path: root/tests/disabled/long-running
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/disabled/long-running')
8 files changed, 541 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.check b/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.check
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..36c954be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.check
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+testing small Map that doesn't promote to HashMap...
+testing single-threaded HashMap use...
+testing HashMap.size from multiple threads...
+testing small Set that doesn't promote to HashSet...
+testing single-threaded HashSet use...
+testing HashSet.size from multiple threads...
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80105f72b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t2417.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// #2417
+object Test {
+ def parallel(numThreads: Int)(block: => Unit): Unit = {
+ var failure: Throwable = null
+ val threads = Array.tabulate(numThreads)(i => new Thread {
+ override def run: Unit = {
+ try {
+ block
+ } catch {
+ case x: Throwable => failure = x
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ for (t <- threads) t.start
+ for (t <- threads) t.join
+ if (failure != null) println("FAILURE: " + failure)
+ }
+ def testSet(initialSize: Int, numThreads: Int, passes: Int): Unit = {
+ val orig = Set.empty ++ (1 to initialSize)
+ parallel(numThreads) {
+ for (pass <- 0 until passes) {
+ var s = orig
+ for (e <- (initialSize to 1 by -1)) {
+ s -= e
+ val obs = s.size
+ if (obs != e - 1) {
+ throw new Exception("removed e=" + e + ", size was " + obs + ", s=" + s)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def testMap(initialSize: Int, numThreads: Int, passes: Int): Unit = {
+ val orig = Map.empty ++ ((1 to initialSize) map ((_,"v")))
+ parallel(numThreads) {
+ for (pass <- 0 until passes) {
+ var m = orig
+ for (e <- (initialSize to 1 by -1)) {
+ m -= e
+ val obs = m.size
+ if (obs != e - 1) {
+ throw new Exception("removed e=" + e + ", size was " + obs + ", m=" + m)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ println("testing small Map that doesn't promote to HashMap...")
+ testMap(4, 2, 1000000)
+ println()
+ println("testing single-threaded HashMap use...")
+ testMap(5, 1, 1000000)
+ println()
+ println("testing HashMap.size from multiple threads...")
+ testMap(5, 2, 1000000)
+ println()
+ println("testing small Set that doesn't promote to HashSet...")
+ testSet(4, 2, 1000000)
+ println()
+ println("testing single-threaded HashSet use...")
+ testSet(5, 1, 1000000)
+ println()
+ println("testing HashSet.size from multiple threads...")
+ testSet(5, 2, 1000000)
+ println()
+ }
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t3242.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t3242.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a8ecd7a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t3242.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import scala.language.{ higherKinds }
+object Test {
+ def benchmarkA(num: Int): Unit = {
+ type A = Int
+ def updateM[M[_]](ms: M[A], update: (M[A], A)=>M[A]): M[A] = {
+ var is = ms
+ for (i <- 0 until num) is = update(is, i)
+ is
+ }
+ //
+ def vectorAppend: Vector[A] = updateM[Vector](Vector(), (as, a)=>{
+ val v = (as :+ a)
+ //println("==>append: i: "+i1+", v: "+v)
+ v
+ })
+ // this will crash, Vector bug!
+ def vectorRemove(vec: Vector[A]): Vector[A] = updateM[Vector](vec, (as, a)=>{
+ val v = (as filterNot{ _ == a})
+ //val v = (is filter{ _ != i})
+ //println("==>remove: i: "+a)
+ v
+ })
+ val ct = vectorAppend
+ println(" append [num: "+num+"] vec")
+ vectorRemove(ct)
+ println(" remove [num: "+num+"] vec")
+ } // BenchmarkA
+ def comparison(num: Int): Unit = {
+ for (i <- 1 until 5) benchmarkA(num*i)
+ println(">> comparison done, num: "+num);
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ try {
+ //createBenchmarkA(23).testRun
+ comparison(200) // OK
+ comparison(2000) // this will crach
+ } catch {
+ case e: Exception => e.printStackTrace()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t4459.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t4459.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea3b7420b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t4459.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+import collection._
+object Test {
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ for (i <- 0 until 2000) {
+ foo((0 until 10000).toSeq.par)
+ }
+ }
+ def foo(arg: GenSeq[_]): String = arg.map(x => x).mkString(",")
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253a.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253a.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c2db1f5af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253a.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
+object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp {
+ var hashCount = 0
+ /**
+ * A key that produces lots of hash collisions, to exercise the part of the code that deals with those
+ */
+ case class Collision(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ // we do not check hash counts for Collision keys because ListSet.++ uses a mutable hashset internally,
+ // so when we have hash collisions, union will call key.hashCode.
