path: root/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 507 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala b/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index a9e2c00..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,507 +0,0 @@
-package scala.scalajs.runtime
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.scalajs.js
-import scala.scalajs.js.prim.{String => jsString}
-/** Conversions of JavaScript stack traces to Java stack traces.
- */
-object StackTrace {
- /* !!! Note that in this unit, we go to great lengths *not* to use anything
- * from the Scala collections library.
- *
- * This minimizes the risk of runtime errors during the process of decoding
- * errors, which would be very bad if it happened.
- */
- /** Captures browser-specific state recording the current stack trace.
- * The state is stored as a magic field of the throwable, and will be used
- * by `extract()` to create an Array[StackTraceElement].
- */
- def captureState(throwable: Throwable): Unit = {
- captureState(throwable, createException())
- }
- /** Creates a JS Error with the current stack trace state. */
- private def createException(): Any = {
- try {
- this.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].undef() // it does not exist, that's the point
- } catch {
- case js.JavaScriptException(e) => e
- }
- }
- /** Captures browser-specific state recording the stack trace of a JS error.
- * The state is stored as a magic field of the throwable, and will be used
- * by `extract()` to create an Array[StackTraceElement].
- */
- def captureState(throwable: Throwable, e: Any): Unit = {
- throwable.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].stackdata = e.asInstanceOf[js.Any]
- }
- /** Tests whether we're running under Rhino. */
- private lazy val isRhino: Boolean = {
- try {
- true
- } catch {
- case js.JavaScriptException(_) => false
- }
- }
- /** Extracts a throwable's stack trace from captured browser-specific state.
- * If no stack trace state has been recorded, or if the state cannot be
- * analyzed in meaningful way (because we don't know the browser), an
- * empty array is returned.
- */
- def extract(throwable: Throwable): Array[StackTraceElement] =
- extract(throwable.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].stackdata)
- /** Extracts a stack trace from captured browser-specific stackdata.
- * If no stack trace state has been recorded, or if the state cannot be
- * analyzed in meaningful way (because we don't know the browser), an
- * empty array is returned.
- */
- def extract(stackdata: js.Dynamic): Array[StackTraceElement] = {
- val lines = normalizeStackTraceLines(stackdata)
- normalizedLinesToStackTrace(lines)
- }
- /* Converts an array of frame entries in normalized form to a stack trace.
- * Each line must have either the format
- * <functionName>@<fileName>:<lineNumber>:<columnNumber>
- * or
- * <functionName>@<fileName>:<lineNumber>
- * For some reason, on some browsers, we sometimes have empty lines too.
- * In the rest of the function, we convert the non-empty lines into
- * StackTraceElements.
- */
- private def normalizedLinesToStackTrace(
- lines: js.Array[jsString]): Array[StackTraceElement] = {
- val NormalizedFrameLine = """^([^\@]*)\@(.*):([0-9]+)$""".re
- val NormalizedFrameLineWithColumn = """^([^\@]*)\@(.*):([0-9]+):([0-9]+)$""".re
- val trace = new js.Array[JSStackTraceElem]
- var i = 0
- while (i < lines.length) {
- val line = lines(i)
- if (!line.isEmpty) {
- val mtch1 = NormalizedFrameLineWithColumn.exec(line)
- if (mtch1 ne null) {
- val (className, methodName) = extractClassMethod(mtch1(1).get)
- trace.push(JSStackTraceElem(className, methodName, mtch1(2).get,
- mtch1(3).get.toInt, mtch1(4).get.toInt))
- } else {
- val mtch2 = NormalizedFrameLine.exec(line)
- if (mtch2 ne null) {
- val (className, methodName) = extractClassMethod(mtch2(1).get)
- trace.push(JSStackTraceElem(className,
- methodName, mtch2(2).get, mtch2(3).get.toInt))
- } else {
- // just in case
- trace.push(JSStackTraceElem("<jscode>", line, null, -1))
- }
- }
- }
- i += 1
- }
- // Map stack trace through environment (if supported)
- val envInfo = environmentInfo
- val hasMapper = envInfo != js.undefined && envInfo != null &&
- js.typeOf(envInfo.sourceMapper) == "function"
- val mappedTrace =
- if (hasMapper)
- envInfo.sourceMapper(trace).asInstanceOf[js.Array[JSStackTraceElem]]
- else
- trace
- // Convert JS objects to java.lang.StackTraceElements
- // While loop due to space concerns
- val result = new Array[StackTraceElement](mappedTrace.length)
- i = 0
- while (i < mappedTrace.length) {
- val jsSte = mappedTrace(i)
- val ste = new StackTraceElement(jsSte.declaringClass, jsSte.methodName,
- jsSte.fileName, jsSte.lineNumber)
- jsSte.columnNumber foreach { cn =>
- // Store column in magic field
- ste.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].columnNumber = cn
- }
- result(i) = ste
- i += 1
- }
- result
- }
- /** Tries and extract the class name and method from the JS function name.
