path: root/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/ProtocolBuffers.Test')
-rw-r--r--src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message1.datbin0 -> 228 bytes
-rw-r--r--src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message2.datbin0 -> 84570 bytes
12 files changed, 12471 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/BinaryCompatibilityTests.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/BinaryCompatibilityTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe8a1e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/BinaryCompatibilityTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+using System;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.CompatTests
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class BinaryCompatibilityTests : CompatibilityTests
+ {
+ protected override string TestName { get { return "binary"; } }
+ protected override object SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(TMessage message)
+ {
+ byte[] bresult = message.ToByteArray();
+ return bresult;
+ }
+ protected override TBuilder DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(object message, TBuilder builder, ExtensionRegistry registry)
+ {
+ return builder.MergeFrom((byte[])message, registry);
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/CompatibilityTests.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/CompatibilityTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e74f2b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/CompatibilityTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+using System;
+using Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.CompatTests
+ public abstract class CompatibilityTests
+ {
+ protected abstract string TestName { get; }
+ protected abstract object SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(TMessage message)
+ where TMessage : IMessageLite<TMessage, TBuilder>
+ where TBuilder : IBuilderLite<TMessage, TBuilder>;
+ protected abstract TBuilder DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(object message, TBuilder builder, ExtensionRegistry registry)
+ where TMessage : IMessageLite<TMessage, TBuilder>
+ where TBuilder : IBuilderLite<TMessage, TBuilder>;
+ #region RunBenchmark
+ protected void RunBenchmark<TMessage, TBuilder>(byte[] buffer, bool write)
+ where TMessage : IMessageLite<TMessage, TBuilder>
+ where TBuilder : IBuilderLite<TMessage, TBuilder>, new()
+ {
+ TBuilder builder = new TBuilder();
+ TMessage message = new TBuilder().MergeFrom(buffer).Build();
+ System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch watch = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
+ //simple warm-up
+ object content = SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(message);
+ Assert.AreEqual(message, DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(content, new TBuilder(), ExtensionRegistry.Empty).Build());
+ //timming
+ long time = 0, sample = 1;
+ while (time < 100)
+ {
+ sample *= 10;
+ watch.Reset();
+ watch.Start();
+ if (write)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < sample; i++)
+ SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < sample; i++)
+ DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(content, builder, ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ watch.Stop();
+ time = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
+ }
+ ulong rounds = (ulong)((100.0 / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds) * sample);
+ //test
+ watch.Reset();
+ watch.Start();
+ if (write)
+ {
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < rounds; i++)
+ SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(message);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (ulong i = 0; i < rounds; i++)
+ DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(content, builder, ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ watch.Stop();
+ System.Diagnostics.Trace.TraceInformation(
+ "\r\n{0} {4} {5} {3:n0} rps ({1:n0} rounds in {2:n0} ms)", typeof(TMessage).Name, rounds,
+ watch.ElapsedMilliseconds, (1000.0 / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds) * (double)rounds, TestName, write ? " write" : " read");
+ GC.GetTotalMemory(true);
+ GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers();
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message1OptimizeSizeWriterPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder>(TestResources.google_message1, true);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message1OptimizeSpeedWriterPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder>(TestResources.google_message1, true);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message2OptimizeSizeWriterPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder>(TestResources.google_message2, true);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message2OptimizeSpeedWriterPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder>(TestResources.google_message2, true);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message1OptimizeSizeReadPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder>(TestResources.google_message1, false);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message1OptimizeSpeedReadPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder>(TestResources.google_message1, false);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message2OptimizeSizeReadPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder>(TestResources.google_message2, false);
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void Message2OptimizeSpeedReadPerf()
+ {
+ RunBenchmark<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder>(TestResources.google_message2, false);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void RoundTripMessage1OptimizeSize()
+ {
+ SizeMessage1 msg = SizeMessage1.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(TestResources.google_message1).Build();
+ object content = SerializeMessage<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder>(msg);
+ SizeMessage1 copy = DeerializeMessage<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder>(content, SizeMessage1.CreateBuilder(), ExtensionRegistry.Empty).Build();
+ Assert.AreEqual(msg, copy);
+ Assert.AreEqual(content, SerializeMessage<SizeMessage1,SizeMessage1.Builder>(copy));
+ Assert.AreEqual(TestResources.google_message1, copy.ToByteArray());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSize()
+ {
+ SizeMessage2 msg = SizeMessage2.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(TestResources.google_message2).Build();
+ object content = SerializeMessage<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder>(msg);
+ SizeMessage2 copy = DeerializeMessage<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder>(content, SizeMessage2.CreateBuilder(), ExtensionRegistry.Empty).Build();
+ Assert.AreEqual(msg, copy);
+ Assert.AreEqual(content, SerializeMessage<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder>(copy));
+ Assert.AreEqual(TestResources.google_message2, copy.ToByteArray());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void RoundTripMessage1OptimizeSpeed()
+ {
+ SpeedMessage1 msg = SpeedMessage1.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(TestResources.google_message1).Build();
+ object content = SerializeMessage<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder>(msg);
+ SpeedMessage1 copy = DeerializeMessage<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder>(content, SpeedMessage1.CreateBuilder(), ExtensionRegistry.Empty).Build();
+ Assert.AreEqual(msg, copy);
+ Assert.AreEqual(content, SerializeMessage<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder>(copy));
+ Assert.AreEqual(TestResources.google_message1, copy.ToByteArray());
+ }
+ [Test]
+ public virtual void RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSpeed()
+ {
+ SpeedMessage2 msg = SpeedMessage2.CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(TestResources.google_message2).Build();
+ object content = SerializeMessage<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder>(msg);
+ SpeedMessage2 copy = DeerializeMessage<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder>(content, SpeedMessage2.CreateBuilder(), ExtensionRegistry.Empty).Build();
+ Assert.AreEqual(msg, copy);
+ Assert.AreEqual(content, SerializeMessage<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder>(copy));
+ Assert.AreEqual(TestResources.google_message2, copy.ToByteArray());
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.Designer.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.Designer.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8565ee80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.Designer.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// <auto-generated>
+// This code was generated by a tool.
+// Runtime Version:2.0.50727.5444
+// Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if
+// the code is regenerated.
+// </auto-generated>
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.CompatTests {
+ using System;
+ /// <summary>
+ /// A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.
+ /// </summary>
+ // This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder
+ // class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio.
+ // To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen
+ // with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project.
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("System.Resources.Tools.StronglyTypedResourceBuilder", "")]
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ internal class TestResources {
+ private static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager resourceMan;
+ private static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo resourceCulture;
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1811:AvoidUncalledPrivateCode")]
+ internal TestResources() {
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.
+ /// </summary>
+ [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
+ internal static global::System.Resources.ResourceManager ResourceManager {
+ get {
+ if (object.ReferenceEquals(resourceMan, null)) {
+ global::System.Resources.ResourceManager temp = new global::System.Resources.ResourceManager("Google.ProtocolBuffers.CompatTests.TestResources", typeof(TestResources).Assembly);
+ resourceMan = temp;
+ }
+ return resourceMan;
+ }
+ }
+ /// <summary>
+ /// Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all
+ /// resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.
+ /// </summary>
+ [global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
+ internal static global::System.Globalization.CultureInfo Culture {
+ get {
+ return resourceCulture;
+ }
+ set {
+ resourceCulture = value;
+ }
+ }
+ internal static byte[] google_message1 {
+ get {
+ object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("google_message1", resourceCulture);
+ return ((byte[])(obj));
+ }
+ }
+ internal static byte[] google_message2 {
+ get {
+ object obj = ResourceManager.GetObject("google_message2", resourceCulture);
+ return ((byte[])(obj));
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.resx b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.resx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0481d388
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TestResources.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+ <!--
+ Microsoft ResX Schema
+ Version 2.0
+ The primary goals of this format is to allow a simple XML format
+ that is mostly human readable. The generation and parsing of the
+ various data types are done through the TypeConverter classes
+ associated with the data types.
+ Example:
+ ... ado.net/XML headers & schema ...
+ <resheader name="resmimetype">text/microsoft-resx</resheader>
+ <resheader name="version">2.0</resheader>
+ <resheader name="reader">System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
+ <resheader name="writer">System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, ...</resheader>
+ <data name="Name1"><value>this is my long string</value><comment>this is a comment</comment></data>
+ <data name="Color1" type="System.Drawing.Color, System.Drawing">Blue</data>
+ <data name="Bitmap1" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64">
+ <value>[base64 mime encoded serialized .NET Framework object]</value>
+ </data>
+ <data name="Icon1" type="System.Drawing.Icon, System.Drawing" mimetype="application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64">
+ <value>[base64 mime encoded string representing a byte array form of the .NET Framework object]</value>
+ <comment>This is a comment</comment>
+ </data>
+ There are any number of "resheader" rows that contain simple
+ name/value pairs.
+ Each data row contains a name, and value. The row also contains a
+ type or mimetype. Type corresponds to a .NET class that support
+ text/value conversion through the TypeConverter architecture.
+ Classes that don't support this are serialized and stored with the
+ mimetype set.
+ The mimetype is used for serialized objects, and tells the
+ ResXResourceReader how to depersist the object. This is currently not
+ extensible. For a given mimetype the value must be set accordingly:
+ Note - application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64 is the format
+ that the ResXResourceWriter will generate, however the reader can
+ read any of the formats listed below.
+ mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.binary.base64
+ value : The object must be serialized with
+ : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryFormatter
+ : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
+ mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.soap.base64
+ value : The object must be serialized with
+ : System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Soap.SoapFormatter
+ : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
+ mimetype: application/x-microsoft.net.object.bytearray.base64
+ value : The object must be serialized into a byte array
+ : using a System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter
+ : and then encoded with base64 encoding.
+ -->
+ <xsd:schema id="root" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:msdata="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xml-msdata">
+ <xsd:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace" />
+ <xsd:element name="root" msdata:IsDataSet="true">
+ <xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xsd:element name="metadata">
+ <xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" />
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name" use="required" type="xsd:string" />
+ <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" />
+ <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" />
+ <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </xsd:element>
+ <xsd:element name="assembly">
+ <xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:attribute name="alias" type="xsd:string" />
+ <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" />
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </xsd:element>
+ <xsd:element name="data">
+ <xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
+ <xsd:element name="comment" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="2" />
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
+ <xsd:attribute name="type" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="3" />
+ <xsd:attribute name="mimetype" type="xsd:string" msdata:Ordinal="4" />
+ <xsd:attribute ref="xml:space" />
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </xsd:element>
+ <xsd:element name="resheader">
+ <xsd:complexType>
+ <xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:element name="value" type="xsd:string" minOccurs="0" msdata:Ordinal="1" />
+ </xsd:sequence>
+ <xsd:attribute name="name" type="xsd:string" use="required" />
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </xsd:element>
+ </xsd:choice>
+ </xsd:complexType>
+ </xsd:element>
+ </xsd:schema>
+ <resheader name="resmimetype">
+ <value>text/microsoft-resx</value>
+ </resheader>
+ <resheader name="version">
+ <value>2.0</value>
+ </resheader>
+ <resheader name="reader">
+ <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
+ </resheader>
+ <resheader name="writer">
+ <value>System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
+ </resheader>
+ <assembly alias="System.Windows.Forms" name="System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
+ <data name="google_message1" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
+ <value>google_message1.dat;System.Byte[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
+ </data>
+ <data name="google_message2" type="System.Resources.ResXFileRef, System.Windows.Forms">
+ <value>google_message2.dat;System.Byte[], mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</value>
+ </data>
+</root> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TextCompatibilityTests.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TextCompatibilityTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5eba0d33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/TextCompatibilityTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+using System.ComponentModel;
+using System.IO;
+using NUnit.Framework;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.CompatTests
+ [TestFixture]
+ public class TextCompatibilityTests : CompatibilityTests
+ {
+ protected override string TestName { get { return "text"; } }
+ protected override object SerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(TMessage message)
+ {
+ StringWriter text = new StringWriter();
+ message.PrintTo(text);
+ return text.ToString();
+ }
+ protected override TBuilder DeerializeMessage<TMessage, TBuilder>(object message, TBuilder builder, ExtensionRegistry registry)
+ {
+ TextFormat.Merge(new StringReader((string)message), registry, (IBuilder)builder);
+ return builder;
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void Message2OptimizeSizeReadPerf()
+ {
+ base.Message2OptimizeSizeReadPerf();
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void Message2OptimizeSpeedReadPerf()
+ {
+ base.Message2OptimizeSpeedReadPerf();
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSize()
+ {
+ base.RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSize();
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSpeed()
+ {
+ base.RoundTripMessage2OptimizeSpeed();
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void Message2OptimizeSizeWriterPerf()
+ {
+ base.Message2OptimizeSizeWriterPerf();
+ }
+ [Test, Explicit, Description("This test can take a very long time to run.")]
+ public override void Message2OptimizeSpeedWriterPerf()
+ {
+ base.Message2OptimizeSpeedWriterPerf();
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message1.dat b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message1.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bc0f064c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message1.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message2.dat b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message2.dat
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..06c09441
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/CompatTests/google_message2.dat
Binary files differ
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/ProtocolBuffers.Test.csproj b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/ProtocolBuffers.Test.csproj
index 4e07a89a..06dda010 100644
--- a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/ProtocolBuffers.Test.csproj
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/ProtocolBuffers.Test.csproj
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
+ <TrackFileAccess>false</TrackFileAccess>
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU' ">
@@ -74,6 +75,14 @@
<Compile Include="CodedInputStreamTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="CodedOutputStreamTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="Collections\PopsicleListTest.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="CompatTests\BinaryCompatibilityTests.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="CompatTests\CompatibilityTests.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="CompatTests\TestResources.Designer.cs">
+ <AutoGen>True</AutoGen>
+ <DesignTime>True</DesignTime>
+ <DependentUpon>TestResources.resx</DependentUpon>
+ </Compile>
+ <Compile Include="CompatTests\TextCompatibilityTests.cs" />
<Compile Include="CSharpOptionsTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="DescriptorsTest.cs" />
<Compile Include="Descriptors\MessageDescriptorTest.cs" />
@@ -93,6 +102,8 @@
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestEmbedOptimizeForProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestEmptyProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestGenericServices.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestImportLiteProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestImportProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestMessageSetProtoFile.cs" />
@@ -100,6 +111,7 @@
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestOptimizeForProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestRpcInterop.cs" />
+ <Compile Include="TestProtos\UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestRpcGenerator.cs" />
<Compile Include="TestUtil.cs" />
<Compile Include="TextFormatTest.cs" />
@@ -129,6 +141,16 @@
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <None Include="CompatTests\google_message1.dat" />
+ <None Include="CompatTests\google_message2.dat" />
+ </ItemGroup>
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <EmbeddedResource Include="CompatTests\TestResources.resx">
+ <Generator>ResXFileCodeGenerator</Generator>
+ <LastGenOutput>TestResources.Designer.cs</LastGenOutput>
+ </EmbeddedResource>
+ </ItemGroup>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' " />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Release' " />
<!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it.
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a4d24b91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,4178 @@
+// Generated by ProtoGen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17b3b1f090c3ea48. DO NOT EDIT!
