path: root/examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala
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authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
commit24f31e120f9537faede7a174bb09ee35f64e1ce4 (patch)
tree06ffc3ecc7847789008352b7e2b7c040dad48907 /examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala
parentb89ce9cbf79363f8cab09186a5d7ba94bc0af02a (diff)
parent2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0 (diff)
Merge commit '2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0' as 'examples/scala-js'
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala b/examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd11731
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/javalib-ex/src/main/scala/java/io/DataInputStream.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+import scala.scalajs.js.typedarray._
+class DataInputStream(in: InputStream) extends FilterInputStream(in)
+ with DataInput {
+ private var pushedBack: Int = -1
+ private var pushedBackMark: Int = -1
+ // -- ArrayBufferInputStream mode helpers --
+ // These variables are used to special case on ArrayBufferInputStreams
+ // They allow directly accessing the underlying ArrayBuffer rather than
+ // creating byte arrays first
+ private val inArrayBufferStream = in match {
+ case in: ArrayBufferInputStream => in
+ case _ => null
+ }
+ private val hasArrayBuffer = inArrayBufferStream != null
+ private val bufDataView = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer) {
+ val in = inArrayBufferStream
+ new DataView(in.buffer, in.offset, in.length)
+ } else null
+ }
+ private def consumePos(n: Int) = {
+ val off = if (pushedBack != -1) 1 else 0
+ val resultPos = inArrayBufferStream.pos - off
+ val toSkip = n - off
+ if (in.skip(toSkip) != toSkip) eof()
+ resultPos
+ }
+ // -- General InputStream mode helpers --
+ // Due to the method readLine, we need to be able to push back a byte (if we
+ // read a \r and the following byte is NOT a \n). We implement this here.
+ // We also provide a method to create an ad-hoc data view of the next n bytes
+ private val convBufLen = 8
+ private val convBuf = new ArrayBuffer(convBufLen)
+ private val convInView = new Int8Array(convBuf)
+ private val convOutView = new DataView(convBuf)
+ private def view(len: Int) = {
+ assert(len <= convBufLen)
+ var i = 0
+ while (i < len) {
+ val byte = read()
+ if (byte == -1) eof()
+ convInView(i) = byte.toByte
+ i += 1
+ }
+ convOutView
+ }
+ // General Helpers
+ private def eof() = throw new EOFException()
+ private def pushBack(v: Int) = { pushedBack = v }
+ // Methods on DataInput
+ def readBoolean(): Boolean = readByte() != 0
+ def readByte(): Byte = {
+ val res = read()
+ if (res == -1) eof()
+ res.toByte
+ }
+ def readChar(): Char = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getUint16(consumePos(2)).toChar
+ else
+ view(2).getUint16(0).toChar
+ }
+ def readDouble(): Double = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getFloat64(consumePos(8))
+ else
+ view(8).getFloat64(0)
+ }
+ def readFloat(): Float = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getFloat32(consumePos(4))
+ else
+ view(4).getFloat32(0)
+ }
+ def readFully(b: Array[Byte]): Unit = readFully(b, 0, b.length)
+ def readFully(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Unit = {
+ if (off < 0 || len < 0 || off + len > b.length)
+ throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException()
+ var remaining = len
+ var offset = off
