path: root/scalaParser
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2014-12-02 04:07:37 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2014-12-02 04:07:37 -0800
commit83f9ded6d01e4044b979a4cf840132d6202268bb (patch)
tree978de98194e095dc7591bf8eb044f55dff5d4bfa /scalaParser
parente06803e622b7c165c7c5059f453ba521a74bbe70 (diff)
improved perf a bunch
Diffstat (limited to 'scalaParser')
5 files changed, 700 insertions, 1273 deletions
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
index 0421c60..de9f039 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/ScalaSyntax.scala
@@ -6,10 +6,26 @@ import org.parboiled2._
* Parser for Scala syntax.
+ *
+ * The `G` parameter that gets passed in to each rule stands for
+ * "Greedy", and determines whether or not that rule is to consume
+ * newlines after the last terminal in that rule. We need to pass it
+ * everywhere so it can go all the way to the last terminal deep
+ * inside the parse tree, which can then decide whether or not to
+ * consume whitespace.
+ *
+ * The vast majority of terminals will consume newlines; only rules
+ * which occur in {} blocks won't have their terminals consume newlines,
+ * and only the *last* terminal in the rule will be affected.
+ * That's why the parser does terminals-consume-newlines-by-default,
+ * and leaves it up to the dev to thread the `G` variable where-ever
+ * we want the opposite behavior.
class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identifiers with Literals {
// Aliases for common things. These things are used in almost every parser
// in the file, so it makes sense to keep them short.
+ type B = Boolean
+ val t = true
type R0 = Rule0
* Parses all whitespace, excluding newlines. This is only
@@ -25,9 +41,10 @@ class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identif
def WL = rule{ zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar | Literals.Comment | Basic.Newline) }
* By default, all strings and characters greedily
- * capture all whitespace immediately before the token.
+ * capture all whitespace immediately after the token.
implicit private[this] def wspStr(s: String): R0 = rule { WL ~ str(s) }
implicit private[this] def wspChar(s: Char): R0 = rule { WL ~ ch(s) }
@@ -39,28 +56,17 @@ class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identif
* (W) and key-operators (O) which have different non-match criteria.
object K {
- def W(s: String) = rule{ WL ~ Key.W(s) }
- def O(s: String) = rule{ WL ~ Key.O(s) }
- }
- def `=>` = rule{ K.O("=>") | K.O("⇒") }
- def `:` = rule{ K.O(":") }
- def `=` = rule{ K.O("=") }
- def `_` = rule{ K.W("_") }
- def `this` = rule{ K.W("this") }
- def `type` = rule{ K.W("type") }
- def `val` = rule{ K.W("val") }
- def `var` = rule{ K.W("var") }
- def `def` = rule{ K.W("def") }
- def `with` = rule{ K.W("with") }
- def `package` = rule{ K.W("package") }
- def `object` = rule{ K.W("object") }
- def `class` = rule{ K.W("class") }
- def `case` = rule{ K.W("case") }
- def `trait` = rule{ K.W("trait") }
- def `extends` = rule{ K.W("extends") }
- def `implicit` = rule{ K.W("implicit") }
+ def W(s: String) = rule {
+ WL ~ Key.W(s)
+ }
+ def O(s: String) = rule {
+ WL ~ Key.O(s)
+ }
+ }
+ def pos = cursor -> cursorChar
* helper printing function
@@ -77,445 +83,334 @@ class ScalaSyntax(val input: ParserInput) extends Parser with Basic with Identif
def QualId = rule { WL ~ oneOrMore(Id).separatedBy('.') }
def Ids = rule { oneOrMore(Id) separatedBy ',' }
- def NotNewline: R0 = rule{ &( WS ~ noneOf("\n") )}
- def OneNewlineMax: R0 = rule{
- WS ~
- optional(Basic.Newline) ~
- zeroOrMore(
- zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar) ~
- Literals.Comment ~
- zeroOrMore(Basic.WhitespaceChar) ~
- Basic.Newline
- ) ~
- NotNewline
- }
- def StableId: R0 = {
- def ClassQualifier = rule { '[' ~ Id ~ ']' }
- rule {
- zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ (`this` | K.W("super") ~ optional(ClassQualifier)) ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id) |
- Id ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id)
- }
+ def Path: R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ K.W("this") ~ zeroOrMore(Id).separatedBy('.') |
+ StableId
- def ExistentialDcl = rule { `type` ~ TypeDcl | `val` ~ ValDcl }
- def ExistentialClause = rule {
- "forSome" ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(ExistentialDcl).separatedBy(Semi) ~ '}'
+ def StableId: R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ (K.W("this") | K.W("super") ~ optional(ClassQualifier)) ~ '.' ~ oneOrMore(Id).separatedBy('.') |
+ Id ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ '.' ~ WL ~ Id)
- def Type: R0 = {
- def FunctionArgTypes = rule {
- '(' ~ optional(oneOrMore(ParamType) separatedBy ',') ~ ')'
- }
- rule {
- (
- `_` |
- FunctionArgTypes ~ `=>` ~ Type |
- InfixType ~ (
- `=>` ~ Type |
- optional(ExistentialClause)
- )
- ) ~ TypeBounds
- }
+ def ClassQualifier = rule { '[' ~ Id ~ ']' }
+ def Type: R0 = rule {
+ FunctionArgTypes ~ K.O("=>") ~ Type | InfixType ~ optional(WL ~ ExistentialClause)
+ def FunctionArgTypes = rule {
+ InfixType | '(' ~ optional(oneOrMore(ParamType) separatedBy ',') ~ ')'
+ }
+ def ExistentialClause = rule { "forSome" ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(ExistentialDcl).separatedBy(Semi) }
+ def ExistentialDcl = rule { K.W("type") ~ TypeDcl | K.W("val") ~ ValDcl }
def InfixType = rule {
- CompoundType ~ zeroOrMore(NotNewline ~ Id ~ OneNewlineMax ~ CompoundType)
+ CompoundType ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ Id ~ optional(Newline) ~ CompoundType)
- def CompoundType = {
- def RefineStat = rule { `type` ~ TypeDef | Dcl | MATCH }
- def Refinement = rule {
