path: root/objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m
diff options
authorThomas Van Lenten <thomasvl@google.com>2015-12-17 14:35:44 -0500
committerThomas Van Lenten <thomasvl@google.com>2015-12-17 16:05:50 -0500
commitd6590d653415c0bfacf97e7f768dd3c994cb8d26 (patch)
tree8c0f6f98eb867d520e95d30d32a6d0e4fe55906c /objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m
parentafbc89a263d57bb2e36ce5f07b979c739bb2e8cd (diff)
Drop all use of OSSpinLock
Apple engineers have pointed out that OSSpinLocks are vulnerable to live locking on iOS in cases of priority inversion: . http://mjtsai.com/blog/2015/12/16/osspinlock-is-unsafe/ . https://lists.swift.org/pipermail/swift-dev/Week-of-Mon-20151214/000372.html - Use a dispatch_semaphore_t within the extension registry. - Use a dispatch_semaphore_t for protecting autocreation within messages. - Drop the custom/internal GPBString class since we don't have really good numbers to judge the locking replacements and it isn't required. We can always bring it back with real data in the future.
Diffstat (limited to 'objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m b/objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m
index 9371228a..fd877838 100644
--- a/objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m
+++ b/objectivec/GPBCodedInputStream.m
@@ -216,7 +216,17 @@ NSString *GPBCodedInputStreamReadRetainedString(
result = @"";
} else {
CheckSize(state, size);
- result = GPBCreateGPBStringWithUTF8(&state->bytes[state->bufferPos], size);
+ result = [[NSString alloc] initWithBytes:&state->bytes[state->bufferPos]
+ length:size
+ encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
+ if (!result) {
+ result = @"";
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#scalar
+ NSLog(@"UTF8 failure, is some field type 'string' when it should be "
+ @"'bytes'?");
+ }
state->bufferPos += size;
return result;
@@ -478,320 +488,3 @@ void GPBCodedInputStreamCheckLastTagWas(GPBCodedInputStreamState *state,
-@implementation GPBString {
- @package
- CFStringRef string_;
- unsigned char *utf8_;
- NSUInteger utf8Len_;
- // This lock is used to gate access to utf8_. Once GPBStringInitStringValue()
- // has been called, string_ will be filled in, and utf8_ will be NULL.
- OSSpinLock lock_;
- BOOL hasBOM_;
- BOOL is7BitAscii_;
-// Returns true if the passed in bytes are 7 bit ascii.
-// This routine needs to be fast.
-static bool AreBytesIn7BitASCII(const uint8_t *bytes, NSUInteger len) {
-// In the loops below, it's more efficient to collect rather than do
-// conditional at every step.
-#if __LP64__
- // Align bytes. This is especially important in case of 3 byte BOM.
- while (len > 0 && ((size_t)bytes & 0x07)) {
- if (*bytes++ & 0x80) return false;
- len--;
- }
- while (len >= 32) {
- uint64_t val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- uint64_t hiBits = (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL);
- bytes += 8;
- val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- hiBits |= (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL);
- bytes += 8;
- val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- hiBits |= (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL);
- bytes += 8;
- val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- if (hiBits | (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL)) return false;
- bytes += 8;
- len -= 32;
- }
- while (len >= 16) {
- uint64_t val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- uint64_t hiBits = (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL);
- bytes += 8;
- val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- if (hiBits | (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL)) return false;
- bytes += 8;
- len -= 16;
- }
- while (len >= 8) {
- uint64_t val = *(const uint64_t *)bytes;
- if (val & 0x8080808080808080ULL) return false;
- bytes += 8;
- len -= 8;
- }
-#else // __LP64__
- // Align bytes. This is especially important in case of 3 byte BOM.
- while (len > 0 && ((size_t)bytes & 0x03)) {
- if (*bytes++ & 0x80) return false;
- len--;
- }
- while (len >= 16) {
- uint32_t val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- uint32_t hiBits = (val & 0x80808080U);
- bytes += 4;
- val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- hiBits |= (val & 0x80808080U);
- bytes += 4;
- val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- hiBits |= (val & 0x80808080U);
- bytes += 4;
- val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- if (hiBits | (val & 0x80808080U)) return false;
- bytes += 4;
- len -= 16;
- }
- while (len >= 8) {
- uint32_t val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- uint32_t hiBits = (val & 0x80808080U);
- bytes += 4;
- val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- if (hiBits | (val & 0x80808080U)) return false;
- bytes += 4;
- len -= 8;
- }
-#endif // __LP64__
- while (len >= 4) {
- uint32_t val = *(const uint32_t *)bytes;
- if (val & 0x80808080U) return false;
- bytes += 4;
- len -= 4;
- }
- while (len--) {
- if (*bytes++ & 0x80) return false;
- }
- return true;
-static void GPBStringInitStringValue(GPBString *string) {
- OSSpinLockLock(&string->lock_);
- GPBStringInitStringValueAlreadyLocked(string);
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&string->lock_);
-static void GPBStringInitStringValueAlreadyLocked(GPBString *string) {
- if (string->string_ == NULL && string->utf8_ != NULL) {
- // Using kCFAllocatorMalloc for contentsDeallocator, as buffer in
- // string->utf8_ is being handed off.
- string->string_ = CFStringCreateWithBytesNoCopy(
- NULL, string->utf8_, string->utf8Len_, kCFStringEncodingUTF8, false,
- kCFAllocatorMalloc);
- if (!string->string_) {
-#ifdef DEBUG
- // https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/proto#scalar
- NSLog(@"UTF8 failure, is some field type 'string' when it should be "
- @"'bytes'?");
- string->string_ = CFSTR("");
- string->utf8Len_ = 0;
- // On failure, we have to clean up the buffer.
