path: root/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/resources
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/resources')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 655 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/resources/SourceMapTestTemplate.scala b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/resources/SourceMapTestTemplate.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b135ef..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/resources/SourceMapTestTemplate.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-package scala.scalajs.testsuite.compiler
-import org.scalajs.jasminetest.{JasmineTest, JasmineTestFramework}
-/** The test counter */
-private[testsuite] object TC {
- var testNum: Int = _
- def is(x: Int): Boolean = testNum == x
-/** Exception to test source maps. Not a ControlThrowable, because it has
- * NoStackTrace which would defeat its purpose
- */
-case class TestException(lineNo: Int) extends Exception
- * Template to generate source-map tests, verifying that the line numbers
- * reported in the source-mapped stacktraces match up with the line number
- * that the error originated from.
- *
- * /two-star/s in this file are replaced with a code-snippet to throw
- * an exception if `testNum` is set to the /two-star/'s index. The
- * exception is then caught and its stacktrace checked to see
- * that it reports the line number expected (stored in the error
- * message). /three-star/s in are replaced with a dangling else (to
- * allow throwing in expression position).
- * `0/*<testCount>*/` is replaced by the number of /n-star/s in the
- * file.
- */
-object SourceMapTest extends JasmineTest {
- val testCount: Int = 0/*<testCount>*/
- if (JasmineTestFramework.hasTag("nodejs")) {
- }
- when("source-maps").
- describe("Source Maps") {
- for (i <- 0 until testCount) {
- it(s"work (test $i)") {
- TC.testNum = i
- try {
- run()
- sys.error("No exception thrown")
- } catch {
- case e @ TestException(lineNo) =>
- val trace0 = e.getStackTrace.toList
- val trace1 = trace0.dropWhile(
- _.getFileName.endsWith("/scala/scalajs/runtime/StackTrace.scala"))
- val trace2 = trace1.dropWhile(
- _.getFileName.endsWith("/java/lang/Throwables.scala"))
- val exSte :: throwSte :: _ = trace2
- expect(exSte.getFileName).toContain("/SourceMapTest.scala")
- // line where `case class TestException is written` above
- expect(exSte.getLineNumber).toBe(15)
- expect(throwSte.getFileName).toContain("/SourceMapTest.scala")
- expect(throwSte.getLineNumber).toBe(lineNo)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def get(json: JsValue, index: Int) = {
- /**/
- /**/json.asInstanceOf[JsArray].value(index).value
- }
- def get(json: JsValue, index: Int, fieldName: String) = {
- /**/
- /**//***/json.asInstanceOf[JsArray].value(index).asInstanceOf[JsObject].value(fieldName).value
- }
- def run() = {
- /**/
- /**/val ugly =
- """
- |[
- | "JSON Test Pattern pass1",
- | {"object with 1 member":["array with 1 element"]},
- | {},
- | [],
- | -42,
- | true,
- | false,
- | null,
- | {
- | "integer": 1234567890,
- | "real": -9876.543210,
- | "e": 0.123456789e-12,
- | "E": 1.234567890E+34,
- | "": 23456789012E66,
- | "zero": 0,
- | "one": 1,
- | "space": " ",
- | "quote": "\"",
- | "backslash": "\\",
- | "controls": "\b\f\n\r\t",
- | "slash": "/ & \/",
- | "alpha": "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwyz",
- | "digit": "0123456789",
- | "0123456789": "digit",
- | "special": "`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-={':[,]}|;.</>?",
- | "hex": "\u0123\u4567\u89AB\uCDEF\uabcd\uef4A",
- | "true": true,
- | "false": false,
- | "null": null,
- | "array":[ ],
- | "object":{ },
- | "address": "50 St. James Street",
- | "url": "",
- | "comment": "// /* <!-- --",
- | "# -- --> */": " ",
- | " s p a c e d " :[1,2 , 3
- |
- |,
- |
- |4 , 5 , 6 ,7 ],"compact":[1,2,3,4,5,6,7],
- | "jsontext": "{\"object with 1 member\":[\"array with 1 element\"]}",
- | "quotes": "&#34; \u005Cu0022 %22 0x22 034 &#x22;",
- | "\/\\\"\uCAFE\uBABE\uAB98\uFCDE\ubcda\uef4A\b\f\n\r\t`1~!@#$%^&*()_+-=[]{}|;:',./<>?"