- OneNewlineMax ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(RefineStat).separatedBy(Semi) ~ "}"
- }
- rule {
- oneOrMore(AnnotType).separatedBy(`with`) ~ optional(Refinement) |
- Refinement
- }
+ def CompoundType = rule {
+ oneOrMore(AnnotType).separatedBy(WL ~ K.W("with")) ~ optional(Refinement)
def AnnotType = rule {
- SimpleType ~ optional(NotNewline ~ oneOrMore(NotNewline ~ Annotation))
+ SimpleType ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ Annotation)
- def SimpleType: R0 = {
- def BasicType: R0 = rule {
- '(' ~ Types ~ ')' | StableId ~ '.' ~ `type` | StableId
- }
- rule{ BasicType ~ zeroOrMore(TypeArgs | '#' ~ Id) }
+ def SimpleType: R0 = rule {
+ BasicType ~
+ optional(WL ~ '#' ~ Id) ~
+ optional(WL ~ TypeArgs)
+ }
+ def BasicType: R0 = rule {
+ '(' ~ Types ~ ')' |
+ Path ~ '.' ~ K.W("type") |
+ StableId
def TypeArgs = rule { '[' ~ Types ~ "]" }
def Types = rule { oneOrMore(Type).separatedBy(',') }
+ def Refinement = rule {
+ optional(Newline) ~ '{' ~ oneOrMore(RefineStat).separatedBy(Semi) ~ "}"
+ }
+ def RefineStat = rule { "type" ~ TypeDef | Dcl | MATCH }
def TypePat = rule { CompoundType }
def Ascription = rule {
- ":" ~ ("_" ~ "*" | Type | oneOrMore(Annotation))
- }
- def ParamType = rule { `=>` ~ Type | Type ~ "*" | Type }
- def LambdaHead: R0 = {
- def Bindings: R0 = {
- def Binding: R0 = rule { (Id | `_`) ~ optional(`:` ~ Type) }
- rule { '(' ~ zeroOrMore(Binding).separatedBy(',') ~ ')' }
- }
- rule{
- (
- Bindings |
- optional(`implicit`) ~ Id ~ optional(":" ~ CompoundType) |
- `_` ~ optional(Ascription)
- ) ~
- `=>`
- }
- }
- def Enumerators(G: Boolean = false): R0 = {
- def Generator: R0 = rule {
- Pattern1 ~ (K.O("<-") | K.O("←"))~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(Guard(G))
- }
- def Enumerator: R0 = rule { Generator | Guard(G) | Pattern1 ~ `=` ~ Expr0(G) }
- rule { Generator ~ zeroOrMore(Semis ~ Enumerator) ~ WL }
- }
- def Expr = Expr0()
- def ExprSensitive = Expr0(true)
- def Expr0(G: Boolean = false): R0 = {
- def IfCFlow = rule {
- "if" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(optional(Semi) ~ K.W("else") ~ Expr0(G))
- }
- def WhileCFlow = rule { "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ Expr0(G) }
- def TryCFlow = rule {
- K.W("try") ~ Expr0(G) ~
- optional(K.W("catch") ~ Expr0(G)) ~
- optional(K.W("finally") ~ Expr0(G))
- }
- def DoWhileCFlow = rule {
- K.W("do") ~ Expr0(G) ~ optional(Semi) ~ "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ")"
- }
- def ForCFlow = {
- rule {
- "for" ~
- ('(' ~ Enumerators() ~ ')' | '{' ~ Enumerators(true) ~ '}') ~
- optional(K.W("yield")) ~
- Expr0(G)
- }
- }
- rule {
- zeroOrMore(LambdaHead) ~ (
- IfCFlow |
- WhileCFlow |
- TryCFlow |
- DoWhileCFlow |
- ForCFlow |
- K.W("throw") ~ Expr0(G) |
- K.W("return") ~ optional(Expr0(G)) |
- SimpleExpr() ~ `=` ~ Expr0(G) |
- PostfixExpr(G) ~ optional("match" ~ '{' ~ CaseClauses ~ "}" | Ascription)
- )
- }
+ ":" ~ ("_" ~ "*" | InfixType | oneOrMore(Annotation))
+ }
+ def ParamType = rule { K.O("=>") ~ Type | Type ~ "*" | Type }
+ def Expr: R0 = rule {
+ (Bindings | optional(K.W("implicit")) ~ Id | "_") ~ K.O("=>") ~ Expr |
+ Expr1
+ }
+ def Expr1: R0 = rule {
+ IfCFlow |
+ WhileCFlow |
+ TryCFlow |
+ DoWhileCFlow |
+ ForCFlow |
+ K.W("throw") ~ Expr |
+ K.W("return") ~ optional(Expr) |
+ SimpleExpr ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr |
+ PostfixExpr ~ optional("match" ~ '{' ~ CaseClauses ~ "}" | Ascription)
+ }
+ def IfCFlow = rule { "if" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ Expr ~ optional(optional(Semi) ~ K.W("else") ~ Expr) }
+ def WhileCFlow = rule { "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ')' ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ Expr }
+ def TryCFlow = rule {
+ K.W("try") ~ Expr ~
+ optional(WL ~ K.W("catch") ~ Expr) ~
+ optional(WL ~ K.W("finally") ~ Expr)
+ }
+ def DoWhileCFlow = rule { K.W("do") ~ Expr ~ optional(Semi) ~ "while" ~ '(' ~ Expr ~ ")" }
+ def ForCFlow = rule {
+ "for" ~
+ ('(' ~ Enumerators ~ ')' | '{' ~ Enumerators ~ '}') ~
+ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~
+ optional(K.W("yield")) ~
+ Expr }
+ def NotNewline: R0 = rule{ &( WS ~ noneOf("\n") )}
+ def PostfixExpr: R0 = rule { InfixExpr ~ optional(NotNewline ~ Id ~ optional(Newline)) }
+ def InfixExpr: R0 = rule {
+ PrefixExpr ~
+ zeroOrMore(
+ NotNewline ~
+ Id ~
+ optional(Newline) ~
+ PrefixExpr
+ )
+ def PrefixExpr = rule { optional(WL ~ anyOf("-+~!")) ~ SimpleExpr }
- def PostfixExpr(G: Boolean = false): R0 = {
- def PrefixExpr = rule {
- optional(WL ~ anyOf("-+~!") ~ WS ~ !(Basic.OperatorChar)) ~ SimpleExpr(G)
- }
- def Check = if (G) OneNewlineMax else MATCH
- def Check0 = if (G) NotNewline else MATCH
- def InfixExpr: R0 = rule {
- PrefixExpr ~
- zeroOrMore(
- Check0 ~
- Id ~
- optional(TypeArgs) ~
- Check ~
- PrefixExpr
- )
- }
- rule { InfixExpr ~ optional(NotNewline ~ Id ~ optional(Newline)) }
+ def SimpleExpr: R0 = rule {
+ SimpleExpr1 ~
+ zeroOrMore(WL ~ ('.' ~ Id | TypeArgs | ArgumentExprs)) ~
+ optional(WL ~ "_")
- def SimpleExpr(G: Boolean = false): R0 = {
- def Path: R0 = rule {
- zeroOrMore(Id ~ '.') ~ `this` ~ zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id) |
- StableId
- }
- def Check0 = if (G) NotNewline else MATCH
- def SimpleExpr1 = rule{
- K.W("new") ~ (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody) |
+ def SimpleExpr1 = rule{
+ K.W("new") ~ (ClassTemplate | TemplateBody) |
BlockExpr |
Literal |
Path |
- `_` |
+ K.W("_") |
'(' ~ optional(Exprs) ~ ")"
- }
- rule {
- SimpleExpr1 ~
- zeroOrMore('.' ~ Id | TypeArgs | NotNewline ~ ArgumentExprs) ~
- optional(Check0 ~ `_`)
- }
- def Exprs: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Expr).separatedBy(',') }
- def ArgumentExprs: R0 = rule {
- '(' ~ optional(Exprs ~ optional(`:` ~ `_` ~ '*')) ~ ")" |
