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href="cross-builds.html">Cross Builds</a></li><li class=" WideStyles-marginLeftZero NarrowStyles-floatLeft"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="extending-mill.html">Extending Mill</a></li><li class=" WideStyles-marginLeftZero NarrowStyles-floatLeft"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="mill-internals.html">Mill Internals</a></li><li class=" WideStyles-marginLeftZero NarrowStyles-floatLeft"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="contrib-modules.html">Contrib Modules</a></li><li class=" WideStyles-marginLeftZero NarrowStyles-floatLeft"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="thirdparty-modules.html">Thirdparty Modules</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div><hr class=" NarrowStyles-disappear" style="background-color: #f8f8f8;width: 80%;" /><div class=" WideStyles-tableOfContents NarrowStyles-disappear" style="color: #f8f8f8;"><div style="padding-left: 40px;" class=" NarrowStyles-disappear"><b>Table of Contents</b></div><div style="overflow-y: auto;flex-shrink: 1;min-height: 0px;"><ul style="overflow: hidden;text-align: start;margin-top: 10px;white-space: nowrap;text-overflow: ellipsis;margin-right: 10px;"><li style="margin-left: 0px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#common-project-layouts">Common Project Layouts</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#java-project-with-test-suite">Java Project with Test Suite</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#cross-scala-version-modules">Cross Scala-Version Modules</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#scalajs-modules">Scala.js Modules</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#scala-native-modules">Scala Native Modules</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#sbt-compatible-modules">SBT-Compatible Modules</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#sbt-compatible-cross-scala-version-modules">SBT-Compatible Cross Scala-Version Modules</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#publishing">Publishing</a></li><li style="margin-left: 0px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#example-builds">Example Builds</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#acyclic">Acyclic</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#better-files">Better-Files</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#jawn">Jawn</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#upickle">Upickle</a></li><li style="margin-left: 20px;"><a style="color: #f8f8f8;" class=" WideStyles-tableOfContentsItem" href="#ammonite">Ammonite</a></li></ul></div></div></div><div class=" WideStyles-content NarrowStyles-content" style="max-width: 900px;"><h1>Common Project Layouts</h1><div style="margin-bottom: 10px;"><div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;"><a href="configuring-mill.html"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> Configuring Mill</a><a href="tasks.html">Tasks <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div></div><h2 id="common-project-layouts" class="Styles-hoverBox">Common Project Layouts<a href="#common-project-layouts" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h2>
+<p>Earlier, we have shown how to work with the Mill default Scala module layout. Here we will explore some other common project layouts that you may want in your Scala build:</p><h3 id="java-project-with-test-suite" class="Styles-hoverBox">Java Project with Test Suite<a href="#java-project-with-test-suite" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">trait JUnitTests extends TestModule {
+ def testFrameworks = Seq(&quot;com.novocode.junit.JUnitFramework&quot;)
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy&quot;com.novocode:junit-interface:0.11&quot;)
+object core extends JavaModule {
+ object test extends Tests with JUnitTests
+object app extends JavaModule {
+ def moduleDeps = Seq(core)
+ object test extends Tests with JUnitTests
+<p>This build is a two-module Java project with junit test suites. It expects the following filesystem layout:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">
+ src/hello/
+ test/src/hello/
+ src/hello/
+ test/src/hello/
+<p>You can then run the junit tests using <code>mill app.test</code> or <code>mill core.test</code>, and configure which exact tests you want to run using the flags defined on the <a href="">JUnit Test Interface</a>.</p>
+<p>For a more more complex, real-world example of a Java build, check out our example build for the popular <a href="">Caffeine</a> project:</p>
+ <li><a href="">Example Build</a></li>
+</ul><h3 id="cross-scala-version-modules" class="Styles-hoverBox">Cross Scala-Version Modules<a href="#cross-scala-version-modules" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends Cross[FooModule](&quot;2.10.6&quot;, &quot;2.11.11&quot;, &quot;2.12.4&quot;)
+class FooModule(val crossScalaVersion: String) extends CrossScalaModule {
+ ...
+ object test extends Tests {
+ ...
