path: root/main/src/main/MillServerMain.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/src/main/MillServerMain.scala')
1 files changed, 227 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/src/main/MillServerMain.scala b/main/src/main/MillServerMain.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26ca99e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/main/MillServerMain.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+package mill.main
+import mill.MillMain
+import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
+import org.scalasbt.ipcsocket._
+import mill.main.client._
+import mill.eval.Evaluator
+import mill.api.DummyInputStream
+import sun.misc.{Signal, SignalHandler}
+trait MillServerMain[T]{
+ var stateCache = Option.empty[T]
+ def main0(args: Array[String],
+ stateCache: Option[T],
+ mainInteractive: Boolean,
+ stdin: InputStream,
+ stdout: PrintStream,
+ stderr: PrintStream,
+ env : Map[String, String],
+ setIdle: Boolean => Unit): (Boolean, Option[T])
+object MillServerMain extends mill.main.MillServerMain[Evaluator.State]{
+ def main(args0: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ // Disable SIGINT interrupt signal in the Mill server.
+ //
+ // This gets passed through from the client to server whenever the user
+ // hits `Ctrl-C`, which by default kills the server, which defeats the purpose
+ // of running a background server. Furthermore, the background server already
+ // can detect when the Mill client goes away, which is necessary to handle
+ // the case when a Mill client that did *not* spawn the server gets `CTRL-C`ed
+ Signal.handle(new Signal("INT"), new SignalHandler () {
+ def handle(sig: Signal) = {} // do nothing
+ })
+ new Server(
+ args0(0),
+ this,
+ () => System.exit(0),
+ 300000,
+ mill.main.client.Locks.files(args0(0))
+ ).run()
+ }
+ def main0(args: Array[String],
+ stateCache: Option[Evaluator.State],
+ mainInteractive: Boolean,
+ stdin: InputStream,
+ stdout: PrintStream,
+ stderr: PrintStream,
+ env : Map[String, String],
+ setIdle: Boolean => Unit) = {
+ MillMain.main0(
+ args,
+ stateCache,
+ mainInteractive,
+ DummyInputStream,
+ stdout,
+ stderr,
+ env,
+ setIdle
+ )
+ }
+class Server[T](lockBase: String,
+ sm: MillServerMain[T],
+ interruptServer: () => Unit,
+ acceptTimeout: Int,
+ locks: Locks) {
+ val originalStdout = System.out
+ def run() = {
+ Server.tryLockBlock(locks.processLock){
+ var running = true
+ while (running) {
+ Server.lockBlock(locks.serverLock){
+ val (serverSocket, socketClose) = if (Util.isWindows) {
+ val socketName = Util.WIN32_PIPE_PREFIX + new File(lockBase).getName
+ (new Win32NamedPipeServerSocket(socketName), () => new Win32NamedPipeSocket(socketName).close())
+ } else {
+ val socketName = lockBase + "/io"
+ new File(socketName).delete()
+ (new UnixDomainServerSocket(socketName), () => new UnixDomainSocket(socketName).close())
+ }
+ val sockOpt = Server.interruptWith(
+ "MillSocketTimeoutInterruptThread",
+ acceptTimeout,
+ socketClose(),
+ serverSocket.accept()
+ )
+ sockOpt match{
+ case None => running = false
+ case Some(sock) =>
+ try {
+ handleRun(sock)
+ serverSocket.close()
+ }
+ catch{case e: Throwable => e.printStackTrace(originalStdout) }
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure you give an opportunity for the client to probe the lock
+ // and realize the server has released it to signal completion
+ Thread.sleep(10)
+ }
+ }.getOrElse(throw new Exception("PID already present"))
+ }
+ def handleRun(clientSocket: Socket) = {
+ val currentOutErr = clientSocket.getOutputStream
+ val stdout = new PrintStream(new ProxyOutputStream(currentOutErr, 1), true)
+ val stderr = new PrintStream(new ProxyOutputStream(currentOutErr, -1), true)
+ val socketIn = clientSocket.getInputStream
+ val argStream = new FileInputStream(lockBase + "/run")
+ val interactive = != 0
+ val clientMillVersion = Util.readString(argStream)
+ val serverMillVersion = sys.props("MILL_VERSION")
+ if (clientMillVersion != serverMillVersion) {
+ stdout.println(s"Mill version changed ($serverMillVersion -> $clientMillVersion), re-starting server")
+ System.exit(0)
+ }
+ val args = Util.parseArgs(argStream)
+ val env = Util.parseMap(argStream)
+ argStream.close()
+ @volatile var done = false
+ @volatile var idle = false
+ val t = new Thread(() =>
+ try {
+ val (result, newStateCache) = sm.main0(
+ args,
+ sm.stateCache,
+ interactive,
+ socketIn,
+ stdout,
+ stderr,
+ env.asScala.toMap,
+ idle = _
+ )
+ sm.stateCache = newStateCache
+ java.nio.file.Files.write(
+ java.nio.file.Paths.get(lockBase + "/exitCode"),
+ (if (result) 0 else 1).toString.getBytes
+ )
+ } finally{
+ done = true
+ idle = true
+ },
+ "MillServerActionRunner"
+ )
+ t.start()
+ // We cannot simply use Lock#await here, because the filesystem doesn't
+ // realize the clientLock/serverLock are held by different threads in the
+ // two processes and gives a spurious deadlock error
+ while(!done && !locks.clientLock.probe()) Thread.sleep(3)
+ if (!idle) interruptServer()
+ t.interrupt()
+ t.stop()
+ if (Util.isWindows) {
+ // Closing Win32NamedPipeSocket can often take ~5s
+ // It seems OK to exit the client early and subsequently
+ // start up mill client again (perhaps closing the server
+ // socket helps speed up the process).
+ val t = new Thread(() => clientSocket.close())
+ t.setDaemon(true)
+ t.start()
+ } else clientSocket.close()
+ }
+object Server{
+ def lockBlock[T](lock: Lock)(t: => T): T = {
+ val l = lock.lock()
+ try t
+ finally l.release()
+ }
+ def tryLockBlock[T](lock: Lock)(t: => T): Option[T] = {
+ lock.tryLock() match{
+ case null => None
+ case l =>
+ try Some(t)
+ finally l.release()
+ }
+ }
+ def interruptWith[T](threadName: String, millis: Int, close: => Unit, t: => T): Option[T] = {
+ @volatile var interrupt = true
+ @volatile var interrupted = false
+ val thread = new Thread(
+ () => {
+ try Thread.sleep(millis)
+ catch{ case t: InterruptedException => /* Do Nothing */ }
+ if (interrupt) {
+ interrupted = true
+ close
+ }
+ },
+ threadName
+ )
+ thread.start()
+ try {
+ val res =
+ try Some(t)
+ catch {case e: Throwable => None}
+ if (interrupted) None
+ else res
+ } finally {
+ thread.interrupt()
+ interrupt = false
+ }
+ }