path: root/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer')
7 files changed, 0 insertions, 6660 deletions
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9cdd764..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/Analyzer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.tailrec
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import ir.{ClassKind, Definitions, Infos}
-import ScalaJSOptimizer._
-class Analyzer(logger0: Logger, semantics: Semantics,
- allData: Seq[Infos.ClassInfo], globalWarnEnabled: Boolean,
- isBeforeOptimizer: Boolean) {
- /* Set this to true to debug the DCE analyzer.
- * We don't rely on config to disable 'debug' messages because we want
- * to use 'debug' for displaying more stack trace info that the user can
- * see with the 'last' command.
- */
- val DebugAnalyzer = false
- object logger extends Logger {
- var indentation: String = ""
- def indent(): Unit = indentation += " "
- def undent(): Unit = indentation = indentation.substring(2)
- def log(level: Level, message: => String) =
- logger0.log(level, indentation+message)
- def success(message: => String) =
- logger0.success(indentation+message)
- def trace(t: => Throwable) =
- logger0.trace(t)
- def indented[A](body: => A): A = {
- indent()
- try body
- finally undent()
- }
- def debugIndent[A](message: => String)(body: => A): A = {
- if (DebugAnalyzer) {
- debug(message)
- indented(body)
- } else {
- body
- }
- }
- def temporarilyNotIndented[A](body: => A): A = {
- val savedIndent = indentation
- indentation = ""
- try body
- finally indentation = savedIndent
- }
- }
- sealed trait From
- case class FromMethod(methodInfo: MethodInfo) extends From
- case object FromCore extends From
- case object FromExports extends From
- case object FromManual extends From
- var allAvailable: Boolean = true
- val classInfos: mutable.Map[String, ClassInfo] = {
- val cs = for (classData <- allData)
- yield (classData.encodedName, new ClassInfo(classData))
- mutable.Map.empty[String, ClassInfo] ++ cs
- }
- def lookupClass(encodedName: String): ClassInfo = {
- classInfos.get(encodedName) match {
- case Some(info) => info
- case None =>
- val c = new ClassInfo(createMissingClassInfo(encodedName))
- classInfos += encodedName -> c
- c.nonExistent = true
- c.linkClasses()
- c
- }
- }
- def lookupModule(encodedName: String): ClassInfo = {
- lookupClass(encodedName+"$")
- }
- linkClasses()
- def linkClasses(): Unit = {
- if (!classInfos.contains(ir.Definitions.ObjectClass))
- sys.error("Fatal error: could not find java.lang.Object on the classpath")
- for (classInfo <- classInfos.values.toList)
- classInfo.linkClasses()
- }
- def computeReachability(manuallyReachable: Seq[ManualReachability],
- noWarnMissing: Seq[NoWarnMissing]): Unit = {
- // Stuff reachable from core symbols always should warn
- reachCoreSymbols()
- // Disable warnings as requested
- noWarnMissing.foreach(disableWarning _)
- // Reach all user stuff
- manuallyReachable.foreach(reachManually _)
- for (classInfo <- classInfos.values)
- classInfo.reachExports()
- }
- /** Reach symbols used directly by scalajsenv.js. */
- def reachCoreSymbols(): Unit = {
- import semantics._
- import CheckedBehavior._
- implicit val from = FromCore
- def instantiateClassWith(className: String, constructor: String): ClassInfo = {
- val info = lookupClass(className)
- info.instantiated()
- info.callMethod(constructor)
- info
- }
- val ObjectClass = instantiateClassWith("O", "init___")
- ObjectClass.callMethod("toString__T")
- ObjectClass.callMethod("equals__O__Z")
- instantiateClassWith("jl_NullPointerException", "init___")
- if (asInstanceOfs != Unchecked)
- instantiateClassWith("jl_ClassCastException", "init___T")
- if (asInstanceOfs == Fatal)
- instantiateClassWith("sjsr_UndefinedBehaviorError", "init___jl_Throwable")
- instantiateClassWith("jl_Class", "init___jl_ScalaJSClassData")
- val RTStringModuleClass = lookupClass("sjsr_RuntimeString$")
- RTStringModuleClass.accessModule()
- RTStringModuleClass.callMethod("hashCode__T__I")
- val RTLongClass = lookupClass(LongImpl.RuntimeLongClass)
- RTLongClass.instantiated()
- for (method <- LongImpl.AllConstructors ++ LongImpl.AllMethods)
- RTLongClass.callMethod(method)
- if (isBeforeOptimizer) {
- for (method <- LongImpl.AllIntrinsicMethods)
- RTLongClass.callMethod(method)
- }
- val RTLongModuleClass = lookupClass(LongImpl.RuntimeLongModuleClass)
- RTLongModuleClass.accessModule()
- for (method <- LongImpl.AllModuleMethods)
- RTLongModuleClass.callMethod(method)
- if (isBeforeOptimizer) {
- for (hijacked <- Definitions.HijackedClasses)
- lookupClass(hijacked).instantiated()
- } else {
- for (hijacked <- Definitions.HijackedClasses)
- lookupClass(hijacked).accessData()
- }
- if (semantics.strictFloats) {
- val RuntimePackage = lookupClass("sjsr_package$")
- RuntimePackage.accessModule()
- RuntimePackage.callMethod("froundPolyfill__D__D")
- }
- val BitsModuleClass = lookupClass("sjsr_Bits$")
- BitsModuleClass.accessModule()
- BitsModuleClass.callMethod("numberHashCode__D__I")
- }
- def reachManually(info: ManualReachability) = {
- implicit val from = FromManual
- // Don't lookupClass here, since we don't want to create any
- // symbols. If a symbol doesn't exist, we fail.
- info match {
- case ReachObject(name) => classInfos(name + "$").accessModule()
- case Instantiate(name) => classInfos(name).instantiated()
- case ReachMethod(className, methodName, static) =>
- classInfos(className).callMethod(methodName, static)
- }
- }
- def disableWarning(noWarn: NoWarnMissing) = noWarn match {
- case NoWarnClass(className) =>
- lookupClass(className).warnEnabled = false
- case NoWarnMethod(className, methodName) =>
- lookupClass(className).lookupMethod(methodName).warnEnabled = false
- }
- class ClassInfo(data: Infos.ClassInfo) {
- val encodedName = data.encodedName
- val ancestorCount = data.ancestorCount
- val isStaticModule = data.kind == ClassKind.ModuleClass
- val isInterface = data.kind == ClassKind.Interface
- val isImplClass = data.kind == ClassKind.TraitImpl
- val isRawJSType = data.kind == ClassKind.RawJSType
- val isHijackedClass = data.kind == ClassKind.HijackedClass
- val isClass = !isInterface && !isImplClass && !isRawJSType
- val isExported = data.isExported
- val hasData = !isImplClass
- val hasMoreThanData = isClass && !isHijackedClass
- var superClass: ClassInfo = _
- val ancestors = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ClassInfo]
- val descendants = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[ClassInfo]
- var nonExistent: Boolean = false
- var warnEnabled: Boolean = true
- def linkClasses(): Unit = {
- if (data.superClass != "")
- superClass = lookupClass(data.superClass)
- ancestors ++=
- for (ancestor <- ancestors)
- ancestor.descendants += this
- }
- lazy val descendentClasses = descendants.filter(_.isClass)
- def optimizerHints: Infos.OptimizerHints = data.optimizerHints
- var isInstantiated: Boolean = false
- var isAnySubclassInstantiated: Boolean = false
- var isModuleAccessed: Boolean = false
- var isDataAccessed: Boolean = false
- var instantiatedFrom: Option[From] = None
- val delayedCalls = mutable.Map.empty[String, From]
- def isNeededAtAll =
- isDataAccessed ||
- isAnySubclassInstantiated ||
- (isImplClass && methodInfos.values.exists(_.isReachable))
- lazy val methodInfos: mutable.Map[String, MethodInfo] = {
- val ms = for (methodData <- data.methods)
- yield (methodData.encodedName, new MethodInfo(this, methodData))
- mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodInfo] ++ ms
- }
- def lookupMethod(methodName: String): MethodInfo = {
- tryLookupMethod(methodName).getOrElse {
- val syntheticData = createMissingMethodInfo(methodName)
- val m = new MethodInfo(this, syntheticData)
- m.nonExistent = true
- methodInfos += methodName -> m
- m
- }
- }
- def tryLookupMethod(methodName: String): Option[MethodInfo] = {
- assert(isClass || isImplClass,
- s"Cannot call lookupMethod($methodName) on non-class $this")
- @tailrec
- def loop(ancestorInfo: ClassInfo): Option[MethodInfo] = {
- if (ancestorInfo ne null) {
- ancestorInfo.methodInfos.get(methodName) match {
- case Some(m) if !m.isAbstract => Some(m)
- case _ => loop(ancestorInfo.superClass)
- }
- } else {
- None
- }
- }
- loop(this)
- }
- override def toString(): String = encodedName
- /** Start reachability algorithm with the exports for that class. */
- def reachExports(): Unit = {
- implicit val from = FromExports
- // Myself
- if (isExported) {
- assert(!isImplClass, "An implementation class must not be exported")
- if (isStaticModule) accessModule()
- else instantiated()
- }
- // My methods
- for (methodInfo <- methodInfos.values) {
- if (methodInfo.isExported)
- callMethod(methodInfo.encodedName)
- }
- }
- def accessModule()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- assert(isStaticModule, s"Cannot call accessModule() on non-module $this")
- if (!isModuleAccessed) {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isModuleAccessed = true") {
- isModuleAccessed = true
- instantiated()
- callMethod("init___")
- }
- }
- }
- def instantiated()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- if (!isInstantiated && isClass) {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isInstantiated = true") {
- isInstantiated = true
- instantiatedFrom = Some(from)
- ancestors.foreach(_.subclassInstantiated())
- }
- for ((methodName, from) <- delayedCalls)
- delayedCallMethod(methodName)(from)
- }
- }
- private def subclassInstantiated()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- if (!isAnySubclassInstantiated && isClass) {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isAnySubclassInstantiated = true") {
- isAnySubclassInstantiated = true
- if (instantiatedFrom.isEmpty)
- instantiatedFrom = Some(from)
- accessData()
- methodInfos.get("__init__").foreach(_.reachStatic())
- }
- }
- }
- def accessData()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- if (!isDataAccessed && hasData) {
- checkExistent()
- if (DebugAnalyzer)
- logger.debug(s"$this.isDataAccessed = true")
- isDataAccessed = true
- }
- }
- def checkExistent()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- if (nonExistent) {
- if (warnEnabled && globalWarnEnabled) {
- logger.warn(s"Referring to non-existent class $encodedName")
- warnCallStack()
- }
- nonExistent = false
- allAvailable = false
- }
- }
- def callMethod(methodName: String, static: Boolean = false)(
- implicit from: From): Unit = {
- logger.debugIndent(s"calling${if (static) " static" else ""} $this.$methodName") {
- if (isImplClass) {
- // methods in impl classes are always implicitly called statically
- lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
- } else if (isConstructorName(methodName)) {
- // constructors are always implicitly called statically
- lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
- } else if (static) {
- assert(!isReflProxyName(methodName),
- s"Trying to call statically refl proxy $this.$methodName")
- lookupMethod(methodName).reachStatic()
- } else {
- for (descendentClass <- descendentClasses) {
- if (descendentClass.isInstantiated)
- descendentClass.delayedCallMethod(methodName)
- else
- descendentClass.delayedCalls += ((methodName, from))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def delayedCallMethod(methodName: String)(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- if (isReflProxyName(methodName)) {
- tryLookupMethod(methodName).foreach(_.reach(this))
- } else {
- lookupMethod(methodName).reach(this)
- }
- }
- }
- class MethodInfo(val owner: ClassInfo, data: Infos.MethodInfo) {
- val encodedName = data.encodedName
- val isAbstract = data.isAbstract
- val isExported = data.isExported
- val isReflProxy = isReflProxyName(encodedName)
- def optimizerHints: Infos.OptimizerHints = data.optimizerHints
- var isReachable: Boolean = false
- var calledFrom: Option[From] = None
- var instantiatedSubclass: Option[ClassInfo] = None
- var nonExistent: Boolean = false
- var warnEnabled: Boolean = true
- override def toString(): String = s"$owner.$encodedName"
- def reachStatic()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- assert(!isAbstract,
- s"Trying to reach statically the abstract method $this")
- checkExistent()
- if (!isReachable) {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isReachable = true") {
- isReachable = true
- calledFrom = Some(from)
- doReach()
- }
- }
- }
- def reach(inClass: ClassInfo)(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- assert(owner.isClass,
- s"Trying to reach dynamically the non-class method $this")
- assert(!isConstructorName(encodedName),
- s"Trying to reach dynamically the constructor $this")
- checkExistent()
- if (!isReachable) {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.isReachable = true") {
- isReachable = true
- calledFrom = Some(from)
- instantiatedSubclass = Some(inClass)
- doReach()
- }
- }
- }
- private def checkExistent()(implicit from: From) = {
- if (nonExistent) {
- if (warnEnabled && owner.warnEnabled && globalWarnEnabled) {
- logger.temporarilyNotIndented {
- logger.warn(s"Referring to non-existent method $this")
- warnCallStack()
- }
- }
- allAvailable = false
- }
- }
- private[this] def doReach(): Unit = {
- logger.debugIndent(s"$this.doReach()") {
- implicit val from = FromMethod(this)
- if (owner.isImplClass)
- owner.checkExistent()
- for (moduleName <- data.accessedModules) {
- lookupModule(moduleName).accessModule()
- }
- for (className <- data.instantiatedClasses) {
- lookupClass(className).instantiated()
- }
- for (className <- data.accessedClassData) {
- lookupClass(className).accessData()
- }
- for ((className, methods) <- data.calledMethods) {
- val classInfo = lookupClass(className)
- for (methodName <- methods)
- classInfo.callMethod(methodName)
- }
- for ((className, methods) <- data.calledMethodsStatic) {
- val classInfo = lookupClass(className)
- for (methodName <- methods)
- classInfo.callMethod(methodName, static = true)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def isReflProxyName(encodedName: String): Boolean = {
- encodedName.endsWith("__") &&
- (encodedName != "init___") && (encodedName != "__init__")
- }
- def isConstructorName(encodedName: String): Boolean =
- encodedName.startsWith("init___") || (encodedName == "__init__")
- private def createMissingClassInfo(encodedName: String): Infos.ClassInfo = {
- val kind =
- if (encodedName.endsWith("$")) ClassKind.ModuleClass
- else if (encodedName.endsWith("$class")) ClassKind.TraitImpl
- else ClassKind.Class
- Infos.ClassInfo(
- name = s"<$encodedName>",
- encodedName = encodedName,
- isExported = false,
- ancestorCount = if (kind.isClass) 1 else 0,
- kind = kind,
- superClass = if (kind.isClass) "O" else "",
- ancestors = List(encodedName, "O"),
- methods = List(
- createMissingMethodInfo("__init__"),
- createMissingMethodInfo("init___"))
- )
- }
- private def createMissingMethodInfo(encodedName: String,
- isAbstract: Boolean = false): Infos.MethodInfo = {
- Infos.MethodInfo(encodedName = encodedName, isAbstract = isAbstract)
- }
- def warnCallStack()(implicit from: From): Unit = {
- val seenInfos = mutable.Set.empty[AnyRef]
- def rec(level: Level, optFrom: Option[From],
- verb: String = "called"): Unit = {
- val involvedClasses = new mutable.ListBuffer[ClassInfo]
- def onlyOnce(info: AnyRef): Boolean = {
- if (seenInfos.add(info)) {
- true
- } else {
- logger.log(level, " (already seen, not repeating call stack)")
- false
- }
- }
- @tailrec
- def loopTrace(optFrom: Option[From], verb: String = "called"): Unit = {
- optFrom match {
- case None =>
- logger.log(level, s"$verb from ... er ... nowhere!? (this is a bug in dce)")
- case Some(from) =>
- from match {
- case FromMethod(methodInfo) =>
- logger.log(level, s"$verb from $methodInfo")
- if (onlyOnce(methodInfo)) {
- methodInfo.instantiatedSubclass.foreach(involvedClasses += _)
- loopTrace(methodInfo.calledFrom)
- }
- case FromCore =>
- logger.log(level, s"$verb from scalajs-corejslib.js")
- case FromExports =>
- logger.log(level, "exported to JavaScript with @JSExport")
- case FromManual =>
- logger.log(level, "manually made reachable")
- }
- }
- }
- logger.indented {
- loopTrace(optFrom, verb = verb)
- }
- if (involvedClasses.nonEmpty) {
- logger.log(level, "involving instantiated classes:")
- logger.indented {
- for (classInfo <- involvedClasses.result().distinct) {
- logger.log(level, s"$classInfo")
- if (onlyOnce(classInfo))
- rec(Level.Debug, classInfo.instantiatedFrom, verb = "instantiated")
- // recurse with Debug log level not to overwhelm the user
- }
- }
- }
- }
- rec(Level.Warn, Some(from))
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 47e1f87..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/GenIncOptimizer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,921 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import language.higherKinds
-import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
-import scala.collection.{GenMap, GenTraversableOnce, GenIterable, GenIterableLike}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import Definitions.isConstructorName
-import Infos.OptimizerHints
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-import javascript.Trees.{Tree => JSTree}
-import javascript.ScalaJSClassEmitter
-/** Incremental optimizer.
- * An incremental optimizer consumes the reachability analysis produced by
- * an [[Analyzer]], as well as trees for classes, trait impls, etc., and
- * optimizes them in an incremental way.
- * It maintains state between runs to do a minimal amount of work on every
- * run, based on detecting what parts of the program must be re-optimized,
- * and keeping optimized results from previous runs for the rest.
- */
-abstract class GenIncOptimizer(semantics: Semantics) {
- import GenIncOptimizer._
- protected val CollOps: AbsCollOps
- private val classEmitter = new ScalaJSClassEmitter(semantics)
- private var logger: Logger = _
- /** Are we in batch mode? I.e., are we running from scratch?
- * Various parts of the algorithm can be skipped entirely when running in
- * batch mode.
- */
- private var batchMode: Boolean = false
- /** Should positions be considered when comparing tree hashes */
- private var considerPositions: Boolean = _
- private var objectClass: Class = _
- private val classes = CollOps.emptyMap[String, Class]
- private val traitImpls = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, TraitImpl]
- protected def getInterface(encodedName: String): InterfaceType
- /** Schedule a method for processing in the PROCESS PASS */
- protected def scheduleMethod(method: MethodImpl): Unit
- protected def newMethodImpl(owner: MethodContainer,
- encodedName: String): MethodImpl
- def findTraitImpl(encodedName: String): TraitImpl = traitImpls(encodedName)
- def findClass(encodedName: String): Class = classes(encodedName)
- def getTraitImpl(encodedName: String): Option[TraitImpl] = traitImpls.get(encodedName)
- def getClass(encodedName: String): Option[Class] = classes.get(encodedName)
- type GetClassTreeIfChanged =
- (String, Option[String]) => Option[(ClassDef, Option[String])]
- private def withLogger[A](logger: Logger)(body: => A): A = {
- assert(this.logger == null)
- this.logger = logger
- try body
- finally this.logger = null
- }
- /** Update the incremental analyzer with a new run. */
- def update(analyzer: Analyzer,
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged, considerPositions: Boolean,
- logger: Logger): Unit = withLogger(logger) {
- batchMode = objectClass == null
- this.considerPositions = considerPositions
- logger.debug(s"Optimizer batch mode: $batchMode")
- logTime(logger, "Incremental part of inc. optimizer") {
- updateAndTagEverything(analyzer, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- }
- logTime(logger, "Optimizer part of inc. optimizer") {
- processAllTaggedMethods()
- }
- }
- /** Incremental part: update state and detect what needs to be re-optimized.
- * UPDATE PASS ONLY. (This IS the update pass).
- */
- private def updateAndTagEverything(analyzer: Analyzer,
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
- val neededClasses = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, analyzer.ClassInfo]
- val neededTraitImpls = CollOps.emptyParMap[String, analyzer.ClassInfo]
- for {
- classInfo <- analyzer.classInfos.values
- if classInfo.isNeededAtAll
- } {
- if (classInfo.isClass && classInfo.isAnySubclassInstantiated)
- CollOps.put(neededClasses, classInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
- else if (classInfo.isImplClass)
- CollOps.put(neededTraitImpls, classInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
- }
- /* Remove deleted trait impls, and update existing trait impls.
- * We don't even have to notify callers in case of additions or removals
- * because callers have got to be invalidated by themselves.
- * Only changed methods need to trigger notifications.
- *
- * Non-batch mode only.
- */
- assert(!batchMode || traitImpls.isEmpty)
- if (!batchMode) {
- CollOps.retain(traitImpls) { (traitImplName, traitImpl) =>
- CollOps.remove(neededTraitImpls, traitImplName).fold {
- /* Deleted trait impl. Mark all its methods as deleted, and remove it
- * from known trait impls.
- */
- traitImpl.methods.values.foreach(_.delete())
- false
- } { traitImplInfo =>
- /* Existing trait impl. Update it. */
- val (added, changed, removed) =
- traitImpl.updateWith(traitImplInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- for (method <- changed)
- traitImpl.myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(method)
- true
- }
- }
- }
- /* Add new trait impls.
- * Easy, we don't have to notify anyone.
- */
- for (traitImplInfo <- neededTraitImpls.values) {
- val traitImpl = new TraitImpl(traitImplInfo.encodedName)
- CollOps.put(traitImpls, traitImpl.encodedName, traitImpl)
- traitImpl.updateWith(traitImplInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- }
- if (!batchMode) {
- /* Class removals:
- * * If a class is deleted or moved, delete its entire subtree (because
- * all its descendants must also be deleted or moved).
- * * If an existing class was instantiated but is no more, notify callers
- * of its methods.
- *
- * Non-batch mode only.
- */
- val objectClassStillExists =
- objectClass.walkClassesForDeletions(neededClasses.get(_))
- assert(objectClassStillExists, "Uh oh, java.lang.Object was deleted!")
- /* Class changes:
- * * Delete removed methods, update existing ones, add new ones
- * * Update the list of ancestors
- * * Class newly instantiated
- *
- * Non-batch mode only.
- */
- objectClass.walkForChanges(
- CollOps.remove(neededClasses, _).get,
- getClassTreeIfChanged,
- Set.empty)
- }
- /* Class additions:
- * * Add new classes (including those that have moved from elsewhere).
- * In batch mode, we avoid doing notifications.
- */
- // Group children by (immediate) parent
- val newChildrenByParent = CollOps.emptyAccMap[String, Analyzer#ClassInfo]
- for (classInfo <- neededClasses.values) {
- val superInfo = classInfo.superClass
- if (superInfo == null) {
- assert(batchMode, "Trying to add java.lang.Object in incremental mode")
- objectClass = new Class(None, classInfo.encodedName)
- classes += classInfo.encodedName -> objectClass
- objectClass.setupAfterCreation(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- } else {
- CollOps.acc(newChildrenByParent, superInfo.encodedName, classInfo)
- }
- }
- val getNewChildren =
- (name: String) => CollOps.getAcc(newChildrenByParent, name)
- // Walk the tree to add children
- if (batchMode) {
- objectClass.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- } else {
- val existingParents =
- CollOps.parFlatMapKeys(newChildrenByParent)(classes.get)
- for (parent <- existingParents)
- parent.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- }
- }
- /** Optimizer part: process all methods that need reoptimizing.
- * PROCESS PASS ONLY. (This IS the process pass).
- */
- protected def processAllTaggedMethods(): Unit
- protected def logProcessingMethods(count: Int): Unit =
- logger.debug(s"Optimizing $count methods.")
- /** Base class for [[Class]] and [[TraitImpl]]. */
- abstract class MethodContainer(val encodedName: String) {
- def thisType: Type
- val myInterface = getInterface(encodedName)
- val methods = mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodImpl]
- var lastVersion: Option[String] = None
- private def reachableMethodsOf(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Set[String] = {
- (for {
- methodInfo <- info.methodInfos.values
- if methodInfo.isReachable && !methodInfo.isAbstract
- } yield {
- methodInfo.encodedName
- }).toSet
- }
- /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Global concurrency safe but not on same instance */
- def updateWith(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo,
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): (Set[String], Set[String], Set[String]) = {
- myInterface.ancestors =
- val addedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
- val changedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
- val deletedMethods = Set.newBuilder[String]
- val reachableMethods = reachableMethodsOf(info)
- val methodSetChanged = methods.keySet != reachableMethods
- if (methodSetChanged) {
- // Remove deleted methods
- methods retain { (methodName, method) =>
- if (reachableMethods.contains(methodName)) {
- true
- } else {
- deletedMethods += methodName
- method.delete()
- false
- }
- }
- // Clear lastVersion if there are new methods
- if (reachableMethods.exists(!methods.contains(_)))
- lastVersion = None
- }
- for ((tree, version) <- getClassTreeIfChanged(encodedName, lastVersion)) {
- lastVersion = version
- this match {
- case cls: Class =>
- cls.isModuleClass = tree.kind == ClassKind.ModuleClass
- cls.fields = for (field @ VarDef(_, _, _, _) <- tree.defs) yield field
- case _ =>
- }
- tree.defs.foreach {
- case methodDef: MethodDef if[Ident] &&
- reachableMethods.contains( =>
- val methodName =
- val methodInfo = info.methodInfos(methodName)
- methods.get(methodName).fold {
- addedMethods += methodName
- val method = newMethodImpl(this, methodName)
- method.updateWith(methodInfo, methodDef)
- methods(methodName) = method
- method
- } { method =>
- if (method.updateWith(methodInfo, methodDef))
- changedMethods += methodName
- method
- }
- case _ => // ignore
- }
- }
- (addedMethods.result(), changedMethods.result(), deletedMethods.result())
- }
- }
- /** Class in the class hierarchy (not an interface).
