path: root/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/RuntimeLong.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/RuntimeLong.scala')
1 files changed, 686 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/RuntimeLong.scala b/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/RuntimeLong.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd6fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/src/main/scala/scala/scalajs/runtime/RuntimeLong.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,686 @@
+package scala.scalajs.runtime
+import scala.annotation.tailrec
+ * emulate a Java-Long using three integers.
+ * taken from gwt LongLib:
+ *
+ *
+ * only used by runtime
+ *
+ * holds values l, m, h (low, middle, high)
+ * s.t. (x.l + ((long) x.m << 22) + ((long) x.h << 44)) is equal to
+ * the original value
+ */
+final class RuntimeLong(
+ val l: Int,
+ val m: Int,
+ val h: Int
+) extends Number with Comparable[java.lang.Long] { x =>
+ import RuntimeLong._
+ /** Construct from an Int.
+ * This is the implementation of RuntimeLong.fromInt() in a way that does not
+ * require to load to module RuntimeLong.
+ */
+ def this(value: Int) = this(
+ value & RuntimeLong.MASK,
+ (value >> RuntimeLong.BITS) & RuntimeLong.MASK,
+ if (value < 0) RuntimeLong.MASK_2 else 0)
+ /** Creates a new RuntimeLong but masks bits as follows:
+ * l & MASK, m & MASK, h & MASK_2
+ */
+ @inline private def masked(l: Int, m: Int, h: Int) =
+ new RuntimeLong(l & MASK, m & MASK, h & MASK_2)
+ def toByte: Byte = toInt.toByte
+ def toShort: Short = toInt.toShort
+ def toChar: Char = toInt.toChar
+ def toInt: Int = l | (m << BITS)
+ def toLong: Long = x.asInstanceOf[Long]
+ def toFloat: Float = toDouble.toFloat
+ def toDouble: Double =
+ if (isMinValue) -9223372036854775808.0
+ else if (isNegative) -((-x).toDouble)
+ else l + m * TWO_PWR_22_DBL + h * TWO_PWR_44_DBL
+ // java.lang.Number
+ override def byteValue(): Byte = toByte
+ override def shortValue(): Short = toShort
+ def intValue(): Int = toInt
+ def longValue(): Long = toLong
+ def floatValue(): Float = toFloat
+ def doubleValue(): Double = toDouble
+ // java.lang.Comparable + overload taking scala.Long
+ def compareTo(that: RuntimeLong): Int =
+ if (this equals that) 0 else if (this > that) 1 else -1
+ def compareTo(that: java.lang.Long): Int =
+ compareTo(that.asInstanceOf[RuntimeLong])
+ def unary_~ : RuntimeLong = masked(~x.l, ~x.m, ~x.h)
+ def unary_+ : RuntimeLong = x
+ def unary_- : RuntimeLong = {
+ val neg0 = (~x.l + 1) & MASK
+ val neg1 = (~x.m + (if (neg0 == 0) 1 else 0)) & MASK
+ val neg2 = (~x.h + (if (neg0 == 0 && neg1 == 0) 1 else 0)) & MASK_2
+ new RuntimeLong(neg0, neg1, neg2)
+ }
+ def +(y: String): String = x.toString + y
+ def <<(n_in: Int): RuntimeLong = {
+ /* crop MSB. Note: This will cause (2L << 65 == 2L << 1)
+ * apparently this is as specified
+ */
+ val n = n_in & 63
+ if (n < BITS) {
+ val remBits = BITS - n
+ masked(x.l << n,
+ (x.m << n) | (x.l >> remBits),
+ (x.h << n) | (x.m >> remBits))
+ } else if (n < BITS01) {
+ val shfBits = n - BITS
+ val remBits = BITS01 - n
+ masked(0, x.l << shfBits, (x.m << shfBits) | (x.l >> remBits))
+ } else {
+ masked(0, 0, x.l << (n - BITS01))
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * logical right shift
+ */
+ def >>>(n_in: Int): RuntimeLong = {
+ val n = n_in & 63
+ if (n < BITS) {
+ val remBits = BITS - n
+ masked((x.l >> n) | (x.m << remBits),
+ // FIXME is this really >> and not >>>??
