path: root/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala
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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala
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+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/typer/TypeAssigner.scala
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+package dotty.tools
+package dotc
+package typer
+import core._
+import ast._
+import Scopes._, Contexts._, Constants._, Types._, Symbols._, Names._, Flags._, Decorators._
+import ErrorReporting._, Annotations._, Denotations._, SymDenotations._, StdNames._
+import util.Positions._
+import config.Printers._
+trait TypeAssigner {
+ import tpd._
+ /** The enclosing class, except if we are in a super call, in which case
+ * it is the next outer one.
+ */
+ def effectiveEnclosingClass(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val enclClass = ctx.owner.enclosingClass
+ if ((ctx.mode is Mode.InSuperCall) && enclClass.exists) enclClass.owner.enclosingClass
+ else enclClass
+ }
+ /** The qualifying class of a this or super with prefix `qual` (which might be empty).
+ * @param packageOk The qualifier may refer to a package.
+ */
+ def qualifyingClass(tree: untpd.Tree, qual: Name, packageOK: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context): Symbol = {
+ effectiveEnclosingClass.ownersIterator.find(o => qual.isEmpty || o.isClass && o.name == qual) match {
+ case Some(c) if packageOK || !(c is Package) =>
+ c
+ case _ =>
+ ctx.error(
+ if (qual.isEmpty) tree.show + " can be used only in a class, object, or template"
+ else qual.show + " is not an enclosing class", tree.pos)
+ NoSymbol
+ }
+ }
+ def avoid(tp: Type, syms: => List[Symbol])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val widenMap = new TypeMap {
+ lazy val forbidden = syms.toSet
+ def toAvoid(tp: Type): Boolean = tp match {
+ case tp: TermRef =>
+ val sym = tp.symbol
+ sym.exists && (
+ sym.owner.isTerm && (forbidden contains sym)
+ || !(sym.owner is Package) && toAvoid(tp.prefix)
+ )
+ case _ =>
+ false
+ }
+ def apply(tp: Type) = tp match {
+ case tp: TermRef if toAvoid(tp) && variance > 0 =>
+ apply(tp.info)
+ case tp: TypeRef if toAvoid(tp.prefix) =>
+ tp.info match {
+ case TypeAlias(ref) => apply(ref)
+ case _ => mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ case tp: RefinedType =>
+ val tp1 @ RefinedType(parent1, _) = mapOver(tp)
+ if (tp1.refinedInfo existsPart toAvoid) {
+ typr.println(s"dropping refinement from $tp1")
+ parent1
+ }
+ else tp1
+ case _ =>
+ mapOver(tp)
+ }
+ }
+ widenMap(tp)
+ }
+ def localSyms(stats: List[tpd.Tree])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Symbol] =
+ for (stat <- stats if stat.isDef) yield stat.symbol
+ def seqToRepeated(tree: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Tree =
+ Typed(tree, TypeTree(tree.tpe.widen.translateParameterized(defn.SeqClass, defn.RepeatedParamClass)))
+ /** A denotation exists really if it exists and does not point to a stale symbol. */
+ final def reallyExists(denot: Denotation)(implicit ctx: Context): Boolean = try
+ denot match {
+ case denot: SymDenotation =>
+ denot.exists && {
+ denot.ensureCompleted
+ !denot.isAbsent
+ }
+ case denot: SingleDenotation =>
+ val sym = denot.symbol
+ (sym eq NoSymbol) || reallyExists(sym.denot)
+ case _ =>
+ true
+ }
+ catch {
+ case ex: StaleSymbol => false
+ }
+ /** If `tpe` is a named type, check that its denotation is accessible in the
+ * current context. Return the type with those alternatives as denotations
+ * which are accessible.
+ */
+ def ensureAccessible(tpe: Type, superAccess: Boolean, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ def test(tpe: Type, firstTry: Boolean): Type = tpe match {
+ case tpe: NamedType =>
+ val pre = tpe.prefix
+ val name = tpe.name
+ val d = tpe.denot.accessibleFrom(pre, superAccess)
+ if (!d.exists) {
+ // it could be that we found an inaccessbile private member, but there is
+ // an inherited non-private member with the same name and signature.
+ val d2 = pre.nonPrivateMember(name)
+ if (reallyExists(d2) && firstTry) test(pre.select(name, d2), false)
+ else {
+ val alts = tpe.denot.alternatives.map(_.symbol).filter(_.exists)
+ val what = alts match {
+ case Nil =>
+ name.toString
+ case sym :: Nil =>
+ if (sym.owner == pre.typeSymbol) sym.show else sym.showLocated
+ case _ =>
+ i"none of the overloaded alternatives named $name"
+ }
+ val where = if (ctx.owner.exists) s" from ${ctx.owner.enclosingClass}" else ""
+ val whyNot = new StringBuffer
+ alts foreach (_.isAccessibleFrom(pre, superAccess, whyNot))
+ if (!tpe.isError)
+ ctx.error(i"$what cannot be accessed as a member of $pre$where.$whyNot", pos)
+ ErrorType
+ }
+ } else if (d.symbol is TypeParamAccessor) // always dereference type param accessors
+ ensureAccessible(d.info.bounds.hi, superAccess, pos)
+ else
+ tpe withDenot d
+ case _ =>
+ tpe
+ }
+ test(tpe, true)
+ }
+ /** The type of a selection with `name` of a tree with type `site`.
+ */
+ def selectionType(site: Type, name: Name, pos: Position)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val mbr = site.member(name)
+ if (reallyExists(mbr)) site.select(name, mbr)
+ else {
+ if (!site.isErroneous) {
+ ctx.error(
+ if (name == nme.CONSTRUCTOR) i"$site does not have a constructor"
+ else i"$name is not a member of $site", pos)
+ }
+ ErrorType
+ }
+ }
+ /** The selection type, which is additionally checked for accessibility.
