path: root/mkrootfs
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jakob@odersky.com>2017-02-05 00:30:32 -0800
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@odersky.com>2017-02-05 00:30:32 -0800
commitae43325d1ce55bbce43bd0a996cfab00657be838 (patch)
treeea38ea5bd7e6c9674bd03260638e817e513a6225 /mkrootfs
parent3687eb638dfcdc641b77e46f44814638d5b9bf81 (diff)
Implement mkrootfs and mkrootimg for Raspberry Pi 2HEADmaster
Diffstat (limited to 'mkrootfs')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/mkrootfs b/mkrootfs
index e8941b0..09047cb 100755
--- a/mkrootfs
+++ b/mkrootfs
@@ -1,136 +1,312 @@
set -e
-# Directory in which the file system will be built
-# Debian release
-# Host name to be used by machine
-# SSH to log in as root
print_usage() {
- cat 1>&2 <<EOF
-Usage: $0 [options] rootfs-directory
-Create a debian root filesystem for the cubieboard5.
-The password for the root account will be set to 'guest', unless an ssh key is
-specified, in which case the account will be locked.
+ cat <<EOF
+Usage: $0 [options] <rootfs_directory>
+Create a bare debian root filesystem for the Raspberry Pi 2 B. The
+password for the root account will be set to 'guest' by default.
- --hostname=<$HOSTNAME> Use a given hostname for the device.
- --ssh-key=<$SSH_KEY> Add the given SSH key to root's authorized_keys file. When this option is provided, root's account will be locked.
- --release=<$RELEASE> Create a root filesystem for the given debian release.
+ --hostname <hostname> Use a given hostname for the device. Defaults to '$hostname'.
+ --ssh-key <key file> Add the given SSH key to root's authorized_keys file. Defaults to '$ssh_key'.
+ --release <release> Create a root filesystem for the given debian release. Defaults to '$release'.
+ --no-debootstrap Don't create an initial file system with debootstrap. This may be useful for debugging purposes
-# Process options
-while [ $# -gt 1 ]
+fail() {
+ echo "$1" >&2
+ exit 1
+log() {
+ echo "mkrootfs: $1" >&2
+# Process arguments
+while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
exit 0
- --hostname=*)
- HOSTNAME="${1#*=}"
+ --hostname)
+ shift
+ [[ -z "$1" ]] && fail "no hostname specified"
+ hostname="$1"
+ ;;
+ --release)
+ shift
+ [[ -z "$1" ]] && fail "no release specified"
+ release="$1"
- --release=*)
- RELEASE="${1#*=}"
+ --ssh-key)
+ shift
+ [[ -z "$1" ]] && fail "no ssh-key specified"
+ ssh_key="$1"
- --ssh-key=*)
- SSH_KEY="${1#*=}"
+ --no-debootstrap)
+ nodeboostrap=true
- echo "Unknown option '$1'" 1>&2
- exit 1
+ [[ -n "$rootfs" ]] && fail "rootfs already defined"
+ rootfs="$1"
+ ;;
-# Process last argument, the root file system location
-if [ -z "$1" ] || [ "$1" = -h ] || [ "$1" = --help ]; then
- print_usage
- exit 1
-if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "This must be run as root." 1>&2
- exit 1
-export ROOTFS="$1"
+[ -n "$rootfs" ] || fail "$(print_usage)"
+[ ! -e "$rootfs" ] || fail "$rootfs already exists"
+[ "$EUID" -eq 0 ] || fail "$0 must be run as root"
+if [ -n "$nodebootstrap" ]; then
+ echo "skipping deboostrap" >&2
+ log "debootstrapping"
+ if [ $(dpkg -l | grep -c apt-cacher-ng) -gt 0 ]; then
+ export http_proxy="http://localhost:3142"
+ else
+ echo "WARNING: running debootstrap will download a lot of data. It is recommended to use apt-cacher-ng." >&2
+ fi
-export RELEASE
-export HOSTNAME
-export SSH_KEY
+ qemu-debootstrap \
+ --verbose \
+ --include=wget,curl,openssl,ca-certificates \
+ --arch=armhf \
+ "$release" \
+ "$rootfs" \
+ http://httpredir.debian.org/debian
+ log "debootstrap complete"
+ # http_proxy conflicts with direct calls to apt-get
+ #unset http_proxy
# Run a command in the root file system
chroot_exec() {
- # Exec command in chroot
- LANG=C LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot ${ROOTFS} /bin/sh -c "$*"
+ LANG=C LC_ALL=C DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive chroot "$rootfs" "$@"