+using pb = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers;
+using pbc = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Collections;
+using pbd = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
+using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static partial class UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile {
+ #region Extension registration
+ public static void RegisterAllExtensions(pb::ExtensionRegistry registry) {
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Static variables
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable;
+ #endregion
+ #region Descriptor
+ public static pbd::FileDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return descriptor; }
+ }
+ private static pbd::FileDescriptor descriptor;
+ static UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile() {
+ byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String(
+ "Ch1nb29nbGUvdGVzdC9nb29nbGVfc2l6ZS5wcm90bxIKYmVuY2htYXJrcxok" +
+ "Z29vZ2xlL3Byb3RvYnVmL2NzaGFycF9vcHRpb25zLnByb3RvIvYGCgxTaXpl" +
+ "ZDI1GBkgASgFOgEwEjMKB2ZpZWxkMTUYDyABKAsyIi5iZW5jaG1hcmtzLlNp" +
+ "emVNZXNzYWdlMVN1Yk1lc3NhZ2USDwoHZmllbGQ3OBhOIAEoCBISCgdmaWVs" +
+ "ASgFOgEwEigKCGZpZWxkMTI5GIEBIAEoCToVeHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4" +
+ "cm91cDEYCiADKAoyHy5iZW5jaG1hcmtzLlNpemVNZXNzYWdlMi5Hcm91cDES" +
+ "MjQYGCABKAkSNwoHZmllbGQzMRgfIAEoCzImLmJlbmNobWFya3MuU2l6ZU1l" +
+ "c3NhZ2UyR3JvdXBlZE1lc3NhZ2Ui3gEKGlNpemVNZXNzYWdlMkdyb3VwZWRN" +
+ "bGUuUHJvdG9jb2xCdWZmZXJzLlRlc3RQcm90b3MSG1VuaXRUZXN0R29vZ2xl" +
+ "U2l6ZVByb3RvRmlsZQ==");
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner assigner = delegate(pbd::FileDescriptor root) {
+ descriptor = root;
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[0];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field9", "Field18", "Field80", "Field81", "Field2", "Field3", "Field280", "Field6", "Field22", "Field4", "Field5", "Field59", "Field7", "Field16", "Field130", "Field12", "Field17", "Field13", "Field14", "Field104", "Field100", "Field101", "Field102", "Field103", "Field29", "Field30", "Field60", "Field271", "Field272", "Field150", "Field23", "Field24", "Field25", "Field15", "Field78", "Field67", "Field68", "Field128", "Field129", "Field131", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[1];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field15", "Field12", "Field13", "Field14", "Field16", "Field19", "Field20", "Field28", "Field21", "Field22", "Field23", "Field206", "Field203", "Field204", "Field205", "Field207", "Field300", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[2];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field3", "Field4", "Field30", "Field75", "Field6", "Field2", "Field21", "Field71", "Field25", "Field109", "Field210", "Field211", "Field212", "Field213", "Field216", "Field217", "Field218", "Field220", "Field221", "Field222", "Field63", "Group1", "Field128", "Field131", "Field127", "Field129", "Field130", "Field205", "Field206", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__Descriptor = internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__Descriptor.NestedTypes[0];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field11", "Field26", "Field12", "Field13", "Field14", "Field15", "Field5", "Field27", "Field28", "Field29", "Field16", "Field22", "Field73", "Field20", "Field24", "Field31", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[3];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5", "Field6", "Field7", "Field8", "Field9", "Field10", "Field11", });
+ pb::ExtensionRegistry registry = pb::ExtensionRegistry.CreateInstance();
+ RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ return registry;
+ };
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
+ new pbd::FileDescriptor[] {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.Descriptor,
+ }, assigner);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ #region Messages
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SizeMessage1 : pb::GeneratedMessage<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SizeMessage1 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SizeMessage1 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SizeMessage1 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SizeMessage1, SizeMessage1.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private string field1_ = "";
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field9FieldNumber = 9;
+ private bool hasField9;
+ private string field9_ = "";
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return hasField9; }
+ }
+ public string Field9 {
+ get { return field9_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field18FieldNumber = 18;
+ private bool hasField18;
+ private string field18_ = "";
+ public bool HasField18 {
+ get { return hasField18; }
+ }
+ public string Field18 {
+ get { return field18_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field80FieldNumber = 80;
+ private bool hasField80;
+ private bool field80_ = false;
+ public bool HasField80 {
+ get { return hasField80; }
+ }
+ public bool Field80 {
+ get { return field80_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field81FieldNumber = 81;
+ private bool hasField81;
+ private bool field81_ = true;
+ public bool HasField81 {
+ get { return hasField81; }
+ }
+ public bool Field81 {
+ get { return field81_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private int field2_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private int field3_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field280FieldNumber = 280;
+ private bool hasField280;
+ private int field280_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField280 {
+ get { return hasField280; }
+ }
+ public int Field280 {
+ get { return field280_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private int field6_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public int Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private bool hasField22;
+ private long field22_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return hasField22; }
+ }
+ public long Field22 {
+ get { return field22_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private string field4_ = "";
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public string Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<ulong> field5_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<ulong>();
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public scg::IList<ulong> Field5List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field5_); }
+ }
+ public int Field5Count {
+ get { return field5_.Count; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong GetField5(int index) {
+ return field5_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field59FieldNumber = 59;
+ private bool hasField59;
+ private bool field59_ = false;
+ public bool HasField59 {
+ get { return hasField59; }
+ }
+ public bool Field59 {
+ get { return field59_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field7FieldNumber = 7;
+ private bool hasField7;
+ private string field7_ = "";
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return hasField7; }
+ }
+ public string Field7 {
+ get { return field7_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private int field16_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field130FieldNumber = 130;
+ private bool hasField130;
+ private int field130_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField130 {
+ get { return hasField130; }
+ }
+ public int Field130 {
+ get { return field130_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private bool field12_ = true;
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field17FieldNumber = 17;
+ private bool hasField17;
+ private bool field17_ = true;
+ public bool HasField17 {
+ get { return hasField17; }
+ }
+ public bool Field17 {
+ get { return field17_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private bool field13_ = true;
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public bool Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private bool hasField14;
+ private bool field14_ = true;
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return hasField14; }
+ }
+ public bool Field14 {
+ get { return field14_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field104FieldNumber = 104;
+ private bool hasField104;
+ private int field104_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField104 {
+ get { return hasField104; }
+ }
+ public int Field104 {
+ get { return field104_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field100FieldNumber = 100;
+ private bool hasField100;
+ private int field100_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField100 {
+ get { return hasField100; }
+ }
+ public int Field100 {
+ get { return field100_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field101FieldNumber = 101;
+ private bool hasField101;
+ private int field101_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField101 {
+ get { return hasField101; }
+ }
+ public int Field101 {
+ get { return field101_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field102FieldNumber = 102;
+ private bool hasField102;
+ private string field102_ = "";
+ public bool HasField102 {
+ get { return hasField102; }
+ }
+ public string Field102 {
+ get { return field102_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field103FieldNumber = 103;
+ private bool hasField103;
+ private string field103_ = "";
+ public bool HasField103 {
+ get { return hasField103; }
+ }
+ public string Field103 {
+ get { return field103_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field29FieldNumber = 29;
+ private bool hasField29;
+ private int field29_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return hasField29; }
+ }
+ public int Field29 {
+ get { return field29_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field30FieldNumber = 30;
+ private bool hasField30;
+ private bool field30_ = false;
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return hasField30; }
+ }
+ public bool Field30 {
+ get { return field30_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field60FieldNumber = 60;
+ private bool hasField60;
+ private int field60_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField60 {
+ get { return hasField60; }
+ }
+ public int Field60 {
+ get { return field60_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field271FieldNumber = 271;
+ private bool hasField271;
+ private int field271_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField271 {
+ get { return hasField271; }
+ }
+ public int Field271 {
+ get { return field271_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field272FieldNumber = 272;
+ private bool hasField272;
+ private int field272_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField272 {
+ get { return hasField272; }
+ }
+ public int Field272 {
+ get { return field272_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field150FieldNumber = 150;
+ private bool hasField150;
+ private int field150_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField150 {
+ get { return hasField150; }
+ }
+ public int Field150 {
+ get { return field150_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field23FieldNumber = 23;
+ private bool hasField23;
+ private int field23_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return hasField23; }
+ }
+ public int Field23 {
+ get { return field23_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field24FieldNumber = 24;
+ private bool hasField24;
+ private bool field24_ = false;
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return hasField24; }
+ }
+ public bool Field24 {
+ get { return field24_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field25FieldNumber = 25;
+ private bool hasField25;
+ private int field25_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return hasField25; }
+ }
+ public int Field25 {
+ get { return field25_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field78FieldNumber = 78;
+ private bool hasField78;
+ private bool field78_ = false;
+ public bool HasField78 {
+ get { return hasField78; }
+ }
+ public bool Field78 {
+ get { return field78_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field67FieldNumber = 67;
+ private bool hasField67;
+ private int field67_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField67 {
+ get { return hasField67; }
+ }
+ public int Field67 {
+ get { return field67_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field68FieldNumber = 68;
+ private bool hasField68;
+ private int field68_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField68 {
+ get { return hasField68; }
+ }
+ public int Field68 {
+ get { return field68_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field128FieldNumber = 128;
+ private bool hasField128;
+ private int field128_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField128 {
+ get { return hasField128; }
+ }
+ public int Field128 {
+ get { return field128_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field129FieldNumber = 129;
+ private bool hasField129;
+ private string field129_ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return hasField129; }
+ }
+ public string Field129 {
+ get { return field129_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field131FieldNumber = 131;
+ private bool hasField131;
+ private int field131_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return hasField131; }
+ }
+ public int Field131 {
+ get { return field131_; }
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SizeMessage1 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SizeMessage1, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SizeMessage1 result = new SizeMessage1();
+ protected override SizeMessage1 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SizeMessage1();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.field5_.MakeReadOnly();
+ SizeMessage1 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return result.HasField9; }
+ }
+ public string Field9 {
+ get { return result.Field9; }
+ set { SetField9(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField9(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField9 = true;
+ result.field9_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField9() {
+ result.hasField9 = false;
+ result.field9_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField18 {
+ get { return result.HasField18; }
+ }
+ public string Field18 {
+ get { return result.Field18; }
+ set { SetField18(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField18(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField18 = true;
+ result.field18_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField18() {
+ result.hasField18 = false;
+ result.field18_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField80 {
+ get { return result.HasField80; }
+ }
+ public bool Field80 {
+ get { return result.Field80; }
+ set { SetField80(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField80(bool value) {
+ result.hasField80 = true;
+ result.field80_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField80() {
+ result.hasField80 = false;
+ result.field80_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField81 {
+ get { return result.HasField81; }
+ }
+ public bool Field81 {
+ get { return result.Field81; }
+ set { SetField81(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField81(bool value) {
+ result.hasField81 = true;
+ result.field81_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField81() {
+ result.hasField81 = false;
+ result.field81_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(int value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(int value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField280 {
+ get { return result.HasField280; }
+ }
+ public int Field280 {
+ get { return result.Field280; }
+ set { SetField280(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField280(int value) {
+ result.hasField280 = true;
+ result.field280_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField280() {
+ result.hasField280 = false;
+ result.field280_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public int Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(int value) {
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return result.HasField22; }
+ }
+ public long Field22 {
+ get { return result.Field22; }
+ set { SetField22(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(long value) {
+ result.hasField22 = true;
+ result.field22_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.hasField22 = false;
+ result.field22_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public string Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<ulong> Field5List {
+ get { return result.field5_; }
+ }
+ public int Field5Count {
+ get { return result.Field5Count; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong GetField5(int index) {
+ return result.GetField5(index);
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField5(int index, ulong value) {
+ result.field5_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder AddField5(ulong value) {
+ result.field5_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder AddRangeField5(scg::IEnumerable<ulong> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field5_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.field5_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField59 {
+ get { return result.HasField59; }
+ }
+ public bool Field59 {
+ get { return result.Field59; }
+ set { SetField59(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField59(bool value) {
+ result.hasField59 = true;
+ result.field59_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField59() {
+ result.hasField59 = false;
+ result.field59_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return result.HasField7; }
+ }
+ public string Field7 {
+ get { return result.Field7; }
+ set { SetField7(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField7(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField7 = true;
+ result.field7_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField7() {
+ result.hasField7 = false;
+ result.field7_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(int value) {
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField130 {
+ get { return result.HasField130; }
+ }
+ public int Field130 {
+ get { return result.Field130; }
+ set { SetField130(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField130(int value) {
+ result.hasField130 = true;
+ result.field130_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField130() {
+ result.hasField130 = false;
+ result.field130_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(bool value) {
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField17 {
+ get { return result.HasField17; }
+ }
+ public bool Field17 {
+ get { return result.Field17; }
+ set { SetField17(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField17(bool value) {
+ result.hasField17 = true;
+ result.field17_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField17() {
+ result.hasField17 = false;
+ result.field17_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public bool Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(bool value) {
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return result.HasField14; }
+ }
+ public bool Field14 {
+ get { return result.Field14; }
+ set { SetField14(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(bool value) {
+ result.hasField14 = true;
+ result.field14_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.hasField14 = false;
+ result.field14_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField104 {
+ get { return result.HasField104; }
+ }
+ public int Field104 {
+ get { return result.Field104; }
+ set { SetField104(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField104(int value) {
+ result.hasField104 = true;
+ result.field104_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField104() {
+ result.hasField104 = false;
+ result.field104_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField100 {
+ get { return result.HasField100; }
+ }
+ public int Field100 {
+ get { return result.Field100; }
+ set { SetField100(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField100(int value) {
+ result.hasField100 = true;
+ result.field100_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField100() {
+ result.hasField100 = false;
+ result.field100_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField101 {
+ get { return result.HasField101; }
+ }
+ public int Field101 {
+ get { return result.Field101; }
+ set { SetField101(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField101(int value) {
+ result.hasField101 = true;
+ result.field101_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField101() {
+ result.hasField101 = false;
+ result.field101_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField102 {
+ get { return result.HasField102; }
+ }
+ public string Field102 {
+ get { return result.Field102; }
+ set { SetField102(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField102(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField102 = true;
+ result.field102_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField102() {
+ result.hasField102 = false;
+ result.field102_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField103 {
+ get { return result.HasField103; }
+ }
+ public string Field103 {
+ get { return result.Field103; }
+ set { SetField103(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField103(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField103 = true;
+ result.field103_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField103() {
+ result.hasField103 = false;
+ result.field103_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return result.HasField29; }
+ }
+ public int Field29 {
+ get { return result.Field29; }
+ set { SetField29(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField29(int value) {
+ result.hasField29 = true;
+ result.field29_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField29() {
+ result.hasField29 = false;
+ result.field29_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return result.HasField30; }
+ }
+ public bool Field30 {
+ get { return result.Field30; }
+ set { SetField30(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField30(bool value) {
+ result.hasField30 = true;
+ result.field30_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField30() {
+ result.hasField30 = false;
+ result.field30_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField60 {
+ get { return result.HasField60; }
+ }
+ public int Field60 {
+ get { return result.Field60; }
+ set { SetField60(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField60(int value) {
+ result.hasField60 = true;
+ result.field60_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField60() {
+ result.hasField60 = false;
+ result.field60_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField271 {
+ get { return result.HasField271; }
+ }
+ public int Field271 {
+ get { return result.Field271; }
+ set { SetField271(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField271(int value) {
+ result.hasField271 = true;
+ result.field271_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField271() {
+ result.hasField271 = false;
+ result.field271_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField272 {
+ get { return result.HasField272; }
+ }
+ public int Field272 {
+ get { return result.Field272; }
+ set { SetField272(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField272(int value) {
+ result.hasField272 = true;
+ result.field272_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField272() {
+ result.hasField272 = false;
+ result.field272_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField150 {
+ get { return result.HasField150; }
+ }
+ public int Field150 {
+ get { return result.Field150; }
+ set { SetField150(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField150(int value) {
+ result.hasField150 = true;
+ result.field150_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField150() {
+ result.hasField150 = false;
+ result.field150_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return result.HasField23; }
+ }
+ public int Field23 {
+ get { return result.Field23; }
+ set { SetField23(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField23(int value) {
+ result.hasField23 = true;
+ result.field23_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField23() {
+ result.hasField23 = false;
+ result.field23_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return result.HasField24; }
+ }
+ public bool Field24 {
+ get { return result.Field24; }
+ set { SetField24(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField24(bool value) {
+ result.hasField24 = true;
+ result.field24_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField24() {
+ result.hasField24 = false;
+ result.field24_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return result.HasField25; }
+ }
+ public int Field25 {
+ get { return result.Field25; }
+ set { SetField25(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField25(int value) {
+ result.hasField25 = true;
+ result.field25_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField25() {
+ result.hasField25 = false;
+ result.field25_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder MergeField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ if (result.HasField15 &&
+ result.field15_ != global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance) {
+ result.field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.CreateBuilder(result.field15_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
+ } else {
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ }
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField78 {
+ get { return result.HasField78; }
+ }
+ public bool Field78 {
+ get { return result.Field78; }
+ set { SetField78(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField78(bool value) {
+ result.hasField78 = true;
+ result.field78_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField78() {
+ result.hasField78 = false;
+ result.field78_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField67 {
+ get { return result.HasField67; }
+ }
+ public int Field67 {
+ get { return result.Field67; }
+ set { SetField67(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField67(int value) {
+ result.hasField67 = true;
+ result.field67_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField67() {
+ result.hasField67 = false;
+ result.field67_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField68 {
+ get { return result.HasField68; }
+ }
+ public int Field68 {
+ get { return result.Field68; }
+ set { SetField68(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField68(int value) {
+ result.hasField68 = true;
+ result.field68_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField68() {
+ result.hasField68 = false;
+ result.field68_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField128 {
+ get { return result.HasField128; }
+ }
+ public int Field128 {
+ get { return result.Field128; }
+ set { SetField128(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField128(int value) {
+ result.hasField128 = true;
+ result.field128_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField128() {
+ result.hasField128 = false;
+ result.field128_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return result.HasField129; }
+ }
+ public string Field129 {
+ get { return result.Field129; }
+ set { SetField129(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField129(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField129 = true;
+ result.field129_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField129() {
+ result.hasField129 = false;
+ result.field129_ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return result.HasField131; }
+ }
+ public int Field131 {
+ get { return result.Field131; }
+ set { SetField131(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField131(int value) {
+ result.hasField131 = true;
+ result.field131_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField131() {
+ result.hasField131 = false;
+ result.field131_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SizeMessage1() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SizeMessage1SubMessage : pb::GeneratedMessage<SizeMessage1SubMessage, SizeMessage1SubMessage.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SizeMessage1SubMessage defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SizeMessage1SubMessage ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SizeMessage1SubMessage, SizeMessage1SubMessage.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private int field1_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public int Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private int field2_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private int field3_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private string field15_ = "";
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ public string Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private bool field12_ = true;
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private long field13_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public long Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private bool hasField14;
+ private long field14_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return hasField14; }
+ }
+ public long Field14 {
+ get { return field14_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private int field16_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field19FieldNumber = 19;
+ private bool hasField19;
+ private int field19_ = 2;
+ public bool HasField19 {
+ get { return hasField19; }
+ }
+ public int Field19 {
+ get { return field19_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field20FieldNumber = 20;
+ private bool hasField20;
+ private bool field20_ = true;
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return hasField20; }
+ }
+ public bool Field20 {
+ get { return field20_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field28FieldNumber = 28;
+ private bool hasField28;
+ private bool field28_ = true;
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return hasField28; }
+ }
+ public bool Field28 {
+ get { return field28_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field21FieldNumber = 21;
+ private bool hasField21;
+ private ulong field21_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return hasField21; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field21 {
+ get { return field21_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private bool hasField22;
+ private int field22_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return hasField22; }
+ }
+ public int Field22 {
+ get { return field22_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field23FieldNumber = 23;
+ private bool hasField23;
+ private bool field23_ = false;
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return hasField23; }
+ }
+ public bool Field23 {
+ get { return field23_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field206FieldNumber = 206;
+ private bool hasField206;
+ private bool field206_ = false;
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return hasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return field206_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field203FieldNumber = 203;
+ private bool hasField203;
+ private uint field203_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField203 {
+ get { return hasField203; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public uint Field203 {
+ get { return field203_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field204FieldNumber = 204;
+ private bool hasField204;
+ private int field204_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField204 {
+ get { return hasField204; }
+ }
+ public int Field204 {
+ get { return field204_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field205FieldNumber = 205;
+ private bool hasField205;
+ private string field205_ = "";
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return hasField205; }
+ }
+ public string Field205 {
+ get { return field205_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field207FieldNumber = 207;
+ private bool hasField207;
+ private ulong field207_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField207 {
+ get { return hasField207; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field207 {
+ get { return field207_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field300FieldNumber = 300;
+ private bool hasField300;
+ private ulong field300_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField300 {
+ get { return hasField300; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field300 {
+ get { return field300_; }
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SizeMessage1SubMessage prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SizeMessage1SubMessage, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SizeMessage1SubMessage result = new SizeMessage1SubMessage();
+ protected override SizeMessage1SubMessage MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SizeMessage1SubMessage();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage1SubMessage BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ SizeMessage1SubMessage returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public int Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(int value) {
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(int value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(int value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ public string Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(bool value) {
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public long Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(long value) {
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return result.HasField14; }
+ }
+ public long Field14 {
+ get { return result.Field14; }
+ set { SetField14(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(long value) {
+ result.hasField14 = true;
+ result.field14_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.hasField14 = false;
+ result.field14_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(int value) {
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField19 {
+ get { return result.HasField19; }
+ }
+ public int Field19 {
+ get { return result.Field19; }
+ set { SetField19(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField19(int value) {
+ result.hasField19 = true;
+ result.field19_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField19() {
+ result.hasField19 = false;
+ result.field19_ = 2;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return result.HasField20; }
+ }
+ public bool Field20 {
+ get { return result.Field20; }
+ set { SetField20(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField20(bool value) {
+ result.hasField20 = true;
+ result.field20_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField20() {
+ result.hasField20 = false;
+ result.field20_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return result.HasField28; }
+ }
+ public bool Field28 {
+ get { return result.Field28; }
+ set { SetField28(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField28(bool value) {
+ result.hasField28 = true;
+ result.field28_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField28() {
+ result.hasField28 = false;
+ result.field28_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return result.HasField21; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field21 {
+ get { return result.Field21; }
+ set { SetField21(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField21(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField21 = true;
+ result.field21_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField21() {
+ result.hasField21 = false;
+ result.field21_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return result.HasField22; }
+ }
+ public int Field22 {
+ get { return result.Field22; }
+ set { SetField22(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(int value) {
+ result.hasField22 = true;
+ result.field22_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.hasField22 = false;
+ result.field22_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return result.HasField23; }
+ }
+ public bool Field23 {
+ get { return result.Field23; }
+ set { SetField23(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField23(bool value) {
+ result.hasField23 = true;
+ result.field23_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField23() {
+ result.hasField23 = false;
+ result.field23_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return result.HasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return result.Field206; }
+ set { SetField206(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField206(bool value) {
+ result.hasField206 = true;
+ result.field206_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField206() {
+ result.hasField206 = false;
+ result.field206_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField203 {
+ get { return result.HasField203; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public uint Field203 {
+ get { return result.Field203; }
+ set { SetField203(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField203(uint value) {
+ result.hasField203 = true;
+ result.field203_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField203() {
+ result.hasField203 = false;
+ result.field203_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField204 {
+ get { return result.HasField204; }
+ }
+ public int Field204 {
+ get { return result.Field204; }
+ set { SetField204(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField204(int value) {
+ result.hasField204 = true;
+ result.field204_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField204() {
+ result.hasField204 = false;
+ result.field204_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return result.HasField205; }
+ }
+ public string Field205 {
+ get { return result.Field205; }
+ set { SetField205(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField205(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField205 = true;
+ result.field205_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField205() {
+ result.hasField205 = false;
+ result.field205_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField207 {
+ get { return result.HasField207; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field207 {
+ get { return result.Field207; }
+ set { SetField207(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField207(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField207 = true;
+ result.field207_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField207() {
+ result.hasField207 = false;
+ result.field207_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField300 {
+ get { return result.HasField300; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field300 {
+ get { return result.Field300; }
