path: root/common/native/src/main
diff options
authorJakob Odersky <jakob@inpher.io>2019-10-09 17:10:43 -0400
committerJakob Odersky <jakob@inpher.io>2019-10-09 20:33:16 -0400
commit0ceee5ed4bae240b8c8e94d2fd7424d9d0b67ec7 (patch)
tree2df0258f81050e6fed51d38e217c4f6256518e12 /common/native/src/main
parentfaed28c54900fc0b359700873367095f51425794 (diff)
Migrate build to mill
Diffstat (limited to 'common/native/src/main')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 328 deletions
diff --git a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/ArrayUtils.scala b/common/native/src/main/scala/http/ArrayUtils.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 00c1067..0000000
--- a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/ArrayUtils.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-package triad
-package http
-import scala.scalanative.native._
-object ArrayUtils {
- def toBuffer(array: Array[Byte])(implicit z: Zone): Ptr[Byte] = {
- val buffer = z.alloc(array.size)
- var i = 0
- while (i < array.size) {
- buffer(i) = array(i)
- i += 1
- }
- buffer
- }
- def toArray(buffer: Ptr[Byte], size: CSize): Array[Byte] = {
- val array = new Array[Byte](size.toInt)
- var i = 0
- while (i < array.size) {
- array(i) = buffer(i)
- i += 1
- }
- array
- }
diff --git a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/CurlBackend.scala b/common/native/src/main/scala/http/CurlBackend.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dc8577..0000000
--- a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/CurlBackend.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-package triad
-package http
-import curl._
-import curlh._
-import scala.collection.{Map, mutable}
-import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
-import scala.concurrent.Future
-import scala.scalanative.native._
-import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try}
-object CurlBackend {
- type Chunk = CStruct4[Ptr[CStruct0], Ptr[CStruct0], CSize, Ptr[Byte]]
- implicit class ChunksOps(val self: Ptr[Chunk]) extends AnyVal {
- @inline def prev: Ptr[Chunk] = (!self._1).cast[Ptr[Chunk]]
- @inline def prev_=(other: Ptr[Chunk]): Unit =
- !(self._1) = other.cast[Ptr[CStruct0]]
- @inline def next: Ptr[Chunk] = (!self._2).cast[Ptr[Chunk]]
- @inline def next_=(other: Ptr[Chunk]): Unit =
- !(self._2) = other.cast[Ptr[CStruct0]]
- @inline def size: CSize = !(self._3)
- @inline def size_=(value: CSize): Unit = !(self._3) = value
- @inline def buffer: Ptr[Byte] = !(self._4)
- @inline def buffer_=(value: Ptr[Byte]): Unit = !(self._4) = value
- }
- object Chunk {
- @inline def NullPtr[T] = 0.cast[Ptr[T]]
- def allocHead() = allocAppend(0, NullPtr[Chunk])
- def allocAppend(size: CSize,
- head: Ptr[Chunk] = NullPtr[Chunk]): Ptr[Chunk] = {
- val chunk: Ptr[Chunk] = stdlib.malloc(sizeof[Chunk]).cast[Ptr[Chunk]]
- if (chunk == NullPtr[Chunk]) return NullPtr[Chunk]
- chunk.buffer = stdlib.malloc(size)
- if (chunk.buffer == NullPtr[Chunk] && size != 0) {
- stdlib.free(chunk.cast[Ptr[Byte]])
- return NullPtr[Chunk]
- }
- chunk.size = size
- if (head == NullPtr[Chunk]) { // this will be the head
- chunk.next = chunk
- chunk.prev = chunk
- } else {
- val last = head.prev
- last.next = chunk
- chunk.prev = last
- head.prev = chunk
- chunk.next = head
- }
- chunk
- }
- def freeAll(head: Ptr[Chunk]): Unit = {
- var chunk: Ptr[Chunk] = head
- do {
- val next = chunk.next
- stdlib.free(chunk.buffer)
- stdlib.free(chunk.cast[Ptr[Byte]])
- chunk = next
- } while (chunk != head)
- }
- def toArray(head: Ptr[Chunk]): Array[Byte] = {
- val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Byte]()
- var chunk = head
- do {
- val next = chunk.next
- var i = 0l
- while (i < next.size) {
- buffer += next.buffer(i)
- i += 1
- }
- chunk = next
- } while (chunk != head)
- buffer.toArray
- }
- def traverse(head: Ptr[Chunk])(fct: Array[Byte] => Unit) = {
- var chunk = head
- do {
- val next = chunk.next
- val buffer = new ArrayBuffer[Byte]()
- var i = 0l
- while (i < next.size) {
- buffer += next.buffer(i)
- i += 1
- }
- chunk = next
- fct(buffer.toArray)
- } while (chunk != head)
- }
- }
- private def receive(data: Ptr[Byte],
- size: CSize,
- nmemb: CSize,
- userdata: Ptr[Byte]): CSize = {
- val head = userdata.cast[Ptr[Chunk]]
- val length = size * nmemb
- val chunk = Chunk.allocAppend(length, head)
- string.memcpy(chunk.buffer, data, chunk.size)
- chunk.size
- }
- private val receivePtr: WriteFunction = CFunctionPtr.fromFunction4(receive)
- private def chain[A](success: A)(calls: (() => A)*) = {
- var result: A = success
- for (c <- calls if result == success) {
- result = c()
- }
- result
- }
- private def request(request: Request)(implicit z: Zone): Try[Response] = {
- val curl: CURL = curl_easy_init()
- if (curl != null) {
- val errorBuffer = stackalloc[Byte](CURL_ERROR_SIZE)
- !errorBuffer = 0
- val requestHeaders = stackalloc[curl_slist](1)
- !requestHeaders = 0.cast[curl_slist]
- val responseChunks = Chunk.allocHead()
- val responseHeaderChunks = Chunk.allocHead()
