path: root/main/src/mill/main/RunScript.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'main/src/mill/main/RunScript.scala')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/main/src/mill/main/RunScript.scala b/main/src/mill/main/RunScript.scala
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bd21a821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/main/src/mill/main/RunScript.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+package mill.main
+import java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException
+import ammonite.interp.Interpreter
+import ammonite.ops.{Path, read}
+import ammonite.runtime.SpecialClassLoader
+import ammonite.util.Util.CodeSource
+import ammonite.util.{Name, Res, Util}
+import mill.define
+import mill.define.{Discover, ExternalModule, Segment, Task}
+import mill.eval.{Evaluator, PathRef, Result}
+import mill.util.{EitherOps, Logger, ParseArgs, Watched}
+import mill.util.Strict.Agg
+import upickle.Js
+ * Custom version of ammonite.main.Scripts, letting us run the script
+ * directly without going through Ammonite's main-method/argument-parsing
+ * subsystem
+ */
+object RunScript{
+ def runScript(wd: Path,
+ path: Path,
+ instantiateInterpreter: => Either[(Res.Failing, Seq[(Path, Long)]), ammonite.interp.Interpreter],
+ scriptArgs: Seq[String],
+ lastEvaluator: Option[(Seq[(Path, Long)], Evaluator[Any])],
+ log: Logger)
+ : (Res[(Evaluator[Any], Seq[(Path, Long)], Either[String, Seq[Js.Value]])], Seq[(Path, Long)]) = {
+ val (evalRes, interpWatched) = lastEvaluator match{
+ case Some((prevInterpWatchedSig, prevEvaluator))
+ if watchedSigUnchanged(prevInterpWatchedSig) =>
+ (Res.Success(prevEvaluator), prevInterpWatchedSig)
+ case _ =>
+ instantiateInterpreter match{
+ case Left((res, watched)) => (res, watched)
+ case Right(interp) =>
+ val eval =
+ for((mapping, discover) <- evaluateMapping(wd, path, interp))
+ yield new Evaluator[Any](
+ wd / 'out, wd / 'out, mapping, discover, log,
+ mapping.getClass.getClassLoader.asInstanceOf[SpecialClassLoader].classpathSignature
+ )
+ (eval, interp.watchedFiles)
+ }
+ }
+ val evaluated = for{
+ evaluator <- evalRes
+ (evalWatches, res) <- Res(evaluateTarget(evaluator, scriptArgs))
+ } yield {
+ val alreadyStale = evalWatches.exists(p => p.sig != new PathRef(p.path, p.quick).sig)
+ // If the file changed between the creation of the original
+ // `PathRef` and the current moment, use random junk .sig values
+ // to force an immediate re-run. Otherwise calculate the
+ // pathSignatures the same way Ammonite would and hand over the
+ // values, so Ammonite can watch them and only re-run if they
+ // subsequently change
+ val evaluationWatches =
+ if (alreadyStale) -> util.Random.nextLong())
+ else => p.path -> Interpreter.pathSignature(p.path))
+ (evaluator, evaluationWatches,
+ }
+ (evaluated, interpWatched)
+ }
+ def watchedSigUnchanged(sig: Seq[(Path, Long)]) = {
+ sig.forall{case (p, l) => Interpreter.pathSignature(p) == l}
+ }
+ def evaluateMapping(wd: Path,
+ path: Path,
+ interp: ammonite.interp.Interpreter): Res[(mill.define.BaseModule, Discover[Any])] = {
+ val (pkg, wrapper) = Util.pathToPackageWrapper(Seq(), path relativeTo wd)
+ for {
+ scriptTxt <-
+ try Res.Success(Util.normalizeNewlines(read(path)))
+ catch { case e: NoSuchFileException => Res.Failure("Script file not found: " + path) }
+ processed <- interp.processModule(
+ scriptTxt,
+ CodeSource(wrapper, pkg, Seq(Name("ammonite"), Name("$file")), Some(path)),
+ autoImport = true,
+ extraCode = "",
+ hardcoded = true
+ )
+ buildClsName <- processed.blockInfo.lastOption match {