+ }
+<p>Mill provides a <code>CrossScalaModule</code> template, which can be used with <code>Cross</code> to cross-build Scala modules across different versions of Scala. The default configuration for <code>CrossScalaModule</code> expects a filesystem layout as follows:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">
+ src/
+ src-2.10/
+ src-2.11/
+ src-2.12/
+ test/
+ src/
+ src-2.10/
+ src-2.11/
+ src-2.12/
+<p>Code common to all Scala versions lives in <code>src</code>, while code specific to one version lives in <code>src-x.y</code>.</p><h3 id="scalajs-modules" class="Styles-hoverBox">Scala.js Modules<a href="#scalajs-modules" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._
+import mill.scalajslib._
+object foo extends ScalaJSModule {
+ def scalaVersion = &quot;2.12.4&quot;
+ def scalaJSVersion = &quot;0.6.22&quot;
+<p><code>ScalaJSModule</code> is a variant of <code>ScalaModule</code> that builds your code using Scala.js. In addition to the standard <code>foo.compile</code> and <code></code> commands (the latter of which runs your code on Node.js, which must be pre-installed) <code>ScalaJSModule</code> also exposes the <code>foo.fastOpt</code> and <code>foo.fullOpt</code> tasks for generating the optimized Javascript file.</p><h3 id="scala-native-modules" class="Styles-hoverBox">Scala Native Modules<a href="#scala-native-modules" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._, scalalib._, scalanativelib._
+object hello extends ScalaNativeModule {
+ def scalaVersion = &quot;2.11.12&quot;
+ def scalaNativeVersion = &quot;0.3.8&quot;
+ def logLevel = NativeLogLevel.Info // optional
+ def releaseMode = ReleaseMode.Debug // optional
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">.
+└── hello
+ ├── src
+ │   └── hello
+ │   └── Hello.scala
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">// hello/src/hello/Hello.scala
+package hello
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+object Hello{
+ def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
+ println(&quot;Hello! &quot; + args.toList)
+ println(div(&quot;one&quot;))
+ }
+<p>The normal commands <code>mill hello.compile</code>, <code>mill</code>, all work. If you want to build a standalone executable, you can use <code>mill show hello.nativeLink</code> to create it.</p>
+<p><code>ScalaNativeModule</code> builds scala sources to executable binaries using <a href="">Scala Native</a>. You will need to have the <a href="">relevant parts</a> of the LLVM toolchain installed on your system. Optimized binaries can be built by setting <code>releaseMode</code> (see above) and more verbose logging can be enabled using <code>logLevel</code>. Currently two test frameworks are supported <a href="">utest</a> and <a href="">scalatest</a>. Support for <a href="">scalacheck</a> should be possible when the relevant artifacts have been published for scala native.</p>
+<p>Here's a slightly larger example, demonstrating how to use third party dependencies (note the two sets of double-colons <code>::</code> necessary) and a test suite:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._, scalalib._, scalanativelib._
+object hello extends ScalaNativeModule {
+ def scalaNativeVersion = &quot;0.3.8&quot;
+ def scalaVersion = &quot;2.11.12&quot;
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy&quot;com.lihaoyi::scalatags::0.6.7&quot;)
+ object test extends Tests{
+ def ivyDeps = Agg(ivy&quot;com.lihaoyi::utest::0.6.3&quot;)
+ def testFrameworks = Seq(&quot;utest.runner.Framework&quot;)
+ }
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">.
+└── hello
+ ├── src
+ │   └── hello
+ │   └── Hello.scala
+ └── test
+ └── src
+ └── HelloTests.scala
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">// hello/test/src/HelloTests.scala
+package hello
+import utest._
+import scalatags.Text.all._
+object HelloTests extends TestSuite{
+ val tests = Tests{
+ &#39;pass - {
+ assert(div(&quot;1&quot;).toString == &quot;&lt;div&gt;1&lt;/div&gt;&quot;)
+ }
+ &#39;fail - {
+ assert(123 == 1243)
+ }
+ }
+<p>The same <code>mill hello.compile</code> or <code>mill</code> still work, as does `<code>mill
+hello.test</code> to run the test suite defined here.</p><h3 id="sbt-compatible-modules" class="Styles-hoverBox">SBT-Compatible Modules<a href="#sbt-compatible-modules" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends SbtModule {
+ def scalaVersion = &quot;2.12.4&quot;
+<p>These are basically the same as normal <code>ScalaModule</code>s, but configured to follow the SBT project layout:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">
+ src/
+ main/
+ scala/
+ test/
+ scala/
+<p>Useful if you want to migrate an existing project built with SBT without having to re-organize all your files</p><h3 id="sbt-compatible-cross-scala-version-modules" class="Styles-hoverBox">SBT-Compatible Cross Scala-Version Modules<a href="#sbt-compatible-cross-scala-version-modules" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+object foo extends Cross[FooModule](&quot;2.10.6&quot;, &quot;2.11.11&quot;, &quot;2.12.4&quot;)
+class FooModule(val crossScalaVersion: String) extends CrossSbtModule {
+ ...
+ object test extends Tests {
+ ...
