path: root/src/main/scala/scala/async/continuations/AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/scala/scala/async/continuations/AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.scala')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 102 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/scala/scala/async/continuations/AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.scala b/src/main/scala/scala/async/continuations/AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 20f5cce..0000000
--- a/src/main/scala/scala/async/continuations/AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (C) 2012 Typesafe Inc. <http://www.typesafe.com>
- */
-package scala.async
-package continuations
-import scala.language.experimental.macros
-import scala.reflect.macros.Context
-import scala.util.continuations._
-import scala.async.internal.{AsyncMacro, AsyncUtils}
-trait AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback extends internal.AsyncBase {
- /* Fall-back for `await` using CPS plugin.
- *
- * Note: This method is public, but is intended only for internal use.
- */
- def awaitFallback[T](awaitable: futureSystem.Fut[T]): T @cps[futureSystem.Fut[Any]]
- override protected[async] def fallbackEnabled = true
- /* Implements `async { ... }` using the CPS plugin.
- */
- protected def cpsBasedAsyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
- (body: c.Expr[T])
- (execContext: c.Expr[futureSystem.ExecContext]): c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]] = {
- import c.universe._
- def lookupClassMember(clazz: String, name: String) = {
- val asyncTrait = c.mirror.staticClass(clazz)
- val tpe = asyncTrait.asType.toType
- tpe.member(newTermName(name)).ensuring(_ != NoSymbol, s"$clazz.$name")
- }
- def lookupObjectMember(clazz: String, name: String) = {
- val moduleClass = c.mirror.staticModule(clazz).moduleClass
- val tpe = moduleClass.asType.toType
- tpe.member(newTermName(name)).ensuring(_ != NoSymbol, s"$clazz.$name")
- }
- AsyncUtils.vprintln("AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.cpsBasedAsyncImpl")
- val symTab = c.universe.asInstanceOf[reflect.internal.SymbolTable]
- val futureSystemOps = futureSystem.mkOps(symTab)
- val awaitSym = lookupObjectMember("scala.async.Async", "await")
- val awaitFallbackSym = lookupClassMember("scala.async.continuations.AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback", "awaitFallback")
- // replace `await` invocations with `awaitFallback` invocations
- val awaitReplacer = new Transformer {
- override def transform(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
- case Apply(fun @ TypeApply(_, List(futArgTpt)), args) if fun.symbol == awaitSym =>
- val typeApp = treeCopy.TypeApply(fun, atPos(tree.pos)(Ident(awaitFallbackSym)), List(atPos(tree.pos)(TypeTree(futArgTpt.tpe))))
- treeCopy.Apply(tree, typeApp, args.map(arg => c.resetAllAttrs(arg.duplicate)))
- case _ =>
- super.transform(tree)
- }
- }
- val bodyWithAwaitFallback = awaitReplacer.transform(body.tree)
- /* generate an expression that looks like this:
- reset {
- val f = future { ... }
- ...
- val x = awaitFallback(f)
- ...
- future { expr }
- }.asInstanceOf[Future[T]]
- */
- def spawn(expr: Tree) = futureSystemOps.spawn(expr.asInstanceOf[futureSystemOps.universe.Tree], execContext.tree.asInstanceOf[futureSystemOps.universe.Tree]).asInstanceOf[Tree]
- val bodyWithFuture = {
- val tree = bodyWithAwaitFallback match {
- case Block(stmts, expr) => Block(stmts, spawn(expr))
- case expr => spawn(expr)
- }
- c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[Any]](c.resetAllAttrs(tree.duplicate))
- }
- val bodyWithReset: c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[Any]] = reify {
- reset { bodyWithFuture.splice }
- }
- val bodyWithCast = futureSystemOps.castTo[T](bodyWithReset.asInstanceOf[futureSystemOps.universe.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[Any]]]).asInstanceOf[c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]]]
- AsyncUtils.vprintln(s"CPS-based async transform expands to:\n${bodyWithCast.tree}")
- bodyWithCast
- }
- override def asyncImpl[T: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)
- (body: c.Expr[T])
- (execContext: c.Expr[futureSystem.ExecContext]): c.Expr[futureSystem.Fut[T]] = {
- AsyncUtils.vprintln("AsyncBaseWithCPSFallback.asyncImpl")
- val asyncMacro = AsyncMacro(c, this)
- if (!asyncMacro.reportUnsupportedAwaits(body.tree.asInstanceOf[asyncMacro.global.Tree], report = fallbackEnabled))
- super.asyncImpl[T](c)(body)(execContext) // no unsupported awaits
- else
- cpsBasedAsyncImpl[T](c)(body)(execContext) // fallback to CPS
- }