diff options
authorGuillaume R <>2019-07-25 01:14:09 +0200
committerLi Haoyi <>2019-07-25 07:14:09 +0800
commit4e3bcc9eeb8e3b6b13f29cb63360a512c0f6ed9b (patch)
parent1f0d223c1de438071645c7788174fb708ca55043 (diff)
Use the binary version of the compiler bridge when available (#659)
* Use the binary version of the compiler bridge when available, fix #591 This also eliminates #389 for Dotty 0.13.0-RC1 and more recent * Add test for Dotty 0.16
5 files changed, 113 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/scalalib/api/src/ZincWorkerApi.scala b/scalalib/api/src/ZincWorkerApi.scala
index 790ea274..0480e8e6 100644
--- a/scalalib/api/src/ZincWorkerApi.scala
+++ b/scalalib/api/src/ZincWorkerApi.scala
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ object CompilationResult {
// analysisFile is represented by os.Path, so we won't break caches after file changes
case class CompilationResult(analysisFile: os.Path, classes: PathRef)
-object Util{
+object Util {
def isDotty(scalaVersion: String) =
@@ -66,16 +66,22 @@ object Util{
private val ReleaseVersion = raw"""(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)""".r
private val MinorSnapshotVersion = raw"""(\d+)\.(\d+)\.([1-9]\d*)-SNAPSHOT""".r
private val DottyVersion = raw"""0\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*""".r
+ private val DottyNightlyVersion = raw"""0\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-bin-(.*)-NIGHTLY""".r
private val TypelevelVersion = raw"""(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)-bin-typelevel.*""".r
- def scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion: String) = {
- scalaVersion match {
+ def scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion: String) = scalaVersion match {
case ReleaseVersion(major, minor, _) => s"$major.$minor"
case MinorSnapshotVersion(major, minor, _) => s"$major.$minor"
case DottyVersion(minor, _) => s"0.$minor"
case TypelevelVersion(major, minor, _) => s"$major.$minor"
case _ => scalaVersion
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file
+ /** @return true if the compiler bridge can be downloaded as an already compiled jar */
+ def isBinaryBridgeAvailable(scalaVersion: String) = scalaVersion match {
+ case DottyNightlyVersion(minor, _, _) => minor.toInt >= 14 // 0.14.0-bin or more (not 0.13.0-bin)
+ case DottyVersion(minor, _) => minor.toInt >= 13 // 0.13.0-RC1 or more
+ case _ => false
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/src/ZincWorkerModule.scala b/scalalib/src/ZincWorkerModule.scala
index 4c94102c..81bfbb46 100644
--- a/scalalib/src/ZincWorkerModule.scala
+++ b/scalalib/src/ZincWorkerModule.scala
@@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ import mill.T
import mill.api.KeyedLockedCache
import mill.define.{Discover, Worker}
import mill.scalalib.Lib.resolveDependencies
-import mill.scalalib.api.Util.isDotty
+import mill.scalalib.api.Util.{isDotty, isBinaryBridgeAvailable}
import mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerApi
import mill.api.Loose
import mill.util.JsonFormatters._
-object ZincWorkerModule extends mill.define.ExternalModule with ZincWorkerModule{
+object ZincWorkerModule extends mill.define.ExternalModule with ZincWorkerModule {
lazy val millDiscover = Discover[this.type]
-trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
+trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module {
def repositories = Seq(
@@ -37,7 +37,8 @@ trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
- def worker: Worker[mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerApi] = T.worker{
+ def worker: Worker[mill.scalalib.api.ZincWorkerApi] = T.worker {
+ val cp = compilerInterfaceClasspath()
val cl = mill.api.ClassLoader.create(
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@ trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
val instance = cls.getConstructor(
- (ZincWorkerApi.Ctx, Array[os.Path], (String, String) => os.Path),
+ (ZincWorkerApi.Ctx, (String, String) => (Option[Array[os.Path]], os.Path)),
String => os.Path
@@ -58,8 +59,7 @@ trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
