path: root/core/src/main
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala b/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
index 7342c67..08210f8 100644
--- a/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/magnolia.scala
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
scala.util.Try {
val genericTypeName: String = genericType.typeSymbol.name.encodedName.toString.toLowerCase
val assignedName: TermName = TermName(c.freshName(s"${genericTypeName}Typeclass"))
- recurse(RecursiveCall(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) {
+ recurse(ChainedImplicit(genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) {
val inferredImplicit = c.inferImplicitValue(searchType, false, false)
def $assignedName: $searchType = $inferredImplicit
@@ -96,8 +96,13 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.asMethod
}.map { param =>
val paramName = param.name.encodedName.toString
- val derivedImplicit = recurse(ProductType(paramName, genericType.toString), genericType, assignedName) {
- getImplicit(Some(paramName), param.returnType, typeConstructor, assignedName, derivationImplicit)
+ val derivedImplicit = recurse(ProductType(paramName, genericType.toString), genericType,
+ assignedName) {
+ getImplicit(Some(paramName), param.returnType, typeConstructor, assignedName,
+ derivationImplicit)
}.getOrElse {
c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"failed to get implicit for type $genericType")
@@ -137,9 +142,17 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
val reduction = components.reduce { (left, right) => q"$impl.combine($left, $right)" }
q"$impl.call($reduction, sourceParameter)"
case Right(impl) =>
- val parts = subtypes.zip(components)
- parts.tail.foldLeft(q"$impl.call(${parts.head._2}, sourceParameter.asInstanceOf[${parts.head._1}])") { case (aggregated, (componentType, derivedImplicit)) =>
- q"if(sourceParameter.isInstanceOf[$componentType]) $impl.call($derivedImplicit, sourceParameter.asInstanceOf[$componentType]) else $aggregated"
+ val parts = subtypes.tail.zip(components.tail)
+ val base = q"""
+ $impl.call(${components.head}, sourceParameter.asInstanceOf[${subtypes.head}])
+ """
+ parts.foldLeft(base) { case (aggregated, (componentType, derivedImplicit)) =>
+ q"""
+ if(sourceParameter.isInstanceOf[$componentType])
+ $impl.call($derivedImplicit, sourceParameter.asInstanceOf[$componentType])
+ else $aggregated"""
@@ -163,8 +176,8 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
def magnolia[T: WeakTypeTag, Typeclass: WeakTypeTag]: Tree = try {
val genericType: Type = weakTypeOf[T]
- val currentStack: List[Frame] = recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).map(_.frames).getOrElse(List())
- val directlyReentrant = Some(genericType) == currentStack.headOption.map(_.genericType)
+ val currentStack: Stack = recursionStack.get(c.enclosingPosition).getOrElse(Stack(List(), List()))
+ val directlyReentrant = Some(genericType) == currentStack.frames.headOption.map(_.genericType)
val typeConstructor: Type = weakTypeOf[Typeclass].typeConstructor
val coDerivationTypeclass = weakTypeOf[CovariantDerivation[_]].typeConstructor
@@ -180,8 +193,17 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
if(directlyReentrant) throw DirectlyReentrantException()
- val result: Option[Tree] = if(!recursionStack.isEmpty) {
+ currentStack.errors.foreach { error =>
+ if(!emittedErrors.contains(error)) {
+ emittedErrors += error
+ val trace = error.path.mkString("\n in ", "\n in ", "\n \n")
+ val msg = s"could not derive ${typeConstructor} instance for type ${error.genericType}"
+ c.info(c.enclosingPosition, msg+trace, true)
+ }
+ }
+ val result: Option[Tree] = if(!currentStack.frames.isEmpty) {
findType(genericType) match {
case None =>
directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, derivationImplicit)
@@ -195,10 +217,10 @@ class Macros(val c: whitebox.Context) {
directInferImplicit(genericType, typeConstructor, derivationImplicit)
- if(currentStack.isEmpty) recursionStack = Map()
+ if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) recursionStack = Map()
result.map { tree =>
- if(currentStack.isEmpty) {
+ if(currentStack.frames.isEmpty) {
val res = c.untypecheck(removeLazy.transform(tree))
} else tree
@@ -228,8 +250,8 @@ private[magnolia] object CompileTimeState {
override def toString = s"parameter '$paramName' of product type $typeName"
- case class RecursiveCall(typeName: String) extends TypePath {
- override def toString = s"recursive implicit of type $typeName"
+ case class ChainedImplicit(typeName: String) extends TypePath {
+ override def toString = s"chained implicit of type $typeName"
case class ImplicitNotFound(genericType: String, path: List[TypePath])
@@ -250,14 +272,18 @@ private[magnolia] object CompileTimeState {
private[magnolia] var recursionStack: Map[api.Position, Stack] =
+ private[magnolia] var emittedErrors: Set[ImplicitNotFound] = Set()
trait CovariantDerivation[Typeclass[_]] {
type Value
def dereference(value: Value, param: String): Value
def call[T](typeclass: Typeclass[T], value: Value): T
- def combine[Supertype, Right <: Supertype](left: Typeclass[_ <: Supertype], right: Typeclass[Right]): Typeclass[Supertype]
def construct[T](body: Value => T): Typeclass[T]
+ def combine[Supertype, Right <: Supertype](left: Typeclass[_ <: Supertype],
+ right: Typeclass[Right]): Typeclass[Supertype]
trait ContravariantDerivation[Typeclass[_]] {