- * A class may be a module class.
- * A class knows its superclass and the interfaces it implements. It also
- * maintains a list of its direct subclasses, so that the instances of
- * [[Class]] form a tree of the class hierarchy.
- */
- class Class(val superClass: Option[Class],
- _encodedName: String) extends MethodContainer(_encodedName) {
- if (encodedName == Definitions.ObjectClass) {
- assert(superClass.isEmpty)
- assert(objectClass == null)
- } else {
- assert(superClass.isDefined)
- }
- /** Parent chain from this to Object. */
- val parentChain: List[Class] =
- this :: superClass.fold[List[Class]](Nil)(_.parentChain)
- /** Reverse parent chain from Object to this. */
- val reverseParentChain: List[Class] =
- parentChain.reverse
- def thisType: Type = ClassType(encodedName)
- var interfaces: Set[InterfaceType] = Set.empty
- var subclasses: CollOps.ParIterable[Class] = CollOps.emptyParIterable
- var isInstantiated: Boolean = false
- var isModuleClass: Boolean = false
- var hasElidableModuleAccessor: Boolean = false
- var fields: List[VarDef] = Nil
- var isInlineable: Boolean = false
- var tryNewInlineable: Option[RecordValue] = None
- override def toString(): String =
- encodedName
- /** Walk the class hierarchy tree for deletions.
- * This includes "deleting" classes that were previously instantiated but
- * are no more.
- * UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance.
- */
- def walkClassesForDeletions(
- getClassInfoIfNeeded: String => Option[Analyzer#ClassInfo]): Boolean = {
- def sameSuperClass(info: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Boolean =
- if (info.superClass == null) superClass.isEmpty
- else superClass.exists(_.encodedName == info.superClass.encodedName)
- getClassInfoIfNeeded(encodedName) match {
- case Some(classInfo) if sameSuperClass(classInfo) =>
- // Class still exists. Recurse.
- subclasses = subclasses.filter(
- _.walkClassesForDeletions(getClassInfoIfNeeded))
- if (isInstantiated && !classInfo.isInstantiated)
- notInstantiatedAnymore()
- true
- case _ =>
- // Class does not exist or has been moved. Delete the entire subtree.
- deleteSubtree()
- false
- }
- }
- /** Delete this class and all its subclasses. UPDATE PASS ONLY. */
- def deleteSubtree(): Unit = {
- delete()
- for (subclass <- subclasses)
- subclass.deleteSubtree()
- }
- private def delete(): Unit = {
- if (isInstantiated)
- notInstantiatedAnymore()
- for (method <- methods.values)
- method.delete()
- classes -= encodedName
- /* Note: no need to tag methods that call *statically* one of the methods
- * of the deleted classes, since they've got to be invalidated by
- * themselves.
- */
- }
- def notInstantiatedAnymore(): Unit = {
- assert(isInstantiated)
- isInstantiated = false
- for (intf <- interfaces) {
- intf.removeInstantiatedSubclass(this)
- for (methodName <- allMethods().keys)
- intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- }
- def walkForChanges(
- getClassInfo: String => Analyzer#ClassInfo,
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged,
- parentMethodAttributeChanges: Set[String]): Unit = {
- val classInfo = getClassInfo(encodedName)
- val (addedMethods, changedMethods, deletedMethods) =
- updateWith(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- val oldInterfaces = interfaces
- val newInterfaces =
- => getInterface(info.encodedName)).toSet
- interfaces = newInterfaces
- val methodAttributeChanges =
- (parentMethodAttributeChanges -- methods.keys ++
- addedMethods ++ changedMethods ++ deletedMethods)
- // Tag callers with dynamic calls
- val wasInstantiated = isInstantiated
- isInstantiated = classInfo.isInstantiated
- assert(!(wasInstantiated && !isInstantiated),
- "(wasInstantiated && !isInstantiated) should have been handled "+
- "during deletion phase")
- if (isInstantiated) {
- if (wasInstantiated) {
- val existingInterfaces = oldInterfaces.intersect(newInterfaces)
- for {
- intf <- existingInterfaces
- methodName <- methodAttributeChanges
- } {
- intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- if (newInterfaces.size != oldInterfaces.size ||
- newInterfaces.size != existingInterfaces.size) {
- val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
- for {
- intf <- oldInterfaces ++ newInterfaces -- existingInterfaces
- methodName <- allMethodNames
- } {
- intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- }
- } else {
- val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
- for (intf <- interfaces) {
- intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
- for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
- intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- }
- }
- // Tag callers with static calls
- for (methodName <- methodAttributeChanges)
- myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(methodName)
- // Module class specifics
- updateHasElidableModuleAccessor()
- // Inlineable class
- if (updateIsInlineable(classInfo)) {
- for (method <- methods.values; if isConstructorName(method.encodedName))
- myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(method.encodedName)
- }
- // Recurse in subclasses
- for (cls <- subclasses)
- cls.walkForChanges(getClassInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged,
- methodAttributeChanges)
- }
- def walkForAdditions(
- getNewChildren: String => GenIterable[Analyzer#ClassInfo],
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
- val subclassAcc = CollOps.prepAdd(subclasses)
- for (classInfo <- getNewChildren(encodedName)) {
- val cls = new Class(Some(this), classInfo.encodedName)
- CollOps.add(subclassAcc, cls)
- classes += classInfo.encodedName -> cls
- cls.setupAfterCreation(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- cls.walkForAdditions(getNewChildren, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- }
- subclasses = CollOps.finishAdd(subclassAcc)
- }
- def updateHasElidableModuleAccessor(): Unit = {
- hasElidableModuleAccessor =
- isAdHocElidableModuleAccessor(encodedName) ||
- (isModuleClass && lookupMethod("init___").exists(isElidableModuleConstructor))
- }
- def updateIsInlineable(classInfo: Analyzer#ClassInfo): Boolean = {
- val oldTryNewInlineable = tryNewInlineable
- isInlineable = classInfo.optimizerHints.hasInlineAnnot
- if (!isInlineable) {
- tryNewInlineable = None
- } else {
- val allFields = reverseParentChain.flatMap(_.fields)
- val (fieldValues, fieldTypes) = (for {
- VarDef(Ident(name, originalName), tpe, mutable, rhs) <- allFields
- } yield {
- (rhs, RecordType.Field(name, originalName, tpe, mutable))
- }).unzip
- tryNewInlineable = Some(
- RecordValue(RecordType(fieldTypes), fieldValues)(Position.NoPosition))
- }
- tryNewInlineable != oldTryNewInlineable
- }
- def setupAfterCreation(classInfo: Analyzer#ClassInfo,
- getClassTreeIfChanged: GetClassTreeIfChanged): Unit = {
- updateWith(classInfo, getClassTreeIfChanged)
- interfaces =
- => getInterface(info.encodedName)).toSet
- isInstantiated = classInfo.isInstantiated
- if (batchMode) {
- if (isInstantiated) {
- /* Only add the class to all its ancestor interfaces */
- for (intf <- interfaces)
- intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
- }
- } else {
- val allMethodNames = allMethods().keys
- if (isInstantiated) {
- /* Add the class to all its ancestor interfaces + notify all callers
- * of any of the methods.
- * TODO: be more selective on methods that are notified: it is not
- * necessary to modify callers of methods defined in a parent class
- * that already existed in the previous run.
- */
- for (intf <- interfaces) {
- intf.addInstantiatedSubclass(this)
- for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
- intf.tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- }
- /* Tag static callers because the class could have been *moved*,
- * not just added.
- */
- for (methodName <- allMethodNames)
- myInterface.tagStaticCallersOf(methodName)
- }
- updateHasElidableModuleAccessor()
- updateIsInlineable(classInfo)
- }
- private def isElidableModuleConstructor(impl: MethodImpl): Boolean = {
- def isTriviallySideEffectFree(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case _:VarRef | _:Literal | _:This => true
- case _ => false
- }
- def isElidableStat(tree: Tree): Boolean = tree match {
- case Block(stats) =>
- stats.forall(isElidableStat)
- case Assign(Select(This(), _, _), rhs) =>
- isTriviallySideEffectFree(rhs)
- case TraitImplApply(ClassType(traitImpl), methodName, List(This())) =>
- traitImpls(traitImpl).methods( match {
- case Skip() => true
- case _ => false
- }
- case StaticApply(This(), ClassType(cls), methodName, args) =>
- Definitions.isConstructorName( &&
- args.forall(isTriviallySideEffectFree) &&
- impl.owner.asInstanceOf[Class].superClass.exists { superCls =>
- superCls.encodedName == cls &&
- superCls.lookupMethod(
- }
- case StoreModule(_, _) =>
- true
- case _ =>
- isTriviallySideEffectFree(tree)
- }
- isElidableStat(impl.originalDef.body)
- }
- /** All the methods of this class, including inherited ones.
- * It has () so we remember this is an expensive operation.
- */
- def allMethods(): scala.collection.Map[String, MethodImpl] = {
- val result = mutable.Map.empty[String, MethodImpl]
- for (parent <- reverseParentChain)
- result ++= parent.methods
- result
- }
- /** BOTH PASSES. */
- @tailrec
- final def lookupMethod(methodName: String): Option[MethodImpl] = {
- methods.get(methodName) match {
- case Some(impl) => Some(impl)
- case none =>
- superClass match {
- case Some(p) => p.lookupMethod(methodName)
- case none => None
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /** Trait impl. */
- class TraitImpl(_encodedName: String) extends MethodContainer(_encodedName) {
- def thisType: Type = NoType
- }
- /** Thing from which a [[MethodImpl]] can unregister itself from. */
- trait Unregisterable {
- def unregisterDependee(dependee: MethodImpl): Unit
- }
- /** Type of a class or interface.
- * Types are created on demand when a method is called on a given
- * [[ClassType]].
- *
- * Fully concurrency safe unless otherwise noted.
- */
- abstract class InterfaceType(val encodedName: String) extends Unregisterable {
- override def toString(): String =
- s"intf $encodedName"
- /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
- * [[addInstantiatedSubclass]] and [[removeInstantiatedSubclass]]
- */
- def instantiatedSubclasses: Iterable[Class]
- /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
- * [[instantiatedSubclasses]]
- */
- def addInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit
- /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with
- * [[instantiatedSubclasses]]
- */
- def removeInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit
- /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with [[ancestors_=]] */
- def ancestors: List[String]
- /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe. */
- def ancestors_=(v: List[String]): Unit
- /** PROCESS PASS ONLY. Concurrency safe except with [[ancestors_=]]. */
- def registerAskAncestors(asker: MethodImpl): Unit
- def registerDynamicCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit
- def registerStaticCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit
- def tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit
- def tagStaticCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit
- }
- /** A method implementation.
- * It must be concrete, and belong either to a [[Class]] or a [[TraitImpl]].
- *
- * A single instance is **not** concurrency safe (unless otherwise noted in
- * a method comment). However, the global state modifications are
- * concurrency safe.
- */
- abstract class MethodImpl(val owner: MethodContainer,
- val encodedName: String) extends OptimizerCore.MethodImpl
- with OptimizerCore.AbstractMethodID
- with Unregisterable {
- private[this] var _deleted: Boolean = false
- var optimizerHints: OptimizerHints = OptimizerHints.empty
- var originalDef: MethodDef = _
- var desugaredDef: JSTree = _
- var preciseInfo: Infos.MethodInfo = _
- def thisType: Type = owner.thisType
- def deleted: Boolean = _deleted
- override def toString(): String =
- s"$owner.$encodedName"
- def registerBodyAsker(asker: MethodImpl): Unit
- def tagBodyAskers(): Unit
- private def registerAskAncestors(intf: InterfaceType): Unit = {
- intf.registerAskAncestors(this)
- registeredTo(intf)
- }
- private def registerDynamicCall(intf: InterfaceType,
- methodName: String): Unit = {
- intf.registerDynamicCaller(methodName, this)
- registeredTo(intf)
- }
- private def registerStaticCall(intf: InterfaceType,
- methodName: String): Unit = {
- intf.registerStaticCaller(methodName, this)
- registeredTo(intf)
- }
- def registerAskBody(target: MethodImpl): Unit = {
- target.registerBodyAsker(this)
- registeredTo(target)
- }
- protected def registeredTo(intf: Unregisterable): Unit
- protected def unregisterFromEverywhere(): Unit
- /** Return true iff this is the first time this method is called since the
- * last reset (via [[resetTag]]).
- */
- protected def protectTag(): Boolean
- protected def resetTag(): Unit
- /** Returns true if the method's attributes changed.
- * Attributes are whether it is inlineable, and whether it is a trait
- * impl forwarder. Basically this is what is declared in
- * [[OptimizerCore.AbstractMethodID]].
- * In the process, tags all the body askers if the body changes.
- * UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance.
- */
- def updateWith(methodInfo: Analyzer#MethodInfo,
- methodDef: MethodDef): Boolean = {
- assert(!_deleted, "updateWith() called on a deleted method")
- val bodyChanged = {
- originalDef == null ||
- (methodDef.hash zip originalDef.hash).forall {
- case (h1, h2) => !Hashers.hashesEqual(h1, h2, considerPositions)
- }
- }
- if (bodyChanged)
- tagBodyAskers()
- val hints = methodInfo.optimizerHints
- val changed = hints != optimizerHints || bodyChanged
- if (changed) {
- val oldAttributes = (inlineable, isTraitImplForwarder)
- optimizerHints = hints
- originalDef = methodDef
- desugaredDef = null
- preciseInfo = null
- updateInlineable()
- tag()
- val newAttributes = (inlineable, isTraitImplForwarder)
- newAttributes != oldAttributes
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- /** UPDATE PASS ONLY. Not concurrency safe on same instance. */
- def delete(): Unit = {
- assert(!_deleted, "delete() called twice")
- _deleted = true
- if (protectTag())
- unregisterFromEverywhere()
- }
- /** Concurrency safe with itself and [[delete]] on the same instance
- *
- * [[tag]] can be called concurrently with [[delete]] when methods in
- * traits/classes are updated.
- *
- */
- def tag(): Unit = if (protectTag()) {
- scheduleMethod(this)
- unregisterFromEverywhere()
- }
- def process(): Unit = if (!_deleted) {
- val (optimizedDef, info) = new Optimizer().optimize(thisType, originalDef)
- desugaredDef =
- if (owner.isInstanceOf[Class])
- classEmitter.genMethod(owner.encodedName, optimizedDef)
- else
- classEmitter.genTraitImplMethod(owner.encodedName, optimizedDef)
- preciseInfo = info
- resetTag()
- }
- /** All methods are PROCESS PASS ONLY */
- private class Optimizer extends OptimizerCore(semantics) {
- type MethodID = MethodImpl
- val myself: MethodImpl.this.type = MethodImpl.this
- protected def getMethodBody(method: MethodID): MethodDef = {
- MethodImpl.this.registerAskBody(method)
- method.originalDef
- }
- protected def dynamicCall(intfName: String,
- methodName: String): List[MethodID] = {
- val intf = getInterface(intfName)
- MethodImpl.this.registerDynamicCall(intf, methodName)
- intf.instantiatedSubclasses.flatMap(_.lookupMethod(methodName)).toList
- }
- protected def staticCall(className: String,
- methodName: String): Option[MethodID] = {
- val clazz = classes(className)
- MethodImpl.this.registerStaticCall(clazz.myInterface, methodName)
- clazz.lookupMethod(methodName)
- }
- protected def traitImplCall(traitImplName: String,
- methodName: String): Option[MethodID] = {
- val traitImpl = traitImpls(traitImplName)
- registerStaticCall(traitImpl.myInterface, methodName)
- traitImpl.methods.get(methodName)
- }
- protected def getAncestorsOf(intfName: String): List[String] = {
- val intf = getInterface(intfName)
- registerAskAncestors(intf)
- intf.ancestors
- }
- protected def hasElidableModuleAccessor(moduleClassName: String): Boolean =
- classes(moduleClassName).hasElidableModuleAccessor
- protected def tryNewInlineableClass(className: String): Option[RecordValue] =
- classes(className).tryNewInlineable
- }
- }
-object GenIncOptimizer {
- private val isAdHocElidableModuleAccessor =
- Set("s_Predef$")
- private[optimizer] def logTime[A](logger: Logger,
- title: String)(body: => A): A = {
- val startTime = System.nanoTime()
- val result = body
- val endTime = System.nanoTime()
- val elapsedTime = endTime - startTime
- logger.time(title, elapsedTime)
- result
- }
- private[optimizer] trait AbsCollOps {
- type Map[K, V] <: mutable.Map[K, V]
- type ParMap[K, V] <: GenMap[K, V]
- type AccMap[K, V]
- type ParIterable[V] <: GenIterableLike[V, ParIterable[V]]
- type Addable[V]
- def emptyAccMap[K, V]: AccMap[K, V]
- def emptyMap[K, V]: Map[K, V]
- def emptyParMap[K, V]: ParMap[K, V]
- def emptyParIterable[V]: ParIterable[V]
- // Operations on ParMap
- def put[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit
- def remove[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K): Option[V]
- def retain[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V])(p: (K, V) => Boolean): Unit
- // Operations on AccMap
- def acc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit
- def getAcc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K): GenIterable[V]
- def parFlatMapKeys[A, B](map: AccMap[A, _])(
- f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): GenIterable[B]
- // Operations on ParIterable
- def prepAdd[V](it: ParIterable[V]): Addable[V]
- def add[V](addable: Addable[V], v: V): Unit
- def finishAdd[V](addable: Addable[V]): ParIterable[V]
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IRChecker.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IRChecker.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6329826..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IRChecker.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,854 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.annotation.switch
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import Definitions._
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-/** Checker for the validity of the IR. */
-class IRChecker(analyzer: Analyzer, allClassDefs: Seq[ClassDef], logger: Logger) {
- import IRChecker._
- private var _errorCount: Int = 0
- def errorCount: Int = _errorCount
- private val classes: mutable.Map[String, CheckedClass] = {
- mutable.Map.empty[String, CheckedClass] ++=
- CheckedClass(_)).map(c => -> c)
- }
- def check(): Boolean = {
- for {
- classDef <- allClassDefs
- if analyzer.classInfos(
- } {
- classDef.kind match {
- case ClassKind.Class | ClassKind.ModuleClass => checkClass(classDef)
- case ClassKind.TraitImpl => checkTraitImpl(classDef)
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- errorCount == 0
- }
- def checkClass(classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- if (!analyzer.classInfos(
- return
- for (member <- classDef.defs) {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(member)
- member match {
- // Scala declarations
- case v @ VarDef(_, _, _, _) =>
- checkFieldDef(v, classDef)
- case m: MethodDef if[Ident] =>
- checkMethodDef(m, classDef)
- // Exports
- case m: MethodDef if[StringLiteral] =>
- checkExportedMethodDef(m, classDef)
- case member @ PropertyDef(_: StringLiteral, _, _, _) =>
- checkExportedPropertyDef(member, classDef)
- case member @ ConstructorExportDef(_, _, _) =>
- checkConstructorExportDef(member, classDef)
- case member @ ModuleExportDef(_) =>
- checkModuleExportDef(member, classDef)
- // Anything else is illegal
- case _ =>
- reportError(s"Illegal class member of type ${member.getClass.getName}")
- }
- }
- }
- def checkTraitImpl(classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- for (member <- classDef.defs) {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(member)
- member match {
- case m: MethodDef =>
- checkMethodDef(m, classDef)
- case _ =>
- reportError(s"Invalid member for a TraitImpl")
- }
- }
- }
- def checkFieldDef(fieldDef: VarDef, classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- val VarDef(name, tpe, mutable, rhs) = fieldDef
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(fieldDef)
- if (tpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"VarDef cannot have type NoType")
- else
- typecheckExpect(rhs, Env.empty, tpe)
- }
- def checkMethodDef(methodDef: MethodDef, classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- val MethodDef(Ident(name, _), params, resultType, body) = methodDef
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(methodDef)
- if (!analyzer.classInfos(
- return
- for (ParamDef(name, tpe, _) <- params)
- if (tpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name has type NoType")
- val resultTypeForSig =
- if (isConstructorName(name)) NoType
- else resultType
- val advertizedSig = (, resultTypeForSig)
- val sigFromName = inferMethodType(name,
- inTraitImpl = classDef.kind == ClassKind.TraitImpl)
- if (advertizedSig != sigFromName) {
- reportError(
- s"The signature of ${}.$name, which is "+
- s"$advertizedSig, does not match its name (should be $sigFromName).")
- }
- val thisType =
- if (!classDef.kind.isClass) NoType
- else ClassType(
- val bodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(thisType, params, resultType)
- if (resultType == NoType)
- typecheckStat(body, bodyEnv)
- else
- typecheckExpect(body, bodyEnv, resultType)
- }
- def checkExportedMethodDef(methodDef: MethodDef, classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- val MethodDef(_, params, resultType, body) = methodDef
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(methodDef)
- if (!classDef.kind.isClass) {
- reportError(s"Exported method def can only appear in a class")
- return
- }
- for (ParamDef(name, tpe, _) <- params) {
- if (tpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name has type NoType")
- else if (tpe != AnyType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name of exported method def has type $tpe, "+
- "but must be Any")
- }
- if (resultType != AnyType) {
- reportError(s"Result type of exported method def is $resultType, "+
- "but must be Any")
- }
- val thisType = ClassType(
- val bodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(thisType, params, resultType)
- .withArgumentsVar(methodDef.pos)
- typecheckExpect(body, bodyEnv, resultType)
- }
- def checkExportedPropertyDef(propDef: PropertyDef, classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- val PropertyDef(_, getterBody, setterArg, setterBody) = propDef
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(propDef)
- if (!classDef.kind.isClass) {
- reportError(s"Exported property def can only appear in a class")
- return
- }
- val thisType = ClassType(
- if (getterBody != EmptyTree) {
- val getterBodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(thisType, Nil, AnyType)
- typecheckExpect(getterBody, getterBodyEnv, AnyType)
- }
- if (setterBody != EmptyTree) {
- if (setterArg.ptpe != AnyType)
- reportError("Setter argument of exported property def has type "+
- s"${setterArg.ptpe}, but must be Any")
- val setterBodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(thisType, List(setterArg), NoType)
- typecheckStat(setterBody, setterBodyEnv)
- }
- }
- def checkConstructorExportDef(ctorDef: ConstructorExportDef,
- classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- val ConstructorExportDef(_, params, body) = ctorDef
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(ctorDef)
- if (!classDef.kind.isClass) {
- reportError(s"Exported constructor def can only appear in a class")
- return
- }
- for (ParamDef(name, tpe, _) <- params) {
- if (tpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name has type NoType")
- else if (tpe != AnyType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name of exported constructor def has type "+
- s"$tpe, but must be Any")
- }
- val thisType = ClassType(
- val bodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(thisType, params, NoType)
- .withArgumentsVar(ctorDef.pos)
- typecheckStat(body, bodyEnv)
- }
- def checkModuleExportDef(moduleDef: ModuleExportDef,
- classDef: ClassDef): Unit = {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(moduleDef)
- if (classDef.kind != ClassKind.ModuleClass)
- reportError(s"Exported module def can only appear in a module class")
- }
- def typecheckStat(tree: Tree, env: Env): Env = {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(tree)
- tree match {
- case VarDef(ident, vtpe, mutable, rhs) =>
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, vtpe)
- env.withLocal(LocalDef(, vtpe, mutable)(tree.pos))
- case Skip() =>
- env
- case Assign(select, rhs) =>
- select match {
- case Select(_, Ident(name, _), false) =>
- /* TODO In theory this case would verify that we never assign to
- * an immutable field. But we cannot do that because we *do* emit
- * such assigns in constructors.
- * In the future we might want to check that only these legal
- * special cases happen, and nothing else. But it seems non-trivial
- * to do so, so currently we trust scalac not to make us emit
- * illegal assigns.
- */
- //reportError(s"Assignment to immutable field $name.")
- case VarRef(Ident(name, _), false) =>
- reportError(s"Assignment to immutable variable $name.")
- case _ =>
- }
- val lhsTpe = typecheckExpr(select, env)
- val expectedRhsTpe = select match {
- case _:JSDotSelect | _:JSBracketSelect => AnyType
- case _ => lhsTpe
- }
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, expectedRhsTpe)
- env
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- if (!cls.className.endsWith("$"))
- reportError("StoreModule of non-module class $cls")
- typecheckExpect(value, env, ClassType(cls.className))
- env
- case Block(stats) =>
- (env /: stats) { (prevEnv, stat) =>
- typecheckStat(stat, prevEnv)
- }
- env
- case Labeled(label, NoType, body) =>
- typecheckStat(body, env.withLabeledReturnType(, AnyType))
- env
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- typecheckExpect(cond, env, BooleanType)
- typecheckStat(thenp, env)
- typecheckStat(elsep, env)
- env
- case While(cond, body, label) =>
- typecheckExpect(cond, env, BooleanType)
- typecheckStat(body, env)
- env
- case DoWhile(body, cond, label) =>
- typecheckStat(body, env)
- typecheckExpect(cond, env, BooleanType)
- env
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- typecheckStat(block, env)
- if (handler != EmptyTree) {
- val handlerEnv =
- env.withLocal(LocalDef(, AnyType, false)(errVar.pos))
- typecheckStat(handler, handlerEnv)
- }
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree) {
- typecheckStat(finalizer, env)
- }
- env
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- typecheckExpr(selector, env)
- for ((alts, body) <- cases) {
- alts.foreach(typecheckExpr(_, env))
- typecheckStat(body, env)
- }
- typecheckStat(default, env)
- env
- case Debugger() =>
- env
- case JSDelete(JSDotSelect(obj, prop)) =>
- typecheckExpr(obj, env)
- env
- case JSDelete(JSBracketSelect(obj, prop)) =>
- typecheckExpr(obj, env)
- typecheckExpr(prop, env)
- env
- case _ =>
- typecheck(tree, env)
- env
- }
- }
- def typecheckExpect(tree: Tree, env: Env, expectedType: Type)(
- implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Unit = {
- val tpe = typecheckExpr(tree, env)
- if (!isSubtype(tpe, expectedType))
- reportError(s"$expectedType expected but $tpe found "+
- s"for tree of type ${tree.getClass.getName}")
- }
- def typecheckExpr(tree: Tree, env: Env): Type = {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(tree)
- if (tree.tpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Expression tree has type NoType")
- typecheck(tree, env)
- }
- def typecheck(tree: Tree, env: Env): Type = {
- implicit val ctx = ErrorContext(tree)
- def checkApplyGeneric(methodName: String, methodFullName: String,
- args: List[Tree], inTraitImpl: Boolean): Unit = {
- val (methodParams, resultType) = inferMethodType(methodName, inTraitImpl)
- if (args.size != methodParams.size)
- reportError(s"Arity mismatch: ${methodParams.size} expected but "+
- s"${args.size} found")
- for ((actual, formal) <- args zip methodParams) {
- typecheckExpect(actual, env, formal)
- }
- if (!isConstructorName(methodName) && tree.tpe != resultType)
- reportError(s"Call to $methodFullName of type $resultType "+
- s"typed as ${tree.tpe}")
- }
- tree match {
- // Control flow constructs
- case Block(statsAndExpr) =>
- val stats :+ expr = statsAndExpr
- val envAfterStats = (env /: stats) { (prevEnv, stat) =>
- typecheckStat(stat, prevEnv)
- }
- typecheckExpr(expr, envAfterStats)
- case Labeled(label, tpe, body) =>
- typecheckExpect(body, env.withLabeledReturnType(, tpe), tpe)
- case Return(expr, label) =>
- env.returnTypes.get([Unit] {
- reportError(s"Cannot return to label $label.")