+ set { SetField300(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField300(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField300 = true;
+ result.field300_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField300() {
+ result.hasField300 = false;
+ result.field300_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SizeMessage1SubMessage() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SizeMessage2 : pb::GeneratedMessage<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SizeMessage2 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SizeMessage2 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SizeMessage2 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SizeMessage2, SizeMessage2.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ #region Nested types
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static class Types {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Group1 : pb::GeneratedMessage<Group1, Group1.Builder> {
+ private static readonly Group1 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static Group1 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override Group1 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<Group1, Group1.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field11FieldNumber = 11;
+ private bool hasField11;
+ private float field11_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return hasField11; }
+ }
+ public float Field11 {
+ get { return field11_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field26FieldNumber = 26;
+ private bool hasField26;
+ private float field26_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField26 {
+ get { return hasField26; }
+ }
+ public float Field26 {
+ get { return field26_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private string field12_ = "";
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public string Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private string field13_ = "";
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public string Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field14_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field14List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field14_); }
+ }
+ public int Field14Count {
+ get { return field14_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField14(int index) {
+ return field14_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private ulong field15_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private bool hasField5;
+ private int field5_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return hasField5; }
+ }
+ public int Field5 {
+ get { return field5_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field27FieldNumber = 27;
+ private bool hasField27;
+ private string field27_ = "";
+ public bool HasField27 {
+ get { return hasField27; }
+ }
+ public string Field27 {
+ get { return field27_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field28FieldNumber = 28;
+ private bool hasField28;
+ private int field28_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return hasField28; }
+ }
+ public int Field28 {
+ get { return field28_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field29FieldNumber = 29;
+ private bool hasField29;
+ private string field29_ = "";
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return hasField29; }
+ }
+ public string Field29 {
+ get { return field29_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private string field16_ = "";
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public string Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field22_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field22List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field22_); }
+ }
+ public int Field22Count {
+ get { return field22_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField22(int index) {
+ return field22_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field73FieldNumber = 73;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<int> field73_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<int>();
+ public scg::IList<int> Field73List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field73_); }
+ }
+ public int Field73Count {
+ get { return field73_.Count; }
+ }
+ public int GetField73(int index) {
+ return field73_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field20FieldNumber = 20;
+ private bool hasField20;
+ private int field20_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return hasField20; }
+ }
+ public int Field20 {
+ get { return field20_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field24FieldNumber = 24;
+ private bool hasField24;
+ private string field24_ = "";
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return hasField24; }
+ }
+ public string Field24 {
+ get { return field24_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field31FieldNumber = 31;
+ private bool hasField31;
+ private global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ public bool HasField31 {
+ get { return hasField31; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage Field31 {
+ get { return field31_; }
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(Group1 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<Group1, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ Group1 result = new Group1();
+ protected override Group1 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new Group1();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.field14_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field22_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field73_.MakeReadOnly();
+ Group1 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return result.HasField11; }
+ }
+ public float Field11 {
+ get { return result.Field11; }
+ set { SetField11(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField11(float value) {
+ result.hasField11 = true;
+ result.field11_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField11() {
+ result.hasField11 = false;
+ result.field11_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField26 {
+ get { return result.HasField26; }
+ }
+ public float Field26 {
+ get { return result.Field26; }
+ set { SetField26(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField26(float value) {
+ result.hasField26 = true;
+ result.field26_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField26() {
+ result.hasField26 = false;
+ result.field26_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public string Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public string Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field14List {
+ get { return result.field14_; }
+ }
+ public int Field14Count {
+ get { return result.Field14Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField14(int index) {
+ return result.GetField14(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field14_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField14(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field14_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField14(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field14_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.field14_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField15(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return result.HasField5; }
+ }
+ public int Field5 {
+ get { return result.Field5; }
+ set { SetField5(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField5(int value) {
+ result.hasField5 = true;
+ result.field5_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.hasField5 = false;
+ result.field5_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField27 {
+ get { return result.HasField27; }
+ }
+ public string Field27 {
+ get { return result.Field27; }
+ set { SetField27(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField27(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField27 = true;
+ result.field27_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField27() {
+ result.hasField27 = false;
+ result.field27_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return result.HasField28; }
+ }
+ public int Field28 {
+ get { return result.Field28; }
+ set { SetField28(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField28(int value) {
+ result.hasField28 = true;
+ result.field28_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField28() {
+ result.hasField28 = false;
+ result.field28_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return result.HasField29; }
+ }
+ public string Field29 {
+ get { return result.Field29; }
+ set { SetField29(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField29(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField29 = true;
+ result.field29_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField29() {
+ result.hasField29 = false;
+ result.field29_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public string Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field22List {
+ get { return result.field22_; }
+ }
+ public int Field22Count {
+ get { return result.Field22Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField22(int index) {
+ return result.GetField22(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field22_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField22(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field22_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField22(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field22_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.field22_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<int> Field73List {
+ get { return result.field73_; }
+ }
+ public int Field73Count {
+ get { return result.Field73Count; }
+ }
+ public int GetField73(int index) {
+ return result.GetField73(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField73(int index, int value) {
+ result.field73_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField73(int value) {
+ result.field73_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField73(scg::IEnumerable<int> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field73_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField73() {
+ result.field73_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return result.HasField20; }
+ }
+ public int Field20 {
+ get { return result.Field20; }
+ set { SetField20(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField20(int value) {
+ result.hasField20 = true;
+ result.field20_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField20() {
+ result.hasField20 = false;
+ result.field20_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return result.HasField24; }
+ }
+ public string Field24 {
+ get { return result.Field24; }
+ set { SetField24(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField24(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField24 = true;
+ result.field24_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField24() {
+ result.hasField24 = false;
+ result.field24_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField31 {
+ get { return result.HasField31; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage Field31 {
+ get { return result.Field31; }
+ set { SetField31(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ result.field31_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ result.field31_ = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder MergeField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ if (result.HasField31 &&
+ result.field31_ != global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance) {
+ result.field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.CreateBuilder(result.field31_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
+ } else {
+ result.field31_ = value;
+ }
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField31() {
+ result.hasField31 = false;
+ result.field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static Group1() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private string field1_ = "";
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private long field3_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public long Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private long field4_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public long Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field30FieldNumber = 30;
+ private bool hasField30;
+ private long field30_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return hasField30; }
+ }
+ public long Field30 {
+ get { return field30_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field75FieldNumber = 75;
+ private bool hasField75;
+ private bool field75_ = false;
+ public bool HasField75 {
+ get { return hasField75; }
+ }
+ public bool Field75 {
+ get { return field75_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private string field6_ = "";
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public string Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private pb::ByteString field2_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field21FieldNumber = 21;
+ private bool hasField21;
+ private int field21_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return hasField21; }
+ }
+ public int Field21 {
+ get { return field21_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field71FieldNumber = 71;
+ private bool hasField71;
+ private int field71_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField71 {
+ get { return hasField71; }
+ }
+ public int Field71 {
+ get { return field71_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field25FieldNumber = 25;
+ private bool hasField25;
+ private float field25_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return hasField25; }
+ }
+ public float Field25 {
+ get { return field25_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field109FieldNumber = 109;
+ private bool hasField109;
+ private int field109_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField109 {
+ get { return hasField109; }
+ }
+ public int Field109 {
+ get { return field109_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field210FieldNumber = 210;
+ private bool hasField210;
+ private int field210_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField210 {
+ get { return hasField210; }
+ }
+ public int Field210 {
+ get { return field210_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field211FieldNumber = 211;
+ private bool hasField211;
+ private int field211_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField211 {
+ get { return hasField211; }
+ }
+ public int Field211 {
+ get { return field211_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field212FieldNumber = 212;
+ private bool hasField212;
+ private int field212_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField212 {
+ get { return hasField212; }
+ }
+ public int Field212 {
+ get { return field212_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field213FieldNumber = 213;
+ private bool hasField213;
+ private int field213_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField213 {
+ get { return hasField213; }
+ }
+ public int Field213 {
+ get { return field213_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field216FieldNumber = 216;
+ private bool hasField216;
+ private int field216_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField216 {
+ get { return hasField216; }
+ }
+ public int Field216 {
+ get { return field216_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field217FieldNumber = 217;
+ private bool hasField217;
+ private int field217_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField217 {
+ get { return hasField217; }
+ }
+ public int Field217 {
+ get { return field217_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field218FieldNumber = 218;
+ private bool hasField218;
+ private int field218_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField218 {
+ get { return hasField218; }
+ }
+ public int Field218 {
+ get { return field218_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field220FieldNumber = 220;
+ private bool hasField220;
+ private int field220_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField220 {
+ get { return hasField220; }
+ }
+ public int Field220 {
+ get { return field220_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field221FieldNumber = 221;
+ private bool hasField221;
+ private int field221_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField221 {
+ get { return hasField221; }
+ }
+ public int Field221 {
+ get { return field221_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field222FieldNumber = 222;
+ private bool hasField222;
+ private float field222_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField222 {
+ get { return hasField222; }
+ }
+ public float Field222 {
+ get { return field222_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field63FieldNumber = 63;
+ private bool hasField63;
+ private int field63_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField63 {
+ get { return hasField63; }
+ }
+ public int Field63 {
+ get { return field63_; }
+ }
+ public const int Group1FieldNumber = 10;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1> group1_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1>();
+ public scg::IList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1> Group1List {
+ get { return group1_; }
+ }
+ public int Group1Count {
+ get { return group1_.Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1 GetGroup1(int index) {
+ return group1_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field128FieldNumber = 128;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field128_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field128List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field128_); }
+ }
+ public int Field128Count {
+ get { return field128_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField128(int index) {
+ return field128_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field131FieldNumber = 131;
+ private bool hasField131;
+ private long field131_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return hasField131; }
+ }
+ public long Field131 {
+ get { return field131_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field127FieldNumber = 127;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field127_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field127List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field127_); }
+ }
+ public int Field127Count {
+ get { return field127_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField127(int index) {
+ return field127_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field129FieldNumber = 129;
+ private bool hasField129;
+ private int field129_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return hasField129; }
+ }
+ public int Field129 {
+ get { return field129_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field130FieldNumber = 130;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<long> field130_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<long>();
+ public scg::IList<long> Field130List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field130_); }
+ }
+ public int Field130Count {
+ get { return field130_.Count; }
+ }
+ public long GetField130(int index) {
+ return field130_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field205FieldNumber = 205;
+ private bool hasField205;
+ private bool field205_ = false;
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return hasField205; }
+ }
+ public bool Field205 {
+ get { return field205_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field206FieldNumber = 206;
+ private bool hasField206;
+ private bool field206_ = false;
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return hasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return field206_; }
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SizeMessage2 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SizeMessage2, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SizeMessage2 result = new SizeMessage2();
+ protected override SizeMessage2 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SizeMessage2();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.group1_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field128_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field127_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field130_.MakeReadOnly();
+ SizeMessage2 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public long Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(long value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public long Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(long value) {
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return result.HasField30; }
+ }
+ public long Field30 {
+ get { return result.Field30; }
+ set { SetField30(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField30(long value) {
+ result.hasField30 = true;
+ result.field30_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField30() {
+ result.hasField30 = false;
+ result.field30_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField75 {
+ get { return result.HasField75; }
+ }
+ public bool Field75 {
+ get { return result.Field75; }
+ set { SetField75(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField75(bool value) {
+ result.hasField75 = true;
+ result.field75_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField75() {
+ result.hasField75 = false;
+ result.field75_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public string Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(pb::ByteString value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return result.HasField21; }
+ }
+ public int Field21 {
+ get { return result.Field21; }
+ set { SetField21(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField21(int value) {
+ result.hasField21 = true;
+ result.field21_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField21() {
+ result.hasField21 = false;
+ result.field21_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField71 {
+ get { return result.HasField71; }
+ }
+ public int Field71 {
+ get { return result.Field71; }
+ set { SetField71(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField71(int value) {
+ result.hasField71 = true;
+ result.field71_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField71() {
+ result.hasField71 = false;
+ result.field71_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return result.HasField25; }
+ }
+ public float Field25 {
+ get { return result.Field25; }
+ set { SetField25(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField25(float value) {
+ result.hasField25 = true;
+ result.field25_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField25() {
+ result.hasField25 = false;
+ result.field25_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField109 {
+ get { return result.HasField109; }
+ }
+ public int Field109 {
+ get { return result.Field109; }
+ set { SetField109(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField109(int value) {
+ result.hasField109 = true;
+ result.field109_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField109() {
+ result.hasField109 = false;
+ result.field109_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField210 {
+ get { return result.HasField210; }
+ }
+ public int Field210 {
+ get { return result.Field210; }
+ set { SetField210(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField210(int value) {
+ result.hasField210 = true;
+ result.field210_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField210() {
+ result.hasField210 = false;
+ result.field210_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField211 {
+ get { return result.HasField211; }
+ }
+ public int Field211 {
+ get { return result.Field211; }
+ set { SetField211(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField211(int value) {
+ result.hasField211 = true;
+ result.field211_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField211() {
+ result.hasField211 = false;
+ result.field211_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField212 {
+ get { return result.HasField212; }
+ }
+ public int Field212 {
+ get { return result.Field212; }
+ set { SetField212(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField212(int value) {
+ result.hasField212 = true;
+ result.field212_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField212() {
+ result.hasField212 = false;
+ result.field212_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField213 {
+ get { return result.HasField213; }
+ }
+ public int Field213 {
+ get { return result.Field213; }
+ set { SetField213(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField213(int value) {
+ result.hasField213 = true;
+ result.field213_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField213() {
+ result.hasField213 = false;
+ result.field213_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField216 {
+ get { return result.HasField216; }
+ }
+ public int Field216 {
+ get { return result.Field216; }
+ set { SetField216(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField216(int value) {
+ result.hasField216 = true;
+ result.field216_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField216() {
+ result.hasField216 = false;
+ result.field216_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField217 {
+ get { return result.HasField217; }
+ }
+ public int Field217 {
+ get { return result.Field217; }
+ set { SetField217(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField217(int value) {
+ result.hasField217 = true;
+ result.field217_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField217() {
+ result.hasField217 = false;
+ result.field217_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField218 {
+ get { return result.HasField218; }
+ }
+ public int Field218 {
+ get { return result.Field218; }
+ set { SetField218(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField218(int value) {
+ result.hasField218 = true;
+ result.field218_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField218() {
+ result.hasField218 = false;
+ result.field218_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField220 {
+ get { return result.HasField220; }
+ }
+ public int Field220 {
+ get { return result.Field220; }
+ set { SetField220(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField220(int value) {
+ result.hasField220 = true;
+ result.field220_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField220() {
+ result.hasField220 = false;
+ result.field220_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField221 {
+ get { return result.HasField221; }
+ }
+ public int Field221 {
+ get { return result.Field221; }
+ set { SetField221(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField221(int value) {
+ result.hasField221 = true;
+ result.field221_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField221() {
+ result.hasField221 = false;
+ result.field221_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField222 {
+ get { return result.HasField222; }
+ }
+ public float Field222 {
+ get { return result.Field222; }
+ set { SetField222(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField222(float value) {
+ result.hasField222 = true;
+ result.field222_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField222() {
+ result.hasField222 = false;
+ result.field222_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField63 {
+ get { return result.HasField63; }
+ }
+ public int Field63 {
+ get { return result.Field63; }
+ set { SetField63(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField63(int value) {
+ result.hasField63 = true;
+ result.field63_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField63() {
+ result.hasField63 = false;
+ result.field63_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1> Group1List {
+ get { return result.group1_; }
+ }
+ public int Group1Count {
+ get { return result.Group1Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1 GetGroup1(int index) {
+ return result.GetGroup1(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetGroup1(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1 value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.group1_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetGroup1(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.group1_[index] = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddGroup1(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1 value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.group1_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddGroup1(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.group1_.Add(builderForValue.Build());
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeGroup1(scg::IEnumerable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2.Types.Group1> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.group1_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearGroup1() {
+ result.group1_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field128List {
+ get { return result.field128_; }
+ }
+ public int Field128Count {
+ get { return result.Field128Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField128(int index) {
+ return result.GetField128(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField128(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field128_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField128(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field128_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField128(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field128_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField128() {
+ result.field128_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return result.HasField131; }
+ }
+ public long Field131 {
+ get { return result.Field131; }
+ set { SetField131(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField131(long value) {
+ result.hasField131 = true;
+ result.field131_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField131() {
+ result.hasField131 = false;
+ result.field131_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field127List {
+ get { return result.field127_; }
+ }
+ public int Field127Count {
+ get { return result.Field127Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField127(int index) {
+ return result.GetField127(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField127(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field127_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField127(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field127_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField127(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field127_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField127() {
+ result.field127_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return result.HasField129; }
+ }
+ public int Field129 {
+ get { return result.Field129; }
+ set { SetField129(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField129(int value) {
+ result.hasField129 = true;
+ result.field129_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField129() {
+ result.hasField129 = false;
+ result.field129_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<long> Field130List {
+ get { return result.field130_; }
+ }
+ public int Field130Count {
+ get { return result.Field130Count; }
+ }
+ public long GetField130(int index) {
+ return result.GetField130(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField130(int index, long value) {
+ result.field130_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField130(long value) {
+ result.field130_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField130(scg::IEnumerable<long> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field130_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField130() {
+ result.field130_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return result.HasField205; }
+ }
+ public bool Field205 {
+ get { return result.Field205; }
+ set { SetField205(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField205(bool value) {
+ result.hasField205 = true;
+ result.field205_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField205() {
+ result.hasField205 = false;
+ result.field205_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return result.HasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return result.Field206; }
+ set { SetField206(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField206(bool value) {
+ result.hasField206 = true;
+ result.field206_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField206() {
+ result.hasField206 = false;
+ result.field206_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SizeMessage2() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SizeMessage2GroupedMessage : pb::GeneratedMessage<SizeMessage2GroupedMessage, SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SizeMessage2GroupedMessage defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SizeMessage2GroupedMessage, SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SizeMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private float field1_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public float Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private float field2_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public float Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private float field3_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public float Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private bool field4_ = false;
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public bool Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private bool hasField5;
+ private bool field5_ = false;
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return hasField5; }
+ }
+ public bool Field5 {
+ get { return field5_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private bool field6_ = true;
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public bool Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field7FieldNumber = 7;
+ private bool hasField7;
+ private bool field7_ = false;
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return hasField7; }
+ }
+ public bool Field7 {
+ get { return field7_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field8FieldNumber = 8;
+ private bool hasField8;
+ private float field8_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField8 {
+ get { return hasField8; }
+ }
+ public float Field8 {
+ get { return field8_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field9FieldNumber = 9;
+ private bool hasField9;
+ private bool field9_ = false;
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return hasField9; }
+ }
+ public bool Field9 {
+ get { return field9_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field10FieldNumber = 10;
+ private bool hasField10;
+ private float field10_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField10 {
+ get { return hasField10; }
+ }
+ public float Field10 {
+ get { return field10_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field11FieldNumber = 11;
+ private bool hasField11;
+ private long field11_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return hasField11; }
+ }
+ public long Field11 {
+ get { return field11_; }
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SizeMessage2GroupedMessage prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SizeMessage2GroupedMessage, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SizeMessage2GroupedMessage result = new SizeMessage2GroupedMessage();
+ protected override SizeMessage2GroupedMessage MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SizeMessage2GroupedMessage();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SizeMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SizeMessage2GroupedMessage BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ SizeMessage2GroupedMessage returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public float Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(float value) {
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public float Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(float value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public float Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(float value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public bool Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(bool value) {
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return result.HasField5; }
+ }
+ public bool Field5 {
+ get { return result.Field5; }
+ set { SetField5(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField5(bool value) {
+ result.hasField5 = true;
+ result.field5_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.hasField5 = false;
+ result.field5_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public bool Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(bool value) {
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return result.HasField7; }
+ }
+ public bool Field7 {
+ get { return result.Field7; }
+ set { SetField7(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField7(bool value) {
+ result.hasField7 = true;
+ result.field7_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField7() {
+ result.hasField7 = false;
+ result.field7_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField8 {
+ get { return result.HasField8; }
+ }
+ public float Field8 {
+ get { return result.Field8; }
+ set { SetField8(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField8(float value) {
+ result.hasField8 = true;
+ result.field8_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField8() {
+ result.hasField8 = false;
+ result.field8_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return result.HasField9; }
+ }
+ public bool Field9 {
+ get { return result.Field9; }
+ set { SetField9(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField9(bool value) {
+ result.hasField9 = true;
+ result.field9_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField9() {
+ result.hasField9 = false;
+ result.field9_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField10 {
+ get { return result.HasField10; }
+ }
+ public float Field10 {
+ get { return result.Field10; }
+ set { SetField10(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField10(float value) {
+ result.hasField10 = true;
+ result.field10_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField10() {
+ result.hasField10 = false;
+ result.field10_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return result.HasField11; }
+ }
+ public long Field11 {
+ get { return result.Field11; }
+ set { SetField11(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField11(long value) {
+ result.hasField11 = true;
+ result.field11_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField11() {
+ result.hasField11 = false;
+ result.field11_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SizeMessage2GroupedMessage() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSizeProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..695a32ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,6131 @@
+// Generated by ProtoGen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17b3b1f090c3ea48. DO NOT EDIT!