+ // hashCount += 1
+ value / 5
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A key that is identical to int other than that it counts hashCode invocations
+ */
+ case class HashCounter(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ hashCount += 1
+ value
+ }
+ }
+ def testUnion[T](sizes: Seq[Int], offsets: Seq[Double], keyType: String, mkKey: Int => T): Unit = {
+ for {
+ i <- sizes
+ o <- offsets
+ } {
+ val e = HashSet.empty[T]
+ val j = (i * o).toInt
+ // create two sets of size i with overlap o
+ val a = e ++ (0 until i).map(mkKey)
+ require(a.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val b = e ++ (j until (i + j)).map(mkKey)
+ require(b.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val as = e ++ (0 until j).map(mkKey)
+ require(as.size == j, s"Building HashSet of size $j failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val hashCount0 = hashCount
+ val u = a union b
+ require(hashCount == hashCount0, s"key.hashCode should not be called, but has been called ${hashCount - hashCount0} times. Key type $keyType.")
+ require(u == (a union scala.collection.mutable.HashSet(b.toSeq: _*)), s"Operation must still work for other sets!")
+ require(u.size == i + j, s"Expected size ${i+j}. Real size ${u.size}. Key type $keyType.")
+ for (x <- 0 until i + j)
+ require(u.contains(mkKey(x)), s"Key type $keyType. Set (0 until ${i + j}) should contain $x but does not.")
+ val a_as = a union as
+ val as_a = as union a
+ require((a_as eq a) || (a_as eq as), s"No structural sharing in a union as. Key type $keyType, a=(0 until $i) as=(0 until $j)")
+ require((as_a eq a) || (as_a eq as), s"No structural sharing in as union a. Key type $keyType, a=(0 until $i) as=(0 until $j)")
+ }
+ }
+ val sizes = Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
+ val offsets = Seq(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)
+ testUnion(sizes, offsets, "int", identity[Int])
+ testUnion(sizes, offsets, "hashcounter", HashCounter.apply)
+ testUnion(sizes, offsets, "collision", Collision.apply)
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253b.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253b.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c049aea7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253b.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
+object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp {
+ var hashCount = 0
+ /**
+ * A key that produces lots of hash collisions, to exercise the part of the code that deals with those
+ */
+ case class Collision(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ hashCount += 1
+ value / 5
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A key that is identical to int other than that it counts hashCode invocations
+ */
+ case class HashCounter(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ hashCount += 1
+ value
+ }
+ }
+ def testIntersect[T](sizes: Seq[Int], offsets: Seq[Double], keyType: String, mkKey: Int => T): Unit = {
+ for {
+ i <- sizes
+ o <- offsets
+ } {
+ val e = HashSet.empty[T]
+ val j = (i * o).toInt
+ // create two sets of size i with overlap o
+ val a = e ++ (0 until i).map(mkKey)
+ require(a.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val b = e ++ (j until (i + j)).map(mkKey)
+ require(b.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val as = e ++ (0 until j).map(mkKey)
+ require(as.size == j, s"Building HashSet of size $j failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val hashCount0 = hashCount
+ val u = a intersect b
+ require(hashCount == hashCount0, s"key.hashCode should not be called, but has been called ${hashCount - hashCount0} times. Key type $keyType.")
+ require(u == (a intersect scala.collection.mutable.HashSet(b.toSeq: _*)), s"Operation must still work for other sets!")
+ require(u.size == i - j, s"Expected size ${i + j}. Real size ${u.size}. Key type $keyType.")