+ */
+ def accessibleSelectionType(tree: untpd.RefTree, qual1: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val ownType = selectionType(qual1.tpe.widenIfUnstable, tree.name, tree.pos)
+ ensureAccessible(ownType, qual1.isInstanceOf[Super], tree.pos)
+ }
+ /** Type assignment method. Each method takes as parameters
+ * - an untpd.Tree to which it assigns a type,
+ * - typed child trees it needs to access to cpmpute that type,
+ * - any further information it needs to access to compute that type.
+ */
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Ident, rawType: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ tree.withType(if (tree.isType) rawType else rawType.underlyingIfRepeated)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Select, qual: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ tree.withType(accessibleSelectionType(tree, qual))
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.SelectFromTypeTree, qual: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ tree.withType(accessibleSelectionType(tree, qual))
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.New, tpt: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(tpt.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Literal)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType {
+ tree.const.tag match {
+ case UnitTag => defn.UnitType
+ case NullTag => defn.NullType
+ case _ => ConstantType(tree.const)
+ }
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.This)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val cls = qualifyingClass(tree, tree.qual, packageOK = false)
+ tree.withType(cls.thisType)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Super, qual: Tree, inConstrCall: Boolean)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val mix = tree.mix
+ val cls = qual.tpe.widen.typeSymbol
+ def findMixinSuper(site: Type): Type = site.parents filter (_.name == mix) match {
+ case p :: Nil =>
+ p
+ case Nil =>
+ errorType(i"$mix does not name a parent class of $cls", tree.pos)
+ case p :: q :: _ =>
+ errorType(s"ambiguous parent class qualifier", tree.pos)
+ }
+ val owntype =
+ if (!mix.isEmpty) findMixinSuper(cls.info)
+ else if (inConstrCall) cls.info.firstParent
+ else cls.info.parents.reduceLeft((x: Type, y: Type) => AndType(x, y))
+ tree.withType(SuperType(cls.thisType, owntype))
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Apply, fn: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val ownType = fn.tpe.widen match {
+ case fntpe @ MethodType(_, ptypes) =>
+ if (sameLength(ptypes, args)) fntpe.instantiate(args.tpes)
+ else errorType(s"wrong number of type parameters for ${fn.tpe}; expected: ${ptypes.length}", tree.pos)
+ case t =>
+ errorType(s"${err.exprStr(fn)} does not take type parameters", tree.pos)
+ }
+ tree.withType(ownType)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.TypeApply, fn: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val ownType = fn.tpe.widen match {
+ case pt: PolyType =>
+ val argTypes = args.tpes
+ if (sameLength(argTypes, pt.paramNames)) pt.instantiate(args.tpes)
+ else errorType(i"wrong number of type parameters for ${fn.tpe}; expected: ${pt.paramNames.length}", tree.pos)
+ case _ =>
+ errorType(s"${err.exprStr(fn)} does not take type parameters", tree.pos)
+ }
+ tree.withType(ownType)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Pair, left: Tree, right: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(defn.PairType.appliedTo(left.tpe :: right.tpe :: Nil))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Typed, tpt: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(tpt.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.NamedArg, arg: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(arg.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Assign)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(defn.UnitType)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Block, stats: List[Tree], expr: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(avoid(expr.tpe, localSyms(stats)))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.If, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(thenp.tpe | elsep.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Closure, meth: Tree, target: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(if (target.isEmpty) meth.tpe.widen.toFunctionType else target.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.CaseDef, body: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(body.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Match, cases: List[CaseDef])(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(ctx.typeComparer.lub(cases.tpes))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Return)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(defn.NothingType)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Try, expr: Tree, handler: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val handlerTypeArgs = handler.tpe.baseArgTypesHi(defn.FunctionClass(1))
+ tree.withType(if (handlerTypeArgs.nonEmpty) expr.tpe | handlerTypeArgs(1) else expr.tpe)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Throw)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(defn.NothingType)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.SeqLiteral, elems: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(defn.SeqType.appliedTo(ctx.typeComparer.lub(elems.tpes)))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.SingletonTypeTree, ref: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(ref.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.AndTypeTree, left: Tree, right: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(left.tpe & right.tpe)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.OrTypeTree, left: Tree, right: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(left.tpe | right.tpe)
+ // RefinedTypeTree is missing, handled specially in Typer and Unpickler.
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.AppliedTypeTree, tycon: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ val tparams = tycon.tpe.typeParams
+ val ownType =
+ if (sameLength(tparams, args)) tycon.tpe.appliedTo(args.tpes)
+ else errorType(i"wrong number of type arguments for ${tycon.tpe}, should be ${tparams.length}", tree.pos)
+ tree.withType(ownType)
+ }
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.ByNameTypeTree, result: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(ExprType(result.tpe))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.TypeBoundsTree, lo: Tree, hi: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(TypeBounds(lo.tpe, hi.tpe))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Bind, sym: TermSymbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(TermRef(NoPrefix, sym))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Alternative, trees: List[Tree])(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(ctx.typeComparer.lub(trees.tpes))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.UnApply, proto: Type)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(proto)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.ValDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(if (sym.exists) sym.valRef else NoType)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.DefDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(sym.termRefWithSig)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.TypeDef, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(sym.typeRef)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Import, sym: Symbol)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(sym.termRef)
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.Annotated, annot: Tree, arg: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(AnnotatedType(Annotation(annot), arg.tpe))
+ def assignType(tree: untpd.PackageDef, pid: Tree)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ tree.withType(pid.symbol.valRef)
+object TypeAssigner extends TypeAssigner