path: root/scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala
diff options
authorLi Haoyi <>2017-11-10 20:52:57 -0800
committerLi Haoyi <>2017-11-10 20:52:57 -0800
commit337508c82cbe598b8796fc532cd92e8230b099cb (patch)
tree8e1732b4978a7d9e40dc545bb1dd1fdc8acdf2e9 /scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala
parent79bfb324a231bb3f46a180039b6d68ca042f181b (diff)
rename forge -> mill
Diffstat (limited to 'scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala b/scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59538a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scalaplugin/src/main/scala/mill/scalaplugin/Subproject.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+package mill
+package scalaplugin
+import ammonite.ops.{Path, ls, mkdir, pwd}
+import coursier.{Cache, Dependency, Fetch, MavenRepository, Module, Repository, Resolution}
+import mill.define.Task
+import mill.define.Task.Cacher
+import mill.eval.PathRef
+import mill.util.Args
+import play.api.libs.json._
+import{FreshCompilerCache, ScalaInstance, ZincUtil}
+import sbt.internal.util.{ConsoleOut, MainAppender}
+import sbt.util.LogExchange
+import xsbti.api.{ClassLike, DependencyContext}
+import xsbti.compile.DependencyChanges
+object Subproject{
+ def compileScala(scalaVersion: String,
+ sources: PathRef,
+ compileClasspath: Seq[PathRef],
+ outputPath: Path): PathRef = {
+ val binaryScalaVersion = scalaVersion.split('.').dropRight(1).mkString(".")
+ def grepJar(s: String) = {
+ compileClasspath
+ .find(_.path.toString.endsWith(s))
+ .getOrElse(throw new Exception("Cannot find " + s))
+ .path
+ .toIO
+ }
+ val scalac = ZincUtil.scalaCompiler(
+ new ScalaInstance(
+ version = scalaVersion,
+ loader = getClass.getClassLoader,
+ libraryJar = grepJar(s"scala-library-$scalaVersion.jar"),
+ compilerJar = grepJar(s"scala-compiler-$scalaVersion.jar"),
+ allJars =,
+ explicitActual = None
+ ),
+ grepJar(s"compiler-bridge_$binaryScalaVersion-1.0.3.jar")
+ )
+ mkdir(outputPath)
+ scalac.apply(
+ sources = ls.rec(sources.path).filter(_.isFile).map(_.toIO).toArray,
+ changes = new DependencyChanges {
+ def isEmpty = true
+ def modifiedBinaries() = Array[File]()
+ def modifiedClasses() = Array[String]()
+ },
+ classpath =,
+ singleOutput = outputPath.toIO,
+ options = Array(),
+ callback = new xsbti.AnalysisCallback {
+ def startSource(source: File) = ()
+ def apiPhaseCompleted() = ()
+ def enabled() = true
+ def binaryDependency(onBinaryEntry: File, onBinaryClassName: String, fromClassName: String, fromSourceFile: File, context: DependencyContext) = ()
+ def generatedNonLocalClass(source: File, classFile: File, binaryClassName: String, srcClassName: String) = ()
+ def problem(what: String, pos: xsbti.Position, msg: String, severity: xsbti.Severity, reported: Boolean) = ()
+ def dependencyPhaseCompleted() = ()
+ def classDependency(onClassName: String, sourceClassName: String, context: DependencyContext) = ()
+ def generatedLocalClass(source: File, classFile: File) = ()
+ def api(sourceFile: File, classApi: ClassLike) = ()
+ def mainClass(sourceFile: File, className: String) = ()
+ def usedName(className: String, name: String, useScopes: java.util.EnumSet[xsbti.UseScope]) = ()
+ },
+ maximumErrors = 10,
+ cache = new FreshCompilerCache(),
+ log = {
+ val console = ConsoleOut.systemOut
+ val consoleAppender = MainAppender.defaultScreen(console)
+ val l = LogExchange.logger("Hello")
+ LogExchange.unbindLoggerAppenders("Hello")
+ LogExchange.bindLoggerAppenders("Hello", (consoleAppender -> sbt.util.Level.Warn) :: Nil)
+ l
+ }
+ )
+ PathRef(outputPath)
+ }
+ def resolveDependencies(repositories: Seq[Repository],
+ scalaVersion: String,
+ scalaBinaryVersion: String,
