path: root/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala
diff options
authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala')
15 files changed, 0 insertions, 3870 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ClassKind.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ClassKind.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5092d2c..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ClassKind.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.switch
-sealed abstract class ClassKind {
- import ClassKind._
- def isClass = this match {
- case Class | ModuleClass => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def isType = this match {
- case TraitImpl => false
- case _ => true
- }
-object ClassKind {
- case object Class extends ClassKind
- case object ModuleClass extends ClassKind
- case object Interface extends ClassKind
- case object RawJSType extends ClassKind
- case object HijackedClass extends ClassKind
- case object TraitImpl extends ClassKind
- private[ir] def toByte(kind: ClassKind): Byte = kind match {
- case ClassKind.Class => 1
- case ClassKind.ModuleClass => 2
- case ClassKind.Interface => 3
- case ClassKind.RawJSType => 4
- case ClassKind.HijackedClass => 5
- case ClassKind.TraitImpl => 6
- }
- private[ir] def fromByte(b: Byte): ClassKind = (b: @switch) match {
- case 1 => ClassKind.Class
- case 2 => ClassKind.ModuleClass
- case 3 => ClassKind.Interface
- case 4 => ClassKind.RawJSType
- case 5 => ClassKind.HijackedClass
- case 6 => ClassKind.TraitImpl
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Definitions.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Definitions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0762602..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Definitions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-object Definitions {
- val ObjectClass = "O"
- val ClassClass = "jl_Class"
- val StringClass = "T"
- val PrimitiveClasses = Set("V", "Z", "C", "B", "S", "I", "J", "F", "D")
- def isPrimitiveClass(encodedName: String): Boolean =
- PrimitiveClasses.contains(encodedName)
- val BoxedUnitClass = "sr_BoxedUnit"
- val BoxedBooleanClass = "jl_Boolean"
- val BoxedCharacterClass = "jl_Character"
- val BoxedByteClass = "jl_Byte"
- val BoxedShortClass = "jl_Short"
- val BoxedIntegerClass = "jl_Integer"
- val BoxedLongClass = "jl_Long"
- val BoxedFloatClass = "jl_Float"
- val BoxedDoubleClass = "jl_Double"
- val CharSequenceClass = "jl_CharSequence"
- val SerializableClass = "Ljava_io_Serializable"
- val ComparableClass = "jl_Comparable"
- val NumberClass = "jl_Number"
- val HijackedBoxedClasses = Set(
- BoxedUnitClass, BoxedBooleanClass, BoxedByteClass, BoxedShortClass,
- BoxedIntegerClass, BoxedLongClass, BoxedFloatClass, BoxedDoubleClass)
- val HijackedClasses =
- HijackedBoxedClasses + StringClass
- val AncestorsOfStringClass = Set(
- CharSequenceClass, ComparableClass, SerializableClass)
- val AncestorsOfHijackedNumberClasses = Set(
- NumberClass, ComparableClass, SerializableClass)
- val AncestorsOfBoxedBooleanClass = Set(
- ComparableClass, SerializableClass)
- val AncestorsOfHijackedClasses =
- AncestorsOfStringClass ++ AncestorsOfHijackedNumberClasses ++
- AncestorsOfBoxedBooleanClass
- val RuntimeNullClass = "sr_Null$"
- val RuntimeNothingClass = "sr_Nothing$"
- val ThrowableClass = "jl_Throwable"
- /** Encodes a class name. */
- def encodeClassName(fullName: String): String = {
- val base = fullName.replace("_", "$und").replace(".", "_")
- val encoded = compressedClasses.getOrElse(base, {
- compressedPrefixes collectFirst {
- case (prefix, compressed) if base.startsWith(prefix) =>
- compressed + base.substring(prefix.length)
- } getOrElse {
- "L"+base
- }
- })
- if (Trees.isKeyword(encoded) || encoded.charAt(0).isDigit ||
- encoded.charAt(0) == '$') {
- "$" + encoded
- } else encoded
- }
- // !!! Duplicate logic: this code must be in sync with runtime.StackTrace
- /** Decodes a class name encoded with [[encodeClassName]]. */
- def decodeClassName(encodedName: String): String = {
- val encoded =
- if (encodedName.charAt(0) == '$') encodedName.substring(1)
- else encodedName
- val base = decompressedClasses.getOrElse(encoded, {
- decompressedPrefixes collectFirst {
- case (prefix, decompressed) if encoded.startsWith(prefix) =>
- decompressed + encoded.substring(prefix.length)
- } getOrElse {
- assert(!encoded.isEmpty && encoded.charAt(0) == 'L',
- s"Cannot decode invalid encoded name '$encodedName'")
- encoded.substring(1)
- }
- })
- base.replace("_", ".").replace("$und", "_")
- }
- private val compressedClasses: Map[String, String] = Map(
- "java_lang_Object" -> "O",
- "java_lang_String" -> "T",
- "scala_Unit" -> "V",
- "scala_Boolean" -> "Z",
- "scala_Char" -> "C",
- "scala_Byte" -> "B",
- "scala_Short" -> "S",
- "scala_Int" -> "I",
- "scala_Long" -> "J",
- "scala_Float" -> "F",
- "scala_Double" -> "D"
- ) ++ (
- for (index <- 2 to 22)
- yield s"scala_Tuple$index" -> ("T"+index)
- ) ++ (
- for (index <- 0 to 22)
- yield s"scala_Function$index" -> ("F"+index)
- )
- private val decompressedClasses: Map[String, String] =
- compressedClasses map { case (a, b) => (b, a) }
- private val compressedPrefixes = Seq(
- "scala_scalajs_runtime_" -> "sjsr_",
- "scala_scalajs_" -> "sjs_",
- "scala_collection_immutable_" -> "sci_",
- "scala_collection_mutable_" -> "scm_",
- "scala_collection_generic_" -> "scg_",
- "scala_collection_" -> "sc_",
- "scala_runtime_" -> "sr_",
- "scala_" -> "s_",
- "java_lang_" -> "jl_",
- "java_util_" -> "ju_"
- )
- private val decompressedPrefixes: Seq[(String, String)] =
- compressedPrefixes map { case (a, b) => (b, a) }
- /* Common predicates on encoded names */
- def isConstructorName(name: String): Boolean =
- name.startsWith("init___")
- def isReflProxyName(name: String): Boolean =
- name.endsWith("__") && !isConstructorName(name)
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Hashers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Hashers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 168d7c1..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Hashers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,459 +0,0 @@
-import{MessageDigest, DigestOutputStream}
-import{OutputStream, DataOutputStream}
-import java.util.Arrays
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-import Tags._
-object Hashers {
- def hashMethodDef(methodDef: MethodDef): MethodDef = {
- if (methodDef.hash.isDefined) methodDef
- else {
- val hasher = new TreeHasher()
- val MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) = methodDef
- hasher.mixPos(methodDef.pos)
- hasher.mixPropertyName(name)
- hasher.mixTrees(args)
- hasher.mixType(resultType)
- hasher.mixTree(body)
- val hash = hasher.finalizeHash()
- MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body)(Some(hash))(methodDef.pos)
- }
- }
- /** Hash definitions from a ClassDef where applicable */
- def hashDefs(defs: List[Tree]): List[Tree] = defs map {
- case methodDef: MethodDef => hashMethodDef(methodDef)
- case otherDef => otherDef
- }
- /** Hash the definitions in a ClassDef (where applicable) */
- def hashClassDef(classDef: ClassDef): ClassDef =
- classDef.copy(defs = hashDefs(classDef.defs))(classDef.pos)
- def hashesEqual(x: TreeHash, y: TreeHash, considerPos: Boolean): Boolean = {
- Arrays.equals(x.treeHash, y.treeHash) &&
- (!considerPos || Arrays.equals(x.posHash, y.posHash))
- }
- private final class TreeHasher {
- private def newDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-1")
- private def newDigestStream(digest: MessageDigest) = {
- val out = new OutputStream {
- def write(b: Int): Unit = ()
- }
- val digOut = new DigestOutputStream(out, digest)
- new DataOutputStream(digOut)
- }
- private[this] val treeDigest = newDigest
- private[this] val treeStream = newDigestStream(treeDigest)
- private[this] val posDigest = newDigest
- private[this] val posStream = newDigestStream(posDigest)
- def finalizeHash(): TreeHash =
- new TreeHash(treeDigest.digest(), posDigest.digest())
- def mixTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- mixPos(tree.pos)
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- mixTag(TagEmptyTree)
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- mixTag(TagVarDef)
- mixIdent(ident)
- mixType(vtpe)
- mixBoolean(mutable)
- mixTree(rhs)
- case ParamDef(ident, ptpe, mutable) =>
- mixTag(TagParamDef)
- mixIdent(ident)
- mixType(ptpe)
- mixBoolean(mutable)
- case Skip() =>
- mixTag(TagSkip)
- case Block(stats) =>
- mixTag(TagBlock)
- mixTrees(stats)
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- mixTag(TagLabeled)
- mixIdent(label)
- mixType(tpe)
- mixTree(body)
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- mixTag(TagAssign)
- mixTree(lhs)
- mixTree(rhs)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- mixTag(TagReturn)
- mixTree(expr)
- mixOptIdent(label)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- mixTag(TagIf)
- mixTree(cond)
- mixTree(thenp)
- mixTree(elsep)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- mixTag(TagWhile)
- mixTree(cond)
- mixTree(body)
- mixOptIdent(label)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- mixTag(TagDoWhile)
- mixTree(body)
- mixTree(cond)
- mixOptIdent(label)
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- mixTag(TagTry)
- mixTree(block)
- mixIdent(errVar)
- mixTree(handler)
- mixTree(finalizer)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- mixTag(TagThrow)
- mixTree(expr)
- case Continue(label) =>
- mixTag(TagContinue)
- mixOptIdent(label)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- mixTag(TagMatch)
- mixTree(selector)
- cases foreach { case (patterns, body) =>
- mixTrees(patterns)
- mixTree(body)
- }
- mixTree(default)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case Debugger() =>
- mixTag(TagDebugger)
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- mixTag(TagNew)
- mixType(cls)
- mixIdent(ctor)
- mixTrees(args)
- case LoadModule(cls) =>
- mixTag(TagLoadModule)
- mixType(cls)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- mixTag(TagStoreModule)
- mixType(cls)
- mixTree(value)
- case Select(qualifier, item, mutable) =>
- mixTag(TagSelect)
- mixTree(qualifier)
- mixIdent(item)
- mixBoolean(mutable)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- mixTag(TagApply)
- mixTree(receiver)
- mixIdent(method)
- mixTrees(args)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- mixTag(TagStaticApply)
- mixTree(receiver)
- mixType(cls)