+using pb = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers;
+using pbc = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Collections;
+using pbd = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
+using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static partial class UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile {
+ #region Extension registration
+ public static void RegisterAllExtensions(pb::ExtensionRegistry registry) {
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Static variables
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable;
+ #endregion
+ #region Descriptor
+ public static pbd::FileDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return descriptor; }
+ }
+ private static pbd::FileDescriptor descriptor;
+ static UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile() {
+ byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String(
+ "Ch5nb29nbGUvdGVzdC9nb29nbGVfc3BlZWQucHJvdG8SCmJlbmNobWFya3Ma" +
+ "JGdvb2dsZS9wcm90b2J1Zi9jc2hhcnBfb3B0aW9ucy5wcm90byL4BgoNU3Bl" +
+ "gAEgASgFOgEwEigKCGZpZWxkMTI5GIEBIAEoCToVeHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4eHh4" +
+ "EjAKBmdyb3VwMRgKIAMoCjIgLmJlbmNobWFya3MuU3BlZWRNZXNzYWdlMi5H" +
+ "DwoHZmllbGQyNhgaIAEoAhIPCgdmaWVsZDEyGAwgASgJEg8KB2ZpZWxkMTMY" +
+ "B2ZpZWxkMjQYGCABKAkSOAoHZmllbGQzMRgfIAEoCzInLmJlbmNobWFya3Mu" +
+ "U3BlZWRNZXNzYWdlMkdyb3VwZWRNZXNzYWdlIt8BChtTcGVlZE1lc3NhZ2Uy" +
+ "R3JvdXBlZE1lc3NhZ2USDgoGZmllbGQxGAEgASgCEg4KBmZpZWxkMhgCIAEo" +
+ "wj5BCiFHb29nbGUuUHJvdG9jb2xCdWZmZXJzLlRlc3RQcm90b3MSHFVuaXRU" +
+ "ZXN0R29vZ2xlU3BlZWRQcm90b0ZpbGU=");
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner assigner = delegate(pbd::FileDescriptor root) {
+ descriptor = root;
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[0];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field9", "Field18", "Field80", "Field81", "Field2", "Field3", "Field280", "Field6", "Field22", "Field4", "Field5", "Field59", "Field7", "Field16", "Field130", "Field12", "Field17", "Field13", "Field14", "Field104", "Field100", "Field101", "Field102", "Field103", "Field29", "Field30", "Field60", "Field271", "Field272", "Field150", "Field23", "Field24", "Field25", "Field15", "Field78", "Field67", "Field68", "Field128", "Field129", "Field131", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[1];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field15", "Field12", "Field13", "Field14", "Field16", "Field19", "Field20", "Field28", "Field21", "Field22", "Field23", "Field206", "Field203", "Field204", "Field205", "Field207", "Field300", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[2];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field3", "Field4", "Field30", "Field75", "Field6", "Field2", "Field21", "Field71", "Field25", "Field109", "Field210", "Field211", "Field212", "Field213", "Field216", "Field217", "Field218", "Field220", "Field221", "Field222", "Field63", "Group1", "Field128", "Field131", "Field127", "Field129", "Field130", "Field205", "Field206", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__Descriptor = internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__Descriptor.NestedTypes[0];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field11", "Field26", "Field12", "Field13", "Field14", "Field15", "Field5", "Field27", "Field28", "Field29", "Field16", "Field22", "Field73", "Field20", "Field24", "Field31", });
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[3];
+ internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder>(internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5", "Field6", "Field7", "Field8", "Field9", "Field10", "Field11", });
+ pb::ExtensionRegistry registry = pb::ExtensionRegistry.CreateInstance();
+ RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ return registry;
+ };
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
+ new pbd::FileDescriptor[] {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.Descriptor,
+ }, assigner);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ #region Messages
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SpeedMessage1 : pb::GeneratedMessage<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SpeedMessage1 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SpeedMessage1 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SpeedMessage1 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SpeedMessage1, SpeedMessage1.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private string field1_ = "";
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field9FieldNumber = 9;
+ private bool hasField9;
+ private string field9_ = "";
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return hasField9; }
+ }
+ public string Field9 {
+ get { return field9_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field18FieldNumber = 18;
+ private bool hasField18;
+ private string field18_ = "";
+ public bool HasField18 {
+ get { return hasField18; }
+ }
+ public string Field18 {
+ get { return field18_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field80FieldNumber = 80;
+ private bool hasField80;
+ private bool field80_ = false;
+ public bool HasField80 {
+ get { return hasField80; }
+ }
+ public bool Field80 {
+ get { return field80_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field81FieldNumber = 81;
+ private bool hasField81;
+ private bool field81_ = true;
+ public bool HasField81 {
+ get { return hasField81; }
+ }
+ public bool Field81 {
+ get { return field81_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private int field2_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private int field3_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field280FieldNumber = 280;
+ private bool hasField280;
+ private int field280_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField280 {
+ get { return hasField280; }
+ }
+ public int Field280 {
+ get { return field280_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private int field6_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public int Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private bool hasField22;
+ private long field22_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return hasField22; }
+ }
+ public long Field22 {
+ get { return field22_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private string field4_ = "";
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public string Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<ulong> field5_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<ulong>();
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public scg::IList<ulong> Field5List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field5_); }
+ }
+ public int Field5Count {
+ get { return field5_.Count; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong GetField5(int index) {
+ return field5_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field59FieldNumber = 59;
+ private bool hasField59;
+ private bool field59_ = false;
+ public bool HasField59 {
+ get { return hasField59; }
+ }
+ public bool Field59 {
+ get { return field59_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field7FieldNumber = 7;
+ private bool hasField7;
+ private string field7_ = "";
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return hasField7; }
+ }
+ public string Field7 {
+ get { return field7_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private int field16_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field130FieldNumber = 130;
+ private bool hasField130;
+ private int field130_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField130 {
+ get { return hasField130; }
+ }
+ public int Field130 {
+ get { return field130_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private bool field12_ = true;
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field17FieldNumber = 17;
+ private bool hasField17;
+ private bool field17_ = true;
+ public bool HasField17 {
+ get { return hasField17; }
+ }
+ public bool Field17 {
+ get { return field17_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private bool field13_ = true;
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public bool Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private bool hasField14;
+ private bool field14_ = true;
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return hasField14; }
+ }
+ public bool Field14 {
+ get { return field14_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field104FieldNumber = 104;
+ private bool hasField104;
+ private int field104_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField104 {
+ get { return hasField104; }
+ }
+ public int Field104 {
+ get { return field104_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field100FieldNumber = 100;
+ private bool hasField100;
+ private int field100_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField100 {
+ get { return hasField100; }
+ }
+ public int Field100 {
+ get { return field100_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field101FieldNumber = 101;
+ private bool hasField101;
+ private int field101_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField101 {
+ get { return hasField101; }
+ }
+ public int Field101 {
+ get { return field101_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field102FieldNumber = 102;
+ private bool hasField102;
+ private string field102_ = "";
+ public bool HasField102 {
+ get { return hasField102; }
+ }
+ public string Field102 {
+ get { return field102_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field103FieldNumber = 103;
+ private bool hasField103;
+ private string field103_ = "";
+ public bool HasField103 {
+ get { return hasField103; }
+ }
+ public string Field103 {
+ get { return field103_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field29FieldNumber = 29;
+ private bool hasField29;
+ private int field29_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return hasField29; }
+ }
+ public int Field29 {
+ get { return field29_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field30FieldNumber = 30;
+ private bool hasField30;
+ private bool field30_ = false;
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return hasField30; }
+ }
+ public bool Field30 {
+ get { return field30_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field60FieldNumber = 60;
+ private bool hasField60;
+ private int field60_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField60 {
+ get { return hasField60; }
+ }
+ public int Field60 {
+ get { return field60_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field271FieldNumber = 271;
+ private bool hasField271;
+ private int field271_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField271 {
+ get { return hasField271; }
+ }
+ public int Field271 {
+ get { return field271_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field272FieldNumber = 272;
+ private bool hasField272;
+ private int field272_ = -1;
+ public bool HasField272 {
+ get { return hasField272; }
+ }
+ public int Field272 {
+ get { return field272_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field150FieldNumber = 150;
+ private bool hasField150;
+ private int field150_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField150 {
+ get { return hasField150; }
+ }
+ public int Field150 {
+ get { return field150_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field23FieldNumber = 23;
+ private bool hasField23;
+ private int field23_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return hasField23; }
+ }
+ public int Field23 {
+ get { return field23_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field24FieldNumber = 24;
+ private bool hasField24;
+ private bool field24_ = false;
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return hasField24; }
+ }
+ public bool Field24 {
+ get { return field24_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field25FieldNumber = 25;
+ private bool hasField25;
+ private int field25_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return hasField25; }
+ }
+ public int Field25 {
+ get { return field25_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field78FieldNumber = 78;
+ private bool hasField78;
+ private bool field78_ = false;
+ public bool HasField78 {
+ get { return hasField78; }
+ }
+ public bool Field78 {
+ get { return field78_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field67FieldNumber = 67;
+ private bool hasField67;
+ private int field67_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField67 {
+ get { return hasField67; }
+ }
+ public int Field67 {
+ get { return field67_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field68FieldNumber = 68;
+ private bool hasField68;
+ private int field68_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField68 {
+ get { return hasField68; }
+ }
+ public int Field68 {
+ get { return field68_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field128FieldNumber = 128;
+ private bool hasField128;
+ private int field128_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField128 {
+ get { return hasField128; }
+ }
+ public int Field128 {
+ get { return field128_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field129FieldNumber = 129;
+ private bool hasField129;
+ private string field129_ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return hasField129; }
+ }
+ public string Field129 {
+ get { return field129_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field131FieldNumber = 131;
+ private bool hasField131;
+ private int field131_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return hasField131; }
+ }
+ public int Field131 {
+ get { return field131_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ if (!hasField1) return false;
+ if (!hasField2) return false;
+ if (!hasField3) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ output.WriteString(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ output.WriteInt32(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ output.WriteInt32(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ output.WriteString(4, Field4);
+ }
+ if (field5_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (ulong element in field5_) {
+ output.WriteFixed64(5, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ output.WriteInt32(6, Field6);
+ }
+ if (HasField7) {
+ output.WriteString(7, Field7);
+ }
+ if (HasField9) {
+ output.WriteString(9, Field9);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ output.WriteBool(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ output.WriteBool(13, Field13);
+ }
+ if (HasField14) {
+ output.WriteBool(14, Field14);
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ output.WriteMessage(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ output.WriteInt32(16, Field16);
+ }
+ if (HasField17) {
+ output.WriteBool(17, Field17);
+ }
+ if (HasField18) {
+ output.WriteString(18, Field18);
+ }
+ if (HasField22) {
+ output.WriteInt64(22, Field22);
+ }
+ if (HasField23) {
+ output.WriteInt32(23, Field23);
+ }
+ if (HasField24) {
+ output.WriteBool(24, Field24);
+ }
+ if (HasField25) {
+ output.WriteInt32(25, Field25);
+ }
+ if (HasField29) {
+ output.WriteInt32(29, Field29);
+ }
+ if (HasField30) {
+ output.WriteBool(30, Field30);
+ }
+ if (HasField59) {
+ output.WriteBool(59, Field59);
+ }
+ if (HasField60) {
+ output.WriteInt32(60, Field60);
+ }
+ if (HasField67) {
+ output.WriteInt32(67, Field67);
+ }
+ if (HasField68) {
+ output.WriteInt32(68, Field68);
+ }
+ if (HasField78) {
+ output.WriteBool(78, Field78);
+ }
+ if (HasField80) {
+ output.WriteBool(80, Field80);
+ }
+ if (HasField81) {
+ output.WriteBool(81, Field81);
+ }
+ if (HasField100) {
+ output.WriteInt32(100, Field100);
+ }
+ if (HasField101) {
+ output.WriteInt32(101, Field101);
+ }
+ if (HasField102) {
+ output.WriteString(102, Field102);
+ }
+ if (HasField103) {
+ output.WriteString(103, Field103);
+ }
+ if (HasField104) {
+ output.WriteInt32(104, Field104);
+ }
+ if (HasField128) {
+ output.WriteInt32(128, Field128);
+ }
+ if (HasField129) {
+ output.WriteString(129, Field129);
+ }
+ if (HasField130) {
+ output.WriteInt32(130, Field130);
+ }
+ if (HasField131) {
+ output.WriteInt32(131, Field131);
+ }
+ if (HasField150) {
+ output.WriteInt32(150, Field150);
+ }
+ if (HasField271) {
+ output.WriteInt32(271, Field271);
+ }
+ if (HasField272) {
+ output.WriteInt32(272, Field272);
+ }
+ if (HasField280) {
+ output.WriteInt32(280, Field280);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField9) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(9, Field9);
+ }
+ if (HasField18) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(18, Field18);
+ }
+ if (HasField80) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(80, Field80);
+ }
+ if (HasField81) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(81, Field81);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField280) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(280, Field280);
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(6, Field6);
+ }
+ if (HasField22) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(22, Field22);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(4, Field4);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ dataSize = 8 * field5_.Count;
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 1 * field5_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField59) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(59, Field59);
+ }
+ if (HasField7) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(7, Field7);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(16, Field16);
+ }
+ if (HasField130) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(130, Field130);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField17) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(17, Field17);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(13, Field13);
+ }
+ if (HasField14) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(14, Field14);
+ }
+ if (HasField104) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(104, Field104);
+ }
+ if (HasField100) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(100, Field100);
+ }
+ if (HasField101) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(101, Field101);
+ }
+ if (HasField102) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(102, Field102);
+ }
+ if (HasField103) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(103, Field103);
+ }
+ if (HasField29) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(29, Field29);
+ }
+ if (HasField30) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(30, Field30);
+ }
+ if (HasField60) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(60, Field60);
+ }
+ if (HasField271) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(271, Field271);
+ }
+ if (HasField272) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(272, Field272);
+ }
+ if (HasField150) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(150, Field150);
+ }
+ if (HasField23) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(23, Field23);
+ }
+ if (HasField24) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(24, Field24);
+ }
+ if (HasField25) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(25, Field25);
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField78) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(78, Field78);
+ }
+ if (HasField67) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(67, Field67);
+ }
+ if (HasField68) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(68, Field68);
+ }
+ if (HasField128) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(128, Field128);
+ }
+ if (HasField129) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(129, Field129);
+ }
+ if (HasField131) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(131, Field131);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SpeedMessage1 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SpeedMessage1, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SpeedMessage1 result = new SpeedMessage1();
+ protected override SpeedMessage1 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SpeedMessage1();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.field5_.MakeReadOnly();
+ SpeedMessage1 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is SpeedMessage1) {
+ return MergeFrom((SpeedMessage1) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(SpeedMessage1 other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasField1) {
+ Field1 = other.Field1;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField9) {
+ Field9 = other.Field9;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField18) {
+ Field18 = other.Field18;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField80) {
+ Field80 = other.Field80;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField81) {
+ Field81 = other.Field81;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField2) {
+ Field2 = other.Field2;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField3) {
+ Field3 = other.Field3;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField280) {
+ Field280 = other.Field280;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField6) {
+ Field6 = other.Field6;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField22) {
+ Field22 = other.Field22;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField4) {
+ Field4 = other.Field4;
+ }
+ if (other.field5_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field5_, result.field5_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField59) {
+ Field59 = other.Field59;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField7) {
+ Field7 = other.Field7;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField16) {
+ Field16 = other.Field16;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField130) {
+ Field130 = other.Field130;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField12) {
+ Field12 = other.Field12;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField17) {
+ Field17 = other.Field17;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField13) {
+ Field13 = other.Field13;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField14) {
+ Field14 = other.Field14;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField104) {
+ Field104 = other.Field104;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField100) {
+ Field100 = other.Field100;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField101) {
+ Field101 = other.Field101;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField102) {
+ Field102 = other.Field102;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField103) {
+ Field103 = other.Field103;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField29) {
+ Field29 = other.Field29;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField30) {
+ Field30 = other.Field30;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField60) {
+ Field60 = other.Field60;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField271) {
+ Field271 = other.Field271;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField272) {
+ Field272 = other.Field272;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField150) {
+ Field150 = other.Field150;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField23) {
+ Field23 = other.Field23;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField24) {
+ Field24 = other.Field24;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField25) {
+ Field25 = other.Field25;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField15) {
+ MergeField15(other.Field15);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField78) {
+ Field78 = other.Field78;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField67) {
+ Field67 = other.Field67;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField68) {
+ Field68 = other.Field68;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField128) {
+ Field128 = other.Field128;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField129) {
+ Field129 = other.Field129;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField131) {
+ Field131 = other.Field131;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10: {
+ Field1 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 16: {
+ Field2 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 24: {
+ Field3 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 34: {
+ Field4 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 41: {
+ AddField5(input.ReadFixed64());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 48: {
+ Field6 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 58: {
+ Field7 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 74: {
+ Field9 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 96: {
+ Field12 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 104: {
+ Field13 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 112: {
+ Field14 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 122: {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder subBuilder = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.CreateBuilder();
+ if (HasField15) {
+ subBuilder.MergeFrom(Field15);
+ }
+ input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
+ Field15 = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 128: {
+ Field16 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 136: {
+ Field17 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 146: {
+ Field18 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 176: {
+ Field22 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 184: {
+ Field23 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 192: {
+ Field24 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 200: {
+ Field25 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 232: {
+ Field29 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 240: {
+ Field30 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 472: {
+ Field59 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 480: {
+ Field60 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 536: {
+ Field67 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 544: {
+ Field68 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 624: {
+ Field78 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 640: {
+ Field80 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 648: {
+ Field81 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 800: {
+ Field100 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 808: {
+ Field101 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 818: {
+ Field102 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 826: {
+ Field103 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 832: {
+ Field104 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1024: {
+ Field128 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1034: {
+ Field129 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1040: {
+ Field130 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1048: {
+ Field131 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1200: {
+ Field150 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2168: {
+ Field271 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2176: {
+ Field272 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2240: {
+ Field280 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return result.HasField9; }
+ }
+ public string Field9 {
+ get { return result.Field9; }
+ set { SetField9(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField9(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField9 = true;
+ result.field9_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField9() {
+ result.hasField9 = false;
+ result.field9_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField18 {
+ get { return result.HasField18; }
+ }
+ public string Field18 {
+ get { return result.Field18; }
+ set { SetField18(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField18(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField18 = true;
+ result.field18_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField18() {
+ result.hasField18 = false;
+ result.field18_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField80 {
+ get { return result.HasField80; }
+ }
+ public bool Field80 {
+ get { return result.Field80; }
+ set { SetField80(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField80(bool value) {
+ result.hasField80 = true;
+ result.field80_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField80() {
+ result.hasField80 = false;
+ result.field80_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField81 {
+ get { return result.HasField81; }
+ }
+ public bool Field81 {
+ get { return result.Field81; }
+ set { SetField81(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField81(bool value) {
+ result.hasField81 = true;
+ result.field81_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField81() {
+ result.hasField81 = false;
+ result.field81_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(int value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(int value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField280 {
+ get { return result.HasField280; }
+ }
+ public int Field280 {
+ get { return result.Field280; }
+ set { SetField280(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField280(int value) {
+ result.hasField280 = true;
+ result.field280_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField280() {
+ result.hasField280 = false;
+ result.field280_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public int Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(int value) {
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return result.HasField22; }
+ }
+ public long Field22 {
+ get { return result.Field22; }
+ set { SetField22(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(long value) {
+ result.hasField22 = true;
+ result.field22_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.hasField22 = false;
+ result.field22_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public string Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<ulong> Field5List {
+ get { return result.field5_; }
+ }
+ public int Field5Count {
+ get { return result.Field5Count; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong GetField5(int index) {
+ return result.GetField5(index);
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField5(int index, ulong value) {
+ result.field5_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder AddField5(ulong value) {
+ result.field5_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder AddRangeField5(scg::IEnumerable<ulong> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field5_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.field5_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField59 {
+ get { return result.HasField59; }
+ }
+ public bool Field59 {
+ get { return result.Field59; }
+ set { SetField59(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField59(bool value) {
