79; enter(NEWLINES, "end of statement", "new lines")
+ //final val NEWLINE = 78; enter(NEWLINE, "end of statement", "new line")
+ //final val NEWLINES = 79; enter(NEWLINES, "end of statement", "new lines")
/** special keywords */
- final val USCORE = 73; enter(USCORE, "_")
+ //final val USCORE = 73; enter(USCORE, "_")
final val COLON = 74; enter(COLON, ":")
final val EQUALS = 75; enter(EQUALS, "=")
- final val LARROW = 76; enter(LARROW, "<-")
- final val ARROW = 77; enter(ARROW, "=>")
- final val SUBTYPE = 80; enter(SUBTYPE, "<:")
- final val SUPERTYPE = 81; enter(SUPERTYPE, ">:")
- final val HASH = 82; enter(HASH, "#")
+ //final val LARROW = 76; enter(LARROW, "<-")
+ //final val ARROW = 77; enter(ARROW, "=>")
+ //final val SUBTYPE = 80; enter(SUBTYPE, "<:")
+ //final val SUPERTYPE = 81; enter(SUPERTYPE, ">:")
+ //final val HASH = 82; enter(HASH, "#")
final val AT = 83; enter(AT, "@")
- final val VIEWBOUND = 84; enter(VIEWBOUND, "<%") // TODO: deprecate
+ //final val VIEWBOUND = 84; enter(VIEWBOUND, "<%") // TODO: deprecate
- final val symbolicKeywords = tokenRange(USCORE, VIEWBOUND)
- final val symbolicTokens = tokenRange(COMMA, VIEWBOUND)
- final val keywords = alphaKeywords | symbolicKeywords
+ val keywords: TokenSet
/** parentheses */
final val LPAREN = 90; enter(LPAREN, "'('")
@@ -133,9 +124,75 @@ object Tokens {
final val firstParen = LPAREN
final val lastParen = RBRACE
+ def buildKeywordArray(keywords: TokenSet) = {
+ def start(tok: Token) = tokenString(tok).toTermName.start
+ def sourceKeywords = keywords.toList.filter { (kw: Token) =>
+ val ts = tokenString(kw)
+ (ts != null) && !ts.contains(' ')
+ }
+ val lastKeywordStart = sourceKeywords.map(start).max
+ val arr = Array.fill(lastKeywordStart + 1)(IDENTIFIER)
+ for (kw <- sourceKeywords) arr(start(kw)) = kw
+ (lastKeywordStart, arr)
+ }
+object Tokens extends TokensCommon {
+ final val minToken = EMPTY
+ final val maxToken = XMLSTART
+ final val INTERPOLATIONID = 10; enter(INTERPOLATIONID, "string interpolator")
+ final val SYMBOLLIT = 11; enter(SYMBOLLIT, "symbol literal") // TODO: deprecate
+ final val BACKQUOTED_IDENT = 13; enter(BACKQUOTED_IDENT, "identifier", "backquoted ident")
+ final val identifierTokens = BitSet(IDENTIFIER, BACKQUOTED_IDENT)
+ def isIdentifier(token : Int) =
+ token >= IDENTIFIER && token <= BACKQUOTED_IDENT
+ /** alphabetic keywords */
+ final val WITH = 26; enter(WITH, "with")
+ final val CASE = 28; enter(CASE, "case")
+ final val CASECLASS = 29; enter(CASECLASS, "case class")
+ final val CASEOBJECT = 30; enter(CASEOBJECT, "case object")
+ final val VAL = 31; enter(VAL, "val")
+ final val IMPLICIT = 37; enter(IMPLICIT, "implicit")
+ final val VAR = 38; enter(VAR, "var")
+ final val DEF = 39; enter(DEF, "def")
+ final val TYPE = 40; enter(TYPE, "type")
+ final val OBJECT = 44; enter(OBJECT, "object")
+ final val YIELD = 48; enter(YIELD, "yield")
+ final val TRAIT = 50; enter(TRAIT, "trait")
+ final val SEALED = 51; enter(SEALED, "sealed")
+ final val MATCH = 58; enter(MATCH, "match")
+ final val LAZY = 59; enter(LAZY, "lazy")
+ final val THEN = 60; enter(THEN, "then")
+ final val FORSOME = 61; enter(FORSOME, "forSome") // TODO: deprecate
+ /** special symbols */
+ final val NEWLINE = 78; enter(NEWLINE, "end of statement", "new line")
+ final val NEWLINES = 79; enter(NEWLINES, "end of statement", "new lines")
+ /** special keywords */
+ final val USCORE = 73; enter(USCORE, "_")
+ final val LARROW = 76; enter(LARROW, "<-")
+ final val ARROW = 77; enter(ARROW, "=>")
+ final val SUBTYPE = 80; enter(SUBTYPE, "<:")
+ final val SUPERTYPE = 81; enter(SUPERTYPE, ">:")
+ final val HASH = 82; enter(HASH, "#")
+ final val VIEWBOUND = 84; enter(VIEWBOUND, "<%") // TODO: deprecate
/** XML mode */
final val XMLSTART = 96; enter(XMLSTART, "$XMLSTART$<") // TODO: deprecate
+ final val alphaKeywords = tokenRange(IF, FORSOME)
+ final val symbolicKeywords = tokenRange(USCORE, VIEWBOUND)
+ final val symbolicTokens = tokenRange(COMMA, VIEWBOUND)
+ final val keywords = alphaKeywords | symbolicKeywords
final val allTokens = tokenRange(minToken, maxToken)
final val literalTokens = tokenRange(CHARLIT, SYMBOLLIT) | BitSet(TRUE, FALSE, NULL)