path: root/src/main/scala/scala/async/internal/FutureSystem.scala
blob: 3ca9c834546c1dd4fae52cc29ac0cf762d1a77ea (plain) (tree)
























 * Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Lightbend Inc. <http://www.lightbend.com>
package scala.async.internal

import scala.language.higherKinds
import scala.reflect.macros.Context

 * An abstraction over a future system.
 * Used by the macro implementations in [[scala.async.AsyncBase]] to
 * customize the code generation.
 * The API mirrors that of `scala.concurrent.Future`, see the instance
 * [[ScalaConcurrentFutureSystem]] for an example of how
 * to implement this.
trait FutureSystem {
  /** A container to receive the final value of the computation */
  type Prom[A]
  /** A (potentially in-progress) computation */
  type Fut[A]
  /** An execution context, required to create or register an on completion callback on a Future. */
  type ExecContext
  /** Any data type isomorphic to scala.util.Try. */
  type Tryy[T]

  trait Ops {
    val c: Context
    import c.universe._

    def promType[A: WeakTypeTag]: Type
    def tryType[A: WeakTypeTag]: Type
    def execContextType: Type
    def stateMachineClassParents: List[Type] = Nil

    /** Create an empty promise */
    def createProm[A: WeakTypeTag]: Expr[Prom[A]]

    /** Extract a future from the given promise. */
    def promiseToFuture[A: WeakTypeTag](prom: Expr[Prom[A]]): Expr[Fut[A]]

    /** Construct a future to asynchronously compute the given expression */
    def future[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[A])(execContext: Expr[ExecContext]): Expr[Fut[A]]

    /** Register an call back to run on completion of the given future */
    def onComplete[A, U](future: Expr[Fut[A]], fun: Expr[Tryy[A] => U],
                         execContext: Expr[ExecContext]): Expr[Unit]

    def continueCompletedFutureOnSameThread = false

    /** Return `null` if this future is not yet completed, or `Tryy[A]` with the completed result
      * otherwise
    def getCompleted[A: WeakTypeTag](future: Expr[Fut[A]]): Expr[Tryy[A]] =
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getCompleted not supported by this FutureSystem")

    /** Complete a promise with a value */
    def completeProm[A](prom: Expr[Prom[A]], value: Expr[Tryy[A]]): Expr[Unit]
    def completeWithSuccess[A: WeakTypeTag](prom: Expr[Prom[A]], value: Expr[A]): Expr[Unit] = completeProm(prom, tryySuccess(value))

    def spawn(tree: Tree, execContext: Tree): Tree =

    def tryyIsFailure[A](tryy: Expr[Tryy[A]]): Expr[Boolean]

    def tryyGet[A](tryy: Expr[Tryy[A]]): Expr[A]
    def tryySuccess[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[A]): Expr[Tryy[A]]
    def tryyFailure[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[Throwable]): Expr[Tryy[A]]

    /** A hook for custom macros to transform the tree post-ANF transform */
    def postAnfTransform(tree: Block): Block = tree

  def mkOps(c0: Context): Ops { val c: c0.type }

  def freshenAllNames: Boolean = false
  def emitTryCatch: Boolean = true
  def resultFieldName: String = "result"

object ScalaConcurrentFutureSystem extends FutureSystem {

  import scala.concurrent._

  type Prom[A] = Promise[A]
  type Fut[A] = Future[A]
  type ExecContext = ExecutionContext
  type Tryy[A] = scala.util.Try[A]

  def mkOps(c0: Context): Ops {val c: c0.type} = new Ops {
    val c: c0.type = c0
    import c.universe._

    def promType[A: WeakTypeTag]: Type = weakTypeOf[Promise[A]]
    def tryType[A: WeakTypeTag]: Type = weakTypeOf[scala.util.Try[A]]
    def execContextType: Type = weakTypeOf[ExecutionContext]

    def createProm[A: WeakTypeTag]: Expr[Prom[A]] = reify {

    def promiseToFuture[A: WeakTypeTag](prom: Expr[Prom[A]]) = reify {

    def future[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[A])(execContext: Expr[ExecContext]) = reify {

    def onComplete[A, U](future: Expr[Fut[A]], fun: Expr[scala.util.Try[A] => U],
                         execContext: Expr[ExecContext]): Expr[Unit] = reify {

    override def continueCompletedFutureOnSameThread: Boolean = true

    override def getCompleted[A: WeakTypeTag](future: Expr[Fut[A]]): Expr[Tryy[A]] = reify {
      if (future.splice.isCompleted) future.splice.value.get else null

    def completeProm[A](prom: Expr[Prom[A]], value: Expr[scala.util.Try[A]]): Expr[Unit] = reify {

    def tryyIsFailure[A](tryy: Expr[scala.util.Try[A]]): Expr[Boolean] = reify {

    def tryyGet[A](tryy: Expr[Tryy[A]]): Expr[A] = reify {
    def tryySuccess[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[A]): Expr[Tryy[A]] = reify {
    def tryyFailure[A: WeakTypeTag](a: Expr[Throwable]): Expr[Tryy[A]] = reify {