path: root/bootstrap.d/13-kernel.sh
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* fix: ENABLE_CRYPTFS -> UBOOT, SPLITFS, EXPANDROOT - cleanupHEADmasterJan Wagner2016-04-191-58/+82
* fix: BUILD_KERNELJan Wagner2016-04-171-4/+4
* Added: ENABLE_CRYPTFS - encrypted rootfs, use-latest-bootloader, cp-cleanupJan Wagner2016-03-251-11/+63
* Added: KERNEL_REDUCE - less than 128MB used space, Added: REDUCE_ parametersJan Wagner2016-03-171-1/+38
* Added: KERNELSRC_PREBUILT, KERNELSRC_ rename, fix-quotesJan Wagner2016-03-151-51/+62
* Added: ENABLE_REDUCE - down to 160MB used space,fix-resolve,fix-machineidJan Wagner2016-03-141-1/+5
* Added: KERNEL_SRCDIR, path-checks, code-cleanupJan Wagner2016-03-131-11/+34
* comment-cleanup, net-cleanup, size-calc-fix, split-more, menuconfigJan Wagner2016-03-131-32/+35
* code cleanup and even more splitingJan Wagner2016-03-121-1/+1
* vknecht-master-mergeJan Wagner2016-03-121-1/+8
| * Added ENABLE_SPLITFS option to produce distinct /boot/firmware and root imagesVincent Knecht2016-03-121-1/+8
* | spliting more files, fix-uboot, fix-fbturbo, fix-localeJan Wagner2016-03-121-15/+28
* Fix custom cmdlineFilip Pytloun2016-03-111-1/+1
* Enhance kernel build by headers install, parallelism and cleanupFilip Pytloun2016-03-111-8/+13
* Refactor: split bootstrap actions and allow customFilip Pytloun2016-03-111-0/+97