- * The recognized patterns are
- * ScalaJS.c.<encoded class name>.prototype.<encoded method name>
- * ScalaJS.c.<encoded class name>.<encoded method name>
- * ScalaJS.i.<encoded trait impl name>__<encoded method name>
- * ScalaJS.m.<encoded module name>
- * When the function name is none of those, the pair
- * ("<jscode>", functionName)
- * is returned, which will instruct StackTraceElement.toString() to only
- * display the function name.
- */
- private def extractClassMethod(functionName: String): (String, String) = {
- val PatC = """^ScalaJS\.c\.([^\.]+)(?:\.prototype)?\.([^\.]+)$""".re
- val PatI = """^(?:Object\.)?ScalaJS\.i\.((?:_[^_]|[^_])+)__([^\.]+)$""".re
- val PatM = """^(?:Object\.)?ScalaJS\.m\.([^.\.]+)$""".re
- var isModule = false
- var mtch = PatC.exec(functionName)
- if (mtch eq null) {
- mtch = PatI.exec(functionName)
- if (mtch eq null) {
- mtch = PatM.exec(functionName)
- isModule = true
- }
- }
- if (mtch ne null) {
- val className = decodeClassName(mtch(1).get + (if (isModule) "$" else ""))
- val methodName = if (isModule)
- "<clinit>" // that's how it would be reported on the JVM
- else
- decodeMethodName(mtch(2).get)
- (className, methodName)
- } else {
- ("<jscode>", functionName)
- }
- }
- // decodeClassName -----------------------------------------------------------
- // !!! Duplicate logic: this code must be in sync with ir.Definitions
- private def decodeClassName(encodedName: String): String = {
- val encoded =
- if (encodedName.charAt(0) == '$') encodedName.substring(1)
- else encodedName
- val base = if (decompressedClasses.hasOwnProperty(encoded)) {
- decompressedClasses(encoded)
- } else {
- @tailrec
- def loop(i: Int): String = {
- if (i < compressedPrefixes.length) {
- val prefix = compressedPrefixes(i)
- if (encoded.startsWith(prefix))
- decompressedPrefixes(prefix) + encoded.substring(prefix.length)
- else
- loop(i+1)
- } else {
- // no prefix matches
- if (encoded.startsWith("L")) encoded.substring(1)
- else encoded // just in case
- }
- }
- loop(0)
- }
- base.replace("_", ".").replace("$und", "_")
- }
- private val decompressedClasses: js.Dictionary[String] = {
- val dict = js.Dynamic.literal(
- O = "java_lang_Object",
- T = "java_lang_String",
- V = "scala_Unit",
- Z = "scala_Boolean",
- C = "scala_Char",
- B = "scala_Byte",
- S = "scala_Short",
- I = "scala_Int",
- J = "scala_Long",
- F = "scala_Float",
- D = "scala_Double"
- ).asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[String]]
- var index = 0
- while (index <= 22) {
- if (index >= 2)
- dict("T"+index) = "scala_Tuple"+index
- dict("F"+index) = "scala_Function"+index
- index += 1
- }
- dict
- }
- private val decompressedPrefixes = js.Dynamic.literal(
- sjsr_ = "scala_scalajs_runtime_",
- sjs_ = "scala_scalajs_",
- sci_ = "scala_collection_immutable_",
- scm_ = "scala_collection_mutable_",
- scg_ = "scala_collection_generic_",
- sc_ = "scala_collection_",
- sr_ = "scala_runtime_",
- s_ = "scala_",
- jl_ = "java_lang_",
- ju_ = "java_util_"
- ).asInstanceOf[js.Dictionary[String]]
- private val compressedPrefixes = js.Object.keys(decompressedPrefixes)
- // end of decodeClassName ----------------------------------------------------
- private def decodeMethodName(encodedName: String): String = {
- if (encodedName startsWith "init___") {
- "<init>"
- } else {
- val methodNameLen = encodedName.indexOf("__")
- if (methodNameLen < 0) encodedName
- else encodedName.substring(0, methodNameLen)
- }
- }
- private implicit class StringRE(val s: String) extends AnyVal {
- def re: js.RegExp = new js.RegExp(s)
- def re(mods: String): js.RegExp = new js.RegExp(s, mods)
- }
- /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Start copy-paste-translate from stacktrace.js
- *
- * From here on, most of the code has been copied from
- *
- * and translated to Scala.js almost literally, with some adaptations.