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- } { returnType =>
- typecheckExpect(expr, env, returnType)
- }
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- val tpe = tree.tpe
- typecheckExpect(cond, env, BooleanType)
- typecheckExpect(thenp, env, tpe)
- typecheckExpect(elsep, env, tpe)
- case While(BooleanLiteral(true), body, label) if tree.tpe == NothingType =>
- typecheckStat(body, env)
- case Try(block, errVar, handler, finalizer) =>
- val tpe = tree.tpe
- typecheckExpect(block, env, tpe)
- if (handler != EmptyTree) {
- val handlerEnv =
- env.withLocal(LocalDef(, AnyType, false)(errVar.pos))
- typecheckExpect(handler, handlerEnv, tpe)
- }
- if (finalizer != EmptyTree) {
- typecheckStat(finalizer, env)
- }
- case Throw(expr) =>
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- case Continue(label) =>
- /* Here we could check that it is indeed legal to break to the
- * specified label. However, if we do anything illegal here, it will
- * result in a SyntaxError in JavaScript anyway, so we do not really
- * care.
- */
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- val tpe = tree.tpe
- typecheckExpr(selector, env)
- for ((alts, body) <- cases) {
- alts.foreach(typecheckExpr(_, env))
- typecheckExpect(body, env, tpe)
- }
- typecheckExpect(default, env, tpe)
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- val clazz = lookupClass(cls)
- if (!clazz.kind.isClass)
- reportError(s"new $cls which is not a class")
- checkApplyGeneric(, s"$cls.$ctor", args,
- inTraitImpl = false)
- case LoadModule(cls) =>
- if (!cls.className.endsWith("$"))
- reportError("LoadModule of non-module class $cls")
- case Select(qualifier, Ident(item, _), mutable) =>
- val qualType = typecheckExpr(qualifier, env)
- qualType match {
- case ClassType(cls) =>
- val clazz = lookupClass(cls)
- if (!clazz.kind.isClass) {
- reportError(s"Cannot select $item of non-class $cls")
- } else {
- clazz.lookupField(item).fold[Unit] {
- reportError(s"Class $cls does not have a field $item")
- } { fieldDef =>
- if (fieldDef.tpe != tree.tpe)
- reportError(s"Select $cls.$item of type "+
- s"${fieldDef.tpe} typed as ${tree.tpe}")
- if (fieldDef.mutable != mutable)
- reportError(s"Select $cls.$item with "+
- s"mutable=${fieldDef.mutable} marked as mutable=$mutable")
- }
- }
- case NullType | NothingType =>
- // always ok
- case _ =>
- reportError(s"Cannot select $item of non-class type $qualType")
- }
- case Apply(receiver, Ident(method, _), args) =>
- val receiverType = typecheckExpr(receiver, env)
- checkApplyGeneric(method, s"$receiverType.$method", args,
- inTraitImpl = false)
- case StaticApply(receiver, cls, Ident(method, _), args) =>
- typecheckExpect(receiver, env, cls)
- checkApplyGeneric(method, s"$cls.$method", args, inTraitImpl = false)
- case TraitImplApply(impl, Ident(method, _), args) =>
- val clazz = lookupClass(impl)
- if (clazz.kind != ClassKind.TraitImpl)
- reportError(s"Cannot trait-impl apply method of non-trait-impl $impl")
- checkApplyGeneric(method, s"$impl.$method", args, inTraitImpl = true)
- case UnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- import UnaryOp._
- (op: @switch) match {
- case `typeof` =>
- typecheckExpr(lhs, env)
- case IntToLong =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, IntType)
- case LongToInt | LongToDouble =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, LongType)
- case DoubleToInt | DoubleToFloat | DoubleToLong =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, DoubleType)
- case Boolean_! =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, BooleanType)
- }
- case BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- import BinaryOp._
- (op: @switch) match {
- case === | !== | String_+ =>
- typecheckExpr(lhs, env)
- typecheckExpr(rhs, env)
- case `in` =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, ClassType(StringClass))
- typecheckExpr(rhs, env)
- case `instanceof` =>
- typecheckExpr(lhs, env)
- typecheckExpr(rhs, env)
- case Int_+ | Int_- | Int_* | Int_/ | Int_% |
- Int_| | Int_& | Int_^ | Int_<< | Int_>>> | Int_>> =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, IntType)
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, IntType)
- case Float_+ | Float_- | Float_* | Float_/ | Float_% =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, FloatType)
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, FloatType)
- case Long_+ | Long_- | Long_* | Long_/ | Long_% |
- Long_| | Long_& | Long_^ |
- Long_== | Long_!= | Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, LongType)
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, LongType)
- case Long_<< | Long_>>> | Long_>> =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, LongType)
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, IntType)
- case Double_+ | Double_- | Double_* | Double_/ | Double_% |
- Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>= =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, DoubleType)
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, DoubleType)
- case Boolean_== | Boolean_!= | Boolean_| | Boolean_& =>
- typecheckExpect(lhs, env, BooleanType)
- typecheckExpect(rhs, env, BooleanType)
- }
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- for (length <- lengths)
- typecheckExpect(length, env, IntType)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- val elemType = arrayElemType(tpe)
- for (elem <- elems)
- typecheckExpect(elem, env, elemType)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- val arrayType = typecheckExpr(array, env)
- if (!arrayType.isInstanceOf[ArrayType])
- reportError(s"Array type expected but $arrayType found")
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- typecheckExpect(index, env, IntType)
- typecheckExpr(array, env) match {
- case arrayType: ArrayType =>
- if (tree.tpe != arrayElemType(arrayType))
- reportError(s"Array select of array type $arrayType typed as ${tree.tpe}")
- case arrayType =>
- reportError(s"Array type expected but $arrayType found")
- }
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- case Unbox(expr, _) =>
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- typecheckExpr(expr, env)
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- typecheckExpr(ctor, env)
- for (arg <- args)
- typecheckExpr(arg, env)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- typecheckExpr(qualifier, env)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- typecheckExpr(qualifier, env)
- typecheckExpr(item, env)
- case JSFunctionApply(fun, args) =>
- typecheckExpr(fun, env)
- for (arg <- args)
- typecheckExpr(arg, env)
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- typecheckExpr(receiver, env)
- for (arg <- args)
- typecheckExpr(arg, env)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- typecheckExpr(receiver, env)
- typecheckExpr(method, env)
- for (arg <- args)
- typecheckExpr(arg, env)
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- typecheckExpr(lhs, env)
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- typecheckExpr(lhs, env)
- typecheckExpr(rhs, env)
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- for (item <- items)
- typecheckExpr(item, env)
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- for ((_, value) <- fields)
- typecheckExpr(value, env)
- case JSEnvInfo() =>
- // Literals
- case _: Literal =>
- // Atomic expressions
- case VarRef(Ident(name, _), mutable) =>
- env.locals.get(name).fold[Unit] {
- reportError(s"Cannot find variable $name in scope")
- } { localDef =>
- if (tree.tpe != localDef.tpe)
- reportError(s"Variable $name of type ${localDef.tpe} "+
- s"typed as ${tree.tpe}")
- if (mutable != localDef.mutable)
- reportError(s"Variable $name with mutable=${localDef.mutable} "+
- s"marked as mutable=$mutable")
- }
- case This() =>
- if (!isSubtype(env.thisTpe, tree.tpe))
- reportError(s"this of type ${env.thisTpe} typed as ${tree.tpe}")
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- if (captureParams.size != captureValues.size)
- reportError("Mismatched size for captures: "+
- s"${captureParams.size} params vs ${captureValues.size} values")
- for ((ParamDef(name, ctpe, mutable), value) <- captureParams zip captureValues) {
- if (mutable)
- reportError(s"Capture parameter $name cannot be mutable")
- if (ctpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name has type NoType")
- else
- typecheckExpect(value, env, ctpe)
- }
- for (ParamDef(name, ptpe, mutable) <- params) {
- if (ptpe == NoType)
- reportError(s"Parameter $name has type NoType")
- else if (ptpe != AnyType)
- reportError(s"Closure parameter $name has type $ptpe instead of any")
- }
- val bodyEnv = Env.fromSignature(
- AnyType, captureParams ++ params, AnyType)
- typecheckExpect(body, bodyEnv, AnyType)
- case _ =>
- reportError(s"Invalid expression tree")
- }
- tree.tpe
- }
- def inferMethodType(encodedName: String, inTraitImpl: Boolean)(
- implicit ctx: ErrorContext): (List[Type], Type) = {
- def dropPrivateMarker(params: List[String]): List[String] =
- if (params.nonEmpty && params.head.startsWith("p")) params.tail
- else params
- if (isConstructorName(encodedName)) {
- assert(!inTraitImpl, "Trait impl should not have a constructor")
- val params = dropPrivateMarker(
- encodedName.stripPrefix("init___").split("__").toList)
- if (params == List("")) (Nil, NoType)
- else (, NoType)
- } else if (isReflProxyName(encodedName)) {
- assert(!inTraitImpl, "Trait impl should not have refl proxy methods")
- val params = dropPrivateMarker(encodedName.split("__").toList.tail)
- (, AnyType)
- } else {
- val paramsAndResult0 =
- encodedName.split("__").toList.tail
- val paramsAndResult1 =
- if (inTraitImpl) paramsAndResult0.tail
- else paramsAndResult0
- val paramsAndResult =
- dropPrivateMarker(paramsAndResult1)
- (, decodeType(paramsAndResult.last))
- }
- }
- def decodeType(encodedName: String)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Type = {
- if (encodedName.isEmpty) NoType
- else if (encodedName.charAt(0) == 'A') {
- // array type
- val dims = encodedName.indexWhere(_ != 'A')
- val base = encodedName.substring(dims)
- ArrayType(base, dims)
- } else if (encodedName.length == 1) {
- (encodedName.charAt(0): @switch) match {
- case 'V' => NoType
- case 'Z' => BooleanType
- case 'C' | 'B' | 'S' | 'I' => IntType
- case 'J' => LongType
- case 'F' => FloatType
- case 'D' => DoubleType
- case 'O' => AnyType
- case 'T' => ClassType(StringClass) // NOT StringType
- }
- } else if (encodedName == "sr_Nothing$") {
- NothingType
- } else if (encodedName == "sr_Null$") {
- NullType
- } else {
- val clazz = lookupClass(encodedName)
- if (clazz.kind == ClassKind.RawJSType) AnyType
- else ClassType(encodedName)
- }
- }
- def arrayElemType(arrayType: ArrayType)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Type = {
- if (arrayType.dimensions == 1) decodeType(arrayType.baseClassName)
- else ArrayType(arrayType.baseClassName, arrayType.dimensions-1)
- }
- def reportError(msg: String)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Unit = {
- logger.error(s"$ctx: $msg")
- _errorCount += 1
- }
- def lookupClass(className: String)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): CheckedClass = {
- classes.getOrElseUpdate(className, {
- reportError(s"Cannot find class $className")
- new CheckedClass(className, ClassKind.Class,
- Some(ObjectClass), Set(ObjectClass))
- })
- }
- def lookupClass(classType: ClassType)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): CheckedClass =
- lookupClass(classType.className)
- def isSubclass(lhs: String, rhs: String)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Boolean = {
- lookupClass(lhs).isSubclass(lookupClass(rhs))
- }
- def isSubtype(lhs: Type, rhs: Type)(implicit ctx: ErrorContext): Boolean = {
- Types.isSubtype(lhs, rhs)(isSubclass)
- }
- class Env(
- /** Type of `this`. Can be NoType. */
- val thisTpe: Type,
- /** Local variables in scope (including through closures). */
- val locals: Map[String, LocalDef],
- /** Return types by label. */
- val returnTypes: Map[Option[String], Type]
- ) {
- def withThis(thisTpe: Type): Env =
- new Env(thisTpe, this.locals, this.returnTypes)
- def withLocal(localDef: LocalDef): Env =
- new Env(thisTpe, locals + ( -> localDef), returnTypes)
- def withLocals(localDefs: TraversableOnce[LocalDef]): Env =
- new Env(thisTpe, locals ++ => -> d), returnTypes)
- def withReturnType(returnType: Type): Env =
- new Env(this.thisTpe, this.locals, returnTypes + (None -> returnType))
- def withLabeledReturnType(label: String, returnType: Type): Env =
- new Env(this.thisTpe, this.locals, returnTypes + (Some(label) -> returnType))
- def withArgumentsVar(pos: Position): Env =
- withLocal(LocalDef("arguments", AnyType, mutable = false)(pos))
- }
- object Env {
- val empty: Env = new Env(NoType, Map.empty, Map.empty)
- def fromSignature(thisType: Type, params: List[ParamDef],
- resultType: Type): Env = {
- val paramLocalDefs =
- for (p @ ParamDef(name, tpe, mutable) <- params) yield
- -> LocalDef(, tpe, mutable)(p.pos)
- new Env(thisType, paramLocalDefs.toMap,
- Map(None -> (if (resultType == NoType) AnyType else resultType)))
- }
- }
- class CheckedClass(
- val name: String,
- val kind: ClassKind,
- val superClassName: Option[String],
- val ancestors: Set[String],
- _fields: TraversableOnce[CheckedField] = Nil) {
- val fields = => -> f).toMap
- lazy val superClass =
- def this(classDef: ClassDef) = {
- this(, classDef.kind,
- CheckedClass.collectFields(classDef))
- }
- def isSubclass(that: CheckedClass): Boolean =
- this == that || ancestors.contains(
- def isAncestorOfHijackedClass: Boolean =
- AncestorsOfHijackedClasses.contains(name)
- def lookupField(name: String): Option[CheckedField] =
- fields.get(name).orElse(superClass.flatMap(_.lookupField(name)))
- }
- object CheckedClass {
- private def collectFields(classDef: ClassDef) = {
- classDef.defs collect {
- case VarDef(Ident(name, _), tpe, mutable, _) =>
- new CheckedField(name, tpe, mutable)
- }
- }
- }
- class CheckedField(val name: String, val tpe: Type, val mutable: Boolean)
-object IRChecker {
- private final class ErrorContext(val tree: Tree) extends AnyVal {
- override def toString(): String = {
- val pos = tree.pos
- s"${pos.source}(${pos.line+1}:${pos.column+1}:${tree.getClass.getSimpleName})"
- }
- def pos: Position = tree.pos
- }
- private object ErrorContext {
- implicit def tree2errorContext(tree: Tree): ErrorContext =
- ErrorContext(tree)
- def apply(tree: Tree): ErrorContext =
- new ErrorContext(tree)
- }
- private def isConstructorName(name: String): Boolean =
- name.startsWith("init___")
- private def isReflProxyName(name: String): Boolean =
- name.endsWith("__") && !isConstructorName(name)
- case class LocalDef(name: String, tpe: Type, mutable: Boolean)(val pos: Position)
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IncOptimizer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IncOptimizer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d115618..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/IncOptimizer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.collection.{GenTraversableOnce, GenIterable}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-class IncOptimizer(semantics: Semantics) extends GenIncOptimizer(semantics) {
- protected object CollOps extends GenIncOptimizer.AbsCollOps {
- type Map[K, V] = mutable.Map[K, V]
- type ParMap[K, V] = mutable.Map[K, V]
- type AccMap[K, V] = mutable.Map[K, mutable.ListBuffer[V]]
- type ParIterable[V] = mutable.ListBuffer[V]
- type Addable[V] = mutable.ListBuffer[V]
- def emptyAccMap[K, V]: AccMap[K, V] = mutable.Map.empty
- def emptyMap[K, V]: Map[K, V] = mutable.Map.empty
- def emptyParMap[K, V]: ParMap[K, V] = mutable.Map.empty
- def emptyParIterable[V]: ParIterable[V] = mutable.ListBuffer.empty
- // Operations on ParMap
- def put[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit = map.put(k, v)
- def remove[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V], k: K): Option[V] = map.remove(k)
- def retain[K, V](map: ParMap[K, V])(p: (K, V) => Boolean): Unit =
- map.retain(p)
- // Operations on AccMap
- def acc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K, v: V): Unit =
- map.getOrElseUpdate(k, mutable.ListBuffer.empty) += v
- def getAcc[K, V](map: AccMap[K, V], k: K): GenIterable[V] =
- map.getOrElse(k, Nil)
- def parFlatMapKeys[A, B](map: AccMap[A, _])(
- f: A => GenTraversableOnce[B]): GenIterable[B] =
- map.keys.flatMap(f).toList
- // Operations on ParIterable
- def prepAdd[V](it: ParIterable[V]): Addable[V] = it
- def add[V](addable: Addable[V], v: V): Unit = addable += v
- def finishAdd[V](addable: Addable[V]): ParIterable[V] = addable
- }
- private val _interfaces = mutable.Map.empty[String, InterfaceType]
- protected def getInterface(encodedName: String): InterfaceType =
- _interfaces.getOrElseUpdate(encodedName, new SeqInterfaceType(encodedName))
- private val methodsToProcess = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[MethodImpl]
- protected def scheduleMethod(method: MethodImpl): Unit =
- methodsToProcess += method
- protected def newMethodImpl(owner: MethodContainer,
- encodedName: String): MethodImpl = new SeqMethodImpl(owner, encodedName)
- protected def processAllTaggedMethods(): Unit = {
- logProcessingMethods(methodsToProcess.count(!_.deleted))
- for (method <- methodsToProcess)
- method.process()
- methodsToProcess.clear()
- }
- private class SeqInterfaceType(encName: String) extends InterfaceType(encName) {
- private val ancestorsAskers = mutable.Set.empty[MethodImpl]
- private val dynamicCallers = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.Set[MethodImpl]]
- private val staticCallers = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.Set[MethodImpl]]
- private var _ancestors: List[String] = encodedName :: Nil
- private var _instantiatedSubclasses: Set[Class] = Set.empty
- def instantiatedSubclasses: Iterable[Class] = _instantiatedSubclasses
- def addInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit =
- _instantiatedSubclasses += x
- def removeInstantiatedSubclass(x: Class): Unit =
- _instantiatedSubclasses -= x
- def ancestors: List[String] = _ancestors
- def ancestors_=(v: List[String]): Unit = {
- if (v != _ancestors) {
- _ancestors = v
- ancestorsAskers.foreach(_.tag())
- ancestorsAskers.clear()
- }
- }
- def registerAskAncestors(asker: MethodImpl): Unit =
- ancestorsAskers += asker
- def registerDynamicCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit =
- dynamicCallers.getOrElseUpdate(methodName, mutable.Set.empty) += caller
- def registerStaticCaller(methodName: String, caller: MethodImpl): Unit =
- staticCallers.getOrElseUpdate(methodName, mutable.Set.empty) += caller
- def unregisterDependee(dependee: MethodImpl): Unit = {
- ancestorsAskers -= dependee
- dynamicCallers.values.foreach(_ -= dependee)
- staticCallers.values.foreach(_ -= dependee)
- }
- def tagDynamicCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit =
- dynamicCallers.remove(methodName).foreach(_.foreach(_.tag()))
- def tagStaticCallersOf(methodName: String): Unit =
- staticCallers.remove(methodName).foreach(_.foreach(_.tag()))
- }
- private class SeqMethodImpl(owner: MethodContainer,
- encodedName: String) extends MethodImpl(owner, encodedName) {
- private val bodyAskers = mutable.Set.empty[MethodImpl]
- def registerBodyAsker(asker: MethodImpl): Unit =
- bodyAskers += asker
- def unregisterDependee(dependee: MethodImpl): Unit =
- bodyAskers -= dependee
- def tagBodyAskers(): Unit = {
- bodyAskers.foreach(_.tag())
- bodyAskers.clear()
- }
- private var _registeredTo: List[Unregisterable] = Nil
- private var tagged = false
- protected def registeredTo(intf: Unregisterable): Unit =
- _registeredTo ::= intf
- protected def unregisterFromEverywhere(): Unit = {
- _registeredTo.foreach(_.unregisterDependee(this))
- _registeredTo = Nil
- }
- protected def protectTag(): Boolean = {
- val res = !tagged
- tagged = true
- res
- }
- protected def resetTag(): Unit = tagged = false
- }
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/JSTreeBuilder.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/JSTreeBuilder.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d37a56..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/JSTreeBuilder.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-/** An abstract builder taking IR or JSTrees */
-trait JSTreeBuilder {
- /** Add a JavaScript tree representing a statement.
- * The tree must be a valid JavaScript tree (typically obtained by
- * desugaring a full-fledged IR tree).
- */
- def addJSTree(tree: javascript.Trees.Tree): Unit
- /** Completes the builder. */
- def complete(): Unit = ()
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/OptimizerCore.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/OptimizerCore.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 364038b..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/OptimizerCore.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3572 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.util.control.{NonFatal, ControlThrowable, TailCalls}
-import scala.util.control.TailCalls.{done => _, _} // done is a too generic term
-import Definitions.{ObjectClass, isConstructorName, isReflProxyName}
-import Infos.OptimizerHints
-import Trees._
-import Types._
-/** Optimizer core.
- * Designed to be "mixed in" [[IncOptimizer#MethodImpl#Optimizer]].
- * This is the core of the optimizer. It contains all the smart things the
- * optimizer does. To perform inlining, it relies on abstract protected
- * methods to identify the target of calls.
- */
-private[optimizer] abstract class OptimizerCore(semantics: Semantics) {
- import OptimizerCore._
- type MethodID <: AbstractMethodID
- val myself: MethodID
- /** Returns the body of a method. */
- protected def getMethodBody(method: MethodID): MethodDef
- /** Returns the list of possible targets for a dynamically linked call. */
- protected def dynamicCall(intfName: String,
- methodName: String): List[MethodID]
- /** Returns the target of a static call. */
- protected def staticCall(className: String,
- methodName: String): Option[MethodID]
- /** Returns the target of a trait impl call. */
- protected def traitImplCall(traitImplName: String,
- methodName: String): Option[MethodID]
- /** Returns the list of ancestors of a class or interface. */
- protected def getAncestorsOf(encodedName: String): List[String]
- /** Tests whether the given module class has an elidable accessor.
- * In other words, whether it is safe to discard a LoadModule of that
- * module class which is not used.
- */
- protected def hasElidableModuleAccessor(moduleClassName: String): Boolean
- /** Tests whether the given class is inlineable.
- * @return None if the class is not inlineable, Some(value) if it is, where
- * value is a RecordValue with the initial value of its fields.
- */
- protected def tryNewInlineableClass(className: String): Option[RecordValue]
- private val usedLocalNames = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- private val usedLabelNames = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- private var statesInUse: List[State[_]] = Nil
- private var disableOptimisticOptimizations: Boolean = false
- private var rollbacksCount: Int = 0
- private val attemptedInlining = mutable.ListBuffer.empty[MethodID]
- private var curTrampolineId = 0
- def optimize(thisType: Type, originalDef: MethodDef): (MethodDef, Infos.MethodInfo) = {
- try {
- val MethodDef(name, params, resultType, body) = originalDef
- val (newParams, newBody) = try {
- transformIsolatedBody(Some(myself), thisType, params, resultType, body)
- } catch {
- case _: TooManyRollbacksException =>
- usedLocalNames.clear()
- usedLabelNames.clear()
- statesInUse = Nil
- disableOptimisticOptimizations = true
- transformIsolatedBody(Some(myself), thisType, params, resultType, body)
- }
- val m = MethodDef(name, newParams, resultType, newBody)(None)(originalDef.pos)
- val info = recreateInfo(m)
- (m, info)
- } catch {
- case NonFatal(cause) =>
- throw new OptimizeException(myself, attemptedInlining.distinct.toList, cause)
- case e: Throwable =>
- // This is a fatal exception. Don't wrap, just output debug info error
- Console.err.println(exceptionMsg(myself, attemptedInlining.distinct.toList))
- throw e
- }
- }
- private def withState[A, B](state: State[A])(body: => B): B = {
- statesInUse ::= state
- try body
- finally statesInUse = statesInUse.tail
- }
- private def freshLocalName(base: String): String =
- freshNameGeneric(usedLocalNames, base)
- private def freshLabelName(base: String): String =
- freshNameGeneric(usedLabelNames, base)
- private val isReserved = isKeyword ++ Seq("arguments", "eval", "ScalaJS")
- private def freshNameGeneric(usedNames: mutable.Set[String], base: String): String = {
- val result = if (!usedNames.contains(base) && !isReserved(base)) {
- base
- } else {
- var i = 1
- while (usedNames.contains(base + "$" + i))
- i += 1
- base + "$" + i
- }
- usedNames += result
- result
- }
- private def tryOrRollback(body: CancelFun => TailRec[Tree])(
- fallbackFun: () => TailRec[Tree]): TailRec[Tree] = {
- if (disableOptimisticOptimizations) {
- fallbackFun()
- } else {
- val trampolineId = curTrampolineId
- val savedUsedLocalNames = usedLocalNames.toSet
- val savedUsedLabelNames = usedLabelNames.toSet
- val savedStates =
- body { () =>
- throw new RollbackException(trampolineId, savedUsedLocalNames,
- savedUsedLabelNames, savedStates, fallbackFun)
- }
- }
- }
- private def isSubclass(lhs: String, rhs: String): Boolean =
- getAncestorsOf(lhs).contains(rhs)
- private val isSubclassFun = isSubclass _
- private def isSubtype(lhs: Type, rhs: Type): Boolean =
- Types.isSubtype(lhs, rhs)(isSubclassFun)
- /** Transforms a statement.