-export -f chroot_exec
# Unmount and remove any temporary files
cleanup() {
+ log "cleaning"
set +e
- # Identify and kill all processes still using files
- echo "Killing processes using mount point" 1>&2
- fuser -k "${ROOTFS}"
- sleep 3
- fuser -9 -k -v "${ROOTFS}"
- # Clean up all temporary mount points
- echo "Removing temporary mount points" 1>&2
- umount -l "${ROOTFS}/proc" 2> /dev/null
- umount -l "${ROOTFS}/sys" 2> /dev/null
- umount -l "${ROOTFS}/dev/pts" 2> /dev/null
- umount -l "${ROOTFS}/dev" 2> /dev/null
+ fuser --kill -SIGTERM "$rootfs"
+ sleep 2
+ fuser --kill -SIGKILL --verbose "$rootfs"
+ umount -l "$rootfs/proc" 2> /dev/null
+ umount -l "$rootfs/sys" 2> /dev/null
+ umount -l "$rootfs/dev/pts" 2> /dev/null
+ umount -l "$rootfs/dev" 2> /dev/null
trap - 0 1 2 3 6
trap cleanup 0 1 2 3 6
-# Bootstrap initial file system
-echo "Creating rootfs" 1>&2
-# proxy is set to use apt-cacher-ng
-http_proxy="localhost:3142" qemu-debootstrap \
- --verbose \
- --include=linux-image-armmp-lpae,locales,flash-kernel,sunxi-tools,firmware-linux-free,u-boot-tools \
- --arch=armhf \
- "$RELEASE" \
- "$ROOTFS" \
- http://httpredir.debian.org/debian
-# Prepare filesystem to be chrooted
-echo "Creating temporary system mount points in rootfs" 1>&2
-mount -t proc chproc "$ROOTFS/proc"
-mount -t sysfs chsys "$ROOTFS/sys"
-mount -t devtmpfs chdev "$ROOTFS/dev"
-mount -t devpts chpts "$ROOTFS/dev/pts"
-echo "Configuring rootfs" 1>&2
-chroot_exec dpkg --configure -a
-# Run setup scripts
-echo "Running setup scripts" 1>&2
-dir=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
-for script in "$dir"/mkrootfs.d/*.sh; do
- echo "Running $script" 1>&2
- bash "$script"
-echo "Completed setup scripts" 1>&2
+# Prepare filesystem to be chrooted into
+log "creating temporary system mount points"
+mount -t proc chproc "$rootfs/proc"
+mount -t sysfs chsys "$rootfs/sys"
+mount -t devtmpfs chdev "$rootfs/dev"
+mount -t devpts chpts "$rootfs/dev/pts"
+# Set up package archive
+log "configuring apt archive"
+cat > "$rootfs/etc/apt/sources.list" <<EOF
+deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian $release main contrib non-free
+deb http://httpredir.debian.org/debian $release-updates main contrib non-free
+deb http://security.debian.org $release/updates main contrib non-free
+chroot_exec apt-get update
+# Configure fstab
+log "configuring fstab"
+cat > "$rootfs/etc/fstab" <<EOF
+/dev/mmcblk0p1 /boot/firmware vfat noatime 0 2
+/dev/mmcblk0p2 / ext4 noatime 0 1
+tmpfs /tmp tmpfs defaults 0 0
+# Install proprietary 2nd-stage bootloader firmware
+log "installing proprietary 2nd-stage bootloader"
+mkdir -p "$rootfs/boot/firmware"
+wget https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/raw/master/boot/bootcode.bin \
+ -O "$rootfs/boot/firmware/bootcode.bin"
+wget https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/raw/master/boot/start.elf \
+ -O "$rootfs/boot/firmware/start.elf"
+# Install u-boot 3rd-stage bootloader
+# https://blog.night-shade.org.uk/2015/05/booting-a-raspberry-pi2-with-u-boot-and-hyp-enabled/
+log "installing u-boot 3rd stage bootloader"
+chroot_exec apt-get install -y u-boot-rpi
+cp "$rootfs/usr/lib/u-boot/rpi_2/u-boot.bin" "$rootfs/boot/firmware/u-boot.bin"
+cat <<EOF > "$rootfs/boot/firmware/config.txt"
+# Install and configure kernel flashing utility
+# http://sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-jessie-on-rpi2/
+chroot_exec apt-get install -y flash-kernel u-boot-tools
+echo "Raspberry Pi 2 Model B" > "$rootfs/etc/flash-kernel/machine"
+cat <<EOF > "$rootfs/etc/flash-kernel/ubootenv.d/10-partition"
+setenv distro_bootpart 2
+setenv prefix /boot/
+echo "Machine: Raspberry Pi 2 Model B" >> "$rootfs/etc/flash-kernel/db"
+echo "Boot-Script-Path: /boot/firmware/boot.scr" >> "$rootfs/etc/flash-kernel/db"
+# Install kernel
+log "installing kernel"
+chroot_exec apt-get install -y linux-image-armmp-lpae
+# Configure kernel boot args
