path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c265a7a4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/repl/ammonite/filters/UndoFilter.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package repl
+package ammonite
+package terminal
+package filters
+import terminal.FilterTools._
+import terminal.LazyList.~:
+import terminal._
+import scala.collection.mutable
+ * A filter that implements "undo" functionality in the ammonite REPL. It
+ * shares the same `Ctrl -` hotkey that the bash undo, but shares behavior
+ * with the undo behavior in desktop text editors:
+ *
+ * - Multiple `delete`s in a row get collapsed
+ * - In addition to edits you can undo cursor movements: undo will bring your
+ * cursor back to location of previous edits before it undoes them
+ * - Provides "redo" functionality under `Alt -`/`Esc -`: un-undo the things
+ * you didn't actually want to undo!
+ *
+ * @param maxUndo: the maximum number of undo-frames that are stored.
+ */
+case class UndoFilter(maxUndo: Int = 25) extends DelegateFilter {
+ def identifier = "UndoFilter"
+ /**
+ * The current stack of states that undo/redo would cycle through.
+ *
+ * Not really the appropriate data structure, since when it reaches
+ * `maxUndo` in length we remove one element from the start whenever we
+ * append one element to the end, which costs `O(n)`. On the other hand,
+ * It also costs `O(n)` to maintain the buffer of previous states, and
+ * so `n` is probably going to be pretty small anyway (tens?) so `O(n)`
+ * is perfectly fine.
+ */
+ val undoBuffer = mutable.Buffer[(Vector[Char], Int)](Vector[Char]() -> 0)
+ /**
+ * The current position in the undoStack that the terminal is currently in.
+ */
+ var undoIndex = 0
+ /**
+ * An enum representing what the user is "currently" doing. Used to
+ * collapse sequential actions into one undo step: e.g. 10 plai
+ * chars typed becomes 1 undo step, or 10 chars deleted becomes one undo
+ * step, but 4 chars typed followed by 3 chars deleted followed by 3 chars
+ * typed gets grouped into 3 different undo steps
+ */
+ var state = UndoState.Default
+ def currentUndo = undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - undoIndex - 1)
+ def undo(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val msg =
+ if (undoIndex >= undoBuffer.length - 1) UndoFilter.cannotUndoMsg
+ else {
+ undoIndex += 1
+ state = UndoState.Default
+ UndoFilter.undoMsg
+ }
+ val (b1, c1) = currentUndo
+ (b1, c1, msg)
+ }
+ def redo(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val msg =
+ if (undoIndex <= 0) UndoFilter.cannotRedoMsg
+ else {
+ undoIndex -= 1
+ state = UndoState.Default
+ UndoFilter.redoMsg
+ }
+ currentUndo
+ val (b1, c1) = currentUndo
+ (b1, c1, msg)
+ }
+ def wrap(bc: (Vector[Char], Int, Ansi.Str), rest: LazyList[Int]) = {
+ val (b, c, msg) = bc
+ TS(rest, b, c, msg)
+ }
+ def pushUndos(b: Vector[Char], c: Int) = {
+ val (lastB, lastC) = currentUndo
+ // Since we don't have access to the `typingFilter` in this code, we
+ // instead attempt to reverse-engineer "what happened" to the buffer by
+ // comparing the old one with the new.
+ //
+ // It turns out that it's not that hard to identify the few cases we care
+ // about, since they're all result in either 0 or 1 chars being different
+ // between old and new buffers.
+ val newState =
+ // Nothing changed means nothing changed
+ if (lastC == c && lastB == b) state
+ // if cursor advanced 1, and buffer grew by 1 at the cursor, we're typing
+ else if (lastC + 1 == c && lastB == b.patch(c-1, Nil, 1)) UndoState.Typing
+ // cursor moved left 1, and buffer lost 1 char at that point, we're deleting
+ else if (lastC - 1 == c && lastB.patch(c, Nil, 1) == b) UndoState.Deleting
+ // cursor didn't move, and buffer lost 1 char at that point, we're also deleting
+ else if (lastC == c && lastB.patch(c - 1, Nil, 1) == b) UndoState.Deleting
+ // cursor moved around but buffer didn't change, we're navigating
+ else if (lastC != c && lastB == b) UndoState.Navigating
+ // otherwise, sit in the "Default" state where every change is recorded.
+ else UndoState.Default
+ if (state != newState || newState == UndoState.Default && (lastB, lastC) != (b, c)) {
+ // If something changes: either we enter a new `UndoState`, or we're in
+ // the `Default` undo state and the terminal buffer/cursor change, then
+ // truncate the `undoStack` and add a new tuple to the stack that we can
+ // build upon. This means that we lose all ability to re-do actions after
+ // someone starts making edits, which is consistent with most other
+ // editors
+ state = newState
+ undoBuffer.remove(undoBuffer.length - undoIndex, undoIndex)
+ undoIndex = 0
+ if (undoBuffer.length == maxUndo) undoBuffer.remove(0)
+ undoBuffer.append(b -> c)
+ } else if (undoIndex == 0 && (b, c) != undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - 1)) {
+ undoBuffer(undoBuffer.length - 1) = (b, c)
+ }
+ state = newState
+ }
+ def filter = Filter.merge(
+ Filter.wrap("undoFilterWrapped") {
+ case TS(q ~: rest, b, c, _) =>
+ pushUndos(b, c)
+ None
+ },
+ Filter("undoFilter") {
+ case TS(31 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(undo(b, c), rest)
+ case TS(27 ~: 114 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(undo(b, c), rest)
+ case TS(27 ~: 45 ~: rest, b, c, _) => wrap(redo(b, c), rest)
+ }
+ )
+sealed class UndoState(override val toString: String)
+object UndoState {
+ val Default = new UndoState("Default")
+ val Typing = new UndoState("Typing")
+ val Deleting = new UndoState("Deleting")
+ val Navigating = new UndoState("Navigating")
+object UndoFilter {
+ val undoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...undoing last action, `Alt -` or `Esc -` to redo")
+ val cannotUndoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...no more actions to undo")
+ val redoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...redoing last action")
+ val cannotRedoMsg = Ansi.Color.Blue(" ...no more actions to redo")