- OneNewlineMax ~ BlockExpr
- }
- def BlockExpr: R0 = rule { '{' ~ (CaseClauses | Block) ~ optional(Semis) ~ "}" }
- def BlockStats: R0 = {
- def Template: R0 = rule{
- zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~
- (optional(`implicit`) ~ optional(K.W("lazy")) ~ Def | zeroOrMore(LocalModifier) ~ TmplDef)
- }
- def BlockStat: R0 = rule {
- Import |
- Template |
- Expr0(true)
- }
- rule{ oneOrMore(BlockStat).separatedBy(Semis) }
+ def Exprs: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Expr).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ArgumentExprs: R0 = rule {
+ '(' ~ optional(Exprs ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ K.W("_") ~ '*')) ~ ")" |
+ optional(Newline) ~ BlockExpr
- def Block: R0 = {
- def BlockEnd: R0 = rule{ optional(Semis) ~ &("}" | `case`) }
- def ResultExpr: R0 = Expr0(true)
- rule {
- zeroOrMore(LambdaHead) ~
- optional(Semis) ~
- (
- ResultExpr ~ BlockEnd |
- BlockStats ~ optional(Semis ~ ResultExpr) ~ BlockEnd |
- MATCH ~ BlockEnd
- )
- }
+ def BlockExpr: R0 = rule { '{' ~ (CaseClauses | Block) ~ "}" }
+ def BlockEnd: R0 = rule{ optional(Semis) ~ &("}" | "case") }
+ def Block: R0 = rule {
+ optional(Semis) ~
+ (
+ BlockStats ~ optional(Semis ~ ResultExpr) ~ BlockEnd |
+ ResultExpr ~ BlockEnd |
+ MATCH ~ BlockEnd
+ )
- def CaseClauses: R0 = {
- def CaseClause: R0 = rule { `case` ~ Pattern ~ optional(Guard()) ~ `=>` ~ Block }
- rule { oneOrMore(CaseClause) }
+ def BlockStats: R0 = rule{
+ oneOrMore(BlockStat).separatedBy(Semis)
- def Guard(G: Boolean = false): R0 = rule { K.W("if") ~ PostfixExpr(G) }
+ def BlockStat: R0 = rule {
+ Import |
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ (optional(K.W("implicit") | K.W("lazy")) ~ Def | zeroOrMore(LocalModifier) ~ TmplDef) |
+ Expr1
+ }
+ def ResultExpr: R0 = rule {
+ (Bindings | optional(K.W("implicit")) ~ Id | "_") ~ K.W("=>") ~ Block | Expr1
+ }
+ def Enumerators: R0 = rule { Generator ~ zeroOrMore(Semi ~ Enumerator) ~ WL }
+ def Enumerator: R0 = rule { Generator | Guard | Pattern1 ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr }
+ def Generator: R0 = rule { Pattern1 ~ K.O("<-") ~ Expr ~ optional(WL ~ Guard) }
+ def CaseClauses: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(CaseClause) }
+ def CaseClause: R0 = rule { K.W("case") ~ Pattern ~ optional(Guard) ~ K.O("=>") ~ Block }
+ def Guard: R0 = rule { K.W("if") ~ PostfixExpr }
def Pattern: R0 = rule {
- def Pattern1: R0 = rule { `_` ~ `:` ~ TypePat | VarId ~ `:` ~ TypePat | Pattern2 }
- def Pattern2: R0 = {
- def Pattern3: R0 = rule {
- `_` ~ '*' | SimplePattern ~ zeroOrMore(Id ~ SimplePattern)
- }
- rule{ VarId ~ "@" ~ Pattern3 | Pattern3 | VarId }
+ def Pattern1: R0 = rule {
+ K.W("_") ~ K.O(":") ~ TypePat | VarId ~ K.O(":") ~ TypePat | Pattern2
- def SimplePattern: R0 = {
- def ExtractorArgs = rule{ zeroOrMore(Pattern).separatedBy(',') }
- def Extractor: R0 = rule{ StableId ~ optional('(' ~ ExtractorArgs ~ ')') }
- rule {
- `_` ~ optional(`:` ~ TypePat) ~ !("*") |
- Literal |
- '(' ~ optional(ExtractorArgs) ~ ')' |
- Extractor |
- VarId
- }
+ def Pattern2: R0 = rule {
+ VarId ~ "@" ~ Pattern3 | Pattern3 | VarId
- def TypeParamClause: R0 = {
- def VariantTypeParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(WL ~ anyOf("+-")) ~ TypeParam }
- rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(VariantTypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' }
+ def Pattern3: R0 = rule {
+ SimplePattern ~ zeroOrMore(Id ~ SimplePattern)
- def FunTypeParamClause: R0 = rule {
- '[' ~ oneOrMore(zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ TypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']'
- }
- def TypeBounds: R0 = rule{ optional(K.O(">:") ~ Type) ~ optional(K.O("<:") ~ Type) }
- def TypeParam: R0 = rule {
- (Id | `_`) ~
- optional(TypeParamClause) ~
- TypeBounds ~
- zeroOrMore(K.O("<%") ~ Type) ~
- zeroOrMore(`:` ~ Type)
- }
- def ParamClauses: R0 = rule {
- zeroOrMore(ParamClause) ~ optional(OneNewlineMax ~ '(' ~ `implicit` ~ Params ~ ')')
- }
- def ParamClause: R0 = rule { OneNewlineMax ~ '(' ~ optional(Params) ~ ')' }
- def Params: R0 = {
- def Param: R0 = rule {
- zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ Id ~ optional(`:` ~ ParamType) ~ optional(`=` ~ Expr)
- }
- rule { zeroOrMore(Param).separatedBy(',') }
+ def SimplePattern: R0 = rule {
+ K.W("_") |
+ Literal |
+ '(' ~ optional(Patterns) ~ ')' |
+ (
+ StableId ~
+ optional(
+ '(' ~
+ (optional(Patterns ~ ',') ~ optional(VarId ~ '@') ~ K.W("_") ~ '*' | optional(Patterns)) ~
+ ')'
+ )
+ ) |
+ VarId
+ def Patterns: R0 = rule { K.W("_") ~ '*' | oneOrMore(Pattern).separatedBy(',') }
- def ClassParam: R0 = rule {
- zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~
- optional(zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (`val` | `var`)) ~
- Id ~
- `:` ~
- ParamType ~
- optional(`=` ~ Expr)
- }
+ def TypeParamClause: R0 = rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(VariantTypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' }
+ def FunTypeParamClause: R0 = rule { '[' ~ oneOrMore(TypeParam).separatedBy(',') ~ ']' }
+ def VariantTypeParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(anyOf("+-")) ~ TypeParam }
+ def TypeParam: R0 = rule {
+ (Id | K.W("_")) ~
+ optional(TypeParamClause) ~
+ optional(K.O(">:") ~ Type) ~
+ optional(K.O("<:") ~ Type) ~
+ zeroOrMore(K.O("<%") ~ Type) ~
+ zeroOrMore(K.O(":") ~ Type)
+ }
+ def ParamClauses: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(ParamClause) ~ optional(optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ K.W("implicit") ~ Params ~ ')') }
+ def ParamClause: R0 = rule { optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ optional(Params) ~ ')' }
