path: root/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/javascript/Trees.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/javascript/Trees.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 194 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/javascript/Trees.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/javascript/Trees.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b86d1b..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/javascript/Trees.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import ir.Position
-import ir.Position.NoPosition
-object Trees {
- import ir.Trees.requireValidIdent
- /** AST node of JavaScript. */
- abstract sealed class Tree {
- val pos: Position
- def show: String = {
- val writer = new
- val printer = new Printers.JSTreePrinter(writer)
- printer.printTree(this, isStat = true)
- writer.toString()
- }
- }
- case object EmptyTree extends Tree {
- val pos = NoPosition
- }
- // Comments
- case class DocComment(text: String)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- // Identifiers and properties
- sealed trait PropertyName {
- def name: String
- def pos: Position
- }
- case class Ident(name: String, originalName: Option[String])(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends PropertyName {
- requireValidIdent(name)
- }
- object Ident {
- def apply(name: String)(implicit pos: Position): Ident =
- new Ident(name, Some(name))
- }
- // Definitions
- case class VarDef(name: Ident, mutable: Boolean, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)
- }
- case class ParamDef(name: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- def ref(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- VarRef(name, mutable = mutable)
- }
- // Control flow constructs
- case class Skip()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- class Block private (val stats: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- override def toString(): String =
- stats.mkString("Block(", ",", ")")
- }
- object Block {
- def apply(stats: List[Tree])(implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- val flattenedStats = stats flatMap {
- case Skip() => Nil
- case Block(subStats) => subStats
- case other => other :: Nil
- }
- flattenedStats match {
- case Nil => Skip()
- case only :: Nil => only
- case _ => new Block(flattenedStats)
- }
- }
- def apply(stats: Tree*)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- apply(stats.toList)
- def unapply(block: Block): Some[List[Tree]] = Some(block.stats)
- }
- case class Labeled(label: Ident, body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Assign(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(lhs match {
- case _:VarRef | _:DotSelect | _:BracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid lhs for Assign: $lhs")
- }
- case class Return(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class If(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class While(cond: Tree, body: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class DoWhile(body: Tree, cond: Tree, label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Try(block: Tree, errVar: Ident, handler: Tree, finalizer: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Throw(expr: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Break(label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Continue(label: Option[Ident] = None)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Switch(selector: Tree, cases: List[(Tree, Tree)], default: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Debugger()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- // Expressions
- case class New(ctor: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class DotSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Ident)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class BracketSelect(qualifier: Tree, item: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Syntactic apply.
- * It is a method call if fun is a dot-select or bracket-select. It is a
- * function call otherwise.
- */
- case class Apply(fun: Tree, args: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Delete(prop: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree {
- require(prop match {
- case _:DotSelect | _:BracketSelect => true
- case _ => false
- }, s"Invalid prop for Delete: $prop")
- }
- /** Unary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably ++ and --
- */
- case class UnaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- /** Binary operation (always preserves pureness).
- *
- * Operations which do not preserve pureness are not allowed in this tree.
- * These are notably +=, -=, *=, /= and %=
- */
- case class BinaryOp(op: String, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class ArrayConstr(items: List[Tree])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class ObjectConstr(fields: List[(PropertyName, Tree)])(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- // Literals
- /** Marker for literals. Literals are always pure. */
- sealed trait Literal extends Tree
- case class Undefined()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class Null()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class BooleanLiteral(value: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class IntLiteral(value: Int)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class DoubleLiteral(value: Double)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal
- case class StringLiteral(value: String)(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends Literal with PropertyName {
- override def name = value
- }
- // Atomic expressions
- case class VarRef(ident: Ident, mutable: Boolean)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class This()(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree
- case class Function(args: List[ParamDef], body: Tree)(implicit val pos: Position) extends Tree