- compilerInterfaceClasspath().map(_.path).toArray,
- (x: String, y: String) => scalaCompilerBridgeSourceJar(x, y).asSuccess.get.value
+ (x: String, y: String) => scalaCompilerBridgeJar(x, y, cp).asSuccess.get.value
mill.scalalib.api.Util.grepJar(_, "scala-library", _, sources = false),
mill.scalalib.api.Util.grepJar(_, "scala-compiler", _, sources = false),
@@ -69,8 +69,9 @@ trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
- def scalaCompilerBridgeSourceJar(scalaVersion: String,
- scalaOrganization: String) = {
+ def scalaCompilerBridgeJar(scalaVersion: String,
+ scalaOrganization: String,
+ compileClassPath: Agg[mill.eval.PathRef]) = {
val (scalaVersion0, scalaBinaryVersion0) = scalaVersion match {
case s if s.startsWith("2.13.") => ("2.13.0-M2", "2.13.0-M2")
case _ => (scalaVersion, mill.scalalib.api.Util.scalaBinaryVersion(scalaVersion))
@@ -88,15 +89,18 @@ trait ZincWorkerModule extends mill.Module{
val version = Versions.zinc
(ivy"$org::$name:$version", s"${name}_$scalaBinaryVersion0", version)
+ val useSources = !isBinaryBridgeAvailable(scalaVersion)
- Lib.depToDependency(_, scalaVersion0, ""),
+ Lib.depToDependency(_, scalaVersion0),
- sources = true
- ).map(deps =>
- mill.scalalib.api.Util.grepJar(, bridgeName, bridgeVersion, sources = true)
- )
+ useSources
+ ).map{deps =>
+ val cp = if (useSources) Some( else None
+ val res = mill.scalalib.api.Util.grepJar(, bridgeName, bridgeVersion, useSources)
+ (cp, res)
+ }
def compilerInterfaceClasspath = T{
diff --git a/scalalib/test/resources/hello-dotty/boo/src/Main.scala b/scalalib/test/resources/hello-dotty/boo/src/Main.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b19f294
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalalib/test/resources/hello-dotty/boo/src/Main.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import cats._,, cats.implicits._
+trait Context
+object Main {
+ def foo(f: given Int => Int): Int = {
+ given x as Int = 1
+ f
+ }
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ val x = Applicative[List].pure(1)
+ assert(x == List(1))
+ val value = foo(given x => x + 1)
+ assert(value == 2)
+ }
diff --git a/scalalib/test/src/HelloWorldTests.scala b/scalalib/test/src/HelloWorldTests.scala
index d74d7d64..957709eb 100644
--- a/scalalib/test/src/HelloWorldTests.scala
+++ b/scalalib/test/src/HelloWorldTests.scala
@@ -264,6 +264,10 @@ object HelloWorldTests extends TestSuite {
def scalaVersion = "0.9.0-RC1"
def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"org.typelevel::cats-core:1.2.0".withDottyCompat(scalaVersion()))
+ object boo extends ScalaModule {
+ def scalaVersion = "0.16.0-RC3"
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy"org.typelevel::cats-core:1.6.1".withDottyCompat(scalaVersion()))
+ }
val resourcePath = os.pwd / 'scalalib / 'test / 'resources / "hello-world"
diff --git a/scalalib/worker/src/ZincWorkerImpl.scala b/scalalib/worker/src/ZincWorkerImpl.scala
index 4d3de464..cf37812c 100644
--- a/scalalib/worker/src/ZincWorkerImpl.scala
+++ b/scalalib/worker/src/ZincWorkerImpl.scala
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ case class MockedLookup(am: File => Optional[CompileAnalysis]) extends PerClassp
class ZincWorkerImpl(compilerBridge: Either[
- (ZincWorkerApi.Ctx, Array[os.Path], (String, String) => os.Path),
+ (ZincWorkerApi.Ctx, (String, String) => (Option[Array[os.Path]], os.Path)),
String => os.Path
libraryJarNameGrep: (Agg[os.Path], String) => os.Path,
@@ -68,55 +68,75 @@ class ZincWorkerImpl(compilerBridge: Either[
scaladocMethod.invoke(scaladocClass.newInstance(), args.toArray).asInstanceOf[Boolean]
- /** Compile the bridge if it doesn't exist yet and return the output directory.
- * TODO: Proper invalidation, see #389
+ /** Compile the SBT/Zinc compiler bridge in the `compileDest` directory */
+ def compileZincBridge(ctx0: ZincWorkerApi.Ctx,
+ workingDir: os.Path,
+ compileDest: os.Path,
+ scalaVersion: String,
+ compilerJars: Array[File],
+ compilerBridgeClasspath: Array[os.Path],
+ compilerBridgeSourcesJar: os.Path): Unit = {
+"Compiling compiler interface...")