+ case Some(meta) => Res.Success(
+ case None => Res.Skip
+ }
+ buildCls = interp
+ .evalClassloader
+ .loadClass(buildClsName)
+ module <- try {
+ Util.withContextClassloader(interp.evalClassloader) {
+ Res.Success(
+ buildCls.getMethod("millSelf")
+ .invoke(null)
+ .asInstanceOf[Some[mill.define.BaseModule]]
+ .get
+ )
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: Throwable => Res.Exception(e, "")
+ }
+ discover <- try {
+ Util.withContextClassloader(interp.evalClassloader) {
+ Res.Success(
+ buildCls.getMethod("millDiscover")
+ .invoke(module)
+ .asInstanceOf[Discover[Any]]
+ )
+ }
+ } catch {
+ case e: Throwable => Res.Exception(e, "")
+ }
+// _ <- Res(consistencyCheck(mapping))
+ } yield (module, discover)
+ }
+ def evaluateTarget[T](evaluator: Evaluator[T], scriptArgs: Seq[String]) = {
+ for {
+ parsed <- ParseArgs(scriptArgs)
+ (selectors, args) = parsed
+ targets <- {
+ val selected = { case (scopedSel, sel) =>
+ val (rootModule, discover) = scopedSel match{
+ case None => (evaluator.rootModule,
+ case Some(scoping) =>
+ val moduleCls =
+ evaluator.rootModule.getClass.getClassLoader.loadClass(scoping.render + "$")
+ val rootModule = moduleCls.getField("MODULE$").get(moduleCls).asInstanceOf[ExternalModule]
+ (rootModule, rootModule.millDiscover)
+ }
+ val crossSelectors = {
+ case Segment.Cross(x) =>
+ case _ => Nil
+ }
+ try {
+ // We inject the `evaluator.rootModule` into the TargetScopt, rather
+ // than the `rootModule`, because even if you are running an external
+ // module we still want you to be able to resolve targets from your
+ // main build. Resolving targets from external builds as CLI arguments
+ // is not currently supported
+ mill.eval.Evaluator.currentEvaluator.set(evaluator)
+ mill.main.Resolve.resolve(
+ sel.value.toList, rootModule,
+ discover,
+ args, crossSelectors.toList, Nil
+ )
+ } finally{
+ mill.eval.Evaluator.currentEvaluator.set(null)
+ }
+ }
+ EitherOps.sequence(selected)
+ }
+ } yield {
+ val (watched, res) = evaluate(
+ evaluator,
+ Agg.from(targets.flatten.distinct)
+ )
+ val watched2 = for{
+ x <- res.right.toSeq
+ (Watched(_, extraWatched), _) <- x
+ w <- extraWatched
+ } yield w
+ (watched ++ watched2, res)
+ }
+ }
+ def evaluate(evaluator: Evaluator[_],
+ targets: Agg[Task[Any]]): (Seq[PathRef], Either[String, Seq[(Any, Option[upickle.Js.Value])]]) = {
+ val evaluated = evaluator.evaluate(targets)
+ val watched = evaluated.results
+ .iterator
+ .collect {
+ case (t: define.Sources, Result.Success(p: Seq[PathRef])) => p
+ }
+ .flatten
+ .toSeq
+ val errorStr =
+ (for((k, fs) <- evaluated.failing.items()) yield {
+ val ks = k match{
+ case Left(t) => t.toString
+ case Right(t) => t.segments.render
+ }
+ val fss ={
+ case Result.Exception(t, outerStack) =>
+ t.toString +
+ t.getStackTrace.dropRight(outerStack.value.length).map("\n " + _).mkString
+ case Result.Failure(t, _) => t
+ }
+ s"$ks ${fss.mkString(", ")}"
+ }).mkString("\n")
+ evaluated.failing.keyCount match {
+ case 0 =>
+ val json = for(t <- targets.toSeq) yield {
+ t match {
+ case t: mill.define.NamedTask[_] =>
+ val jsonFile = Evaluator
+ .resolveDestPaths(evaluator.outPath, t.ctx.segments)
+ .meta
+ val metadata =
+ Some(metadata(1))
+ case _ => None
+ }
+ }
+ watched -> Right(
+ case n => watched -> Left(s"$n targets failed\n$errorStr")
+ }
+ }
+// def consistencyCheck[T](mapping: Discovered.Mapping[T]): Either[String, Unit] = {
+// val consistencyErrors = Discovered.consistencyCheck(mapping)
+// if (consistencyErrors.nonEmpty) {
+// Left(s"Failed Discovered.consistencyCheck: ${}")
+// } else {
+// Right(())
+// }
+// }