- mixIdent(method)
- mixTrees(args)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- mixTag(TagTraitImplApply)
- mixType(impl)
- mixIdent(method)
- mixTrees(args)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- mixTag(TagUnaryOp)
- mixInt(op)
- mixTree(lhs)
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- mixTag(TagBinaryOp)
- mixInt(op)
- mixTree(lhs)
- mixTree(rhs)
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- mixTag(TagNewArray)
- mixType(tpe)
- mixTrees(lengths)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- mixTag(TagArrayValue)
- mixType(tpe)
- mixTrees(elems)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- mixTag(TagArrayLength)
- mixTree(array)
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- mixTag(TagArraySelect)
- mixTree(array)
- mixTree(index)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- mixTag(TagRecordValue)
- mixType(tpe)
- mixTrees(elems)
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- mixTag(TagIsInstanceOf)
- mixTree(expr)
- mixType(cls)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- mixTag(TagAsInstanceOf)
- mixTree(expr)
- mixType(cls)
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- mixTag(TagUnbox)
- mixTree(expr)
- mixInt(charCode)
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- mixTag(TagGetClass)
- mixTree(expr)
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- mixTag(TagCallHelper)
- mixString(helper)
- mixTrees(args)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- mixTag(TagJSNew)
- mixTree(ctor)
- mixTrees(args)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- mixTag(TagJSDotSelect)
- mixTree(qualifier)
- mixIdent(item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- mixTag(TagJSBracketSelect)
- mixTree(qualifier)
- mixTree(item)
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- mixTag(TagJSFunctionApply)
- mixTree(fun)
- mixTrees(args)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- mixTag(TagJSDotMethodApply)
- mixTree(receiver)
- mixIdent(method)
- mixTrees(args)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- mixTag(TagJSBracketMethodApply)
- mixTree(receiver)
- mixTree(method)
- mixTrees(args)
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- mixTag(TagJSDelete)
- mixTree(prop)
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- mixTag(TagJSUnaryOp)
- mixString(op)
- mixTree(lhs)
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- mixTag(TagJSBinaryOp)
- mixString(op)
- mixTree(lhs)
- mixTree(rhs)
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- mixTag(TagJSArrayConstr)
- mixTrees(items)
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- mixTag(TagJSObjectConstr)
- fields foreach { case (pn, value) =>
- mixPropertyName(pn)
- mixTree(value)
- }
- case JSEnvInfo() =>
- mixTag(TagJSEnvInfo)
- case Undefined() =>
- mixTag(TagUndefined)
- case UndefinedParam() =>
- mixTag(TagUndefinedParam)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case Null() =>
- mixTag(TagNull)
- case BooleanLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagBooleanLiteral)
- mixBoolean(value)
- case IntLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagIntLiteral)
- mixInt(value)
- case LongLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagLongLiteral)
- mixLong(value)
- case FloatLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagFloatLiteral)
- mixFloat(value)
- case DoubleLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagDoubleLiteral)
- mixDouble(value)
- case StringLiteral(value) =>
- mixTag(TagStringLiteral)
- mixString(value)
- case ClassOf(cls) =>
- mixTag(TagClassOf)
- mixType(cls)
- case VarRef(ident, mutable) =>
- mixTag(TagVarRef)
- mixIdent(ident)
- mixBoolean(mutable)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case This() =>
- mixTag(TagThis)
- mixType(tree.tpe)
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- mixTag(TagClosure)
- mixTrees(captureParams)
- mixTrees(params)
- mixTree(body)
- mixTrees(captureValues)
- case _ =>
- sys.error(s"Unable to hash tree of class ${tree.getClass}")
- }
- }
- def mixTrees(trees: List[Tree]): Unit =
- trees.foreach(mixTree)
- def mixType(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
- case AnyType => mixTag(TagAnyType)
- case NothingType => mixTag(TagNothingType)
- case UndefType => mixTag(TagUndefType)
- case BooleanType => mixTag(TagBooleanType)
- case IntType => mixTag(TagIntType)
- case LongType => mixTag(TagLongType)
- case FloatType => mixTag(TagFloatType)
- case DoubleType => mixTag(TagDoubleType)
- case StringType => mixTag(TagStringType)
- case NullType => mixTag(TagNullType)
- case NoType => mixTag(TagNoType)
- case tpe: ClassType =>
- mixTag(TagClassType)
- mixString(tpe.className)
- case tpe: ArrayType =>
- mixTag(TagArrayType)
- mixString(tpe.baseClassName)
- mixInt(tpe.dimensions)
- case RecordType(fields) =>
- mixTag(TagRecordType)
- for (RecordType.Field(name, originalName, tpe, mutable) <- fields) {
- mixString(name)
- originalName.foreach(mixString)
- mixType(tpe)
- mixBoolean(mutable)
- }
- }
- def mixIdent(ident: Ident): Unit = {
- mixPos(ident.pos)
- mixString(
- ident.originalName.foreach(mixString)
- }
- def mixOptIdent(optIdent: Option[Ident]): Unit = optIdent.foreach(mixIdent)
- def mixPropertyName(name: PropertyName): Unit = name match {
- case name: Ident => mixIdent(name)
- case name: StringLiteral => mixTree(name)
- }
- def mixPos(pos: Position): Unit = {
- posStream.writeUTF(pos.source.toString)
- posStream.writeInt(pos.line)
- posStream.writeInt(pos.column)
- }
- @inline
- private final def mixTag(tag: Int): Unit = mixInt(tag)
- @inline
- private final def mixString(str: String): Unit = treeStream.writeUTF(str)
- @inline
- private final def mixInt(i: Int): Unit = treeStream.writeInt(i)
- @inline
- private final def mixLong(l: Long): Unit = treeStream.writeLong(l)
- @inline
- private final def mixBoolean(b: Boolean): Unit = treeStream.writeBoolean(b)
- @inline
- private final def mixFloat(f: Float): Unit = treeStream.writeFloat(f)
- @inline
- private final def mixDouble(d: Double): Unit = treeStream.writeDouble(d)
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/InfoSerializers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/InfoSerializers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index dfb520f..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/InfoSerializers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import Infos._
-object InfoSerializers {
- /** Scala.js IR File Magic Number
- *
- * CA FE : first part of magic number of Java class files
- * 4A 53 : "JS" in ASCII
- *
- */
- final val IRMagicNumber = 0xCAFE4A53
- def serialize(stream: OutputStream, classInfo: ClassInfo): Unit = {
- new Serializer().serialize(stream, classInfo)
- }
- def deserializeRoughInfo(stream: InputStream): RoughClassInfo = {
- deserializeVersionRoughInfo(stream)._2
- }
- def deserializeFullInfo(stream: InputStream): ClassInfo = {
- deserializeVersionFullInfo(stream)._2
- }
- def deserializeVersionRoughInfo(stream: InputStream): (String, RoughClassInfo) = {
- new Deserializer(stream).deserializeRough()
- }
- def deserializeVersionFullInfo(stream: InputStream): (String, ClassInfo) = {
- new Deserializer(stream).deserializeFull()
- }
- private final class Serializer {
- def serialize(stream: OutputStream, classInfo: ClassInfo): Unit = {
- val s = new DataOutputStream(stream)
- def writeSeq[A](seq: Seq[A])(writeElem: A => Unit): Unit = {
- s.writeInt(seq.size)
- seq.foreach(writeElem)
- }
- def writeStrings(seq: Seq[String]): Unit =
- writeSeq(seq)(s.writeUTF(_))
- // Write the Scala.js IR magic number
- s.writeInt(IRMagicNumber)
- // Write the Scala.js Version
- s.writeUTF(ScalaJSVersions.binaryEmitted)
- import classInfo._
- s.writeUTF(name)
- s.writeUTF(encodedName)
- s.writeBoolean(isExported)
- s.writeInt(ancestorCount)
- s.writeByte(ClassKind.toByte(kind))
- s.writeUTF(superClass)
- writeStrings(ancestors)
- s.writeInt(optimizerHints.bits)
- def writeMethodInfo(methodInfo: MethodInfo): Unit = {
- import methodInfo._
- s.writeUTF(encodedName)
- s.writeBoolean(isAbstract)
- s.writeBoolean(isExported)
- writeSeq(calledMethods.toSeq) {
- case (caller, callees) => s.writeUTF(caller); writeStrings(callees)
- }
- writeSeq(calledMethodsStatic.toSeq) {
- case (caller, callees) => s.writeUTF(caller); writeStrings(callees)
- }
- writeStrings(instantiatedClasses)
- writeStrings(accessedModules)
- writeStrings(accessedClassData)
- s.writeInt(optimizerHints.bits)
- }
- writeSeq(methods)(writeMethodInfo(_))
- s.flush()
- }
- }
- private final class Deserializer(stream: InputStream) {
- private[this] val input = new DataInputStream(stream)
- def readList[A](readElem: => A): List[A] =
- List.fill(input.readInt())(readElem)
- def readStrings(): List[String] =
- readList(input.readUTF())
- def deserializeRough(): (String, RoughClassInfo) = {
- val version = readHeader()
- import input._
- val name = readUTF()
- val encodedName = readUTF()
- val isExported = readBoolean()
- val ancestorCount = readInt()
- val info = RoughClassInfo(name, encodedName, isExported, ancestorCount)
- (version, info)
- }
- def deserializeFull(): (String, ClassInfo) = {
- val version = readHeader()
- import input._
- val name = readUTF()
- val encodedName = readUTF()
- val isExported = readBoolean()
- val ancestorCount = readInt()
- val kind = ClassKind.fromByte(readByte())
- val superClass = readUTF()
- val ancestors = readList(readUTF())
- val optimizerHints =
- if (version == "0.5.0" || version == "0.5.2") OptimizerHints.empty
- else new OptimizerHints(readInt())
- def readMethod(): MethodInfo = {
- val encodedName = readUTF()
- val isAbstract = readBoolean()
- val isExported = readBoolean()
- val calledMethods = readList(readUTF() -> readStrings()).toMap
- val calledMethodsStatic = readList(readUTF() -> readStrings()).toMap
- val instantiatedClasses = readStrings()
- val accessedModules = readStrings()
- val accessedClassData = readStrings()
- val optimizerHints = new OptimizerHints(readInt())
- MethodInfo(encodedName, isAbstract, isExported,
- calledMethods, calledMethodsStatic,
- instantiatedClasses, accessedModules, accessedClassData,
- optimizerHints)
- }
- val methods = readList(readMethod())
- val info = ClassInfo(name, encodedName, isExported, ancestorCount, kind,
- superClass, ancestors, optimizerHints, methods)
- (version, info)
- }
- /** Reads the Scala.js IR header and verifies the version compatibility.
- * Returns the emitted binary version.