+ def Params: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Param).separatedBy(',') }
+ def Param: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ Id ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ ParamType) ~ optional(K.O("=") ~ Expr) }
+ def ClassParamClauses: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(ClassParamClause) ~ optional(optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ K.W("implicit") ~ ClassParam ~ ")") }
+ def ClassParamClause: R0 = rule { optional(Newline) ~ '(' ~ optional(ClassParams) ~ ")" }
+ def ClassParams: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(ClassParam).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ClassParam: R0 = rule { zeroOrMore(Annotation) ~ optional(zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (K.W("val") | K.W("var"))) ~ Id ~ K.O(":") ~ ParamType ~ optional(K.O("=") ~ Expr) }
+ def Bindings: R0 = rule { '(' ~ zeroOrMore(Binding).separatedBy(',') ~ ')' }
+ def Binding: R0 = rule { (Id | K.W("_")) ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) }
def Modifier: R0 = rule { LocalModifier | AccessModifier | K.W("override") }
- def LocalModifier: R0 = rule { K.W("abstract") | K.W("final") | K.W("sealed") | `implicit` | K.W("lazy") }
- def AccessModifier: R0 = {
- def AccessQualifier: R0 = rule { '[' ~ (`this` | Id) ~ ']' }
- rule { (K.W("private") | K.W("protected")) ~ optional(AccessQualifier) }
- }
+ def LocalModifier: R0 = rule { K.W("abstract") | K.W("final") | K.W("sealed") | K.W("implicit") | K.W("lazy") }
+ def AccessModifier: R0 = rule { (K.W("private") | K.W("protected")) ~ optional(AccessQualifier) }
+ def AccessQualifier: R0 = rule { '[' ~ (K.W("this") | Id) ~ ']' }
- def Annotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ zeroOrMore(ArgumentExprs) }
+ def Annotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ ArgumentExprs) }
+ def ConstrAnnotation: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ ArgumentExprs }
def TemplateBody: R0 = rule {
'{' ~
optional(SelfType) ~
- optional(Semis) ~
zeroOrMore(TemplateStat).separatedBy(Semis) ~
- optional(Semis) ~
def TemplateStat: R0 = rule {
Import |
- zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (Def | Dcl) |
- Expr0(true)
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ (Def | Dcl) |
+ Expr
- def SelfType: R0 = rule {
- `this` ~ `:` ~ InfixType ~ `=>` | (Id | `_`) ~ optional(`:` ~ InfixType) ~ `=>`
- }
+ def SelfType: R0 = rule { K.W("this") ~ K.O(":") ~ Type ~ K.O("=>") | Id ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=>") }
- def Import: R0 = {
- def ImportExpr: R0 = rule {
- StableId ~ optional('.' ~ (`_` | ImportSelectors))
- }
- def ImportSelectors: R0 = rule {
- '{' ~ zeroOrMore(ImportSelector ~ ',') ~ (ImportSelector | `_`) ~ "}"
- }
- def ImportSelector: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(`=>` ~ (Id | `_`)) }
- rule { K.W("import") ~ oneOrMore(ImportExpr).separatedBy(',') }
+ def Import: R0 = rule { K.W("import") ~ oneOrMore(ImportExpr).separatedBy(',') }
+ def ImportExpr: R0 = rule {
+ StableId ~ optional('.' ~ ("_" | ImportSelectors))
+ def ImportSelectors: R0 = rule { '{' ~ zeroOrMore(ImportSelector ~ ',') ~ (ImportSelector | K.W("_")) ~ "}" }
+ def ImportSelector: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(K.O("=>") ~ (Id | K.W("_"))) }
- def Dcl: R0 = {
- def VarDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ `:` ~ Type }
- def FunDcl: R0 = rule { FunSig ~ optional(`:` ~ Type) }
- rule{ `val` ~ ValDcl | `var` ~ VarDcl | `def` ~ FunDcl | `type` ~ TypeDcl }
+ def Dcl: R0 = rule {
+ K.W("val") ~ ValDcl |
+ K.W("var") ~ VarDcl |
+ K.W("def") ~ FunDcl |
+ K.W("type") ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ TypeDcl
+ def ValDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type }
+ def VarDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type }
+ def FunDcl: R0 = rule { FunSig ~ optional(WL ~ K.O(":") ~ Type) }
def FunSig: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(FunTypeParamClause) ~ ParamClauses }
- def ValDcl: R0 = rule { Ids ~ `:` ~ Type }
- def TypeDcl: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TypeBounds }
- def PatVarDef: R0 = {
- def PatDef: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Pattern2).separatedBy(',') ~ optional(`:` ~ Type) ~ `=` ~ Expr0(true) }
- def VarDef: R0 = rule { Ids ~ `:` ~ Type ~ `=` ~ `_` | PatDef }
- rule { `val` ~ PatDef | `var` ~ VarDef }
- }
- def Def: R0 = {
- def ConstrExpr: R0 = rule { ConstrBlock | SelfInvocation }
- def FunDef: R0 = rule {
- `this` ~ ParamClause ~ ParamClauses ~ (`=` ~ ConstrExpr | OneNewlineMax ~ ConstrBlock) |
- FunSig ~ optional(`:` ~ Type) ~ (
- `=` ~ optional(K.W("macro")) ~ Expr0(true) |
- OneNewlineMax ~ '{' ~ Block ~ "}"
- )
- }
- rule { `def` ~ FunDef | `type` ~ TypeDef | PatVarDef | TmplDef }
- }
- def TypeDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ `=` ~ Type }
- def TmplDef: R0 = {
- def TraitTemplate: R0 = {
- def TraitParents: R0 = rule { AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(`with` ~ AnnotType) }
- rule{ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ TraitParents ~ optional(TemplateBody) }
- }
- def ClassParamClauses: R0 = {
- def Implicit: R0 = rule{
- OneNewlineMax ~
- '(' ~
- `implicit` ~
- oneOrMore(ClassParam).separatedBy(",") ~
- ")"
- }
- def ClassParamClause: R0 = {
- def ClassParams: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(ClassParam).separatedBy(',') }
- rule { OneNewlineMax ~'(' ~ optional(ClassParams) ~ ")" }
- }
- rule {
- oneOrMore(ClassParamClause) ~ optional(Implicit) | Implicit
- }
- }
- def ConstrPrelude: R0 = {
- def Annot: R0 = rule { '@' ~ SimpleType ~ ArgumentExprs }
- rule{
- NotNewline ~ (
- oneOrMore(Annot) ~ optional(AccessModifier) |
