path: root/src/test/scala/scala/async/run/ifelse3/IfElse3.scala
blob: cac646a8267fcfbd6e7e370a1e29f09f59c3c588 (plain) (tree)

 * Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>

package scala.async
package run
package ifelse3

import language.{reflectiveCalls, postfixOps}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, ExecutionContext, future, Await}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import scala.async.Async.{async, await}
import org.junit.runner.RunWith
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4
import org.junit.Test

class TestIfElse3Class {

  import ExecutionContext.Implicits.global

  def base(x: Int): Future[Int] = future {
    x + 2

  def m(y: Int): Future[Int] = async {
    val f = base(y)
    var z = 0
    if (y > 0) {
      val x1 = await(f)
      var w = x1 + 2
      z = w + 2
    } else {
      val x2 = await(f)
      var w = x2 + 2
      z = w - 2

class IfElse3Spec extends MinimalScalaTest {

  def `variables of the same name in different blocks` {
    val o = new TestIfElse3Class
    val fut = o.m(10)
    val res = Await.result(fut, 2 seconds)
    res mustBe (16)