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diff --git a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala
index 8417620f1..3ce1c1cc4 100644
--- a/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala
+++ b/src/dotty/tools/dotc/core/TypeApplications.scala
@@ -36,6 +36,140 @@ object TypeApplications {
case tp: TypeBounds => tp.hi
case _ => tp
+ /** Extractor for
+ *
+ * [v1 X1: B1, ..., vn Xn: Bn] -> T
+ * ==>
+ * Lambda$_v1...vn { type $hk_i: B_i, type $Apply = [X_i := this.$Arg_i] T }
+ */
+ object TypeLambda {
+ def apply(variances: List[Int],
+ argBoundss: List[TypeBounds],
+ bodyFn: RefinedType => Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ def argRefinements(parent: Type, i: Int, bs: List[TypeBounds]): Type = bs match {
+ case b :: bs1 =>
+ argRefinements(RefinedType(parent, tpnme.hkArg(i), b), i + 1, bs1)
+ case nil =>
+ parent
+ }
+ RefinedType(
+ argRefinements(defn.LambdaTrait(variances).typeRef, 0, argBoundss),
+ tpnme.hkApply, rt => bodyFn(rt).bounds)
+ }
+ def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(List[Int], List[TypeBounds], Type)] = tp match {
+ case app @ RefinedType(prefix, tpnme.hkApply) =>
+ val cls = prefix.classSymbol
+ val variances = cls.typeParams.map(_.variance)
+ val argBounds = prefix.argInfos.map(_.bounds)
+ Some((variances, argBounds, app.refinedInfo))
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) =>
+ unapply(hi)
+ case _ =>
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ /** Extractor for
+ *
+ * [v1 X1: B1, ..., vn Xn: Bn] -> C[X1, ..., Xn]
+ *
+ * where v1, ..., vn and B1, ..., Bn are the variances and bounds of the type parameters
+ * of the class C.
+ *
+ * @param tycon C
+ */
+ object EtaExpansion {
+ def apply(tycon: TypeRef)(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ assert(tycon.isEtaExpandable)
+ val tparams = tycon.typeParams
+ val variances = tycon.typeParams.map(_.variance)
+ TypeLambda(tparams.map(_.variance), tycon.paramBounds,
+ rt => tycon.appliedTo(tparams.map(RefinedThis(rt).select(_))))
+ }
+ def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[TypeRef] = {
+ def argsAreForwarders(args: List[Type], n: Int): Boolean = args match {
+ case TypeRef(RefinedThis(rt), sel) :: args1 =>
+ rt.eq(tp) && sel == tpnme.hkArg(n) && argsAreForwarders(args1, n - 1)
+ case nil =>
+ n == 0
+ }
+ tp match {
+ case TypeLambda(_, argBounds, AppliedType(fn: TypeRef, args))
+ if argsAreForwarders(args, tp.typeParams.length - 1) => Some(fn)
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Extractor for type application T[U_1, ..., U_n]. This is the refined type
+ *
+ * T { type p_1 v_1= U_1; ...; type p_n v_n= U_n }
+ *
+ * where v_i, p_i are the variances and names of the type parameters of T,
+ * If `T`'s class symbol is a lambda trait, follow the refined type with a
+ * projection
+ *
+ * T { ... } # $Apply
+ */
+ object AppliedType {
+ def apply(tp: Type, args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ def matchParams(tp: Type, tparams: List[TypeSymbol], args: List[Type]): Type = args match {
+ case arg :: args1 =>
+ try {
+ val tparam :: tparams1 = tparams
+ matchParams(RefinedType(tp, tparam.name, arg.toBounds(tparam)), tparams1, args1)
+ } catch {
+ case ex: MatchError =>
+ println(s"applied type mismatch: $tp $args, typeParams = ${tp.typeSymbol.typeParams}") // !!! DEBUG
+ println(s"precomplete decls = ${tp.typeSymbol.unforcedDecls.toList.map(_.denot).mkString("\n ")}")
+ throw ex
+ }
+ case nil => tp
+ }
+ assert(args.nonEmpty)
+ val cls = tp.classSymbol
+ val refined = matchParams(tp, cls.typeParams, args)
+ if (cls.isLambdaTrait) TypeRef(refined, tpnme.hkApply) else refined
+ }
+ def unapply(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = tp match {
+ case TypeRef(prefix, tpnme.hkApply) => unapp(prefix)
+ case _ => unapp(tp)
+ }