+ os.makeDir.all(workingDir)
+ os.makeDir.all(compileDest)
+ val sourceFolder = mill.api.IO.unpackZip(compilerBridgeSourcesJar)(workingDir)
+ val classloader = mill.api.ClassLoader.create(, null)(ctx0)
+ val sources = os.walk(sourceFolder.path).filter(a => a.ext == "scala" || a.ext == "java")
+ val argsArray = Array[String](
+ "-d", compileDest.toString,
+ "-classpath", (compilerJars ++ compilerBridgeClasspath).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
+ ) ++
+ val allScala = sources.forall(_.ext == "scala")
+ val allJava = sources.forall(_.ext == "java")
+ if (allJava) {
+ import scala.sys.process._
+ (Seq("javac") ++ argsArray).!
+ } else if (allScala) {
+ val compilerMain = classloader.loadClass(
+ if (isDotty(scalaVersion)) ""
+ else ""
+ )
+ compilerMain
+ .getMethod("process", classOf[Array[String]])
+ .invoke(null, argsArray)
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently not implemented case.")
+ }
+ }
+ /** If needed, compile (for Scala 2) or download (for Dotty) the compiler bridge.
+ * @return a path to the directory containing the compiled classes, or to the downloaded jar file
- def compileZincBridgeIfNeeded(scalaVersion: String, scalaOrganization: String, compilerJars: Array[File]): os.Path = {
- compilerBridge match{
+ def compileBridgeIfNeeded(scalaVersion: String, scalaOrganization: String, compilerClasspath: Agg[os.Path]): os.Path = {
+ compilerBridge match {
case Right(compiled) => compiled(scalaVersion)
- case Left((ctx0, compilerBridgeClasspath, srcJars)) =>
+ case Left((ctx0, bridgeProvider)) =>
val workingDir = ctx0.dest / scalaVersion
val compiledDest = workingDir / 'compiled
- if (!os.exists(workingDir)) {
-"Compiling compiler interface...")
- os.makeDir.all(workingDir)
- os.makeDir.all(compiledDest)
- val sourceFolder = mill.api.IO.unpackZip(srcJars(scalaVersion, scalaOrganization))(workingDir)
- val classloader = mill.api.ClassLoader.create(, null)(ctx0)
- val sources = os.walk(sourceFolder.path).filter(a => a.ext == "scala" || a.ext == "java")
- val argsArray = Array[String](
- "-d", compiledDest.toString,
- "-classpath", (compilerJars ++ compilerBridgeClasspath).mkString(File.pathSeparator)
- ) ++
- val allScala = sources.forall(_.ext == "scala")
- val allJava = sources.forall(_.ext == "java")
- if (allJava) {
- import scala.sys.process._
- (Seq("javac") ++ argsArray).!
- } else if (allScala) {
- val compilerMain = classloader.loadClass(
- if (isDotty(scalaVersion)) ""
- else ""
- )
- compilerMain.getMethod("process", classOf[Array[String]])
- .invoke(null, argsArray)
- } else {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Currently not implemented case.")
- }
+ if (os.exists(compiledDest)) {
+ compiledDest
+ } else {
+ val (cp, bridgeJar) = bridgeProvider(scalaVersion, scalaOrganization)
+ cp match {
+ case None =>
+ bridgeJar
+ case Some(bridgeClasspath) =>
+ val compilerJars =
+ compileZincBridge(ctx0, workingDir, compiledDest, scalaVersion, compilerJars, bridgeClasspath, bridgeJar)
+ compiledDest
+ }
- compiledDest
def discoverMainClasses(compilationResult: CompilationResult)
(implicit ctx: ZincWorkerApi.Ctx): Seq[String] = {
def toScala[A](o: Optional[A]): Option[A] = if (o.isPresent) Some(o.get) else None
@@ -238,10 +258,10 @@ class ZincWorkerImpl(compilerBridge: Either[
val combinedCompilerClasspath = compilerClasspath ++ scalacPluginClasspath
val combinedCompilerJars =
- val compiledCompilerBridge = compileZincBridgeIfNeeded(
+ val compiledCompilerBridge = compileBridgeIfNeeded(
+ compilerClasspath
val compilerBridgeSig = os.mtime(compiledCompilerBridge)
@@ -305,7 +325,7 @@ class ZincWorkerImpl(compilerBridge: Either[
val lookup = MockedLookup(analysisMap)
val zincFile = ctx.dest / 'zinc
- val classesDir =
+ val classesDir =
if (compileToJar) ctx.dest / "classes.jar"
else ctx.dest / "classes"