- zeroOrMore(Annot) ~ AccessModifier
- )
- }
- }
- def ClassDef: R0 = rule {
- Id ~
+ def TypeDcl: R0 = rule {
+ Id ~
+ optional(WL ~ TypeParamClause) ~
+ optional(WL ~ K.O(">:") ~ Type) ~
+ optional(WL ~ K.O("<:") ~ Type)
+ }
+ def PatVarDef: R0 = rule { K.W("val") ~ PatDef | K.W("var") ~ VarDef }
+ def Def: R0 = rule { K.W("def") ~ FunDef | K.W("type") ~ zeroOrMore(Newline) ~ TypeDef | PatVarDef | TmplDef }
+ def PatDef: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(Pattern2).separatedBy(',') ~ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=") ~ Expr }
+ def VarDef: R0 = rule { Ids ~ K.O(":") ~ Type ~ K.O("=") ~ K.W("_") | PatDef }
+ def FunDef: R0 = rule {
+ K.W("this") ~ ParamClause ~ ParamClauses ~ (K.O("=") ~ ConstrExpr | optional(Newline) ~ ConstrBlock) |
+ FunSig ~
+ (
+ optional(K.O(":") ~ Type) ~ K.O("=") ~ optional(K.W("macro")) ~ Expr |
+ optional(Newline) ~ '{' ~ Block ~ "}"
+ )
+ }
+ def TypeDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ K.O("=") ~ Type }
+ def TmplDef: R0 = rule {
+ K.W("trait") ~ TraitDef |
+ optional(K.W("case")) ~ (K.W("class") ~ ClassDef |
+ K.W("object") ~ ObjectDef)
+ }
+ def ClassDef: R0 = rule {
+ Id ~
optional(TypeParamClause) ~
- optional(ConstrPrelude) ~
- optional(ClassParamClauses) ~
+ zeroOrMore(ConstrAnnotation) ~
+ optional(AccessModifier) ~
+ ClassParamClauses ~
- }
- def TraitTemplateOpt: R0 = rule {
- `extends` ~ TraitTemplate | optional(optional(`extends`) ~ TemplateBody)
- }
- def TraitDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TraitTemplateOpt }
- rule {
- `trait` ~ TraitDef |
- optional(`case`) ~ (`class` ~ ClassDef | `object` ~ ObjectDef)
- }
+ def TraitDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ optional(TypeParamClause) ~ TraitTemplateOpt }
def ObjectDef: R0 = rule { Id ~ ClassTemplateOpt }
def ClassTemplateOpt: R0 = rule {
- `extends` ~ ClassTemplate | optional(optional(`extends`) ~ TemplateBody)
+ WL ~ K.W("extends") ~ ClassTemplate |
+ optional(WL ~ optional(K.W("extends")) ~ TemplateBody)
- def ClassTemplate: R0 = {
- def ClassParents: R0 = {
- def Constr: R0 = rule{ AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(NotNewline ~ ArgumentExprs) }
- rule{ Constr ~ zeroOrMore(`with` ~ AnnotType) }
- }
- rule{ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ ClassParents ~ optional(TemplateBody) }
+ def TraitTemplateOpt: R0 = rule { K.W("extends") ~ TraitTemplate | optional(optional(K.W("extends")) ~ TemplateBody) }
+ def ClassTemplate: R0 = rule {
+ optional(EarlyDefs) ~
+ ClassParents ~
+ optional(WL ~ TemplateBody)
- def EarlyDefs: R0 = {
- def EarlyDef: R0 = rule {
- zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ PatVarDef
- }
- rule{ '{' ~ optional(oneOrMore(EarlyDef).separatedBy(Semis)) ~ '}' ~ `with` }
+ def TraitTemplate: R0 = rule {
+ optional(EarlyDefs) ~ TraitParents ~ optional(TemplateBody)
+ def ClassParents: R0 = rule {
+ Constr ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ K.W("with") ~ AnnotType)
+ }
+ def TraitParents: R0 = rule {
+ AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ K.W("with") ~ AnnotType)
+ }
+ def Constr: R0 = rule {
+ AnnotType ~ zeroOrMore(WL ~ ArgumentExprs)
+ }
+ def EarlyDefs: R0 = rule {
+ '{' ~ optional(oneOrMore(EarlyDef).separatedBy(Semis)) ~ '}' ~ K.W("with")
+ }
+ def EarlyDef: R0 = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ PatVarDef
+ }
+ def ConstrExpr: R0 = rule { ConstrBlock | SelfInvocation }
+ def ConstrBlock: R0 = rule { '{' ~ SelfInvocation ~ zeroOrMore(Semis ~ BlockStat) ~ '}' }
+ def SelfInvocation: R0 = rule { K.W("this") ~ oneOrMore(ArgumentExprs) }
- def ConstrBlock: R0 = rule { '{' ~ SelfInvocation ~ optional(Semis ~ BlockStats) ~ optional(Semis) ~ '}' }
- def SelfInvocation: R0 = rule { `this` ~ oneOrMore(ArgumentExprs) }
- def TopStatSeq: R0 = {
- def PackageObject: R0 = rule { `package` ~ `object` ~ ObjectDef }
- def Packaging: R0 = rule {
- `package` ~ QualId ~ '{' ~ optional(TopStatSeq) ~ WL ~ '}'
- }
- def TopStat: R0 = rule {
- Packaging |
+ def TopStatSeq: R0 = rule { oneOrMore(TopStat).separatedBy(Semis) }
+ def TopStat: R0 = rule {
+ Packaging |
PackageObject |
Import |
- zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ OneNewlineMax) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ TmplDef
- }
- rule { oneOrMore(TopStat).separatedBy(Semis) }
+ zeroOrMore(Annotation ~ optional(Newline)) ~ zeroOrMore(Modifier) ~ TmplDef
+ }
+ def Packaging: R0 = rule { K.W("package") ~ QualId ~ '{' ~ TopStatSeq ~ '}' }
+ def PackageObject: R0 = rule { K.W("package") ~ K.W("object") ~ ObjectDef }
+ def TopPackageSeq: R0 = rule{
+ oneOrMore(K.W("package") ~ QualId).separatedBy(Semis)
+ def CompilationUnit: Rule1[String] = rule {
+ capture(
+ pr("CompulationUnit 0") ~
+ optional(Semis) ~
+ pr("CompulationUnit 1") ~
+ (TopPackageSeq ~ optional(Semis ~ TopStatSeq) | TopStatSeq) ~
+ optional(Semis) ~
+ WL
- def CompilationUnit: Rule1[String] = {
- def TopPackageSeq: R0 = rule{
- oneOrMore(`package` ~ QualId ~ !(WS ~ "{")).separatedBy(Semis)
- }
- rule {
- capture(
- optional(Semis) ~
- (TopPackageSeq ~ optional(Semis ~ TopStatSeq) | TopStatSeq | MATCH) ~
- optional(Semis) ~
- WL
- )
- }
+ )
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Identifiers.scala b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Identifiers.scala
index a95afac..4bc972f 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Identifiers.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Identifiers.scala
@@ -6,39 +6,30 @@ import org.parboiled2._
trait Identifiers { self: Parser with Basic =>
object Identifiers{
import Basic._
- def Operator = rule{!Keywords ~ oneOrMore(OperatorChar)}
+ def Operator = rule(oneOrMore(OperatorChar))
- def VarId = VarId0(true)