+ }
+<p>A <code>CrossSbtModule</code> is a version of <code>CrossScalaModule</code> configured with the SBT project layout:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="text">
+ src/
+ main/
+ scala/
+ scala-2.10/
+ scala-2.11/
+ scala-2.12/
+ test/
+ scala/
+ scala-2.10/
+ scala-2.11/
+ scala-2.12/
+</code></pre><h3 id="publishing" class="Styles-hoverBox">Publishing<a href="#publishing" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="scala">import mill._
+import mill.scalalib._
+import mill.scalalib.publish._
+object foo extends ScalaModule with PublishModule {
+ def scalaVersion = &quot;2.12.4&quot;
+ def publishVersion = &quot;0.0.1&quot;
+ def pomSettings = PomSettings(
+ description = &quot;My first library&quot;,
+ organization = &quot;com.lihaoyi&quot;,
+ url = &quot;;,
+ licenses = Seq(License.MIT),
+ versionControl = VersionControl.github(&quot;lihaoyi&quot;, &quot;mill&quot;),
+ developers = Seq(
+ Developer(&quot;lihaoyi&quot;, &quot;Li Haoyi&quot;,&quot;;)
+ )
+ )
+<p>You can make a module publishable by extending <code>PublishModule</code>.</p>
+<p><code>PublishModule</code> then needs you to define a <code>publishVersion</code> and <code>pomSettings</code>. The <code>artifactName</code> defaults to the name of your module (in this case <code>foo</code>) but can be overriden. The <code>organization</code> is defined in <code>pomSettings</code>.</p>
+<p>Once you've mixed in <code>PublishModule</code>, you can publish your libraries to maven central via:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="bash">mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/publishAll \
+ foo.publishArtifacts
+<p>This uploads them to <code></code> where you can log-in and stage/release them manually. You can also pass in the <code>--release true</code> flag to perform the staging/release automatically:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="bash">mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/publishAll \
+ foo.publishArtifacts \
+ --release true
+<p>If you want to publish/release multiple modules, you can use the <code>_</code> or <code>__</code> wildcard syntax:</p>
+<pre style="background-color: #f8f8f8"><code style="white-space:pre; background-color: #f8f8f8" class="bash">mill mill.scalalib.PublishModule/publishAll \
+ __.publishArtifacts \
+ --release true
+</code></pre><h2 id="example-builds" class="Styles-hoverBox">Example Builds<a href="#example-builds" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h2>
+<p>Mill comes bundled with example builds for existing open-source projects, as integration tests and examples:</p><h3 id="acyclic" class="Styles-hoverBox">Acyclic<a href="#acyclic" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+ <li><a href="">Mill Build</a></li>
+<p>A small single-module cross-build, with few sources, minimal dependencies, and wired up for publishing to Maven Central.</p><h3 id="better-files" class="Styles-hoverBox">Better-Files<a href="#better-files" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+ <li><a href="">Mill Build</a></li>
+<p>A collection of small modules compiled for a single Scala version.</p>
+<p>Also demonstrates how to define shared configuration in a <code>trait</code>, enable Scala compiler flags, and download artifacts as part of the build.</p><h3 id="jawn" class="Styles-hoverBox">Jawn<a href="#jawn" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+ <li><a href="">Mill Build</a></li>
+<p>A collection of relatively small modules, all cross-built across the same few versions of Scala.</p><h3 id="upickle" class="Styles-hoverBox">Upickle<a href="#upickle" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+ <li><a href="">Mill Build</a></li>
+<p>A single cross-platform Scala.js/Scala-JVM module cross-built against multiple versions of Scala, including the setup necessary for publishing to Maven Central.</p><h3 id="ammonite" class="Styles-hoverBox">Ammonite<a href="#ammonite" class=" Styles-hoverLink"><i class="fa fa-link" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></h3>
+ <li><a href="">Mill Build</a></li>
+<p>A relatively complex build with numerous submodules, some cross-built across Scala major versions while others are cross-built against Scala minor versions.</p>
+<p>Also demonstrates how to pass one module's compiled artifacts to the <code>run</code>/<code>test</code> commands of another, via their <code>forkEnv</code>.</p><hr /><p><b>About the Author:</b><i> Haoyi is a software engineer, an early contributor to <a href="">Scala.js</a>, and the author of many open-source Scala tools such as Mill, the <a href="">Ammonite REPL</a> and <a href="">FastParse</a>. </i></p><p><i>If you've enjoy using Mill, or enjoyed using Haoyi's other open source libraries, please chip in (or get your Company to chip in!) via <a href="">Patreon</a> so he can continue his open-source work</i></p><hr /><div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;justify-content: space-between;"><a href="configuring-mill.html"><i class="fa fa-arrow-left" aria-hidden="true"></i> Configuring Mill</a><a href="tasks.html">Tasks <i class="fa fa-arrow-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div></div></body></html> \ No newline at end of file