path: root/tests/pending/run/reflection-magicsymbols-invoke.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/tests/pending/run/reflection-magicsymbols-invoke.scala b/tests/pending/run/reflection-magicsymbols-invoke.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bbcf8f524..000000000
--- a/tests/pending/run/reflection-magicsymbols-invoke.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.definitions._
-import scala.reflect.runtime.{currentMirror => cm}
-package scala {
- object ExceptionUtils {
- def unwrapThrowable(ex: Throwable): Throwable = scala.reflect.runtime.ReflectionUtils.unwrapThrowable(ex)
- }
-object Test extends dotty.runtime.LegacyApp {
- def key(sym: Symbol) = sym + ": " + sym.info
- def test(tpe: Type, receiver: Any, method: String, args: Any*): Unit = {
- def wrap[T](op: => T) =
- try {
- var result = op.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- if (scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.isArray(result))
- result = scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.toObjectArray(result).toList
- println(result)
- } catch {
- case ex: Throwable =>
- val realex = scala.ExceptionUtils.unwrapThrowable(ex)
- println(realex.getClass + ": " + realex.getMessage)
- }
- print(s"testing ${tpe.typeSymbol.name}.$method: ")
- wrap({
- if (method == termNames.CONSTRUCTOR.toString) {
- val ctor = tpe.decl(termNames.CONSTRUCTOR).asMethod
- cm.reflectClass(ctor.owner.asClass).reflectConstructor(ctor)(args: _*)
- } else {
- val meth = tpe.decl(TermName(method).encodedName.toTermName).asMethod
- cm.reflect(receiver).reflectMethod(meth)(args: _*)
- }
- })
- }
- println("============\nAny")
- println("it's important to print the list of Any's members")
- println("if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test")
- typeOf[Any].members.toList.sortBy(key).foreach(sym => println(key(sym)))
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "!=", "2")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "##")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "==", "2")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "asInstanceOf")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "asInstanceOf", typeOf[String])
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "equals", "2")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "getClass")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "hashCode")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "isInstanceOf")
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "isInstanceOf", typeOf[String])
- test(typeOf[Any], "2", "toString")
- println("============\nAnyVal")
- println("it's important to print the list of AnyVal's members")
- println("if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test")
- typeOf[AnyVal].decls.toList.sortBy(key).foreach(sym => println(key(sym)))
- test(typeOf[AnyVal], null, termNames.CONSTRUCTOR.toString)
- test(typeOf[AnyVal], 2, "getClass")
- println("============\nAnyRef")
- println("it's important to print the list of AnyRef's members")
- println("if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test")
- typeOf[AnyRef].members.toList.sortBy(key).foreach(sym => println(key(sym)))
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "!=", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "##")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "$asInstanceOf")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "$asInstanceOf", typeOf[String])
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "$isInstanceOf")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "$isInstanceOf", typeOf[String])
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "==", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "clone")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "eq", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "equals", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "finalize")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "getClass")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "hashCode")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "ne", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "notify")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "notifyAll")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "synchronized", "2")
- test(typeOf[AnyRef], "2", "toString")
- println("TODO: also test AnyRef.wait overloads")
- println("============\nArray")
- println("it's important to print the list of Array's members")
- println("if some of them change (possibly, adding and/or removing magic symbols), we must update this test")
- ArrayClass.info.members.toList.sortBy(key).foreach(sym => println(key(sym)))
- test(ArrayClass.info, Array(1, 2), "length")
- test(ArrayClass.info, Array(1, 2), "apply", 0)
- test(ArrayClass.info, Array(1, 2), "update", 0, 0)
- test(ArrayClass.info, Array(1, 2), "clone")
- println("============\nOther")
- test(typeOf[String], "2", "+", 3)
- println("============\nCTM")
- test(PredefModule.moduleClass.info, Predef, "classOf")
- test(PredefModule.moduleClass.info, Predef, "classOf", typeOf[String])
- test(typeOf[scala.reflect.api.Universe], scala.reflect.runtime.universe, "reify", "2")