path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Nullarify.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Nullarify.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Nullarify.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ca41c07f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/transform/Nullarify.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
+package dotty.tools.dotc
+package transform
+import TreeTransforms._
+import core.DenotTransformers._
+import core.Symbols._
+import core.Contexts._
+import core.Types._
+import core.Flags._
+import core.Decorators._
+import core.StdNames.nme
+import ast.Trees._
+/** This phase eliminates ExprTypes `=> T` and PolyTypes over value types `[X]T`.
+ * They are expressed in terms of nullary method or function types. More precisely:
+ *
+ * For types:
+ *
+ * => T ==> () => T if T is the type of a parameter
+ * ==> ()T otherwise
+ * [X]T ==> [X]()T
+ *
+ * For definitions:
+ *
+ * def f: R ==> def f(): R
+ * def f[X]: R ==> def f[X](): R
+ * (x: => T) ==> (x: () => T)
+ *
+ * For terms:
+ *
+ * f ==> f() if f had type => T and is not a parameter
+ * x ==> x.apply() if x is a parameter that had type => T
+ * e.apply() ==> e if e.apply() is an argument to a call-by-name parameter
+ * expr ==> () => expr if other expr is an argument to a call-by-name parameter
+ *
+ */
+class Nullarify extends TreeTransform with InfoTransformer {
+ import ast.tpd._
+ override def name: String = "nullarify"
+ override def runsAfterGroupsOf: Set[String] = Set("splitter")
+ // assumes idents and selects have symbols; interferes with splitter distribution
+ // that's why it's "after group".
+ override def transformApply(tree: Apply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree =
+ ctx.traceIndented(s"transforming ${tree.show} at phase ${ctx.phase}", show = true) {
+ def transformArg(arg: Tree, formal: Type): Tree = formal match {
+ case _: ExprType =>
+ arg match {
+ case Apply(Select(qual, nme.apply), Nil) => qual
+ case _ =>
+ val meth = ctx.newSymbol(ctx.owner, nme.ANON_FUN, Synthetic,
+ MethodType(Nil, Nil, arg.tpe.widen))
+ Closure(meth, _ => arg)
+ }
+ case _ =>
+ arg
+ }
+ // Compute the method type tree had before this phase is run.
+ // This is needed to find out which parameters are by-name.
+ val funType = tree.fun.symbol.info match {
+ case info: PolyType => info.resultType
+ case info => info
+ }
+ def methType(info: Type, tree: Tree): Type = tree match {
+ case Apply(fn, args) => methType(info.resultType, fn)
+ case _ => info
+ }
+ val MethodType(_, formals) = methType(funType, tree.fun)
+ val args1 = tree.args.zipWithConserve(formals)(transformArg)
+ cpy.Apply(tree, tree.fun, args1) withType nullarify(tree.tpe)
+ }
+ /** Insert () or .apply() if the term refers to something that was converted to a
+ * nullary method. Also, transform its type.
+ */
+ def insertParens(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree = {
+ val tp1 = transformInfo(tree.tpe, tree.symbol)
+ val tree1 = tree.withType(tp1)
+ val origType = tree.tpe.widenSingleton
+ def result(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ tp1.widen match {
+ case MethodType(Nil, _) if origType.widenExpr.isInstanceOf[ValueType] =>
+ Apply(tree1, Nil)
+ case _ =>
+ origType match {
+ case _: ExprType => // it's a by-name parameter
+ Apply(Select(tree1, defn.Function0_apply), Nil)
+ case _ =>
+ tree1
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result(ctx.withPhase(ctx.phase.next))
+ }
+ override def transformIdent(tree: Ident)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree =
+ insertParens(tree)
+ override def transformSelect(tree: Select)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree =
+ insertParens(tree)
+ override def transformTypeApply(tree: TypeApply)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree =
+ insertParens(tree)
+ override def transformDefDef(tree: DefDef)(implicit ctx: Context, info: TransformerInfo): Tree = {
+ val DefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) = tree
+ val vparamss1 =
+ if (vparamss.isEmpty) Nil :: Nil
+ else vparamss nestedMap { vparam =>
+ val tp = vparam.tpt.tpe
+ val tp1 = nullarifyParam(tp)
+ if (tp eq tp1) vparam
+ else cpy.ValDef(vparam, vparam.mods, vparam.name, vparam.tpt.withType(tp1), vparam.rhs)
+ }
+ cpy.DefDef(tree, mods, name, tparams, vparamss1, tpt, rhs)
+ }
+ def nullarify(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = tp match {
+ case ExprType(rt) =>
+ MethodType(Nil, Nil, rt)
+ case pt: PolyType =>
+ val rt = pt.resultType match {
+ case mt: MethodType => nullarify(mt)
+ case rt => MethodType(Nil, Nil, rt)
+ }
+ pt.derivedPolyType(pt.paramNames, pt.paramBounds, rt)
+ case mt: MethodType =>
+ mt.derivedMethodType(mt.paramNames, mt.paramTypes mapConserve nullarifyParam,
+ nullarify(mt.resultType))
+ case _ =>
+ tp
+ }
+ def nullarifyParam(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = tp match {
+ case ExprType(rt) => defn.FunctionType(Nil, rt)
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ def transformInfo(tp: Type, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context): Type =
+ if (defn.typeTestsOrCasts contains sym) tp
+ else if (sym is Param) nullarifyParam(tp)
+ else nullarify(tp)
+} \ No newline at end of file