+ (x.m >> n) | (x.h << remBits),
+ x.h >>> n)
+ } else if (n < BITS01) {
+ val shfBits = n - BITS
+ val remBits = BITS01 - n
+ // FIXME is this really >> and not >>>??
+ masked((x.m >> shfBits) | (x.h << remBits),
+ x.h >>> shfBits, 0)
+ } else {
+ masked(x.h >>> (n - BITS01), 0, 0)
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * arithmetic right shift
+ */
+ def >>(n_in: Int): RuntimeLong = {
+ val n = n_in & 63;
+ // Sign extend x.h
+ val negative = (x.h & SIGN_BIT_VALUE) != 0
+ val xh = if (negative) x.h | ~MASK_2 else x.h
+ if (n < BITS) {
+ val remBits = BITS - n
+ // FIXME IMHO the first two >> should be >>>
+ masked((x.l >> n) | (x.m << remBits),
+ (x.m >> n) | (xh << remBits),
+ xh >> n)
+ } else if (n < BITS01) {
+ val shfBits = n - BITS
+ val remBits = BITS01 - n
+ // FIXME IMHO the first >> should be >>>
+ masked((x.m >> shfBits) | (xh << remBits),
+ xh >> shfBits,
+ if (negative) MASK_2 else 0)
+ } else {
+ masked(xh >> (n - BITS01),
+ if (negative) MASK else 0,
+ if (negative) MASK_2 else 0)
+ }
+ }
+ def equals(y: RuntimeLong): Boolean =
+ x.l == y.l && x.m == y.m && x.h == y.h
+ override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
+ case y: RuntimeLong => x.equals(y)
+ case _ => false
+ }
+ def notEquals(that: RuntimeLong) = !equals(that)
+ override def hashCode(): Int = {
+ (this ^ (this >>> 32)).toInt
+ }
+ @inline
+ def <(y: RuntimeLong): Boolean = y > x
+ @inline
+ def <=(y: RuntimeLong): Boolean = y >= x
+ def >(y: RuntimeLong): Boolean = {
+ if (!x.isNegative)
+ y.isNegative ||
+ x.h > y.h ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m > y.m ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m == y.m && x.l > y.l
+ else !(
+ !y.isNegative ||
+ x.h < y.h ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m < y.m ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m == y.m && x.l <= y.l
+ )
+ }
+ def >=(y: RuntimeLong): Boolean = {
+ if (!x.isNegative)
+ y.isNegative ||
+ x.h > y.h ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m > y.m ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m == y.m && x.l >= y.l
+ else !(
+ !y.isNegative ||
+ x.h < y.h ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m < y.m ||
+ x.h == y.h && x.m == y.m && x.l < y.l
+ )
+ }
+ def |(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong =
+ new RuntimeLong(x.l | y.l, x.m | y.m, x.h | y.h)
+ def &(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong =
+ new RuntimeLong(x.l & y.l, x.m & y.m, x.h & y.h)
+ def ^(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong =
+ new RuntimeLong(x.l ^ y.l, x.m ^ y.m, x.h ^ y.h)
+ def +(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong = {
+ val sum0 = x.l + y.l
+ val sum1 = x.m + y.m + (sum0 >> BITS)
+ val sum2 = x.h + y.h + (sum1 >> BITS)
+ masked(sum0, sum1, sum2)
+ }
+ /**
+ * subtraction
+ * note: gwt implements this individually
+ */
+ def -(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong = x + (-y)
+ // This assumes that BITS == 22
+ def *(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong = {
+ /** divides v in 13bit chunks */
+ @inline def chunk13(v: RuntimeLong) = (
+ v.l & 0x1fff,
+ (v.l >> 13) | ((v.m & 0xf) << 9),
+ (v.m >> 4) & 0x1fff,
+ (v.m >> 17) | ((v.h & 0xff) << 5),
+ (v.h & 0xfff00) >> 8
+ )
+ val (a0, a1, a2, a3, a4) = chunk13(x)
+ val (b0, b1, b2, b3, b4) = chunk13(y)
+ // Compute partial products
+ // Optimization: if b is small, avoid multiplying by parts that are 0
+ var p0 = a0 * b0; // << 0
+ var p1 = a1 * b0; // << 13
+ var p2 = a2 * b0; // << 26
+ var p3 = a3 * b0; // << 39
+ var p4 = a4 * b0; // << 52
+ if (b1 != 0) {
+ p1 += a0 * b1;
+ p2 += a1 * b1;
+ p3 += a2 * b1;
+ p4 += a3 * b1;
+ }
+ if (b2 != 0) {
+ p2 += a0 * b2;
+ p3 += a1 * b2;
+ p4 += a2 * b2;
+ }
+ if (b3 != 0) {
+ p3 += a0 * b3;
+ p4 += a1 * b3;
+ }
+ if (b4 != 0) {
+ p4 += a0 * b4;
+ }
+ // Accumulate into 22-bit chunks:
+ // .........................................c10|...................c00|