- def VarId0(dollar: Boolean) = rule { !Keywords ~ Lower ~ IdRest(dollar) }
- def PlainId = rule { !Keywords ~ Upper ~ IdRest(true) | VarId | Operator }
- def PlainIdNoDollar = rule { !Keywords ~ Upper ~ IdRest(false) | VarId0(false) | Operator }
- def Id = rule { !Keywords ~ PlainId | ("`" ~ oneOrMore(noneOf("`")) ~ "`") }
- def IdRest(dollar: Boolean) = {
- if (!dollar) rule {
- zeroOrMore(zeroOrMore("_") ~ oneOrMore(!anyOf("_$") ~ Letter | Digit)) ~
- optional(oneOrMore("_") ~ zeroOrMore(OperatorChar))
- } else rule{
- zeroOrMore(zeroOrMore("_") ~ oneOrMore(!"_" ~ Letter | Digit)) ~
- optional(oneOrMore("_") ~ zeroOrMore(OperatorChar))
- }
+ def VarId = rule {
+ !(Keywords ~ (WhitespaceChar | Newline | "//" | "/*")) ~ Lower ~ IdRest
+ def PlainId = rule { Upper ~ IdRest | VarId | !(Keywords ~ (WhitespaceChar | Newline | "//" | "/*")) ~ Operator }
+ def Id = rule { PlainId | ("`" ~ oneOrMore(noneOf("`")) ~ "`") }
+ def IdRest = rule {
+ zeroOrMore(zeroOrMore("_") ~ oneOrMore(!"_" ~ Letter | Digit)) ~
+ optional(oneOrMore("_") ~ optional(Operator))
+ }
def AlphabetKeywords = rule {
- (
- "abstract" | "case" | "catch" | "class" | "def" | "do" | "else" | "extends" | "false" | "finally" | "final" | "finally" | "forSome" | "for" | "if" |
- "implicit" | "import" | "lazy" | "match" | "new" | "null" | "object" | "override" | "package" | "private" | "protected" | "return" |
- "sealed" | "super" | "this" | "throw" | "trait" | "try" | "true" | "type" | "val" | "var" | "while" | "with" | "yield" | "_"
- ) ~ !Letter
+ "abstract" | "case" | "catch" | "class" | "def" | "do" | "else" | "extends" | "false" | "finally" | "final" | "finally" | "forSome" | "for" | "if" |
+ "implicit" | "import" | "lazy" | "match" | "new" | "null" | "object" | "override" | "package" | "private" | "protected" | "return" |
+ "sealed" | "super" | "this" | "throw" | "trait" | "try" | "true" | "type" | "val" | "var" | "while" | "with" | "yield" | "_"
def SymbolicKeywords = rule{
- (
- ":" | ";" | "=>" | "=" | "<-" | "<:" | "<%" | ">:" | "#" | "@" | "\u21d2" | "\u2190"
- ) ~ !OperatorChar
+ ":" | ";" | "=>" | "=" | "<-" | "<:" | "<%" | ">:" | "#" | "@" | "\u21d2" | "\u2190"
def Keywords = rule {
- AlphabetKeywords | SymbolicKeywords
+ AlphabetKeywords ~ !Letter | SymbolicKeywords ~ !OperatorChar
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Literals.scala b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Literals.scala
index e6dd54d..9fd9d5b 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Literals.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Literals.scala
@@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ import acyclic.file
import org.parboiled2._
trait Literals { self: Parser with Basic with Identifiers =>
- def Block: Rule0
- def WL: Rule0
object Literals{
import Basic._
def FloatingPointLiteral = rule {
@@ -18,14 +16,14 @@ trait Literals { self: Parser with Basic with Identifiers =>
- def IntegerLiteral = rule { (HexNumeral | DecimalNumeral) ~ optional(anyOf("Ll")) }
+ def IntegerLiteral = rule { (DecimalNumeral | HexNumeral) ~ optional(anyOf("Ll")) }
def BooleanLiteral = rule { Key.W("true") | Key.W("false") }
def MultilineComment: Rule0 = rule { "/*" ~ zeroOrMore(MultilineComment | !"*/" ~ ANY) ~ "*/" }
def Comment: Rule0 = rule {
MultilineComment |
- "//" ~ zeroOrMore(!Basic.Newline ~ ANY) ~ &(Basic.Newline | EOI)
+ "//" ~ zeroOrMore(!Basic.Newline ~ ANY) ~ &(Basic.Newline | EOI)
def Literal = rule {
@@ -37,27 +35,18 @@ trait Literals { self: Parser with Basic with Identifiers =>
(Key.W("null") ~ !(Basic.Letter | Basic.Digit))
- def EscapedChars = rule { '\\' ~ anyOf("btnfr'\\\"") }
+ def EscapedChars = rule { '\\' ~ anyOf("rnt\\\"") }
// Note that symbols can take on the same values as keywords!
def SymbolLiteral = rule { ''' ~ (Identifiers.PlainId | Identifiers.Keywords) }
- def CharacterLiteral = rule {
- ''' ~ (UnicodeExcape | EscapedChars | !'\\' ~ CharPredicate.from(isPrintableChar)) ~ '''
- }
+ def CharacterLiteral = rule { ''' ~ (UnicodeExcape | EscapedChars | !'\\' ~ CharPredicate.from(isPrintableChar)) ~ ''' }
- def MultiLineChars = rule {
- zeroOrMore(Interpolation | optional('"') ~ optional('"') ~ noneOf("\""))
- }
- def pr(s: String) = rule { run(println(s"LOGGING $cursor: $s")) }
- def Interpolation = rule{
- "$" ~ Identifiers.PlainIdNoDollar | "${" ~ Block ~ WL ~ "}" | "$$"
- }
+ def MultiLineChars = rule { zeroOrMore(optional('"') ~ optional('"') ~ noneOf("\"")) }
def StringLiteral = rule {
- (Identifiers.Id ~ "\"\"\"" ~ MultiLineChars ~ ("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"'))) |
- (Identifiers.Id ~ '"' ~ zeroOrMore(Interpolation | "\\\"" | "\\\\" | noneOf("\n\"")) ~ '"') |
- ("\"\"\"" ~ MultiLineChars ~ ("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"'))) |
- ('"' ~ zeroOrMore("\\\"" | "\\\\" | noneOf("\n\"")) ~ '"')
+ (optional(Identifiers.Id) ~ "\"\"\"" ~ MultiLineChars ~ ("\"\"\"" ~ zeroOrMore('"'))) |
+ (optional(Identifiers.Id) ~ '"' ~ zeroOrMore("\\\"" | noneOf("\n\"")) ~ '"')
def isPrintableChar(c: Char): Boolean = {
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala b/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index b56b7c6..0000000
--- a/scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-object Test extends { type T = Int } with App
diff --git a/scalaParser/src/test/scala/scalaParser/SyntaxTest.scala b/scalaParser/src/test/scala/scalaParser/SyntaxTest.scala
index a1e4fe4..fe5fc2c 100644
--- a/scalaParser/src/test/scala/scalaParser/SyntaxTest.scala
+++ b/scalaParser/src/test/scala/scalaParser/SyntaxTest.scala
@@ -8,13 +8,6 @@ import utest.util.Tree
import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
- def checkNeg[T](input: String) = {
- println("Checking...")