- *
- * For valid expression trees, it is always the case that
- * {{{
- * transformStat(tree)
- * ===
- * pretransformExpr(tree)(finishTransformStat)
- * }}}
- */
- private def transformStat(tree: Tree)(implicit scope: Scope): Tree =
- transform(tree, isStat = true)
- /** Transforms an expression.
- *
- * It is always the case that
- * {{{
- * transformExpr(tree)
- * ===
- * pretransformExpr(tree)(finishTransformExpr)
- * }}}
- */
- private def transformExpr(tree: Tree)(implicit scope: Scope): Tree =
- transform(tree, isStat = false)
- /** Transforms a tree. */
- private def transform(tree: Tree, isStat: Boolean)(
- implicit scope: Scope): Tree = {
- @inline implicit def pos = tree.pos
- val result = tree match {
- // Definitions
- case VarDef(_, _, _, rhs) =>
- /* A local var that is last (or alone) in its block is not terribly
- * useful. Get rid of it.
- * (Non-last VarDefs in blocks are handled in transformBlock.)
- */
- transformStat(rhs)
- // Control flow constructs
- case tree: Block =>
- transformBlock(tree, isStat)
- case Labeled(ident @ Ident(label, _), tpe, body) =>
- trampoline {
- returnable(label, if (isStat) NoType else tpe, body, isStat,
- usePreTransform = false)(finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case Assign(lhs, rhs) =>
- val cont = { (preTransLhs: PreTransform) =>
- resolveLocalDef(preTransLhs) match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(lhsTree, lhsOrigType, lhsCancelFun) =>
- val recordType = lhsTree.tpe.asInstanceOf[RecordType]
- pretransformNoLocalDef(rhs) {
- case PreTransRecordTree(rhsTree, rhsOrigType, rhsCancelFun) =>
- if (rhsTree.tpe != recordType || rhsOrigType != lhsOrigType)
- lhsCancelFun()
- TailCalls.done(Assign(lhsTree, rhsTree))
- case _ =>
- lhsCancelFun()
- }
- case PreTransTree(lhsTree, _) =>
- TailCalls.done(Assign(lhsTree, transformExpr(rhs)))
- }
- }
- trampoline {
- lhs match {
- case lhs: Select =>
- pretransformSelectCommon(lhs, isLhsOfAssign = true)(cont)
- case _ =>
- pretransformExpr(lhs)(cont)
- }
- }
- case Return(expr, optLabel) =>
- val optInfo = optLabel match {
- case Some(Ident(label, _)) =>
- Some(scope.env.labelInfos(label))
- case None =>
- scope.env.labelInfos.get("")
- }
- optInfo.fold[Tree] {
- Return(transformExpr(expr), None)
- } { info =>
- val newOptLabel = Some(Ident(info.newName, None))
- if (!info.acceptRecords) {
- val newExpr = transformExpr(expr)
- info.returnedTypes.value ::= (newExpr.tpe, RefinedType(newExpr.tpe))
- Return(newExpr, newOptLabel)
- } else trampoline {
- pretransformNoLocalDef(expr) { texpr =>
- texpr match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(newExpr, origType, cancelFun) =>
- info.returnedTypes.value ::= (newExpr.tpe, origType)
- TailCalls.done(Return(newExpr, newOptLabel))
- case PreTransTree(newExpr, tpe) =>
- info.returnedTypes.value ::= (newExpr.tpe, tpe)
- TailCalls.done(Return(newExpr, newOptLabel))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- val newCond = transformExpr(cond)
- newCond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(condValue) =>
- if (condValue) transform(thenp, isStat)
- else transform(elsep, isStat)
- case _ =>
- val newThenp = transform(thenp, isStat)
- val newElsep = transform(elsep, isStat)
- val refinedType =
- constrainedLub(newThenp.tpe, newElsep.tpe, tree.tpe)
- foldIf(newCond, newThenp, newElsep)(refinedType)
- }
- case While(cond, body, optLabel) =>
- val newCond = transformExpr(cond)
- newCond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(false) => Skip()
- case _ =>
- optLabel match {
- case None =>
- While(newCond, transformStat(body), None)
- case Some(labelIdent @ Ident(label, _)) =>
- val newLabel = freshLabelName(label)
- val info = new LabelInfo(newLabel, acceptRecords = false)
- While(newCond, {
- val bodyScope = scope.withEnv(
- scope.env.withLabelInfo(label, info))
- transformStat(body)(bodyScope)
- }, Some(Ident(newLabel, None)(labelIdent.pos)))
- }
- }
- case DoWhile(body, cond, None) =>
- val newBody = transformStat(body)
- val newCond = transformExpr(cond)
- newCond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(false) => newBody
- case _ => DoWhile(newBody, newCond, None)
- }
- case Try(block, errVar, EmptyTree, finalizer) =>
- val newBlock = transform(block, isStat)
- val newFinalizer = transformStat(finalizer)
- Try(newBlock, errVar, EmptyTree, newFinalizer)(newBlock.tpe)
- case Try(block, errVar @ Ident(name, originalName), handler, finalizer) =>
- val newBlock = transform(block, isStat)
- val newName = freshLocalName(name)
- val newOriginalName = originalName.orElse(Some(name))
- val localDef = LocalDef(RefinedType(AnyType), true,
- ReplaceWithVarRef(newName, newOriginalName, new SimpleState(true), None))
- val newHandler = {
- val handlerScope = scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLocalDef(name, localDef))
- transform(handler, isStat)(handlerScope)
- }
- val newFinalizer = transformStat(finalizer)
- val refinedType = constrainedLub(newBlock.tpe, newHandler.tpe, tree.tpe)
- Try(newBlock, Ident(newName, newOriginalName)(errVar.pos),
- newHandler, newFinalizer)(refinedType)
- case Throw(expr) =>
- Throw(transformExpr(expr))
- case Continue(optLabel) =>
- val newOptLabel = optLabel map { label =>
- Ident(scope.env.labelInfos(, None)(label.pos)
- }
- Continue(newOptLabel)
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- val newSelector = transformExpr(selector)
- newSelector match {
- case newSelector: Literal =>
- val body = cases collectFirst {
- case (alts, body) if alts.exists(literal_===(_, newSelector)) => body
- } getOrElse default
- transform(body, isStat)
- case _ =>
- Match(newSelector,
- cases map (c => (c._1, transform(c._2, isStat))),
- transform(default, isStat))(tree.tpe)
- }
- // Scala expressions
- case New(cls, ctor, args) =>
- New(cls, ctor, args map transformExpr)
- case StoreModule(cls, value) =>
- StoreModule(cls, transformExpr(value))
- case tree: Select =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformSelectCommon(tree, isLhsOfAssign = false)(
- finishTransform(isStat = false))
- }
- case tree: Apply =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformApply(tree, isStat, usePreTransform = false)(
- finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case tree: StaticApply =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformStaticApply(tree, isStat, usePreTransform = false)(
- finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case tree: TraitImplApply =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformTraitImplApply(tree, isStat, usePreTransform = false)(
- finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case tree @ UnaryOp(_, arg) =>
- if (isStat) transformStat(arg)
- else transformUnaryOp(tree)
- case tree @ BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- if (isStat) Block(transformStat(lhs), transformStat(rhs))
- else transformBinaryOp(tree)
- case NewArray(tpe, lengths) =>
- NewArray(tpe, lengths map transformExpr)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, elems) =>
- ArrayValue(tpe, elems map transformExpr)
- case ArrayLength(array) =>
- ArrayLength(transformExpr(array))
- case ArraySelect(array, index) =>
- ArraySelect(transformExpr(array), transformExpr(index))(tree.tpe)
- case RecordValue(tpe, elems) =>
- RecordValue(tpe, elems map transformExpr)
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
- transformExpr(BinaryOp(BinaryOp.!==, expr, Null()))
- case IsInstanceOf(expr, tpe) =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(expr) { texpr =>
- val result = {
- if (isSubtype(texpr.tpe.base, tpe)) {
- if (texpr.tpe.isNullable)
- BinaryOp(BinaryOp.!==, finishTransformExpr(texpr), Null())
- else
- Block(finishTransformStat(texpr), BooleanLiteral(true))
- } else {
- if (texpr.tpe.isExact)
- Block(finishTransformStat(texpr), BooleanLiteral(false))
- else
- IsInstanceOf(finishTransformExpr(texpr), tpe)
- }
- }
- TailCalls.done(result)
- }
- }
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, ClassType(ObjectClass)) =>
- transformExpr(expr)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, cls) =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(tree)(finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case Unbox(arg, charCode) =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(arg) { targ =>
- foldUnbox(targ, charCode)(finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- }
- case GetClass(expr) =>
- GetClass(transformExpr(expr))
- // JavaScript expressions
- case JSNew(ctor, args) =>
- JSNew(transformExpr(ctor), args map transformExpr)
- case JSDotSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- JSDotSelect(transformExpr(qualifier), item)
- case JSBracketSelect(qualifier, item) =>
- JSBracketSelect(transformExpr(qualifier), transformExpr(item))
- case tree: JSFunctionApply =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformJSFunctionApply(tree, isStat, usePreTransform = false)(
- finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case JSDotMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- JSDotMethodApply(transformExpr(receiver), method,
- args map transformExpr)
- case JSBracketMethodApply(receiver, method, args) =>
- JSBracketMethodApply(transformExpr(receiver), transformExpr(method),
- args map transformExpr)
- case JSDelete(JSDotSelect(obj, prop)) =>
- JSDelete(JSDotSelect(transformExpr(obj), prop))
- case JSDelete(JSBracketSelect(obj, prop)) =>
- JSDelete(JSBracketSelect(transformExpr(obj), transformExpr(prop)))
- case JSUnaryOp(op, lhs) =>
- JSUnaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs))
- case JSBinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) =>
- JSBinaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs), transformExpr(rhs))
- case JSArrayConstr(items) =>
- JSArrayConstr(items map transformExpr)
- case JSObjectConstr(fields) =>
- JSObjectConstr(fields map {
- case (name, value) => (name, transformExpr(value))
- })
- // Atomic expressions
- case _:VarRef | _:This =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(tree)(finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- transformClosureCommon(captureParams, params, body,
- // Trees that need not be transformed
- case _:Skip | _:Debugger | _:LoadModule |
- _:JSEnvInfo | _:Literal | EmptyTree =>
- tree
- }
- if (isStat) keepOnlySideEffects(result)
- else result
- }
- private def transformClosureCommon(captureParams: List[ParamDef],
- params: List[ParamDef], body: Tree, newCaptureValues: List[Tree])(
- implicit pos: Position): Closure = {
- val (allNewParams, newBody) =
- transformIsolatedBody(None, AnyType, captureParams ++ params, AnyType, body)
- val (newCaptureParams, newParams) =
- allNewParams.splitAt(captureParams.size)
- Closure(newCaptureParams, newParams, newBody, newCaptureValues)
- }
- private def transformBlock(tree: Block, isStat: Boolean)(
- implicit scope: Scope): Tree = {
- def transformList(stats: List[Tree])(
- implicit scope: Scope): Tree = stats match {
- case last :: Nil =>
- transform(last, isStat)
- case (VarDef(Ident(name, originalName), vtpe, mutable, rhs)) :: rest =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(rhs) { trhs =>
- withBinding(Binding(name, originalName, vtpe, mutable, trhs)) {
- (restScope, cont1) =>
- val newRest = transformList(rest)(restScope)
- cont1(PreTransTree(newRest, RefinedType(newRest.tpe)))
- } (finishTransform(isStat))
- }
- }
- case stat :: rest =>
- val transformedStat = transformStat(stat)
- if (transformedStat.tpe == NothingType) transformedStat
- else Block(transformedStat, transformList(rest))(stat.pos)
- case Nil => // silence the exhaustivity warning in a sensible way
- Skip()(tree.pos)
- }
- transformList(tree.stats)(scope)
- }
- /** Pretransforms a list of trees as a list of [[PreTransform]]s.
- * This is a convenience method to use pretransformExpr on a list.
- */
- private def pretransformExprs(trees: List[Tree])(
- cont: List[PreTransform] => TailRec[Tree])(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- trees match {
- case first :: rest =>
- pretransformExpr(first) { tfirst =>
- pretransformExprs(rest) { trest =>
- cont(tfirst :: trest)
- }
- }
- case Nil =>
- cont(Nil)
- }
- }
- /** Pretransforms two trees as a pair of [[PreTransform]]s.
- * This is a convenience method to use pretransformExpr on two trees.
- */
- private def pretransformExprs(tree1: Tree, tree2: Tree)(
- cont: (PreTransform, PreTransform) => TailRec[Tree])(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- pretransformExpr(tree1) { ttree1 =>
- pretransformExpr(tree2) { ttree2 =>
- cont(ttree1, ttree2)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Pretransforms a tree and a list of trees as [[PreTransform]]s.
- * This is a convenience method to use pretransformExpr.
- */
- private def pretransformExprs(first: Tree, rest: List[Tree])(
- cont: (PreTransform, List[PreTransform]) => TailRec[Tree])(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- pretransformExpr(first) { tfirst =>
- pretransformExprs(rest) { trest =>
- cont(tfirst, trest)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Pretransforms a tree to get a refined type while avoiding to force
- * things we might be able to optimize by folding and aliasing.
- */
- private def pretransformExpr(tree: Tree)(cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = tailcall {
- @inline implicit def pos = tree.pos
- tree match {
- case tree: Block =>
- pretransformBlock(tree)(cont)
- case VarRef(Ident(name, _), _) =>
- val localDef = scope.env.localDefs.getOrElse(name,
- sys.error(s"Cannot find local def '$name' at $pos\n" +
- s"While optimizing $myself\n" +
- s"Env is ${scope.env}\nInlining ${scope.implsBeingInlined}"))
- cont(PreTransLocalDef(localDef))
- case This() =>
- val localDef = scope.env.localDefs.getOrElse("this",
- sys.error(s"Found invalid 'this' at $pos\n" +
- s"While optimizing $myself\n" +
- s"Env is ${scope.env}\nInlining ${scope.implsBeingInlined}"))
- cont(PreTransLocalDef(localDef))
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- val newCond = transformExpr(cond)
- newCond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(condValue) =>
- if (condValue) pretransformExpr(thenp)(cont)
- else pretransformExpr(elsep)(cont)
- case _ =>
- tryOrRollback { cancelFun =>
- pretransformNoLocalDef(thenp) { tthenp =>
- pretransformNoLocalDef(elsep) { telsep =>
- (tthenp, telsep) match {
- case (PreTransRecordTree(thenTree, thenOrigType, thenCancelFun),
- PreTransRecordTree(elseTree, elseOrigType, elseCancelFun)) =>
- val commonType =
- if (thenTree.tpe == elseTree.tpe &&
- thenOrigType == elseOrigType) thenTree.tpe
- else cancelFun()
- val refinedOrigType =
- constrainedLub(thenOrigType, elseOrigType, tree.tpe)
- cont(PreTransRecordTree(
- If(newCond, thenTree, elseTree)(commonType),
- refinedOrigType,
- cancelFun))
- case (PreTransRecordTree(thenTree, thenOrigType, thenCancelFun), _)
- if telsep.tpe.isNothingType =>
- cont(PreTransRecordTree(
- If(newCond, thenTree, finishTransformExpr(telsep))(thenTree.tpe),
- thenOrigType,
- thenCancelFun))
- case (_, PreTransRecordTree(elseTree, elseOrigType, elseCancelFun))
- if tthenp.tpe.isNothingType =>
- cont(PreTransRecordTree(
- If(newCond, finishTransformExpr(tthenp), elseTree)(elseTree.tpe),
- elseOrigType,
- elseCancelFun))
- case _ =>
- val newThenp = finishTransformExpr(tthenp)
- val newElsep = finishTransformExpr(telsep)
- val refinedType =
- constrainedLub(newThenp.tpe, newElsep.tpe, tree.tpe)
- cont(PreTransTree(
- foldIf(newCond, newThenp, newElsep)(refinedType)))
- }
- }
- }
- } { () =>
- val newThenp = transformExpr(thenp)
- val newElsep = transformExpr(elsep)
- val refinedType =
- constrainedLub(newThenp.tpe, newElsep.tpe, tree.tpe)
- cont(PreTransTree(
- foldIf(newCond, newThenp, newElsep)(refinedType)))
- }
- }
- case Match(selector, cases, default) =>
- val newSelector = transformExpr(selector)
- newSelector match {
- case newSelector: Literal =>
- val body = cases collectFirst {
- case (alts, body) if alts.exists(literal_===(_, newSelector)) => body
- } getOrElse default
- pretransformExpr(body)(cont)
- case _ =>
- cont(PreTransTree(Match(newSelector,
- cases map (c => (c._1, transformExpr(c._2))),
- transformExpr(default))(tree.tpe)))
- }
- case Labeled(ident @ Ident(label, _), tpe, body) =>
- returnable(label, tpe, body, isStat = false, usePreTransform = true)(cont)
- case New(cls @ ClassType(className), ctor, args) =>
- tryNewInlineableClass(className) match {
- case Some(initialValue) =>
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- tryOrRollback { cancelFun =>
- inlineClassConstructor(
- new AllocationSite(tree),
- cls, initialValue, ctor, targs, cancelFun)(cont)
- } { () =>
- cont(PreTransTree(
- New(cls, ctor,,
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false)))
- }
- }
- case None =>
- cont(PreTransTree(
- New(cls, ctor,,
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false)))
- }
- case tree: Select =>
- pretransformSelectCommon(tree, isLhsOfAssign = false)(cont)
- case tree: Apply =>
- pretransformApply(tree, isStat = false,
- usePreTransform = true)(cont)
- case tree: StaticApply =>
- pretransformStaticApply(tree, isStat = false,
- usePreTransform = true)(cont)
- case tree: TraitImplApply =>
- pretransformTraitImplApply(tree, isStat = false,
- usePreTransform = true)(cont)
- case tree: JSFunctionApply =>
- pretransformJSFunctionApply(tree, isStat = false,
- usePreTransform = true)(cont)
- case AsInstanceOf(expr, tpe) =>
- pretransformExpr(expr) { texpr =>
- tpe match {
- case ClassType(ObjectClass) =>
- cont(texpr)
- case _ =>
- if (isSubtype(texpr.tpe.base, tpe)) {
- cont(texpr)
- } else {
- cont(PreTransTree(
- AsInstanceOf(finishTransformExpr(texpr), tpe)))
- }
- }
- }
- case Closure(captureParams, params, body, captureValues) =>
- pretransformExprs(captureValues) { tcaptureValues =>
- tryOrRollback { cancelFun =>
- val captureBindings = for {
- (ParamDef(Ident(name, origName), tpe, mutable), value) <-
- captureParams zip tcaptureValues
- } yield {
- Binding(name, origName, tpe, mutable, value)
- }
- withNewLocalDefs(captureBindings) { (captureLocalDefs, cont1) =>
- val alreadyUsedState = new SimpleState[Boolean](false)
- withState(alreadyUsedState) {
- val replacement = TentativeClosureReplacement(
- captureParams, params, body, captureLocalDefs,
- alreadyUsedState, cancelFun)
- val localDef = LocalDef(
- RefinedType(AnyType, isExact = false, isNullable = false),
- mutable = false,
- replacement)
- cont1(PreTransLocalDef(localDef))
- }
- } (cont)
- } { () =>
- val newClosure = transformClosureCommon(captureParams, params, body,
- cont(PreTransTree(
- newClosure,
- RefinedType(AnyType, isExact = false, isNullable = false)))
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- val result = transformExpr(tree)
- cont(PreTransTree(result, RefinedType(result.tpe)))
- }
- }
- private def pretransformBlock(tree: Block)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- def pretransformList(stats: List[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = stats match {
- case last :: Nil =>
- pretransformExpr(last)(cont)
- case (VarDef(Ident(name, originalName), vtpe, mutable, rhs)) :: rest =>
- pretransformExpr(rhs) { trhs =>
- withBinding(Binding(name, originalName, vtpe, mutable, trhs)) {
- (restScope, cont1) =>
- pretransformList(rest)(cont1)(restScope)
- } (cont)
- }
- case stat :: rest =>
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- val transformedStat = transformStat(stat)
- transformedStat match {
- case Skip() =>
- pretransformList(rest)(cont)
- case _ =>
- if (transformedStat.tpe == NothingType)
- cont(PreTransTree(transformedStat, RefinedType.Nothing))
- else {
- pretransformList(rest) { trest =>
- cont(PreTransBlock(transformedStat :: Nil, trest))
- }
- }
- }
- case Nil => // silence the exhaustivity warning in a sensible way
- TailCalls.done(Skip()(tree.pos))
- }
- pretransformList(tree.stats)(cont)(scope)
- }
- private def pretransformSelectCommon(tree: Select, isLhsOfAssign: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val Select(qualifier, item, mutable) = tree
- pretransformExpr(qualifier) { preTransQual =>
- pretransformSelectCommon(tree.tpe, preTransQual, item, mutable,
- isLhsOfAssign)(cont)(scope, tree.pos)
- }
- }
- private def pretransformSelectCommon(expectedType: Type,
- preTransQual: PreTransform, item: Ident, mutable: Boolean,
- isLhsOfAssign: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = {
- preTransQual match {
- case PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(_, _,
- InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(fieldLocalDefs, cancelFun))) =>
- val fieldLocalDef = fieldLocalDefs(
- if (!isLhsOfAssign || fieldLocalDef.mutable) {
- cont(PreTransLocalDef(fieldLocalDef))
- } else {
- /* This is an assignment to an immutable field of a inlineable class
- * being constructed, but that does not appear at the "top-level" of
- * one of its constructors. We cannot handle those, so we cancel.
- * (Assignments at the top-level are normal initializations of these
- * fields, and are transformed as vals in inlineClassConstructor.)
- */
- cancelFun()
- }
- case PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(_, _,
- InlineClassInstanceReplacement(_, fieldLocalDefs, cancelFun))) =>
- val fieldLocalDef = fieldLocalDefs(
- if (!isLhsOfAssign || fieldLocalDef.mutable) {
- cont(PreTransLocalDef(fieldLocalDef))
- } else {
- /* In an ideal world, this should not happen (assigning to an
- * immutable field of an already constructed object). However, since
- * we cannot IR-check that this does not happen (see #1021), this is
- * effectively allowed by the IR spec. We are therefore not allowed
- * to crash. We cancel instead. This will become an actual field
- * (rather than an optimized local val) which is not considered pure
- * (for that same reason).
- */
- cancelFun()
- }
- case _ =>
- resolveLocalDef(preTransQual) match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(newQual, origType, cancelFun) =>
- val recordType = newQual.tpe.asInstanceOf[RecordType]
- val field = recordType.findField(
- val sel = Select(newQual, item, mutable)(field.tpe)
- sel.tpe match {
- case _: RecordType =>
- cont(PreTransRecordTree(sel, RefinedType(expectedType), cancelFun))
- case _ =>
- cont(PreTransTree(sel, RefinedType(sel.tpe)))
- }
- case PreTransTree(newQual, _) =>
- cont(PreTransTree(Select(newQual, item, mutable)(expectedType),
- RefinedType(expectedType)))
- }
- }
- }
- /** Resolves any LocalDef in a [[PreTransform]]. */
- private def resolveLocalDef(preTrans: PreTransform): PreTransGenTree = {
- implicit val pos = preTrans.pos
- preTrans match {
- case PreTransBlock(stats, result) =>
- resolveLocalDef(result) match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(tree, tpe, cancelFun) =>
- PreTransRecordTree(Block(stats :+ tree), tpe, cancelFun)
- case PreTransTree(tree, tpe) =>
- PreTransTree(Block(stats :+ tree), tpe)
- }
- case PreTransLocalDef(localDef @ LocalDef(tpe, mutable, replacement)) =>
- replacement match {
- case ReplaceWithRecordVarRef(name, originalName,
- recordType, used, cancelFun) =>
- used.value = true
- PreTransRecordTree(
- VarRef(Ident(name, originalName), mutable)(recordType),
- tpe, cancelFun)
- case InlineClassInstanceReplacement(recordType, fieldLocalDefs, cancelFun) =>
- if (!isImmutableType(recordType))
- cancelFun()
- PreTransRecordTree(
- RecordValue(recordType,
- f => fieldLocalDefs(,
- tpe, cancelFun)
- case _ =>
- PreTransTree(localDef.newReplacement, localDef.tpe)
- }
- case preTrans: PreTransGenTree =>
- preTrans
- }
- }
- /** Combines pretransformExpr and resolveLocalDef in one convenience method. */
- private def pretransformNoLocalDef(tree: Tree)(
- cont: PreTransGenTree => TailRec[Tree])(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- pretransformExpr(tree) { ttree =>
- cont(resolveLocalDef(ttree))
- }
- }
- /** Finishes a pretransform, either a statement or an expression. */
- private def finishTransform(isStat: Boolean): PreTransCont = { preTrans =>
- TailCalls.done {
- if (isStat) finishTransformStat(preTrans)
- else finishTransformExpr(preTrans)
- }
- }
- /** Finishes an expression pretransform to get a normal [[Tree]].
