path: root/kernel/sched
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/sched')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 441 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/sched/idle.c b/kernel/sched/idle.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 360cb8d..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/idle.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include <avr/interrupt.h>
-#include <avr/sleep.h>
-#include <avr/power.h>
-#include "sched/idle.h"
-void idle_entry(char args) {
- while(1) {
- debug_led(0,1);
- set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_IDLE);
- cli();
- sleep_enable();
- sei();
- sleep_cpu();
- sleep_disable();
- };
diff --git a/kernel/sched/include/sched/idle.h b/kernel/sched/include/sched/idle.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 3b6e40a..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/include/sched/idle.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef IDLE_H
-#define IDLE_H
-void idle_entry(char args);
-#endif \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kernel/sched/include/sched/sched.h b/kernel/sched/include/sched/sched.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5db0502..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/include/sched/sched.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef SCHED_H
-#define SCHED_H
-#include "collection/list.h"
-#include "mcu/sched/context.h"
-/** Proposed default stack size, you may use this definition for declaring tasks. */
-#define STACK_SIZE 256
-/** Stack size to be allocated for the idle task. */
-#define IDLE_STACK_SIZE 64
- * Task control block, contains runtime
- * information about tasks.
- */
-struct tcb_t {
- /** Stack pointer of this task. (must be first in structure) */
- char* volatile sp;
- /** Lowest address of this task's memory (inclusive). */
- char* mem_low;
- /** Highest address of this task's memory (inclusive). */
- char* mem_high;
- /** Entry function of this task. */
- void (*entry)(char);
- /** Current wait queue that this task is in. */
- struct list_head q;
- long sleep_left;
- * Utility for declaring a task with statically allocated memory.
- * Note: for a task to be scheduled, it must first be spawned (see spawn()).
-#define DECLARE_TASK(name, stack_size, entry_function) \
- static char declared_stack_##name[stack_size]; \
- static struct tcb_t name = { \
- .sp = 0, \
- .mem_low = declared_stack_##name, \
- .mem_high = declared_stack_##name + stack_size - 1, \
- .entry = entry_function, \
- .q = {}, \
- .sleep_left = 0 \
- };
- * Points to currently executing task. If no scheduling has been enabled,
- * this points to NULL
- */
-extern struct tcb_t* volatile current;
- * Queue that contains all tasks that are ready to be run, awaiting their
- * turn from the scheduler.
- */
-extern struct list_head ready;
- * Stack pointer for operations performed out of task context, including any
- * calls made after SAVE_CONTEXT().
- */
-extern char* volatile kstack;
- * Makes the current task sleep on a specific queue.
- * This moves the current task to the given queue's tail.
- */
-static inline void sleep_on(struct list_head* queue) {
- list_move_tail(&current->q, queue);
- * Wakes all tasks waiting in the given queue.
- * This moves all tasks contained in the queue to the ready queue.
- */
-void wake_all(struct list_head* queue);
- * Initializes the scheduler by setting up kstack, initializing the idle task
- * and selecting the first task to run.
- */
-void sched_init();
- * Enters the scheduler, setting current to the next runnable task.
- */
-void schedule();
- * Ticks the scheduler.
- */
-void sched_tick();
- * Initializes a given task and adds it to the ready queue.
- */
-void spawn(struct tcb_t* const tcb, char args);
- * Voluntarily yields control of the CPU to the scheduler.
- */
-void yield() __attribute__ ( ( naked ) );
-void sleep(long ms) __attribute__ ( ( naked) );
-#define ENTER_CRITICAL() cli()
-#define EXIT_CRITICAL() sei()
diff --git a/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/context.c b/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/context.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 10f16a9..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/context.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-#include "mcu/sched/context.h"
-char* init_stack(const char* const mem_low, const char* const mem_high, void (*entry)(char), char args) {
- char* sp = (char*) mem_high;
- unsigned long address = (unsigned long) entry;
- // pattern for debugging purposes
- *sp = (char) 0x1;
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) 0x2;
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) 0x1;
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) 0x2;
- sp--;
- // put return address on stack
- *sp = (char) ( address & (unsigned short) 0x00ff );
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) ( (address >> 8) & ( unsigned short ) 0x00ff );
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) ( (address >> 16) & ( unsigned short ) 0x00ff );
- sp--;
- // save registers
- *sp = (char) 0x00; //r0
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) 0x80; //SREG, enable interrupts when task starts
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r1
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r2
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r3
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r4
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r5
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r6
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r7
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r8
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r9
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r10
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r11
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r12
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r13
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r14
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r15
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r16
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r17
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r18
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r19
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r20
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r21
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r22
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r23
- sp--;
- *sp = (char) ( args ); //place first argument in register 24
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r25
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r26
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r27
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r28
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r29
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r30
- sp--;
- *sp = ( char ) 0x00; //r31
- sp--;
- return sp;
diff --git a/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/include/mcu/sched/context.h b/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/include/mcu/sched/context.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 437e7f3..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/mcu/atmega2560/include/mcu/sched/context.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef CONTEXT_H
-#define CONTEXT_H
-#include <avr/interrupt.h>
- * The macros SAVE_CONTEXT(), RESTORE_CONTEXT() as well as the code contained in
- * init_stack is adapted from the FreeRTOS kernel (http://www.freertos.org/).
- * Here by copyright, credits attributed to wherever they belong.