- *
- * Most comments -and lack thereof- have also been copied therefrom.
- */
- private def normalizeStackTraceLines(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- /* You would think that we could test once and for all which "mode" to
- * adopt. But the format can actually differ for different exceptions
- * on some browsers, e.g., exceptions in Chrome there may or may not have
- * arguments or stack.
- */
- if (!e) {
- js.Array[jsString]()
- } else if (isRhino) {
- extractRhino(e)
- } else if (!(!e.arguments) && !(!e.stack)) {
- extractChrome(e)
- } else if (!(!e.stack) && !(!e.sourceURL)) {
- extractSafari(e)
- } else if (!(!e.stack) && !(!e.number)) {
- extractIE(e)
- } else if (!(!e.stack) && !(!e.fileName)) {
- extractFirefox(e)
- } else if (!(!e.message) && !(!e.`opera#sourceloc`)) {
- // e.message.indexOf("Backtrace:") > -1 -> opera9
- // 'opera#sourceloc' in e -> opera9, opera10a
- // !e.stacktrace -> opera9
- if (!e.stacktrace) {
- extractOpera9(e) // use e.message
- } else if ((e.message.indexOf("\n") > -1) &&
- (e.message.split("\n").length > e.stacktrace.split("\n").length)) {
- // e.message may have more stack entries than e.stacktrace
- extractOpera9(e) // use e.message
- } else {
- extractOpera10a(e) // use e.stacktrace
- }
- } else if (!(!e.message) && !(!e.stack) && !(!e.stacktrace)) {
- // e.stacktrace && e.stack -> opera10b
- if (e.stacktrace.indexOf("called from line") < 0) {
- extractOpera10b(e)
- } else {
- extractOpera11(e)
- }
- } else if (!(!e.stack) && !e.fileName) {
- /* Chrome 27 does not have e.arguments as earlier versions,
- * but still does not have e.fileName as Firefox */
- extractChrome(e)
- } else {
- extractOther(e)
- }
- }
- private def extractRhino(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- (e.stack.asInstanceOf[js.UndefOr[jsString]]).getOrElse[jsString]("")
- .replace("""^\s+at\s+""".re("gm"), "") // remove 'at' and indentation
- .replace("""^(.+?)(?: \((.+)\))?$""".re("gm"), "$2@$1")
- .replace("""\r\n?""".re("gm"), "\n") // Rhino has platform-dependent EOL's
- .split("\n")
- }
- private def extractChrome(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- (e.stack.asInstanceOf[jsString] + "\n")
- .replace("""^[\s\S]+?\s+at\s+""".re, " at ") // remove message
- .replace("""^\s+(at eval )?at\s+""".re("gm"), "") // remove 'at' and indentation
- .replace("""^([^\(]+?)([\n])""".re("gm"), "{anonymous}() ($1)$2") // see note
- .replace("""^Object.<anonymous>\s*\(([^\)]+)\)""".re("gm"), "{anonymous}() ($1)")
- .replace("""^([^\(]+|\{anonymous\}\(\)) \((.+)\)$""".re("gm"), "$1@$2")
- .split("\n")
- .jsSlice(0, -1)
- /* Note: there was a $ next to the \n here in the original code, but it
- * chokes with method names with $'s, which are generated often by Scala.js.