+ while (remaining > 0) {
+ val readCount = read(b, offset, remaining)
+ if (readCount == -1) eof()
+ remaining -= readCount
+ offset += readCount
+ }
+ }
+ def readInt(): Int = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getInt32(consumePos(4))
+ else
+ view(4).getInt32(0)
+ }
+ def readLine(): String = {
+ var cur = read()
+ if (cur == -1) null
+ else {
+ var res = ""
+ while (cur != -1 && cur != '\n' && cur != '\r') {
+ res += cur.toChar
+ cur = read()
+ }
+ if (cur == '\r') {
+ // Discard a potential \n (from \r\n line endings)
+ cur = read()
+ if (cur != '\n') pushBack(cur)
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ }
+ def readLong(): Long = {
+ val hi = readInt().toLong
+ val lo = readInt().toLong
+ (hi << 32) | (lo & 0xFFFFFFFFL)
+ }
+ def readShort(): Short = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getInt16(consumePos(2))
+ else
+ view(2).getInt16(0)
+ }
+ def readUnsignedByte(): Int = {
+ val res = read()
+ if (res == -1) eof()
+ res
+ }
+ def readUnsignedShort(): Int = {
+ if (hasArrayBuffer)
+ bufDataView.getUint16(consumePos(2))
+ else
+ view(2).getUint16(0)
+ }
+ def readUTF(): String = {
+ val length = readShort()
+ var res = ""
+ var i = 0
+ def badFormat(msg: String) = throw new UTFDataFormatException(msg)
+ while (i < length) {
+ val a = read()
+ if (a == -1)
+ badFormat(s"Unexpected EOF: ${length - i} bytes to go")
+ i += 1
+ val char = {
+ if ((a & 0x80) == 0x00) { // 0xxxxxxx
+ a.toChar
+ } else if ((a & 0xE0) == 0xC0 && i < length) { // 110xxxxx
+ val b = read()
+ i += 1
+ if (b == -1)
+ badFormat(f"Expected 2 bytes, found: EOF (init: $a%#02x)")
+ if ((b & 0xC0) != 0x80) // 10xxxxxx
+ badFormat(f"Expected 2 bytes, found: $b%#02x (init: $a%#02x)")
+ (((a & 0x1F) << 6) | (b & 0x3F)).toChar
+ } else if ((a & 0xF0) == 0xE0 && i < length - 1) { // 1110xxxx
+ val b = read()
+ val c = read()
+ i += 2
+ if (b == -1)
+ badFormat(f"Expected 3 bytes, found: EOF (init: $a%#02x)")
+ if ((b & 0xC0) != 0x80) // 10xxxxxx
+ badFormat(f"Expected 3 bytes, found: $b%#02x (init: $a%#02x)")
+ if (c == -1)
+ badFormat(f"Expected 3 bytes, found: $b%#02x, EOF (init: $a%#02x)")
+ if ((c & 0xC0) != 0x80) // 10xxxxxx
+ badFormat(
+ f"Expected 3 bytes, found: $b%#02x, $c%#02x (init: $a%#02x)")
+ (((a & 0x0F) << 12) | ((b & 0x3F) << 6) | (c & 0x3F)).toChar
+ } else {
+ val rem = length - i
+ badFormat(f"Unexpected start of char: $a%#02x ($rem%d bytes to go)")
+ }
+ }
+ res += char
+ }
+ res
+ }
+ def skipBytes(n: Int): Int = skip(n.toLong).toInt
+ // Methods on FilterInputStream.
+ // Overridden to track pushedBack / pushedBackMark
+ override def available(): Int = {
+ if (pushedBack != -1) in.available + 1
+ else in.available
+ }
+ override def mark(readlimit: Int): Unit = {
+ in.mark(readlimit + 1) // we need one more since we might read ahead
+ pushedBackMark = pushedBack
+ }
+ override def markSupported(): Boolean = in.markSupported()
+ override def read(): Int = {
+ val res = {
+ if (pushedBack != -1)
+ pushedBack
+ else
+ }
+ pushedBack = -1
+ res
+ }
+ override def read(b: Array[Byte], off: Int, len: Int): Int = {
+ if (len == 0)
+ 0
+ else if (pushedBack != -1) {
+ b(off) = pushedBack.toByte
+ pushedBack = -1
+ 1
+ } else {
+ val count =, off, len)
+ count
+ }
+ }
+ override def reset(): Unit = {
+ in.reset()
+ pushedBack = pushedBackMark
+ }
+ override def skip(n: Long): Long = {
+ if (n == 0)
+ 0L
+ else if (pushedBack != -1) {
+ pushedBack = -1
+ 1L
+ } else {
+ val skipped = in.skip(n)
+ skipped
+ }
+ }