path: root/core/src/main/scala/forge/define/Applicative.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/src/main/scala/forge/define/Applicative.scala')
1 files changed, 115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/src/main/scala/forge/define/Applicative.scala b/core/src/main/scala/forge/define/Applicative.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ba71221e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/src/main/scala/forge/define/Applicative.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+package forge.define
+import forge.util.Args
+import scala.annotation.compileTimeOnly
+import scala.collection.mutable
+import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
+object Applicative {
+ trait Applyable[T]{
+ @compileTimeOnly("Target#apply() can only be used with a T{...} block")
+ def apply(): T = ???
+ }
+ trait Applyer[T[_]]{
+ def map[A, B](a: T[A], f: A => B): T[B]
+ def zipMap[R]()(f: () => R) = map(zip(), (_: Unit) => f())
+ def zipMap[A, R](a: T[A])(f: A => R) = map(a, f)
+ def zipMap[A, B, R](a: T[A], b: T[B])(f: (A, B) => R) = map(zip(a, b), f.tupled)
+ def zipMap[A, B, C, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C])
+ (f: (A, B, C) => R) = map(zip(a, b, c), f.tupled)
+ def zipMap[A, B, C, D, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D])
+ (f: (A, B, C, D) => R) = map(zip(a, b, c, d), f.tupled)
+ def zipMap[A, B, C, D, E, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E])
+ (f: (A, B, C, D, E) => R) = map(zip(a, b, c, d, e), f.tupled)
+ def zipMap[A, B, C, D, E, F, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E], f: T[F])
+ (cb: (A, B, C, D, E, F) => R) = map(zip(a, b, c, d, e, f), cb.tupled)
+ def zipMap[A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E], f: T[F], g: T[G])
+ (cb: (A, B, C, D, E, F, G) => R) = map(zip(a, b, c, d, e, f, g), cb.tupled)
+ def zip(): T[Unit]
+ def zip[A](a: T[A]): T[Tuple1[A]]
+ def zip[A, B](a: T[A], b: T[B]): T[(A, B)]
+ def zip[A, B, C](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C]): T[(A, B, C)]
+ def zip[A, B, C, D](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D]): T[(A, B, C, D)]
+ def zip[A, B, C, D, E](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E]): T[(A, B, C, D, E)]
+ def zip[A, B, C, D, E, F](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E], f: T[F]): T[(A, B, C, D, E, F)]
+ def zip[A, B, C, D, E, F, G](a: T[A], b: T[B], c: T[C], d: T[D], e: T[E], f: T[F], g: T[G]): T[(A, B, C, D, E, F, G)]
+ }
+ trait Cacher[C]{
+ private[this] val cacherLazyMap = mutable.Map.empty[sourcecode.Enclosing, C]
+ protected[this] def cachedTarget[T <: C](t: => T)
+ (implicit c: sourcecode.Enclosing): T = synchronized{
+ cacherLazyMap.getOrElseUpdate(c, t).asInstanceOf[T]
+ }
+ }
+ def impl0[M[_], T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(t: c.Expr[M[T]]): c.Expr[M[T]] = {
+ wrapCached(c)(t.tree)
+ }
+ def impl[M[_], T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(t: c.Expr[T])(implicit tt: c.WeakTypeTag[M[_]]): c.Expr[M[T]] = {
+ import c.universe._
+ def rec(t: Tree): Iterator[c.Tree] = Iterator(t) ++ t.children.flatMap(rec(_))
+ val bound = collection.mutable.Buffer.empty[(c.Tree, Symbol)]
+ val targetApplySym = typeOf[Applyable[_]].member(TermName("apply"))
+ // Derived from @olafurpg's
+ //
+ val (startPos, endPos) = rec(t.tree)
+ .map(t => (t.pos.start, t.pos.end))
+ .reduce[(Int, Int)]{ case ((s1, e1), (s2, e2)) => (math.min(s1, s2), math.max(e1, e2))}
+ val macroSource = t.tree.pos.source
+ val transformed = c.internal.typingTransform(t.tree) {
+ case (t @ q"$fun.apply()", api) if t.symbol == targetApplySym =>
+ val used = rec(t)
+ val banned = used.filter(x =>
+ x.symbol.pos.source == macroSource &&
+ x.symbol.pos.start >= startPos &&
+ x.symbol.pos.end <= endPos
+ )
+ if (banned.hasNext){
+ val banned0 =
+ c.abort(
+ banned0.pos,
+ "Target#apply() call cannot use `" + banned0.symbol + "` defined within the T{...} block"
+ )
+ }
+ val tempName = c.freshName(TermName("tmp"))
+ val tempSym = c.internal.newTermSymbol(api.currentOwner, tempName)
+ c.internal.setInfo(tempSym, t.tpe)
+ val tempIdent = Ident(tempSym)
+ c.internal.setType(tempIdent, t.tpe)
+ bound.append((fun, tempSym))
+ tempIdent
+ case (t, api) => api.default(t)
+ }
+ val (exprs, symbols) = bound.unzip
+ val bindings =
+ wrapCached(c)(q"${c.prefix}.zipMap(..$exprs){ (..$bindings) => $transformed }")
+ }
+ def wrapCached[M[_], T](c: Context)(t: c.Tree) = {
+ import c.universe._
+ val owner = c.internal.enclosingOwner
+ val ownerIsCacherClass =
+ owner.owner.isClass &&
+ owner.owner.asClass.baseClasses.exists(_.fullName == "forge.define.Applicative.Cacher")
+ if (ownerIsCacherClass && !owner.isMethod){
+ c.abort(
+ c.enclosingPosition,
+ "T{} members defined in a Cacher class/trait/object body must be defs"
+ )
+ }else{
+ val embedded =
+ if (!ownerIsCacherClass) t
+ else q"this.cachedTarget($t)"
+ c.Expr[M[T]](embedded)
+ }
+ }