path: root/examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 261 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala b/examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index bc7f8be..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/compiler/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/compiler/JSEncoding.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-/* Scala.js compiler
- * Copyright 2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Sébastien Doeraene
- */
-package scala.scalajs.compiler
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import ir.{Trees => js, Types => jstpe}
-import util.ScopedVar
-import ScopedVar.withScopedVars
-/** Encoding of symbol names for JavaScript
- *
- * Some issues that this encoding solves:
- * * Overloading: encode the full signature in the JS name
- * * Same scope for fields and methods of a class
- * * Global access to classes and modules (by their full name)
- *
- * @author Sébastien Doeraene
- */
-trait JSEncoding extends SubComponent { self: GenJSCode =>
- import global._
- import jsAddons._
- /** Outer separator string (between parameter types) */
- final val OuterSep = "__"
- /** Inner separator character (replace dots in full names) */
- final val InnerSep = "_"
- /** Name given to the local Scala.js environment variable */
- final val ScalaJSEnvironmentName = "ScalaJS"
- /** Name given to all exported stuff of a class for DCE */
- final val dceExportName = "<exported>"
- // Fresh local name generator ----------------------------------------------
- private val usedLocalNames = new ScopedVar[mutable.Set[String]]
- private val localSymbolNames = new ScopedVar[mutable.Map[Symbol, String]]
- private val isKeywordOrReserved =
- js.isKeyword ++ Seq("arguments", "eval", ScalaJSEnvironmentName)
- def withNewLocalNameScope[A](body: => A): A =
- withScopedVars(
- usedLocalNames := mutable.Set.empty,
- localSymbolNames := mutable.Map.empty
- )(body)
- private def freshName(base: String = "x"): String = {
- var suffix = 1
- var longName = base
- while (usedLocalNames(longName) || isKeywordOrReserved(longName)) {
- suffix += 1
- longName = base+"$"+suffix
- }
- usedLocalNames += longName
- longName
- }
- def freshLocalIdent()(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.Ident =
- js.Ident(freshName(), None)
- def freshLocalIdent(base: String)(implicit pos: ir.Position): js.Ident =
- js.Ident(freshName(base), Some(base))
- private def localSymbolName(sym: Symbol): String =
- localSymbolNames.getOrElseUpdate(sym, freshName(
- // Encoding methods ----------------------------------------------------------
- def encodeLabelSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- require(sym.isLabel, "encodeLabelSym called with non-label symbol: " + sym)
- js.Ident(localSymbolName(sym), Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded))
- }
- private lazy val allRefClasses: Set[Symbol] = {
- import definitions._
- (Set(ObjectRefClass, VolatileObjectRefClass) ++
- refClass.values ++ volatileRefClass.values)
- }
- def encodeFieldSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- require(sym.owner.isClass && sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod && !sym.isModule,
- "encodeFieldSym called with non-field symbol: " + sym)
- val name0 = encodeMemberNameInternal(sym)
- val name =
- if (name0.charAt(name0.length()-1) != ' ') name0
- else name0.substring(0, name0.length()-1)
- /* We have to special-case fields of Ref types (IntRef, ObjectRef, etc.)
- * because they are emitted as private by our .scala source files, but
- * they are considered public at use site since their symbols come from
- * Java-emitted .class files.
- */
- val idSuffix =
- if (sym.isPrivate || allRefClasses.contains(sym.owner))
- sym.owner.ancestors.count(!_.isInterface).toString
- else
- "f"
- val encodedName = name + "$" + idSuffix
- js.Ident(mangleJSName(encodedName), Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded))
- }
- def encodeMethodSym(sym: Symbol, reflProxy: Boolean = false)
- (implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- val (encodedName, paramsString) = encodeMethodNameInternal(sym, reflProxy)
- js.Ident(encodedName + paramsString,
- Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded + paramsString))
- }
- def encodeMethodName(sym: Symbol, reflProxy: Boolean = false): String = {
- val (encodedName, paramsString) = encodeMethodNameInternal(sym, reflProxy)
- encodedName + paramsString
- }
- /** Encodes a method symbol of java.lang.String for use in RuntimeString.
- *
- * This basically means adding an initial parameter of type
- * java.lang.String, which is the `this` parameter.
