path: root/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/plugins/JniPackage.scala.old
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/plugins/JniPackage.scala.old')
1 files changed, 183 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/plugins/JniPackage.scala.old b/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/plugins/JniPackage.scala.old
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60980f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jni-plugin/src/main/scala/ch/jodersky/sbt/jni/plugins/JniPackage.scala.old
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+package ch.jodersky.sbt.jni
+import build._
+import ch.jodersky.jni.{NativeLoader, Platform}
+import sbt._
+import sbt.Keys._
+object JniPackager extends AutoPlugin {
+ override def requires = Jni
+ override def trigger = allRequirements
+ object autoImport {
+ //Main task, inspect this first
+ //val packageNative = taskKey[File]("Packages native libraries in a jar.")
+ //val packageNativeMappings = taskKey[Seq[(File, String)]]("")
+ val nativeLibraryPath = settingKey[String](
+ "String that is prepended to the path of a native library when packaged.")
+ val enableNativeCompilation = settingKey[Boolean](
+ "Determines if native compilation is enabled in a scoped key (typically for packaging).")
+ val unmanagedNativeDirectories = settingKey[Seq[File]](
+ """|Unmanaged directories containing native libraries. The libraries must be regular files
+ |contained in a subdirectory corresponding to a platform.""".stripMargin)
+ val unmanagedNativeLibraries = taskKey[Map[Platform, File]]("")
+ val managedNativeLibraries = taskKey[Map[Platform, File]]("")
+ }
+ import autoImport._
+ import Jni.autoImport._
+ lazy val settings: Seq[Setting[_]] = Seq(
+ nativeLibraryPath := {
+ val orgPath = organization.value.replaceAll("\\.", "/")
+ s"/${orgPath}/${name.value}/native"
+ },
+ //Make NativeLoader available to project
+ libraryDependencies += "ch.jodersky" %% "jni-library" % Version.PluginVersion,
+ name in packageNative := {
+ name.value + "-native-" + version.value + ".jar"
+ },
+ enableNativeCompilation := true,
+ unmanagedNativeDirectories := Seq(baseDirectory.value / "lib_native"),
+ unmanagedNativeLibraries := {
+ val dirs: Seq[File] = unmanagedNativeDirectories.value
+ val seq: Seq[(Platform, File)] = for (
+ dir <- dirs;
+ platformDir <- dir.listFiles();
+ if platformDir.isDirectory;
+ platform = Platform.fromId(platformDir.name);
+ library <- platformDir.listFiles();
+ if library.isFile
+ ) yield {
+ platform -> library.getCanonicalFile()
+ }
+ seq.toMap
+ },
+ managedNativeLibraries := Def.taskDyn[Map[Platform, File]]{
+ val enableManaged = (enableNativeCompilation).value
+ if (enableManaged) Def.task {
+ val library: File = (nativeCompile in Compile).value
+ val platform = (nativePlatform in Compile).value
+ Map(platform -> library)
+ } else Def.task{
+ Map()
+ }
+ }.value,
+ resourceGenerators in Compile += Def.task {
+ val libraries: Seq[(Patform, File)] = (managedNativeLibraries.value ++ unmanagedNativeLibraries.value).toSeq
+ val resources: Seq[File] = for ((plat, file) <- libraries) yield {
+ //native library as a managed resource file
+ val resource = (resourceManaged in Compile).value /
+ NativeLoader.fullLibraryPath(
+ (nativeLibraryPath).value,
+ plat)
+ //copy native library to a managed resource (so it can also be loaded when not packaged as a jar)
+ IO.copyFile(file, resource)
+ resource
+ }
+ resources
+ }.taskValue,
+ //don't add scala version to native jars
+ crossPaths := false
+ )
+ override lazy val projectSettings = settings
+ /*
+ name in packageNative := name,
+ //this is file name of the artifact
+ artifactName in packageNative := { (sv: ScalaVersion, module: ModuleID, artifact: Artifact) =>
+ artifact.name + "-native." + module.revision + "." + artifact.extension
+ }
+ packageNative := {
+ val log = streams.value.log
+ val mappings: Seq[(File, String)] = {
+ val libs = unmanagedNativeLibraries.value.toSeq ++ managedNativeLibraries.value.toSeq
+ libs.map{ case (platform, file) =>
+ file -> NativeLoader.fullLibraryPath(
+ (nativeLibraryPath in Compile).value,
+ platform)
+ }
+ }
+ val manifest = new java.util.jar.Manifest
+ val namer = (artifactName in packageNative).value
+ val jar: File = (target in nativeCompile).value / namer(
+ scalaVersion,
+ (artifactName in packageNative).value
+ )
+ Package.makeJar(mappings, jar, manifest, log)
+ jar
+ },
+ */
+ //Add native jar to runtime classpath. Note that it is not added as a resource (this would cause
+ //the native library to included in the main jar).
+ //unmanagedClasspath in Runtime += Attributed.blank(packageNative.value),
+ //Fork new JVM when running locally, since native libraries can only be loaded once
+ //fork in run := true
+ /*
+ override lazy val projectSettings =
+ Defaults.packageTaskSettings(packageNative, packageNativeMappings) ++
+ addArtifact(artifact in packageNative, packageNative) ++
+ inConfig(Compile)(settings) ++ Seq(
+ packageNativeMappings := {
+ val libs = (unmanagedNativeLibraries in Compile).value.toSeq ++
+ (managedNativeLibraries in Compile).value.toSeq
+ libs.map{ case (platform, file) =>
+ file -> NativeLoader.fullLibraryPath(
+ (nativeLibraryPath in Compile).value,
+ platform)
+ }
+ },
+ artifactClassifier in packageNative := Some("native"),
+ //this is file name of the artifact
+ artifactName := { (sv: ScalaVersion, module: ModuleID, artifact: Artifact) =>
+ artifact.name + "-foso" + module.revision + "." + artifact.extension
+ },
+ artifact in packageNative := {
+ Artifact("foo", "jar", "jar", Some("native"), Nil, None, Map("platform" -> "all"))
+ },
+ crossVersion in packageNative := CrossVersion.Disabled
+// projectID in packageNative := { projectID.value.copy(crossVersion = CrossVersion.Disabled) }
+ )
+ */