path: root/src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jakob@driver.xyz>2018-01-22 14:28:13 -0800
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@driver.xyz>2018-01-22 15:01:01 -0800
commitb9a1319214e8efdfe2af737236e7ce6d45f08fc2 (patch)
tree206e055f14291e09a65f794b675d82a67eb5fee5 /src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
parent199446c2f878992be2a21a00a9263b6330738151 (diff)
Include swagger UI in core
These changes centralize the location of the swagger UI web files. The git attributes instruct GitHub to treat the web files as vendored code, as to not be included in the project code statistics. See https://github.com/github/linguist for a more detailed explanation.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js b/src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3b69fd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main/resources/swagger-ui/lib/swagger-oauth.js
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+var appName;
+var popupMask;
+var popupDialog;
+var clientId;
+var realm;
+var oauth2KeyName;
+var redirect_uri;
+function handleLogin() {
+ var scopes = [];
+ var auths = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes || window.swaggerUi.api.securityDefinitions;
+ if(auths) {
+ var key;
+ var defs = auths;
+ for(key in defs) {
+ var auth = defs[key];
+ if(auth.type === 'oauth2' && auth.scopes) {
+ oauth2KeyName = key;
+ var scope;
+ if(Array.isArray(auth.scopes)) {
+ // 1.2 support
+ var i;
+ for(i = 0; i < auth.scopes.length; i++) {
+ scopes.push(auth.scopes[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // 2.0 support
+ for(scope in auth.scopes) {
+ scopes.push({scope: scope, description: auth.scopes[scope]});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(window.swaggerUi.api
+ && window.swaggerUi.api.info) {
+ appName = window.swaggerUi.api.info.title;
+ }
+ popupDialog = $(
+ [
+ '<div class="api-popup-dialog">',
+ '<div class="api-popup-title">Select OAuth2.0 Scopes</div>',
+ '<div class="api-popup-content">',
+ '<p>Scopes are used to grant an application different levels of access to data on behalf of the end user. Each API may declare one or more scopes.',
+ '<a href="#">Learn how to use</a>',
+ '</p>',
+ '<p><strong>' + appName + '</strong> API requires the following scopes. Select which ones you want to grant to Swagger UI.</p>',
+ '<ul class="api-popup-scopes">',
+ '</ul>',
+ '<p class="error-msg"></p>',
+ '<div class="api-popup-actions"><button class="api-popup-authbtn api-button green" type="button">Authorize</button><button class="api-popup-cancel api-button gray" type="button">Cancel</button></div>',
+ '</div>',
+ '</div>'].join(''));
+ $(document.body).append(popupDialog);
+ popup = popupDialog.find('ul.api-popup-scopes').empty();
+ for (i = 0; i < scopes.length; i ++) {
+ scope = scopes[i];
+ str = '<li><input type="checkbox" id="scope_' + i + '" scope="' + scope.scope + '"/>' + '<label for="scope_' + i + '">' + scope.scope;
+ if (scope.description) {
+ str += '<br/><span class="api-scope-desc">' + scope.description + '</span>';
+ }
+ str += '</label></li>';
+ popup.append(str);
+ }
+ var $win = $(window),
+ dw = $win.width(),
+ dh = $win.height(),
+ st = $win.scrollTop(),
+ dlgWd = popupDialog.outerWidth(),
+ dlgHt = popupDialog.outerHeight(),
+ top = (dh -dlgHt)/2 + st,
+ left = (dw - dlgWd)/2;
+ popupDialog.css({
+ top: (top < 0? 0 : top) + 'px',
+ left: (left < 0? 0 : left) + 'px'
+ });
+ popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-cancel').click(function() {
+ popupMask.hide();
+ popupDialog.hide();
+ popupDialog.empty();
+ popupDialog = [];
+ });
+ $('button.api-popup-authbtn').unbind();
+ popupDialog.find('button.api-popup-authbtn').click(function() {
+ popupMask.hide();
+ popupDialog.hide();
+ var authSchemes = window.swaggerUi.api.authSchemes;
+ var host = window.location;
+ var pathname = location.pathname.substring(0, location.pathname.lastIndexOf("/"));
+ var defaultRedirectUrl = host.protocol + '//' + host.host + pathname + '/o2c.html';
+ var redirectUrl = window.oAuthRedirectUrl || defaultRedirectUrl;
+ var url = null;
+ for (var key in authSchemes) {
+ if (authSchemes.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
+ var flow = authSchemes[key].flow;
+ if(authSchemes[key].type === 'oauth2' && flow && (flow === 'implicit' || flow === 'accessCode')) {
+ var dets = authSchemes[key];
+ url = dets.authorizationUrl + '?response_type=' + (flow === 'implicit' ? 'token' : 'code');
+ window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName || 'access_token';
+ window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl = (flow === 'accessCode' ? dets.tokenUrl : null);
+ }
+ else if(authSchemes[key].grantTypes) {
+ // 1.2 support
+ var o = authSchemes[key].grantTypes;
+ for(var t in o) {
+ if(o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'implicit') {
+ var dets = o[t];
+ var ep = dets.loginEndpoint.url;
+ url = dets.loginEndpoint.url + '?response_type=token';
+ window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
+ }
+ else if (o.hasOwnProperty(t) && t === 'accessCode') {
+ var dets = o[t];
+ var ep = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url;
+ url = dets.tokenRequestEndpoint.url + '?response_type=code';
+ window.swaggerUi.tokenName = dets.tokenName;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var scopes = []
+ var o = $('.api-popup-scopes').find('input:checked');
+ for(k =0; k < o.length; k++) {
+ var scope = $(o[k]).attr('scope');
+ if (scopes.indexOf(scope) === -1)
+ scopes.push(scope);
+ }
+ // Implicit auth recommends a state parameter.