+ for (x <- j until i)
+ require(u.contains(mkKey(x)), s"Key type $keyType. Set (0 until ${i + j}) should contain $x but does not.")
+ val a_as = a intersect as
+ val as_a = as intersect a
+ require((a_as eq as) || (a_as eq a), s"No structural sharing in a intersect as. Key type $keyType, a=(0 until $i) as=(0 until $j)")
+ require((as_a eq as) || (as_a eq a), s"No structural sharing in as intersect a. Key type $keyType, a=(0 until $i) as=(0 until $j)")
+ }
+ }
+ val sizes = Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
+ val offsets = Seq(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)
+ testIntersect(sizes, offsets, "int", identity[Int])
+ testIntersect(sizes, offsets, "hashcounter", HashCounter.apply)
+ testIntersect(sizes, offsets, "collision", Collision.apply)
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253c.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253c.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..39c3a5b17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/t6253c.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import scala.collection.immutable.HashSet
+object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp {
+ var hashCount = 0
+ /**
+ * A key that produces lots of hash collisions, to exercise the part of the code that deals with those
+ */
+ case class Collision(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ hashCount += 1
+ value / 5
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * A key that is identical to int other than that it counts hashCode invocations
+ */
+ case class HashCounter(value: Int) {
+ override def hashCode = {
+ hashCount += 1
+ value
+ }
+ }
+ def testDiff[T](sizes: Seq[Int], offsets: Seq[Double], keyType: String, mkKey: Int => T): Unit = {
+ for {
+ i <- sizes
+ o <- offsets
+ } {
+ val e = HashSet.empty[T]
+ val j = (i * o).toInt
+ // create two sets of size i with overlap o
+ val a = e ++ (0 until i).map(mkKey)
+ require(a.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val b = e ++ (j until (i + j)).map(mkKey)
+ require(b.size == i, s"Building HashSet of size $i failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val as = e ++ (0 until j).map(mkKey)
+ require(as.size == j, s"Building HashSet of size $j failed. Key type $keyType.")
+ val hashCount0 = hashCount
+ val u = a diff b
+ require(hashCount == hashCount0, s"key.hashCode should not be called, but has been called ${hashCount - hashCount0} times. Key type $keyType.")
+ require(u == (a diff scala.collection.mutable.HashSet(b.toSeq: _*)), s"Operation must still work for other sets!")
+ require(u.size == j, s"Expected size $j. Real size ${u.size}. Key type $keyType.")
+ for (x <- 0 until j)
+ require(u.contains(mkKey(x)), s"Key type $keyType. Set (0 until ${i + j}) should contain $x but does not.")
+ require((as intersect b).isEmpty)
+ val b_as = b diff as
+ val as_b = as diff b
+ require((b_as eq b) || (b_as eq as), s"No structural sharing in b diff as. Key type $keyType, b=($j until ${i + j}) as=(0 until $j)")
+ require((as_b eq b) || (as_b eq as), s"No structural sharing in as diff b. Key type $keyType, b=($j until ${i + j}) as=(0 until $j)")
+ }
+ }
+ val sizes = Seq(1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000)
+ val offsets = Seq(0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0)
+ testDiff(sizes, offsets, "int", identity[Int])
+ testDiff(sizes, offsets, "hashCounter", HashCounter.apply)
+ testDiff(sizes, offsets, "collision", Collision.apply)
diff --git a/tests/disabled/long-running/vector1.scala b/tests/disabled/long-running/vector1.scala
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d53618396
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/disabled/long-running/vector1.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+// testing the impl from the scala library
+//package test5
+import scala.collection._
