path: root/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala
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authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:50:50 -0800
commit88595a41e3ec13c1a516e847fe3d0b279facf3fc (patch)
tree4f03b902de7b81fa2e32792e84b680038345e761 /examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala
parent82773a11c99d260e97ca63356bfb7b417599b1e9 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala b/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c16decd..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/test/env/ComTests.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-package scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.test.env
-import org.junit.Test
-import org.junit.Assert._
-/** A couple of tests that test communication for mix-in into a test suite */
-trait ComTests extends AsyncTests {
- protected def newJSEnv: ComJSEnv
- private def emptyCP = PartialClasspath.empty.resolve()
- private def comRunner(code: String) = {
- val codeVF = new MemVirtualJSFile("testScript.js").withContent(code)
- newJSEnv.comRunner(emptyCP, codeVF,
- new ScalaConsoleLogger(Level.Warn), ConsoleJSConsole)
- }
- private def assertThrowClosed(msg: String, body: => Unit): Unit = {
- val thrown = try {
- body
- false
- } catch {
- case _: ComJSEnv.ComClosedException =>
- true
- }
- assertTrue(msg, thrown)
- }
- @Test
- def comCloseJVMTest = {
- val com = comRunner(s"""
- scalajsCom.init(function(msg) { scalajsCom.send("received: " + msg); });
- scalajsCom.send("Hello World");
- """)
- com.start()
- assertEquals("Hello World", com.receive())
- for (i <- 0 to 10) {
- com.send(i.toString)
- assertEquals(s"received: $i", com.receive())
- }
- com.close()
- com.await()
- }
- def comCloseJSTestCommon(timeout: Long) = {
- val com = comRunner(s"""
- scalajsCom.init(function(msg) {});
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
- scalajsCom.send("msg: " + i);
- scalajsCom.close();
- """)
- com.start()
- Thread.sleep(timeout)
- for (i <- 0 until 10)
- assertEquals(s"msg: $i", com.receive())
- assertThrowClosed("Expect receive to throw after closing of channel",
- com.receive())
- com.close()
- com.await()
- }
- @Test
- def comCloseJSTest = comCloseJSTestCommon(0)
- @Test
- def comCloseJSTestDelayed = comCloseJSTestCommon(1000)
- @Test
- def doubleCloseTest = {
- val n = 10
- val com = pingPongRunner(n)
- com.start()
- for (i <- 0 until n) {
- com.send("ping")
- assertEquals("pong", com.receive())
- }
- com.close()
- com.await()
- }
- @Test
- def multiEnvTest = {
- val n = 10
- val envs = List.fill(5)(pingPongRunner(10))
- envs.foreach(_.start())
- val ops = List[ComJSRunner => Unit](
- _.send("ping"),
- com => assertEquals("pong", com.receive())
- )
- for {
- i <- 0 until n
- env <- envs
- op <- ops
- } op(env)
- envs.foreach(_.close())
- envs.foreach(_.await())
- }
- private def pingPongRunner(count: Int) = {
- comRunner(s"""
- var seen = 0;
- scalajsCom.init(function(msg) {
- scalajsCom.send("pong");
- if (++seen >= $count)
- scalajsCom.close();
- });
- """)
- }
- @Test
- def largeMessageTest = {
- // 1KB data
- val baseMsg = new String(Array.tabulate(512)(_.toChar))
- val baseLen = baseMsg.length
- // Max message size: 1KB * 2^(2*iters+1) = 1MB
- val iters = 4
- val com = comRunner("""
- scalajsCom.init(function(msg) {
- scalajsCom.send(msg + msg);
- });
- """)
- com.start()
- com.send(baseMsg)
- def resultFactor(iters: Int) = Math.pow(2, 2 * iters + 1).toInt
- for (i <- 0 until iters) {
- val reply = com.receive()
- val factor = resultFactor(i)
- assertEquals(baseLen * factor, reply.length)
- for (j <- 0 until factor)
- assertEquals(baseMsg, reply.substring(j * baseLen, (j + 1) * baseLen))
- com.send(reply + reply)
- }
- val lastLen = com.receive().length
- assertEquals(baseLen * resultFactor(iters), lastLen)
- com.close()
- com.await()
- }
- @Test
- def noInitTest = {
- val com = comRunner("")
- com.start()
- com.send("Dummy")
- com.close()
- com.await()
- }
- @Test
- def stopTest = {
- val com = comRunner(s"""scalajsCom.init(function(msg) {});""")
- com.start()
- // Make sure the VM doesn't terminate.
- Thread.sleep(1000)
- assertTrue("VM should still be running", com.isRunning)
- // Stop VM instead of closing channel
- com.stop()
- try {
- com.await()
- fail("Stopped VM should be in failure state")
- } catch {
- case _: Throwable =>
- }
- }