- * This method (together with finishTransformStat) must not be called more
- * than once per pretransform and per translation.
- * By "per translation", we mean in an alternative path through
- * `tryOrRollback`. It could still be called several times as long as
- * it is once in the 'try' part and once in the 'fallback' part.
- */
- private def finishTransformExpr(preTrans: PreTransform): Tree = {
- implicit val pos = preTrans.pos
- preTrans match {
- case PreTransBlock(stats, result) =>
- Block(stats :+ finishTransformExpr(result))
- case PreTransLocalDef(localDef) =>
- localDef.newReplacement
- case PreTransRecordTree(_, _, cancelFun) =>
- cancelFun()
- case PreTransTree(tree, _) =>
- tree
- }
- }
- /** Finishes a statement pretransform to get a normal [[Tree]].
- * This method (together with finishTransformExpr) must not be called more
- * than once per pretransform and per translation.
- * By "per translation", we mean in an alternative path through
- * `tryOrRollback`. It could still be called several times as long as
- * it is once in the 'try' part and once in the 'fallback' part.
- */
- private def finishTransformStat(stat: PreTransform): Tree = stat match {
- case PreTransBlock(stats, result) =>
- Block(stats :+ finishTransformStat(result))(stat.pos)
- case PreTransLocalDef(_) =>
- Skip()(stat.pos)
- case PreTransRecordTree(tree, _, _) =>
- keepOnlySideEffects(tree)
- case PreTransTree(tree, _) =>
- keepOnlySideEffects(tree)
- }
- /** Keeps only the side effects of a Tree (overapproximation). */
- private def keepOnlySideEffects(stat: Tree): Tree = stat match {
- case _:VarRef | _:This | _:Literal =>
- Skip()(stat.pos)
- case Block(init :+ last) =>
- Block(init :+ keepOnlySideEffects(last))(stat.pos)
- case LoadModule(ClassType(moduleClassName)) =>
- if (hasElidableModuleAccessor(moduleClassName)) Skip()(stat.pos)
- else stat
- case Select(LoadModule(ClassType(moduleClassName)), _, _) =>
- if (hasElidableModuleAccessor(moduleClassName)) Skip()(stat.pos)
- else stat
- case Closure(_, _, _, captureValues) =>
- Block(
- case UnaryOp(_, arg) =>
- keepOnlySideEffects(arg)
- case If(cond, thenp, elsep) =>
- (keepOnlySideEffects(thenp), keepOnlySideEffects(elsep)) match {
- case (Skip(), Skip()) => keepOnlySideEffects(cond)
- case (newThenp, newElsep) => If(cond, newThenp, newElsep)(NoType)(stat.pos)
- }
- case BinaryOp(_, lhs, rhs) =>
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), keepOnlySideEffects(rhs))(stat.pos)
- case RecordValue(_, elems) =>
- Block(
- case _ =>
- stat
- }
- private def pretransformApply(tree: Apply, isStat: Boolean,
- usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val Apply(receiver, methodIdent @ Ident(methodName, _), args) = tree
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- pretransformExpr(receiver) { treceiver =>
- def treeNotInlined0(transformedArgs: List[Tree]) =
- cont(PreTransTree(Apply(finishTransformExpr(treceiver), methodIdent,
- transformedArgs)(tree.tpe)(tree.pos), RefinedType(tree.tpe)))
- def treeNotInlined = treeNotInlined0(
- treceiver.tpe.base match {
- case NothingType =>
- cont(treceiver)
- case NullType =>
- cont(PreTransTree(Block(
- finishTransformStat(treceiver),
- CallHelper("throwNullPointerException")(NothingType))))
- case _ =>
- if (isReflProxyName(methodName)) {
- // Never inline reflective proxies
- treeNotInlined
- } else {
- val cls = boxedClassForType(treceiver.tpe.base)
- val impls =
- if (treceiver.tpe.isExact) staticCall(cls, methodName).toList
- else dynamicCall(cls, methodName)
- val allocationSite = treceiver.tpe.allocationSite
- if (impls.isEmpty || impls.exists(impl =>
- scope.implsBeingInlined((allocationSite, impl)))) {
- // isEmpty could happen, have to leave it as is for the TypeError
- treeNotInlined
- } else if (impls.size == 1) {
- val target = impls.head
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- val intrinsicCode = getIntrinsicCode(target)
- if (intrinsicCode >= 0) {
- callIntrinsic(intrinsicCode, Some(treceiver), targs,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else if (target.inlineable || shouldInlineBecauseOfArgs(treceiver :: targs)) {
- inline(allocationSite, Some(treceiver), targs, target,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else {
- treeNotInlined0(
- }
- }
- } else {
- if (impls.forall(_.isTraitImplForwarder)) {
- val reference = impls.head
- val TraitImplApply(ClassType(traitImpl), Ident(methodName, _), _) =
- getMethodBody(reference).body
- if (!impls.tail.forall(getMethodBody(_).body match {
- case TraitImplApply(ClassType(`traitImpl`),
- Ident(`methodName`, _), _) => true
- case _ => false
- })) {
- // Not all calling the same method in the same trait impl
- treeNotInlined
- } else {
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- inline(allocationSite, Some(treceiver), targs, reference,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- }
- }
- } else {
- // TODO? Inline multiple non-trait-impl-forwarder with the exact same body?
- treeNotInlined
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def boxedClassForType(tpe: Type): String = (tpe: @unchecked) match {
- case ClassType(cls) => cls
- case AnyType => Definitions.ObjectClass
- case UndefType => Definitions.BoxedUnitClass
- case BooleanType => Definitions.BoxedBooleanClass
- case IntType => Definitions.BoxedIntegerClass
- case LongType => Definitions.BoxedLongClass
- case FloatType => Definitions.BoxedFloatClass
- case DoubleType => Definitions.BoxedDoubleClass
- case StringType => Definitions.StringClass
- case ArrayType(_, _) => Definitions.ObjectClass
- }
- private def pretransformStaticApply(tree: StaticApply, isStat: Boolean,
- usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val StaticApply(receiver, clsType @ ClassType(cls),
- methodIdent @ Ident(methodName, _), args) = tree
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- def treeNotInlined0(transformedReceiver: Tree, transformedArgs: List[Tree]) =
- cont(PreTransTree(StaticApply(transformedReceiver, clsType,
- methodIdent, transformedArgs)(tree.tpe), RefinedType(tree.tpe)))
- def treeNotInlined =
- treeNotInlined0(transformExpr(receiver),
- if (isReflProxyName(methodName)) {
- // Never inline reflective proxies
- treeNotInlined
- } else {
- val optTarget = staticCall(cls, methodName)
- if (optTarget.isEmpty) {
- // just in case
- treeNotInlined
- } else {
- val target = optTarget.get
- pretransformExprs(receiver, args) { (treceiver, targs) =>
- val intrinsicCode = getIntrinsicCode(target)
- if (intrinsicCode >= 0) {
- callIntrinsic(intrinsicCode, Some(treceiver), targs,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else {
- val shouldInline =
- target.inlineable || shouldInlineBecauseOfArgs(treceiver :: targs)
- val allocationSite = treceiver.tpe.allocationSite
- val beingInlined =
- scope.implsBeingInlined((allocationSite, target))
- if (shouldInline && !beingInlined) {
- inline(allocationSite, Some(treceiver), targs, target,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else {
- treeNotInlined0(finishTransformExpr(treceiver),
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def pretransformTraitImplApply(tree: TraitImplApply, isStat: Boolean,
- usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val TraitImplApply(implType @ ClassType(impl),
- methodIdent @ Ident(methodName, _), args) = tree
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- def treeNotInlined0(transformedArgs: List[Tree]) =
- cont(PreTransTree(TraitImplApply(implType, methodIdent,
- transformedArgs)(tree.tpe), RefinedType(tree.tpe)))
- def treeNotInlined = treeNotInlined0(
- val optTarget = traitImplCall(impl, methodName)
- if (optTarget.isEmpty) {
- // just in case
- treeNotInlined
- } else {
- val target = optTarget.get
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- val intrinsicCode = getIntrinsicCode(target)
- if (intrinsicCode >= 0) {
- callIntrinsic(intrinsicCode, None, targs,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else {
- val shouldInline =
- target.inlineable || shouldInlineBecauseOfArgs(targs)
- val allocationSite = targs.headOption.flatMap(_.tpe.allocationSite)
- val beingInlined =
- scope.implsBeingInlined((allocationSite, target))
- if (shouldInline && !beingInlined) {
- inline(allocationSite, None, targs, target,
- isStat, usePreTransform)(cont)
- } else {
- treeNotInlined0(
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def pretransformJSFunctionApply(tree: JSFunctionApply,
- isStat: Boolean, usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val JSFunctionApply(fun, args) = tree
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- pretransformExpr(fun) { tfun =>
- tfun match {
- case PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(_, false,
- closure @ TentativeClosureReplacement(
- captureParams, params, body, captureLocalDefs,
- alreadyUsed, cancelFun))) if !alreadyUsed.value =>
- alreadyUsed.value = true
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- inlineBody(
- Some(PreTransTree(Undefined())), // `this` is `undefined`
- captureParams ++ params, AnyType, body,
- ++ targs, isStat,
- usePreTransform)(cont)
- }
- case _ =>
- cont(PreTransTree(
- JSFunctionApply(finishTransformExpr(tfun),
- }
- }
- }
- private def shouldInlineBecauseOfArgs(
- receiverAndArgs: List[PreTransform]): Boolean = {
- def isLikelyOptimizable(arg: PreTransform): Boolean = arg match {
- case PreTransBlock(_, result) =>
- isLikelyOptimizable(result)
- case PreTransLocalDef(localDef) =>
- localDef.replacement match {
- case TentativeClosureReplacement(_, _, _, _, _, _) => true
- case ReplaceWithRecordVarRef(_, _, _, _, _) => true
- case InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(_, _) => true
- case InlineClassInstanceReplacement(_, _, _) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- case PreTransRecordTree(_, _, _) =>
- true
- case _ =>
- arg.tpe.base match {
- case ClassType("s_Predef$$less$colon$less" | "s_Predef$$eq$colon$eq") =>
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- receiverAndArgs.exists(isLikelyOptimizable)
- }
- private def inline(allocationSite: Option[AllocationSite],
- optReceiver: Option[PreTransform],
- args: List[PreTransform], target: MethodID, isStat: Boolean,
- usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = {
- attemptedInlining += target
- val MethodDef(_, formals, resultType, body) = getMethodBody(target)
- body match {
- case Skip() =>
- assert(isStat, "Found Skip() in expression position")
- cont(PreTransTree(
- Block((optReceiver ++: args).map(finishTransformStat)),
- RefinedType.NoRefinedType))
- case _: Literal =>
- cont(PreTransTree(
- Block((optReceiver ++: args).map(finishTransformStat) :+ body),
- RefinedType(body.tpe)))
- case This() if args.isEmpty =>
- assert(optReceiver.isDefined,
- "There was a This(), there should be a receiver")
- cont(optReceiver.get)
- case Select(This(), field, mutable) if formals.isEmpty =>
- assert(optReceiver.isDefined,
- "There was a This(), there should be a receiver")
- pretransformSelectCommon(body.tpe, optReceiver.get, field, mutable,
- isLhsOfAssign = false)(cont)
- case Assign(lhs @ Select(This(), field, mutable), VarRef(Ident(rhsName, _), _))
- if formals.size == 1 && == rhsName =>
- assert(isStat, "Found Assign in expression position")
- assert(optReceiver.isDefined,
- "There was a This(), there should be a receiver")
- pretransformSelectCommon(lhs.tpe, optReceiver.get, field, mutable,
- isLhsOfAssign = true) { preTransLhs =>
- // TODO Support assignment of record
- cont(PreTransTree(
- Assign(finishTransformExpr(preTransLhs),
- finishTransformExpr(args.head)),
- RefinedType.NoRefinedType))
- }
- case _ =>
- val targetID = (allocationSite, target)
- inlineBody(optReceiver, formals, resultType, body, args, isStat,
- usePreTransform)(cont)(scope.inlining(targetID), pos)
- }
- }
- private def inlineBody(optReceiver: Option[PreTransform],
- formals: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type, body: Tree,
- args: List[PreTransform], isStat: Boolean,
- usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = tailcall {
- val optReceiverBinding = optReceiver map { receiver =>
- Binding("this", None, receiver.tpe.base, false, receiver)
- }
- val argsBindings = for {
- (ParamDef(Ident(name, originalName), tpe, mutable), arg) <- formals zip args
- } yield {
- Binding(name, originalName, tpe, mutable, arg)
- }
- withBindings(optReceiverBinding ++: argsBindings) { (bodyScope, cont1) =>
- returnable("", resultType, body, isStat, usePreTransform)(
- cont1)(bodyScope, pos)
- } (cont) (scope.withEnv(OptEnv.Empty))
- }
- private def callIntrinsic(code: Int, optTReceiver: Option[PreTransform],
- targs: List[PreTransform], isStat: Boolean, usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = {
- import Intrinsics._
- implicit def string2ident(s: String): Ident = Ident(s, None)
- lazy val newArgs =
- @inline def contTree(result: Tree) = cont(PreTransTree(result))
- @inline def StringClassType = ClassType(Definitions.StringClass)
- def asRTLong(arg: Tree): Tree =
- AsInstanceOf(arg, ClassType(LongImpl.RuntimeLongClass))
- def firstArgAsRTLong: Tree =
- asRTLong(newArgs.head)
- (code: @switch) match {
- // java.lang.System
- case ArrayCopy =>
- assert(isStat, "System.arraycopy must be used in statement position")
- contTree(CallHelper("systemArraycopy", newArgs)(NoType))
- case IdentityHashCode =>
- contTree(CallHelper("systemIdentityHashCode", newArgs)(IntType))
- // scala.scalajs.runtime package object
- case PropertiesOf =>
- contTree(CallHelper("propertiesOf", newArgs)(AnyType))
- // java.lang.Long
- case LongToString =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, "toString__T", Nil)(StringClassType))
- case LongCompare =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, "compareTo__sjsr_RuntimeLong__I",
- List(asRTLong(newArgs(1))))(IntType))
- case LongBitCount =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.bitCount, Nil)(IntType))
- case LongSignum =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.signum, Nil)(LongType))
- case LongLeading0s =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.numberOfLeadingZeros, Nil)(IntType))
- case LongTrailing0s =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.numberOfTrailingZeros, Nil)(IntType))
- case LongToBinStr =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.toBinaryString, Nil)(StringClassType))
- case LongToHexStr =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.toHexString, Nil)(StringClassType))
- case LongToOctalStr =>
- contTree(Apply(firstArgAsRTLong, LongImpl.toOctalString, Nil)(StringClassType))
- // TypedArray conversions
- case ByteArrayToInt8Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("byteArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case ShortArrayToInt16Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("shortArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case CharArrayToUint16Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("charArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case IntArrayToInt32Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("intArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case FloatArrayToFloat32Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("floatArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case DoubleArrayToFloat64Array =>
- contTree(CallHelper("doubleArray2TypedArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Int8ArrayToByteArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2ByteArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Int16ArrayToShortArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2ShortArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Uint16ArrayToCharArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2CharArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Int32ArrayToIntArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2IntArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Float32ArrayToFloatArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2FloatArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- case Float64ArrayToDoubleArray =>
- contTree(CallHelper("typedArray2DoubleArray", newArgs)(AnyType))
- }
- }
- private def inlineClassConstructor(allocationSite: AllocationSite,
- cls: ClassType, initialValue: RecordValue,
- ctor: Ident, args: List[PreTransform], cancelFun: CancelFun)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val RecordValue(recordType, initialFieldValues) = initialValue
- pretransformExprs(initialFieldValues) { tinitialFieldValues =>
- val initialFieldBindings = for {
- (RecordType.Field(name, originalName, tpe, mutable), value) <-
- recordType.fields zip tinitialFieldValues
- } yield {
- Binding(name, originalName, tpe, mutable, value)
- }
- withNewLocalDefs(initialFieldBindings) { (initialFieldLocalDefList, cont1) =>
- val fieldNames =
- val initialFieldLocalDefs =
- Map(fieldNames zip initialFieldLocalDefList: _*)
- inlineClassConstructorBody(allocationSite, initialFieldLocalDefs,
- cls, cls, ctor, args, cancelFun) { (finalFieldLocalDefs, cont2) =>
- cont2(PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false,
- allocationSite = Some(allocationSite)),
- mutable = false,
- InlineClassInstanceReplacement(recordType, finalFieldLocalDefs, cancelFun))))
- } (cont1)
- } (cont)
- }
- }
- private def inlineClassConstructorBody(
- allocationSite: AllocationSite,
- inputFieldsLocalDefs: Map[String, LocalDef], cls: ClassType,
- ctorClass: ClassType, ctor: Ident, args: List[PreTransform],
- cancelFun: CancelFun)(
- buildInner: (Map[String, LocalDef], PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = tailcall {
- val target = staticCall(ctorClass.className,
- val targetID = (Some(allocationSite), target)
- if (scope.implsBeingInlined.contains(targetID))
- cancelFun()
- val MethodDef(_, formals, _, BlockOrAlone(stats, This())) =
- getMethodBody(target)
- val argsBindings = for {
- (ParamDef(Ident(name, originalName), tpe, mutable), arg) <- formals zip args
- } yield {
- Binding(name, originalName, tpe, mutable, arg)
- }
- withBindings(argsBindings) { (bodyScope, cont1) =>
- val thisLocalDef = LocalDef(
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false), false,
- InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(inputFieldsLocalDefs, cancelFun))
- val statsScope = bodyScope.inlining(targetID).withEnv(
- bodyScope.env.withLocalDef("this", thisLocalDef))
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite, thisLocalDef,
- inputFieldsLocalDefs, cls, stats, cancelFun)(
- buildInner)(cont1)(statsScope)
- } (cont) (scope.withEnv(OptEnv.Empty))
- }
- private def inlineClassConstructorBodyList(
- allocationSite: AllocationSite,
- thisLocalDef: LocalDef, inputFieldsLocalDefs: Map[String, LocalDef],
- cls: ClassType, stats: List[Tree], cancelFun: CancelFun)(
- buildInner: (Map[String, LocalDef], PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- stats match {
- case This() :: rest =>
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite, thisLocalDef,
- inputFieldsLocalDefs, cls, rest, cancelFun)(buildInner)(cont)
- case Assign(s @ Select(ths: This,
- Ident(fieldName, fieldOrigName), false), value) :: rest =>
- pretransformExpr(value) { tvalue =>
- withNewLocalDef(Binding(fieldName, fieldOrigName, s.tpe, false,
- tvalue)) { (localDef, cont1) =>
- if (localDef.contains(thisLocalDef)) {
- /* Uh oh, there is a `val x = ...this...`. We can't keep it,
- * because this field will not be updated with `newThisLocalDef`.
- */
- cancelFun()
- }
- val newFieldsLocalDefs =
- inputFieldsLocalDefs.updated(fieldName, localDef)
- val newThisLocalDef = LocalDef(
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false), false,
- InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(newFieldsLocalDefs, cancelFun))
- val restScope = scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLocalDef(
- "this", newThisLocalDef))
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite,
- newThisLocalDef, newFieldsLocalDefs, cls, rest, cancelFun)(
- buildInner)(cont1)(restScope)
- } (cont)
- }
- /* if (cond)
- * throw e
- * else
- * this.outer = value
- *
- * becomes
- *
- * this.outer =
- * if (cond) throw e
- * else value
- *
- * Typical shape of initialization of outer pointer of inner classes.
- */
- case If(cond, th: Throw,
- Assign(Select(This(), _, false), value)) :: rest =>
- // work around a bug of the compiler (these should be @-bindings)
- val stat = stats.head.asInstanceOf[If]
- val ass = stat.elsep.asInstanceOf[Assign]
- val lhs = ass.lhs
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite, thisLocalDef,
- inputFieldsLocalDefs, cls,
- Assign(lhs, If(cond, th, value)(lhs.tpe)(stat.pos))(ass.pos) :: rest,
- cancelFun)(buildInner)(cont)
- case StaticApply(ths: This, superClass, superCtor, args) :: rest
- if isConstructorName( =>
- pretransformExprs(args) { targs =>
- inlineClassConstructorBody(allocationSite, inputFieldsLocalDefs,
- cls, superClass, superCtor, targs,
- cancelFun) { (outputFieldsLocalDefs, cont1) =>
- val newThisLocalDef = LocalDef(
- RefinedType(cls, isExact = true, isNullable = false), false,
- InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(outputFieldsLocalDefs, cancelFun))
- val restScope = scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLocalDef(
- "this", newThisLocalDef))
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite,
- newThisLocalDef, outputFieldsLocalDefs,
- cls, rest, cancelFun)(buildInner)(cont1)(restScope)
- } (cont)
- }
- case VarDef(Ident(name, originalName), tpe, mutable, rhs) :: rest =>
- pretransformExpr(rhs) { trhs =>
- withBinding(Binding(name, originalName, tpe, mutable, trhs)) { (restScope, cont1) =>
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite,
- thisLocalDef, inputFieldsLocalDefs,
- cls, rest, cancelFun)(buildInner)(cont1)(restScope)
- } (cont)
- }
- case stat :: rest =>
- val transformedStat = transformStat(stat)
- transformedStat match {
- case Skip() =>
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite,
- thisLocalDef, inputFieldsLocalDefs,
- cls, rest, cancelFun)(buildInner)(cont)
- case _ =>
- if (transformedStat.tpe == NothingType)
- cont(PreTransTree(transformedStat, RefinedType.Nothing))
- else {
- inlineClassConstructorBodyList(allocationSite,
- thisLocalDef, inputFieldsLocalDefs,
- cls, rest, cancelFun) { (outputFieldsLocalDefs, cont1) =>
- buildInner(outputFieldsLocalDefs, { tinner =>
- cont1(PreTransBlock(transformedStat :: Nil, tinner))
- })
- }(cont)
- }
- }
- case Nil =>
- buildInner(inputFieldsLocalDefs, cont)
- }
- }
- private def foldIf(cond: Tree, thenp: Tree, elsep: Tree)(tpe: Type)(
- implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- import BinaryOp._
- @inline def default = If(cond, thenp, elsep)(tpe)
- cond match {
- case BooleanLiteral(v) =>
- if (v) thenp
- else elsep
- case _ =>
- @inline def negCond = foldUnaryOp(UnaryOp.Boolean_!, cond)
- if (thenp.tpe == BooleanType && elsep.tpe == BooleanType) {
- (cond, thenp, elsep) match {
- case (_, BooleanLiteral(t), BooleanLiteral(e)) =>
- if (t == e) Block(keepOnlySideEffects(cond), thenp)
- else if (t) cond
- else negCond
- case (_, BooleanLiteral(false), _) =>
- foldIf(negCond, elsep, BooleanLiteral(false))(tpe) // canonical && form
- case (_, _, BooleanLiteral(true)) =>
- foldIf(negCond, BooleanLiteral(true), thenp)(tpe) // canonical || form
- /* if (lhs === null) rhs === null else lhs === rhs
- * -> lhs === rhs
- * This is the typical shape of a lhs == rhs test where
- * the equals() method has been inlined as a reference
- * equality test.