- new ScalaSyntax(input) match{
- case Failure(f: ParseError) => () // yay
- case Success(parsed) => assert(parsed.length != input.length)
- }
- }
def check[T](input: String) = {
new ScalaSyntax(input) match{
@@ -24,820 +17,401 @@ object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
throw new Exception(f.position + "\t" + f.formatTraces)
case Success(parsed) =>
- if(parsed != input)
- throw new Exception(
- "Parsing Failed at " + parsed.length + "\n" + input.drop(parsed.length).take(50)
- )
+ assert(parsed == input)
def tests = TestSuite{
'unit {
- 'pos {
- * - check(
- "package torimatomeru"
+ * - check(
+ "package torimatomeru"
- )
- * - check(
- """package torimatomeru
- |
- |package lols
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """package torimatomeru
- |import a
- |import b
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |package torimatomeru
- |
- |import org.parboiled2.ParseError
- |import utest._
- |import utest.framework.Test
- |import utest.util.Tree
- |
- |import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
- |
- |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
- | def check[T](input: String) = {
- |
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object SyntaxTest{
- | a()
- | throw 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
- | {
- | println
- | throw 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """package scalatex
- |
- |
- |import org.parboiled2._
- |import torimatomeru.ScalaSyntax
- |
- |import scalatex.stages.{Trim, Parser, Ast}
- |import scalatex.stages.Ast.Block.{IfElse, For, Text}
- |import Ast.Chain.Args
- |
- |object ParserTests extends utest.TestSuite{
- | import Ast._
- | import utest._
- | def check[T](input: String, parse: Parser => scala.util.Try[T], expected: T) = {
- | val parsed = parse(new Parser(input)).get
- | assert(parsed == expected)
- | }
- | def tests = TestSuite{}
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Moo{
- | a
- | .b
- |
- | c
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Moo{
- | filename
- | .asInstanceOf[Literal]
- |10
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Cow{
- | ().mkString
- |
- | 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | private[this] val applyMacroFull = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | private[this] def applyMacroFull(c: Context)
- | (expr: c.Expr[String],
- | runtimeErrors: Boolean,
- | debug: Boolean)
- | : c.Expr[Frag] = {
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | class DebugFailure extends Exception
- |
- | 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |package torimatomeru
- |
- |package syntax
- |
- |import org.parboiled2._
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Foo{
- | 0 match {
- | case A | B => 0
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Compiler{
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """package torimatomeru
- | def apply = {
- | def rec = t match {
- | case 0 => 0
- | }
+ |package lols
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """package torimatomeru
+ |import a
+ |import b
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |package torimatomeru
+ |
+ |import org.parboiled2.ParseError
+ |import utest._
+ |import utest.framework.Test
+ |import utest.util.Tree
+ |
+ |import scala.util.{Failure, Success}
+ |
+ |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
+ | def check[T](input: String) = {
- | rec(tree)
| }
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object SyntaxTest{
+ | a()
+ | throw 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
+ | {
+ | println
+ | throw 1
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """package scalatex
- """.
- stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O {
- | A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A())))))))
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A())))))))))))))))
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object L{
- | a.b = c
- | a().b = c
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object L{
- | a b c
- | d = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """/* __ *\
- |** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js CLI **
- |** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
- |** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
- |** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
- |** |/____/ **
- |\* */
- |
- |package scala.scalajs.cli
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | for {
- | a <- b
- | c <- d
- | } {
- | 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | val jarFile =
- | try { 1 }
- | catch { case _: F => G }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object F{
- | func{ case _: F => fail }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object Foo{
- | val a = d // g
- | val b = e // h
- | val c = f
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object L{
- | x match{
- | case y.Y(z) => z
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object K{
- | val a: B {
- | val c: D
- | }
- |
- | 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object LOLS{
- | def run() {}
- |
- | def apply() {}
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | a =:= b.c
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object K{
- | a(
- | 1: _*
- | )
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object P{
- | tree match {
- | case stats :+ expr => 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object K{
- | val trueA = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object K{
- | val nullo :: cow = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object K{
- | val omg_+ = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object K{
- | val + = 1
- | var * = 2
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | c match {
- | case b_ => 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |trait Basic {
- | b match {
- | case C => true; case _ => false
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Basic {
- | !a.b
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |class Parser {
- | {() => }
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |
- |
- |
- |package omg
- |;
- |
- |;
- |
- |;
- |class Parser
- |;
- |
- |;
- |
- |;
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |
- |object GenJSCode {
- | code: @switch
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object B {
- | { a: L => }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object O{
- | {
- | val index = 0
- | i: Int => 10
- | 0
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object GenJSCode{
- | val g: G.this.g.type
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object K{
- | class RTTypeTest
- | private object O
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object O{
- | if (eqeq &&
- |
- | false) 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | for(
- | x <- Nil map
- |
- | (x => x)
- | ) yield x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object O{
- | for{
- | x <- Nil
- | if
- |
- | 1 == 2
- | } yield x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object ScopedVar {
- | def withScopedVars(ass: Seq[_]) = 1
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |abstract class JSASTTest extends DirectTest {
- | def show: this.type = ()
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object Traversers {
- | {
- | 1
- | cases foreach nil
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object Utils {
- | "\\"
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object F{
- | this eq that.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class C{
- | 0x00 <= 2 && 1
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class Runtime private
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object System {
- | def a[@b T[@b V]] = 1
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object U{
- | private val _fragment = fld(Fragment)
- | _fld = null
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class Array{
- | def length_= = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object K{
- | def newBuilder =
- | new B
- |
- | @inline def a = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Function12[-T1, +R]
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """@a // Don't do this at home!
- |trait B
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object T{
- | type B = { def F: S }
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- |object ScalaJSBuild{
- | (
- | 1 / 2
- | / 3
- | )
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Writer{
- | '\f'
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object CyclicDependencyException {
- | def str(info: ResolutionInfo) =
- | s"${info.resourceName} from: ${", ")}"
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object OptimizerCore {
- | tpe match {
- | case NothingType | _:RecordType=> 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class A{
- | 1
- | () => 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait ReactorCanReply {
- | _: InternalReplyReactor =>
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object G{
- | def isBefore(pd: SubComponent) = settings.stopBefore
- | phaseDescriptors sliding 2 collectFirst ()
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class SymbolLoaders {
- | type T = ClassPath[AbstractFile]#ClassRep
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait ContextErrors {
- | def isUnaffiliatedExpr = expanded.isInstanceOf[scala.reflect.api.Exprs#Expr[_]]
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Typers{
- | s"nested ${ if (1) "trait" else "class" }"
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait ReflectSetup { this: Global =>
- | phase = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Predef {
- | @x
- | // a
- | type T
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """
- object StringContext {
- s"${
- require(index >= 0 && index < str.length)
- val ok = "[\b, \t, \n, \f, \r, \\, \", \']"
- if (index == str.length - 1) "at terminal" else s"'\\${str(index + 1)}' not one of $ok at"
- }"
- }
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait Growable {
- | +=
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """package immutable {
- | object O
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.{ NANOSECONDS => NANOS, MILLISECONDS ⇒ MILLIS }
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class FunFinder{
- | val targetName = s"$name${ if (isModule) "$" else "" }"
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class AkkaException{
- | for (i ← 0 until trace.length)
- | ()
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class FiniteDuration{
- | 1000.