+ private def unapp(tp: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Option[(Type, List[Type])] = tp match {
+ case _: RefinedType =>
+ val tparams = tp.typeSymbol.typeParams
+ if (tparams.isEmpty) None
+ else {
+ val argBuf = new mutable.ListBuffer[Type]
+ def stripArgs(tp: Type, n: Int): Type =
+ if (n == 0) tp
+ else tp match {
+ case tp @ RefinedType(parent, pname) if pname == tparams(n - 1).name =>
+ val res = stripArgs(parent, n - 1)
+ if (res.exists) argBuf += tp.refinedInfo.argInfo
+ res
+ case _ =>
+ NoType
+ }
+ val res = stripArgs(tp, tparams.length)
+ if (res.exists) Some((res, argBuf.toList)) else None
+ }
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ /** Adapt all arguments to possible higher-kinded type parameters using adaptIfHK
+ */
+ def adaptArgs(tparams: List[Symbol], args: List[Type])(implicit ctx: Context): List[Type] =
+ args.zipWithConserve(tparams)((arg, tparam) => arg.adaptIfHK(tparam.infoOrCompleter))
+ def argRefs(rt: RefinedType, n: Int)(implicit ctx: Context) =
+ List.range(0, n).map(i => RefinedThis(rt).select(tpnme.hkArg(i)))
import TypeApplications._
@@ -88,6 +222,77 @@ class TypeApplications(val self: Type) extends AnyVal {
* Third, it won't return abstract higher-kinded type parameters, i.e. the type parameters of
* an abstract type are always empty.
+ final def hkTypeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = self match {
+ case TypeLambda(_, _, body) => self.typeSymbol.typeParams.head :: body.hkTypeParams
+ case TypeBounds(lo, hi) => hi.hkTypeParams
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ final def paramBounds(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeBounds] =
+ typeParams.map(self.memberInfo(_).bounds)
+ def LambdaTrait(implicit ctx: Context) = {
+ def skipArgs(tp: Type): Type = tp match {
+ case RefinedType(parent, pname) if pname.isHkArgName => skipArgs(parent)
+ case _ => tp
+ }
+ self.stripTypeVar match {
+ case RefinedType(parent, tpnme.hkApply) => skipArgs(parent).stripTypeVar match {
+ case ref @ TypeRef(_, lam) if lam.isLambdaTraitName => ref.symbol
+ case _ => NoSymbol
+ }
+ case _ => NoSymbol
+ }
+ }
+ def isEtaExpandable(implicit ctx: Context) = self match {
+ case self: TypeRef => self.symbol.isClass && !self.name.isLambdaTraitName
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ /** Adapt argument A to type parameter P in the case P is higher-kinded.
+ * This means:
+ * (1) Make sure that A is a type lambda, if necessary by eta-expanding it.
+ * (2) Make sure the variances of the type lambda
+ * agrees with variances of corresponding higherkinded type parameters. Example:
+ *
+ * class Companion[+CC[X]]
+ * Companion[List]
+ *
+ * with adaptArgs, this will expand to
+ *
+ * Companion[[X] => List[X]]
+ *
+ * instead of
+ *
+ * Companion[[+X] => List[X]]
+ *
+ * even though `List` is covariant. This adaptation is necessary to ignore conflicting
+ * variances in overriding members that have types of hk-type parameters such as `Companion[GenTraversable]`
+ * or `Companion[ListBuffer]`. Without the adaptation we would end up with
+ *
+ * Companion[[+X] => GenTraversable[X]]
+ * Companion[[X] => List[X]]
+ *
+ * and the second is not a subtype of the first. So if we have overridding memebrs of the two
+ * types we get an error.
+ */
+ def adaptIfHK(bound: Type)(implicit ctx: Context): Type = {
+ val boundLambda = bound.LambdaTrait
+ val hkParams = boundLambda.typeParams
+ if (hkParams.isEmpty) self
+ else self match {
+ case self: TypeRef if self.symbol.isClass && self.typeParams.length == hkParams.length =>
+ EtaExpansion(self).adaptIfHK(bound)
+ case arg: TypeRef
+ if arg.symbol.isLambdaTrait &&
+ !arg.symbol.typeParams.corresponds(boundLambda.typeParams)(_.variance == _.variance) =>
+ arg.prefix.select(boundLambda)
+ case _ =>
+ self
+ }
+ }
final def rawTypeParams(implicit ctx: Context): List[TypeSymbol] = {
self match {
case self: ClassInfo =>