path: root/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/ScalaJSPartest.scala
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/ScalaJSPartest.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 203 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/ScalaJSPartest.scala b/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/ScalaJSPartest.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index edd0ea9..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/partest/src/main/scala/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/ScalaJSPartest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Sébastien Doeraene
- */
-package scalajs
-import nest._
-import Path._
-import{ Global, Settings }
-import{ Reporter }
-import scala.scalajs.compiler.ScalaJSPlugin
-import sbt.testing.{ EventHandler, Logger, Fingerprint }
-trait ScalaJSDirectCompiler extends DirectCompiler {
- override def newGlobal(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): PartestGlobal = {
- new PartestGlobal(settings, reporter) {
- override protected def loadRoughPluginsList(): List[Plugin] = {
- (super.loadRoughPluginsList() :+
- Plugin.instantiate(classOf[ScalaJSPlugin], this))
- }
- }
- }
-class ScalaJSRunner(testFile: File, suiteRunner: SuiteRunner,
- scalaJSOverridePath: String, options: ScalaJSPartestOptions,
- noWarnFile: File) extends nest.Runner(testFile, suiteRunner) {
- private val compliantSems: List[String] = {
- scalaJSConfigFile("sem").fold(List.empty[String]) { file =>
- Source.fromFile(file).getLines.toList
- }
- }
- override val checkFile: File = {
- scalaJSConfigFile("check") getOrElse {
- // this is super.checkFile, but apparently we can't do that
- new FileOps(testFile).changeExtension("check")
- }
- }
- private def scalaJSConfigFile(ext: String): Option[File] = {
- val overrideFile = s"$scalaJSOverridePath/$kind/$fileBase.$ext"
- val url = getClass.getResource(overrideFile)
- Option(url).map(url => new File(url.toURI))
- }
- override def newCompiler = new DirectCompiler(this) with ScalaJSDirectCompiler
- override def extraJavaOptions = {
- super.extraJavaOptions ++ Seq(
- s"-Dscalajs.partest.noWarnFile=${noWarnFile.getAbsolutePath}",
- s"-Dscalajs.partest.optMode=${}",
- s"-Dscalajs.partest.compliantSems=${compliantSems.mkString(",")}"
- )
- }
-trait ScalaJSSuiteRunner extends SuiteRunner {
- // Stuff to mix in
- val options: ScalaJSPartestOptions
- /** Full scala version name. Used to discover blacklist (etc.) files */
- val scalaVersion: String
- // Stuff we provide
- override def banner: String = {
- import{ current => currentVersion }
- super.banner.trim + s"""
- |Scala.js version is: $currentVersion
- |Scala.js options are:
- |optimizer: ${options.optMode.shortStr}
- |testFilter: ${options.testFilter.descr}
- """.stripMargin
- }
- override def runTest(testFile: File): TestState = {
- // Mostly copy-pasted from SuiteRunner.runTest(), unfortunately :-(
- val runner = new ScalaJSRunner(testFile, this, listDir, options, noWarnFile)
- // when option "--failed" is provided execute test only if log
- // is present (which means it failed before)
- val state =
- if (failed && !runner.logFile.canRead)
- runner.genPass()
- else {
- val (state, elapsed) =
- try timed(
- catch {
- case t: Throwable => throw new RuntimeException(s"Error running $testFile", t)
- }
- NestUI.reportTest(state)
- runner.cleanup()
- state
- }
- onFinishTest(testFile, state)
- }
- override def runTestsForFiles(kindFiles: Array[File],
- kind: String): Array[TestState] = {
- super.runTestsForFiles(kindFiles.filter(shouldUseTest), kind)
- }
- private lazy val listDir =
- s"/scala/tools/partest/scalajs/$scalaVersion"
- private lazy val buglistedTestFileNames =
- readTestList(s"$listDir/BuglistedTests.txt")
- private lazy val blacklistedTestFileNames =
- readTestList(s"$listDir/BlacklistedTests.txt")
- private lazy val whitelistedTestFileNames =
- readTestList(s"$listDir/WhitelistedTests.txt")
- private lazy val noWarnFile: File = {
- val url = getClass.getResource(s"$listDir/NoDCEWarn.txt")
- assert(url != null, "Need NoDCEWarn.txt file")
- new File(url.toURI).getAbsolutePath()
- }
- private def readTestList(resourceName: String): Set[String] = {
- val source =
- val fileNames = for {
- line <- source.getLines
- trimmed = line.trim
- if trimmed != "" && !trimmed.startsWith("#")
- } yield extendShortTestName(trimmed)
- fileNames.toSet
- }
- private def extendShortTestName(testName: String) = {
- val srcDir = PathSettings.srcDir
- (srcDir / testName).toCanonical.getAbsolutePath
- }
- private lazy val testFilter: String => Boolean = {
- import ScalaJSPartestOptions._
- options.testFilter match {
- case UnknownTests => { absPath =>
- !blacklistedTestFileNames.contains(absPath) &&
- !whitelistedTestFileNames.contains(absPath) &&
- !buglistedTestFileNames.contains(absPath)
- }
- case BlacklistedTests => blacklistedTestFileNames
- case BuglistedTests => buglistedTestFileNames
- case WhitelistedTests => whitelistedTestFileNames
- case SomeTests(names) => _).toSet
- }
- }
- private def shouldUseTest(testFile: File): Boolean = {
- val absPath = testFile.toCanonical.getAbsolutePath
- testFilter(absPath)
- }
-/* Pre-mixin ScalaJSSuiteRunner in SBTRunner, because this is looked up
- * via reflection from the sbt partest interface of Scala.js
- */
-class ScalaJSSBTRunner(
- partestFingerprint: Fingerprint,
- eventHandler: EventHandler,
- loggers: Array[Logger],
- testRoot: File,
- testClassLoader: URLClassLoader,
- javaCmd: File,
- javacCmd: File,
- scalacArgs: Array[String],
- val options: ScalaJSPartestOptions,
- val scalaVersion: String
-) extends SBTRunner(
- partestFingerprint, eventHandler, loggers, "test/files", testClassLoader,
- javaCmd, javacCmd, scalacArgs
-) with ScalaJSSuiteRunner {
- // The test root for partest is read out through the system properties,
- // not passed as an argument
- sys.props("partest.root") = testRoot.getAbsolutePath()
- // Partests take at least 5h. We double, just to be sure. (default is 4 hours)
- sys.props("partest.timeout") = "10 hours"
- // Set showDiff on global UI module
- if (options.showDiff)
- NestUI.setDiffOnFail()