+ // |....................|..................xxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx| p0
+ // |....................|......................|......................|
+ // |....................|...................c11|......c01.............|
+ // |....................|....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxx.............| p1
+ // |....................|......................|......................|
+ // |.................c22|...............c12....|......................|
+ // |..........xxxxxxxxxx|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx....|......................| p2
+ // |....................|......................|......................|
+ // |.................c23|..c13.................|......................|
+ // |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|xxxxx.................|......................| p3
+ // |....................|......................|......................|
+ // |.........c24........|......................|......................|
+ // |xxxxxxxxxxxx........|......................|......................| p4
+ val c00 = p0 & 0x3fffff;
+ val c01 = (p1 & 0x1ff) << 13;
+ val c0 = c00 + c01;
+ val c10 = p0 >> 22;
+ val c11 = p1 >> 9;
+ val c12 = (p2 & 0x3ffff) << 4;
+ val c13 = (p3 & 0x1f) << 17;
+ val c1 = c10 + c11 + c12 + c13;
+ val c22 = p2 >> 18;
+ val c23 = p3 >> 5;
+ val c24 = (p4 & 0xfff) << 8;
+ val c2 = c22 + c23 + c24;
+ // Propagate high bits from c0 -> c1, c1 -> c2
+ val c1n = c1 + (c0 >> BITS)
+ masked(c0, c1n, c2 + (c1n >> BITS))
+ }
+ def /(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong = (x divMod y)(0)
+ def %(y: RuntimeLong): RuntimeLong = (x divMod y)(1)
+ //override def getClass(): Class[Long] = null
+ def toBinaryString: String = {
+ val zeros = "0000000000000000000000" // 22 zeros
+ @inline def padBinary22(i: Int) = {
+ val s = Integer.toBinaryString(i)
+ zeros.substring(s.length) + s
+ }
+ if (h != 0) Integer.toBinaryString(h) + padBinary22(m) + padBinary22(l)
+ else if (m != 0) Integer.toBinaryString(m) + padBinary22(l)
+ else Integer.toBinaryString(l)
+ }
+ def toHexString: String = {
+ val zeros = "000000" // 6 zeros
+ @inline def padHex(i: Int, len: Int) = {
+ val s = Integer.toHexString(i)
+ zeros.substring(s.length + (6-len)) + s
+ }
+ val mp = m >> 2
+ val lp = l | ((m & 0x3) << BITS)
+ if (h != 0) Integer.toHexString(h) + padHex(mp, 5) + padHex(lp, 6)
+ else if (mp != 0) Integer.toHexString(mp) + padHex(lp, 6)
+ else Integer.toHexString(lp)
+ }
+ def toOctalString: String = {
+ val zeros = "0000000" // 7 zeros
+ @inline def padOctal7(i: Int) = {
+ val s = Integer.toOctalString(i)
+ zeros.substring(s.length) + s
+ }
+ val lp = l & (MASK >> 1)
+ val mp = ((m & (MASK >> 2)) << 1) | (l >> (BITS - 1))
+ val hp = (h << 2) | (m >> (BITS - 2))
+ if (hp != 0) Integer.toOctalString(hp) + padOctal7(mp) + padOctal7(lp)
+ else if (mp != 0) Integer.toOctalString(mp) + padOctal7(lp)
+ else Integer.toOctalString(lp)
+ }
+ // Any API //
+ override def toString: String = {
+ if (isZero) "0"
+ // Check for MinValue, because its not negatable
+ else if (isMinValue) "-9223372036854775808"
+ else if (isNegative) "-" + (-x).toString
+ else {
+ val tenPow9 = TenPow9 // local copy to access CachedConstants only once
+ @tailrec
+ @inline
+ def toString0(v: RuntimeLong, acc: String): String =
+ if (v.isZero) acc
+ else {
+ val quotRem = v.divMod(tenPow9)
+ val quot = quotRem(0)
+ val rem = quotRem(1)
+ val digits = rem.toInt.toString
+ val zeroPrefix =
+ if (quot.isZero) ""
+ else "000000000".substring(digits.length) // (9 - digits.length) zeros
+ toString0(quot, zeroPrefix + digits + acc)
+ }
+ toString0(x, "")
+ }
+ }
+ def bitCount: Int =
+ Integer.bitCount(l) + Integer.bitCount(m) + Integer.bitCount(h)
+ // helpers //
+ @inline private def isZero = l == 0 && m == 0 && h == 0
+ @inline private def isMinValue = x.equals(MinValue)
+ @inline private def isNegative = (h & SIGN_BIT_VALUE) != 0
+ @inline private def abs = if (isNegative) -x else x
+ def signum: RuntimeLong =