- */
-#define SAVE_CONTEXT() \
- asm volatile ( \
- "push r0 \n\t" \
- "in r0, __SREG__ \n\t" \
- "push r0 \n\t" \
- "push r1 \n\t" \
- "clr r1 \n\t" \
- "push r2 \n\t" \
- "push r3 \n\t" \
- "push r4 \n\t" \
- "push r5 \n\t" \
- "push r6 \n\t" \
- "push r7 \n\t" \
- "push r8 \n\t" \
- "push r9 \n\t" \
- "push r10 \n\t" \
- "push r11 \n\t" \
- "push r12 \n\t" \
- "push r13 \n\t" \
- "push r14 \n\t" \
- "push r15 \n\t" \
- "push r16 \n\t" \
- "push r17 \n\t" \
- "push r18 \n\t" \
- "push r19 \n\t" \
- "push r20 \n\t" \
- "push r21 \n\t" \
- "push r22 \n\t" \
- "push r23 \n\t" \
- "push r24 \n\t" \
- "push r25 \n\t" \
- "push r26 \n\t" \
- "push r27 \n\t" \
- "push r28 \n\t" \
- "push r29 \n\t" \
- "push r30 \n\t" \
- "push r31 \n\t" \
- "lds r26, current \n\t" \
- "lds r27, current +1 \n\t" \
- "in r0, __SP_L__ \n\t" \
- "st x+, r0 \n\t" \
- "in r0, __SP_H__ \n\t" \
- "st x+, r0 \n\t" \
- "lds r26, kstack \n\t" \
- "lds r27, kstack + 1 \n\t" \
- "ld r28, x+ \n\t" \
- "out __SP_L__, r28 \n\t" \
- "ld r29, x+ \n\t" \
- "out __SP_H__, r29 \n\t" \
- )
-#define RESTORE_CONTEXT() \
- asm volatile ( \
- "lds r26, kstack \n\t" \
- "lds r27, kstack +1 \n\t" \
- "in r0, __SP_L__ \n\t" \
- "st x+, r0 \n\t" \
- "in r0, __SP_H__ \n\t" \
- "st x+, r0 \n\t" \
- "lds r26, current \n\t" \
- "lds r27, current + 1 \n\t" \
- "ld r28, x+ \n\t" \
- "out __SP_L__, r28 \n\t" \
- "ld r29, x+ \n\t" \
- "out __SP_H__, r29 \n\t" \
- "pop r31 \n\t" \
- "pop r30 \n\t" \
- "pop r29 \n\t" \
- "pop r28 \n\t" \
- "pop r27 \n\t" \
- "pop r26 \n\t" \
- "pop r25 \n\t" \
- "pop r24 \n\t" \
- "pop r23 \n\t" \
- "pop r22 \n\t" \
- "pop r21 \n\t" \
- "pop r20 \n\t" \
- "pop r19 \n\t" \
- "pop r18 \n\t" \
- "pop r17 \n\t" \
- "pop r16 \n\t" \
- "pop r15 \n\t" \
- "pop r14 \n\t" \
- "pop r13 \n\t" \
- "pop r12 \n\t" \
- "pop r11 \n\t" \
- "pop r10 \n\t" \
- "pop r9 \n\t" \
- "pop r8 \n\t" \
- "pop r7 \n\t" \
- "pop r6 \n\t" \
- "pop r5 \n\t" \
- "pop r4 \n\t" \
- "pop r3 \n\t" \
- "pop r2 \n\t" \
- "pop r1 \n\t" \
- "pop r0 \n\t" \
- "out __SREG__, r0 \n\t" \
- "pop r0 \n\t" \
- )
-char* init_stack(const char* const mem_low, const char* const mem_high, void (*entry)(char), char args);
-static inline void init_kstack(char **kstack) {
- *kstack = (char*) SP;
-#define RETURN() asm volatile("ret");
diff --git a/kernel/sched/sched.c b/kernel/sched/sched.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f4d003..0000000
--- a/kernel/sched/sched.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-#include "sched/sched.h"
-#include "sched/idle.h"
-#include "time/timer.h"
-#include "mcu/sched/context.h"
-struct tcb_t* volatile current = 0;
-DECLARE_TASK(idle, IDLE_STACK_SIZE, idle_entry);
-struct list_head ready = LIST_HEAD_INIT(ready);
-static struct list_head sleeping = LIST_HEAD_INIT(sleeping);
-char* volatile kstack;
-static void init_idle() {
- idle.sp = init_stack(idle.mem_low, idle.mem_high, idle.entry, 0);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&idle.q);
-void sched_init() {
- init_idle();
- init_kstack((char **) &kstack);
- schedule();
- sei();
-void schedule() {
- if(!list_empty(&ready)) {
- if (current == &idle) {
- debug_led(0,0);
- }
- current = list_entry(ready.next, struct tcb_t, q);
- list_move_tail(ready.next, &ready);
- } else {
- current = &idle;
- }
-void sched_tick() {
- struct tcb_t* it;
- struct tcb_t* tmp;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(it, tmp, &sleeping, q) {
- it->sleep_left -= 1000 / HZ;
- if (it->sleep_left <= 0) {
- list_move_tail(&it->q, &ready);
- }
- }
- schedule(); //in a round-robin scheduler, scheduling is called after every tick
-void wake_all(struct list_head* queue) {
- list_splice_init(queue, ready.prev);
- if (current == &idle) {
- schedule();
- }
-void spawn(struct tcb_t* const tcb, char args) {
- tcb->sp = init_stack(tcb->mem_low, tcb->mem_high, tcb->entry, args);
- INIT_LIST_HEAD(&tcb->q);
- list_add_tail(&tcb->q, &ready);
-void yield(void) {
- cli();
- schedule();
- sei();
-void sleep(long ms) {
- cli();
- current->sleep_left = ms;
- sleep_on(&sleeping);
- schedule();
- sei();
-} \ No newline at end of file