- val curlResult = chain(CURLcode.CURL_OK)(
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLoption.CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, errorBuffer),
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl,
- toCString(request.method)),
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl,
- toCString(request.url)),
- () => {
- val buffer = ArrayUtils.toBuffer(request.body)
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLoption.CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, buffer)
- curl_easy_setopt(curl,
- request.body.size)
- },
- () => {
- for ((k, v) <- request.headers) {
- !requestHeaders =
- curl_slist_append(!requestHeaders, toCString(s"$k:$v"))
- }
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLoption.CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, !requestHeaders)
- },
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLoption.CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, receivePtr),
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl, CURLoption.CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, responseChunks),
- () =>
- curl_easy_setopt(curl,
- responseHeaderChunks),
- () => curl_easy_perform(curl)
- )
- val result = curlResult match {
- case CURLcode.CURL_OK =>
- val responseCode: Ptr[Long] = stackalloc[Long](1)
- curl_easy_getinfo(curl, CURLINFO.CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, responseCode)
- val responseHeaders = mutable.HashMap.empty[String, String]
- Chunk.traverse(responseHeaderChunks) { headerChunk =>
- val line = new String(headerChunk, "utf-8").trim
- if (line.contains(":")) {
- val parts = line.split(":", 2)
- responseHeaders += parts(0) -> parts(1)
- }
- }
- Success(
- Response(
- statusCode = (!responseCode).toInt,
- headers = responseHeaders.toMap,
- body = Chunk.toArray(responseChunks)
- ))
- case code =>
- val message = curl_easy_strerror(curl, code)
- Failure(
- new RuntimeException(
- s"${fromCString(errorBuffer)} (curl exit status $code)"))
- }
- Chunk.freeAll(responseChunks)
- Chunk.freeAll(responseHeaderChunks)
- curl_slist_free_all(!requestHeaders)
- curl_easy_cleanup(curl)
- result
- } else {
- Failure(new RuntimeException(s"curl failed to initialize"))
- }
- }
- def curlVersion = fromCString(curl_version())
-trait CurlBackend extends Backend {
- def send(req: Request): Future[Response] = Zone { implicit z =>
- Future.fromTry(CurlBackend.request(req))
- }
diff --git a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/curl.scala b/common/native/src/main/scala/http/curl.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 1eda584..0000000
--- a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/curl.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-package triad
-package http
-import scala.scalanative.native._
-object curlh {
- final val CURL_ERROR_SIZE = 256
- type CURL = Ptr[CStruct0]
- /*
- * #define CURLOPTTYPE_LONG 0
- * #define CURLOPTTYPE_OFF_T 30000
- */
- type CURLcode = CInt
- object CURLcode {
- final val CURL_OK: CInt = 0
- }
- type CURLoption = CInt
- object CURLoption {
- final val CURLOPT_VERBOSE: CInt = 41
- final val CURLOPT_POSTFIELDSIZE: CInt = 60
- final val CURLOPT_WRITEDATA: CInt = 10001
- final val CURLOPT_URL: CInt = 10002
- final val CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER: CInt = 10010
- final val CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS: CInt = 10015
- final val CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER: CInt = 10023
- final val CURLOPT_HEADERDATA: CInt = 10029
- final val CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST: CInt = 10036
- final val CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION: CInt = 20011
- }
- type CURLINFO = CInt
- object CURLINFO {
- final val CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE = 0x200002
- }
- type WriteFunction = CFunctionPtr4[
- Ptr[Byte], // data
- CSize, // size
- CSize, // nmemb
- Ptr[Byte], // userdata
- CSize // return
- ]
- type curl_slist = Ptr[CStruct0]
-object curl {
- import curlh._
- def curl_easy_init(): CURL = extern
- def curl_easy_setopt(curl: CURL,
- option: CURLoption,
- parameter: CVararg*): CURLcode = extern
- def curl_easy_perform(curl: CURL): CURLcode = extern
- def curl_easy_getinfo(curl: CURL,
- option: CURLINFO,
- parameter: CVararg*): CURLcode = extern
- def curl_easy_cleanup(curl: CURL): Unit = extern
- def curl_easy_strerror(curl: CURL, code: CURLcode): CString = extern
- def curl_slist_append(head: curl_slist, string: CString): curl_slist = extern
- def curl_slist_free_all(head: curl_slist): Unit = extern
- def curl_version(): CString = extern
diff --git a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/package.scala b/common/native/src/main/scala/http/package.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 63b5405..0000000
--- a/common/native/src/main/scala/http/package.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-package triad
-package object http extends CurlBackend