- */
- def readHeader(): String = {
- // Check magic number
- if (input.readInt() != IRMagicNumber)
- throw new IOException("Not a Scala.js IR file")
- // Check that we support this version of the IR
- val version = input.readUTF()
- val supported = ScalaJSVersions.binarySupported
- if (!supported.contains(version)) {
- throw new IOException(
- s"This version ($version) of Scala.js IR is not supported. " +
- s"Supported versions are: ${supported.mkString(", ")}")
- }
- version
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Infos.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Infos.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 66feec2..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Infos.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-object Infos {
- sealed class RoughClassInfo protected (
- val name: String,
- val encodedName: String,
- val isExported: Boolean,
- val ancestorCount: Int
- )
- object RoughClassInfo {
- def apply(name: String, encodedName: String, isExported: Boolean,
- ancestorCount: Int): RoughClassInfo = {
- new RoughClassInfo(name, encodedName, isExported, ancestorCount)
- }
- }
- final class ClassInfo protected (
- name: String,
- encodedName: String,
- isExported: Boolean,
- ancestorCount: Int,
- val kind: ClassKind,
- val superClass: String,
- val ancestors: List[String], // includes this class
- val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints,
- val methods: List[MethodInfo]
- ) extends RoughClassInfo(name, encodedName, isExported, ancestorCount)
- object ClassInfo {
- def apply(
- name: String,
- encodedName: String,
- isExported: Boolean = false,
- ancestorCount: Int = 0,
- kind: ClassKind = ClassKind.Class,
- superClass: String = "",
- ancestors: List[String] = Nil,
- optimizerHints: OptimizerHints = OptimizerHints.empty,
- methods: List[MethodInfo] = Nil): ClassInfo = {
- new ClassInfo(name, encodedName, isExported, ancestorCount,
- kind, superClass, ancestors, optimizerHints, methods)
- }
- }
- final class MethodInfo private (
- val encodedName: String,
- val isAbstract: Boolean,
- val isExported: Boolean,
- val calledMethods: Map[String, List[String]],
- val calledMethodsStatic: Map[String, List[String]],
- val instantiatedClasses: List[String],
- val accessedModules: List[String],
- val accessedClassData: List[String],
- val optimizerHints: OptimizerHints
- )
- object MethodInfo {
- def apply(
- encodedName: String,
- isAbstract: Boolean = false,
- isExported: Boolean = false,
- calledMethods: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty,
- calledMethodsStatic: Map[String, List[String]] = Map.empty,
- instantiatedClasses: List[String] = Nil,
- accessedModules: List[String] = Nil,
- accessedClassData: List[String] = Nil,
- optimizerHints: OptimizerHints = OptimizerHints.empty): MethodInfo = {
- new MethodInfo(encodedName, isAbstract, isExported, calledMethods,
- calledMethodsStatic, instantiatedClasses, accessedModules,
- accessedClassData, optimizerHints)
- }
- }
- final class OptimizerHints(val bits: Int) extends AnyVal {
- import OptimizerHints._
- private[scalajs] def isAccessor: Boolean = (bits & AccessorMask) != 0
- private[scalajs] def hasInlineAnnot: Boolean = (bits & InlineAnnotMask) != 0
- private[scalajs] def copy(
- isAccessor: Boolean = this.isAccessor,
- hasInlineAnnot: Boolean = this.hasInlineAnnot
- ): OptimizerHints = {
- var bits: Int = 0
- if (isAccessor)
- bits |= AccessorMask
- if (hasInlineAnnot)
- bits |= InlineAnnotMask
- new OptimizerHints(bits)
- }
- override def toString(): String =
- s"OptimizerHints($bits)"
- }
- object OptimizerHints {
- private final val AccessorShift = 0
- private final val AccessorMask = 1 << AccessorShift
- private final val InlineAnnotShift = 1
- private final val InlineAnnotMask = 1 << InlineAnnotShift
- final val empty: OptimizerHints =
- new OptimizerHints(0)
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Position.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Position.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6d0a2..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Position.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-final case class Position(
- /** Source file. */
- source: Position.SourceFile,
- /** Zero-based line number. */
- line: Int,
- /** Zero-based column number. */
- column: Int
-) {
- def show: String = s"$line:$column"
- def isEmpty: Boolean = {
- source.getScheme == null && source.getRawAuthority == null &&
- source.getRawPath == "" && source.getRawQuery == null &&
- source.getRawFragment == null
- }
- def isDefined: Boolean = !isEmpty
- def orElse(that: => Position): Position = if (isDefined) this else that
-object Position {
- type SourceFile =
- object SourceFile {
- def apply(f: SourceFile = f.toURI
- def apply(f: String): SourceFile = new
- }
- val NoPosition = Position(SourceFile(""), 0, 0)
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6208d5f..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Printers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,709 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
-import Position._
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-import Infos._
-import Utils.escapeJS
-object Printers {
- /** Basically copied from scala.reflect.internal.Printers */
- trait IndentationManager {
- protected val out: Writer
- protected var indentMargin = 0
- protected val indentStep = 2
- protected var indentString = " " // 40
- protected def indent(): Unit = indentMargin += indentStep
- protected def undent(): Unit = indentMargin -= indentStep
- protected def println(): Unit = {
- out.write('\n')
- while (indentMargin > indentString.length())
- indentString += indentString
- if (indentMargin > 0)
- out.write(indentString, 0, indentMargin)
- }
- @tailrec
- protected final def printSeq[A](ls: List[A])(printelem: A => Unit)(
- printsep: A => Unit): Unit = {
- ls match {
- case Nil =>
- case x :: Nil =>
- printelem(x)
- case x :: rest =>
- printelem(x)
- printsep(x)
- printSeq(rest)(printelem)(printsep)
- }
- }
- protected def printColumn(ts: List[Any], start: String, sep: String,
- end: String): Unit = {
- print(start); indent(); println()
- printSeq(ts) { x =>
- print(x)
- } { _ =>
- print(sep)
- println()
- }
- undent(); println(); print(end)
- }
- protected def printRow(ts: List[Any], start: String, sep: String,
- end: String): Unit = {
- print(start)
- printSeq(ts) { x =>
- print(x)
- } { _ =>
- print(sep)
- }
- print(end)
- }
- protected def printRow(ts: List[Any], sep: String): Unit =
- printRow(ts, "", sep, "")
- protected def print(args: Any*): Unit =
- args.foreach(printOne)
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit
- }
- class IRTreePrinter(protected val out: Writer) extends IndentationManager {
- def printTopLevelTree(tree: Tree) {
- tree match {
- case Skip() =>
- // do not print anything
- case Block(stats) =>
- for (stat <- stats)
- printTopLevelTree(stat)
- case _ =>
- printTree(tree)
- println()
- }
- }
- protected def printBlock(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- val trees = tree match {
- case Block(trees) => trees
- case _ => List(tree)
- }
- printColumn(trees, "{", ";", "}")
- }
- protected def printSig(args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type): Unit = {
- printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")
- if (resultType != NoType)
- print(": ", resultType, " = ")
- else
- print(" ")
- }
- protected def printArgs(args: List[Tree]): Unit = {
- printRow(args, "(", ", ", ")")
- }
- def printTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- print("<empty>")
- // Definitions
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- else
- print("val ")
- print(ident, ": ", vtpe)
- if (rhs != EmptyTree)
- print(" = ", rhs)
- case ParamDef(ident, ptpe, mutable) =>
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- print(ident, ": ", ptpe)
- // Control flow constructs
- case Skip() =>
- print("/*<skip>*/")
- case tree: Block =>
- printBlock(tree)
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- print(label)
- if (tpe != NoType)
- print("[", tpe, "]")
- print(": ")
- printBlock(body)
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- print(lhs, " = ", rhs)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- if (label.isEmpty) print("return ", expr)
- else print("return(", label.get, ") ", expr)
- case If(cond, BooleanLiteral(true), elsep) =>
- print(cond, " || ", elsep)
- case If(cond, thenp, BooleanLiteral(false)) =>
- print(cond, " && ", thenp)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- print("if (", cond, ") ")
- printBlock(thenp)
- elsep match {
- case Skip() => ()
- case If(_, _, _) =>
- print(" else ")
- printTree(elsep)
- case _ =>
- print(" else ")
- printBlock(elsep)
- }
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- if (label.isDefined)
- print(label.get, ": ")
- print("while (", cond, ") ")
- printBlock(body)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- if (label.isDefined)
- print(label.get, ": ")
- print("do ")
- printBlock(body)
- print(" while (", cond, ")")
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- print("try ")
- printBlock(block)
- if (handler != EmptyTree) {
- print(" catch (", errVar, ") ")
- printBlock(handler)
- }
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree) {
- print(" finally ")
- printBlock(finalizer)
- }
- case Throw(expr) =>
- print("throw ", expr)
- case Continue(label) =>
- if (label.isEmpty) print("continue")
- else print("continue ", label.get)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- print("match (", selector, ") ")
- print("{"); indent
- for ((values, body) <- cases) {
- println()
- printRow(values, "case ", " | ", ":"); indent; println()
- printTree(body)
- print(";")
- undent
- }
- if (default != EmptyTree) {
- println()
- print("default:"); indent; println()
- printTree(default)
- print(";")
- undent
- }
- undent; println(); print("}")
- case Debugger() =>
- print("debugger")
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- print("new ", cls, "().", ctor)
- printArgs(args)
- case LoadModule(cls) =>
- print("mod:", cls)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- print("mod:", cls, "<-", value)
- case Select(qualifier, item, _) =>
- print(qualifier, ".", item)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", cls, "::", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- print(impl, "::", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- import UnaryOp._
- print("(", (op: @switch) match {
- case `typeof` => "typeof"
- case Boolean_! => "!"
- case IntToLong | DoubleToLong => "(long)"
- case DoubleToInt | LongToInt => "(int)"
- case DoubleToFloat => "(float)"
- case LongToDouble => "(double)"
- }, lhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_-, IntLiteral(0), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_^, IntLiteral(-1), rhs) =>
- print("(~", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_-, LongLiteral(0L), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_^, LongLiteral(-1L), rhs) =>
- print("(~", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Float_-, FloatLiteral(0.0f), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Double_-,
- IntLiteral(0) | FloatLiteral(0.0f) | DoubleLiteral(0.0), rhs) =>
- print("(-", rhs, ")")
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- import BinaryOp._
- print("(", lhs, " ", (op: @switch) match {
- case === => "==="
- case !== => "!=="
- case String_+ => "+[string]"
- case `in` => "in"
- case `instanceof` => "instanceof"
- case Int_+ => "+[int]"
- case Int_- => "-[int]"
- case Int_* => "*[int]"
- case Int_/ => "/[int]"
- case Int_% => "%[int]"
- case Int_| => "|"
- case Int_& => "&"
- case Int_^ => "^"
- case Int_<< => "<<"
- case Int_>>> => ">>>"
- case Int_>> => ">>"
- case Float_+ => "+[float]"
- case Float_- => "-[float]"
- case Float_* => "*[float]"
- case Float_/ => "/[float]"
- case Float_% => "%[float]"
- case Double_+ => "+"
- case Double_- => "-"
- case Double_* => "*"
- case Double_/ => "/"
- case Double_% => "%"
- case Num_== => "=="
- case Num_!= => "!="
- case Num_< => "<"
- case Num_<= => "<="
- case Num_> => ">"
- case Num_>= => ">="
- case Long_+ => "+[long]"
- case Long_- => "-[long]"
- case Long_* => "*[long]"
- case Long_/ => "/[long]"
- case Long_% => "%[long]"
- case Long_| => "|[long]"
- case Long_& => "&[long]"
- case Long_^ => "^[long]"
- case Long_<< => "<<[long]"
- case Long_>>> => ">>>[long]"
- case Long_>> => ">>[long]"
- case Long_== => "==[long]"
- case Long_!= => "!=[long]"
- case Long_< => "<[long]"
- case Long_<= => "<=[long]"
- case Long_> => ">[long]"
- case Long_>= => ">=[long]"
- case Boolean_== => "==[bool]"
- case Boolean_!= => "!=[bool]"
- case Boolean_| => "|[bool]"
- case Boolean_& => "&[bool]"
- }, " ", rhs, ")")
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- print("new ", tpe.baseClassName)
- for (length <- lengths)
- print("[", length, "]")
- for (dim <- lengths.size until tpe.dimensions)
- print("[]")
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- print(tpe)
- printArgs(elems)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- print(array, ".length")
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- print(array, "[", index, "]")
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- print("(")
- var first = true
- for ((field, value) <- tpe.fields zip elems) {
- if (first) first = false
- else print(", ")
- print(, " = ", value)
- }
- print(")")
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- print(expr, ".isInstanceOf[", cls, "]")
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- print(expr, ".asInstanceOf[", cls, "]")
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- print(expr, ".asInstanceOf[", charCode, "]")
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- print(expr, ".getClass()")
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- print(helper)
- printArgs(args)
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- def containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case JSDotSelect(qual, _) => containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(qual)