+log "setting kernel boot arguments"
+cat <<EOF > "$rootfs/etc/default/flash-kernel"
+LINUX_KERNEL_CMDLINE_DEFAULTS="console=ttyAMA0 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2"
+chroot_exec flash-kernel
+# Set up hostname configuration
+log "configuring network host names"
+echo "$hostname" > "$rootfs/etc/hostname"
+sed -i "/^ s/\$/ $hostname/" "$rootfs/etc/hosts"
+sed -i "/^::1/ s/\$/ $hostname/" "$rootfs/etc/hosts"
+# Set up network interfaces
+log "configuring network interfaces"
+cat > "$rootfs/etc/network/interfaces.d/lo" <<EOF
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+cat > "$rootfs/etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0" <<EOF
+allow-hotplug eth0
+iface eth0 inet dhcp
+# Set up root account
+log "creating root account"
+chroot_exec sh -c "echo root:guest | chpasswd"
+# Install OpenSSH
+log "setting up openssh-server"
+chroot_exec apt-get -y install openssh-server
+if [ -f "$ssh_key" ]; then
+ mkdir -p "$rootfs/root/.ssh"
+ chmod 600 "$rootfs/root/.ssh"
+ cat "$ssh_key" > "$rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ chmod 600 "$rootfs/root/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ sed -i 's/#PasswordAuthentication yes/PasswordAuthentication no/g' "$rootfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+ echo "SSH password login disabled. Use the key in $ssh_key to login." 1>&2
+ sed -i 's/PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/g' "$rootfs/etc/ssh/sshd_config"
+ echo "Warning: SSH password login is enabled! This can be a security risk." 1>&2
+# Prepare first boot
+log "setting up first boot script"
+chroot_exec apt-get -y install parted
+cat <<'EOM' > "$rootfs/etc/rc.firstboot"
+set -e
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Starting first boot"
+led_blink() {
+ local led=/sys/class/leds/"$1"
+ local time_on="$2"
+ local time_off="$time_on"
+ local blinks="$3"
+ local trigger=$(cat "$led/trigger" | sed 's/.*\[\(.*\)\].*/\1/g' -)
+ local brightness=$(cat "$led/brightness")
+ echo "none" > "$led/trigger"
+ for i in $(seq 1 $blinks); do
+ echo 255 > "$led/brightness"
+ sleep "$time_on"
+ echo 0 > "$led/brightness"
+ sleep "$time_off"
+ done
+ echo "$brightness" > "$led/brightness"
+ echo "$trigger" > "$led/trigger"
+led_trigger() {
+ local led=/sys/class/leds/"$1"
+ if [ "$2" == "heartbeat" ]; then
+ modprobe ledtrig_heartbeat || true
+ fi
+ echo "$2" > "$led/trigger"
+led_blink ACT 0.1 20 &
+led_blink PWR 0.1 20
+led_trigger PWR heartbeat
+led_trigger ACT mmc0
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Generating ssh host keys"
+rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
+systemctl stop sshd
+ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
+ssh-keygen -q -t dsa -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key
+ssh-keygen -q -t ecdsa -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
+ssh-keygen -q -t ed25519 -N "" -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key
+systemctl start sshd
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Expanding root file system"
+fdisk /dev/mmcblk0 <<EOF || true
+resize2fs /dev/mmcblk0p2
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Generating D-Bus machine-id"
+rm -f /var/lib/dbus/machine-id
+dbus-uuidgen --ensure
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Regenerating initramfs"
+update-initramfs -u
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "Restarting core services"
+systemctl daemon-reload
+systemctl restart networking.service
+systemctl restart systemd-networkd.service
+logger -t "rc.firstboot" "First boot actions finished"
+rm -f /etc/rc.firstboot
+sed -i '/.*rc.firstboot/d' /etc/rc.local
+led_trigger ACT heartbeat
+led_trigger PWR none
+chmod +x "$rootfs/etc/rc.firstboot"
+cat <<EOF > "$rootfs/etc/rc.local"
+#!/bin/sh -e
+exit 0
+chmod +x "$rootfs/etc/rc.local"
-echo "Successfully created rootfs" 1>&2
+log "done"