path: root/tests/pending/run/reify-each-node-type.scala
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 110 deletions
diff --git a/tests/pending/run/reify-each-node-type.scala b/tests/pending/run/reify-each-node-type.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 43d32e59d..000000000
--- a/tests/pending/run/reify-each-node-type.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-import scala.language.{ existentials, postfixOps }
-import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
-object r {
- class A
- class B
- class List[+A]
- object List { def apply[A](xs: A*): List[A] = new List[A] }
- object Nil extends List[Nothing]
- trait OuterP[A] {
- trait Inner
- trait InnerP[B]
- }
- trait Outer {
- trait Inner
- trait InnerP[B]
- }
- object Un { def unapply(x: Any) = Some(5) }
- object UnSeq { def unapplySeq(x: Any) = Some(Seq(5)) }
- class C[T]
- class D
- trait E
- trait SN {
- def q: Any = null
- }
-object s {
- import r._
- trait NN extends SN {
- def act[T](expr: Expr[T]): Unit
- act(reify { s /* Ident */ })
- act(reify { r.List /* Select */ })
- act(reify { List() /* Apply */ })
- act(reify { List(1) /* Literal */ })
- act(reify { List[Int]() /* TypeApply */ })
- act(reify { 1: Int /* Typed */ })
- act(reify { null: List[Int] /* AppliedTypeTree */ })
- act(reify { () ; () /* Block */ })
- act(reify { val x: Int = 0 /* ValDef */ })
- act(reify { val x = 0 /* TypeTree */ })
- act(reify { if (true) () /* If */ })
- act(reify { def f: Unit = { } /* DefDef */ })
- act(reify { def m = super.q /* Super */ })
- act(reify { trait A /* ClassDef Template */ })
- act(reify { def f(x: Any): Unit = { } /* EmptyTree */ })
- act(reify { null: D with E /* CompoundTypeTree */ })
- act(reify { type T = Int /* TypeDef */ })
- act(reify { type CC[T <: D] = C[T] /* TypeBoundsTree */ })
- act(reify { try 0 finally println("") /* Try */ })
- act(reify { (x: Int) => x /* Function */ })
- act(reify { var v = 1 ; v = 2 /* Assign */ })
- act(reify { class A() { def this(x: A) = this() } /* This */ })
- act(reify { new List[Int] /* New */ })
- act(reify { 0: @unchecked /* Annotated */ })
- act(reify { null: Outer#Inner /* SelectFromTypeTree */ })
- act(reify { null: Nil.type /* SingletonTypeTree */ })
- act(reify { null: (T forSome { type T }) /* ExistentialTypeTree */ })
- act(reify { import r.{ A, B => C }; /* Import */ })
- act(reify { def f: Int = return 0 /* Return */ })
- act(reify { object x /* ModuleDef */ })
- act(reify { throw new java.lang.Exception /* Throw */ })
- act(reify { 0 match { case _ => 0 } /* Match CaseDef */ })
- act(reify { 0 match { case 1 | 2 => 0 } /* Alternative */ })
- act(reify { q match { case x @ List => 0 } /* Bind */ })
- act(reify { q match { case UnSeq(1, _*) => 0 } /* Star */ })
- // ``unexpected: bound type that doesn't have a tpe: Ident(newTypeName("Int"))''
- // act(reify { r.List[T forSome { type T <: Int }]() }) // Was crashing , no longer
- //
- // error: exception during macro expansion:
- // scala.MatchError: collection.this.Seq.unapplySeq[A] (of class scala.reflect.internal.Trees$TypeApply)
- // at scala.reflect.reify.phases.Reshape$$anon$1.extractExtractor$1(Reshape.scala:73)
- // at scala.reflect.reify.phases.Reshape$$anon$1.transform(Reshape.scala:82)
- // at scala.reflect.reify.phases.Reshape$$anon$1.transform(Reshape.scala:24)
- // at scala.reflect.internal.Trees$class.itransform(Trees.scala:1290)
- //
- // act(reify { r.List[Any]() match { case Seq(1, _*) => 1 } } )
- // act(reify { List[OuterP[Int]#InnerP[Byte]]() })
- //
- // SI-7243
- //
- // test/files/run/reify-each-node-type.scala:85: error: Cannot materialize r.List.apply[r.OuterP[Int]#InnerP[Byte]]() as { ... } because:
- // scala.reflect.macros.TypecheckException: value TypeTreeWithDeferredRefCheck is not a member of type parameter U
- // act(reify { List[OuterP[Int]#InnerP[Byte]]() })
- // ^
- // one error found
- }
-object Test {
- var idx = 0
- val seen = scala.collection.mutable.Set[String]()
- object N extends s.NN {
- def act[T](expr: Expr[T]): Unit = {
- idx += 1
- val ts = expr.tree filter (_ => true) map (_.getClass.getName split "[.$]" last) filterNot seen distinct;
- println("%2d %60s %s".format(idx, expr.tree.toString.replaceAll("""\s+""", " ").take(60), ts mkString " "))
- seen ++= ts
- }
- }
- def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = N