path: root/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FormatterTest.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FormatterTest.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 241 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FormatterTest.scala b/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FormatterTest.scala
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index e7a705c..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/test-suite/src/test/scala/scala/scalajs/testsuite/javalib/FormatterTest.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,241 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js Test Suite **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-package scala.scalajs.testsuite.javalib
-import scala.scalajs.js
-import org.scalajs.jasminetest.JasmineTest
-import java.util.{ Formatter, Formattable, FormattableFlags }
-import java.lang.{
- Double => JDouble,
- Float => JFloat,
- Integer => JInteger,
- Long => JLong,
- Byte => JByte,
- Short => JShort,
- Boolean => JBoolean,
- String => JString
-object FormatterTest extends JasmineTest {
- class HelperClass
- class FormattableClass extends Formattable {
- var frm: Formatter = _
- var flags: Int = _
- var width: Int = _
- var precision: Int = _
- var calls = 0
- def formatTo(frm: Formatter, flags: Int, width: Int, precision: Int) = {
- this.calls += 1
- this.flags = flags
- this.width = width
- this.precision = precision
- frm.out().append("foobar")
- }
- def expectCalled(times: Int, flags: Int, width: Int, precision: Int) = {
- expect(this.calls).toEqual(times)
- expect(this.flags).toEqual(flags)
- expect(this.width).toEqual(width)
- expect(this.precision).toEqual(precision)
- }
- }
- def expectF(format: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
- val fmt = new Formatter()
- val res = fmt.format(format, args:_*).toString()
- fmt.close()
- expect(res)
- }
- def expectFC(format: String, flags: Int, width: Int, precision: Int) = {
- val fc = new FormattableClass
- val exp = expectF(format, fc)
- fc.expectCalled(1, flags, width, precision)
- exp
- }
- def expectThrow(format: String, args: AnyRef*) = {
- val fmt = new Formatter()
- expect(() => fmt.format(format, args:_*)).toThrow
- }
- describe("java.util.Formatter") {
- // Explicitly define these as `var`'s to avoid any compile-time constant folding
- var IntMax: Int = Int.MaxValue
- var IntMin: Int = Int.MinValue
- var ByteMax: Byte = Byte.MaxValue
- var ByteMin: Byte = Byte.MinValue
- var ShortMax: Short = Short.MaxValue
- var ShortMin: Short = Short.MinValue
- it("should provide 'b' conversion") {
- expectF("%b", null).toEqual("false")
- expectF("%b", true: JBoolean).toEqual(JString.valueOf(true))
- expectF("%b", false: JBoolean).toEqual(JString.valueOf(false))
- expectF("%b", new HelperClass).toEqual("true")
- }
- it("should provide 'h' conversion") {
- val x = new HelperClass
- expectF("%h", x).toEqual(Integer.toHexString(x.hashCode()))
- expectF("%H", x).toEqual(Integer.toHexString(x.hashCode()).toUpperCase())
- expectF("%h", null).toEqual("null")
- }
- it("should provide 's' conversion") {
- expectFC("%s", 0, -1, -1).toEqual("foobar")
- expectFC("%-s", FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY, -1, -1).toEqual("foobar")
- expectFC("%-10s", FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY, 10, -1).toEqual("foobar")
- expectFC("%#-10.2s", FormattableFlags.LEFT_JUSTIFY |
- FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE, 10, 2).toEqual("foobar")
- expectFC("%#10.2S", FormattableFlags.UPPERCASE |
- FormattableFlags.ALTERNATE, 10, 2).toEqual("foobar")
- expectF("%10s", "hello").toEqual(" hello")
- expectF("%-10s", "hello").toEqual("hello ")
- expectThrow("%#s", "hello")
- }
- it("should provide 'c' conversion") {
- expectF("%-5c", new Character('!')).toEqual("! ")
- }
- it("should provide 'd' conversion") {
- expectF("%d", new Integer(5)).toEqual("5")
- expectF("%05d", new Integer(5)).toEqual("00005")
- expectF("%5d", new Integer(-10)).toEqual(" -10")
- expectF("%05d", new Integer(-10)).toEqual("-0010")
- }
- it("should provide 'o' conversion") {
- expectF("%o", new JInteger(8)).toEqual("10")
- expectF("%05o", new JInteger(16)).toEqual("00020")
- expectF("%5o", new JInteger(-10)).toEqual("37777777766")
- expectF("%05o", new JInteger(-10)).toEqual("37777777766")
- expectF("%o", new JByte(8.toByte)).toEqual("10")
- expectF("%05o", new JByte(16.toByte)).toEqual("00020")
- expectF("%14o", new JByte(-10.toByte)).toEqual(" 37777777766")
- expectF("%05o", new JByte(-10.toByte)).toEqual("37777777766")
- expectF("%o", new JShort(8.toShort)).toEqual("10")
- expectF("%05o", new JShort(16.toShort)).toEqual("00020")
- expectF("%5o", new JShort(-10.toShort)).toEqual("37777777766")
- expectF("%015o",new JShort(-10.toShort)).toEqual("000037777777766")
- expectF("%05o", new JLong(-5L)).toEqual("1777777777777777777773")
- }
- it("should provide 'x' conversion") {
- expectF("%0#5x", new JInteger(5)).toEqual("0x005")
- expectF("%#5x", new JInteger(5)).toEqual(" 0x5")
- expectF("%#5X", new JInteger(5)).toEqual(" 0X5")
- expectF("%x", new JInteger(-3)).toEqual("fffffffd")
- expectF("%x", new JByte(-4.toByte)).toEqual("fffffffc")
- expectF("%0#5x", new JByte(5.toByte)).toEqual("0x005")
- expectF("%#5x", new JByte(5.toByte)).toEqual(" 0x5")
- expectF("%#5X", new JByte(5.toByte)).toEqual(" 0X5")
- expectF("%x", new JByte(-3.toByte)).toEqual("fffffffd")
- expectF("%0#5x", new JShort(5.toShort)).toEqual("0x005")
- expectF("%#5x", new JShort(5.toShort)).toEqual(" 0x5")
- expectF("%#5X", new JShort(5.toShort)).toEqual(" 0X5")
- expectF("%x", new JShort(-3.toShort)).toEqual("fffffffd")
- expectF("%x", new JLong(-5L)).toEqual("fffffffffffffffb")
- expectF("%X", new JLong(26L)).toEqual("1A")
- }
- it("should provide 'e' conversion") {
- expectF("%e", new JDouble(1000)).toEqual("1.000000e+03")
- expectF("%.0e", new JDouble(1.2e100)).toEqual("1e+100")
- // We use 1.51e100 in this test, since we seem to have a floating
- // imprecision at exactly 1.5e100 that yields to a rounding error
- // towards (1e+100 instead of 2e+100)
- expectF("%.0e", new JDouble(1.51e100)).toEqual("2e+100")
- expectF("%10.2e", new JDouble(1.2e100)).toEqual(" 1.20e+100")
- expectF("%012.4e", new JFloat(1.2e-21f)).toEqual("001.2000e-21")
- expectF("%012.4E", new JFloat(1.2e-21f)).toEqual("001.2000E-21")
- expectF("%(015.4e", new JFloat(-1.2e-21f)).toEqual("(0001.2000e-21)")
- // Tests with infinity and NaN
- expectF("%e", new JDouble(Double.PositiveInfinity)).toEqual("Infinity")
- expectF("%e", new JDouble(Double.NegativeInfinity)).toEqual("-Infinity")
- expectF("%010e", new JDouble(Double.PositiveInfinity)).toEqual(" Infinity")
- expectF("%-10e", new JDouble(Double.PositiveInfinity)).toEqual("Infinity ")
- expectF("%(e", new JDouble(Double.NegativeInfinity)).toEqual("(Infinity)")
- expectF("%010e", new JDouble(Double.NaN)).toEqual(" NaN")
- }
- it("should provide 'g' conversion") {
- expectF("%g", new JDouble(.5e-4)).toEqual("5.00000e-05")
- expectF("%g", new JDouble(3e-4)).toEqual("0.000300000")
- expectF("%.3g", new JDouble(3e-4)).toEqual("0.000300")
- expectF("%.2g", new JDouble(1e-3)).toEqual("0.0010")
- expectF("%g", new JDouble(3e5)).toEqual("300000")
- expectF("%.3g", new JDouble(3e5)).toEqual("3.00e+05")
- expectF("%04g", new JDouble(Double.NaN)).toEqual(" NaN")
- }
- it("should provide 'f' conversion") {
- expectF("%f", new JDouble(3.3)).toEqual("3.300000")
- expectF("%0(9.4f", new JDouble(-4.6)).toEqual("(04.6000)")
- expectF("%f", new JFloat(3e10f)).toEqual("30000001024.000000")
- expectF("%f", new JDouble(3e10)).toEqual("30000000000.000000")
- expectF("%04f", new JDouble(Double.NaN)).toEqual(" NaN")
- }
- it("should support '%%'") {
- expectF("%d%%%d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(2)).toEqual("1%2")
- }
- it("should support '%n'") {
- expectF("%d%n%d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(2)).toEqual("1\n2")
- }
- it("should survive `null` and `undefined`") {
- expectF("%s", null).toEqual("null")
- expectF("%s", js.undefined).toEqual("undefined")
- }
- it("should allow 'f' string interpolation to survive `null` and `undefined`") {
- expect(f"${null}%s").toEqual("null")
- expect(f"${js.undefined}%s").toEqual("undefined")
- }
- it("should allow positional arguments") {
- expectF("%2$d %1$d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(2)).toEqual("2 1")
- expectF("%2$d %2$d %d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(2)).toEqual("2 2 1")
- expectF("%2$d %<d %d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(2)).toEqual("2 2 1")
- }
- it("should fail when called after close") {
- val f = new Formatter()
- f.close()
- expect(() => f.toString()).toThrow
- }
- it("should fail with bad format specifier") {
- expectThrow("hello world%")
- expectThrow("%%%")
- expectThrow("%q")
- expectThrow("%1")
- expectThrow("%_f")
- }
- it("should fail with not enough arguments") {
- expectThrow("%f")
- expectThrow("%d%d%d", new JInteger(1), new JInteger(1))
- expectThrow("%10$d", new JInteger(1))
- }
- }