path: root/src/compiler/scala/tools/nsc/doc/html/page/Template.scala
blob: 36eea7d1900714219429d631e5f478fbcf839124 (plain) (tree)

























































/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2010 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  David Bernard, Manohar Jonnalagedda

package doc
package html
package page

import model._

import scala.xml.{NodeSeq, Text}
import scala.collection.mutable.HashSet

class Template(tpl: DocTemplateEntity) extends HtmlPage {

  val path =

  val title = "Scaladoc for " + tpl.qualifiedName

  val headers =
      <link href={ relativeLinkTo(List("template.css", "lib")) }   media="screen" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet"/>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("template.js", "lib")} }></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src={ relativeLinkTo{List("tools.tooltip.js", "lib")} }></script>

  val valueMembers =
    (tpl.methods ::: tpl.values ::: (tpl.templates filter { tpl => tpl.isObject || tpl.isPackage })) sortBy (

  val typeMembers =
    (tpl.abstractTypes ::: tpl.aliasTypes ::: (tpl.templates filter { tpl => tpl.isTrait || tpl.isClass })) sortBy (

  val constructors = (tpl match {
    case cls: Class => cls.constructors
    case _ => Nil
  }) sortBy (

  val body =
    <body class={ if (tpl.isTrait || tpl.isClass) "type" else "value" }>

      { if (tpl.isRootPackage || tpl.inTemplate.isRootPackage)
          <p id="owner">{ templatesToHtml(tpl.inTemplate.toRoot.reverse.tail, xml.Text(".")) }</p>

      <div id="definition">
        <img src={ relativeLinkTo(List(kindToString(tpl) + "_big.png", "lib")) }/>
        <h1>{ if (tpl.isRootPackage) "root package" else }</h1>

      { signature(tpl, true) }
      { memberToCommentHtml(tpl, true) }

      <div id="template">

        <div id="mbrsel">
          { if (tpl.linearization.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
              <div id="ancestors">
                <ol><li class="hideall">Hide All</li><li class="showall">Show all</li></ol>
                <ol id="linearization">{ tpl.linearization map { wte => <li class="in" name={ wte.qualifiedName }>{ }</li> } }</ol>
          <div id="visbl">
            <ol><li class="public in">Public</li><li class="all out">All</li></ol>

        { if (constructors.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="constructors" class="members">
              <h3>Instance constructors</h3>
              <ol>{ constructors map (memberToHtml(_)) }</ol>

        { if (typeMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="types" class="members">
              <h3>Type Members</h3>
              <ol>{ typeMembers map (memberToHtml(_)) }</ol>

        { if (valueMembers.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
            <div id="values" class="members">
              <h3>Value Members</h3>
              <ol>{ valueMembers map (memberToHtml(_)) }</ol>


      <div id="tooltip" ></div>


  def memberToHtml(mbr: MemberEntity): NodeSeq = {
    val attributes: List[comment.Body] = Nil
    <li name={ mbr.definitionName } visbl={ if (mbr.visibility.isProtected) "prt" else "pub" }>
      { signature(mbr, false) }
      { memberToCommentHtml(mbr, false) }

  def memberToCommentHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    val useCaseCommentHtml = mbr match {
      case nte: NonTemplateMemberEntity if nte.isUseCase =>
        inlineToHtml(comment.Text("[use case] "))
      case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    mbr match {
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if isSelf =>
        // comment of class itself
        <div id="comment" class="fullcomment">{ memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, isSelf = true) }</div>
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if mbr.comment.isDefined =>
        // comment of inner, documented class (only short comment, full comment is on the class' own page)
        <p class="comment cmt">{ inlineToHtml(mbr.comment.get.short) }</p>
      case _ =>
        // comment of non-class member or non-documentented inner class
        val commentBody = memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, isSelf = false)
        if (commentBody.isEmpty)
        else {
            { if (mbr.comment.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else {
                <p class="shortcomment cmt">{ useCaseCommentHtml }{ inlineToHtml(mbr.comment.get.short) }</p>
            <div class="fullcomment">{ useCaseCommentHtml }{ memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr, isSelf) }</div>