- */
- case (BinaryOp(BinaryOp.===, VarRef(lhsIdent, _), Null()),
- BinaryOp(BinaryOp.===, VarRef(rhsIdent, _), Null()),
- BinaryOp(BinaryOp.===, VarRef(lhsIdent2, _), VarRef(rhsIdent2, _)))
- if lhsIdent2 == lhsIdent && rhsIdent2 == rhsIdent =>
- elsep
- // Example: (x > y) || (x == y) -> (x >= y)
- case (BinaryOp(op1 @ (Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>=), l1, r1),
- BooleanLiteral(true),
- BinaryOp(op2 @ (Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>=), l2, r2))
- if ((l1.isInstanceOf[Literal] || l1.isInstanceOf[VarRef]) &&
- (r1.isInstanceOf[Literal] || r1.isInstanceOf[VarRef]) &&
- (l1 == l2 && r1 == r2)) =>
- val canBeEqual =
- ((op1 == Num_==) || (op1 == Num_<=) || (op1 == Num_>=)) ||
- ((op2 == Num_==) || (op2 == Num_<=) || (op2 == Num_>=))
- val canBeLessThan =
- ((op1 == Num_!=) || (op1 == Num_<) || (op1 == Num_<=)) ||
- ((op2 == Num_!=) || (op2 == Num_<) || (op2 == Num_<=))
- val canBeGreaterThan =
- ((op1 == Num_!=) || (op1 == Num_>) || (op1 == Num_>=)) ||
- ((op2 == Num_!=) || (op2 == Num_>) || (op2 == Num_>=))
- fold3WayComparison(canBeEqual, canBeLessThan, canBeGreaterThan, l1, r1)
- // Example: (x >= y) && (x <= y) -> (x == y)
- case (BinaryOp(op1 @ (Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>=), l1, r1),
- BinaryOp(op2 @ (Num_== | Num_!= | Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>=), l2, r2),
- BooleanLiteral(false))
- if ((l1.isInstanceOf[Literal] || l1.isInstanceOf[VarRef]) &&
- (r1.isInstanceOf[Literal] || r1.isInstanceOf[VarRef]) &&
- (l1 == l2 && r1 == r2)) =>
- val canBeEqual =
- ((op1 == Num_==) || (op1 == Num_<=) || (op1 == Num_>=)) &&
- ((op2 == Num_==) || (op2 == Num_<=) || (op2 == Num_>=))
- val canBeLessThan =
- ((op1 == Num_!=) || (op1 == Num_<) || (op1 == Num_<=)) &&
- ((op2 == Num_!=) || (op2 == Num_<) || (op2 == Num_<=))
- val canBeGreaterThan =
- ((op1 == Num_!=) || (op1 == Num_>) || (op1 == Num_>=)) &&
- ((op2 == Num_!=) || (op2 == Num_>) || (op2 == Num_>=))
- fold3WayComparison(canBeEqual, canBeLessThan, canBeGreaterThan, l1, r1)
- case _ => default
- }
- } else {
- (thenp, elsep) match {
- case (Skip(), Skip()) => keepOnlySideEffects(cond)
- case (Skip(), _) => foldIf(negCond, elsep, thenp)(tpe)
- case _ => default
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def transformUnaryOp(tree: UnaryOp)(implicit scope: Scope): Tree = {
- import UnaryOp._
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- val UnaryOp(op, arg) = tree
- (op: @switch) match {
- case LongToInt =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExpr(arg) { (targ) =>
- TailCalls.done {
- foldUnaryOp(op, finishTransformOptLongExpr(targ))
- }
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- foldUnaryOp(op, transformExpr(arg))
- }
- }
- private def transformBinaryOp(tree: BinaryOp)(implicit scope: Scope): Tree = {
- import BinaryOp._
- implicit val pos = tree.pos
- val BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) = tree
- (op: @switch) match {
- case === | !== =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExprs(lhs, rhs) { (tlhs, trhs) =>
- TailCalls.done(foldReferenceEquality(tlhs, trhs, op == ===))
- }
- }
- case Long_== | Long_!= | Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= =>
- trampoline {
- pretransformExprs(lhs, rhs) { (tlhs, trhs) =>
- TailCalls.done {
- if (isLiteralOrOptimizableLong(tlhs) &&
- isLiteralOrOptimizableLong(trhs)) {
- foldBinaryOp(op, finishTransformOptLongExpr(tlhs),
- finishTransformOptLongExpr(trhs))
- } else {
- foldBinaryOp(op, finishTransformExpr(tlhs),
- finishTransformExpr(trhs))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, transformExpr(lhs), transformExpr(rhs))
- }
- }
- private def isLiteralOrOptimizableLong(texpr: PreTransform): Boolean = {
- texpr match {
- case PreTransTree(LongLiteral(_), _) =>
- true
- case PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(_, _, replacement)) =>
- replacement match {
- case ReplaceWithVarRef(_, _, _, Some(_)) => true
- case ReplaceWithConstant(LongLiteral(_)) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- private def finishTransformOptLongExpr(targ: PreTransform): Tree = targ match {
- case PreTransLocalDef(LocalDef(tpe, false,
- ReplaceWithVarRef(_, _, _, Some(argValue)))) =>
- argValue()
- case _ =>
- finishTransformExpr(targ)
- }
- private def foldUnaryOp(op: UnaryOp.Code, arg: Tree)(
- implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- import UnaryOp._
- @inline def default = UnaryOp(op, arg)
- (op: @switch) match {
- case Boolean_! =>
- arg match {
- case BooleanLiteral(v) => BooleanLiteral(!v)
- case UnaryOp(Boolean_!, x) => x
- case BinaryOp(innerOp, l, r) =>
- val newOp = (innerOp: @switch) match {
- case BinaryOp.=== => BinaryOp.!==
- case BinaryOp.!== => BinaryOp.===
- case BinaryOp.Num_== => BinaryOp.Num_!=
- case BinaryOp.Num_!= => BinaryOp.Num_==
- case BinaryOp.Num_< => BinaryOp.Num_>=
- case BinaryOp.Num_<= => BinaryOp.Num_>
- case BinaryOp.Num_> => BinaryOp.Num_<=
- case BinaryOp.Num_>= => BinaryOp.Num_<
- case BinaryOp.Long_== => BinaryOp.Long_!=
- case BinaryOp.Long_!= => BinaryOp.Long_==
- case BinaryOp.Long_< => BinaryOp.Long_>=
- case BinaryOp.Long_<= => BinaryOp.Long_>
- case BinaryOp.Long_> => BinaryOp.Long_<=
- case BinaryOp.Long_>= => BinaryOp.Long_<
- case BinaryOp.Boolean_== => BinaryOp.Boolean_!=
- case BinaryOp.Boolean_!= => BinaryOp.Boolean_==
- case _ => -1
- }
- if (newOp == -1) default
- else BinaryOp(newOp, l, r)
- case _ => default
- }
- case IntToLong =>
- arg match {
- case IntLiteral(v) => LongLiteral(v.toLong)
- case _ => default
- }
- case LongToInt =>
- arg match {
- case LongLiteral(v) => IntLiteral(v.toInt)
- case UnaryOp(IntToLong, x) => x
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_+, x, y) =>
- foldBinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_+,
- foldUnaryOp(LongToInt, x),
- foldUnaryOp(LongToInt, y))
- case BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_-, x, y) =>
- foldBinaryOp(BinaryOp.Int_-,
- foldUnaryOp(LongToInt, x),
- foldUnaryOp(LongToInt, y))
- case _ => default
- }
- case LongToDouble =>
- arg match {
- case LongLiteral(v) => DoubleLiteral(v.toDouble)
- case _ => default
- }
- case DoubleToInt =>
- arg match {
- case _ if arg.tpe == IntType => arg
- case NumberLiteral(v) => IntLiteral(v.toInt)
- case _ => default
- }
- case DoubleToFloat =>
- arg match {
- case _ if arg.tpe == FloatType => arg
- case NumberLiteral(v) => FloatLiteral(v.toFloat)
- case _ => default
- }
- case DoubleToLong =>
- arg match {
- case _ if arg.tpe == IntType => foldUnaryOp(IntToLong, arg)
- case NumberLiteral(v) => LongLiteral(v.toLong)
- case _ => default
- }
- case _ =>
- default
- }
- }
- /** Performs === for two literals.
- * The result is always known statically.
- */
- private def literal_===(lhs: Literal, rhs: Literal): Boolean = {
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (FloatLiteral(l), FloatLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (BooleanLiteral(l), BooleanLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (StringLiteral(l), StringLiteral(r)) => l == r
- case (Undefined(), Undefined()) => true
- case (Null(), Null()) => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- private def foldBinaryOp(op: BinaryOp.Code, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(
- implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- import BinaryOp._
- @inline def default = BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs)
- (op: @switch) match {
- case === | !== =>
- val positive = (op == ===)
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (lhs: Literal, rhs: Literal) =>
- BooleanLiteral(literal_===(lhs, rhs) == positive)
- case (_: Literal, _) => foldBinaryOp(op, rhs, lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_+ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l + r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_+, rhs, lhs)
- case (IntLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (IntLiteral(x),
- BinaryOp(innerOp @ (Int_+ | Int_-), IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(innerOp, IntLiteral(x+y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_- =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, IntLiteral(r)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_+, lhs, IntLiteral(-r))
- case (IntLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Int_+, IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (IntLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_+, IntLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (_, BinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(0), x)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_+, lhs, x)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_* =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l * r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_*, rhs, lhs)
- case (IntLiteral(1), _) => rhs
- case (IntLiteral(-1), _) => foldBinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_/ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) if r != 0 => IntLiteral(l / r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(1)) => lhs
- case (_, IntLiteral(-1)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_% =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) if r != 0 => IntLiteral(l % r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(1 | -1)) =>
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), IntLiteral(0))
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_| =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l | r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_|, rhs, lhs)
- case (IntLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (IntLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Int_|, IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_|, IntLiteral(x | y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_& =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l & r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_&, rhs, lhs)
- case (IntLiteral(-1), _) => rhs
- case (IntLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Int_&, IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_&, IntLiteral(x & y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_^ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l ^ r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Int_^, rhs, lhs)
- case (IntLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (IntLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Int_^, IntLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Int_^, IntLiteral(x ^ y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_<< =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l << r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 32 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_>>> =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l >>> r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 32 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Int_>> =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => IntLiteral(l >> r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 32 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_+ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l + r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_+, rhs, lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (LongLiteral(x),
- BinaryOp(innerOp @ (Long_+ | Long_-), LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(innerOp, LongLiteral(x+y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_- =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, LongLiteral(r)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_+, LongLiteral(-r), lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Long_+, LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (LongLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_+, LongLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (_, BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Long_-, LongLiteral(0L), x)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_+, lhs, x)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_* =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l * r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_*, rhs, lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(1), _) => rhs
- case (LongLiteral(-1), _) => foldBinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_/ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, LongLiteral(0)) => default
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l / r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(1)) => lhs
- case (_, LongLiteral(-1)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(0), lhs)
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongFromInt(y: IntLiteral)) if y.value != -1 =>
- LongFromInt(foldBinaryOp(Int_/, x, y))
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_% =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, LongLiteral(0)) => default
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l % r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(1L | -1L)) =>
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), LongLiteral(0L))
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongFromInt(y)) =>
- LongFromInt(foldBinaryOp(Int_%, x, y))
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_| =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l | r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_|, rhs, lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (LongLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Long_|, LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_|, LongLiteral(x | y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_& =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l & r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_&, rhs, lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(-1), _) => rhs
- case (LongLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Long_&, LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_&, LongLiteral(x & y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_^ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l ^ r)
- case (_, LongLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Long_^, rhs, lhs)
- case (LongLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (LongLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Long_^, LongLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Long_^, LongLiteral(x ^ y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_<< =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l << r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 64 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_>>> =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l >>> r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 64 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_>> =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) => LongLiteral(l >> r)
- case (_, IntLiteral(x)) if x % 64 == 0 => lhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_== | Long_!= =>
- val positive = (op == Long_==)
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) =>
- BooleanLiteral((l == r) == positive)
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongFromInt(y)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(if (positive) === else !==, x, y)
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongLiteral(y)) =>
- assert(y > Int.MaxValue || y < Int.MinValue)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(x), BooleanLiteral(!positive))
- case (BinaryOp(Long_+, LongLiteral(x), y), LongLiteral(z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, y, LongLiteral(z-x))
- case (BinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(x), y), LongLiteral(z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, y, LongLiteral(x-z))
- case (LongLiteral(_), _) => foldBinaryOp(op, rhs, lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Long_< | Long_<= | Long_> | Long_>= =>
- def flippedOp = (op: @switch) match {
- case Long_< => Long_>
- case Long_<= => Long_>=
- case Long_> => Long_<
- case Long_>= => Long_<=
- }
- def intOp = (op: @switch) match {
- case Long_< => Num_<
- case Long_<= => Num_<=
- case Long_> => Num_>
- case Long_>= => Num_>=
- }
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (LongLiteral(l), LongLiteral(r)) =>
- val result = (op: @switch) match {
- case Long_< => l < r
- case Long_<= => l <= r
- case Long_> => l > r
- case Long_>= => l >= r
- }
- BooleanLiteral(result)
- case (_, LongLiteral(Long.MinValue)) =>
- if (op == Long_< || op == Long_>=)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), BooleanLiteral(op == Long_>=))
- else
- foldBinaryOp(if (op == Long_<=) Long_== else Long_!=, lhs, rhs)
- case (_, LongLiteral(Long.MaxValue)) =>
- if (op == Long_> || op == Long_<=)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), BooleanLiteral(op == Long_<=))
- else
- foldBinaryOp(if (op == Long_>=) Long_== else Long_!=, lhs, rhs)
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongFromInt(y)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(intOp, x, y)
- case (LongFromInt(x), LongLiteral(y)) =>
- assert(y > Int.MaxValue || y < Int.MinValue)
- val result =
- if (y > Int.MaxValue) op == Long_< || op == Long_<=
- else op == Long_> || op == Long_>=
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(x), BooleanLiteral(result))
- /* x + y.toLong > z
- * -x on both sides
- * requires x + y.toLong not to overflow, and z - x likewise
- * y.toLong > z - x
- */
- case (BinaryOp(Long_+, LongLiteral(x), y @ LongFromInt(_)), LongLiteral(z))
- if canAddLongs(x, Int.MinValue) &&
- canAddLongs(x, Int.MaxValue) &&
- canSubtractLongs(z, x) =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, y, LongLiteral(z-x))
- /* x - y.toLong > z
- * -x on both sides
- * requires x - y.toLong not to overflow, and z - x likewise
- * -(y.toLong) > z - x
- */
- case (BinaryOp(Long_-, LongLiteral(x), y @ LongFromInt(_)), LongLiteral(z))
- if canSubtractLongs(x, Int.MinValue) &&
- canSubtractLongs(x, Int.MaxValue) &&
- canSubtractLongs(z, x) =>
- if (z-x != Long.MinValue) {
- // Since -(y.toLong) does not overflow, we can negate both sides
- foldBinaryOp(flippedOp, y, LongLiteral(-(z-x)))
- } else {
- /* -(y.toLong) > Long.MinValue
- * Depending on the operator, this is either always true or
- * always false.
- */
- val result = (op == Long_>) || (op == Long_>=)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(y), BooleanLiteral(result))
- }
- /* x.toLong + y.toLong > Int.MaxValue.toLong
- *
- * This is basically testing whether x+y overflows in positive.
- * If x <= 0 or y <= 0, this cannot happen -> false.
- * If x > 0 and y > 0, this can be detected with x+y < 0.
- * Therefore, we rewrite as:
- *
- * x > 0 && y > 0 && x+y < 0.
- *
- * This requires to evaluate x and y once.
- */
- case (BinaryOp(Long_+, LongFromInt(x), LongFromInt(y)),
- LongLiteral(Int.MaxValue)) =>
- trampoline {
- withNewLocalDefs(List(
- Binding("x", None, IntType, false, PreTransTree(x)),
- Binding("y", None, IntType, false, PreTransTree(y)))) {
- (tempsLocalDefs, cont) =>
- val List(tempXDef, tempYDef) = tempsLocalDefs
- val tempX = tempXDef.newReplacement
- val tempY = tempYDef.newReplacement
- cont(PreTransTree(
- AndThen(AndThen(
- BinaryOp(Num_>, tempX, IntLiteral(0)),
- BinaryOp(Num_>, tempY, IntLiteral(0))),
- BinaryOp(Num_<, BinaryOp(Int_+, tempX, tempY), IntLiteral(0)))))
- } (finishTransform(isStat = false))
- }
- case (LongLiteral(_), _) => foldBinaryOp(flippedOp, rhs, lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Float_+ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (FloatLiteral(l), FloatLiteral(r)) => FloatLiteral(l + r)
- case (FloatLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (_, FloatLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Float_+, rhs, lhs)
- case (FloatLiteral(x),
- BinaryOp(innerOp @ (Float_+ | Float_-), FloatLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(innerOp, FloatLiteral(x+y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Float_- =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, FloatLiteral(r)) => foldBinaryOp(Float_+, lhs, FloatLiteral(-r))
- case (FloatLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Float_+, FloatLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Float_-, FloatLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (FloatLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Float_-, FloatLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Float_+, FloatLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (_, BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Float_-, FloatLiteral(0), x)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Float_+, lhs, x)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Float_* =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (FloatLiteral(l), FloatLiteral(r)) => FloatLiteral(l * r)
- case (_, FloatLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Float_*, rhs, lhs)
- case (FloatLiteral(1), _) => rhs
- case (FloatLiteral(-1), _) => foldBinaryOp(Float_-, FloatLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Float_/ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (FloatLiteral(l), FloatLiteral(r)) => FloatLiteral(l / r)
- case (_, FloatLiteral(1)) => lhs
- case (_, FloatLiteral(-1)) => foldBinaryOp(Float_-, FloatLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Float_% =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (FloatLiteral(l), FloatLiteral(r)) => FloatLiteral(l % r)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Double_+ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) => DoubleLiteral(l + r)
- case (NumberLiteral(0), _) => rhs
- case (_, NumberLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Double_+, rhs, lhs)
- case (NumberLiteral(x),
- BinaryOp(innerOp @ (Double_+ | Double_-), NumberLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(innerOp, DoubleLiteral(x+y), z)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Double_- =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, NumberLiteral(r)) => foldBinaryOp(Double_+, lhs, DoubleLiteral(-r))
- case (NumberLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Double_+, NumberLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Double_-, DoubleLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (NumberLiteral(x), BinaryOp(Double_-, NumberLiteral(y), z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Double_+, DoubleLiteral(x-y), z)
- case (_, BinaryOp(BinaryOp.Double_-, NumberLiteral(0), x)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(Double_+, lhs, x)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Double_* =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) => DoubleLiteral(l * r)
- case (_, NumberLiteral(_)) => foldBinaryOp(Double_*, rhs, lhs)
- case (NumberLiteral(1), _) => rhs
- case (NumberLiteral(-1), _) => foldBinaryOp(Double_-, DoubleLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Double_/ =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) => DoubleLiteral(l / r)
- case (_, NumberLiteral(1)) => lhs
- case (_, NumberLiteral(-1)) => foldBinaryOp(Double_-, DoubleLiteral(0), lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Double_% =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) => DoubleLiteral(l % r)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Boolean_== | Boolean_!= =>
- val positive = (op == Boolean_==)
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (BooleanLiteral(l), _) =>
- if (l == positive) rhs
- else foldUnaryOp(UnaryOp.Boolean_!, rhs)
- case (_, BooleanLiteral(r)) =>
- if (r == positive) lhs
- else foldUnaryOp(UnaryOp.Boolean_!, lhs)
- case _ =>
- default
- }
- case Boolean_| =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, BooleanLiteral(false)) => lhs
- case (BooleanLiteral(false), _) => rhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Boolean_& =>
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (_, BooleanLiteral(true)) => lhs
- case (BooleanLiteral(true), _) => rhs
- case _ => default
- }
- case Num_== | Num_!= =>
- val positive = (op == Num_==)
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (lhs: Literal, rhs: Literal) =>
- BooleanLiteral(literal_===(lhs, rhs) == positive)
- case (BinaryOp(Int_+, IntLiteral(x), y), IntLiteral(z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, y, IntLiteral(z-x))
- case (BinaryOp(Int_-, IntLiteral(x), y), IntLiteral(z)) =>
- foldBinaryOp(op, y, IntLiteral(x-z))
- case (_: Literal, _) => foldBinaryOp(op, rhs, lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- case Num_< | Num_<= | Num_> | Num_>= =>
- def flippedOp = (op: @switch) match {
- case Num_< => Num_>
- case Num_<= => Num_>=
- case Num_> => Num_<
- case Num_>= => Num_<=
- }
- if (lhs.tpe == IntType && rhs.tpe == IntType) {
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (IntLiteral(l), IntLiteral(r)) =>
- val result = (op: @switch) match {
- case Num_< => l < r
- case Num_<= => l <= r
- case Num_> => l > r
- case Num_>= => l >= r
- }
- BooleanLiteral(result)
- case (_, IntLiteral(Int.MinValue)) =>
- if (op == Num_< || op == Num_>=)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), BooleanLiteral(op == Num_>=))
- else
- foldBinaryOp(if (op == Num_<=) Num_== else Num_!=, lhs, rhs)
- case (_, IntLiteral(Int.MaxValue)) =>
- if (op == Num_> || op == Num_<=)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), BooleanLiteral(op == Num_<=))
- else
- foldBinaryOp(if (op == Num_>=) Num_== else Num_!=, lhs, rhs)
- case (IntLiteral(_), _) => foldBinaryOp(flippedOp, rhs, lhs)
- case _ => default
- }
- } else {
- (lhs, rhs) match {
- case (NumberLiteral(l), NumberLiteral(r)) =>
- val result = (op: @switch) match {
- case Num_< => l < r
- case Num_<= => l <= r
- case Num_> => l > r
- case Num_>= => l >= r
- }
- BooleanLiteral(result)
- case _ => default
- }
- }
- case _ =>
- default
- }
- }
- private def fold3WayComparison(canBeEqual: Boolean, canBeLessThan: Boolean,
- canBeGreaterThan: Boolean, lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(
- implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- import BinaryOp._
- if (canBeEqual) {
- if (canBeLessThan) {
- if (canBeGreaterThan)
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), keepOnlySideEffects(rhs), BooleanLiteral(true))
- else
- foldBinaryOp(Num_<=, lhs, rhs)
- } else {
- if (canBeGreaterThan)
- foldBinaryOp(Num_>=, lhs, rhs)
- else
- foldBinaryOp(Num_==, lhs, rhs)
- }
- } else {
- if (canBeLessThan) {
- if (canBeGreaterThan)
- foldBinaryOp(Num_!=, lhs, rhs)
- else
- foldBinaryOp(Num_<, lhs, rhs)
- } else {
- if (canBeGreaterThan)
- foldBinaryOp(Num_>, lhs, rhs)
- else
- Block(keepOnlySideEffects(lhs), keepOnlySideEffects(rhs), BooleanLiteral(false))
- }
- }
- }
- private def foldUnbox(arg: PreTransform, charCode: Char)(
- cont: PreTransCont): TailRec[Tree] = {
- (charCode: @switch) match {
- case 'Z' if arg.tpe.base == BooleanType => cont(arg)
- case 'I' if arg.tpe.base == IntType => cont(arg)
- case 'F' if arg.tpe.base == FloatType => cont(arg)
- case 'J' if arg.tpe.base == LongType => cont(arg)
- case 'D' if arg.tpe.base == DoubleType ||
- arg.tpe.base == IntType || arg.tpe.base == FloatType => cont(arg)
- case _ =>
- cont(PreTransTree(Unbox(finishTransformExpr(arg), charCode)(arg.pos)))
- }
- }
- private def foldReferenceEquality(tlhs: PreTransform, trhs: PreTransform,
- positive: Boolean = true)(implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- (tlhs, trhs) match {
- case (_, PreTransTree(Null(), _)) if !tlhs.tpe.isNullable =>
- Block(
- finishTransformStat(tlhs),
- BooleanLiteral(!positive))
- case (PreTransTree(Null(), _), _) if !trhs.tpe.isNullable =>
- Block(
- finishTransformStat(trhs),
- BooleanLiteral(!positive))
- case _ =>
- foldBinaryOp(if (positive) BinaryOp.=== else BinaryOp.!==,
- finishTransformExpr(tlhs), finishTransformExpr(trhs))
- }
- }
- private def finishTransformCheckNull(preTrans: PreTransform)(
- implicit pos: Position): Tree = {
- if (preTrans.tpe.isNullable) {
- val transformed = finishTransformExpr(preTrans)
- CallHelper("checkNonNull", transformed)(transformed.tpe)
- } else {
- finishTransformExpr(preTrans)
- }
- }
- def transformIsolatedBody(optTarget: Option[MethodID],
- thisType: Type, params: List[ParamDef], resultType: Type,
- body: Tree): (List[ParamDef], Tree) = {
- val (paramLocalDefs, newParamDefs) = (for {
- p @ ParamDef(ident @ Ident(name, originalName), ptpe, mutable) <- params
- } yield {
- val newName = freshLocalName(name)
- val newOriginalName = originalName.orElse(Some(newName))
- val localDef = LocalDef(RefinedType(ptpe), mutable,
- ReplaceWithVarRef(newName, newOriginalName, new SimpleState(true), None))
- val newParamDef = ParamDef(
- Ident(newName, newOriginalName)(ident.pos), ptpe, mutable)(p.pos)
- ((name -> localDef), newParamDef)
- }).unzip
- val thisLocalDef =
- if (thisType == NoType) None
- else {
- Some("this" -> LocalDef(
- RefinedType(thisType, isExact = false, isNullable = false),
- false, ReplaceWithThis()))
- }
- val allLocalDefs = thisLocalDef ++: paramLocalDefs
- val scope0 = optTarget.fold(Scope.Empty)(
- target => Scope.Empty.inlining((None, target)))
- val scope = scope0.withEnv(OptEnv.Empty.withLocalDefs(allLocalDefs))
- val newBody =
- transform(body, resultType == NoType)(scope)
- (newParamDefs, newBody)
- }
- private def returnable(oldLabelName: String, resultType: Type,
- body: Tree, isStat: Boolean, usePreTransform: Boolean)(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope, pos: Position): TailRec[Tree] = tailcall {
- val newLabel = freshLabelName(
- if (oldLabelName.isEmpty) "inlinereturn" else oldLabelName)
- def doMakeTree(newBody: Tree, returnedTypes: List[Type]): Tree = {