+import scala.collection.immutable._
+import scala.collection.generic._
+import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
+object Test {
+ def vector(label: String, n: Int): Vector[String] = {
+ val a = new VectorBuilder[String]
+ for (i <- 0 until n)
+ a += (label + i)
+ val res = a.result
+ assertVector(res, label, 0, n)
+ }
+ def vectorForward(label: String, n: Int): Vector[String] = {
+ var a: Vector[String] = Vector.empty
+ for (i <- 0 until n)
+ a = a :+ (label + i)
+ assertVector(a, label, 0, n)
+ }
+ def vectorBackward(label: String, n: Int): Vector[String] = {
+ var a: Vector[String] = Vector.empty
+ for (i <- 0 until n)
+ a = (label + (n-1-i)) +: a
+ assertVector(a, label, 0, n)
+ }
+ def assertVector[V](a: Vector[V], label: String, start: Int, end: Int) = {
+ assertVectorIndexed(a, label, start, end)
+ assertVectorIterated(a, label, start, end)
+ }
+ def assertVectorIndexed[V](a: Vector[V], label: String, start: Int, end: Int) = {
+ val res = a
+ assert(res.length == (end-start), res.length+"!="+(end-start)+" ("+res+")")
+ for (i <- start until end) {
+ assert(res(i) == (label + i), ""+res(i)+"!="+(label + i))
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ def assertVectorIterated[V](a: Vector[V], label: String, start: Int, end: Int) = {
+ val res = a
+ assert(res.length == (end-start), res.length+"!="+(end-start)+" ("+res+")")
+ var i = start
+ var it = res.iterator
+ while(it.hasNext) {
+ val x = it.next()
+ assert(x == (label + i), x.toString+"!="+(label + i))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ assert(i == end)
+ res
+ }
+ def test1() = {
+ println("===== test1 =====")
+ val N = 150000
+ val a = vector("a", N)
+ val b = vectorForward("b", N)
+ val c = vectorBackward("b", N)
+ ()
+// //println(a)
+ }
+ def test2() = {
+ println("===== test2 =====")
+ var a: Vector[String] = Vector.empty
+ val rand = new java.util.Random
+ val N = 150000
+ var min = N/2//rand.nextInt(N)
+ var max = min
+ val chunkLimit = 11
+ def nextChunkSize = 3 //rand.nextInt(chunkLimit)
+ def seqBack() = for (i <- 0 until Math.min(nextChunkSize, N-max)) { a = a :+ ("a"+max); max += 1 }
+ def seqFront() = for (i <- 0 until Math.min(nextChunkSize, min)) { min -= 1; a = ("a"+min) +: a }
+ try {
+ while (min > 0 || max < N) {
+ seqFront()
+ seqBack()
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case ex: Throwable =>
+ //println("----------------")
+ //a.debug
+ throw ex
+ }
+ assertVector(a, "a", 0, N)
+ }
+ def test3() = {
+ println("===== test3 =====")
+ val N = 150000
+ val a = vector("a", N)
+ val pos = scala.util.Random.shuffle(scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray.make[Int](Array.tabulate[Int](N)(i => i)))
+ var b = a
+ {
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < N) {
+ b = b.updated(pos(i), "b"+(pos(i)))
+ i += 1
+ }
+ assertVector(b, "b", 0, N)
+ }
+// //println(a)
+ }
+ def test4() = {
+ println("===== test4 =====")
+ val N = 150000
+ val a = vectorForward("a", N)
+ {
+ var i = 0
+ var it = a
+ while (i < N) {
+ assert(it.length == (N-i), it.length+" items at iteration "+i)
+ val x = it(0)
+ val y = it(N-i-1)
+ assert(x == "a"+i, x+"!=a"+i)
+ assert(y == "a"+(N-1), y+"!=a"+(N-1))
+ it = it.drop(1)
+ i += 1
+ }
+ assert(it.length == 0)
+ }
+// //println(a)
+ }
+ def test5() = {
+ println("===== test5 =====")
+ val N = 150000
+ val a = vectorBackward("a", N)
+ {
+ var i = 0
+ var it = a
+ while (i < N) {
+ assert(it.length == (N-i), it.length+" items at iteration "+i)
+ val x = it(0)
+ val y = it(N-i-1)
+// println("x " + x + "/" + i)
+// println("y " + y)
+ assert(x == "a0", x+"!=a0")
+ assert(y == "a"+(N-i-1), y+"!=a"+(N-i-1))
+ it = it.dropRight(1)
+ i += 1
+ }
+ assert(it.length == 0)
+ }
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]) = {
+ test1()
+ test2()
+ test3()
+ test4()
+ test5()
+ println("done")
+ }