+ result.hasField59 = true;
+ result.field59_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField59() {
+ result.hasField59 = false;
+ result.field59_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return result.HasField7; }
+ }
+ public string Field7 {
+ get { return result.Field7; }
+ set { SetField7(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField7(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField7 = true;
+ result.field7_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField7() {
+ result.hasField7 = false;
+ result.field7_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(int value) {
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField130 {
+ get { return result.HasField130; }
+ }
+ public int Field130 {
+ get { return result.Field130; }
+ set { SetField130(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField130(int value) {
+ result.hasField130 = true;
+ result.field130_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField130() {
+ result.hasField130 = false;
+ result.field130_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(bool value) {
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField17 {
+ get { return result.HasField17; }
+ }
+ public bool Field17 {
+ get { return result.Field17; }
+ set { SetField17(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField17(bool value) {
+ result.hasField17 = true;
+ result.field17_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField17() {
+ result.hasField17 = false;
+ result.field17_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public bool Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(bool value) {
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return result.HasField14; }
+ }
+ public bool Field14 {
+ get { return result.Field14; }
+ set { SetField14(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(bool value) {
+ result.hasField14 = true;
+ result.field14_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.hasField14 = false;
+ result.field14_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField104 {
+ get { return result.HasField104; }
+ }
+ public int Field104 {
+ get { return result.Field104; }
+ set { SetField104(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField104(int value) {
+ result.hasField104 = true;
+ result.field104_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField104() {
+ result.hasField104 = false;
+ result.field104_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField100 {
+ get { return result.HasField100; }
+ }
+ public int Field100 {
+ get { return result.Field100; }
+ set { SetField100(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField100(int value) {
+ result.hasField100 = true;
+ result.field100_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField100() {
+ result.hasField100 = false;
+ result.field100_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField101 {
+ get { return result.HasField101; }
+ }
+ public int Field101 {
+ get { return result.Field101; }
+ set { SetField101(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField101(int value) {
+ result.hasField101 = true;
+ result.field101_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField101() {
+ result.hasField101 = false;
+ result.field101_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField102 {
+ get { return result.HasField102; }
+ }
+ public string Field102 {
+ get { return result.Field102; }
+ set { SetField102(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField102(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField102 = true;
+ result.field102_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField102() {
+ result.hasField102 = false;
+ result.field102_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField103 {
+ get { return result.HasField103; }
+ }
+ public string Field103 {
+ get { return result.Field103; }
+ set { SetField103(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField103(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField103 = true;
+ result.field103_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField103() {
+ result.hasField103 = false;
+ result.field103_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return result.HasField29; }
+ }
+ public int Field29 {
+ get { return result.Field29; }
+ set { SetField29(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField29(int value) {
+ result.hasField29 = true;
+ result.field29_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField29() {
+ result.hasField29 = false;
+ result.field29_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return result.HasField30; }
+ }
+ public bool Field30 {
+ get { return result.Field30; }
+ set { SetField30(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField30(bool value) {
+ result.hasField30 = true;
+ result.field30_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField30() {
+ result.hasField30 = false;
+ result.field30_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField60 {
+ get { return result.HasField60; }
+ }
+ public int Field60 {
+ get { return result.Field60; }
+ set { SetField60(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField60(int value) {
+ result.hasField60 = true;
+ result.field60_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField60() {
+ result.hasField60 = false;
+ result.field60_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField271 {
+ get { return result.HasField271; }
+ }
+ public int Field271 {
+ get { return result.Field271; }
+ set { SetField271(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField271(int value) {
+ result.hasField271 = true;
+ result.field271_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField271() {
+ result.hasField271 = false;
+ result.field271_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField272 {
+ get { return result.HasField272; }
+ }
+ public int Field272 {
+ get { return result.Field272; }
+ set { SetField272(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField272(int value) {
+ result.hasField272 = true;
+ result.field272_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField272() {
+ result.hasField272 = false;
+ result.field272_ = -1;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField150 {
+ get { return result.HasField150; }
+ }
+ public int Field150 {
+ get { return result.Field150; }
+ set { SetField150(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField150(int value) {
+ result.hasField150 = true;
+ result.field150_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField150() {
+ result.hasField150 = false;
+ result.field150_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return result.HasField23; }
+ }
+ public int Field23 {
+ get { return result.Field23; }
+ set { SetField23(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField23(int value) {
+ result.hasField23 = true;
+ result.field23_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField23() {
+ result.hasField23 = false;
+ result.field23_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return result.HasField24; }
+ }
+ public bool Field24 {
+ get { return result.Field24; }
+ set { SetField24(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField24(bool value) {
+ result.hasField24 = true;
+ result.field24_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField24() {
+ result.hasField24 = false;
+ result.field24_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return result.HasField25; }
+ }
+ public int Field25 {
+ get { return result.Field25; }
+ set { SetField25(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField25(int value) {
+ result.hasField25 = true;
+ result.field25_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField25() {
+ result.hasField25 = false;
+ result.field25_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder MergeField15(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ if (result.HasField15 &&
+ result.field15_ != global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance) {
+ result.field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.CreateBuilder(result.field15_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
+ } else {
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ }
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField78 {
+ get { return result.HasField78; }
+ }
+ public bool Field78 {
+ get { return result.Field78; }
+ set { SetField78(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField78(bool value) {
+ result.hasField78 = true;
+ result.field78_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField78() {
+ result.hasField78 = false;
+ result.field78_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField67 {
+ get { return result.HasField67; }
+ }
+ public int Field67 {
+ get { return result.Field67; }
+ set { SetField67(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField67(int value) {
+ result.hasField67 = true;
+ result.field67_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField67() {
+ result.hasField67 = false;
+ result.field67_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField68 {
+ get { return result.HasField68; }
+ }
+ public int Field68 {
+ get { return result.Field68; }
+ set { SetField68(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField68(int value) {
+ result.hasField68 = true;
+ result.field68_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField68() {
+ result.hasField68 = false;
+ result.field68_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField128 {
+ get { return result.HasField128; }
+ }
+ public int Field128 {
+ get { return result.Field128; }
+ set { SetField128(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField128(int value) {
+ result.hasField128 = true;
+ result.field128_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField128() {
+ result.hasField128 = false;
+ result.field128_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return result.HasField129; }
+ }
+ public string Field129 {
+ get { return result.Field129; }
+ set { SetField129(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField129(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField129 = true;
+ result.field129_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField129() {
+ result.hasField129 = false;
+ result.field129_ = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return result.HasField131; }
+ }
+ public int Field131 {
+ get { return result.Field131; }
+ set { SetField131(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField131(int value) {
+ result.hasField131 = true;
+ result.field131_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField131() {
+ result.hasField131 = false;
+ result.field131_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SpeedMessage1() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SpeedMessage1SubMessage : pb::GeneratedMessage<SpeedMessage1SubMessage, SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SpeedMessage1SubMessage defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SpeedMessage1SubMessage ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SpeedMessage1SubMessage, SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage1SubMessage__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private int field1_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public int Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private int field2_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private int field3_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private string field15_ = "";
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ public string Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private bool field12_ = true;
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private long field13_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public long Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private bool hasField14;
+ private long field14_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return hasField14; }
+ }
+ public long Field14 {
+ get { return field14_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private int field16_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field19FieldNumber = 19;
+ private bool hasField19;
+ private int field19_ = 2;
+ public bool HasField19 {
+ get { return hasField19; }
+ }
+ public int Field19 {
+ get { return field19_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field20FieldNumber = 20;
+ private bool hasField20;
+ private bool field20_ = true;
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return hasField20; }
+ }
+ public bool Field20 {
+ get { return field20_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field28FieldNumber = 28;
+ private bool hasField28;
+ private bool field28_ = true;
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return hasField28; }
+ }
+ public bool Field28 {
+ get { return field28_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field21FieldNumber = 21;
+ private bool hasField21;
+ private ulong field21_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return hasField21; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field21 {
+ get { return field21_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private bool hasField22;
+ private int field22_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return hasField22; }
+ }
+ public int Field22 {
+ get { return field22_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field23FieldNumber = 23;
+ private bool hasField23;
+ private bool field23_ = false;
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return hasField23; }
+ }
+ public bool Field23 {
+ get { return field23_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field206FieldNumber = 206;
+ private bool hasField206;
+ private bool field206_ = false;
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return hasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return field206_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field203FieldNumber = 203;
+ private bool hasField203;
+ private uint field203_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField203 {
+ get { return hasField203; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public uint Field203 {
+ get { return field203_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field204FieldNumber = 204;
+ private bool hasField204;
+ private int field204_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField204 {
+ get { return hasField204; }
+ }
+ public int Field204 {
+ get { return field204_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field205FieldNumber = 205;
+ private bool hasField205;
+ private string field205_ = "";
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return hasField205; }
+ }
+ public string Field205 {
+ get { return field205_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field207FieldNumber = 207;
+ private bool hasField207;
+ private ulong field207_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField207 {
+ get { return hasField207; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field207 {
+ get { return field207_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field300FieldNumber = 300;
+ private bool hasField300;
+ private ulong field300_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField300 {
+ get { return hasField300; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field300 {
+ get { return field300_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ output.WriteInt32(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ output.WriteInt32(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ output.WriteInt32(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ output.WriteBool(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ output.WriteInt64(13, Field13);
+ }
+ if (HasField14) {
+ output.WriteInt64(14, Field14);
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ output.WriteString(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ output.WriteInt32(16, Field16);
+ }
+ if (HasField19) {
+ output.WriteInt32(19, Field19);
+ }
+ if (HasField20) {
+ output.WriteBool(20, Field20);
+ }
+ if (HasField21) {
+ output.WriteFixed64(21, Field21);
+ }
+ if (HasField22) {
+ output.WriteInt32(22, Field22);
+ }
+ if (HasField23) {
+ output.WriteBool(23, Field23);
+ }
+ if (HasField28) {
+ output.WriteBool(28, Field28);
+ }
+ if (HasField203) {
+ output.WriteFixed32(203, Field203);
+ }
+ if (HasField204) {
+ output.WriteInt32(204, Field204);
+ }
+ if (HasField205) {
+ output.WriteString(205, Field205);
+ }
+ if (HasField206) {
+ output.WriteBool(206, Field206);
+ }
+ if (HasField207) {
+ output.WriteUInt64(207, Field207);
+ }
+ if (HasField300) {
+ output.WriteUInt64(300, Field300);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(13, Field13);
+ }
+ if (HasField14) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(14, Field14);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(16, Field16);
+ }
+ if (HasField19) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(19, Field19);
+ }
+ if (HasField20) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(20, Field20);
+ }
+ if (HasField28) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(28, Field28);
+ }
+ if (HasField21) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFixed64Size(21, Field21);
+ }
+ if (HasField22) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(22, Field22);
+ }
+ if (HasField23) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(23, Field23);
+ }
+ if (HasField206) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(206, Field206);
+ }
+ if (HasField203) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFixed32Size(203, Field203);
+ }
+ if (HasField204) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(204, Field204);
+ }
+ if (HasField205) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(205, Field205);
+ }
+ if (HasField207) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeUInt64Size(207, Field207);
+ }
+ if (HasField300) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeUInt64Size(300, Field300);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage1SubMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SpeedMessage1SubMessage prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SpeedMessage1SubMessage, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SpeedMessage1SubMessage result = new SpeedMessage1SubMessage();
+ protected override SpeedMessage1SubMessage MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SpeedMessage1SubMessage();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1SubMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage1SubMessage BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ SpeedMessage1SubMessage returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is SpeedMessage1SubMessage) {
+ return MergeFrom((SpeedMessage1SubMessage) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(SpeedMessage1SubMessage other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage1SubMessage.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasField1) {
+ Field1 = other.Field1;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField2) {
+ Field2 = other.Field2;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField3) {
+ Field3 = other.Field3;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField15) {
+ Field15 = other.Field15;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField12) {
+ Field12 = other.Field12;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField13) {
+ Field13 = other.Field13;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField14) {
+ Field14 = other.Field14;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField16) {
+ Field16 = other.Field16;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField19) {
+ Field19 = other.Field19;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField20) {
+ Field20 = other.Field20;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField28) {
+ Field28 = other.Field28;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField21) {
+ Field21 = other.Field21;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField22) {
+ Field22 = other.Field22;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField23) {
+ Field23 = other.Field23;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField206) {
+ Field206 = other.Field206;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField203) {
+ Field203 = other.Field203;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField204) {
+ Field204 = other.Field204;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField205) {
+ Field205 = other.Field205;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField207) {
+ Field207 = other.Field207;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField300) {
+ Field300 = other.Field300;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8: {
+ Field1 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 16: {
+ Field2 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 24: {
+ Field3 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 96: {
+ Field12 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 104: {
+ Field13 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 112: {
+ Field14 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 122: {
+ Field15 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 128: {
+ Field16 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 152: {
+ Field19 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 160: {
+ Field20 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 169: {
+ Field21 = input.ReadFixed64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 176: {
+ Field22 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 184: {
+ Field23 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 224: {
+ Field28 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1629: {
+ Field203 = input.ReadFixed32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1632: {
+ Field204 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1642: {
+ Field205 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1648: {
+ Field206 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1656: {
+ Field207 = input.ReadUInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2400: {
+ Field300 = input.ReadUInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public int Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(int value) {
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public int Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(int value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public int Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(int value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ public string Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField15(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public bool Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(bool value) {
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public long Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(long value) {
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField14 {
+ get { return result.HasField14; }
+ }
+ public long Field14 {
+ get { return result.Field14; }
+ set { SetField14(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(long value) {
+ result.hasField14 = true;
+ result.field14_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.hasField14 = false;
+ result.field14_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public int Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(int value) {
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField19 {
+ get { return result.HasField19; }
+ }
+ public int Field19 {
+ get { return result.Field19; }
+ set { SetField19(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField19(int value) {
+ result.hasField19 = true;
+ result.field19_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField19() {
+ result.hasField19 = false;
+ result.field19_ = 2;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return result.HasField20; }
+ }
+ public bool Field20 {
+ get { return result.Field20; }
+ set { SetField20(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField20(bool value) {
+ result.hasField20 = true;
+ result.field20_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField20() {
+ result.hasField20 = false;
+ result.field20_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return result.HasField28; }
+ }
+ public bool Field28 {
+ get { return result.Field28; }
+ set { SetField28(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField28(bool value) {
+ result.hasField28 = true;
+ result.field28_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField28() {
+ result.hasField28 = false;
+ result.field28_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return result.HasField21; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field21 {
+ get { return result.Field21; }
+ set { SetField21(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField21(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField21 = true;
+ result.field21_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField21() {
+ result.hasField21 = false;
+ result.field21_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField22 {
+ get { return result.HasField22; }
+ }
+ public int Field22 {
+ get { return result.Field22; }
+ set { SetField22(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(int value) {
+ result.hasField22 = true;
+ result.field22_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.hasField22 = false;
+ result.field22_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField23 {
+ get { return result.HasField23; }
+ }
+ public bool Field23 {
+ get { return result.Field23; }
+ set { SetField23(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField23(bool value) {
+ result.hasField23 = true;
+ result.field23_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField23() {
+ result.hasField23 = false;
+ result.field23_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return result.HasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return result.Field206; }
+ set { SetField206(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField206(bool value) {
+ result.hasField206 = true;
+ result.field206_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField206() {
+ result.hasField206 = false;
+ result.field206_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField203 {
+ get { return result.HasField203; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public uint Field203 {
+ get { return result.Field203; }
+ set { SetField203(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField203(uint value) {
+ result.hasField203 = true;
+ result.field203_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField203() {
+ result.hasField203 = false;
+ result.field203_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField204 {
+ get { return result.HasField204; }
+ }
+ public int Field204 {
+ get { return result.Field204; }
+ set { SetField204(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField204(int value) {
+ result.hasField204 = true;
+ result.field204_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField204() {
+ result.hasField204 = false;
+ result.field204_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return result.HasField205; }
+ }
+ public string Field205 {
+ get { return result.Field205; }
+ set { SetField205(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField205(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField205 = true;
+ result.field205_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField205() {
+ result.hasField205 = false;
+ result.field205_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField207 {
+ get { return result.HasField207; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field207 {
+ get { return result.Field207; }
+ set { SetField207(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField207(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField207 = true;
+ result.field207_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField207() {
+ result.hasField207 = false;
+ result.field207_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField300 {
+ get { return result.HasField300; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field300 {
+ get { return result.Field300; }
+ set { SetField300(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField300(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField300 = true;
+ result.field300_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField300() {
+ result.hasField300 = false;
+ result.field300_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SpeedMessage1SubMessage() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SpeedMessage2 : pb::GeneratedMessage<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SpeedMessage2 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SpeedMessage2 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SpeedMessage2 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SpeedMessage2, SpeedMessage2.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ #region Nested types
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static class Types {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Group1 : pb::GeneratedMessage<Group1, Group1.Builder> {
+ private static readonly Group1 defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static Group1 DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override Group1 ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<Group1, Group1.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2_Group1__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field11FieldNumber = 11;
+ private bool hasField11;
+ private float field11_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return hasField11; }
+ }
+ public float Field11 {
+ get { return field11_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field26FieldNumber = 26;
+ private bool hasField26;
+ private float field26_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField26 {
+ get { return hasField26; }
+ }
+ public float Field26 {
+ get { return field26_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field12FieldNumber = 12;
+ private bool hasField12;
+ private string field12_ = "";
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return hasField12; }
+ }
+ public string Field12 {
+ get { return field12_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field13FieldNumber = 13;
+ private bool hasField13;
+ private string field13_ = "";
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return hasField13; }
+ }
+ public string Field13 {
+ get { return field13_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field14FieldNumber = 14;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field14_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field14List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field14_); }