- */
- def encodeRTStringMethodSym(sym: Symbol)(
- implicit pos: Position): (Symbol, js.Ident) = {
- require(sym.isMethod, "encodeMethodSym called with non-method symbol: " + sym)
- require(sym.owner == definitions.StringClass)
- require(!sym.isClassConstructor && !sym.isPrivate)
- val (encodedName, paramsString) =
- encodeMethodNameInternal(sym, inRTClass = true)
- val methodIdent = js.Ident(encodedName + paramsString,
- Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded + paramsString))
- (jsDefinitions.RuntimeStringModuleClass, methodIdent)
- }
- private def encodeMethodNameInternal(sym: Symbol,
- reflProxy: Boolean = false,
- inRTClass: Boolean = false): (String, String) = {
- require(sym.isMethod, "encodeMethodSym called with non-method symbol: " + sym)
- def name = encodeMemberNameInternal(sym)
- val encodedName = {
- if (sym.isClassConstructor)
- "init" + InnerSep
- else if (foreignIsImplClass(sym.owner))
- encodeClassFullName(sym.owner) + OuterSep + name
- else if (sym.isPrivate)
- mangleJSName(name) + OuterSep + "p" +
- sym.owner.ancestors.count(!_.isInterface).toString
- else
- mangleJSName(name)
- }
- val paramsString = makeParamsString(sym, reflProxy, inRTClass)
- (encodedName, paramsString)
- }
- def encodeStaticMemberSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- require(sym.isStaticMember,
- "encodeStaticMemberSym called with non-static symbol: " + sym)
- js.Ident(
- mangleJSName(encodeMemberNameInternal(sym)) +
- makeParamsString(List(internalName(sym.tpe))),
- Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded))
- }
- def encodeLocalSym(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- require(!sym.owner.isClass && sym.isTerm && !sym.isMethod && !sym.isModule,
- "encodeLocalSym called with non-local symbol: " + sym)
- js.Ident(mangleJSName(localSymbolName(sym)), Some(sym.unexpandedName.decoded))
- }
- def foreignIsImplClass(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- sym.isModuleClass && nme.isImplClassName(
- def encodeClassType(sym: Symbol): jstpe.Type = {
- if (sym == definitions.ObjectClass) jstpe.AnyType
- else if (isRawJSType(sym.toTypeConstructor)) jstpe.AnyType
- else {
- assert(sym != definitions.ArrayClass,
- "encodeClassType() cannot be called with ArrayClass")
- jstpe.ClassType(encodeClassFullName(sym))
- }
- }
- def encodeClassFullNameIdent(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- js.Ident(encodeClassFullName(sym), Some(sym.fullName))
- }
- def encodeModuleFullNameIdent(sym: Symbol)(implicit pos: Position): js.Ident = {
- js.Ident(encodeModuleFullName(sym), Some(sym.fullName))
- }
- def encodeClassFullName(sym: Symbol): String = {
- ir.Definitions.encodeClassName(
- sym.fullName + (if (needsModuleClassSuffix(sym)) "$" else ""))
- }
- def needsModuleClassSuffix(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
- sym.isModuleClass && !foreignIsImplClass(sym)
- def encodeModuleFullName(sym: Symbol): String =
- ir.Definitions.encodeClassName(sym.fullName + "$").dropRight(1)
- private def encodeMemberNameInternal(sym: Symbol): String =
-"_", "$und")
- // Encoding of method signatures
- private def makeParamsString(sym: Symbol, reflProxy: Boolean,
- inRTClass: Boolean): String = {
- val tpe = sym.tpe
- val paramTypeNames = tpe.params map (p => internalName(p.tpe))
- val paramAndResultTypeNames = {
- if (sym.isClassConstructor)
- paramTypeNames
- else if (reflProxy)
- paramTypeNames :+ ""
- else {
- val paramAndResultTypeNames0 =
- paramTypeNames :+ internalName(tpe.resultType)
- if (!inRTClass) paramAndResultTypeNames0
- else internalName(sym.owner.toTypeConstructor) +: paramAndResultTypeNames0
- }
- }
- makeParamsString(paramAndResultTypeNames)
- }
- private def makeParamsString(paramAndResultTypeNames: List[String]) =
- paramAndResultTypeNames.mkString(OuterSep, OuterSep, "")
- /** Computes the internal name for a type. */
- private def internalName(tpe: Type): String = internalName(toTypeKind(tpe))
- private def internalName(kind: TypeKind): String = kind match {
- case VOID => "V"
- case kind: ValueTypeKind => kind.primitiveCharCode.toString()
- case NOTHING => ir.Definitions.RuntimeNothingClass
- case NULL => ir.Definitions.RuntimeNullClass
- case REFERENCE(cls) => encodeClassFullName(cls)
- case ARRAY(elem) => "A"+internalName(elem)
- }
- /** mangles names that are illegal in JavaScript by prepending a $
- * also mangles names that would collide with these mangled names
- */
- private def mangleJSName(name: String) =
- if (js.isKeyword(name) || name(0).isDigit || name(0) == '$')
- "$" + name
- else name