- |: "A key can be any string"
- | },
- | 0.5 ,98.6
- |,
- |99.44
- |,
- |
- |1066,
- |1e1,
- |0.1e1,
- |1e-1,
- |1e00,2e+00,2e-00
- |,"rosebud"]
- """.stripMargin/**/
- /**/val json = new Json()/**/
- /**/val parsed =**/
- /**/
- /**/val unparsed = json.write(parsed)/**/
- /**/val reparsed =**/
- for (json <- Seq(parsed, reparsed)){/**/
- assert(get(json, 0) == "JSON Test Pattern pass1")
- /**/
- assert(get(json, 5) == true)
- assert(get(json, 6) == false)
- assert(get(json, 8, "real") == "-9876.543210")/**/
- /**/assert(get(json, 8, "comment") == "// /* <!-- --")
- assert(get(json, 8, "jsontext") == "{\"object with 1 member\":[\"array with 1 element\"]}")
- assert(get(json, 19) == "rosebud")/**/
- }
- /**/
- }
-sealed trait JsValue {
- def value: Any
-case class JsString(value: java.lang.String) extends JsValue
-case class JsObject(value: Map[String, JsValue]) extends JsValue
-case class JsArray(value: Seq[JsValue]) extends JsValue
-case class JsNumber(value: java.lang.String) extends JsValue
-sealed trait JsBoolean extends JsValue {
- def value: Boolean
-case object JsFalse extends JsBoolean {
- def value = {/**/false}
-case object JsTrue extends JsBoolean {
- def value = {/**/true}
-case object JsNull extends JsValue {
- def value = {null}
-trait Writer{
- /**/
- def writeToBuffer(v: JsValue, sb: StringBuffer): Unit = v match {
- case JsString(s) =>
- /**/sb.append('"')/**/
- /**/var i = 0/**/
- while(i < s.length){/**/
- /**/s.charAt(i) match {
- case '\\' => /**/sb.append("\\\\")/**/
- case '"' => sb.append("\\\"")
- case '/' => /**/sb.append("\\/")/**/
- case '\b' => sb.append("\\b")
- case '\t' => sb.append("\\t")
- case '\n' => /**/sb.append("\\n")/**/
- case '\f' => sb.append("\\f")
- case '\r' => sb.append("\\r")
- case c =>
- if (c < ' '){
- val t = "000" + Integer.toHexString(c)
- sb.append("\\u" + t.takeRight(4))
- }else{
- sb.append(c.toString)
- }
- }
- i += 1
- }
- /**/
- sb.append('"')
- /**/
- case JsObject(kvs) =>
- /**/
- sb.append("{")
- /**/
- var first = true
- kvs.foreach(kv => {
- /**/
- val (k, v) = kv
- if (first)
- first = false
- else
- sb.append(", ")
- /**/
- writeToBuffer(JsString(k), sb)
- sb.append(": ")
- /**/
- writeToBuffer(v, sb)
- })
- sb.append("}")
- case JsArray(vs) => /**/
- sb.append("[")
- if (vs.length > 0) writeToBuffer(vs(0), sb)
- var i = 1
- while(i < vs.length){
- sb.append(", ")
- writeToBuffer(vs(i), sb)
- i += 1
- }
- sb.append("]")
- case JsNumber(d) => sb.append(d)
- case JsFalse => sb.append("false")
- case JsTrue => sb.append("true")
- case JsNull => sb.append("null")
- }
- /**/
-class Writer2 extends Writer{
- /**/
- def write(v: JsValue): String = {
- /**/
- val sb = new StringBuffer()
- writeToBuffer(v, sb)
- sb.toString
- }
- /**/
-class Json extends Writer2{
- /**
- * Self-contained JSON parser adapted from
- *
- *
- */
- def read(s: String): JsValue = {
- // *** Character Kinds
- /**/
- type CharKind = Int
- val Letter = 0
- val Digit = 1
- val Minus = 2
- val Quote = 3
- val Colon = 4
- val Comma = 5
- val Lbra = 6
- val Rbra = 7
- val Larr = 8
- val Rarr = 9
- val Blank = 10
- val Other = 11
- val Eof = 12
- val Slash = 13
- // *** Token Kinds
- type TokenKind = Int
- val ID = 0
- val STRING = 1
- val NUMBER = 2
- val BIGNUMBER = 3
- val COLON = 5
- val COMMA = 6
- val LOBJ = 7
- val ROBJ = 8
- val LARR = 9
- val RARR = 10
- val BLANK = 11
- val EOF = 12
- /**/
- // *** Character => CharKind Map ***
- val charKind = (0 to 255) {