- case JSBracketSelect(qual, _) => containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(qual)
- case VarRef(_, _) => true
- case This() => true
- case _ => false // in particular, Apply
- }
- if (containsOnlySelectsFromAtom(ctor))
- print("new ", ctor)
- else
- print("new (", ctor, ")")
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- print(qualifier, ".", item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- print(qualifier, "[", item, "]")
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- fun match {
- case _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect | _:Select =>
- print("protect(", fun, ")")
- case _ =>
- print(fun)
- }
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, ".", method)
- printArgs(args)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- print(receiver, "[", method, "]")
- printArgs(args)
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- print("delete ", prop)
- case JSUnaryOp("typeof", lhs) =>
- print("typeof(", lhs, ")")
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- print("(", op, lhs, ")")
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- print("(", lhs, " ", op, " ", rhs, ")")
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- printRow(items, "[", ", ", "]")
- case JSObjectConstr(Nil) =>
- print("{}")
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- print("{"); indent; println()
- printSeq(fields) {
- case (name, value) => print(name, ": ", value)
- } { _ =>
- print(",")
- println()
- }
- undent; println(); print("}")
- case JSEnvInfo() =>
- print("<envinfo>")
- // Literals
- case Undefined() =>
- print("(void 0)")
- case UndefinedParam() =>
- print("<undefined param>")
- case Null() =>
- print("null")
- case BooleanLiteral(value) =>
- print(if (value) "true" else "false")
- case IntLiteral(value) =>
- if (value >= 0)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case FloatLiteral(value) =>
- if (value == 0.0f && 1.0f / value < 0.0f)
- print("(-0)")
- else if (value >= 0.0f)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case DoubleLiteral(value) =>
- if (value == 0.0 && 1.0 / value < 0.0)
- print("(-0)")
- else if (value >= 0.0)
- print(value)
- else
- print("(", value, ")")
- case StringLiteral(value) =>
- print("\"", escapeJS(value), "\"")
- case ClassOf(cls) =>
- print("classOf[", cls, "]")
- // Atomic expressions
- case VarRef(ident, _) =>
- print(ident)
- case This() =>
- print("this")
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- print("(lambda")
- printRow(captureValues, "<", ", ", ">")
- printRow(captureParams ++ params, "(", ", ", ") = ")
- printBlock(body)
- print(")")
- // Classes
- case ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs) =>
- kind match {
- case ClassKind.Class => print("class ")
- case ClassKind.ModuleClass => print("module class ")
- case ClassKind.Interface => print("interface ")
- case ClassKind.RawJSType => print("jstype ")
- case ClassKind.HijackedClass => print("hijacked class ")
- case ClassKind.TraitImpl => print("trait impl ")
- }
- print(name)
- parent.foreach(print(" extends ", _))
- if (ancestors.nonEmpty)
- printRow(ancestors, " ancestors ", ", ", "")
- print(" ")
- printColumn(defs, "{", "", "}")
- println()
- case MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) =>
- print(name)
- printSig(args, resultType)
- printBlock(body)
- case PropertyDef(name, _, _, _) =>
- // TODO
- print(s"<property: $name>")
- case ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, body) =>
- print("export \"", escapeJS(fullName), "\"")
- printSig(args, NoType) // NoType as trick not to display a type
- printBlock(body)
- case ModuleExportDef(fullName) =>
- print("export \"", escapeJS(fullName), "\"")
- case _ =>
- print(s"<error, elem of class ${tree.getClass()}>")
- }
- }
- def printType(tpe: Type): Unit = tpe match {
- case AnyType => print("any")
- case NothingType => print("nothing")
- case UndefType => print("void")
- case BooleanType => print("boolean")
- case IntType => print("int")
- case LongType => print("long")
- case FloatType => print("float")
- case DoubleType => print("number")
- case StringType => print("string")
- case NullType => print("null")
- case ClassType(className) => print(className)
- case NoType => print("<notype>")
- case ArrayType(base, dims) =>
- print(base)
- for (i <- 1 to dims)
- print("[]")
- case RecordType(fields) =>
- print("(")
- var first = false
- for (RecordType.Field(name, _, tpe, mutable) <- fields) {
- if (first) first = false
- else print(", ")
- if (mutable)
- print("var ")
- print(name, ": ", tpe)
- }
- print(")")
- }
- protected def printIdent(ident: Ident): Unit =
- printString(escapeJS(
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit = arg match {
- case tree: Tree =>
- printTree(tree)
- case tpe: Type =>
- printType(tpe)
- case ident: Ident =>
- printIdent(ident)
- case arg =>
- printString(if (arg == null) "null" else arg.toString)
- }
- protected def printString(s: String): Unit = {
- out.write(s)
- }
- // Make it public
- override def println(): Unit = super.println()
- def complete(): Unit = ()
- }
- class InfoPrinter(protected val out: Writer) extends IndentationManager {
- def printClassInfo(classInfo: ClassInfo): Unit = {
- import classInfo._
- println("name: ", escapeJS(name))
- println("encodedName: ", escapeJS(encodedName))
- println("isExported: ", isExported)
- println("ancestorCount: ", ancestorCount)
- println("kind: ", kind)
- println("superClass: ", superClass)
- if (ancestors.nonEmpty) {
- println("ancestors: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (optimizerHints != OptimizerHints.empty)
- println("optimizerHints: ", optimizerHints)
- print("methods:")
- indent(); println()
- methods.foreach(printMethodInfo)
- undent(); println()
- }
- def printMethodInfo(methodInfo: MethodInfo): Unit = {
- import methodInfo._
- print(escapeJS(encodedName), ":")
- indent(); println()
- if (isAbstract)
- println("isAbstract: ", isAbstract)
- if (isExported)
- println("isExported: ", isExported)
- if (calledMethods.nonEmpty) {
- print("calledMethods:")
- indent(); println()
- printSeq(calledMethods.toList) { case (caller, callees) =>
- print(escapeJS(caller), ": ")
- print("[", ", ", "]"))
- } { _ => println() }
- undent(); println()
- }
- if (calledMethodsStatic.nonEmpty) {
- print("calledMethodsStatic:")
- indent(); println()
- printSeq(calledMethodsStatic.toList) { case (caller, callees) =>
- print(escapeJS(caller), ": ")
- print("[", ", ", "]"))
- } { _ => println() }
- undent(); println()
- }
- if (instantiatedClasses.nonEmpty) {
- println("instantiatedClasses: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (accessedModules.nonEmpty) {
- println("accessedModules: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (accessedClassData.nonEmpty) {
- println("accessedClassData: ",
-"[", ", ", "]"))
- }
- if (optimizerHints != OptimizerHints.empty)
- println("optimizerHints: ", optimizerHints)
- undent(); println()
- }
- private def println(arg1: Any, args: Any*): Unit = {
- print((arg1 +: args): _*)
- println()
- }
- protected def printOne(arg: Any): Unit = arg match {
- case classInfo: ClassInfo => printClassInfo(classInfo)
- case methodInfo: MethodInfo => printMethodInfo(methodInfo)
- case arg => out.write(arg.toString())
- }
- def complete(): Unit = ()
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ScalaJSVersions.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ScalaJSVersions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2690939..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/ScalaJSVersions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-object ScalaJSVersions {
- /** the Scala.js version of this build */
- final val current = "0.6.0-SNAPSHOT"
- /** true iff the Scala.js version of this build is a snapshot version. */
- final val currentIsSnapshot = current endsWith "-SNAPSHOT"
- /** Version of binary IR this Scala.js version emits
- *
- * This should be either of:
- * - a prior release version (i.e. "0.5.0", *not* "0.5.0-SNAPSHOT")
- * - `current`
- */
- final val binaryEmitted = current
- /** Versions whose binary files we can support (used by deserializer) */
- val binarySupported: Set[String] = Set(binaryEmitted)
- // Just to be extra safe
- assert(binarySupported contains binaryEmitted)
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Serializers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Serializers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 04ec5c2..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Serializers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,790 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import Position._
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-import Tags._
-import Utils.JumpBackByteArrayOutputStream
-object Serializers {
- def serialize(stream: OutputStream, tree: Tree): Unit = {
- new Serializer().serialize(stream, tree)
- }
- def deserialize(stream: InputStream, version: String): Tree = {
- new Deserializer(stream, version).deserialize()
- }
- // true for easier debugging (not for "production", it adds 8 bytes per node)
- private final val UseDebugMagic = false
- private final val DebugMagic = 0x3fa8ef84
- private final val PosDebugMagic = 0x65f0ec32
- private object PositionFormat {
- /* Positions are serialized incrementally as diffs wrt the last position.
- *
- * Formats are (the first byte is decomposed in bits):
- *
- * 1st byte | next bytes | description
- * -----------------------------------------
- * ccccccc0 | | Column diff (7-bit signed)
- * llllll01 | CC | Line diff (6-bit signed), column (8-bit unsigned)
- * ____0011 | LL LL CC | Line diff (16-bit signed), column (8-bit unsigned)
- * ____0111 | 12 bytes | File index, line, column (all 32-bit signed)
- * 11111111 | | NoPosition (is not compared/stored in last position)
- *
- * Underscores are irrelevant and must be set to 0.
- */
- final val Format1Mask = 0x01
- final val Format1MaskValue = 0x00
- final val Format1Shift = 1
- final val Format2Mask = 0x03
- final val Format2MaskValue = 0x01
- final val Format2Shift = 2
- final val Format3Mask = 0x0f
- final val Format3MaskValue = 0x03
- final val FormatFullMask = 0x0f
- final val FormatFullMaskValue = 0x7
- final val FormatNoPositionValue = -1
- }
- private final class Serializer {
- private[this] val bufferUnderlying = new JumpBackByteArrayOutputStream
- private[this] val buffer = new DataOutputStream(bufferUnderlying)
- private[this] val files = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[URI]
- private[this] val fileIndexMap = mutable.Map.empty[URI, Int]
- private def fileToIndex(file: URI): Int =
- fileIndexMap.getOrElseUpdate(file, (files += file).size - 1)
- private[this] val strings = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[String]
- private[this] val stringIndexMap = mutable.Map.empty[String, Int]
- private def stringToIndex(str: String): Int =
- stringIndexMap.getOrElseUpdate(str, (strings += str).size - 1)
- private[this] var lastPosition: Position = Position.NoPosition
- def serialize(stream: OutputStream, tree: Tree): Unit = {
- // Write tree to buffer and record files and strings
- writeTree(tree)
- val s = new DataOutputStream(stream)
- // Emit the files
- s.writeInt(files.size)
- files.foreach(f => s.writeUTF(f.toString))
- // Emit the strings
- s.writeInt(strings.size)
- strings.foreach(s.writeUTF)
- // Paste the buffer
- bufferUnderlying.writeTo(s)
- s.flush()
- }
- def writeTree(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- import buffer._
- writePosition(tree.pos)
- tree match {
- case EmptyTree =>
- writeByte(TagEmptyTree)
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- writeByte(TagVarDef)
- writeIdent(ident); writeType(vtpe); writeBoolean(mutable); writeTree(rhs)
- case ParamDef(ident, ptpe, mutable) =>
- writeByte(TagParamDef)
- writeIdent(ident); writeType(ptpe); writeBoolean(mutable)
- case Skip() =>
- writeByte(TagSkip)
- case Block(stats) =>
- writeByte(TagBlock)
- writeTrees(stats)
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- writeByte(TagLabeled)
- writeIdent(label); writeType(tpe); writeTree(body)
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- writeByte(TagAssign)
- writeTree(lhs); writeTree(rhs)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- writeByte(TagReturn)
- writeTree(expr); writeOptIdent(label)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- writeByte(TagIf)
- writeTree(cond); writeTree(thenp); writeTree(elsep)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- writeByte(TagWhile)
- writeTree(cond); writeTree(body); writeOptIdent(label)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- writeByte(TagDoWhile)
- writeTree(body); writeTree(cond); writeOptIdent(label)
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- writeByte(TagTry)
- writeTree(block); writeIdent(errVar); writeTree(handler); writeTree(finalizer)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- writeByte(TagThrow)
- writeTree(expr)
- case Continue(label) =>
- writeByte(TagContinue)
- writeOptIdent(label)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- writeByte(TagMatch)
- writeTree(selector)
- writeInt(cases.size)
- cases foreach { caze =>
- writeTrees(caze._1); writeTree(caze._2)
- }
- writeTree(default)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case Debugger() =>
- writeByte(TagDebugger)
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- writeByte(TagNew)
- writeClassType(cls); writeIdent(ctor); writeTrees(args)
- case LoadModule(cls) =>
- writeByte(TagLoadModule)
- writeClassType(cls)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- writeByte(TagStoreModule)
- writeClassType(cls); writeTree(value)
- case Select(qualifier, item, mutable) =>
- writeByte(TagSelect)
- writeTree(qualifier); writeIdent(item); writeBoolean(mutable)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- writeByte(TagApply)
- writeTree(receiver); writeIdent(method); writeTrees(args)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- writeByte(TagStaticApply)
