path: root/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala
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authorHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
committerHaoyi Li <>2014-11-26 00:45:31 -0800
commit24f31e120f9537faede7a174bb09ee35f64e1ce4 (patch)
tree06ffc3ecc7847789008352b7e2b7c040dad48907 /examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala
parentb89ce9cbf79363f8cab09186a5d7ba94bc0af02a (diff)
parent2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0 (diff)
Merge commit '2c4b142503bd2d871e6818b5cab8c38627d9e4a0' as 'examples/scala-js'
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala')
1 files changed, 330 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6020a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/compiler/ReflectiveCallTest.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+/* __ *\
+** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
+** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
+** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+** |/____/ **
+\* */
+package scala.scalajs.testsuite.compiler
+import scala.scalajs.js
+import org.scalajs.jasminetest.JasmineTest
+import language.reflectiveCalls
+import java.lang.{Float => JFloat, Double => JDouble}
+object ReflectiveCallTest extends JasmineTest {
+ describe("Reflective Calls") {
+ it("should allow subtyping in return types") {
+ class A { def x = 1 }
+ class B extends A { override def x = 2 }
+ object Generator {
+ def generate(): B = new B
+ }
+ def f(x: { def generate(): A }) = x.generate
+ expect(f(Generator).x).toEqual(2)
+ }
+ it("should allow this.type in return types") {
+ type valueType = { def value: this.type }
+ def f(x: valueType) = x.value
+ class StringValue(x: String) {
+ def value: this.type = this
+ override def toString = s"StringValue($x)"
+ }
+ expect(f(new StringValue("foo")).toString).toEqual("StringValue(foo)")
+ }
+ it("should allow generic return types") {
+ case class Tata(name: String)
+ object Rec {
+ def e(x: Tata) = new Tata("iei")
+ }
+ def m[T](r: Object { def e(x: Tata): T}) =
+ r.e(new Tata("foo"))
+ expect(m[Tata](Rec).toString).toEqual("Tata(iei)")
+ }
+ it("should work with unary methods on primitive types") {
+ def fInt(x: Any { def unary_- :Int }) = -x
+ expect(fInt(1.toByte)).toEqual(-1)
+ expect(fInt(1.toShort)).toEqual(-1)
+ expect(fInt(1.toChar)).toEqual(-1)
+ expect(fInt(1)).toEqual(-1)
+ def fLong(x: Any { def unary_- :Long }) = -x
+ expect(fLong(1L)).toEqual(-1L)
+ def fFloat(x: Any { def unary_- :Float}) = -x
+ expect(fFloat(1.5f)).toEqual(-1.5f)
+ def fDouble(x: Any { def unary_- :Double }) = -x
+ expect(fDouble(1.5)).toEqual(-1.5)
+ def fBoolean(x: Any { def unary_! :Boolean }) = !x
+ expect(fBoolean(false)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fBoolean(true)).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ it("should work with binary operators on primitive types") {
+ def fLong(x: Any { def +(x: Long): Long }) = x + 5L
+ expect(fLong(5.toByte)).toEqual(10L)
+ expect(fLong(10.toShort)).toEqual(15L)
+ expect(fLong(10.toChar)).toEqual(15L)
+ expect(fLong(-1)).toEqual(4L)
+ expect(fLong(17L)).toEqual(22L)
+ def fInt(x: Any { def /(x: Int): Int }) = x / 7
+ expect(fInt(65.toByte)).toEqual(9)
+ expect(fInt(15.toShort)).toEqual(2)
+ expect(fInt(25.toChar)).toEqual(3)
+ expect(fInt(-40)).toEqual(-5)
+ def fShort(x: Any { def +(x: Short): Int }) = x + 6.toShort
+ expect(fShort(65.toByte)).toEqual(71)
+ expect(fShort(15.toShort)).toEqual(21)
+ expect(fShort(25.toChar)).toEqual(31)