+ }
+ public int Field14Count {
+ get { return field14_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField14(int index) {
+ return field14_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field15FieldNumber = 15;
+ private bool hasField15;
+ private ulong field15_ = 0UL;
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return hasField15; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field15 {
+ get { return field15_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private bool hasField5;
+ private int field5_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return hasField5; }
+ }
+ public int Field5 {
+ get { return field5_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field27FieldNumber = 27;
+ private bool hasField27;
+ private string field27_ = "";
+ public bool HasField27 {
+ get { return hasField27; }
+ }
+ public string Field27 {
+ get { return field27_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field28FieldNumber = 28;
+ private bool hasField28;
+ private int field28_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return hasField28; }
+ }
+ public int Field28 {
+ get { return field28_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field29FieldNumber = 29;
+ private bool hasField29;
+ private string field29_ = "";
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return hasField29; }
+ }
+ public string Field29 {
+ get { return field29_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field16FieldNumber = 16;
+ private bool hasField16;
+ private string field16_ = "";
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return hasField16; }
+ }
+ public string Field16 {
+ get { return field16_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field22FieldNumber = 22;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field22_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field22List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field22_); }
+ }
+ public int Field22Count {
+ get { return field22_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField22(int index) {
+ return field22_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field73FieldNumber = 73;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<int> field73_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<int>();
+ public scg::IList<int> Field73List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field73_); }
+ }
+ public int Field73Count {
+ get { return field73_.Count; }
+ }
+ public int GetField73(int index) {
+ return field73_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field20FieldNumber = 20;
+ private bool hasField20;
+ private int field20_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return hasField20; }
+ }
+ public int Field20 {
+ get { return field20_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field24FieldNumber = 24;
+ private bool hasField24;
+ private string field24_ = "";
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return hasField24; }
+ }
+ public string Field24 {
+ get { return field24_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field31FieldNumber = 31;
+ private bool hasField31;
+ private global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ public bool HasField31 {
+ get { return hasField31; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage Field31 {
+ get { return field31_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ if (!hasField11) return false;
+ if (!hasField15) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasField5) {
+ output.WriteInt32(5, Field5);
+ }
+ if (HasField11) {
+ output.WriteFloat(11, Field11);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ output.WriteString(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ output.WriteString(13, Field13);
+ }
+ if (field14_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (string element in field14_) {
+ output.WriteString(14, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ output.WriteUInt64(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ output.WriteString(16, Field16);
+ }
+ if (HasField20) {
+ output.WriteInt32(20, Field20);
+ }
+ if (field22_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (string element in field22_) {
+ output.WriteString(22, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasField24) {
+ output.WriteString(24, Field24);
+ }
+ if (HasField26) {
+ output.WriteFloat(26, Field26);
+ }
+ if (HasField27) {
+ output.WriteString(27, Field27);
+ }
+ if (HasField28) {
+ output.WriteInt32(28, Field28);
+ }
+ if (HasField29) {
+ output.WriteString(29, Field29);
+ }
+ if (HasField31) {
+ output.WriteMessage(31, Field31);
+ }
+ if (field73_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (int element in field73_) {
+ output.WriteInt32(73, element);
+ }
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasField11) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(11, Field11);
+ }
+ if (HasField26) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(26, Field26);
+ }
+ if (HasField12) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(12, Field12);
+ }
+ if (HasField13) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(13, Field13);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (string element in Field14List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 1 * field14_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField15) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeUInt64Size(15, Field15);
+ }
+ if (HasField5) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(5, Field5);
+ }
+ if (HasField27) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(27, Field27);
+ }
+ if (HasField28) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(28, Field28);
+ }
+ if (HasField29) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(29, Field29);
+ }
+ if (HasField16) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(16, Field16);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (string element in Field22List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * field22_.Count;
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (int element in Field73List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32SizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * field73_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField20) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(20, Field20);
+ }
+ if (HasField24) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(24, Field24);
+ }
+ if (HasField31) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(31, Field31);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Group1 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(Group1 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<Group1, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ Group1 result = new Group1();
+ protected override Group1 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new Group1();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Group1 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.field14_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field22_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field73_.MakeReadOnly();
+ Group1 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is Group1) {
+ return MergeFrom((Group1) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(Group1 other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasField11) {
+ Field11 = other.Field11;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField26) {
+ Field26 = other.Field26;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField12) {
+ Field12 = other.Field12;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField13) {
+ Field13 = other.Field13;
+ }
+ if (other.field14_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field14_, result.field14_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField15) {
+ Field15 = other.Field15;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField5) {
+ Field5 = other.Field5;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField27) {
+ Field27 = other.Field27;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField28) {
+ Field28 = other.Field28;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField29) {
+ Field29 = other.Field29;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField16) {
+ Field16 = other.Field16;
+ }
+ if (other.field22_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field22_, result.field22_);
+ }
+ if (other.field73_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field73_, result.field73_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField20) {
+ Field20 = other.Field20;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField24) {
+ Field24 = other.Field24;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField31) {
+ MergeField31(other.Field31);
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 40: {
+ Field5 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 93: {
+ Field11 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 98: {
+ Field12 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 106: {
+ Field13 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 114: {
+ AddField14(input.ReadString());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 120: {
+ Field15 = input.ReadUInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 130: {
+ Field16 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 160: {
+ Field20 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 178: {
+ AddField22(input.ReadString());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 194: {
+ Field24 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 213: {
+ Field26 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 218: {
+ Field27 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 224: {
+ Field28 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 234: {
+ Field29 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 250: {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder subBuilder = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.CreateBuilder();
+ if (HasField31) {
+ subBuilder.MergeFrom(Field31);
+ }
+ input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
+ Field31 = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 584: {
+ AddField73(input.ReadInt32());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return result.HasField11; }
+ }
+ public float Field11 {
+ get { return result.Field11; }
+ set { SetField11(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField11(float value) {
+ result.hasField11 = true;
+ result.field11_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField11() {
+ result.hasField11 = false;
+ result.field11_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField26 {
+ get { return result.HasField26; }
+ }
+ public float Field26 {
+ get { return result.Field26; }
+ set { SetField26(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField26(float value) {
+ result.hasField26 = true;
+ result.field26_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField26() {
+ result.hasField26 = false;
+ result.field26_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField12 {
+ get { return result.HasField12; }
+ }
+ public string Field12 {
+ get { return result.Field12; }
+ set { SetField12(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField12(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField12 = true;
+ result.field12_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField12() {
+ result.hasField12 = false;
+ result.field12_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField13 {
+ get { return result.HasField13; }
+ }
+ public string Field13 {
+ get { return result.Field13; }
+ set { SetField13(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField13(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField13 = true;
+ result.field13_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField13() {
+ result.hasField13 = false;
+ result.field13_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field14List {
+ get { return result.field14_; }
+ }
+ public int Field14Count {
+ get { return result.Field14Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField14(int index) {
+ return result.GetField14(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField14(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field14_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField14(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field14_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField14(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field14_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField14() {
+ result.field14_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField15 {
+ get { return result.HasField15; }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public ulong Field15 {
+ get { return result.Field15; }
+ set { SetField15(value); }
+ }
+ [global::System.CLSCompliant(false)]
+ public Builder SetField15(ulong value) {
+ result.hasField15 = true;
+ result.field15_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField15() {
+ result.hasField15 = false;
+ result.field15_ = 0UL;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return result.HasField5; }
+ }
+ public int Field5 {
+ get { return result.Field5; }
+ set { SetField5(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField5(int value) {
+ result.hasField5 = true;
+ result.field5_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.hasField5 = false;
+ result.field5_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField27 {
+ get { return result.HasField27; }
+ }
+ public string Field27 {
+ get { return result.Field27; }
+ set { SetField27(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField27(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField27 = true;
+ result.field27_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField27() {
+ result.hasField27 = false;
+ result.field27_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField28 {
+ get { return result.HasField28; }
+ }
+ public int Field28 {
+ get { return result.Field28; }
+ set { SetField28(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField28(int value) {
+ result.hasField28 = true;
+ result.field28_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField28() {
+ result.hasField28 = false;
+ result.field28_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField29 {
+ get { return result.HasField29; }
+ }
+ public string Field29 {
+ get { return result.Field29; }
+ set { SetField29(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField29(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField29 = true;
+ result.field29_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField29() {
+ result.hasField29 = false;
+ result.field29_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField16 {
+ get { return result.HasField16; }
+ }
+ public string Field16 {
+ get { return result.Field16; }
+ set { SetField16(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField16(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField16 = true;
+ result.field16_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField16() {
+ result.hasField16 = false;
+ result.field16_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field22List {
+ get { return result.field22_; }
+ }
+ public int Field22Count {
+ get { return result.Field22Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField22(int index) {
+ return result.GetField22(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField22(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field22_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField22(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field22_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField22(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field22_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField22() {
+ result.field22_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<int> Field73List {
+ get { return result.field73_; }
+ }
+ public int Field73Count {
+ get { return result.Field73Count; }
+ }
+ public int GetField73(int index) {
+ return result.GetField73(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField73(int index, int value) {
+ result.field73_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField73(int value) {
+ result.field73_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField73(scg::IEnumerable<int> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field73_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField73() {
+ result.field73_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField20 {
+ get { return result.HasField20; }
+ }
+ public int Field20 {
+ get { return result.Field20; }
+ set { SetField20(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField20(int value) {
+ result.hasField20 = true;
+ result.field20_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField20() {
+ result.hasField20 = false;
+ result.field20_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField24 {
+ get { return result.HasField24; }
+ }
+ public string Field24 {
+ get { return result.Field24; }
+ set { SetField24(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField24(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField24 = true;
+ result.field24_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField24() {
+ result.hasField24 = false;
+ result.field24_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField31 {
+ get { return result.HasField31; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage Field31 {
+ get { return result.Field31; }
+ set { SetField31(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ result.field31_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ result.field31_ = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder MergeField31(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ if (result.HasField31 &&
+ result.field31_ != global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance) {
+ result.field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.CreateBuilder(result.field31_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
+ } else {
+ result.field31_ = value;
+ }
+ result.hasField31 = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField31() {
+ result.hasField31 = false;
+ result.field31_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static Group1() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private string field1_ = "";
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private long field3_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public long Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private long field4_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public long Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field30FieldNumber = 30;
+ private bool hasField30;
+ private long field30_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return hasField30; }
+ }
+ public long Field30 {
+ get { return field30_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field75FieldNumber = 75;
+ private bool hasField75;
+ private bool field75_ = false;
+ public bool HasField75 {
+ get { return hasField75; }
+ }
+ public bool Field75 {
+ get { return field75_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private string field6_ = "";
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public string Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private pb::ByteString field2_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field21FieldNumber = 21;
+ private bool hasField21;
+ private int field21_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return hasField21; }
+ }
+ public int Field21 {
+ get { return field21_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field71FieldNumber = 71;
+ private bool hasField71;
+ private int field71_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField71 {
+ get { return hasField71; }
+ }
+ public int Field71 {
+ get { return field71_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field25FieldNumber = 25;
+ private bool hasField25;
+ private float field25_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return hasField25; }
+ }
+ public float Field25 {
+ get { return field25_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field109FieldNumber = 109;
+ private bool hasField109;
+ private int field109_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField109 {
+ get { return hasField109; }
+ }
+ public int Field109 {
+ get { return field109_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field210FieldNumber = 210;
+ private bool hasField210;
+ private int field210_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField210 {
+ get { return hasField210; }
+ }
+ public int Field210 {
+ get { return field210_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field211FieldNumber = 211;
+ private bool hasField211;
+ private int field211_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField211 {
+ get { return hasField211; }
+ }
+ public int Field211 {
+ get { return field211_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field212FieldNumber = 212;
+ private bool hasField212;
+ private int field212_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField212 {
+ get { return hasField212; }
+ }
+ public int Field212 {
+ get { return field212_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field213FieldNumber = 213;
+ private bool hasField213;
+ private int field213_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField213 {
+ get { return hasField213; }
+ }
+ public int Field213 {
+ get { return field213_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field216FieldNumber = 216;
+ private bool hasField216;
+ private int field216_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField216 {
+ get { return hasField216; }
+ }
+ public int Field216 {
+ get { return field216_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field217FieldNumber = 217;
+ private bool hasField217;
+ private int field217_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField217 {
+ get { return hasField217; }
+ }
+ public int Field217 {
+ get { return field217_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field218FieldNumber = 218;
+ private bool hasField218;
+ private int field218_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField218 {
+ get { return hasField218; }
+ }
+ public int Field218 {
+ get { return field218_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field220FieldNumber = 220;
+ private bool hasField220;
+ private int field220_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField220 {
+ get { return hasField220; }
+ }
+ public int Field220 {
+ get { return field220_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field221FieldNumber = 221;
+ private bool hasField221;
+ private int field221_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField221 {
+ get { return hasField221; }
+ }
+ public int Field221 {
+ get { return field221_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field222FieldNumber = 222;
+ private bool hasField222;
+ private float field222_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField222 {
+ get { return hasField222; }
+ }
+ public float Field222 {
+ get { return field222_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field63FieldNumber = 63;
+ private bool hasField63;
+ private int field63_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField63 {
+ get { return hasField63; }
+ }
+ public int Field63 {
+ get { return field63_; }
+ }
+ public const int Group1FieldNumber = 10;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1> group1_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1>();
+ public scg::IList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1> Group1List {
+ get { return group1_; }
+ }
+ public int Group1Count {
+ get { return group1_.Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 GetGroup1(int index) {
+ return group1_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field128FieldNumber = 128;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field128_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field128List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field128_); }
+ }
+ public int Field128Count {
+ get { return field128_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField128(int index) {
+ return field128_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field131FieldNumber = 131;
+ private bool hasField131;
+ private long field131_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return hasField131; }
+ }
+ public long Field131 {
+ get { return field131_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field127FieldNumber = 127;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> field127_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> Field127List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field127_); }
+ }
+ public int Field127Count {
+ get { return field127_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField127(int index) {
+ return field127_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field129FieldNumber = 129;
+ private bool hasField129;
+ private int field129_ = 0;
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return hasField129; }
+ }
+ public int Field129 {
+ get { return field129_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field130FieldNumber = 130;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<long> field130_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<long>();
+ public scg::IList<long> Field130List {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(field130_); }
+ }
+ public int Field130Count {
+ get { return field130_.Count; }
+ }
+ public long GetField130(int index) {
+ return field130_[index];
+ }
+ public const int Field205FieldNumber = 205;
+ private bool hasField205;
+ private bool field205_ = false;
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return hasField205; }
+ }
+ public bool Field205 {
+ get { return field205_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field206FieldNumber = 206;
+ private bool hasField206;
+ private bool field206_ = false;
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return hasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return field206_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ output.WriteString(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ output.WriteBytes(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ output.WriteInt64(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ output.WriteInt64(4, Field4);
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ output.WriteString(6, Field6);
+ }
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 element in Group1List) {
+ output.WriteGroup(10, element);
+ }
+ if (HasField21) {
+ output.WriteInt32(21, Field21);
+ }
+ if (HasField25) {
+ output.WriteFloat(25, Field25);
+ }
+ if (HasField30) {
+ output.WriteInt64(30, Field30);
+ }
+ if (HasField63) {
+ output.WriteInt32(63, Field63);
+ }
+ if (HasField71) {
+ output.WriteInt32(71, Field71);
+ }
+ if (HasField75) {
+ output.WriteBool(75, Field75);
+ }
+ if (HasField109) {
+ output.WriteInt32(109, Field109);
+ }
+ if (field127_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (string element in field127_) {
+ output.WriteString(127, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (field128_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (string element in field128_) {
+ output.WriteString(128, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasField129) {
+ output.WriteInt32(129, Field129);
+ }
+ if (field130_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (long element in field130_) {
+ output.WriteInt64(130, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasField131) {
+ output.WriteInt64(131, Field131);
+ }
+ if (HasField205) {
+ output.WriteBool(205, Field205);
+ }
+ if (HasField206) {
+ output.WriteBool(206, Field206);
+ }
+ if (HasField210) {
+ output.WriteInt32(210, Field210);
+ }
+ if (HasField211) {
+ output.WriteInt32(211, Field211);
+ }
+ if (HasField212) {
+ output.WriteInt32(212, Field212);
+ }
+ if (HasField213) {
+ output.WriteInt32(213, Field213);
+ }
+ if (HasField216) {
+ output.WriteInt32(216, Field216);
+ }
+ if (HasField217) {
+ output.WriteInt32(217, Field217);
+ }
+ if (HasField218) {
+ output.WriteInt32(218, Field218);
+ }
+ if (HasField220) {
+ output.WriteInt32(220, Field220);
+ }
+ if (HasField221) {
+ output.WriteInt32(221, Field221);
+ }
+ if (HasField222) {
+ output.WriteFloat(222, Field222);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(4, Field4);
+ }
+ if (HasField30) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(30, Field30);
+ }
+ if (HasField75) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(75, Field75);
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(6, Field6);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBytesSize(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField21) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(21, Field21);
+ }
+ if (HasField71) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(71, Field71);
+ }
+ if (HasField25) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(25, Field25);
+ }
+ if (HasField109) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(109, Field109);
+ }
+ if (HasField210) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(210, Field210);
+ }
+ if (HasField211) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(211, Field211);
+ }
+ if (HasField212) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(212, Field212);
+ }
+ if (HasField213) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(213, Field213);
+ }
+ if (HasField216) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(216, Field216);
+ }
+ if (HasField217) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(217, Field217);
+ }
+ if (HasField218) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(218, Field218);
+ }
+ if (HasField220) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(220, Field220);
+ }
+ if (HasField221) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(221, Field221);
+ }
+ if (HasField222) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(222, Field222);
+ }
+ if (HasField63) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(63, Field63);
+ }
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 element in Group1List) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeGroupSize(10, element);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (string element in Field128List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * field128_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField131) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(131, Field131);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (string element in Field127List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * field127_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField129) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(129, Field129);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (long element in Field130List) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64SizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * field130_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasField205) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(205, Field205);