- writeTree(receiver); writeClassType(cls); writeIdent(method); writeTrees(args)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- writeByte(TagTraitImplApply)
- writeClassType(impl); writeIdent(method); writeTrees(args)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- writeByte(TagUnaryOp)
- writeByte(op); writeTree(lhs)
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- writeByte(TagBinaryOp)
- writeByte(op); writeTree(lhs); writeTree(rhs)
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- writeByte(TagNewArray)
- writeArrayType(tpe); writeTrees(lengths)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- writeByte(TagArrayValue)
- writeArrayType(tpe); writeTrees(elems)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- writeByte(TagArrayLength)
- writeTree(array)
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- writeByte(TagArraySelect)
- writeTree(array); writeTree(index)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- writeByte(TagRecordValue)
- writeType(tpe); writeTrees(elems)
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- writeByte(TagIsInstanceOf)
- writeTree(expr); writeReferenceType(cls)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- writeByte(TagAsInstanceOf)
- writeTree(expr); writeReferenceType(cls)
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- writeByte(TagUnbox)
- writeTree(expr); writeByte(charCode.toByte)
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- writeByte(TagGetClass)
- writeTree(expr)
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- writeByte(TagCallHelper)
- writeString(helper); writeTrees(args)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- writeByte(TagJSNew)
- writeTree(ctor); writeTrees(args)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- writeByte(TagJSDotSelect)
- writeTree(qualifier); writeIdent(item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- writeByte(TagJSBracketSelect)
- writeTree(qualifier); writeTree(item)
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- writeByte(TagJSFunctionApply)
- writeTree(fun); writeTrees(args)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- writeByte(TagJSDotMethodApply)
- writeTree(receiver); writeIdent(method); writeTrees(args)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- writeByte(TagJSBracketMethodApply)
- writeTree(receiver); writeTree(method); writeTrees(args)
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- writeByte(TagJSDelete)
- writeTree(prop)
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- writeByte(TagJSUnaryOp)
- writeString(op); writeTree(lhs)
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- writeByte(TagJSBinaryOp)
- writeString(op); writeTree(lhs); writeTree(rhs)
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- writeByte(TagJSArrayConstr)
- writeTrees(items)
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- writeByte(TagJSObjectConstr)
- writeInt(fields.size)
- fields foreach { field =>
- writePropertyName(field._1); writeTree(field._2)
- }
- case JSEnvInfo() =>
- writeByte(TagJSEnvInfo)
- // Literals
- case Undefined() =>
- writeByte(TagUndefined)
- case UndefinedParam() =>
- writeByte(TagUndefinedParam)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case Null() =>
- writeByte(TagNull)
- case BooleanLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagBooleanLiteral)
- writeBoolean(value)
- case IntLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagIntLiteral)
- writeInt(value)
- case LongLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagLongLiteral)
- writeLong(value)
- case FloatLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagFloatLiteral)
- writeFloat(value)
- case DoubleLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagDoubleLiteral)
- writeDouble(value)
- case StringLiteral(value) =>
- writeByte(TagStringLiteral)
- writeString(value)
- case ClassOf(cls) =>
- writeByte(TagClassOf)
- writeReferenceType(cls)
- case VarRef(ident, mutable) =>
- writeByte(TagVarRef)
- writeIdent(ident); writeBoolean(mutable)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case This() =>
- writeByte(TagThis)
- writeType(tree.tpe)
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- writeByte(TagClosure)
- writeTrees(captureParams)
- writeTrees(params)
- writeTree(body)
- writeTrees(captureValues)
- case ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs) =>
- writeByte(TagClassDef)
- writeIdent(name)
- writeByte(ClassKind.toByte(kind))
- writeOptIdent(parent)
- writeIdents(ancestors)
- writeTrees(defs)
- case methodDef: MethodDef =>
- val MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) = methodDef
- writeByte(TagMethodDef)
- writeOptHash(methodDef.hash)
- // Prepare for back-jump and write dummy length
- bufferUnderlying.markJump()
- writeInt(-1)
- // Write out method def
- writePropertyName(name); writeTrees(args); writeType(resultType); writeTree(body)
- // Jump back and write true length
- val length = bufferUnderlying.jumpBack()
- writeInt(length)
- bufferUnderlying.continue()
- case PropertyDef(name, getter, arg, setter) =>
- writeByte(TagPropertyDef)
- writePropertyName(name); writeTree(getter); writeTree(arg); writeTree(setter)
- case ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, body) =>
- writeByte(TagConstructorExportDef)
- writeString(fullName); writeTrees(args); writeTree(body)
- case ModuleExportDef(fullName) =>
- writeByte(TagModuleExportDef)
- writeString(fullName)
- }
- if (UseDebugMagic)
- writeInt(DebugMagic)
- }
- def writeTrees(trees: List[Tree]): Unit = {
- buffer.writeInt(trees.size)
- trees.foreach(writeTree)
- }
- def writeIdent(ident: Ident): Unit = {
- writePosition(ident.pos)
- writeString(; writeString(ident.originalName.getOrElse(""))
- }
- def writeIdents(idents: List[Ident]): Unit = {
- buffer.writeInt(idents.size)
- idents.foreach(writeIdent)
- }
- def writeOptIdent(optIdent: Option[Ident]): Unit = {
- buffer.writeBoolean(optIdent.isDefined)
- optIdent.foreach(writeIdent)
- }
- def writeType(tpe: Type): Unit = {
- tpe match {
- case AnyType => buffer.write(TagAnyType)
- case NothingType => buffer.write(TagNothingType)
- case UndefType => buffer.write(TagUndefType)
- case BooleanType => buffer.write(TagBooleanType)
- case IntType => buffer.write(TagIntType)
- case LongType => buffer.write(TagLongType)
- case FloatType => buffer.write(TagFloatType)
- case DoubleType => buffer.write(TagDoubleType)
- case StringType => buffer.write(TagStringType)
- case NullType => buffer.write(TagNullType)
- case NoType => buffer.write(TagNoType)
- case tpe: ClassType =>
- buffer.write(TagClassType)
- writeClassType(tpe)
- case tpe: ArrayType =>
- buffer.write(TagArrayType)
- writeArrayType(tpe)
- case RecordType(fields) =>
- buffer.write(TagRecordType)
- buffer.writeInt(fields.size)
- for (RecordType.Field(name, originalName, tpe, mutable) <- fields) {
- writeString(name)
- writeString(originalName.getOrElse(""))
- writeType(tpe)
- buffer.writeBoolean(mutable)
- }
- }
- }
- def writeClassType(tpe: ClassType): Unit =
- writeString(tpe.className)
- def writeArrayType(tpe: ArrayType): Unit = {
- writeString(tpe.baseClassName)
- buffer.writeInt(tpe.dimensions)
- }
- def writeReferenceType(tpe: ReferenceType): Unit =
- writeType(tpe)
- def writePropertyName(name: PropertyName): Unit = {
- name match {
- case name: Ident => buffer.writeBoolean(true); writeIdent(name)
- case name: StringLiteral => buffer.writeBoolean(false); writeTree(name)
- }
- }
- def writePosition(pos: Position): Unit = {
- import buffer._
- import PositionFormat._
- def writeFull(): Unit = {
- writeByte(FormatFullMaskValue)
- writeInt(fileToIndex(pos.source))
- writeInt(pos.line)
- writeInt(pos.column)
- }
- if (pos == Position.NoPosition) {
- writeByte(FormatNoPositionValue)
- } else if (lastPosition == Position.NoPosition ||
- pos.source != lastPosition.source) {
- writeFull()
- lastPosition = pos
- } else {
- val line = pos.line
- val column = pos.column
- val lineDiff = line - lastPosition.line
- val columnDiff = column - lastPosition.column
- val columnIsByte = column >= 0 && column < 256
- if (lineDiff == 0 && columnDiff >= -64 && columnDiff < 64) {
- writeByte((columnDiff << Format1Shift) | Format1MaskValue)
- } else if (lineDiff >= -32 && lineDiff < 32 && columnIsByte) {
- writeByte((lineDiff << Format2Shift) | Format2MaskValue)
- writeByte(column)
- } else if (lineDiff >= Short.MinValue && lineDiff <= Short.MaxValue && columnIsByte) {
- writeByte(Format3MaskValue)
- writeShort(lineDiff)
- writeByte(column)
- } else {
- writeFull()
- }
- lastPosition = pos
- }
- if (UseDebugMagic)
- writeInt(PosDebugMagic)
- }
- def writeOptHash(optHash: Option[TreeHash]): Unit = {
- buffer.writeBoolean(optHash.isDefined)
- for (hash <- optHash) {
- buffer.write(hash.treeHash)
- buffer.write(hash.posHash)
- }
- }
- def writeString(s: String): Unit =
- buffer.writeInt(stringToIndex(s))
- }
- private final class Deserializer(stream: InputStream, sourceVersion: String) {
- private[this] val input = new DataInputStream(stream)
- private[this] val files =
- Array.fill(input.readInt())(new URI(input.readUTF()))
- private[this] val strings =
- Array.fill(input.readInt())(input.readUTF())
- private[this] var lastPosition: Position = Position.NoPosition
- def deserialize(): Tree = {
- readTree()
- }
- def readTree(): Tree = {
- import input._
- implicit val pos = readPosition()
- val tag = readByte()
- val result = (tag: @switch) match {
- case TagEmptyTree => EmptyTree
- case TagVarDef => VarDef(readIdent(), readType(), readBoolean(), readTree())
- case TagParamDef => ParamDef(readIdent(), readType(), readBoolean())
- case TagSkip => Skip()
- case TagBlock => Block(readTrees())
- case TagLabeled => Labeled(readIdent(), readType(), readTree())
- case TagAssign => Assign(readTree(), readTree())
- case TagReturn => Return(readTree(), readOptIdent())
- case TagIf => If(readTree(), readTree(), readTree())(readType())
- case TagWhile => While(readTree(), readTree(), readOptIdent())
- case TagDoWhile => DoWhile(readTree(), readTree(), readOptIdent())
- case TagTry => Try(readTree(), readIdent(), readTree(), readTree())(readType())
- case TagThrow => Throw(readTree())
- case TagContinue => Continue(readOptIdent())
- case TagMatch =>
- Match(readTree(), List.fill(readInt()) {
- (readTrees().map(_.asInstanceOf[Literal]), readTree())
- }, readTree())(readType())
- case TagDebugger => Debugger()
- case TagNew => New(readClassType(), readIdent(), readTrees())
- case TagLoadModule => LoadModule(readClassType())
- case TagStoreModule => StoreModule(readClassType(), readTree())
- case TagSelect => Select(readTree(), readIdent(), readBoolean())(readType())
- case TagApply => Apply(readTree(), readIdent(), readTrees())(readType())
- case TagStaticApply => StaticApply(readTree(), readClassType(), readIdent(), readTrees())(readType())
- case TagTraitImplApply => TraitImplApply(readClassType(), readIdent(), readTrees())(readType())
- case TagUnaryOp => UnaryOp(readByte(), readTree())
- case TagBinaryOp => BinaryOp(readByte(), readTree(), readTree())
- case TagNewArray => NewArray(readArrayType(), readTrees())
- case TagArrayValue => ArrayValue(readArrayType(), readTrees())
- case TagArrayLength => ArrayLength(readTree())
- case TagArraySelect => ArraySelect(readTree(), readTree())(readType())
- case TagRecordValue => RecordValue(readType().asInstanceOf[RecordType], readTrees())
- case TagIsInstanceOf => IsInstanceOf(readTree(), readReferenceType())
- case TagAsInstanceOf => AsInstanceOf(readTree(), readReferenceType())
- case TagUnbox => Unbox(readTree(), readByte().toChar)
- case TagGetClass => GetClass(readTree())
- case TagCallHelper => CallHelper(readString(), readTrees())(readType())
- case TagJSNew => JSNew(readTree(), readTrees())
- case TagJSDotSelect => JSDotSelect(readTree(), readIdent())
- case TagJSBracketSelect => JSBracketSelect(readTree(), readTree())
- case TagJSFunctionApply => JSFunctionApply(readTree(), readTrees())
- case TagJSDotMethodApply => JSDotMethodApply(readTree(), readIdent(), readTrees())
- case TagJSBracketMethodApply => JSBracketMethodApply(readTree(), readTree(), readTrees())
- case TagJSDelete => JSDelete(readTree())
- case TagJSUnaryOp => JSUnaryOp(readString(), readTree())
- case TagJSBinaryOp => JSBinaryOp(readString(), readTree(), readTree())
- case TagJSArrayConstr => JSArrayConstr(readTrees())
- case TagJSObjectConstr =>
- JSObjectConstr(List.fill(readInt())((readPropertyName(), readTree())))
- case TagJSEnvInfo => JSEnvInfo()
- case TagUndefined => Undefined()
- case TagUndefinedParam => UndefinedParam()(readType())
- case TagNull => Null()
- case TagBooleanLiteral => BooleanLiteral(readBoolean())
- case TagIntLiteral => IntLiteral(readInt())
- case TagLongLiteral => LongLiteral(readLong())
- case TagFloatLiteral => FloatLiteral(readFloat())
- case TagDoubleLiteral => DoubleLiteral(readDouble())
- case TagStringLiteral => StringLiteral(readString())
- case TagClassOf => ClassOf(readReferenceType())
- case TagVarRef => VarRef(readIdent(), readBoolean())(readType())
- case TagThis => This()(readType())
- case TagClosure =>
- Closure(readParamDefs(), readParamDefs(), readTree(), readTrees())
- case TagClassDef =>
- val name = readIdent()
- val kind = ClassKind.fromByte(readByte())
- val parent = readOptIdent()
- val ancestors = readIdents()
- val defs = readTrees()
- ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs)
- case TagMethodDef =>
- val optHash = readOptHash()
- // read and discard the length
- val len = readInt()
- assert(len >= 0)
- MethodDef(readPropertyName(), readParamDefs(), readType(), readTree())(optHash)
- case TagPropertyDef =>
- PropertyDef(readPropertyName(), readTree(),
- readTree().asInstanceOf[ParamDef], readTree())
- case TagConstructorExportDef =>
- ConstructorExportDef(readString(), readParamDefs(), readTree())
- case TagModuleExportDef =>
- ModuleExportDef(readString())
- }
- if (UseDebugMagic) {
- val magic = readInt()
- assert(magic == DebugMagic,
- s"Bad magic after reading a ${result.getClass}!")