+ expect(fShort(-40)).toEqual(-34)
+ def fFloat(x: Any { def %(x: Float): Float}) = x % 3.4f
+ expect(fFloat(5.5f)).toEqual(2.1f)
+ def fDouble(x: Any { def /(x: Double): Double }) = x / 1.4
+ expect(fDouble(-1.5)).toEqual(-1.0714285714285714)
+ def fBoolean(x: Any { def &&(x: Boolean): Boolean }) = x && true
+ expect(fBoolean(false)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fBoolean(true)).toBeTruthy
+ }
+ it("should work with equality operators on primitive types") {
+ def fNum(obj: Any { def ==(x: Int): Boolean }) = obj == 5
+ expect(fNum(5.toByte)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(6.toByte)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5.toShort)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(7.toShort)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5.toChar)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum('r')).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(-4)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5L)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(400L)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5.0f)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(5.6f)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNum(5.0)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNum(7.9)).toBeFalsy
+ def fBool(obj: Any { def ==(x: Boolean): Boolean }) = obj == false
+ expect(fBool(true)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fBool(false)).toBeTruthy
+ def fNumN(obj: Any { def !=(x: Int): Boolean }) = obj != 5
+ expect(fNumN(5.toByte)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(6.toByte)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5.toShort)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(7.toShort)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5.toChar)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN('r')).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(-4)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5L)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(400L)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5.0f)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(5.6f)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fNumN(5.0)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(fNumN(7.9)).toBeTruthy
+ def fBoolN(obj: Any { def !=(x: Boolean): Boolean }) = obj != false
+ expect(fBoolN(true)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(fBoolN(false)).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ it("should work with Arrays") {
+ type UPD = { def update(i: Int, x: String): Unit }
+ type APL = { def apply(i: Int): String }
+ type LEN = { def length: Int }
+ type CLONE = Any { def clone(): Object }
+ def upd(obj: UPD, i: Int, x: String) = obj.update(i,x)
+ def apl(obj: APL, i: Int) = obj.apply(i)
+ def len(obj: LEN) = obj.length
+ def clone(obj: CLONE) = obj.clone
+ val x = Array("asdf","foo","bar")
+ val y = clone(x).asInstanceOf[Array[String]]
+ expect(len(x)).toEqual(3)
+ expect(apl(x,0)).toEqual("asdf")
+ upd(x,1,"2foo")
+ expect(x(1)).toEqual("2foo")
+ expect(y(1)).toEqual("foo")
+ }
+ it("should work with Arrays of primitive values") {
+ type UPD = { def update(i: Int, x: Int): Unit }
+ type APL = { def apply(i: Int): Int}
+ type LEN = { def length: Int }
+ type CLONE = Any { def clone(): Object }
+ def upd(obj: UPD, i: Int, x: Int) = obj.update(i,x)
+ def apl(obj: APL, i: Int) = obj.apply(i)
+ def len(obj: LEN) = obj.length
+ def clone(obj: CLONE) = obj.clone
+ val x = Array(5,2,8)
