path: root/objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m
diff options
authorThomas Van Lenten <thomasvl@google.com>2015-05-21 17:14:52 -0400
committerThomas Van Lenten <thomasvl@google.com>2015-05-22 14:27:31 -0400
commit1dcc329427fd103a0abd96ab787270f5d0a31861 (patch)
treecf1c52df0e1effa3d0985a3406a71c38c3a4e487 /objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m
parentc3480926f98eb7c45224daae5cf0373e120b3b8d (diff)
Objective C Second Alpha Drop
- Style fixups in the code. - map<> serialization fixes and more tests. - Autocreation of map<> fields (to match repeated fields). - @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope|imports). - Fixup proto2 syntax extension support. - Move all startup code to +initialize so it happen on class usage and not app startup. - Have generated headers use forward declarations and move imports into generated code, reduces what is need at compile time to speed up compiled and avoid pointless rippling of rebuilds.
Diffstat (limited to 'objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9416860a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/objectivec/google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.m
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
+// source: google/protobuf/api.proto
+#import "GPBProtocolBuffers_RuntimeSupport.h"
+#import "google/protobuf/Api.pbobjc.h"
+#import "google/protobuf/SourceContext.pbobjc.h"
+#import "google/protobuf/Type.pbobjc.h"
+// @@protoc_insertion_point(imports)
+#pragma mark - GPBApiRoot
+@implementation GPBApiRoot
++ (GPBExtensionRegistry*)extensionRegistry {
+ // This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry
+ // about thread safety and initialization of registry.
+ static GPBExtensionRegistry* registry = nil;
+ if (!registry) {
+ registry = [[GPBExtensionRegistry alloc] init];
+ static GPBExtensionDescription descriptions[] = {
+ };
+ #pragma unused (descriptions)
+ [registry addExtensions:[GPBSourceContextRoot extensionRegistry]];
+ [registry addExtensions:[GPBTypeRoot extensionRegistry]];
+ }
+ return registry;
+static GPBFileDescriptor *GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor(void) {
+ // This is called by +initialize so there is no need to worry
+ // about thread safety of the singleton.
+ static GPBFileDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ descriptor = [[GPBFileDescriptor alloc] initWithPackage:@"google.protobuf"
+ syntax:GPBFileSyntaxProto3];
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+#pragma mark - GPBApi
+@implementation GPBApi
+@dynamic name;
+@dynamic methodsArray;
+@dynamic optionsArray;
+@dynamic version;
+@dynamic hasSourceContext, sourceContext;
+typedef struct GPBApi_Storage {
+ uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
+ NSString *name;
+ NSMutableArray *methodsArray;
+ NSMutableArray *optionsArray;
+ NSString *version;
+ GPBSourceContext *sourceContext;
+} GPBApi_Storage;
+// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
+// in +initialize for each subclass.
++ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
+ static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "name",
+ .number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Name,
+ .hasIndex = 0,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeString,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBApi_Storage, name),
+ .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "methodsArray",
+ .number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_MethodsArray,
+ .hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
+ .flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
+ .type = GPBTypeMessage,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBApi_Storage, methodsArray),
+ .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBMethod),
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "optionsArray",
+ .number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_OptionsArray,
+ .hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
+ .flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
+ .type = GPBTypeMessage,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBApi_Storage, optionsArray),
+ .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption),
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "version",
+ .number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_Version,
+ .hasIndex = 3,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeString,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBApi_Storage, version),
+ .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "sourceContext",
+ .number = GPBApi_FieldNumber_SourceContext,
+ .hasIndex = 4,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeMessage,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBApi_Storage, sourceContext),
+ .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBSourceContext),
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ };
+ descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBApi class]
+ rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class]
+ file:GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor()
+ fields:fields
+ fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
+ oneofs:NULL
+ oneofCount:0
+ enums:NULL
+ enumCount:0
+ ranges:NULL
+ rangeCount:0
+ storageSize:sizeof(GPBApi_Storage)
+ wireFormat:NO];
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+#pragma mark - GPBMethod
+@implementation GPBMethod
+@dynamic name;
+@dynamic requestTypeURL;
+@dynamic requestStreaming;
+@dynamic responseTypeURL;
+@dynamic responseStreaming;
+@dynamic optionsArray;
+typedef struct GPBMethod_Storage {
+ uint32_t _has_storage_[1];
+ BOOL requestStreaming;
+ BOOL responseStreaming;
+ NSString *name;
+ NSString *requestTypeURL;
+ NSString *responseTypeURL;
+ NSMutableArray *optionsArray;
+} GPBMethod_Storage;
+// This method is threadsafe because it is initially called
+// in +initialize for each subclass.
++ (GPBDescriptor *)descriptor {
+ static GPBDescriptor *descriptor = NULL;
+ if (!descriptor) {
+ static GPBMessageFieldDescription fields[] = {
+ {
+ .name = "name",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_Name,
+ .hasIndex = 0,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeString,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, name),
+ .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "requestTypeURL",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestTypeURL,
+ .hasIndex = 1,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom,
+ .type = GPBTypeString,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, requestTypeURL),
+ .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "requestStreaming",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_RequestStreaming,
+ .hasIndex = 2,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeBool,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, requestStreaming),
+ .defaultValue.valueBool = NO,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "responseTypeURL",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseTypeURL,
+ .hasIndex = 3,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional | GPBFieldTextFormatNameCustom,
+ .type = GPBTypeString,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, responseTypeURL),
+ .defaultValue.valueString = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "responseStreaming",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_ResponseStreaming,
+ .hasIndex = 4,
+ .flags = GPBFieldOptional,
+ .type = GPBTypeBool,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, responseStreaming),
+ .defaultValue.valueBool = NO,
+ .typeSpecific.className = NULL,
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ {
+ .name = "optionsArray",
+ .number = GPBMethod_FieldNumber_OptionsArray,
+ .hasIndex = GPBNoHasBit,
+ .flags = GPBFieldRepeated,
+ .type = GPBTypeMessage,
+ .offset = offsetof(GPBMethod_Storage, optionsArray),
+ .defaultValue.valueMessage = nil,
+ .typeSpecific.className = GPBStringifySymbol(GPBOption),
+ .fieldOptions = NULL,
+ },
+ };
+ const char *extraTextFormatInfo = NULL;
+ static const char *extraTextFormatInfo = "\002\002\007\244\241!!\000\004\010\244\241!!\000";
+ descriptor = [GPBDescriptor allocDescriptorForClass:[GPBMethod class]
+ rootClass:[GPBApiRoot class]
+ file:GPBApiRoot_FileDescriptor()
+ fields:fields
+ fieldCount:sizeof(fields) / sizeof(GPBMessageFieldDescription)
+ oneofs:NULL
+ oneofCount:0
+ enums:NULL
+ enumCount:0
+ ranges:NULL
+ rangeCount:0
+ storageSize:sizeof(GPBMethod_Storage)
+ wireFormat:NO
+ extraTextFormatInfo:extraTextFormatInfo];
+ }
+ return descriptor;
+// @@protoc_insertion_point(global_scope)