- */
- }
- private def extractFirefox(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- (e.stack.asInstanceOf[jsString])
- .replace("""(?:\n@:0)?\s+$""".re("m"), "")
- .replace("""^(?:\((\S*)\))?@""".re("gm"), "{anonymous}($1)@")
- .split("\n")
- }
- private def extractIE(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- (e.stack.asInstanceOf[jsString])
- .replace("""^\s*at\s+(.*)$""".re("gm"), "$1")
- .replace("""^Anonymous function\s+""".re("gm"), "{anonymous}() ")
- .replace("""^([^\(]+|\{anonymous\}\(\))\s+\((.+)\)$""".re("gm"), "$1@$2")
- .split("\n")
- .jsSlice(1)
- }
- private def extractSafari(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- (e.stack.asInstanceOf[jsString])
- .replace("""\[native code\]\n""".re("m"), "")
- .replace("""^(?=\w+Error\:).*$\n""".re("m"), "")
- .replace("""^@""".re("gm"), "{anonymous}()@")
- .split("\n")
- }
- private def extractOpera9(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- // " Line 43 of linked script file://localhost/G:/js/stacktrace.js\n"
- // " Line 7 of inline#1 script in file://localhost/G:/js/test/functional/testcase1.html\n"
- val lineRE = """Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)""".re("i")
- val lines = (e.message.asInstanceOf[jsString]).split("\n")
- val result = new js.Array[jsString]
- var i = 2
- val len = lines.length.toInt
- while (i < len) {
- val mtch = lineRE.exec(lines(i))
- if (mtch ne null) {
- result.push("{anonymous}()@" + mtch(2).get + ":" + mtch(1).get
- /* + " -- " + lines(i+1).replace("""^\s+""".re, "") */)
- }
- i += 2
- }
- result
- }
- private def extractOpera10a(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- // " Line 27 of linked script file://localhost/G:/js/stacktrace.js\n"
- // " Line 11 of inline#1 script in file://localhost/G:/js/test/functional/testcase1.html: In function foo\n"
- val lineRE = """Line (\d+).*script (?:in )?(\S+)(?:: In function (\S+))?$""".re("i")
- val lines = (e.stacktrace.asInstanceOf[jsString]).split("\n")
- val result = new js.Array[jsString]
- var i = 0
- val len = lines.length.toInt
- while (i < len) {
- val mtch = lineRE.exec(lines(i))
- if (mtch ne null) {
- val fnName = mtch(3).getOrElse("{anonymous}")
- result.push(fnName + "()@" + mtch(2).get + ":" + mtch(1).get
- /* + " -- " + lines(i+1).replace("""^\s+""".re, "")*/)
- }
- i += 2
- }
- result
- }
- private def extractOpera10b(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- // "<anonymous function: run>([arguments not available])@file://localhost/G:/js/stacktrace.js:27\n" +
- // "printStackTrace([arguments not available])@file://localhost/G:/js/stacktrace.js:18\n" +
- // "@file://localhost/G:/js/test/functional/testcase1.html:15"
- val lineRE = """^(.*)@(.+):(\d+)$""".re
- val lines = (e.stacktrace.asInstanceOf[jsString]).split("\n")
- val result = new js.Array[jsString]
- var i = 0
- val len = lines.length.toInt
- while (i < len) {
- val mtch = lineRE.exec(lines(i))
- if (mtch ne null) {
- val fnName = mtch(1).fold("global code")(_ + "()")
- result.push(fnName + "@" + mtch(2).get + ":" + mtch(3).get)
- }
- i += 1
- }
- result
- }
- private def extractOpera11(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- val lineRE = """^.*line (\d+), column (\d+)(?: in (.+))? in (\S+):$""".re
- val lines = (e.stacktrace.asInstanceOf[jsString]).split("\n")
- val result = new js.Array[jsString]
- var i = 0
- val len = lines.length.toInt
- while (i < len) {
- val mtch = lineRE.exec(lines(i))
- if (mtch ne null) {
- val location = mtch(4).get + ":" + mtch(1).get + ":" + mtch(2).get
- val fnName0 = mtch(2).getOrElse("global code")
- val fnName = (fnName0: jsString)
- .replace("""<anonymous function: (\S+)>""".re, "$1")
- .replace("""<anonymous function>""".re, "{anonymous}")
- result.push(fnName + "@" + location
- /* + " -- " + lines(i+1).replace("""^\s+""".re, "")*/)
- }
- i += 2
- }
- result
- }
- private def extractOther(e: js.Dynamic): js.Array[jsString] = {
- js.Array()
- }
- /* End copy-paste-translate from stacktrace.js
- * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- trait JSStackTraceElem extends js.Object {
- var declaringClass: String = js.native
- var methodName: String = js.native
- var fileName: String = js.native
- /** 1-based line number */
- var lineNumber: Int = js.native
- /** 1-based optional columnNumber */
- var columnNumber: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.native
- }
- object JSStackTraceElem {
- @inline
- def apply(declaringClass: String, methodName: String,
- fileName: String, lineNumber: Int,
- columnNumber: js.UndefOr[Int] = js.undefined): JSStackTraceElem = {
- js.Dynamic.literal(
- declaringClass = declaringClass,
- methodName = methodName,
- fileName = fileName,
- lineNumber = lineNumber,
- columnNumber = columnNumber
- ).asInstanceOf[JSStackTraceElem]
- }
- }
- /**
- * Implicit class to access magic column element created in STE
- */
- implicit class ColumnStackTraceElement(ste: StackTraceElement) {
- def getColumnNumber: Int = {
- val num = ste.asInstanceOf[js.Dynamic].columnNumber
- if (!(!num)) num.asInstanceOf[Int]
- else -1 // Not very Scala-ish, but consistent with StackTraceElemnt
- }
- }