+ if (isNegative) MinusOne else if (isZero) Zero else One
+ def numberOfLeadingZeros: Int =
+ if (h != 0) Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(h) - (32 - BITS2)
+ else if (m != 0) Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(m) - (32 - BITS) + (64 - BITS01)
+ else Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(l) - (32 - BITS) + (64 - BITS)
+ def numberOfTrailingZeros: Int =
+ if (l != 0) Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(l)
+ else if (m != 0) Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(m) + BITS
+ else Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(h) + BITS01
+ /** return log_2(x) if power of 2 or -1 otherwise */
+ private def powerOfTwo =
+ if (h == 0 && m == 0 && l != 0 && (l & (l - 1)) == 0)
+ Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(l)
+ else if (h == 0 && m != 0 && l == 0 && (m & (m - 1)) == 0)
+ Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(m) + BITS
+ else if (h != 0 && m == 0 && l == 0 && (h & (h - 1)) == 0)
+ Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(h) + BITS01
+ else
+ -1
+ private def setBit(bit: Int) =
+ if (bit < BITS)
+ new RuntimeLong(l | (1 << bit), m, h)
+ else if (bit < BITS01)
+ new RuntimeLong(l, m | (1 << (bit - BITS)), h)
+ else
+ new RuntimeLong(l, m, h | (1 << (bit - BITS01)))
+ private def divMod(y: RuntimeLong): scala.scalajs.js.Array[RuntimeLong] = {
+ import scala.scalajs.js
+ if (y.isZero) throw new ArithmeticException("/ by zero")
+ else if (x.isZero) js.Array(Zero, Zero)
+ else if (y.isMinValue) {
+ // MinValue / MinValue == 1, rem = 0
+ // otherwise == 0, rem x
+ if (x.isMinValue) js.Array(One, Zero)
+ else js.Array(Zero, x)
+ } else {
+ val xNegative = x.isNegative
+ val yNegative = y.isNegative
+ val xMinValue = x.isMinValue
+ val pow = y.powerOfTwo
+ if (pow >= 0) {
+ if (xMinValue) {
+ val z = x >> pow
+ js.Array(if (yNegative) -z else z, Zero)
+ } else {
+ // x is not min value, so we can calculate absX
+ val absX = x.abs
+ val absZ = absX >> pow
+ val z = if (xNegative ^ yNegative) -absZ else absZ
+ val remAbs = absX.maskRight(pow)
+ val rem = if (xNegative) -remAbs else remAbs
+ js.Array(z, rem)
+ }
+ } else {
+ val absY = y.abs
+ val newX = {
+ if (xMinValue)
+ MaxValue
+ else {
+ val absX = x.abs
+ if (absX < absY)
+ return js.Array(Zero, x) // <-- ugly but fast
+ else
+ absX
+ }
+ }
+ divModHelper(newX, absY, xNegative, yNegative, xMinValue)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ @inline
+ private def maskRight(bits: Int) = {
+ if (bits <= BITS)
+ new RuntimeLong(l & ((1 << bits) - 1), 0, 0)
+ else if (bits <= BITS01)
+ new RuntimeLong(l, m & ((1 << (bits - BITS)) - 1), 0)
+ else
+ new RuntimeLong(l, m, h & ((1 << (bits - BITS01)) - 1))
+ }
+ /**
+ * performs division in "normal cases"
+ * @param x absolute value of the numerator
+ * @param y absolute value of the denominator
+ * @param xNegative whether numerator was negative
+ * @param yNegative whether denominator was negative
+ * @param xMinValue whether numerator was Long.minValue
+ */
+ @inline
+ private def divModHelper(x: RuntimeLong, y: RuntimeLong,
+ xNegative: Boolean, yNegative: Boolean,
+ xMinValue: Boolean): scala.scalajs.js.Array[RuntimeLong] = {
+ import scala.scalajs.js
+ @inline
+ @tailrec
+ def divide0(shift: Int, yShift: RuntimeLong, curX: RuntimeLong,
+ quot: RuntimeLong): (RuntimeLong, RuntimeLong) =
+ if (shift < 0 || curX.isZero) (quot, curX) else {
+ val newX = curX - yShift
+ if (!newX.isNegative)
+ divide0(shift-1, yShift >> 1, newX, quot.setBit(shift))
+ else
+ divide0(shift-1, yShift >> 1, curX, quot)
+ }
+ val shift = y.numberOfLeadingZeros - x.numberOfLeadingZeros
+ val yShift = y << shift
+ val (absQuot, absRem) = divide0(shift, yShift, x, Zero)
+ val quot = if (xNegative ^ yNegative) -absQuot else absQuot
+ val rem =
+ if (xNegative && xMinValue) -absRem - One
+ else if (xNegative) -absRem
+ else absRem
+ js.Array(quot, rem)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Methods of scala.Long
