path: root/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/env/phantomjs/JettyWebsocketManager.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/env/phantomjs/JettyWebsocketManager.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 126 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/env/phantomjs/JettyWebsocketManager.scala b/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/env/phantomjs/JettyWebsocketManager.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3dec79c..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/sbt-plugin/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/sbtplugin/env/phantomjs/JettyWebsocketManager.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-package scala.scalajs.sbtplugin.env.phantomjs
-import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
-import org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server
-import org.eclipse.jetty.server.nio.SelectChannelConnector
-import org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.{WebSocket, WebSocketHandler}
-import org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.{LifeCycle, AbstractLifeCycle}
-import org.eclipse.jetty.util.log
-private[phantomjs] final class JettyWebsocketManager(
- wsListener: WebsocketListener) extends WebsocketManager { thisMgr =>
- private[this] var webSocketConn: WebSocket.Connection = null
- private[this] var closed = false
- // We can just set the logger here, since we are supposed to be protected by
- // the private ClassLoader that loads us reflectively.
- log.Log.setLog(new WSLogger("root"))
- private[this] val connector = new SelectChannelConnector
- connector.setHost("localhost")
- connector.setPort(0)
- private[this] val server = new Server()
- server.addConnector(connector)
- server.setHandler(new WebSocketHandler {
- // Support Hixie 76 for Phantom.js
- getWebSocketFactory().setMinVersion(-1)
- override def doWebSocketConnect(
- request: HttpServletRequest, protocol: String): WebSocket =
- new ComWebSocketListener
- })
- server.addLifeCycleListener(new AbstractLifeCycle.AbstractLifeCycleListener {
- override def lifeCycleStarted(event: LifeCycle): Unit = {
- if (event.isRunning())
- wsListener.onRunning()
- }
- })
- private class ComWebSocketListener extends WebSocket.OnTextMessage {
- override def onOpen(connection: WebSocket.Connection): Unit = {
- thisMgr.synchronized {
- if (isConnected)
- throw new IllegalStateException("Client connected twice")
- webSocketConn = connection
- }
- wsListener.onOpen()
- }
- override def onClose(statusCode: Int, reason: String): Unit = {
- thisMgr.synchronized {
- webSocketConn = null
- closed = true
- }
- wsListener.onClose()
- server.stop()
- if (statusCode != 1000) {
- throw new Exception("Abnormal closing of connection. " +
- s"Code: $statusCode, Reason: $reason")
- }
- }
- override def onMessage(message: String): Unit =
- wsListener.onMessage(message)
- }
- private class WSLogger(fullName: String) extends log.AbstractLogger {
- private[this] var debugEnabled = false
- def debug(msg: String, args: Object*): Unit =
- if (debugEnabled) log("DEBUG", msg, args)
- def debug(msg: String, thrown: Throwable): Unit =
- if (debugEnabled) log("DEBUG", msg, thrown)
- def debug(thrown: Throwable): Unit =
- if (debugEnabled) log("DEBUG", thrown)
- def getName(): String = fullName
- def ignore(ignored: Throwable): Unit = ()
- def info(msg: String, args: Object*): Unit = log("INFO", msg, args)
- def info(msg: String, thrown: Throwable): Unit = log("INFO", msg, thrown)
- def info(thrown: Throwable): Unit = log("INFO", thrown)
- def warn(msg: String, args: Object*): Unit = log("WARN", msg, args)
- def warn(msg: String, thrown: Throwable): Unit = log("WARN", msg, thrown)
- def warn(thrown: Throwable): Unit = log("WARN", thrown)
- def isDebugEnabled(): Boolean = debugEnabled
- def setDebugEnabled(enabled: Boolean): Unit = debugEnabled = enabled
- private def log(lvl: String, msg: String, args: Object*): Unit =
- wsListener.log(s"$lvl: $msg " + args.mkString(", "))
- private def log(lvl: String, msg: String, thrown: Throwable): Unit =
- wsListener.log(s"$lvl: $msg $thrown\n{$thrown.getStackStrace}")
- private def log(lvl: String, thrown: Throwable): Unit =
- wsListener.log(s"$lvl: $thrown\n{$thrown.getStackStrace}")
- protected def newLogger(fullName: String) = new WSLogger(fullName)
- }
- def start(): Unit = server.start()
- def stop(): Unit = server.stop()
- def isConnected: Boolean = webSocketConn != null && !closed
- def isClosed: Boolean = closed
- def localPort: Int = connector.getLocalPort()
- def sendMessage(msg: String) = synchronized {
- if (webSocketConn != null)
- webSocketConn.sendMessage(msg)
- }