- }
- result
- }
- def readTrees(): List[Tree] =
- List.fill(input.readInt())(readTree())
- def readParamDefs(): List[ParamDef] =
- readTrees().map(_.asInstanceOf[ParamDef])
- def readIdent(): Ident = {
- implicit val pos = readPosition()
- val name = readString()
- val originalName = readString()
- Ident(name, if (originalName.isEmpty) None else Some(originalName))
- }
- def readIdents(): List[Ident] =
- List.fill(input.readInt())(readIdent())
- def readOptIdent(): Option[Ident] = {
- if (input.readBoolean()) Some(readIdent())
- else None
- }
- def readType(): Type = {
- val tag = input.readByte()
- (tag: @switch) match {
- case TagAnyType => AnyType
- case TagNothingType => NothingType
- case TagUndefType => UndefType
- case TagBooleanType => BooleanType
- case TagIntType => IntType
- case TagLongType => LongType
- case TagFloatType => FloatType
- case TagDoubleType => DoubleType
- case TagStringType => StringType
- case TagNullType => NullType
- case TagNoType => NoType
- case TagClassType => readClassType()
- case TagArrayType => readArrayType()
- case TagRecordType =>
- RecordType(List.fill(input.readInt()) {
- val name = readString()
- val originalName = readString()
- val tpe = readType()
- val mutable = input.readBoolean()
- RecordType.Field(name,
- if (originalName.isEmpty) None else Some(originalName),
- tpe, mutable)
- })
- }
- }
- def readClassType(): ClassType =
- ClassType(readString())
- def readArrayType(): ArrayType =
- ArrayType(readString(), input.readInt())
- def readReferenceType(): ReferenceType =
- readType().asInstanceOf[ReferenceType]
- def readPropertyName(): PropertyName = {
- if (input.readBoolean()) readIdent()
- else readTree().asInstanceOf[StringLiteral]
- }
- def readPosition(): Position = {
- import input._
- import PositionFormat._
- val first = readByte()
- val result = if (first == FormatNoPositionValue) {
- Position.NoPosition
- } else {
- val result = if ((first & FormatFullMask) == FormatFullMaskValue) {
- val file = files(readInt())
- val line = readInt()
- val column = readInt()
- Position(file, line, column)
- } else {
- assert(lastPosition != NoPosition,
- "Position format error: first position must be full")
- if ((first & Format1Mask) == Format1MaskValue) {
- val columnDiff = first >> Format1Shift
- Position(lastPosition.source, lastPosition.line,
- lastPosition.column + columnDiff)
- } else if ((first & Format2Mask) == Format2MaskValue) {
- val lineDiff = first >> Format2Shift
- val column = readByte() & 0xff // unsigned
- Position(lastPosition.source,
- lastPosition.line + lineDiff, column)
- } else {
- assert((first & Format3Mask) == Format3MaskValue,
- s"Position format error: first byte $first does not match any format")
- val lineDiff = readShort()
- val column = readByte() & 0xff // unsigned
- Position(lastPosition.source,
- lastPosition.line + lineDiff, column)
- }
- }
- lastPosition = result
- result
- }
- if (UseDebugMagic) {
- val magic = readInt()
- assert(magic == PosDebugMagic,
- s"Bad magic after reading position with first byte $first")
- }
- result
- }
- def readOptHash(): Option[TreeHash] = {
- if (input.readBoolean()) {
- val treeHash = new Array[Byte](20)
- val posHash = new Array[Byte](20)
- input.readFully(treeHash)
- input.readFully(posHash)
- Some(new TreeHash(treeHash, posHash))
- } else None
- }
- def readString(): String = {
- strings(input.readInt())
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Tags.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Tags.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a03926c..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Tags.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-/** Serialization and hashing tags for trees and types */
-private[ir] object Tags {
- // Tags for Trees
- final val TagEmptyTree = 1
- final val TagVarDef = TagEmptyTree + 1
- final val TagParamDef = TagVarDef + 1
- final val TagSkip = TagParamDef + 1
- final val TagBlock = TagSkip + 1
- final val TagLabeled = TagBlock + 1
- final val TagAssign = TagLabeled + 1
- final val TagReturn = TagAssign + 1
- final val TagIf = TagReturn + 1
- final val TagWhile = TagIf + 1
- final val TagDoWhile = TagWhile + 1
- final val TagTry = TagDoWhile + 1
- final val TagThrow = TagTry + 1
- final val TagContinue = TagThrow + 1
- final val TagMatch = TagContinue + 1
- final val TagDebugger = TagMatch + 1
- final val TagNew = TagDebugger + 1
- final val TagLoadModule = TagNew + 1
- final val TagStoreModule = TagLoadModule + 1
- final val TagSelect = TagStoreModule + 1
- final val TagApply = TagSelect + 1
- final val TagStaticApply = TagApply + 1
- final val TagTraitImplApply = TagStaticApply + 1
- final val TagUnaryOp = TagTraitImplApply + 1
- final val TagBinaryOp = TagUnaryOp + 1
- final val TagNewArray = TagBinaryOp + 1
- final val TagArrayValue = TagNewArray + 1
- final val TagArrayLength = TagArrayValue + 1
- final val TagArraySelect = TagArrayLength + 1
- final val TagRecordValue = TagArraySelect + 1
- final val TagIsInstanceOf = TagRecordValue + 1
- final val TagAsInstanceOf = TagIsInstanceOf + 1
- final val TagUnbox = TagAsInstanceOf + 1
- final val TagGetClass = TagUnbox + 1
- final val TagCallHelper = TagGetClass + 1
- final val TagJSNew = TagCallHelper + 1
- final val TagJSDotSelect = TagJSNew + 1
- final val TagJSBracketSelect = TagJSDotSelect + 1
- final val TagJSFunctionApply = TagJSBracketSelect + 1
- final val TagJSDotMethodApply = TagJSFunctionApply + 1
- final val TagJSBracketMethodApply = TagJSDotMethodApply + 1
- final val TagJSDelete = TagJSBracketMethodApply + 1
- final val TagJSUnaryOp = TagJSDelete + 1
- final val TagJSBinaryOp = TagJSUnaryOp + 1
- final val TagJSArrayConstr = TagJSBinaryOp + 1
- final val TagJSObjectConstr = TagJSArrayConstr + 1
- final val TagJSEnvInfo = TagJSObjectConstr + 1
- final val TagUndefined = TagJSEnvInfo + 1
- final val TagUndefinedParam = TagUndefined + 1
- final val TagNull = TagUndefinedParam + 1
- final val TagBooleanLiteral = TagNull + 1
- final val TagIntLiteral = TagBooleanLiteral + 1
- final val TagLongLiteral = TagIntLiteral + 1
- final val TagFloatLiteral = TagLongLiteral + 1
- final val TagDoubleLiteral = TagFloatLiteral + 1
- final val TagStringLiteral = TagDoubleLiteral + 1
- final val TagClassOf = TagStringLiteral + 1
- final val TagVarRef = TagClassOf + 1
- final val TagThis = TagVarRef + 1
- final val TagClosure = TagThis + 1
- final val TagClassDef = TagClosure + 1
- final val TagMethodDef = TagClassDef + 1
- final val TagPropertyDef = TagMethodDef + 1
- final val TagConstructorExportDef = TagPropertyDef + 1
- final val TagModuleExportDef = TagConstructorExportDef + 1
- // Tags for Types
- final val TagAnyType = 1
- final val TagNothingType = TagAnyType + 1
- final val TagUndefType = TagNothingType + 1
- final val TagBooleanType = TagUndefType + 1
- final val TagIntType = TagBooleanType + 1
- final val TagLongType = TagIntType + 1
- final val TagFloatType = TagLongType + 1
- final val TagDoubleType = TagFloatType + 1
- final val TagStringType = TagDoubleType + 1
- final val TagNullType = TagStringType + 1
- final val TagClassType = TagNullType + 1
- final val TagArrayType = TagClassType + 1
- final val TagRecordType = TagArrayType + 1
- final val TagNoType = TagRecordType + 1
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Transformers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Transformers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4f40c..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Transformers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import Trees._
-object Transformers {
- abstract class Transformer {
- final def transformStat(tree: Tree): Tree =
- transform(tree, isStat = true)
- final def transformExpr(tree: Tree): Tree =
- transform(tree, isStat = false)
- def transform(tree: Tree, isStat: Boolean): Tree = {
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- tree match {
- // Definitions
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, transformExpr(rhs))
- // Control flow constructs
- case Block(stats :+ expr) =>
- Block( :+ transform(expr, isStat))
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- Labeled(label, tpe, transform(body, isStat))
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- Assign(transformExpr(lhs), transformExpr(rhs))
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- Return(transformExpr(expr), label)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- If(transformExpr(cond), transform(thenp, isStat),
- transform(elsep, isStat))(tree.tpe)
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- While(transformExpr(cond), transformStat(body), label)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- DoWhile(transformStat(body), transformExpr(cond), label)
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- Try(transform(block, isStat), errVar, transform(handler, isStat),
- transformStat(finalizer))(tree.tpe)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- Throw(transformExpr(expr))
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- Match(transformExpr(selector),
- cases map (c => (c._1, transform(c._2, isStat))),
- transform(default, isStat))(tree.tpe)
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- New(cls, ctor, args map transformExpr)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- StoreModule(cls, transformExpr(value))
- case Select(qualifier, item, mutable) =>
- Select(transformExpr(qualifier), item, mutable)(tree.tpe)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- Apply(transformExpr(receiver), method,
- args map transformExpr)(tree.tpe)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- StaticApply(transformExpr(receiver), cls, method,
- args map transformExpr)(tree.tpe)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- TraitImplApply(impl, method, args map transformExpr)(tree.tpe)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- UnaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs))
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- BinaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs), transformExpr(rhs))
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- NewArray(tpe, lengths map transformExpr)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- ArrayValue(tpe, elems map transformExpr)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- ArrayLength(transformExpr(array))
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- ArraySelect(transformExpr(array), transformExpr(index))(tree.tpe)
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- RecordValue(tpe, elems map transformExpr)
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- IsInstanceOf(transformExpr(expr), cls)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- AsInstanceOf(transformExpr(expr), cls)
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- Unbox(transformExpr(expr), charCode)
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- GetClass(transformExpr(expr))
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- CallHelper(helper, args map transformExpr)(tree.tpe)
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- JSNew(transformExpr(ctor), args map transformExpr)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- JSDotSelect(transformExpr(qualifier), item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- JSBracketSelect(transformExpr(qualifier), transformExpr(item))
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- JSFunctionApply(transformExpr(fun), args map transformExpr)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- JSDotMethodApply(transformExpr(receiver), method,
- args map transformExpr)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- JSBracketMethodApply(transformExpr(receiver), transformExpr(method),
- args map transformExpr)
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- JSDelete(transformExpr(prop))
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- JSUnaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs))
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- JSBinaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs), transformExpr(rhs))
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- JSArrayConstr(items map transformExpr)
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- JSObjectConstr(fields map {
- case (name, value) => (name, transformExpr(value))
- })
- // Atomic expressions
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- Closure(captureParams, params, transformExpr(body),
- // Trees that need not be transformed
- case _:Skip | _:Continue | _:LoadModule | _:JSEnvInfo |
- _:Literal | _:VarRef | _:This | EmptyTree =>
- tree
- case _ =>
- sys.error(s"Invalid tree in transform() of class ${tree.getClass}")
- }
- }
- }
- abstract class ClassTransformer extends Transformer {
- def transformClassDef(tree: ClassDef): ClassDef = {
- val ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs) = tree
- ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors,
- }
- def transformDef(tree: Tree): Tree = {
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- tree match {
- case VarDef(name, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- VarDef(name, vtpe, mutable, transformExpr(rhs))
- case MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) =>
- MethodDef(name, args, resultType, transformStat(body))(None)
- case PropertyDef(name, getterBody, setterArg, setterBody) =>
- PropertyDef(
- name,
- transformStat(getterBody),
- setterArg,
- transformStat(setterBody))
- case ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, body) =>
- ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, transformStat(body))
- case ModuleExportDef(_) =>
- tree
- case _ =>
- sys.error(s"Invalid tree in transformDef() of class ${tree.getClass}")
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Traversers.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Traversers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b77e5e..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Traversers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import Trees._
-object Traversers {
- class Traverser {
- def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = tree match {
- // Definitions
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- traverse(rhs)
- // Control flow constructs
- case Block(stats) =>
- stats foreach traverse
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- traverse(body)
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs)
- traverse(rhs)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- traverse(cond)
- traverse(thenp)
- traverse(elsep)
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- traverse(cond)
- traverse(body)
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- traverse(body)
- traverse(cond)
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- traverse(block)
- traverse(handler)
- traverse(finalizer)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- traverse(selector)
- cases foreach (c => (c._1 map traverse, traverse(c._2)))
- traverse(default)
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- args foreach traverse
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- traverse(value)