- val refinedType =
- returnedTypes.reduce(constrainedLub(_, _, resultType))
- val returnCount = returnedTypes.size - 1
- tryOptimizePatternMatch(oldLabelName, refinedType,
- returnCount, newBody) getOrElse {
- Labeled(Ident(newLabel, None), refinedType, newBody)
- }
- }
- val info = new LabelInfo(newLabel, acceptRecords = usePreTransform)
- withState(info.returnedTypes) {
- val bodyScope = scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLabelInfo(oldLabelName, info))
- if (usePreTransform) {
- assert(!isStat, "Cannot use pretransform in statement position")
- tryOrRollback { cancelFun =>
- pretransformExpr(body) { tbody0 =>
- val returnedTypes0 = info.returnedTypes.value
- if (returnedTypes0.isEmpty) {
- // no return to that label, we can eliminate it
- cont(tbody0)
- } else {
- val tbody = resolveLocalDef(tbody0)
- val (newBody, returnedTypes) = tbody match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(bodyTree, origType, _) =>
- (bodyTree, (bodyTree.tpe, origType) :: returnedTypes0)
- case PreTransTree(bodyTree, tpe) =>
- (bodyTree, (bodyTree.tpe, tpe) :: returnedTypes0)
- }
- val (actualTypes, origTypes) = returnedTypes.unzip
- val refinedOrigType =
- origTypes.reduce(constrainedLub(_, _, resultType))
- actualTypes.collectFirst {
- case actualType: RecordType => actualType
- }.fold[TailRec[Tree]] {
- // None of the returned types are records
- cont(PreTransTree(
- doMakeTree(newBody, actualTypes), refinedOrigType))
- } { recordType =>
- if (actualTypes.exists(t => t != recordType && t != NothingType))
- cancelFun()
- val resultTree = doMakeTree(newBody, actualTypes)
- if (origTypes.exists(t => t != refinedOrigType && !t.isNothingType))
- cancelFun()
- cont(PreTransRecordTree(resultTree, refinedOrigType, cancelFun))
- }
- }
- } (bodyScope)
- } { () =>
- returnable(oldLabelName, resultType, body, isStat,
- usePreTransform = false)(cont)
- }
- } else {
- val newBody = transform(body, isStat)(bodyScope)
- val returnedTypes0 =
- if (returnedTypes0.isEmpty) {
- // no return to that label, we can eliminate it
- cont(PreTransTree(newBody, RefinedType(newBody.tpe)))
- } else {
- val returnedTypes = newBody.tpe :: returnedTypes0
- val tree = doMakeTree(newBody, returnedTypes)
- cont(PreTransTree(tree, RefinedType(tree.tpe)))
- }
- }
- }
- }
- def tryOptimizePatternMatch(oldLabelName: String, refinedType: Type,
- returnCount: Int, newBody: Tree): Option[Tree] = {
- if (!oldLabelName.startsWith("matchEnd")) None
- else {
- newBody match {
- case Block(stats) =>
- @tailrec
- def createRevAlts(xs: List[Tree], acc: List[(Tree, Tree)]): List[(Tree, Tree)] = xs match {
- case If(cond, body, Skip()) :: xr =>
- createRevAlts(xr, (cond, body) :: acc)
- case remaining =>
- (EmptyTree, Block(remaining)(remaining.head.pos)) :: acc
- }
- val revAlts = createRevAlts(stats, Nil)
- if (revAlts.size == returnCount) {
- @tailrec
- def constructOptimized(revAlts: List[(Tree, Tree)], elsep: Tree): Option[Tree] = {
- revAlts match {
- case (cond, body) :: revAltsRest =>
- body match {
- case BlockOrAlone(prep,
- Return(result, Some(Ident(newLabel, _)))) =>
- val result1 =
- if (refinedType == NoType) keepOnlySideEffects(result)
- else result
- val prepAndResult = Block(prep :+ result1)(body.pos)
- if (cond == EmptyTree) {
- assert(elsep == EmptyTree)
- constructOptimized(revAltsRest, prepAndResult)
- } else {
- assert(elsep != EmptyTree)
- constructOptimized(revAltsRest,
- foldIf(cond, prepAndResult, elsep)(refinedType)(cond.pos))
- }
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- case Nil =>
- Some(elsep)
- }
- }
- constructOptimized(revAlts, EmptyTree)
- } else None
- case _ =>
- None
- }
- }
- }
- private def withBindings(bindings: List[Binding])(
- buildInner: (Scope, PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- withNewLocalDefs(bindings) { (localDefs, cont1) =>
- val newMappings = for {
- (binding, localDef) <- bindings zip localDefs
- } yield {
- -> localDef
- }
- buildInner(scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLocalDefs(newMappings)), cont1)
- } (cont)
- }
- private def withBinding(binding: Binding)(
- buildInner: (Scope, PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont)(
- implicit scope: Scope): TailRec[Tree] = {
- withNewLocalDef(binding) { (localDef, cont1) =>
- buildInner(scope.withEnv(scope.env.withLocalDef(, localDef)),
- cont1)
- } (cont)
- }
- private def withNewLocalDefs(bindings: List[Binding])(
- buildInner: (List[LocalDef], PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont): TailRec[Tree] = {
- bindings match {
- case first :: rest =>
- withNewLocalDef(first) { (firstLocalDef, cont1) =>
- withNewLocalDefs(rest) { (restLocalDefs, cont2) =>
- buildInner(firstLocalDef :: restLocalDefs, cont2)
- } (cont1)
- } (cont)
- case Nil =>
- buildInner(Nil, cont)
- }
- }
- private def isImmutableType(tpe: Type): Boolean = tpe match {
- case RecordType(fields) =>
- fields.forall(f => !f.mutable && isImmutableType(f.tpe))
- case _ =>
- true
- }
- private def withNewLocalDef(binding: Binding)(
- buildInner: (LocalDef, PreTransCont) => TailRec[Tree])(
- cont: PreTransCont): TailRec[Tree] = tailcall {
- val Binding(name, originalName, declaredType, mutable, value) = binding
- implicit val pos = value.pos
- def withDedicatedVar(tpe: RefinedType): TailRec[Tree] = {
- val newName = freshLocalName(name)
- val newOriginalName = originalName.orElse(Some(name))
- val used = new SimpleState(false)
- withState(used) {
- def doBuildInner(localDef: LocalDef)(varDef: => VarDef)(
- cont: PreTransCont): TailRec[Tree] = {
- buildInner(localDef, { tinner =>
- if (used.value) {
- cont(PreTransBlock(varDef :: Nil, tinner))
- } else {
- tinner match {
- case PreTransLocalDef(`localDef`) =>
- cont(value)
- case _ if tinner.contains(localDef) =>
- cont(PreTransBlock(varDef :: Nil, tinner))
- case _ =>
- val rhsSideEffects = finishTransformStat(value)
- rhsSideEffects match {
- case Skip() =>
- cont(tinner)
- case _ =>
- if (rhsSideEffects.tpe == NothingType)
- cont(PreTransTree(rhsSideEffects, RefinedType.Nothing))
- else
- cont(PreTransBlock(rhsSideEffects :: Nil, tinner))
- }
- }
- }
- })
- }
- resolveLocalDef(value) match {
- case PreTransRecordTree(valueTree, valueTpe, cancelFun) =>
- val recordType = valueTree.tpe.asInstanceOf[RecordType]
- if (!isImmutableType(recordType))
- cancelFun()
- val localDef = LocalDef(valueTpe, mutable,
- ReplaceWithRecordVarRef(newName, newOriginalName, recordType,
- used, cancelFun))
- doBuildInner(localDef) {
- VarDef(Ident(newName, newOriginalName), recordType, mutable,
- valueTree)
- } (cont)
- case PreTransTree(valueTree, valueTpe) =>
- def doDoBuildInner(optValueTree: Option[() => Tree])(
- cont1: PreTransCont) = {
- val localDef = LocalDef(tpe, mutable, ReplaceWithVarRef(
- newName, newOriginalName, used, optValueTree))
- doBuildInner(localDef) {
- VarDef(Ident(newName, newOriginalName), tpe.base, mutable,
- optValueTree.fold(valueTree)(_()))
- } (cont1)
- }
- if (mutable) {
- doDoBuildInner(None)(cont)
- } else (valueTree match {
- case LongFromInt(arg) =>
- withNewLocalDef(
- Binding("x", None, IntType, false, PreTransTree(arg))) {
- (intLocalDef, cont1) =>
- doDoBuildInner(Some(
- () => LongFromInt(intLocalDef.newReplacement)))(
- cont1)
- } (cont)
- case BinaryOp(op @ (BinaryOp.Long_+ | BinaryOp.Long_-),
- LongFromInt(intLhs), LongFromInt(intRhs)) =>
- withNewLocalDefs(List(
- Binding("x", None, IntType, false, PreTransTree(intLhs)),
- Binding("y", None, IntType, false, PreTransTree(intRhs)))) {
- (intLocalDefs, cont1) =>
- val List(lhsLocalDef, rhsLocalDef) = intLocalDefs
- doDoBuildInner(Some(
- () => BinaryOp(op,
- LongFromInt(lhsLocalDef.newReplacement),
- LongFromInt(rhsLocalDef.newReplacement))))(
- cont1)
- } (cont)
- case _ =>
- doDoBuildInner(None)(cont)
- })
- }
- }
- }
- if (value.tpe.isNothingType) {
- cont(value)
- } else if (mutable) {
- withDedicatedVar(RefinedType(declaredType))
- } else {
- val refinedType = value.tpe
- value match {
- case PreTransBlock(stats, result) =>
- withNewLocalDef(binding.copy(value = result))(buildInner) { tresult =>
- cont(PreTransBlock(stats, tresult))
- }
- case PreTransLocalDef(localDef) if !localDef.mutable =>
- buildInner(localDef, cont)
- case PreTransTree(literal: Literal, _) =>
- buildInner(LocalDef(refinedType, false,
- ReplaceWithConstant(literal)), cont)
- case PreTransTree(VarRef(Ident(refName, refOriginalName), false), _) =>
- buildInner(LocalDef(refinedType, false,
- ReplaceWithVarRef(refName, refOriginalName,
- new SimpleState(true), None)), cont)
- case _ =>
- withDedicatedVar(refinedType)
- }
- }
- }
- /** Finds a type as precise as possible which is a supertype of lhs and rhs
- * but still a subtype of upperBound.
- * Requires that lhs and rhs be subtypes of upperBound, obviously.
- */
- private def constrainedLub(lhs: RefinedType, rhs: RefinedType,
- upperBound: Type): RefinedType = {
- if (upperBound == NoType) RefinedType(upperBound)
- else if (lhs == rhs) lhs
- else if (lhs.isNothingType) rhs
- else if (rhs.isNothingType) lhs
- else {
- RefinedType(constrainedLub(lhs.base, rhs.base, upperBound),
- false, lhs.isNullable || rhs.isNullable)
- }
- }
- /** Finds a type as precise as possible which is a supertype of lhs and rhs
- * but still a subtype of upperBound.
- * Requires that lhs and rhs be subtypes of upperBound, obviously.
- */
- private def constrainedLub(lhs: Type, rhs: Type, upperBound: Type): Type = {
- // TODO Improve this
- if (upperBound == NoType) upperBound
- else if (lhs == rhs) lhs
- else if (lhs == NothingType) rhs
- else if (rhs == NothingType) lhs
- else upperBound
- }
- /** Trampolines a pretransform */
- private def trampoline(tailrec: => TailRec[Tree]): Tree = {
- curTrampolineId += 1
- val myTrampolineId = curTrampolineId
- try {
- var rec = () => tailrec
- while (true) {
- try {
- return rec().result
- } catch {
- case e: RollbackException if e.trampolineId == myTrampolineId =>
- rollbacksCount += 1
- if (rollbacksCount > MaxRollbacksPerMethod)
- throw new TooManyRollbacksException
- usedLocalNames.clear()
- usedLocalNames ++= e.savedUsedLocalNames
- usedLabelNames.clear()
- usedLabelNames ++= e.savedUsedLabelNames
- for ((state, backup) <- statesInUse zip e.savedStates)
- state.asInstanceOf[State[Any]].restore(backup)
- rec = e.cont
- }
- }
- sys.error("Reached end of infinite loop")
- } finally {
- curTrampolineId -= 1
- }
- }
-private[optimizer] object OptimizerCore {
- private final val MaxRollbacksPerMethod = 256
- private final class TooManyRollbacksException
- extends scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
- private val AnonFunctionClassPrefix = "sjsr_AnonFunction"
- private type CancelFun = () => Nothing
- private type PreTransCont = PreTransform => TailRec[Tree]
- private case class RefinedType private (base: Type, isExact: Boolean,
- isNullable: Boolean)(
- val allocationSite: Option[AllocationSite], dummy: Int = 0) {
- def isNothingType: Boolean = base == NothingType
- }
- private object RefinedType {
- def apply(base: Type, isExact: Boolean, isNullable: Boolean,
- allocationSite: Option[AllocationSite]): RefinedType =
- new RefinedType(base, isExact, isNullable)(allocationSite)
- def apply(base: Type, isExact: Boolean, isNullable: Boolean): RefinedType =
- RefinedType(base, isExact, isNullable, None)
- def apply(tpe: Type): RefinedType = tpe match {
- case BooleanType | IntType | FloatType | DoubleType | StringType |
- UndefType | NothingType | _:RecordType | NoType =>
- RefinedType(tpe, isExact = true, isNullable = false)
- case NullType =>
- RefinedType(tpe, isExact = true, isNullable = true)
- case _ =>
- RefinedType(tpe, isExact = false, isNullable = true)
- }
- val NoRefinedType = RefinedType(NoType)
- val Nothing = RefinedType(NothingType)
- }
- private class AllocationSite(private val node: Tree) {
- override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
- case that: AllocationSite => this.node eq that.node
- case _ => false
- }
- override def hashCode(): Int =
- System.identityHashCode(node)
- override def toString(): String =
- s"AllocationSite($node)"
- }
- private case class LocalDef(
- tpe: RefinedType,
- mutable: Boolean,
- replacement: LocalDefReplacement) {
- def newReplacement(implicit pos: Position): Tree = replacement match {
- case ReplaceWithVarRef(name, originalName, used, _) =>
- used.value = true
- VarRef(Ident(name, originalName), mutable)(tpe.base)
- case ReplaceWithRecordVarRef(_, _, _, _, cancelFun) =>
- cancelFun()
- case ReplaceWithThis() =>
- This()(tpe.base)
- case ReplaceWithConstant(value) =>
- value
- case TentativeClosureReplacement(_, _, _, _, _, cancelFun) =>
- cancelFun()
- case InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(_, cancelFun) =>
- cancelFun()
- case InlineClassInstanceReplacement(_, _, cancelFun) =>
- cancelFun()
- }
- def contains(that: LocalDef): Boolean = {
- (this eq that) || (replacement match {
- case TentativeClosureReplacement(_, _, _, captureLocalDefs, _, _) =>
- captureLocalDefs.exists(_.contains(that))
- case InlineClassInstanceReplacement(_, fieldLocalDefs, _) =>
- fieldLocalDefs.valuesIterator.exists(_.contains(that))
- case _ =>
- false
- })
- }
- }
- private sealed abstract class LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class ReplaceWithVarRef(name: String,
- originalName: Option[String],
- used: SimpleState[Boolean],
- longOpTree: Option[() => Tree]) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class ReplaceWithRecordVarRef(name: String,
- originalName: Option[String],
- recordType: RecordType,
- used: SimpleState[Boolean],
- cancelFun: CancelFun) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class ReplaceWithThis() extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class ReplaceWithConstant(
- value: Tree) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class TentativeClosureReplacement(
- captureParams: List[ParamDef], params: List[ParamDef], body: Tree,
- captureValues: List[LocalDef],
- alreadyUsed: SimpleState[Boolean],
- cancelFun: CancelFun) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class InlineClassBeingConstructedReplacement(
- fieldLocalDefs: Map[String, LocalDef],
- cancelFun: CancelFun) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final case class InlineClassInstanceReplacement(
- recordType: RecordType,
- fieldLocalDefs: Map[String, LocalDef],
- cancelFun: CancelFun) extends LocalDefReplacement
- private final class LabelInfo(
- val newName: String,
- val acceptRecords: Boolean,
- /** (actualType, originalType), actualType can be a RecordType. */
- val returnedTypes: SimpleState[List[(Type, RefinedType)]] = new SimpleState(Nil))
- private class OptEnv(
- val localDefs: Map[String, LocalDef],
- val labelInfos: Map[String, LabelInfo]) {
- def withLocalDef(oldName: String, rep: LocalDef): OptEnv =
- new OptEnv(localDefs + (oldName -> rep), labelInfos)
- def withLocalDefs(reps: List[(String, LocalDef)]): OptEnv =
- new OptEnv(localDefs ++ reps, labelInfos)
- def withLabelInfo(oldName: String, info: LabelInfo): OptEnv =
- new OptEnv(localDefs, labelInfos + (oldName -> info))
- def withinFunction(paramLocalDefs: List[(String, LocalDef)]): OptEnv =
- new OptEnv(localDefs ++ paramLocalDefs, Map.empty)
- override def toString(): String = {
- "localDefs:"+localDefs.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "\n") +
- "labelInfos:"+labelInfos.mkString("\n ", "\n ", "")
- }
- }
- private object OptEnv {
- val Empty: OptEnv = new OptEnv(Map.empty, Map.empty)
- }
- private class Scope(val env: OptEnv,
- val implsBeingInlined: Set[(Option[AllocationSite], AbstractMethodID)]) {
- def withEnv(env: OptEnv): Scope =
- new Scope(env, implsBeingInlined)
- def inlining(impl: (Option[AllocationSite], AbstractMethodID)): Scope = {
- assert(!implsBeingInlined(impl), s"Circular inlining of $impl")
- new Scope(env, implsBeingInlined + impl)
- }
- }
- private object Scope {
- val Empty: Scope = new Scope(OptEnv.Empty, Set.empty)
- }
- /** The result of pretransformExpr().
- * It has a `tpe` as precisely refined as if a full transformExpr() had
- * been performed.
- * It is also not dependent on the environment anymore. In some sense, it
- * has "captured" its environment at definition site.
- */
- private sealed abstract class PreTransform {
- def pos: Position
- val tpe: RefinedType
- def contains(localDef: LocalDef): Boolean = this match {
- case PreTransBlock(_, result) =>
- result.contains(localDef)
- case PreTransLocalDef(thisLocalDef) =>
- thisLocalDef.contains(localDef)
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- private final class PreTransBlock private (val stats: List[Tree],
- val result: PreTransLocalDef) extends PreTransform {
- def pos = result.pos
- val tpe = result.tpe
- assert(stats.nonEmpty)
- override def toString(): String =
- s"PreTransBlock($stats,$result)"
- }
- private object PreTransBlock {
- def apply(stats: List[Tree], result: PreTransform): PreTransform = {
- if (stats.isEmpty) result
- else {
- result match {
- case PreTransBlock(innerStats, innerResult) =>
- new PreTransBlock(stats ++ innerStats, innerResult)
- case result: PreTransLocalDef =>
- new PreTransBlock(stats, result)
- case PreTransRecordTree(tree, tpe, cancelFun) =>
- PreTransRecordTree(Block(stats :+ tree)(tree.pos), tpe, cancelFun)
- case PreTransTree(tree, tpe) =>
- PreTransTree(Block(stats :+ tree)(tree.pos), tpe)
- }
- }
- }
- def unapply(preTrans: PreTransBlock): Some[(List[Tree], PreTransLocalDef)] =
- Some(preTrans.stats, preTrans.result)
- }
- private sealed abstract class PreTransNoBlock extends PreTransform
- private final case class PreTransLocalDef(localDef: LocalDef)(
- implicit val pos: Position) extends PreTransNoBlock {
- val tpe: RefinedType = localDef.tpe
- }
- private sealed abstract class PreTransGenTree extends PreTransNoBlock
- private final case class PreTransRecordTree(tree: Tree,
- tpe: RefinedType, cancelFun: CancelFun) extends PreTransGenTree {
- def pos = tree.pos
- assert(tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[RecordType],
- s"Cannot create a PreTransRecordTree with non-record type ${tree.tpe}")
- }
- private final case class PreTransTree(tree: Tree,
- tpe: RefinedType) extends PreTransGenTree {
- def pos: Position = tree.pos
- assert(!tree.tpe.isInstanceOf[RecordType],
- s"Cannot create a Tree with record type ${tree.tpe}")
- }
- private object PreTransTree {
- def apply(tree: Tree): PreTransTree =
- PreTransTree(tree, RefinedType(tree.tpe))
- }
- private final case class Binding(name: String, originalName: Option[String],
- declaredType: Type, mutable: Boolean, value: PreTransform)
- private object NumberLiteral {
- def unapply(tree: Literal): Option[Double] = tree match {
- case DoubleLiteral(v) => Some(v)
- case IntLiteral(v) => Some(v.toDouble)
- case FloatLiteral(v) => Some(v.toDouble)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- private object LongFromInt {
- def apply(x: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree = x match {
- case IntLiteral(v) => LongLiteral(v)
- case _ => UnaryOp(UnaryOp.IntToLong, x)
- }
- def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match {
- case LongLiteral(v) if v.toInt == v => Some(IntLiteral(v.toInt)(tree.pos))
- case UnaryOp(UnaryOp.IntToLong, x) => Some(x)
- case _ => None
- }
- }
- private object AndThen {
- def apply(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree)(implicit pos: Position): Tree =
- If(lhs, rhs, BooleanLiteral(false))(BooleanType)
- }
- /** Tests whether `x + y` is valid without falling out of range. */
- private def canAddLongs(x: Long, y: Long): Boolean =
- if (y >= 0) x+y >= x
- else x+y < x
- /** Tests whether `x - y` is valid without falling out of range. */
- private def canSubtractLongs(x: Long, y: Long): Boolean =
- if (y >= 0) x-y <= x
- else x-y > x
- /** Tests whether `-x` is valid without falling out of range. */
- private def canNegateLong(x: Long): Boolean =
- x != Long.MinValue
- private object Intrinsics {
- final val ArrayCopy = 1
- final val IdentityHashCode = ArrayCopy + 1
- final val PropertiesOf = IdentityHashCode + 1
- final val LongToString = PropertiesOf + 1
- final val LongCompare = LongToString + 1
- final val LongBitCount = LongCompare + 1
- final val LongSignum = LongBitCount + 1
- final val LongLeading0s = LongSignum + 1
- final val LongTrailing0s = LongLeading0s + 1
- final val LongToBinStr = LongTrailing0s + 1
- final val LongToHexStr = LongToBinStr + 1
- final val LongToOctalStr = LongToHexStr + 1
- final val ByteArrayToInt8Array = LongToOctalStr + 1
- final val ShortArrayToInt16Array = ByteArrayToInt8Array + 1
- final val CharArrayToUint16Array = ShortArrayToInt16Array + 1
- final val IntArrayToInt32Array = CharArrayToUint16Array + 1
- final val FloatArrayToFloat32Array = IntArrayToInt32Array + 1
- final val DoubleArrayToFloat64Array = FloatArrayToFloat32Array + 1
- final val Int8ArrayToByteArray = DoubleArrayToFloat64Array + 1
- final val Int16ArrayToShortArray = Int8ArrayToByteArray + 1
- final val Uint16ArrayToCharArray = Int16ArrayToShortArray + 1
- final val Int32ArrayToIntArray = Uint16ArrayToCharArray + 1
- final val Float32ArrayToFloatArray = Int32ArrayToIntArray + 1
- final val Float64ArrayToDoubleArray = Float32ArrayToFloatArray + 1
- val intrinsics: Map[String, Int] = Map(
- "jl_System$.arraycopy__O__I__O__I__I__V" -> ArrayCopy,
- "jl_System$.identityHashCode__O__I" -> IdentityHashCode,
- "sjsr_package$.propertiesOf__sjs_js_Any__sjs_js_Array" -> PropertiesOf,
- "jl_Long$.toString__J__T" -> LongToString,
- "jl_Long$.compare__J__J__I" -> LongCompare,
- "jl_Long$.bitCount__J__I" -> LongBitCount,
- "jl_Long$.signum__J__J" -> LongSignum,
- "jl_Long$.numberOfLeadingZeros__J__I" -> LongLeading0s,
- "jl_Long$.numberOfTrailingZeros__J__I" -> LongTrailing0s,
- "jl_long$.toBinaryString__J__T" -> LongToBinStr,
- "jl_Long$.toHexString__J__T" -> LongToHexStr,
- "jl_Long$.toOctalString__J__T" -> LongToOctalStr,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.byteArray2Int8Array__AB__sjs_js_typedarray_Int8Array" -> ByteArrayToInt8Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.shortArray2Int16Array__AS__sjs_js_typedarray_Int16Array" -> ShortArrayToInt16Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.charArray2Uint16Array__AC__sjs_js_typedarray_Uint16Array" -> CharArrayToUint16Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.intArray2Int32Array__AI__sjs_js_typedarray_Int32Array" -> IntArrayToInt32Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.floatArray2Float32Array__AF__sjs_js_typedarray_Float32Array" -> FloatArrayToFloat32Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.doubleArray2Float64Array__AD__sjs_js_typedarray_Float64Array" -> DoubleArrayToFloat64Array,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.int8Array2ByteArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Int8Array__AB" -> Int8ArrayToByteArray,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.int16Array2ShortArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Int16Array__AS" -> Int16ArrayToShortArray,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.uint16Array2CharArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Uint16Array__AC" -> Uint16ArrayToCharArray,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.int32Array2IntArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Int32Array__AI" -> Int32ArrayToIntArray,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.float32Array2FloatArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Float32Array__AF" -> Float32ArrayToFloatArray,
- "sjs_js_typedarray_package$.float64Array2DoubleArray__sjs_js_typedarray_Float64Array__AD" -> Float64ArrayToDoubleArray
- ).withDefaultValue(-1)
- }
- private def getIntrinsicCode(target: AbstractMethodID): Int =
- Intrinsics.intrinsics(target.toString)
- private trait State[A] {
- def makeBackup(): A
- def restore(backup: A): Unit
- }
- private class SimpleState[A](var value: A) extends State[A] {
- def makeBackup(): A = value
- def restore(backup: A): Unit = value = backup
- }
- trait AbstractMethodID {
- def inlineable: Boolean
- def isTraitImplForwarder: Boolean
- }
- /** Parts of [[GenIncOptimizer#MethodImpl]] with decisions about optimizations. */
- abstract class MethodImpl {
- def encodedName: String
- def optimizerHints: OptimizerHints
- def originalDef: MethodDef
- def thisType: Type
- var inlineable: Boolean = false
- var isTraitImplForwarder: Boolean = false
- protected def updateInlineable(): Unit = {
- val MethodDef(Ident(methodName, _), params, _, body) = originalDef
- isTraitImplForwarder = body match {
- // Shape of forwarders to trait impls
- case TraitImplApply(impl, method, args) =>
- ((args.size == params.size + 1) &&
- (args.head.isInstanceOf[This]) &&
- ( {
- case (VarRef(Ident(aname, _), _),
- ParamDef(Ident(pname, _), _, _)) => aname == pname
- case _ => false
- }))
- case _ => false
- }
- inlineable = optimizerHints.hasInlineAnnot || isTraitImplForwarder || {
- val MethodDef(_, params, _, body) = originalDef
- body match {
- case _:Skip | _:This | _:Literal => true
- // Shape of accessors
- case Select(This(), _, _) if params.isEmpty => true
- case Assign(Select(This(), _, _), VarRef(_, _))
- if params.size == 1 => true
- // Shape of trivial call-super constructors
- case Block(stats)
- if params.isEmpty && isConstructorName(encodedName) &&
- stats.forall(isTrivialConstructorStat) => true
- // Simple method
- case SimpleMethodBody() => true
- case _ => false
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private def isTrivialConstructorStat(stat: Tree): Boolean = stat match {
- case This() =>
- true
- case StaticApply(This(), _, _, Nil) =>
- true
- case TraitImplApply(_, Ident(methodName, _), This() :: Nil) =>
- methodName.contains("__$init$__")
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- private object SimpleMethodBody {
- @tailrec
- def unapply(body: Tree): Boolean = body match {
- case New(_, _, args) => areSimpleArgs(args)
- case Apply(receiver, _, args) => areSimpleArgs(receiver :: args)
- case StaticApply(receiver, _, _, args) => areSimpleArgs(receiver :: args)
- case TraitImplApply(_, _, args) => areSimpleArgs(args)
- case Select(qual, _, _) => isSimpleArg(qual)
- case IsInstanceOf(inner, _) => isSimpleArg(inner)
- case Block(List(inner, Undefined())) =>
- unapply(inner)
- case Unbox(inner, _) => unapply(inner)
- case AsInstanceOf(inner, _) => unapply(inner)
- case _ => isSimpleArg(body)
- }
- private def areSimpleArgs(args: List[Tree]): Boolean =
- args.forall(isSimpleArg)
- @tailrec
- private def isSimpleArg(arg: Tree): Boolean = arg match {
- case New(_, _, Nil) => true
- case Apply(receiver, _, Nil) => isTrivialArg(receiver)
- case StaticApply(receiver, _, _, Nil) => isTrivialArg(receiver)
- case TraitImplApply(_, _, Nil) => true
- case ArrayLength(array) => isTrivialArg(array)
- case ArraySelect(array, index) => isTrivialArg(array) && isTrivialArg(index)
- case Unbox(inner, _) => isSimpleArg(inner)
- case AsInstanceOf(inner, _) => isSimpleArg(inner)
- case _ =>
- isTrivialArg(arg)
- }
- private def isTrivialArg(arg: Tree): Boolean = arg match {
- case _:VarRef | _:This | _:Literal | _:LoadModule =>
- true
- case _ =>
- false
- }
- }
- private object BlockOrAlone {
- def unapply(tree: Tree): Some[(List[Tree], Tree)] = Some(tree match {
- case Block(init :+ last) => (init, last)
- case _ => (Nil, tree)
- })
- }
- /** Recreates precise [[Infos.MethodInfo]] from the optimized [[MethodDef]]. */
- private def recreateInfo(methodDef: MethodDef): Infos.MethodInfo = {
- new RecreateInfoTraverser().recreateInfo(methodDef)
- }
- private final class RecreateInfoTraverser extends Traversers.Traverser {
- import RecreateInfoTraverser._
- private val calledMethods = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.Set[String]]
- private val calledMethodsStatic = mutable.Map.empty[String, mutable.Set[String]]
- private val instantiatedClasses = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- private val accessedModules = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- private val accessedClassData = mutable.Set.empty[String]
- def recreateInfo(methodDef: MethodDef): Infos.MethodInfo = {
- traverse(methodDef.body)
- Infos.MethodInfo(
- encodedName =,
- calledMethods = calledMethods.toMap.mapValues(_.toList),
- calledMethodsStatic = calledMethodsStatic.toMap.mapValues(_.toList),
- instantiatedClasses = instantiatedClasses.toList,
- accessedModules = accessedModules.toList,
- accessedClassData = accessedClassData.toList)
- }
- private def addCalledMethod(container: String, methodName: String): Unit =
- calledMethods.getOrElseUpdate(container, mutable.Set.empty) += methodName
- private def addCalledMethodStatic(container: String, methodName: String): Unit =
- calledMethodsStatic.getOrElseUpdate(container, mutable.Set.empty) += methodName
- private def refTypeToClassData(tpe: ReferenceType): String = tpe match {
- case ClassType(cls) => cls
- case ArrayType(base, _) => base
- }
- def addAccessedClassData(encodedName: String): Unit = {
- if (!AlwaysPresentClassData.contains(encodedName))
- accessedClassData += encodedName
- }
- def addAccessedClassData(tpe: ReferenceType): Unit =
- addAccessedClassData(refTypeToClassData(tpe))
- override def traverse(tree: Tree): Unit = {
- tree match {
- case New(ClassType(cls), ctor, _) =>
- instantiatedClasses += cls
- addCalledMethodStatic(cls,
- case Apply(receiver, method, _) =>
- receiver.tpe match {
- case ClassType(cls) if !Definitions.HijackedClasses.contains(cls) =>
- addCalledMethod(cls,
- case AnyType =>
- addCalledMethod(Definitions.ObjectClass,
- case ArrayType(_, _) if != "clone__O" =>
- /* clone__O is overridden in the pseudo Array classes and is
- * always kept anyway, because it is in scalajsenv.js.
