path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index bd06c7db..32c77310 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -201,23 +201,56 @@ object integration extends MillModule{
def forkArgs = testArgs()
+def launcherScript(jvmArgs: Seq[String],
+ classPath: Agg[String]) = {
+ val jvmArgsStr = jvmArgs.mkString(" ")
+ val classPathStr = classPath.mkString(":")
+ s"""#!/usr/bin/env sh
+ |
+ |case "$$1" in
+ | -i | --interactive )
+ | exec java $jvmArgsStr $$JAVA_OPTS -cp "$classPathStr" mill.Main "$${@:2}"
+ | ;;
+ | *)
+ | exec java $jvmArgsStr $$JAVA_OPTS -cp "$classPathStr" mill.ClientMain "$$@"
+ | ;;
+ |esac
+ """.stripMargin
object dev extends MillModule{
def moduleDeps = Seq(scalalib, scalajslib)
def forkArgs = T{
scalalib.testArgs() ++ scalajslib.testArgs() ++ scalaworker.testArgs()
- def mainClass = Some("mill.ClientMain")
- def run(wd: Path, args: String*) = T.command{
- mill.modules.Jvm.interactiveSubprocess(
- finalMainClass(),
- runClasspath().map(_.path),
- forkArgs(),
- forkEnv(),
- args,
- workingDir = ammonite.ops.pwd
- )
+ def launcher = T{
+ val outputPath = T.ctx().dest / "run"
+ write(outputPath, prependShellScript())
+ val perms = java.nio.file.Files.getPosixFilePermissions(outputPath.toNIO)
+ perms.add(PosixFilePermission.GROUP_EXECUTE)
+ perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OWNER_EXECUTE)
+ perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_EXECUTE)
+ java.nio.file.Files.setPosixFilePermissions(outputPath.toNIO, perms)
+ PathRef(outputPath)
+ }
+ def prependShellScript = launcherScript(forkArgs(), runClasspath().map(_.path.toString))
+ def run(args: String*) = T.command{
+ args match{
+ case Nil => mill.eval.Result.Failure("Need to pass in cwd as first argument to")
+ case wd0 +: rest =>
+ val wd = Path(wd0, pwd)
+ mkdir(wd)
+ mill.modules.Jvm.baseInteractiveSubprocess(
+ Seq(launcher().path.toString) ++ rest,
+ forkEnv(),
+ workingDir = wd
+ )
+ mill.eval.Result.Success(())
+ }
@@ -225,10 +258,9 @@ object dev extends MillModule{
def release = T{
- prependShellScript = mill.modules.Jvm.launcherShellScript(
- dev.mainClass().get,
- Agg("$0"),
- Seq("-DMILL_VERSION=" + publishVersion()._2)
+ prependShellScript = launcherScript(
+ Seq("-DMILL_VERSION=" + publishVersion()._2),
+ Agg("$0")