- free(string->utf8_);
- }
- string->utf8_ = NULL;
- }
-GPBString *GPBCreateGPBStringWithUTF8(const void *bytes, NSUInteger length) {
- GPBString *result = [[GPBString alloc] initWithBytes:bytes length:length];
- return result;
-- (instancetype)initWithBytes:(const void *)bytes length:(NSUInteger)length {
- self = [super init];
- if (self) {
- utf8_ = malloc(length);
- memcpy(utf8_, bytes, length);
- utf8Len_ = length;
- is7BitAscii_ = AreBytesIn7BitASCII(bytes, length);
- if (length >= 3 && memcmp(utf8_, "\xef\xbb\xbf", 3) == 0) {
- // We can't just remove the BOM from the string here, because in the case
- // where we have > 1 BOM at the beginning of the string, we will remove one,
- // and the internal NSString we create will remove the next one, and we will
- // end up with a GPBString != NSString issue.
- // We also just can't remove all the BOMs because then we would end up with
- // potential cases where a GPBString and an NSString made with the same
- // UTF8 buffer would in fact be different.
- // We record the fact we have a BOM, and use it as necessary to simulate
- // what NSString would return for various calls.
- hasBOM_ = YES;
-#if DEBUG
- // Sending BOMs across the line is just wasting bits.
- NSLog(@"Bad data? String should not have BOM!");
-#endif // DEBUG
- }
- }
- return self;
-- (void)dealloc {
- if (string_ != NULL) {
- CFRelease(string_);
- }
- if (utf8_ != NULL) {
- free(utf8_);
- }
- [super dealloc];
-// Required NSString overrides.
-- (NSUInteger)length {
- if (is7BitAscii_) {
- return utf8Len_;
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return CFStringGetLength(string_);
- }
-- (unichar)characterAtIndex:(NSUInteger)anIndex {
- OSSpinLockLock(&lock_);
- if (is7BitAscii_ && utf8_) {
- unichar result = utf8_[anIndex];
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- return result;
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValueAlreadyLocked(self);
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- return CFStringGetCharacterAtIndex(string_, anIndex);
- }
-// Override a couple of methods that typically want high performance.
-- (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return [(NSString *)string_ copyWithZone:zone];
-- (id)mutableCopyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return [(NSString *)string_ mutableCopyWithZone:zone];
-- (NSUInteger)hash {
- // Must convert to string here to make sure that the hash is always
- // consistent no matter what state the GPBString is in.
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return CFHash(string_);
-- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object {
- if (self == object) {
- return YES;
- }
- if ([object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return CFStringCompare(string_, (CFStringRef)object, 0) ==
- kCFCompareEqualTo;
- }
- return NO;
-- (void)getCharacters:(unichar *)buffer range:(NSRange)aRange {
- OSSpinLockLock(&lock_);
- if (is7BitAscii_ && utf8_) {
- unsigned char *bytes = &(utf8_[aRange.location]);
- for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < aRange.length; ++i) {
- buffer[i] = bytes[i];
- }
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValueAlreadyLocked(self);
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- CFStringGetCharacters(string_, CFRangeMake(aRange.location, aRange.length),
- buffer);
- }
-- (NSUInteger)lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding {
- if ((encoding == NSUTF8StringEncoding) ||
- (encoding == NSASCIIStringEncoding && is7BitAscii_)) {
- return utf8Len_ - (hasBOM_ ? 3 : 0);
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- return [(NSString *)string_ lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding:encoding];
- }
-- (BOOL)getBytes:(void *)buffer
- maxLength:(NSUInteger)maxLength
- usedLength:(NSUInteger *)usedLength
- encoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding
- options:(NSStringEncodingConversionOptions)options
- range:(NSRange)range
- remainingRange:(NSRangePointer)remainingRange {
- // [NSString getBytes:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange]
- // does not return reliable results if the maxLength argument is 0
- // (Radar 16385183). Therefore we have special cased it as a slow case so
- // that it behaves however Apple intends it to behave. It should be a rare
- // case.
- //
- // [NSString getBytes:maxLength:usedLength:encoding:options:range:remainingRange]
- // does not return reliable results if the range is outside of the strings
- // length (Radar 16396177). Therefore we have special cased it as a slow
- // case so that it behaves however Apple intends it to behave. It should
- // be a rare case.
- //
- // We can optimize the UTF8StringEncoding and NSASCIIStringEncoding with no
- // options cases.
- if ((options == 0) &&
- (encoding == NSUTF8StringEncoding || encoding == NSASCIIStringEncoding) &&
- (maxLength != 0) &&
- (NSMaxRange(range) <= utf8Len_)) {
- // Might be able to optimize it.
- OSSpinLockLock(&lock_);
- if (is7BitAscii_ && utf8_) {
- NSUInteger length = range.length;
- length = (length < maxLength) ? length : maxLength;
- memcpy(buffer, utf8_ + range.location, length);
- if (usedLength) {
- *usedLength = length;
- }
- if (remainingRange) {
- remainingRange->location = range.location + length;
- remainingRange->length = range.length - length;
- }
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- if (length > 0) {
- return YES;
- } else {
- return NO;
- }
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValueAlreadyLocked(self);
- OSSpinLockUnlock(&lock_);
- }
- } else {
- GPBStringInitStringValue(self);
- }
- return [(NSString *)string_ getBytes:buffer
- maxLength:maxLength
- usedLength:usedLength
- encoding:encoding
- options:options
- range:range
- remainingRange:remainingRange];