+ var state = Math.random ();
+ window.enabledScopes=scopes;
+ redirect_uri = redirectUrl;
+ url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent(redirectUrl);
+ url += '&realm=' + encodeURIComponent(realm);
+ url += '&client_id=' + encodeURIComponent(clientId);
+ url += '&scope=' + encodeURIComponent(scopes.join(' '));
+ url += '&state=' + encodeURIComponent(state);
+ window.open(url);
+ });
+ popupMask.show();
+ popupDialog.show();
+ return;
+function handleLogout() {
+ for(key in window.authorizations.authz){
+ window.authorizations.remove(key)
+ }
+ window.enabledScopes = null;
+ $('.api-ic.ic-on').addClass('ic-off');
+ $('.api-ic.ic-on').removeClass('ic-on');
+ // set the info box
+ $('.api-ic.ic-warning').addClass('ic-error');
+ $('.api-ic.ic-warning').removeClass('ic-warning');
+function initOAuth(opts) {
+ var o = (opts||{});
+ var errors = [];
+ appName = (o.appName||errors.push('missing appName'));
+ popupMask = (o.popupMask||$('#api-common-mask'));
+ popupDialog = (o.popupDialog||$('.api-popup-dialog'));
+ clientId = (o.clientId||errors.push('missing client id'));
+ realm = (o.realm||errors.push('missing realm'));
+ if(errors.length > 0){
+ log('auth unable initialize oauth: ' + errors);
+ return;
+ }
+ $('pre code').each(function(i, e) {hljs.highlightBlock(e)});
+ $('.api-ic').unbind();
+ $('.api-ic').click(function(s) {
+ if($(s.target).hasClass('ic-off'))
+ handleLogin();
+ else {
+ handleLogout();
+ }
+ false;
+ });
+window.processOAuthCode = function processOAuthCode(data) {
+ var params = {
+ 'client_id': clientId,
+ 'code': data.code,
+ 'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
+ 'redirect_uri': redirect_uri
+ }
+ $.ajax(
+ {
+ url : window.swaggerUi.tokenUrl,
+ type: "POST",
+ data: params,
+ success:function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)
+ {
+ onOAuthComplete(data);
+ },
+ error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
+ {
+ onOAuthComplete("");
+ }
+ });
+window.onOAuthComplete = function onOAuthComplete(token) {
+ if(token) {
+ if(token.error) {
+ var checkbox = $('input[type=checkbox],.secured')
+ checkbox.each(function(pos){
+ checkbox[pos].checked = false;
+ });
+ alert(token.error);
+ }
+ else {
+ var b = token[window.swaggerUi.tokenName];
+ if(b){
+ // if all roles are satisfied
+ var o = null;
+ $.each($('.auth #api_information_panel'), function(k, v) {
+ var children = v;
+ if(children && children.childNodes) {
+ var requiredScopes = [];
+ $.each((children.childNodes), function (k1, v1){
+ var inner = v1.innerHTML;
+ if(inner)
+ requiredScopes.push(inner);
+ });
+ var diff = [];
+ for(var i=0; i < requiredScopes.length; i++) {
+ var s = requiredScopes[i];
+ if(window.enabledScopes && window.enabledScopes.indexOf(s) == -1) {
+ diff.push(s);
+ }
+ }
+ if(diff.length > 0){
+ o = v.parentNode;
+ $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-on').addClass('ic-off');
+ $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-on').removeClass('ic-on');
+ // sorry, not all scopes are satisfied
+ $(o).find('.api-ic').addClass('ic-warning');
+ $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-error');
+ }
+ else {
+ o = v.parentNode;
+ $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-off').addClass('ic-on');
+ $(o.parentNode).find('.api-ic.ic-off').removeClass('ic-off');
+ // all scopes are satisfied
+ $(o).find('.api-ic').addClass('ic-info');
+ $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-warning');
+ $(o).find('.api-ic').removeClass('ic-error');
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ window.swaggerUi.api.clientAuthorizations.add(oauth2KeyName, new SwaggerClient.ApiKeyAuthorization('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + b, 'header'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file