+ * The following methods are only here to properly support reflective calls
+ */
+ //protected def unary_~ : Long = ~toLong // already defined
+ //protected def unary_+ : Long = toLong // already defined
+ //protected def unary_- : Long = -toLong // already defined
+ //protected def <<(y: Int): Long = toLong << y // already defined
+ protected def <<(y: Long): Long = toLong << y
+ //protected def >>>(y: Int): Long = toLong >>> y // already defined
+ protected def >>>(y: Long): Long = toLong >>> y
+ //protected def >>(y: Int): Long = toLong >> y // already defined
+ protected def >>(y: Long): Long = toLong >> y
+ protected def ==(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Short): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Char): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Int): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Long): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Float): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def ==(y: Double): Boolean = toLong == y
+ protected def !=(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Short): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Char): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Int): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Long): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Float): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def !=(y: Double): Boolean = toLong != y
+ protected def <(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Short): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Char): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Int): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Long): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Float): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <(y: Double): Boolean = toLong < y
+ protected def <=(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Short): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Char): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Int): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Long): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Float): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def <=(y: Double): Boolean = toLong <= y
+ protected def >(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Short): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Char): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Int): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Long): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Float): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >(y: Double): Boolean = toLong > y
+ protected def >=(y: Byte): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Short): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Char): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Int): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Long): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Float): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def >=(y: Double): Boolean = toLong >= y
+ protected def |(y: Byte): Long = toLong | y
+ protected def |(y: Short): Long = toLong | y
+ protected def |(y: Char): Long = toLong | y
+ protected def |(y: Int): Long = toLong | y
+ protected def |(y: Long): Long = toLong | y
+ protected def &(y: Byte): Long = toLong & y
+ protected def &(y: Short): Long = toLong & y
+ protected def &(y: Char): Long = toLong & y
+ protected def &(y: Int): Long = toLong & y
+ protected def &(y: Long): Long = toLong & y
+ protected def ^(y: Byte): Long = toLong ^ y
+ protected def ^(y: Short): Long = toLong ^ y
+ protected def ^(y: Char): Long = toLong ^ y
+ protected def ^(y: Int): Long = toLong ^ y
+ protected def ^(y: Long): Long = toLong ^ y
+ protected def +(y: Byte): Long = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Short): Long = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Char): Long = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Int): Long = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Long): Long = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Float): Float = toLong + y