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object Test4 {
- | type T = F @field
- | @BeanProperty val x = 1
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """package `dmacro` {
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class A {
- | def fn1 = List apply 1
- | def fn2 = List apply[Int] 2
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """class C {
- | def this(x: Int) = {
- | this();
- | class D;
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """trait B[T] {
- | def f1(a: T): Unit { }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object test {
- | case object Int16 extends SampleFormat1
- | (1) match {
- | case _ => 1
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object A {
- | def x {
- | implicit lazy val e: Int = 0
- | }
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object test {
- | for {
- | n <- A
- | a <- B
- | _ <- C
- | } yield n
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """object Test {
- | def t1: M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[M[Inty @unchecked]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] = x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - check(
- """abstract class Mix___eFoo___wBar_I_ extends Foo___ with Bar_I_ { ; ; f; }
- """.stripMargin
- )
- }
- 'neg{
- * - checkNeg(
- """
- |object O{
- | for{
- | x <- Nil map
- |
- | (x => x)
- | } yield x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - checkNeg(
- """object O{
- | for{
- | x <- Nil
- | if 1 ==
- |
- | 2
- | } yield x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - checkNeg(
- """object O{
- | for{
- | x <- Nil
- | _ = 1 ==
- |
- | 2
- | } yield x
- |}
- """.stripMargin
- )
- * - checkNeg(
- """
- |object System {
- | def a[@b T[V @b]] = 1
- |}
- |
- """.stripMargin
- )
+ |
+ |import org.parboiled2._
+ |import torimatomeru.ScalaSyntax
+ |
+ |import scalatex.stages.{Trim, Parser, Ast}
+ |import scalatex.stages.Ast.Block.{IfElse, For, Text}
+ |import Ast.Chain.Args
+ |
+ |object ParserTests extends utest.TestSuite{
+ | import Ast._
+ | import utest._
+ | def check[T](input: String, parse: Parser => scala.util.Try[T], expected: T) = {
+ | val parsed = parse(new Parser(input)).get
+ | assert(parsed == expected)
+ | }
+ | def tests = TestSuite{}
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Moo{
+ | a
+ | .b
+ |
+ | c
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Moo{
+ | filename
+ | .asInstanceOf[Literal]
+ |10
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Cow{
+ | ().mkString
+ |
+ | 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | private[this] val applyMacroFull = 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | private[this] def applyMacroFull(c: Context)
+ | (expr: c.Expr[String],
+ | runtimeErrors: Boolean,
+ | debug: Boolean)
+ | : c.Expr[Frag] = {
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | class DebugFailure extends Exception
+ |
+ | 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |package torimatomeru
+ |
+ |package syntax
+ |
+ |import org.parboiled2._
+ |
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Foo{
+ | 0 match {
+ | case A | B => 0
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Compiler{
+ |
+ | def apply = {
+ | def rec = t match {
+ | case 0 => 0
+ | }
+ |
+ | rec(tree)
+ | }
+ |}
+ |
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O {
+ | A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A())))))))
+ |}
+ |
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A(A())))))))))))))))
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object L{
+ | a.b = c
+ | a().b = c
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object L{
+ | a b c
+ | d = 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
- }
+ * - check(
+ """/* __ *\
+ |** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js CLI **
+ |** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
+ |** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
+ |** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
+ |** |/____/ **
+ |\* */
+ |
+ |package scala.scalajs.cli
+ |
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | for {
+ | a <- b
+ | c <- d
+ | } {
+ | 1
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | val jarFile =
+ | try { 1 }
+ | catch { case _: F => G }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object F{
+ | func{ case _: F => fail }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object Foo{
+ | val a = d // g
+ | val b = e // h
+ | val c = f
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object L{
+ | x match{
+ | case y.Y(z) => z
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """object K{
+ | val a: B {
+ | val c: D
+ | }
+ |
+ | 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object LOLS{
+ | def run() {}
+ |
+ | def apply() {}
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | a =:= b.c
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object K{
+ | a(
+ | 1: _*
+ | )
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object P{
+ | tree match {
+ | case stats :+ expr => 1
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object K{
+ | val trueA = 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object K{
+ | val nullo :: cow = 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object K{
+ | val omg_+ = 1
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object K{
+ | val + = 1
+ | var * = 2
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |object O{
+ | c match {
+ | case b_ => 1
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |trait Basic {
+ | b match {
+ | case C => true; case _ => false
+ | }
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """trait Basic {
+ | !a.b
+ |}
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |class Parser {
+ | {() => }
+ |}
+ |
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
+ * - check(
+ """
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |package omg
+ |;
+ |
+ |;
+ |
+ |;
+ |class Parser
+ |;
+ |
+ |;
+ |
+ |;
+ """.stripMargin
+ )
def checkFile(path: String) = check(io.Source.fromFile(path).mkString)
- * - checkFile("scalaParser/src/test/resources/test.scala")
+ * - checkFile("test.txt")
* - checkFile("scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Basic.scala")
* - checkFile("scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Identifiers.scala")
* - checkFile("scalaParser/src/main/scala/scalaParser/syntax/Literals.scala")
@@ -859,36 +433,16 @@ object SyntaxTest extends TestSuite{
* - checkFile("scalatexPlugin/src/main/scala/scalatex/ScalaTexPlugin.scala")
- 'omg{
-// val root = new"book/target/clones/scala-js/")
- val root = new"../scala")
- def listFiles(s: Iterator[String] = {
- val (dirs, files) = s.listFiles().toIterator.partition(_.isDirectory)
- ++ dirs.flatMap(listFiles)
- }
- // Things that we won't bother parsing, mainly because they use XML literals
- val blacklist = Seq(
- "dbuild-meta-json-gen.scala",
- "genprod.scala",
- "doc/html/HtmlPage.scala",
- "scala/src/scaladoc/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html",
- "jvm/interpreter.scala",
- "disabled", // don't bother parsing disabled tests
- "neg", // or neg tests
- "deprecate-early-type-defs.scala", // or deprecated tests
- // Lots of guys in these folders seem
- // to be borked, skip all of them
- "test/files/positions",
- "test/files/presentation"
- )
- for{
- f <- listFiles(root)
- if f.endsWith(".scala")
- if !blacklist.exists(f.contains)
- }{
- println("CHECKING " + f)
- checkFile(f)
- }
- }
+// 'omg{
+// val root = new"../scala-js/")
+// def listFiles(s: Iterator[String] = {
+// val (dirs, files) = s.listFiles().toIterator.partition(_.isDirectory)
+// ++ dirs.flatMap(listFiles)
+// }
+// for(f <- listFiles(root).filter(_.endsWith(".scala"))){
+// println("CHECKING " + f)
+// checkFile(f)
+// }
+// }
} \ No newline at end of file