- case Select(qualifier, item, mutable) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case Apply(receiver, method, args) =>
- traverse(receiver)
- args foreach traverse
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, method, args) =>
- traverse(receiver)
- args foreach traverse
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- args foreach traverse
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- traverse(lhs)
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs)
- traverse(rhs)
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- lengths foreach traverse
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- elems foreach traverse
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- traverse(array)
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- traverse(array)
- traverse(index)
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- elems foreach traverse
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case Unbox(expr, charCode) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- traverse(expr)
- case CallHelper(helper, args) =>
- args foreach traverse
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- traverse(ctor)
- args foreach traverse
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- traverse(qualifier)
- traverse(item)
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- traverse(fun)
- args foreach traverse
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- traverse(receiver)
- args foreach traverse
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- traverse(receiver)
- traverse(method)
- args foreach traverse
- case JSDelete(prop) =>
- traverse(prop)
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- traverse(lhs)
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- traverse(lhs)
- traverse(rhs)
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- items foreach traverse
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- fields foreach { f => traverse(f._2) }
- // Atomic expressions
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- traverse(body)
- captureValues.foreach(traverse)
- // Classes
- case ClassDef(name, kind, parent, ancestors, defs) =>
- defs foreach traverse
- case MethodDef(name, args, resultType, body) =>
- traverse(body)
- case PropertyDef(name, getterBody, setterArg, setterBody) =>
- traverse(getterBody)
- traverse(setterBody)
- case ConstructorExportDef(fullName, args, body) =>
- traverse(body)
- // Trees that need not be traversed
- case _:Skip | _:Continue | _:LoadModule | _:JSEnvInfo |
- _:Literal | _:VarRef | _:This | _:ModuleExportDef | EmptyTree =>
- case _ =>
- sys.error(s"Invalid tree in traverse() of class ${tree.getClass}")
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f58ece..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Trees.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,536 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import Position.NoPosition
-import Types._
-object Trees {
- /** AST node of the IR. */
- abstract sealed class Tree {
- val pos: Position
- val tpe: Type
- def show: String = {
- val writer = new
- val printer = new Printers.IRTreePrinter(writer)
- printer.printTree(this)
- writer.toString()
- }
- }
- case object EmptyTree extends Tree {
- val pos = NoPosition
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- // Identifiers and properties
- sealed trait PropertyName {
- def name: String
- def pos: Position
- }
- case class Ident(name: String, originalName: Option[String])(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends PropertyName {
- requireValidIdent(name)
- }
- object Ident {
- def apply(name: String)(implicit pos: Position): Ident =
- new Ident(name, Some(name))
- }
- final def isValidIdentifier(name: String): Boolean = {
- val c = name.head
- (c == '$' || c == '_' || c.isUnicodeIdentifierStart) &&
- name.tail.forall(c => (c == '$') || c.isUnicodeIdentifierPart) &&
- !isKeyword(name)
- }
- @inline final def requireValidIdent(name: String) {
- require(isValidIdentifier(name), s"${name} is not a valid identifier")
- }
- final val isKeyword: Set[String] = Set(
- // Value keywords
- "true", "false", "null", "undefined",
- // Current JavaScript keywords
- "break", "case", "catch", "continue", "debugger", "default", "delete",
- "do", "else", "finally", "for", "function", "if", "in", "instanceof",
- "new", "return", "switch", "this", "throw", "try", "typeof", "var",
- "void", "while", "with",
- // Future reserved keywords
- "class", "const", "enum", "export", "extends", "import", "super",
- // Future reserved keywords in Strict mode
- "implements", "interface", "let", "package", "private", "protected",
- "public", "static", "yield",
- // Other reserved keywords found on the Web but not in the spec
- "abstract", "boolean", "byte", "char", "double", "final", "float",
- "goto", "int", "long", "native", "short", "synchronized", "throws",
- "transient", "volatile"
- )
- // Definitions
- case class VarDef(name: Ident, vtpe: Type, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)(vtpe)
- }
- case class ParamDef(name: Ident, ptpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): VarRef =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)(ptpe)
- }
- // Control flow constructs
- case class Skip()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- class Block private (val stats: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = stats.last.tpe
- override def toString(): String =
- stats.mkString("Block(", ",", ")")
- }
- object Block {
- def apply(stats: List[Tree])(implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- val flattenedStats = stats flatMap {
- case Skip() => Nil
- case Block(subStats) => subStats
- case other => other :: Nil
- }
- flattenedStats match {
- case Nil => Skip()
- case only :: Nil => only
- case _ => new Block(flattenedStats)
- }
- }
- def apply(stats: Tree*)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- apply(stats.toList)
- def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
- }
- case class Labeled(label: Ident, tpe: Type, body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(lhs match {
- case _:VarRef | _:Select | _:ArraySelect |
- _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid lhs for Assign: $lhs")
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Return(expr: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- // cannot be in expression position, unless it is infinite
- val tpe = cond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(true) => NothingType
- case _ => NoType
- }
- }
- case class DoWhile(body: Tree, cond: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Try(block: Tree, errVar: Ident, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Throw(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- case class Continue(label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NothingType
- }
- /** A break-free switch (without fallthrough behavior).
- * Unlike a JavaScript switch, it can be used in expression position.
- * It supports alternatives explicitly (hence the List[Tree] in cases),
- * whereas in a switch one would use the fallthrough behavior to
- * implement alternatives.
- * (This is not a pattern matching construct like in Scala.)
- */
- case class Match(selector: Tree, cases: List[(List[Literal], Tree)], default: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Debugger()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- // Scala expressions
- case class New(cls: ClassType, ctor: Ident, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls
- }
- case class LoadModule(cls: ClassType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls
- }
- case class StoreModule(cls: ClassType, value: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- case class Select(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Apply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class StaticApply(receiver: Tree, cls: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class TraitImplApply(impl: ClassType, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Unary operation (always preserves pureness). */
- case class UnaryOp(op: UnaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- import UnaryOp._
- val tpe = (op: @switch) match {
- case `typeof` => StringType
- case LongToInt | DoubleToInt => IntType
- case IntToLong | DoubleToLong => LongType
- case DoubleToFloat => FloatType
- case LongToDouble => DoubleType
- case Boolean_! => BooleanType
- }
- }
- object UnaryOp {
- /** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
- type Code = Int
- final val typeof = 1
- final val Boolean_! = 2
- final val IntToLong = 3
- final val LongToInt = 4
- final val LongToDouble = 5
- final val DoubleToInt = 6
- final val DoubleToFloat = 7
- final val DoubleToLong = 8
- }
- /** Binary operation (always preserves pureness). */
- case class BinaryOp(op: BinaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- import BinaryOp._
- val tpe = (op: @switch) match {
- case === | !== |
- `in` | `instanceof` |
- Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>= |
- Long_== | Long_!= | Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= |
- Boolean_== | Boolean_!= | Boolean_| | Boolean_& =>
- BooleanType
- case String_+ =>
- StringType
- case Int_+ | Int_- | Int_* | Int_/ | Int_% |
- Int_| | Int_& | Int_^ | Int_<< | Int_>>> | Int_>> =>
- IntType
- case Float_+ | Float_- | Float_* | Float_/ | Float_% =>
- FloatType
- case Double_+ | Double_- | Double_* | Double_/ | Double_% =>
- DoubleType
- case Long_+ | Long_- | Long_* | Long_/ | Long_% |
- Long_| | Long_& | Long_^ | Long_<< | Long_>>> | Long_>> =>
- LongType
- }
- }
- object BinaryOp {
- /** Codes are raw Ints to be able to write switch matches on them. */
- type Code = Int
- final val === = 1
- final val !== = 2
- final val String_+ = 3
- final val in = 4
- final val instanceof = 5
- final val Int_+ = 6
- final val Int_- = 7
- final val Int_* = 8
- final val Int_/ = 9
- final val Int_% = 10
- final val Int_| = 11
- final val Int_& = 12
- final val Int_^ = 13
- final val Int_<< = 14
- final val Int_>>> = 15
- final val Int_>> = 16
- final val Float_+ = 17
- final val Float_- = 18
- final val Float_* = 19
- final val Float_/ = 20
- final val Float_% = 21
- final val Double_+ = 22
- final val Double_- = 23
- final val Double_* = 24
- final val Double_/ = 25
- final val Double_% = 26
- final val Num_== = 27
- final val Num_!= = 28
- final val Num_< = 29
- final val Num_<= = 30
- final val Num_> = 31
- final val Num_>= = 32
- final val Long_+ = 33
- final val Long_- = 34
- final val Long_* = 35
- final val Long_/ = 36
- final val Long_% = 37
- final val Long_| = 38
- final val Long_& = 39
- final val Long_^ = 40
- final val Long_<< = 41
- final val Long_>>> = 42
- final val Long_>> = 43
- final val Long_== = 44
- final val Long_!= = 45
- final val Long_< = 46
- final val Long_<= = 47
- final val Long_> = 48
- final val Long_>= = 49
- final val Boolean_== = 50
- final val Boolean_!= = 51
- final val Boolean_| = 52
- final val Boolean_& = 53
- }
- case class NewArray(tpe: ArrayType, lengths: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(lengths.nonEmpty && lengths.size <= tpe.dimensions)
- }
- case class ArrayValue(tpe: ArrayType, elems: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class ArrayLength(array: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = IntType
- }
- case class ArraySelect(array: Tree, index: Tree)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class RecordValue(tpe: RecordType, elems: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class IsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = BooleanType
- }
- case class AsInstanceOf(expr: Tree, cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = cls match {
- case ClassType(Definitions.RuntimeNullClass) => NullType
- case ClassType(Definitions.RuntimeNothingClass) => NothingType
- case _ => cls
- }
- }
- case class Unbox(expr: Tree, charCode: Char)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = (charCode: @switch) match {
- case 'Z' => BooleanType
- case 'B' | 'S' | 'I' => IntType
- case 'J' => LongType
- case 'F' => FloatType
- case 'D' => DoubleType
- }
- }
- case class GetClass(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = ClassType(Definitions.ClassClass)
- }
- case class CallHelper(helper: String, args: List[Tree])(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- object CallHelper {
- def apply(helper: String, args: Tree*)(tpe: Type)(
- implicit pos: Position): CallHelper = {
- CallHelper(helper, args.toList)(tpe)
- }
- }
- // JavaScript expressions
- case class JSNew(ctor: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDotSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSBracketSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSFunctionApply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDotMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Ident, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSBracketMethodApply(receiver: Tree, method: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSDelete(prop: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(prop match {
- case _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid prop for JSDelete: $prop")
- val tpe = NoType // cannot be in expression position
- }
- /** Unary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably ++ and --
- */
- case class JSUnaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- /** Binary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably +=, -=, *=, /= and %=
- */
- case class JSBinaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSArrayConstr(items: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSObjectConstr(fields: List[(PropertyName, Tree)])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- case class JSEnvInfo()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- // Literals
- /** Marker for literals. Literals are always pure. */
- sealed trait Literal extends Tree
- case class Undefined()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = UndefType
- }
- case class UndefinedParam()(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class Null()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = NullType
- }
- case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = BooleanType
- }
- case class IntLiteral(value: Int)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = IntType
- }
- case class LongLiteral(value: Long)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = LongType
- }
- case class FloatLiteral(value: Float)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = FloatType
- }
- case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = DoubleType
- }
- case class StringLiteral(value: String)(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal with PropertyName {
- val tpe = StringType
- override def name = value
- }
- case class ClassOf(cls: ReferenceType)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal {
- val tpe = ClassType(Definitions.ClassClass)
- }
- // Atomic expressions
- case class VarRef(ident: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class This()(val tpe: Type)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Closure with explicit captures.
