path: root/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala
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authorJakob Odersky <jakob@driver.xyz>2018-09-12 16:40:57 -0700
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@odersky.com>2018-10-09 16:19:39 -0700
commit4d1197099ce4e721c18bf4cacbb2e1980e4210b5 (patch)
tree1d3c2e482d5acf8ca613ba65fb5401c41ad686b5 /src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala
parent7c755c77afbd67ae2ded9d8b004736d4e27e208f (diff)
Move REST functionality to separate project
Diffstat (limited to 'src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 121 deletions
diff --git a/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala b/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cc0019a..0000000
--- a/src/test/scala/xyz/driver/core/rest/DriverRouteTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-package xyz.driver.core.rest
-import akka.http.scaladsl.marshallers.sprayjson.SprayJsonSupport
-import akka.http.scaladsl.model.StatusCodes
-import akka.http.scaladsl.model.headers.Connection
-import akka.http.scaladsl.server.Directives.{complete => akkaComplete}
-import akka.http.scaladsl.server.{Directives, RejectionHandler, Route}
-import akka.http.scaladsl.testkit.ScalatestRouteTest
-import com.typesafe.scalalogging.Logger
-import org.scalatest.{AsyncFlatSpec, Matchers}
-import xyz.driver.core.json.serviceExceptionFormat
-import xyz.driver.core.logging.NoLogger
-import xyz.driver.core.rest.errors._
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-class DriverRouteTest
- extends AsyncFlatSpec with ScalatestRouteTest with SprayJsonSupport with Matchers with Directives {
- class TestRoute(override val route: Route) extends DriverRoute {
- override def log: Logger = NoLogger
- }
- "DriverRoute" should "respond with 200 OK for a basic route" in {
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(StatusCodes.OK))
- Get("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 401 for an InvalidInputException" in {
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](InvalidInputException())))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.BadRequest
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe InvalidInputException()
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 403 for InvalidActionException" in {
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](InvalidActionException())))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.Forbidden
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe InvalidActionException()
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 404 for ResourceNotFoundException" in {
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](ResourceNotFoundException())))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.NotFound
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe ResourceNotFoundException()
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 500 for ExternalServiceException" in {
- val error = ExternalServiceException("GET /api/v1/users/", "Permission denied", None)
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](error)))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.InternalServerError
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe error
- }
- }
- it should "allow pass-through of external service exceptions" in {
- val innerError = InvalidInputException()
- val error = ExternalServiceException("GET /api/v1/users/", "Permission denied", Some(innerError))
- val future = Future.failed[String](error)
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(future.passThroughExternalServiceException))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.BadRequest
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe innerError
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 503 for ExternalServiceTimeoutException" in {
- val error = ExternalServiceTimeoutException("GET /api/v1/users/")
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](error)))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.GatewayTimeout
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe error
- }
- }
- it should "respond with a 500 for DatabaseException" in {
- val route = new TestRoute(akkaComplete(Future.failed[String](DatabaseException())))
- Post("/api/v1/foo/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- handled shouldBe true
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.InternalServerError
- responseAs[ServiceException] shouldBe DatabaseException()
- }
- }
- it should "add a `Connection: close` header to avoid clashing with envoy's timeouts" in {
- val rejectionHandler = RejectionHandler.newBuilder().handleNotFound(complete(StatusCodes.NotFound)).result()
- val route = new TestRoute(handleRejections(rejectionHandler)((get & path("foo"))(complete("OK"))))
- Get("/foo") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.OK
- headers should contain(Connection("close"))
- }
- Get("/bar") ~> route.routeWithDefaults ~> check {
- status shouldBe StatusCodes.NotFound
- headers should contain(Connection("close"))
- }
- }