+ deps: Seq[ScalaDep]): Seq[PathRef] = {
+ val flattened ={
+ case ScalaDep.Java(dep) => dep
+ case ScalaDep.Scala(dep) => dep.copy(module = dep.module.copy(name = + "_" + scalaBinaryVersion))
+ case ScalaDep.Point(dep) => dep.copy(module = dep.module.copy(name = + "_" + scalaVersion))
+ }.toSet
+ val start = Resolution(flattened)
+ val fetch = Fetch.from(repositories, Cache.fetch())
+ val resolution =
+ val localArtifacts: Seq[File] = scalaz.concurrent.Task
+ .gatherUnordered(
+ .unsafePerformSync
+ .flatMap(_.toOption)
+ => PathRef(Path(p)))
+ }
+ def scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion: String) = Seq[ScalaDep](
+ Dependency(Module("org.scala-lang", "scala-compiler"), scalaVersion),
+ ScalaDep.Scala(Dependency(Module("org.scala-sbt", s"compiler-bridge"), "1.0.3"))
+ )
+ def scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaVersion: String) = Seq[ScalaDep](
+ Dependency(Module("org.scala-lang", "scala-library"), scalaVersion)
+ )
+ sealed trait ScalaDep
+ object ScalaDep{
+ case class Java(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends ScalaDep
+ implicit def default(dep: coursier.Dependency): ScalaDep = new Java(dep)
+ def apply(dep: coursier.Dependency) = Scala(dep)
+ case class Scala(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends ScalaDep
+ case class Point(dep: coursier.Dependency) extends ScalaDep
+ implicit def formatter: Format[ScalaDep] = new Format[ScalaDep]{
+ def writes(o: ScalaDep) = o match{
+ case Java(dep) => Json.obj("Java" -> Json.toJson(dep))
+ case Scala(dep) => Json.obj("Scala" -> Json.toJson(dep))
+ case Point(dep) => Json.obj("PointScala" -> Json.toJson(dep))
+ }
+ def reads(json: JsValue) = json match{
+ case obj: JsObject =>
+ obj.fields match{
+ case Seq(("Java", dep)) => Json.fromJson[coursier.Dependency](dep).map(Java)
+ case Seq(("Scala", dep)) => Json.fromJson[coursier.Dependency](dep).map(Scala)
+ case Seq(("PointScala", dep)) => Json.fromJson[coursier.Dependency](dep).map(Point)
+ case _ => JsError("Invalid JSON object to parse ScalaDep")
+ }
+ case _ => JsError("Expected JSON object to parse ScalaDep")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+import Subproject._
+abstract class Subproject extends Cacher{
+ def scalaVersion: T[String]
+ def scalaBinaryVersion = T{ scalaVersion().split('.').dropRight(1).mkString(".") }
+ def ivyDeps = T{ Seq[ScalaDep]() }
+ def compileIvyDeps = T{ Seq[ScalaDep]() }
+ def runIvyDeps = T{ Seq[ScalaDep]() }
+ def basePath: T[Path]
+ val repositories: Seq[Repository] = Seq(
+ Cache.ivy2Local,
+ MavenRepository("")
+ )
+ def depClasspath = T{ Seq.empty[PathRef] }
+ def compileDepClasspath = T[Seq[PathRef]] {
+ depClasspath() ++ resolveDependencies(
+ repositories,
+ scalaVersion(),
+ scalaBinaryVersion(),
+ ivyDeps() ++ compileIvyDeps() ++ scalaCompilerIvyDeps(scalaVersion())
+ )
+ }
+ def runDepClasspath = T[Seq[PathRef]] {
+ depClasspath() ++ resolveDependencies(
+ repositories,
+ scalaVersion(),
+ scalaBinaryVersion(),
+ ivyDeps() ++ runIvyDeps() ++ scalaRuntimeIvyDeps(scalaVersion())
+ )
+ }
+ def sources = T{ PathRef(basePath() / 'src) }
+ def resources = T{ PathRef(basePath() / 'resources) }
+ def compiled = T{
+ compileScala(scalaVersion(), sources(), compileDepClasspath(), Task.ctx().dest)
+ }
+ def classpath = T{ Seq(resources(), compiled()) }
+ def jar = T{ modules.Jvm.jarUp(resources, compiled) }
+ def run(mainClass: String) = T.command{
+ import ammonite.ops._, ImplicitWd._
+ %('java, "-cp", (runDepClasspath().map(_.path) :+ compiled()).mkString(":"), mainClass)
+ }
+ def console() = T.command{
+ import ammonite.ops._, ImplicitWd._
+ %('java,
+ "-cp",
+ (runDepClasspath().map(_.path) :+ compiled()).mkString(":"),
+ "",
+ "-usejavacp"
+ )
+ }