- * The n captures map to the n first formal arguments.
- */
- case class Closure(captureParams: List[ParamDef], params: List[ParamDef],
- body: Tree, captureValues: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = AnyType
- }
- // Classes
- case class ClassDef(name: Ident, kind: ClassKind, parent: Option[Ident], ancestors: List[Ident], defs: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class MethodDef(name: PropertyName, args: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type, body: Tree)(
- val hash: Option[TreeHash])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class PropertyDef(name: PropertyName, getterBody: Tree, setterArg: ParamDef, setterBody: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class ConstructorExportDef(name: String, args: List[ParamDef], body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- case class ModuleExportDef(fullName: String)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- val tpe = NoType
- }
- /** A hash of a tree (usually a MethodDef). Contains two SHA-1 hashes */
- final class TreeHash(val treeHash: Array[Byte], val posHash: Array[Byte]) {
- assert(treeHash.length == 20)
- assert(posHash.length == 20)
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Types.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Types.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4af493a..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Types.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-object Types {
- /** Type of an expression in the IR. */
- abstract sealed class Type {
- def show(): String = {
- val writer = new
- val printer = new Printers.IRTreePrinter(writer)
- printer.printType(this)
- writer.toString()
- }
- }
- /** Any type (the top type of this type system).
- * A variable of this type can contain any value, including `undefined`
- * and `null` and any raw JS value. This type supports a very limited set
- * of Scala operations, the ones common to all values. Basically only
- * reference equality tests and instance tests. It also supports all
- * JavaScript operations, since all Scala objects are also genuine
- * JavaScript objects.
- * The type java.lang.Object in the back-end maps to [[AnyType]] because it
- * can hold raw JS values (not only instances of Scala.js classes).
- */
- case object AnyType extends Type
- /** Nothing type (the bottom type of this type system).
- * Expressions from which one can never come back are typed as [[Nothing]].
- * For example, `throw` and `return`.
- */
- case object NothingType extends Type
- /** The type of `undefined`. */
- case object UndefType extends Type
- /** Boolean type.
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object BooleanType extends Type
- /** 32-bit signed integer type.
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object IntType extends Type
- /** 64-bit signed integer type.
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object LongType extends Type
- /** Float type (32-bit).
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object FloatType extends Type
- /** Double type (64-bit).
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object DoubleType extends Type
- /** String type.
- * It does not accept `null` nor `undefined`.
- */
- case object StringType extends Type
- /** The type of `null`.
- * It does not accept `undefined`.
- * The null type is a subtype of all class types and array types.
- */
- case object NullType extends Type
- /** Reference types (allowed for classOf[], is/asInstanceOf[]). */
- sealed abstract class ReferenceType extends Type
- /** Class (or interface) type. */
- final case class ClassType(className: String) extends ReferenceType
- /** Array type. */
- final case class ArrayType(baseClassName: String, dimensions: Int) extends ReferenceType
- object ArrayType {
- def apply(innerType: ReferenceType): ArrayType = innerType match {
- case ClassType(className) => ArrayType(className, 1)
- case ArrayType(className, dim) => ArrayType(className, dim + 1)
- }
- }
- /** Record type.
- * Used by the optimizer to inline classes as records with multiple fields.
- * They are desugared as several local variables by JSDesugaring.
- * Record types cannot cross method boundaries, so they cannot appear as
- * the type of fields or parameters, nor as result types of methods.
- * The compiler itself never generates record types.
- */
- final case class RecordType(fields: List[RecordType.Field]) extends Type {
- def findField(name: String): RecordType.Field =
- fields.find( == name).get
- }
- object RecordType {
- final case class Field(name: String, originalName: Option[String],
- tpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)
- }
- /** No type. */
- case object NoType extends Type
- /** Tests whether a type `lhs` is a subtype of `rhs` (or equal).
- * [[NoType]] is never a subtype or supertype of anything (including
- * itself). All other types are subtypes of themselves.
- * @param isSubclass A function testing whether a class/interface is a
- * subclass of another class/interface.
- */
- def isSubtype(lhs: Type, rhs: Type)(
- isSubclass: (String, String) => Boolean): Boolean = {
- import Definitions._
- (lhs != NoType && rhs != NoType) && {
- (lhs == rhs) ||
- ((lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, AnyType) => true
- case (NothingType, _) => true
- case (ClassType(lhsClass), ClassType(rhsClass)) =>
- isSubclass(lhsClass, rhsClass)
- case (NullType, ClassType(_)) => true
- case (NullType, ArrayType(_, _)) => true
- case (UndefType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedUnitClass, cls)
- case (BooleanType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedBooleanClass, cls)
- case (IntType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedIntegerClass, cls) ||
- cls == BoxedByteClass ||
- cls == BoxedShortClass ||
- cls == BoxedDoubleClass
- case (LongType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedLongClass, cls)
- case (FloatType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedFloatClass, cls) ||
- cls == BoxedDoubleClass
- case (DoubleType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(BoxedDoubleClass, cls)
- case (StringType, ClassType(cls)) =>
- isSubclass(StringClass, cls)
- case (IntType, DoubleType) => true
- case (FloatType, DoubleType) => true
- case (ArrayType(lhsBase, lhsDims), ArrayType(rhsBase, rhsDims)) =>
- if (lhsDims < rhsDims) {
- false // because Array[A] </: Array[Array[A]]
- } else if (lhsDims > rhsDims) {
- rhsBase == ObjectClass // because Array[Array[A]] <: Array[Object]
- } else { // lhsDims == rhsDims
- // lhsBase must be <: rhsBase
- if (isPrimitiveClass(lhsBase) || isPrimitiveClass(rhsBase)) {
- lhsBase == rhsBase
- } else {
- isSubclass(lhsBase, rhsBase)
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- }
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Utils.scala b/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Utils.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d4769dc..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/ir/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/ir/Utils.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js IR **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-object Utils {
- /** Relativize target URI w.r.t. base URI */
- def relativize(base0: URI, trgt0: URI): URI = {
- val base = base0.normalize
- val trgt = trgt0.normalize
- if (base.isOpaque || !base.isAbsolute || base.getRawPath == null ||
- trgt.isOpaque || !trgt.isAbsolute || trgt.getRawPath == null ||
- base.getScheme != trgt.getScheme ||
- base.getRawAuthority != trgt.getRawAuthority)
- trgt
- else {
- val trgtCmps = trgt.getRawPath.split('/')
- val baseCmps = base.getRawPath.split('/')
- val prefixLen = (trgtCmps zip baseCmps).takeWhile(t => t._1 == t._2).size
- val newPathCmps =
- List.fill(baseCmps.size - prefixLen)("..") ++ trgtCmps.drop(prefixLen)
- val newPath = newPathCmps.mkString("/")
- // Relative URI does not have scheme or authority
- new URI(null, null, newPath, trgt.getRawQuery, trgt.getRawFragment)
- }
- }
- /** Adds an empty authority to URIs with the "file" scheme without authority.
- * Some browsers don't fetch URIs without authority correctly.
- */
- def fixFileURI(uri: URI): URI =
- if (uri.getScheme() != "file" || uri.getAuthority() != null) uri
- else new URI("file", "", uri.getPath(), uri.getQuery(), uri.getFragment())
- def escapeJS(str: String): String = {
- /* Note that Java and JavaScript happen to use the same encoding for
- * Unicode, namely UTF-16, which means that 1 char from Java always equals
- * 1 char in JavaScript. */
- val builder = new StringBuilder
- str foreach {
- case '\\' => builder.append("\\\\")
- case '"' => builder.append("\\\"")
- case '\u0007' => builder.append("\\a")
- case '\u0008' => builder.append("\\b")
- case '\u0009' => builder.append("\\t")
- case '\u000A' => builder.append("\\n")
- case '\u000B' => builder.append("\\v")
- case '\u000C' => builder.append("\\f")
- case '\u000D' => builder.append("\\r")
- case c =>
- if (c >= 32 && c <= 126) builder.append(c.toChar) // ASCII printable characters
- else builder.append(f"\\u$c%04x")
- }
- builder.result()
- }
- /** A ByteArrayOutput stream that allows to jump back to a given
- * position and complete some bytes. Methods must be called in the
- * following order only:
- * - [[markJump]]
- * - [[jumpBack]]
- * - [[continue]]
- */
- private[ir] class JumpBackByteArrayOutputStream
- extends {
- protected var jumpBackPos: Int = -1
- protected var headPos: Int = -1
- /** Marks the current location for a jumpback */
- def markJump(): Unit = {
- assert(jumpBackPos == -1)
- assert(headPos == -1)
- jumpBackPos = count
- }
- /** Jumps back to the mark. Returns the number of bytes jumped */
- def jumpBack(): Int = {
- assert(jumpBackPos >= 0)
- assert(headPos == -1)
- val jumped = count - jumpBackPos
- headPos = count
- count = jumpBackPos
- jumpBackPos = -1
- jumped
- }
- /** Continues to write at the head. */
- def continue(): Unit = {
- assert(jumpBackPos == -1)
- assert(headPos >= 0)
- count = headPos
- headPos = -1
- }
- }