- case c if 'a'.toInt <= c && c <= 'z'.toInt => Letter
- case c if 'A'.toInt <= c && c <= 'Z'.toInt => Letter
- case c if '0'.toInt <= c && c <= '9'.toInt => Digit
- case '-' => /**/Minus
- case ',' => /**/Comma
- case '"' => /**/Quote
- case ':' => /**/Colon
- case '{' => /**/Lbra
- case '}' => Rbra
- case '[' => Larr
- case ']' => Rarr
- case ' ' => Blank
- case '\t' => Blank
- case '\n' => Blank
- case '\r' => Blank
- case '/' => Slash
- case _ => Other
- }
- // *** Character Escapes
- /**/
- val escapeMap = Map[Int, String](
- '\\'.toInt -> "\\",
- '/'.toInt -> "/",
- '\"'.toInt -> "\"",
- 'b'.toInt -> "\b",
- 'f'.toInt -> "\f",
- 'n'.toInt -> "\n",
- 'r'.toInt -> "\r",
- 't'.toInt -> "\t"
- )
- // *** Import Shared Data ***
- // *** INPUT STRING ***
- // array faster than accessing string directly using charAt
- //final val s1 = s.toCharArray()
- val size = s.size
- // *** CHARACTERS ***
- var pos = 0
- var ch: Int = 0
- var chKind: CharKind = 0
- var chLinePos: Int = 0
- var chCharPos: Int = 0
- def chNext() = {/**/
- if (pos < size) {/**/
- //ch = s1(pos).toInt
- /**/ch = s.charAt(pos)/**/
- /**/chKind = /***/if (ch < 255) {/**/
- /**//***/charKind(ch)
- } else {/**/
- /**//***/Other
- }/**/
- pos += 1
- if (ch == '\n'.toInt) {
- chLinePos += 1
- chCharPos = 1
- } else {/**/
- chCharPos += 1/**/
- }
- } else {
- ch = -1
- pos = size + 1
- chKind = Eof
- }
- }/**/
- /**/
- /**/
- /**/def chError(msg: String): Nothing = {
- throw new Json.Exception(msg, s, chLinePos, chCharPos)
- }
- def chMark = pos - 1
- def chSubstr(first: Int, delta: Int = 0) = {
- s.substring(first, pos - 1 - delta)
- }
- // *** LEXER ***
- var tokenKind = BLANK
- var tokenValue = ""
- var linePos = 1
- var charPos = 1
- def getDigits() = {
- while (chKind == Digit) chNext()
- }
- def handleDigit() {
- val first = chMark
- getDigits()
- val k1 = if (ch == '.'.toInt) {
- chNext()
- getDigits()
- } else {
- }
- val k2 = if (ch == 'E'.toInt || ch == 'e'.toInt) {
- chNext()
- if (ch == '+'.toInt) {
- chNext()
- } else if (ch == '-'.toInt) {
- chNext()
- }
- getDigits()
- } else {
- k1
- }
- /**/tokenKind = k2/**/
- /**/tokenValue = chSubstr(first)/**/
- /**/}/**/
- /**/
- def handleRaw() {
- chNext()
- val first = chMark
- var state = 0
- do {
- if (chKind == Eof) chError("EOF encountered in raw string")
- state = (ch, state) match {
- case ('}', _) => 1
- case ('"', 1) => 2
- case ('"', 2) => 3
- case ('"', 3) => 0
- case _ => 0
- }
- chNext()
- } while (state != 3)
- tokenKind = STRING
- tokenValue = chSubstr(first, 3)
- }
- def handle(i: Int) = {
- chNext()
- tokenKind = i
- tokenValue = ""
- }
- def tokenNext() {
- do {
- linePos = chLinePos
- charPos = chCharPos
- val kind: Int = chKind
- kind match {
- case Letter =>
- val first = chMark
- while (chKind == Letter || chKind == Digit) {
- chNext()
- }
- tokenKind = ID
- tokenValue = chSubstr(first)
- case Digit => handleDigit()
- case Minus =>
- chNext()
- handleDigit()
- tokenValue = "-" + tokenValue
- case Quote =>
- val sb = new StringBuilder(50)
- chNext()
- var first = chMark
- while (ch != '"'.toInt && ch >= 32) {
- if (ch == '\\'.toInt) {
- sb.append(chSubstr(first))
- chNext()
- escapeMap.get(ch) match {
- case Some(s) =>
- sb.append(s)
- chNext()
- case None =>
- if (ch != 'u'.toInt) chError("Illegal escape")
- chNext()
- var code = 0
- for (i <- 1 to 4) {
- val ch1 = ch.toChar.toString
- val i = "0123456789abcdef".indexOf(ch1.toLowerCase)