- * Other methods delegate to Object, which we can model with
- * a static call to Object.method.
- */
- addCalledMethodStatic(Definitions.ObjectClass,
- case _ =>
- // Nothing to do
- }
- case StaticApply(_, ClassType(cls), method, _) =>
- addCalledMethodStatic(cls,
- case TraitImplApply(ClassType(impl), method, _) =>
- addCalledMethodStatic(impl,
- case LoadModule(ClassType(cls)) =>
- accessedModules += cls.stripSuffix("$")
- case NewArray(tpe, _) =>
- addAccessedClassData(tpe)
- case ArrayValue(tpe, _) =>
- addAccessedClassData(tpe)
- case IsInstanceOf(_, cls) =>
- addAccessedClassData(cls)
- case AsInstanceOf(_, cls) =>
- addAccessedClassData(cls)
- case ClassOf(cls) =>
- addAccessedClassData(cls)
- case _ =>
- }
- super.traverse(tree)
- }
- }
- private object RecreateInfoTraverser {
- /** Class data that are never eliminated by dce, so we don't need to
- * record them.
- */
- private val AlwaysPresentClassData = {
- import Definitions._
- Set("V", "Z", "C", "B", "S", "I", "J", "F", "D",
- ObjectClass, StringClass)
- }
- }
- private def exceptionMsg(myself: AbstractMethodID,
- attemptedInlining: List[AbstractMethodID]) = {
- val buf = new StringBuilder()
- buf.append("The Scala.js optimizer crashed while optimizing " + myself)
- buf.append("\nMethods attempted to inline:\n")
- for (m <- attemptedInlining) {
- buf.append("* ")
- buf.append(m)
- buf.append('\n')
- }
- buf.toString
- }
- private class RollbackException(val trampolineId: Int,
- val savedUsedLocalNames: Set[String],
- val savedUsedLabelNames: Set[String],
- val savedStates: List[Any],
- val cont: () => TailRec[Tree]) extends ControlThrowable
- class OptimizeException(val myself: AbstractMethodID,
- val attemptedInlining: List[AbstractMethodID], cause: Throwable
- ) extends Exception(exceptionMsg(myself, attemptedInlining), cause)
diff --git a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/ScalaJSOptimizer.scala b/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/ScalaJSOptimizer.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 646484b..0000000
--- a/examples/scala-js/tools/shared/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/tools/optimizer/ScalaJSOptimizer.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,552 +0,0 @@
-/* __ *\
-** ________ ___ / / ___ __ ____ Scala.js tools **
-** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | __ / // __/ (c) 2013-2014, LAMP/EPFL **
-** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |/_// /_\ \ **
-** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |__/ /____/ **
-** |/____/ **
-\* */
-import scala.annotation.{switch, tailrec}
-import scala.collection.mutable
-import scala.collection.immutable.{Seq, Traversable}
-import ir.Infos
-import ir.ClassKind
-import javascript.{Trees => js}
-/** Scala.js optimizer: does type-aware global dce. */
-class ScalaJSOptimizer(
- semantics: Semantics,
- optimizerFactory: (Semantics) => GenIncOptimizer) {
- import ScalaJSOptimizer._
- private val classEmitter = new javascript.ScalaJSClassEmitter(semantics)
- private[this] var persistentState: PersistentState = new PersistentState
- private[this] var optimizer: GenIncOptimizer = optimizerFactory(semantics)
- def this(semantics: Semantics) = this(semantics, new IncOptimizer(_))
- /** Applies Scala.js-specific optimizations to a CompleteIRClasspath.
- * See [[ScalaJSOptimizer.Inputs]] for details about the required and
- * optional inputs.
- * See [[ScalaJSOptimizer.OutputConfig]] for details about the configuration
- * for the output of this method.
- * Returns a [[CompleteCIClasspath]] containing the result of the
- * optimizations.
- *
- * analyzes, dead code eliminates and concatenates IR content
- * - Maintains/establishes order
- * - No IR in result
- * - CoreJSLibs in result (since they are implicitly in the CompleteIRCP)
- */
- def optimizeCP(inputs: Inputs[IRClasspath], outCfg: OutputConfig,
- logger: Logger): LinkedClasspath = {
- val cp = inputs.input
- CacheUtils.cached(cp.version, outCfg.output, outCfg.cache) {
-"Fast optimizing ${outCfg.output.path}")
- optimizeIR(inputs.copy(input = inputs.input.scalaJSIR), outCfg, logger)
- }
- new LinkedClasspath(cp.jsLibs, outCfg.output, cp.requiresDOM, cp.version)
- }
- def optimizeIR(inputs: Inputs[Traversable[VirtualScalaJSIRFile]],
- outCfg: OutputConfig, logger: Logger): Unit = {
- val builder = {
- import outCfg._
- if (wantSourceMap)
- new JSFileBuilderWithSourceMap(,
- output.contentWriter,
- output.sourceMapWriter,
- relativizeSourceMapBase)
- else
- new JSFileBuilder(, output.contentWriter)
- }
- builder.addLine("'use strict';")
- CoreJSLibs.libs(semantics).foreach(builder.addFile _)
- optimizeIR(inputs, outCfg, builder, logger)
- builder.complete()
- builder.closeWriters()
- }
- def optimizeIR(inputs: Inputs[Traversable[VirtualScalaJSIRFile]],
- outCfg: OptimizerConfig, builder: JSTreeBuilder, logger: Logger): Unit = {
- /* Handle tree equivalence: If we handled source maps so far, positions are
- still up-to-date. Otherwise we need to flush the state if proper
- positions are requested now.
- */
- if (outCfg.wantSourceMap && !persistentState.wasWithSourceMap)
- clean()
- persistentState.wasWithSourceMap = outCfg.wantSourceMap
- persistentState.startRun()
- try {
- import inputs._
- val allData =
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Read info") {
- readAllData(inputs.input, logger)
- }
- val (useOptimizer, refinedAnalyzer) = GenIncOptimizer.logTime(
- logger, "Optimizations part") {
- val analyzer =
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Compute reachability") {
- val analyzer = new Analyzer(logger, semantics, allData,
- globalWarnEnabled = true,
- isBeforeOptimizer = !outCfg.disableOptimizer)
- analyzer.computeReachability(manuallyReachable, noWarnMissing)
- analyzer
- }
- if (outCfg.checkIR) {
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Check IR") {
- if (analyzer.allAvailable)
- checkIR(analyzer, logger)
- else if (inputs.noWarnMissing.isEmpty)
- sys.error("Could not check IR because there where linking errors.")
- }
- }
- def getClassTreeIfChanged(encodedName: String,
- lastVersion: Option[String]): Option[(ir.Trees.ClassDef, Option[String])] = {
- val persistentFile = persistentState.encodedNameToPersistentFile(encodedName)
- persistentFile.treeIfChanged(lastVersion)
- }
- val useOptimizer = analyzer.allAvailable && !outCfg.disableOptimizer
- if (outCfg.batchMode)
- optimizer = optimizerFactory(semantics)
- val refinedAnalyzer = if (useOptimizer) {
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Inliner") {
- optimizer.update(analyzer, getClassTreeIfChanged,
- outCfg.wantSourceMap, logger)
- }
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Refined reachability analysis") {
- val refinedData = computeRefinedData(allData, optimizer)
- val refinedAnalyzer = new Analyzer(logger, semantics, refinedData,
- globalWarnEnabled = false,
- isBeforeOptimizer = false)
- refinedAnalyzer.computeReachability(manuallyReachable, noWarnMissing)
- refinedAnalyzer
- }
- } else {
- if (inputs.noWarnMissing.isEmpty && !outCfg.disableOptimizer)
- logger.warn("Not running the inliner because there where linking errors.")
- analyzer
- }
- (useOptimizer, refinedAnalyzer)
- }
- GenIncOptimizer.logTime(logger, "Write DCE'ed output") {
- buildDCEedOutput(builder, refinedAnalyzer, useOptimizer)
- }
- } finally {
- persistentState.endRun(outCfg.unCache)
- logger.debug(
- s"Inc. opt stats: reused: ${persistentState.statsReused} -- "+
- s"invalidated: ${persistentState.statsInvalidated} -- "+
- s"trees read: ${persistentState.statsTreesRead}")
- }
- }
- /** Resets all persistent state of this optimizer */
- def clean(): Unit = {
- persistentState = new PersistentState
- optimizer = optimizerFactory(semantics)
- }
- private def readAllData(ir: Traversable[VirtualScalaJSIRFile],
- logger: Logger): scala.collection.Seq[Infos.ClassInfo] = {
- }
- private def checkIR(analyzer: Analyzer, logger: Logger): Unit = {
- val allClassDefs = for {
- classInfo <- analyzer.classInfos.values
- persistentIRFile <- persistentState.encodedNameToPersistentFile.get(
- classInfo.encodedName)
- } yield persistentIRFile.tree
- val checker = new IRChecker(analyzer, allClassDefs.toSeq, logger)
- if (!checker.check())
- sys.error(s"There were ${checker.errorCount} IR checking errors.")
- }
- private def computeRefinedData(
- allData: scala.collection.Seq[Infos.ClassInfo],
- optimizer: GenIncOptimizer): scala.collection.Seq[Infos.ClassInfo] = {
- def refineMethodInfo(container: optimizer.MethodContainer,
- methodInfo: Infos.MethodInfo): Infos.MethodInfo = {
- container.methods.get(methodInfo.encodedName).fold(methodInfo) {
- methodImpl => methodImpl.preciseInfo
- }
- }
- def refineMethodInfos(container: optimizer.MethodContainer,
- methodInfos: List[Infos.MethodInfo]): List[Infos.MethodInfo] = {
- => refineMethodInfo(container, m))
- }
- def refineClassInfo(container: optimizer.MethodContainer,
- info: Infos.ClassInfo): Infos.ClassInfo = {
- val refinedMethods = refineMethodInfos(container, info.methods)
- Infos.ClassInfo(, info.encodedName, info.isExported,
- info.ancestorCount, info.kind, info.superClass, info.ancestors,
- Infos.OptimizerHints.empty, refinedMethods)
- }
- for {
- info <- allData
- } yield {
- info.kind match {
- case ClassKind.Class | ClassKind.ModuleClass =>
- optimizer.getClass(info.encodedName).fold(info) {
- cls => refineClassInfo(cls, info)
- }
- case ClassKind.TraitImpl =>
- optimizer.getTraitImpl(info.encodedName).fold(info) {
- impl => refineClassInfo(impl, info)
- }
- case _ =>
- info
- }
- }
- }
- private def buildDCEedOutput(builder: JSTreeBuilder,
- analyzer: Analyzer, useInliner: Boolean): Unit = {
- def compareClassInfo(lhs: analyzer.ClassInfo, rhs: analyzer.ClassInfo) = {
- if (lhs.ancestorCount != rhs.ancestorCount) lhs.ancestorCount < rhs.ancestorCount
- else lhs.encodedName.compareTo(rhs.encodedName) < 0
- }
- def addPersistentFile(classInfo: analyzer.ClassInfo,
- persistentFile: PersistentIRFile) = {
- import ir.Trees._
- import javascript.JSDesugaring.{desugarJavaScript => desugar}
- val d = persistentFile.desugared
- lazy val classDef = {
- persistentState.statsTreesRead += 1
- persistentFile.tree
- }
- def addTree(tree: js.Tree): Unit =
- builder.addJSTree(tree)
- def addReachableMethods(emitFun: (String, MethodDef) => js.Tree): Unit = {
- /* This is a bit convoluted because we have to:
- * * avoid to use classDef at all if we already know all the needed methods
- * * if any new method is needed, better to go through the defs once
- */
- val methodNames = d.methodNames.getOrElseUpdate(
- classDef.defs collect {
- case MethodDef(Ident(encodedName, _), _, _, _) => encodedName
- })
- val reachableMethods = methodNames.filter(
- name => classInfo.methodInfos(name).isReachable)
- if (reachableMethods.forall(d.methods.contains(_))) {
- for (encodedName <- reachableMethods) {
- addTree(d.methods(encodedName))
- }
- } else {
- classDef.defs.foreach {
- case m: MethodDef if[Ident] =>
- if (classInfo.methodInfos( {
- addTree(d.methods.getOrElseUpdate(,
- emitFun(classInfo.encodedName, m)))
- }
- case _ =>
- }
- }
- }
- if (classInfo.isImplClass) {
- if (useInliner) {
- for {
- method <- optimizer.findTraitImpl(classInfo.encodedName).methods.values
- if (classInfo.methodInfos(method.encodedName).isReachable)
- } {
- addTree(method.desugaredDef)
- }
- } else {
- addReachableMethods(classEmitter.genTraitImplMethod)
- }
- } else if (!classInfo.hasMoreThanData) {
- // there is only the data anyway
- addTree(d.wholeClass.getOrElseUpdate(
- classEmitter.genClassDef(classDef)))
- } else {
- if (classInfo.isAnySubclassInstantiated) {
- addTree(d.constructor.getOrElseUpdate(
- classEmitter.genConstructor(classDef)))
- if (useInliner) {
- for {
- method <- optimizer.findClass(classInfo.encodedName).methods.values
- if (classInfo.methodInfos(method.encodedName).isReachable)
- } {
- addTree(method.desugaredDef)
- }
- } else {
- addReachableMethods(classEmitter.genMethod)
- }
- addTree(d.exportedMembers.getOrElseUpdate(js.Block {
- classDef.defs collect {
- case m: MethodDef if[StringLiteral] =>
- classEmitter.genMethod(classInfo.encodedName, m)
- case p: PropertyDef =>
- classEmitter.genProperty(classInfo.encodedName, p)
- }
- }(classDef.pos)))
- }
- if (classInfo.isDataAccessed) {
- addTree(d.typeData.getOrElseUpdate(js.Block(
- classEmitter.genInstanceTests(classDef),
- classEmitter.genArrayInstanceTests(classDef),
- classEmitter.genTypeData(classDef)
- )(classDef.pos)))
- }
- if (classInfo.isAnySubclassInstantiated)
- addTree(d.setTypeData.getOrElseUpdate(
- classEmitter.genSetTypeData(classDef)))
- if (classInfo.isModuleAccessed)
- addTree(d.moduleAccessor.getOrElseUpdate(
- classEmitter.genModuleAccessor(classDef)))
- addTree(d.classExports.getOrElseUpdate(
- classEmitter.genClassExports(classDef)))
- }
- }
- for {
- classInfo <- analyzer.classInfos.values.toSeq.sortWith(compareClassInfo)
- if classInfo.isNeededAtAll
- } {
- val optPersistentFile =
- persistentState.encodedNameToPersistentFile.get(classInfo.encodedName)
- // if we have a persistent file, this is not a dummy class
- optPersistentFile.fold {
- if (classInfo.isAnySubclassInstantiated) {
- // Subclass will emit constructor that references this dummy class.
- // Therefore, we need to emit a dummy parent.
- builder.addJSTree(
- classEmitter.genDummyParent(classInfo.encodedName))
- }
- } { pf => addPersistentFile(classInfo, pf) }
- }
- }
-object ScalaJSOptimizer {
- /** Inputs of the Scala.js optimizer. */
- final case class Inputs[T](
- /** The CompleteNCClasspath or the IR files to be packaged. */
- input: T,
- /** Manual additions to reachability */
- manuallyReachable: Seq[ManualReachability] = Nil,
- /** Elements we won't warn even if they don't exist */
- noWarnMissing: Seq[NoWarnMissing] = Nil
- )
- sealed abstract class ManualReachability
- final case class ReachObject(name: String) extends ManualReachability
- final case class Instantiate(name: String) extends ManualReachability
- final case class ReachMethod(className: String, methodName: String,
- static: Boolean) extends ManualReachability
- sealed abstract class NoWarnMissing
- final case class NoWarnClass(className: String) extends NoWarnMissing
- final case class NoWarnMethod(className: String, methodName: String)
- extends NoWarnMissing
- /** Configurations relevant to the optimizer */
- trait OptimizerConfig {
- /** Ask to produce source map for the output. Is used in the incremental
- * optimizer to decide whether a position change should trigger re-inlining
- */
- val wantSourceMap: Boolean
- /** If true, performs expensive checks of the IR for the used parts. */
- val checkIR: Boolean
- /** If true, the optimizer removes trees that have not been used in the
- * last run from the cache. Otherwise, all trees that has been used once,
- * are kept in memory. */
- val unCache: Boolean
- /** If true, no optimizations are performed */
- val disableOptimizer: Boolean
- /** If true, nothing is performed incrementally */
- val batchMode: Boolean
- }
- /** Configuration for the output of the Scala.js optimizer. */
- final case class OutputConfig(
- /** Writer for the output. */
- output: WritableVirtualJSFile,
- /** Cache file */
- cache: Option[WritableVirtualTextFile] = None,
- /** Ask to produce source map for the output */
- wantSourceMap: Boolean = false,
- /** Base path to relativize paths in the source map. */
- relativizeSourceMapBase: Option[URI] = None,
- /** If true, performs expensive checks of the IR for the used parts. */
- checkIR: Boolean = false,
- /** If true, the optimizer removes trees that have not been used in the
- * last run from the cache. Otherwise, all trees that has been used once,
- * are kept in memory. */
- unCache: Boolean = true,
- /** If true, no optimizations are performed */
- disableOptimizer: Boolean = false,
- /** If true, nothing is performed incrementally */
- batchMode: Boolean = false
- ) extends OptimizerConfig
- // Private helpers -----------------------------------------------------------
- private final class PersistentState {
- val files = mutable.Map.empty[String, PersistentIRFile]
- val encodedNameToPersistentFile =
- mutable.Map.empty[String, PersistentIRFile]
- var statsReused: Int = 0
- var statsInvalidated: Int = 0
- var statsTreesRead: Int = 0
- var wasWithSourceMap: Boolean = true
- def startRun(): Unit = {
- statsReused = 0
- statsInvalidated = 0
- statsTreesRead = 0
- for (file <- files.values)
- file.startRun()
- }
- def getPersistentIRFile(irFile: VirtualScalaJSIRFile): PersistentIRFile = {
- val file = files.getOrElseUpdate(irFile.path,
- new PersistentIRFile(irFile.path))
- if (file.updateFile(irFile))
- statsReused += 1
- else
- statsInvalidated += 1
- encodedNameToPersistentFile += ((, file))
- file
- }
- def endRun(unCache: Boolean): Unit = {
- // "Garbage-collect" persisted versions of files that have disappeared
- files.retain((_, f) => f.cleanAfterRun(unCache))
- encodedNameToPersistentFile.clear()
- }
- }
- private final class PersistentIRFile(val path: String) {
- import ir.Trees._
- private[this] var existedInThisRun: Boolean = false
- private[this] var desugaredUsedInThisRun: Boolean = false
- private[this] var irFile: VirtualScalaJSIRFile = null
- private[this] var version: Option[String] = None
- private[this] var _info: Infos.ClassInfo = null
- private[this] var _tree: ClassDef = null
- private[this] var _desugared: Desugared = null
- def startRun(): Unit = {
- existedInThisRun = false
- desugaredUsedInThisRun = false
- }
- def updateFile(irFile: VirtualScalaJSIRFile): Boolean = {
- existedInThisRun = true
- this.irFile = irFile
- if (version.isDefined && version == irFile.version) {
- // yeepeeh, nothing to do
- true
- } else {
- version = irFile.version
- _info =
- _tree = null
- _desugared = null
- false
- }
- }
- def info: Infos.ClassInfo = _info
- def desugared: Desugared = {
- desugaredUsedInThisRun = true
- if (_desugared == null)
- _desugared = new Desugared
- _desugared
- }
- def tree: ClassDef = {
- if (_tree == null)
- _tree = irFile.tree
- _tree
- }
- def treeIfChanged(lastVersion: Option[String]): Option[(ClassDef, Option[String])] = {
- if (lastVersion.isDefined && lastVersion == version) None
- else Some((tree, version))
- }
- /** Returns true if this file should be kept for the next run at all. */
- def cleanAfterRun(unCache: Boolean): Boolean = {
- irFile = null
- if (unCache && !desugaredUsedInThisRun)
- _desugared = null // free desugared if unused in this run
- existedInThisRun
- }
- }
- private final class Desugared {
- // for class kinds that are not decomposed
- val wholeClass = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val constructor = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val methodNames = new OneTimeCache[List[String]]
- val methods = mutable.Map.empty[String, js.Tree]
- val exportedMembers = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val typeData = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val setTypeData = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val moduleAccessor = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- val classExports = new OneTimeCache[js.Tree]
- }
- private final class OneTimeCache[A >: Null] {
- private[this] var value: A = null
- def getOrElseUpdate(v: => A): A = {
- if (value == null)
- value = v
- value
- }
- }