+ val y = clone(x).asInstanceOf[Array[Int]]
+ expect(len(x)).toEqual(3)
+ expect(apl(x,0)).toEqual(5)
+ upd(x,1,1000)
+ expect(x(1)).toEqual(1000)
+ expect(y(1)).toEqual(2)
+ }
+ it("should work with Strings") {
+ def get(obj: { def codePointAt(str: Int): Int }) =
+ obj.codePointAt(1)
+ expect(get("Hi")).toEqual('i'.toInt)
+ def sub(x: { def substring(x: Int): AnyRef }) = x.substring(5)
+ expect(sub("asdfasdfasdf") == "sdfasdf").toBeTruthy
+ type LEN_A = { def length: Any }
+ def lenA(x: LEN_A) = x.length
+ expect(lenA("asdf") == 4).toBeTruthy
+ }
+ it("should properly generate forwarders for inherited methods") {
+ trait A {
+ def foo: Int
+ }
+ abstract class B extends A
+ class C extends B {
+ def foo = 1
+ }
+ def call(x: { def foo: Int }) =
+ expect(call(new C)).toEqual(1)
+ }
+ it("should work on java.lang.Object.{ notify, notifyAll } - #303") {
+ type ObjNotifyLike = Any {
+ def notify(): Unit
+ def notifyAll(): Unit
+ }
+ def objNotifyTest(obj: ObjNotifyLike) = {
+ obj.notify()
+ obj.notifyAll()
+ 1
+ }
+ class A
+ expect(objNotifyTest(new A())).toEqual(1)
+ }
+ it("should work on java.lang.Object.clone - #303") {
+ type ObjCloneLike = Any { def clone(): AnyRef }
+ def objCloneTest(obj: ObjCloneLike) = obj.clone()
+ class B(val x: Int) extends Cloneable {
+ override def clone() = super.clone
+ }
+ val b = new B(1)
+ val bClone = objCloneTest(b).asInstanceOf[B]
+ expect(b eq bClone).toBeFalsy
+ expect(bClone.x).toEqual(1)
+ }
+ it("should work on scala.AnyRef.{ eq, ne } - #303") {
+ type ObjEqLike = Any {
+ def eq(that: AnyRef): Boolean
+ def ne(that: AnyRef): Boolean
+ }
+ def objEqTest(obj: ObjEqLike, that: AnyRef) = obj eq that
+ def objNeTest(obj: ObjEqLike, that: AnyRef) = obj ne that
+ class A
+ val a1 = new A
+ val a2 = new A
+ expect(objEqTest(a1,a2)).toBeFalsy
+ expect(objEqTest(a1,a1)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(objNeTest(a1,a2)).toBeTruthy
+ expect(objNeTest(a1,a1)).toBeFalsy
+ }
+ it("should work on java.lang.{Float,Double}.{isNaN,isInfinite}") {
+ type FloatingNumberLike = Any {
+ def isNaN(): Boolean
+ def isInfinite(): Boolean
+ }
+ def test(x: FloatingNumberLike, isNaN: Boolean,
+ isInfinite: Boolean) = {
+ expect(x.isNaN()).toEqual(isNaN)
+ expect(x.isInfinite()).toEqual(isInfinite)
+ }
+ test(new JFloat(Float.NaN), true, false)
+ test(new JFloat(Float.PositiveInfinity), false, true)
+ test(new JFloat(Float.NegativeInfinity), false, true)
+ test(new JFloat(54.67), false, false)
+ test(new JDouble(Double.NaN), true, false)
+ test(new JDouble(Double.PositiveInfinity), false, true)
+ test(new JDouble(Double.NegativeInfinity), false, true)
+ test(new JDouble(54.67), false, false)
+ }
+ it("should work with default arguments - #390") {
+ def pimpIt(a: Int) = new {
+ def foo(b: Int, c: Int = 1): Int = a + b + c
+ }
+ expect(pimpIt(1).foo(2)).toEqual(4)
+ expect(pimpIt(2).foo(2,4)).toEqual(8)
+ }
+ it("should unbox all types of arguments - #899") {
+ class Foo {
+ def makeInt: Int = 5
+ def testInt(x: Int): Unit = expect(x).toEqual(5)
+ def makeRef: Option[String] = Some("hi")
+ def testRef(x: Option[String]): Unit = expect(x == Some("hi")).toBeTruthy
+ }
+ /* Note: we should also test with value classes, except that Scala itself
+ * does not support value classes as parameters or result type of
+ * methods in structural types.
+ */
+ def test(foo: {
+ def makeInt: Int
+ def testInt(x: Int): Unit
+ def makeRef: Option[String]
+ def testRef(x: Option[String]): Unit
+ }): Unit = {
+ foo.testInt(foo.makeInt)
+ foo.testRef(foo.makeRef)
+ }
+ test(new Foo)
+ }
+ }