+ }
+ if (HasField206) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(206, Field206);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2 ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SpeedMessage2 prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SpeedMessage2, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SpeedMessage2 result = new SpeedMessage2();
+ protected override SpeedMessage2 MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SpeedMessage2();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2 DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2 BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.group1_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field128_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field127_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.field130_.MakeReadOnly();
+ SpeedMessage2 returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is SpeedMessage2) {
+ return MergeFrom((SpeedMessage2) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(SpeedMessage2 other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasField1) {
+ Field1 = other.Field1;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField3) {
+ Field3 = other.Field3;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField4) {
+ Field4 = other.Field4;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField30) {
+ Field30 = other.Field30;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField75) {
+ Field75 = other.Field75;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField6) {
+ Field6 = other.Field6;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField2) {
+ Field2 = other.Field2;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField21) {
+ Field21 = other.Field21;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField71) {
+ Field71 = other.Field71;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField25) {
+ Field25 = other.Field25;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField109) {
+ Field109 = other.Field109;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField210) {
+ Field210 = other.Field210;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField211) {
+ Field211 = other.Field211;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField212) {
+ Field212 = other.Field212;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField213) {
+ Field213 = other.Field213;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField216) {
+ Field216 = other.Field216;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField217) {
+ Field217 = other.Field217;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField218) {
+ Field218 = other.Field218;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField220) {
+ Field220 = other.Field220;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField221) {
+ Field221 = other.Field221;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField222) {
+ Field222 = other.Field222;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField63) {
+ Field63 = other.Field63;
+ }
+ if (other.group1_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.group1_, result.group1_);
+ }
+ if (other.field128_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field128_, result.field128_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField131) {
+ Field131 = other.Field131;
+ }
+ if (other.field127_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field127_, result.field127_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField129) {
+ Field129 = other.Field129;
+ }
+ if (other.field130_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.field130_, result.field130_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasField205) {
+ Field205 = other.Field205;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField206) {
+ Field206 = other.Field206;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10: {
+ Field1 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 18: {
+ Field2 = input.ReadBytes();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 24: {
+ Field3 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 32: {
+ Field4 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 50: {
+ Field6 = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 83: {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder subBuilder = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.CreateBuilder();
+ input.ReadGroup(10, subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
+ AddGroup1(subBuilder.BuildPartial());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 168: {
+ Field21 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 205: {
+ Field25 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 240: {
+ Field30 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 504: {
+ Field63 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 568: {
+ Field71 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 600: {
+ Field75 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 872: {
+ Field109 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1018: {
+ AddField127(input.ReadString());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1026: {
+ AddField128(input.ReadString());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1032: {
+ Field129 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1040: {
+ AddField130(input.ReadInt64());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1048: {
+ Field131 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1640: {
+ Field205 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1648: {
+ Field206 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1680: {
+ Field210 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1688: {
+ Field211 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1696: {
+ Field212 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1704: {
+ Field213 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1728: {
+ Field216 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1736: {
+ Field217 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1744: {
+ Field218 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1760: {
+ Field220 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1768: {
+ Field221 = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 1781: {
+ Field222 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public string Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public long Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(long value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public long Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(long value) {
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField30 {
+ get { return result.HasField30; }
+ }
+ public long Field30 {
+ get { return result.Field30; }
+ set { SetField30(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField30(long value) {
+ result.hasField30 = true;
+ result.field30_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField30() {
+ result.hasField30 = false;
+ result.field30_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField75 {
+ get { return result.HasField75; }
+ }
+ public bool Field75 {
+ get { return result.Field75; }
+ set { SetField75(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField75(bool value) {
+ result.hasField75 = true;
+ result.field75_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField75() {
+ result.hasField75 = false;
+ result.field75_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public string Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(pb::ByteString value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField21 {
+ get { return result.HasField21; }
+ }
+ public int Field21 {
+ get { return result.Field21; }
+ set { SetField21(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField21(int value) {
+ result.hasField21 = true;
+ result.field21_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField21() {
+ result.hasField21 = false;
+ result.field21_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField71 {
+ get { return result.HasField71; }
+ }
+ public int Field71 {
+ get { return result.Field71; }
+ set { SetField71(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField71(int value) {
+ result.hasField71 = true;
+ result.field71_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField71() {
+ result.hasField71 = false;
+ result.field71_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField25 {
+ get { return result.HasField25; }
+ }
+ public float Field25 {
+ get { return result.Field25; }
+ set { SetField25(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField25(float value) {
+ result.hasField25 = true;
+ result.field25_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField25() {
+ result.hasField25 = false;
+ result.field25_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField109 {
+ get { return result.HasField109; }
+ }
+ public int Field109 {
+ get { return result.Field109; }
+ set { SetField109(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField109(int value) {
+ result.hasField109 = true;
+ result.field109_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField109() {
+ result.hasField109 = false;
+ result.field109_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField210 {
+ get { return result.HasField210; }
+ }
+ public int Field210 {
+ get { return result.Field210; }
+ set { SetField210(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField210(int value) {
+ result.hasField210 = true;
+ result.field210_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField210() {
+ result.hasField210 = false;
+ result.field210_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField211 {
+ get { return result.HasField211; }
+ }
+ public int Field211 {
+ get { return result.Field211; }
+ set { SetField211(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField211(int value) {
+ result.hasField211 = true;
+ result.field211_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField211() {
+ result.hasField211 = false;
+ result.field211_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField212 {
+ get { return result.HasField212; }
+ }
+ public int Field212 {
+ get { return result.Field212; }
+ set { SetField212(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField212(int value) {
+ result.hasField212 = true;
+ result.field212_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField212() {
+ result.hasField212 = false;
+ result.field212_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField213 {
+ get { return result.HasField213; }
+ }
+ public int Field213 {
+ get { return result.Field213; }
+ set { SetField213(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField213(int value) {
+ result.hasField213 = true;
+ result.field213_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField213() {
+ result.hasField213 = false;
+ result.field213_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField216 {
+ get { return result.HasField216; }
+ }
+ public int Field216 {
+ get { return result.Field216; }
+ set { SetField216(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField216(int value) {
+ result.hasField216 = true;
+ result.field216_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField216() {
+ result.hasField216 = false;
+ result.field216_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField217 {
+ get { return result.HasField217; }
+ }
+ public int Field217 {
+ get { return result.Field217; }
+ set { SetField217(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField217(int value) {
+ result.hasField217 = true;
+ result.field217_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField217() {
+ result.hasField217 = false;
+ result.field217_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField218 {
+ get { return result.HasField218; }
+ }
+ public int Field218 {
+ get { return result.Field218; }
+ set { SetField218(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField218(int value) {
+ result.hasField218 = true;
+ result.field218_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField218() {
+ result.hasField218 = false;
+ result.field218_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField220 {
+ get { return result.HasField220; }
+ }
+ public int Field220 {
+ get { return result.Field220; }
+ set { SetField220(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField220(int value) {
+ result.hasField220 = true;
+ result.field220_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField220() {
+ result.hasField220 = false;
+ result.field220_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField221 {
+ get { return result.HasField221; }
+ }
+ public int Field221 {
+ get { return result.Field221; }
+ set { SetField221(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField221(int value) {
+ result.hasField221 = true;
+ result.field221_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField221() {
+ result.hasField221 = false;
+ result.field221_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField222 {
+ get { return result.HasField222; }
+ }
+ public float Field222 {
+ get { return result.Field222; }
+ set { SetField222(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField222(float value) {
+ result.hasField222 = true;
+ result.field222_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField222() {
+ result.hasField222 = false;
+ result.field222_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField63 {
+ get { return result.HasField63; }
+ }
+ public int Field63 {
+ get { return result.Field63; }
+ set { SetField63(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField63(int value) {
+ result.hasField63 = true;
+ result.field63_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField63() {
+ result.hasField63 = false;
+ result.field63_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1> Group1List {
+ get { return result.group1_; }
+ }
+ public int Group1Count {
+ get { return result.Group1Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 GetGroup1(int index) {
+ return result.GetGroup1(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetGroup1(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.group1_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetGroup1(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.group1_[index] = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddGroup1(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1 value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.group1_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddGroup1(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.group1_.Add(builderForValue.Build());
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeGroup1(scg::IEnumerable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2.Types.Group1> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.group1_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearGroup1() {
+ result.group1_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field128List {
+ get { return result.field128_; }
+ }
+ public int Field128Count {
+ get { return result.Field128Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField128(int index) {
+ return result.GetField128(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField128(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field128_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField128(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field128_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField128(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field128_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField128() {
+ result.field128_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField131 {
+ get { return result.HasField131; }
+ }
+ public long Field131 {
+ get { return result.Field131; }
+ set { SetField131(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField131(long value) {
+ result.hasField131 = true;
+ result.field131_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField131() {
+ result.hasField131 = false;
+ result.field131_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> Field127List {
+ get { return result.field127_; }
+ }
+ public int Field127Count {
+ get { return result.Field127Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetField127(int index) {
+ return result.GetField127(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField127(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field127_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField127(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.field127_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField127(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field127_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField127() {
+ result.field127_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField129 {
+ get { return result.HasField129; }
+ }
+ public int Field129 {
+ get { return result.Field129; }
+ set { SetField129(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField129(int value) {
+ result.hasField129 = true;
+ result.field129_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField129() {
+ result.hasField129 = false;
+ result.field129_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<long> Field130List {
+ get { return result.field130_; }
+ }
+ public int Field130Count {
+ get { return result.Field130Count; }
+ }
+ public long GetField130(int index) {
+ return result.GetField130(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetField130(int index, long value) {
+ result.field130_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddField130(long value) {
+ result.field130_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeField130(scg::IEnumerable<long> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.field130_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField130() {
+ result.field130_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField205 {
+ get { return result.HasField205; }
+ }
+ public bool Field205 {
+ get { return result.Field205; }
+ set { SetField205(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField205(bool value) {
+ result.hasField205 = true;
+ result.field205_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField205() {
+ result.hasField205 = false;
+ result.field205_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField206 {
+ get { return result.HasField206; }
+ }
+ public bool Field206 {
+ get { return result.Field206; }
+ set { SetField206(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField206(bool value) {
+ result.hasField206 = true;
+ result.field206_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField206() {
+ result.hasField206 = false;
+ result.field206_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SpeedMessage2() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage : pb::GeneratedMessage<SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage, SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> {
+ private static readonly SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage, SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.internal__static_benchmarks_SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int Field1FieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasField1;
+ private float field1_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return hasField1; }
+ }
+ public float Field1 {
+ get { return field1_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field2FieldNumber = 2;
+ private bool hasField2;
+ private float field2_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return hasField2; }
+ }
+ public float Field2 {
+ get { return field2_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field3FieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasField3;
+ private float field3_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return hasField3; }
+ }
+ public float Field3 {
+ get { return field3_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field4FieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasField4;
+ private bool field4_ = false;
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return hasField4; }
+ }
+ public bool Field4 {
+ get { return field4_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field5FieldNumber = 5;
+ private bool hasField5;
+ private bool field5_ = false;
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return hasField5; }
+ }
+ public bool Field5 {
+ get { return field5_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field6FieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasField6;
+ private bool field6_ = true;
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return hasField6; }
+ }
+ public bool Field6 {
+ get { return field6_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field7FieldNumber = 7;
+ private bool hasField7;
+ private bool field7_ = false;
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return hasField7; }
+ }
+ public bool Field7 {
+ get { return field7_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field8FieldNumber = 8;
+ private bool hasField8;
+ private float field8_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField8 {
+ get { return hasField8; }
+ }
+ public float Field8 {
+ get { return field8_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field9FieldNumber = 9;
+ private bool hasField9;
+ private bool field9_ = false;
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return hasField9; }
+ }
+ public bool Field9 {
+ get { return field9_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field10FieldNumber = 10;
+ private bool hasField10;
+ private float field10_ = 0F;
+ public bool HasField10 {
+ get { return hasField10; }
+ }
+ public float Field10 {
+ get { return field10_; }
+ }
+ public const int Field11FieldNumber = 11;
+ private bool hasField11;
+ private long field11_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return hasField11; }
+ }
+ public long Field11 {
+ get { return field11_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ output.WriteFloat(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ output.WriteFloat(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ output.WriteFloat(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ output.WriteBool(4, Field4);
+ }
+ if (HasField5) {
+ output.WriteBool(5, Field5);
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ output.WriteBool(6, Field6);
+ }
+ if (HasField7) {
+ output.WriteBool(7, Field7);
+ }
+ if (HasField8) {
+ output.WriteFloat(8, Field8);
+ }
+ if (HasField9) {
+ output.WriteBool(9, Field9);
+ }
+ if (HasField10) {
+ output.WriteFloat(10, Field10);
+ }
+ if (HasField11) {
+ output.WriteInt64(11, Field11);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasField1) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(1, Field1);
+ }
+ if (HasField2) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(2, Field2);
+ }
+ if (HasField3) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(3, Field3);
+ }
+ if (HasField4) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(4, Field4);
+ }
+ if (HasField5) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(5, Field5);
+ }
+ if (HasField6) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(6, Field6);
+ }
+ if (HasField7) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(7, Field7);
+ }
+ if (HasField8) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(8, Field8);
+ }
+ if (HasField9) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(9, Field9);
+ }
+ if (HasField10) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeFloatSize(10, Field10);
+ }
+ if (HasField11) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(11, Field11);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage result = new SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage();
+ protected override SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage) {
+ return MergeFrom((SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasField1) {
+ Field1 = other.Field1;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField2) {
+ Field2 = other.Field2;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField3) {
+ Field3 = other.Field3;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField4) {
+ Field4 = other.Field4;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField5) {
+ Field5 = other.Field5;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField6) {
+ Field6 = other.Field6;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField7) {
+ Field7 = other.Field7;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField8) {
+ Field8 = other.Field8;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField9) {
+ Field9 = other.Field9;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField10) {
+ Field10 = other.Field10;
+ }
+ if (other.HasField11) {
+ Field11 = other.Field11;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 13: {
+ Field1 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 21: {
+ Field2 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 29: {
+ Field3 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 32: {
+ Field4 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 40: {
+ Field5 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 48: {
+ Field6 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 56: {
+ Field7 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 69: {
+ Field8 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 72: {
+ Field9 = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 85: {
+ Field10 = input.ReadFloat();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 88: {
+ Field11 = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasField1 {
+ get { return result.HasField1; }
+ }
+ public float Field1 {
+ get { return result.Field1; }
+ set { SetField1(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField1(float value) {
+ result.hasField1 = true;
+ result.field1_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField1() {
+ result.hasField1 = false;
+ result.field1_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField2 {
+ get { return result.HasField2; }
+ }
+ public float Field2 {
+ get { return result.Field2; }
+ set { SetField2(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField2(float value) {
+ result.hasField2 = true;
+ result.field2_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField2() {
+ result.hasField2 = false;
+ result.field2_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField3 {
+ get { return result.HasField3; }
+ }
+ public float Field3 {
+ get { return result.Field3; }
+ set { SetField3(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField3(float value) {
+ result.hasField3 = true;
+ result.field3_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField3() {
+ result.hasField3 = false;
+ result.field3_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField4 {
+ get { return result.HasField4; }
+ }
+ public bool Field4 {
+ get { return result.Field4; }
+ set { SetField4(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField4(bool value) {
+ result.hasField4 = true;
+ result.field4_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField4() {
+ result.hasField4 = false;
+ result.field4_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField5 {
+ get { return result.HasField5; }
+ }
+ public bool Field5 {
+ get { return result.Field5; }
+ set { SetField5(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField5(bool value) {
+ result.hasField5 = true;
+ result.field5_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField5() {
+ result.hasField5 = false;
+ result.field5_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField6 {
+ get { return result.HasField6; }
+ }
+ public bool Field6 {
+ get { return result.Field6; }
+ set { SetField6(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField6(bool value) {
+ result.hasField6 = true;
+ result.field6_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField6() {
+ result.hasField6 = false;
+ result.field6_ = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField7 {
+ get { return result.HasField7; }
+ }
+ public bool Field7 {
+ get { return result.Field7; }
+ set { SetField7(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField7(bool value) {
+ result.hasField7 = true;
+ result.field7_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField7() {
+ result.hasField7 = false;
+ result.field7_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField8 {
+ get { return result.HasField8; }
+ }
+ public float Field8 {
+ get { return result.Field8; }
+ set { SetField8(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField8(float value) {
+ result.hasField8 = true;
+ result.field8_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField8() {
+ result.hasField8 = false;
+ result.field8_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField9 {
+ get { return result.HasField9; }
+ }
+ public bool Field9 {
+ get { return result.Field9; }
+ set { SetField9(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField9(bool value) {
+ result.hasField9 = true;
+ result.field9_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField9() {
+ result.hasField9 = false;
+ result.field9_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField10 {
+ get { return result.HasField10; }
+ }
+ public float Field10 {
+ get { return result.Field10; }
+ set { SetField10(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField10(float value) {
+ result.hasField10 = true;
+ result.field10_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField10() {
+ result.hasField10 = false;
+ result.field10_ = 0F;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasField11 {
+ get { return result.HasField11; }
+ }
+ public long Field11 {
+ get { return result.Field11; }
+ set { SetField11(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetField11(long value) {
+ result.hasField11 = true;
+ result.field11_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearField11() {
+ result.hasField11 = false;
+ result.field11_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static SpeedMessage2GroupedMessage() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestGoogleSpeedProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0727cadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TestProtos/UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1680 @@
+// Generated by ProtoGen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=17b3b1f090c3ea48. DO NOT EDIT!