+ protected def +(y: Double): Double = toLong + y
+ protected def -(y: Byte): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Short): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Char): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Int): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Long): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Float): Float = toLong - y
+ protected def -(y: Double): Double = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Byte): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Short): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Char): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Int): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Long): Long = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Float): Float = toLong - y
+ protected def *(y: Double): Double = toLong - y
+ protected def /(y: Byte): Long = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Short): Long = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Char): Long = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Int): Long = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Long): Long = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Float): Float = toLong / y
+ protected def /(y: Double): Double = toLong / y
+ protected def %(y: Byte): Long = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Short): Long = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Char): Long = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Int): Long = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Long): Long = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Float): Float = toLong % y
+ protected def %(y: Double): Double = toLong % y
+object RuntimeLong {
+ /** number of relevant bits in each Long.l and Long.m */
+ private final val BITS = 22
+ /** number of relevant bits in Long.l and Long.m together */
+ private final val BITS01 = 2 * BITS
+ /** number of relevant bits in Long.h */
+ private final val BITS2 = 64 - BITS01
+ /** bitmask for Long.l and Long.m */
+ private final val MASK = (1 << BITS) - 1
+ /** bitmask for Long.h */
+ private final val MASK_2 = (1 << BITS2) - 1
+ private[runtime] final val SIGN_BIT = BITS2 - 1
+ private[runtime] final val SIGN_BIT_VALUE = 1 << SIGN_BIT
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_15_DBL = 0x8000 * 1.0
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_16_DBL = 0x10000 * 1.0
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_22_DBL = 0x400000 * 1.0
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_31_DBL = TWO_PWR_16_DBL * TWO_PWR_15_DBL
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_32_DBL = TWO_PWR_16_DBL * TWO_PWR_16_DBL
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_44_DBL = TWO_PWR_22_DBL * TWO_PWR_22_DBL
+ private[runtime] final val TWO_PWR_63_DBL = TWO_PWR_32_DBL * TWO_PWR_31_DBL
+ // Cache the instances for some "literals" used in this implementation
+ val Zero = new RuntimeLong( 0, 0, 0) // 0L
+ val One = new RuntimeLong( 1, 0, 0) // 1L
+ val MinusOne = new RuntimeLong( MASK, MASK, MASK_2) // -1L
+ val MinValue = new RuntimeLong( 0, 0, 524288) // Long.MinValue
+ val MaxValue = new RuntimeLong(4194303, 4194303, 524287) // Long.MaxValue
+ val TenPow9 = new RuntimeLong(1755648, 238, 0) // 1000000000L with 9 zeros
+ def fromDouble(value: Double): RuntimeLong = {
+ if (java.lang.Double.isNaN(value)) Zero
+ else if (value < -TWO_PWR_63_DBL) MinValue
+ else if (value >= TWO_PWR_63_DBL) MaxValue
+ else if (value < 0) -fromDouble(-value)
+ else {
+ var acc = value
+ val a2 = if (acc >= TWO_PWR_44_DBL) (acc / TWO_PWR_44_DBL).toInt else 0
+ acc -= a2 * TWO_PWR_44_DBL
+ val a1 = if (acc >= TWO_PWR_22_DBL) (acc / TWO_PWR_22_DBL).toInt else 0
+ acc -= a1 * TWO_PWR_22_DBL
+ val a0 = acc.toInt
+ new RuntimeLong(a0, a1, a2)
+ }
+ }