- if (i == -1) chError("Illegal hex character")
- code = code * 16 + i
- chNext()
- }
- sb.append(code.toChar.toString)
- }
- first = chMark
- } else {
- chNext()
- }
- }
- if (ch != '"') chError("Unexpected string character: " + ch.toChar)
- sb.append(chSubstr(first))
- tokenKind = STRING
- tokenValue = sb.toString()
- chNext()
- if (tokenValue.length() == 0 && ch == '{') {
- handleRaw()
- }
- case Colon => handle(COLON)/**/
- case Comma => handle(COMMA)/**/
- case Lbra => handle(LOBJ)/**/
- case Rbra => handle(ROBJ)/**/
- case Larr => handle(LARR)/**/
- case Rarr => handle(RARR)/**/
- case Blank =>
- do chNext() while (chKind == Blank)
- tokenKind = BLANK
- tokenValue = ""
- case Other => chError("Unexpected character: " + ch.toChar + " " + ch)
- case Eof =>
- chNext()
- tokenKind = EOF
- tokenValue = ""
- case Slash =>
- if (chKind != Slash) chError("Expecting Slash")
- do chNext() while (ch != '\n' && chKind != Eof)
- tokenKind = BLANK
- tokenValue = ""
- }
- } while (tokenKind == BLANK)
- }
- /**/
- def tokenError(msg: String): Nothing = {
- throw new Json.Exception(msg, s, linePos, charPos)
- }
- /**/
- // *** PARSER ***
- def handleEof() = tokenError("Unexpected eof")
- def handleUnexpected(i: String) = tokenError(s"Unexpected input: [$i]")
- def handleArray(): JsArray = {
- tokenNext()
- var result = List.empty[JsValue]
- while (tokenKind != RARR) {/**/
- result = getJson() :: result
- /**/tokenKind match{
- case COMMA => /**/tokenNext()
- case RARR => // do nothing
- case _ => tokenError("Expecting , or ]")
- }
- }
- tokenNext()
- JsArray(result.reverse)
- }
- def handleObject(): JsObject = {
- tokenNext()
- var result = List.empty[(String, JsValue)]
- /**/
- while (tokenKind != ROBJ) {
- if (tokenKind != STRING && tokenKind != ID) tokenError("Expecting string or name")
- val name = tokenValue
- tokenNext()
- if (tokenKind != COLON) tokenError("Expecting :")
- tokenNext()
- result = (name -> getJson()) :: result
- tokenKind match{
- case COMMA => tokenNext()
- case ROBJ => // do nothing
- case _ => tokenError("Expecting , or }")
- }
- }
- tokenNext()
- JsObject(result.toMap)
- }
- def handleNumber(name: String, f: String => Unit) = {
- try {
- f(tokenValue)
- } catch {
- case _: Throwable => tokenError("Bad " + name)
- }
- val old = tokenValue
- tokenNext()
- JsNumber(old)
- }
- def getJson(): JsValue = {
- val kind: Int = tokenKind
- val result: JsValue = kind match {
- case ID =>
- val result: JsValue = tokenValue match {
- case "true" => JsTrue
- case "false" => JsFalse
- case "null" => JsNull
- case _ => tokenError("Not true, false, or null")
- }
- tokenNext()
- result
- case STRING =>
- val result = tokenValue
- tokenNext()
- JsString(result)
- case NUMBER => handleNumber("NUMBER", _.toLong)
- case BIGNUMBER => handleNumber("BIGNUMBER", _.toDouble)
- case FLOATNUMBER => handleNumber("FLOATNUMBER", _.toDouble)
- case COLON => handleUnexpected(":")
- case COMMA => handleUnexpected(",")
- case LOBJ => handleObject()
- case ROBJ => handleUnexpected("}")
- case LARR => handleArray()
- case RARR => handleUnexpected("]")
- case EOF => handleEof()
- }
- result
- }
- def parse(): JsValue = {
- chNext()
- tokenNext()
- val result = getJson
- if (tokenKind != EOF) tokenError("Excess input")
- result
- }
- parse()
- }
-object Json {
- class Exception(val msg: String,
- val input: String,
- val line: Int,
- val char: Int)
- extends scala.Exception(s"JsonParse Error: $msg line $line [$char] in $input")