+using pb = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers;
+using pbc = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Collections;
+using pbd = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.Descriptors;
+using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
+namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static partial class UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile {
+ #region Extension registration
+ public static void RegisterAllExtensions(pb::ExtensionRegistry registry) {
+ registry.Add(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionEnum);
+ registry.Add(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionText);
+ registry.Add(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionNumber);
+ registry.Add(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionMessage);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Extensions
+ public const int ExtensionEnumFieldNumber = 101;
+ public static pb::GeneratedExtensionBase<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> ExtensionEnum;
+ public const int ExtensionTextFieldNumber = 102;
+ public static pb::GeneratedExtensionBase<string> ExtensionText;
+ public const int ExtensionNumberFieldNumber = 103;
+ public static pb::GeneratedExtensionBase<scg::IList<int>> ExtensionNumber;
+ public const int ExtensionMessageFieldNumber = 199;
+ public static pb::GeneratedExtensionBase<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension> ExtensionMessage;
+ #endregion
+ #region Static variables
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.Builder> internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields.Builder> internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Builder> internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Builder> internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__FieldAccessorTable;
+ internal static pbd::MessageDescriptor internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__Descriptor;
+ internal static pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension.Builder> internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__FieldAccessorTable;
+ #endregion
+ #region Descriptor
+ public static pbd::FileDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return descriptor; }
+ }
+ private static pbd::FileDescriptor descriptor;
+ static UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile() {
+ byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String(
+ "CiRleHRlc3QvdW5pdHRlc3RfZXh0cmFzX3htbHRlc3QucHJvdG8SF3Byb3Rv" +
+ "YnVmX3VuaXR0ZXN0X2V4dHJhGiRnb29nbGUvcHJvdG9idWYvY3NoYXJwX29w" +
+ "dGlvbnMucHJvdG8iVQoMVGVzdFhtbENoaWxkEjUKB29wdGlvbnMYAyADKA4y" +
+ "JC5wcm90b2J1Zl91bml0dGVzdF9leHRyYS5FbnVtT3B0aW9ucxIOCgZiaW5h" +
+ "cnkYBCABKAwiEQoPVGVzdFhtbE5vRmllbGRzIrcCCg5UZXN0WG1sTWVzc2Fn" +
+ "bGQYASABKAsyJS5wcm90b2J1Zl91bml0dGVzdF9leHRyYS5UZXN0WG1sQ2hp" +
+ "bGQSQwoIY2hpbGRyZW4YkQMgAygKMjAucHJvdG9idWZfdW5pdHRlc3RfZXh0" +
+ "cmEuVGVzdFhtbE1lc3NhZ2UuQ2hpbGRyZW4aUQoIQ2hpbGRyZW4SNQoHb3B0" +
+ "aW9ucxgDIAMoDjIkLnByb3RvYnVmX3VuaXR0ZXN0X2V4dHJhLkVudW1PcHRp" +
+ "b25zEg4KBmJpbmFyeRgEIAEoDCoFCGQQyAEiIgoQVGVzdFhtbEV4dGVuc2lv" +
+ "VFdPEAESCQoFVEhSRUUQAjplCg5leHRlbnNpb25fZW51bRInLnByb3RvYnVm" +
+ "X3VuaXR0ZXN0X2V4dHJhLlRlc3RYbWxNZXNzYWdlGGUgASgOMiQucHJvdG9i" +
+ "dWZfdW5pdHRlc3RfZXh0cmEuRW51bU9wdGlvbnM6PwoOZXh0ZW5zaW9uX3Rl" +
+ "eHQSJy5wcm90b2J1Zl91bml0dGVzdF9leHRyYS5UZXN0WG1sTWVzc2FnZRhm" +
+ "IAEoCTpFChBleHRlbnNpb25fbnVtYmVyEicucHJvdG9idWZfdW5pdHRlc3Rf" +
+ "ZXh0cmEuVGVzdFhtbE1lc3NhZ2UYZyADKAVCAhABOm4KEWV4dGVuc2lvbl9t" +
+ "ZXNzYWdlEicucHJvdG9idWZfdW5pdHRlc3RfZXh0cmEuVGVzdFhtbE1lc3Nh" +
+ "Z2UYxwEgASgLMikucHJvdG9idWZfdW5pdHRlc3RfZXh0cmEuVGVzdFhtbEV4" +
+ "dGVuc2lvbkJMSAHCPkcKIUdvb2dsZS5Qcm90b2NvbEJ1ZmZlcnMuVGVzdFBy" +
+ "b3RvcxIiVW5pdFRlc3RYbWxTZXJpYWxpemVyVGVzdFByb3RvRmlsZQ==");
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalDescriptorAssigner assigner = delegate(pbd::FileDescriptor root) {
+ descriptor = root;
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[0];
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.Builder>(internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Options", "Binary", });
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[1];
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields.Builder>(internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { });
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[2];
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Builder>(internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Number", "Numbers", "Text", "Textlines", "Valid", "Child", "Children", });
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__Descriptor = internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__Descriptor.NestedTypes[0];
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Builder>(internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Options", "Binary", });
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__Descriptor = Descriptor.MessageTypes[3];
+ internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__FieldAccessorTable =
+ new pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension.Builder>(internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__Descriptor,
+ new string[] { "Number", });
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionEnum = pb::GeneratedSingleExtension<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions>.CreateInstance(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor.Extensions[0]);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionText = pb::GeneratedSingleExtension<string>.CreateInstance(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor.Extensions[1]);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionNumber = pb::GeneratedRepeatExtension<int>.CreateInstance(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor.Extensions[2]);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.ExtensionMessage = pb::GeneratedSingleExtension<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension>.CreateInstance(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor.Extensions[3]);
+ pb::ExtensionRegistry registry = pb::ExtensionRegistry.CreateInstance();
+ RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.RegisterAllExtensions(registry);
+ return registry;
+ };
+ pbd::FileDescriptor.InternalBuildGeneratedFileFrom(descriptorData,
+ new pbd::FileDescriptor[] {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.DescriptorProtos.CSharpOptions.Descriptor,
+ }, assigner);
+ }
+ #endregion
+ }
+ #region Enums
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public enum EnumOptions {
+ ONE = 0,
+ TWO = 1,
+ THREE = 2,
+ }
+ #endregion
+ #region Messages
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class TestXmlChild : pb::GeneratedMessage<TestXmlChild, TestXmlChild.Builder> {
+ private static readonly TestXmlChild defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static TestXmlChild DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlChild DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override TestXmlChild ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<TestXmlChild, TestXmlChild.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlChild__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int OptionsFieldNumber = 3;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> options_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions>();
+ public scg::IList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> OptionsList {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(options_); }
+ }
+ public int OptionsCount {
+ get { return options_.Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions GetOptions(int index) {
+ return options_[index];
+ }
+ public const int BinaryFieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasBinary;
+ private pb::ByteString binary_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ public bool HasBinary {
+ get { return hasBinary; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Binary {
+ get { return binary_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (options_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (int element in options_) {
+ output.WriteEnum(3, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasBinary) {
+ output.WriteBytes(4, Binary);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ if (options_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions element in options_) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSizeNoTag((int) element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 1 * options_.Count;
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasBinary) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBytesSize(4, Binary);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlChild ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(TestXmlChild prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<TestXmlChild, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ TestXmlChild result = new TestXmlChild();
+ protected override TestXmlChild MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new TestXmlChild();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlChild DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlChild BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.options_.MakeReadOnly();
+ TestXmlChild returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is TestXmlChild) {
+ return MergeFrom((TestXmlChild) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(TestXmlChild other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.options_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.options_, result.options_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasBinary) {
+ Binary = other.Binary;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 24: {
+ int rawValue = input.ReadEnum();
+ if (!global::System.Enum.IsDefined(typeof(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions), rawValue)) {
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ unknownFields.MergeVarintField(3, (ulong) rawValue);
+ } else {
+ AddOptions((global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions) rawValue);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 34: {
+ Binary = input.ReadBytes();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> OptionsList {
+ get { return result.options_; }
+ }
+ public int OptionsCount {
+ get { return result.OptionsCount; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions GetOptions(int index) {
+ return result.GetOptions(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetOptions(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions value) {
+ result.options_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddOptions(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions value) {
+ result.options_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeOptions(scg::IEnumerable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.options_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearOptions() {
+ result.options_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasBinary {
+ get { return result.HasBinary; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Binary {
+ get { return result.Binary; }
+ set { SetBinary(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetBinary(pb::ByteString value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasBinary = true;
+ result.binary_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearBinary() {
+ result.hasBinary = false;
+ result.binary_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static TestXmlChild() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class TestXmlNoFields : pb::GeneratedMessage<TestXmlNoFields, TestXmlNoFields.Builder> {
+ private static readonly TestXmlNoFields defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static TestXmlNoFields DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlNoFields DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override TestXmlNoFields ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<TestXmlNoFields, TestXmlNoFields.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlNoFields__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlNoFields ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(TestXmlNoFields prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<TestXmlNoFields, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ TestXmlNoFields result = new TestXmlNoFields();
+ protected override TestXmlNoFields MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new TestXmlNoFields();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlNoFields DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlNoFields BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ TestXmlNoFields returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is TestXmlNoFields) {
+ return MergeFrom((TestXmlNoFields) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(TestXmlNoFields other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlNoFields.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ static TestXmlNoFields() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class TestXmlMessage : pb::ExtendableMessage<TestXmlMessage, TestXmlMessage.Builder> {
+ private static readonly TestXmlMessage defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static TestXmlMessage DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override TestXmlMessage ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<TestXmlMessage, TestXmlMessage.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ #region Nested types
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public static class Types {
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Children : pb::GeneratedMessage<Children, Children.Builder> {
+ private static readonly Children defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static Children DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Children DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override Children ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<Children, Children.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlMessage_Children__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int OptionsFieldNumber = 3;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> options_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions>();
+ public scg::IList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> OptionsList {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(options_); }
+ }
+ public int OptionsCount {
+ get { return options_.Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions GetOptions(int index) {
+ return options_[index];
+ }
+ public const int BinaryFieldNumber = 4;
+ private bool hasBinary;
+ private pb::ByteString binary_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ public bool HasBinary {
+ get { return hasBinary; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Binary {
+ get { return binary_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (options_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (int element in options_) {
+ output.WriteEnum(3, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasBinary) {
+ output.WriteBytes(4, Binary);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ if (options_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions element in options_) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSizeNoTag((int) element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 1 * options_.Count;
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasBinary) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBytesSize(4, Binary);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Children ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(Children prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<Children, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ Children result = new Children();
+ protected override Children MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new Children();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override Children DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override Children BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.options_.MakeReadOnly();
+ Children returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is Children) {
+ return MergeFrom((Children) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(Children other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.options_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.options_, result.options_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasBinary) {
+ Binary = other.Binary;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 24: {
+ int rawValue = input.ReadEnum();
+ if (!global::System.Enum.IsDefined(typeof(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions), rawValue)) {
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ unknownFields.MergeVarintField(3, (ulong) rawValue);
+ } else {
+ AddOptions((global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions) rawValue);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 34: {
+ Binary = input.ReadBytes();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> OptionsList {
+ get { return result.options_; }
+ }
+ public int OptionsCount {
+ get { return result.OptionsCount; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions GetOptions(int index) {
+ return result.GetOptions(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetOptions(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions value) {
+ result.options_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddOptions(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions value) {
+ result.options_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeOptions(scg::IEnumerable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.EnumOptions> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.options_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearOptions() {
+ result.options_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasBinary {
+ get { return result.HasBinary; }
+ }
+ public pb::ByteString Binary {
+ get { return result.Binary; }
+ set { SetBinary(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetBinary(pb::ByteString value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasBinary = true;
+ result.binary_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearBinary() {
+ result.hasBinary = false;
+ result.binary_ = pb::ByteString.Empty;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static Children() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
+ public const int NumberFieldNumber = 6;
+ private bool hasNumber;
+ private long number_ = 0L;
+ public bool HasNumber {
+ get { return hasNumber; }
+ }
+ public long Number {
+ get { return number_; }
+ }
+ public const int NumbersFieldNumber = 2;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<int> numbers_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<int>();
+ public scg::IList<int> NumbersList {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(numbers_); }
+ }
+ public int NumbersCount {
+ get { return numbers_.Count; }
+ }
+ public int GetNumbers(int index) {
+ return numbers_[index];
+ }
+ public const int TextFieldNumber = 3;
+ private bool hasText;
+ private string text_ = "";
+ public bool HasText {
+ get { return hasText; }
+ }
+ public string Text {
+ get { return text_; }
+ }
+ public const int TextlinesFieldNumber = 700;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<string> textlines_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<string>();
+ public scg::IList<string> TextlinesList {
+ get { return pbc::Lists.AsReadOnly(textlines_); }
+ }
+ public int TextlinesCount {
+ get { return textlines_.Count; }
+ }
+ public string GetTextlines(int index) {
+ return textlines_[index];
+ }
+ public const int ValidFieldNumber = 5;
+ private bool hasValid;
+ private bool valid_ = false;
+ public bool HasValid {
+ get { return hasValid; }
+ }
+ public bool Valid {
+ get { return valid_; }
+ }
+ public const int ChildFieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasChild;
+ private global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild child_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.DefaultInstance;
+ public bool HasChild {
+ get { return hasChild; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild Child {
+ get { return child_; }
+ }
+ public const int ChildrenFieldNumber = 401;
+ private pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children> children_ = new pbc::PopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children>();
+ public scg::IList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children> ChildrenList {
+ get { return children_; }
+ }
+ public int ChildrenCount {
+ get { return children_.Count; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children GetChildren(int index) {
+ return children_[index];
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ if (!ExtensionsAreInitialized) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ pb::ExtendableMessage<TestXmlMessage, TestXmlMessage.Builder>.ExtensionWriter extensionWriter = CreateExtensionWriter(this);
+ if (HasChild) {
+ output.WriteMessage(1, Child);
+ }
+ if (numbers_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (int element in numbers_) {
+ output.WriteInt32(2, element);
+ }
+ }
+ if (HasText) {
+ output.WriteString(3, Text);
+ }
+ if (HasValid) {
+ output.WriteBool(5, Valid);
+ }
+ if (HasNumber) {
+ output.WriteInt64(6, Number);
+ }
+ extensionWriter.WriteUntil(200, output);
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children element in ChildrenList) {
+ output.WriteGroup(401, element);
+ }
+ if (textlines_.Count > 0) {
+ foreach (string element in textlines_) {
+ output.WriteString(700, element);
+ }
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasNumber) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(6, Number);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (int element in NumbersList) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32SizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 1 * numbers_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasText) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(3, Text);
+ }
+ {
+ int dataSize = 0;
+ foreach (string element in TextlinesList) {
+ dataSize += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSizeNoTag(element);
+ }
+ size += dataSize;
+ size += 2 * textlines_.Count;
+ }
+ if (HasValid) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeBoolSize(5, Valid);
+ }
+ if (HasChild) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(1, Child);
+ }
+ foreach (global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children element in ChildrenList) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeGroupSize(401, element);
+ }
+ size += ExtensionsSerializedSize;
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlMessage ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(TestXmlMessage prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::ExtendableBuilder<TestXmlMessage, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ TestXmlMessage result = new TestXmlMessage();
+ protected override TestXmlMessage MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new TestXmlMessage();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlMessage DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlMessage BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ result.numbers_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.textlines_.MakeReadOnly();
+ result.children_.MakeReadOnly();
+ TestXmlMessage returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is TestXmlMessage) {
+ return MergeFrom((TestXmlMessage) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(TestXmlMessage other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasNumber) {
+ Number = other.Number;
+ }
+ if (other.numbers_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.numbers_, result.numbers_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasText) {
+ Text = other.Text;
+ }
+ if (other.textlines_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.textlines_, result.textlines_);
+ }
+ if (other.HasValid) {
+ Valid = other.Valid;
+ }
+ if (other.HasChild) {
+ MergeChild(other.Child);
+ }
+ if (other.children_.Count != 0) {
+ base.AddRange(other.children_, result.children_);
+ }
+ this.MergeExtensionFields(other);
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 10: {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.Builder subBuilder = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.CreateBuilder();
+ if (HasChild) {
+ subBuilder.MergeFrom(Child);
+ }
+ input.ReadMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
+ Child = subBuilder.BuildPartial();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 16: {
+ AddNumbers(input.ReadInt32());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 26: {
+ Text = input.ReadString();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 40: {
+ Valid = input.ReadBool();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 48: {
+ Number = input.ReadInt64();
+ break;
+ }
+ case 3211: {
+ global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Builder subBuilder = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.CreateBuilder();
+ input.ReadGroup(401, subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
+ AddChildren(subBuilder.BuildPartial());
+ break;
+ }
+ case 5602: {
+ AddTextlines(input.ReadString());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasNumber {
+ get { return result.HasNumber; }
+ }
+ public long Number {
+ get { return result.Number; }
+ set { SetNumber(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetNumber(long value) {
+ result.hasNumber = true;
+ result.number_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearNumber() {
+ result.hasNumber = false;
+ result.number_ = 0L;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<int> NumbersList {
+ get { return result.numbers_; }
+ }
+ public int NumbersCount {
+ get { return result.NumbersCount; }
+ }
+ public int GetNumbers(int index) {
+ return result.GetNumbers(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetNumbers(int index, int value) {
+ result.numbers_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddNumbers(int value) {
+ result.numbers_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeNumbers(scg::IEnumerable<int> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.numbers_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearNumbers() {
+ result.numbers_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasText {
+ get { return result.HasText; }
+ }
+ public string Text {
+ get { return result.Text; }
+ set { SetText(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetText(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasText = true;
+ result.text_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearText() {
+ result.hasText = false;
+ result.text_ = "";
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<string> TextlinesList {
+ get { return result.textlines_; }
+ }
+ public int TextlinesCount {
+ get { return result.TextlinesCount; }
+ }
+ public string GetTextlines(int index) {
+ return result.GetTextlines(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetTextlines(int index, string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.textlines_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddTextlines(string value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.textlines_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeTextlines(scg::IEnumerable<string> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.textlines_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearTextlines() {
+ result.textlines_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasValid {
+ get { return result.HasValid; }
+ }
+ public bool Valid {
+ get { return result.Valid; }
+ set { SetValid(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetValid(bool value) {
+ result.hasValid = true;
+ result.valid_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearValid() {
+ result.hasValid = false;
+ result.valid_ = false;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public bool HasChild {
+ get { return result.HasChild; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild Child {
+ get { return result.Child; }
+ set { SetChild(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetChild(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.hasChild = true;
+ result.child_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetChild(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.hasChild = true;
+ result.child_ = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder MergeChild(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ if (result.HasChild &&
+ result.child_ != global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.DefaultInstance) {
+ result.child_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.CreateBuilder(result.child_).MergeFrom(value).BuildPartial();
+ } else {
+ result.child_ = value;
+ }
+ result.hasChild = true;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearChild() {
+ result.hasChild = false;
+ result.child_ = global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlChild.DefaultInstance;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public pbc::IPopsicleList<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children> ChildrenList {
+ get { return result.children_; }
+ }
+ public int ChildrenCount {
+ get { return result.ChildrenCount; }
+ }
+ public global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children GetChildren(int index) {
+ return result.GetChildren(index);
+ }
+ public Builder SetChildren(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.children_[index] = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder SetChildren(int index, global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.children_[index] = builderForValue.Build();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddChildren(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children value) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(value, "value");
+ result.children_.Add(value);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddChildren(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children.Builder builderForValue) {
+ pb::ThrowHelper.ThrowIfNull(builderForValue, "builderForValue");
+ result.children_.Add(builderForValue.Build());
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder AddRangeChildren(scg::IEnumerable<global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlMessage.Types.Children> values) {
+ base.AddRange(values, result.children_);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearChildren() {
+ result.children_.Clear();
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static TestXmlMessage() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class TestXmlExtension : pb::GeneratedMessage<TestXmlExtension, TestXmlExtension.Builder> {
+ private static readonly TestXmlExtension defaultInstance = new Builder().BuildPartial();
+ public static TestXmlExtension DefaultInstance {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlExtension DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return defaultInstance; }
+ }
+ protected override TestXmlExtension ThisMessage {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public static pbd::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__Descriptor; }
+ }
+ protected override pb::FieldAccess.FieldAccessorTable<TestXmlExtension, TestXmlExtension.Builder> InternalFieldAccessors {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.internal__static_protobuf_unittest_extra_TestXmlExtension__FieldAccessorTable; }
+ }
+ public const int NumberFieldNumber = 1;
+ private bool hasNumber;
+ private int number_ = 0;
+ public bool HasNumber {
+ get { return hasNumber; }
+ }
+ public int Number {
+ get { return number_; }
+ }
+ public override bool IsInitialized {
+ get {
+ if (!hasNumber) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ public override void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
+ int size = SerializedSize;
+ if (HasNumber) {
+ output.WriteInt32(1, Number);
+ }
+ UnknownFields.WriteTo(output);
+ }
+ private int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
+ public override int SerializedSize {
+ get {
+ int size = memoizedSerializedSize;
+ if (size != -1) return size;
+ size = 0;
+ if (HasNumber) {
+ size += pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(1, Number);
+ }
+ size += UnknownFields.SerializedSize;
+ memoizedSerializedSize = size;
+ return size;
+ }
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(pb::ByteString data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(byte[] data) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(byte[] data, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(data, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseDelimitedFrom(global::System.IO.Stream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return CreateBuilder().MergeDelimitedFrom(input, extensionRegistry).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static TestXmlExtension ParseFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ return ((Builder) CreateBuilder().MergeFrom(input, extensionRegistry)).BuildParsed();
+ }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder() { return new Builder(); }
+ public override Builder ToBuilder() { return CreateBuilder(this); }
+ public override Builder CreateBuilderForType() { return new Builder(); }
+ public static Builder CreateBuilder(TestXmlExtension prototype) {
+ return (Builder) new Builder().MergeFrom(prototype);
+ }
+ [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()]
+ [global::System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CompilerGeneratedAttribute()]
+ [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCodeAttribute("ProtoGen", "")]
+ public sealed partial class Builder : pb::GeneratedBuilder<TestXmlExtension, Builder> {
+ protected override Builder ThisBuilder {
+ get { return this; }
+ }
+ public Builder() {}
+ TestXmlExtension result = new TestXmlExtension();
+ protected override TestXmlExtension MessageBeingBuilt {
+ get { return result; }
+ }
+ public override Builder Clear() {
+ result = new TestXmlExtension();
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder Clone() {
+ return new Builder().MergeFrom(result);
+ }
+ public override pbd::MessageDescriptor DescriptorForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension.Descriptor; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlExtension DefaultInstanceForType {
+ get { return global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension.DefaultInstance; }
+ }
+ public override TestXmlExtension BuildPartial() {
+ if (result == null) {
+ throw new global::System.InvalidOperationException("build() has already been called on this Builder");
+ }
+ TestXmlExtension returnMe = result;
+ result = null;
+ return returnMe;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::IMessage other) {
+ if (other is TestXmlExtension) {
+ return MergeFrom((TestXmlExtension) other);
+ } else {
+ base.MergeFrom(other);
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(TestXmlExtension other) {
+ if (other == global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.TestXmlExtension.DefaultInstance) return this;
+ if (other.HasNumber) {
+ Number = other.Number;
+ }
+ this.MergeUnknownFields(other.UnknownFields);
+ return this;
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
+ return MergeFrom(input, pb::ExtensionRegistry.Empty);
+ }
+ public override Builder MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input, pb::ExtensionRegistry extensionRegistry) {
+ pb::UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields = null;
+ while (true) {
+ uint tag = input.ReadTag();
+ switch (tag) {
+ case 0: {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ default: {
+ if (pb::WireFormat.IsEndGroupTag(tag)) {
+ if (unknownFields != null) {
+ this.UnknownFields = unknownFields.Build();
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ if (unknownFields == null) {
+ unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.CreateBuilder(this.UnknownFields);
+ }
+ ParseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag);
+ break;
+ }
+ case 8: {
+ Number = input.ReadInt32();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public bool HasNumber {
+ get { return result.HasNumber; }
+ }
+ public int Number {
+ get { return result.Number; }
+ set { SetNumber(value); }
+ }
+ public Builder SetNumber(int value) {
+ result.hasNumber = true;
+ result.number_ = value;
+ return this;
+ }
+ public Builder ClearNumber() {
+ result.hasNumber = false;
+ result.number_ = 0;
+ return this;
+ }
+ }
+ static TestXmlExtension() {
+ object.ReferenceEquals(global::Google.ProtocolBuffers.TestProtos.UnitTestXmlSerializerTestProtoFile.Descriptor, null);
+ }
+ }
+ #endregion
diff --git a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
index 76b89203..49dac251 100644
--- a/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
+++ b/src/ProtocolBuffers.Test/TextFormatTest.cs
@@ -404,8 +404,8 @@ namespace Google.ProtocolBuffers
"1:2: Extension \"nosuchext\" not found in the ExtensionRegistry.",
"[nosuchext]: 123");
- "1:20: Extension \"protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension\" does " +
- "not extend message type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes\".",
+ "1:20: Extension \"protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension\" " +
+ "not found in the ExtensionRegistry.",
"[protobuf_unittest.optional_int32_extension]: 123");
"1:1: Message type \"protobuf_unittest.TestAllTypes\" has no field " +