  def memberToCommentBodyHtml(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq =
    NodeSeq.Empty ++
    { if (mbr.comment.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
        <div class="comment cmt">{ commentToHtml(mbr.comment) }</div>
    } ++
    { val prs: List[ParameterEntity] = mbr match {
        case cls: Class if cls.isCaseClass =>
          cls.typeParams ::: (cls.primaryConstructor map (_.valueParams.flatten)).toList.flatten
        case trt: Trait => trt.typeParams
        case dfe: Def => dfe.typeParams ::: dfe.valueParams.flatten
        case ctr: Constructor => ctr.valueParams.flatten
        case _ => Nil
      def mbrCmt = mbr.comment.get
      def paramCommentToHtml(prs: List[ParameterEntity]): NodeSeq = prs match {
        case Nil =>
        case (tp: TypeParam) :: rest =>
          val paramEntry: NodeSeq = {
            <dt class="tparam">{ }</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(mbrCmt.typeParams( }</dd>
          paramEntry ++ paramCommentToHtml(rest)
        case (vp: ValueParam) :: rest  =>
          val paramEntry: NodeSeq = {
            <dt class="param">{ }</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(mbrCmt.valueParams( }</dd>
          paramEntry ++ paramCommentToHtml(rest)
      if (mbr.comment.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty
      else {
        val cmtedPrs = prs filter {
          case tp: TypeParam => mbrCmt.typeParams isDefinedAt
          case vp: ValueParam => mbrCmt.valueParams isDefinedAt
        if (cmtedPrs.isEmpty && mbrCmt.result.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty
          <dl class="paramcmts block">{
            paramCommentToHtml(cmtedPrs) ++ (
            mbrCmt.result match {
              case None => NodeSeq.Empty
              case Some(cmt) =>
                <dt>returns</dt><dd class="cmt">{ bodyToHtml(cmt) }</dd>
    } ++
    { val fvs: List[comment.Paragraph] = visibility(mbr).toList ::: mbr.flags
      if (fvs.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
        <div class="block">
          attributes: { fvs map { fv => { inlineToHtml(fv.text) ++ xml.Text(" ") } } }
    } ++
    { tpl.companion match {
        case Some(companion) if isSelf =>
          <div class="block">
            go to: <a href={relativeLinkTo(companion)}>companion</a>
        case _ =>
    } ++
    { val inDefTpls = mbr.inDefinitionTemplates
      if (inDefTpls.tail.isEmpty && (inDefTpls.head == mbr.inTemplate)) NodeSeq.Empty else {
        <div class="block">
          definition classes: { templatesToHtml(inDefTpls, xml.Text(" → ")) }
    } ++
    { mbr match {
        case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if (isSelf && !dtpl.subClasses.isEmpty) =>
          <div class="block">
            known subclasses: { templatesToHtml(dtpl.subClasses, xml.Text(", ")) }
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    } ++
    { mbr match {
        case dtpl: DocTemplateEntity if (isSelf && dtpl.sourceUrl.isDefined) =>
          val sourceUrl = tpl.sourceUrl.get
          <div class="block">
            source: { <a href={ sourceUrl.toString }>{ Text(new }</a> }
        case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    } ++
    { if (mbr.deprecation.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else
        <div class="block"><ol>deprecated:
          { <li>{ bodyToHtml(mbr.deprecation.get) }</li> }
    } ++
    { mbr.comment match {
        case Some(comment) =>
            { if(!comment.version.isEmpty)
                <div class="block"><ol>version
                  { for(body <- comment.version.toList) yield <li>{bodyToHtml(body)}</li> }
              else NodeSeq.Empty
            { if(!comment.since.isEmpty)
                <div class="block"><ol>since
                  { for(body <- comment.since.toList) yield <li>{bodyToHtml(body)}</li> }
              else NodeSeq.Empty
            { if(!comment.see.isEmpty)
                <div class="block"><ol>see also:
                  { val seeXml:List[scala.xml.NodeSeq]=(for(see <- comment.see ) yield <li>{bodyToHtml(see)}</li> )
                    seeXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text(", ") ++ _)
              else NodeSeq.Empty
            { if(!comment.authors.isEmpty)
                <div class="block"><ol>authors:
                  { val authorsXml:List[scala.xml.NodeSeq]=(for(author <- comment.authors ) yield <li>{bodyToHtml(author)}</li> )
                    authorsXml.reduceLeft(_ ++ Text(", ") ++ _)
              else NodeSeq.Empty
        case None => NodeSeq.Empty

  def kindToString(mbr: MemberEntity): String = mbr match {
    case tpl: DocTemplateEntity =>
      if (tpl.isPackage) "package" else if (tpl.isClass) "class" else if (tpl.isTrait) "trait" else "object"
    case ctor: Constructor => "new"
    case tme: MemberEntity =>
      ( if (tme.isImplicit) "implicit " else "" ) +
      ( if (tme.isDef) "def"
        else if (tme.isVal) "val"
        else if (tme.isLazyVal) "lazy val"
        else if (tme.isVar) "var"
        else "type")

  def boundsToHtml(hi: Option[TypeEntity], lo: Option[TypeEntity], hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    def bound0(bnd: Option[TypeEntity], pre: String): NodeSeq = bnd match {
      case None => NodeSeq.Empty
      case Some(tpe) => xml.Text(pre) ++ typeToHtml(tpe, hasLinks)
    bound0(hi, " <: ") ++ bound0(lo, " >: ")

  def visibility(mbr: MemberEntity): Option[comment.Paragraph] = {
    import comment._
    import comment.{ Text => CText }
    mbr.visibility match {
      case PrivateInInstance() =>
      case PrivateInTemplate(owner) if (owner == mbr.inTemplate) =>
      case PrivateInTemplate(owner) =>
        Some(Paragraph(Chain(List(CText("private["), EntityLink(owner), CText("]")))))
      case ProtectedInInstance() =>
      case ProtectedInTemplate(owner) if (owner == mbr.inTemplate) =>
      case ProtectedInTemplate(owner) =>
        Some(Paragraph(Chain(List(CText("protected["), EntityLink(owner), CText("]")))))
      case Public() =>

  /** name, tparams, params, result */
  def signature(mbr: MemberEntity, isSelf: Boolean): NodeSeq = {
    def inside(hasLinks: Boolean): NodeSeq =
      <span class="kind">{ kindToString(mbr) }</span>
      <span class="symbol">
        <span class={"name" + (if (mbr.deprecation.isDefined) " deprecated" else "") }>{ if (mbr.isConstructor) else }</span>{
          def tparamsToHtml(tpss: List[TypeParam]): NodeSeq =
            if (tpss.isEmpty) NodeSeq.Empty else {
              def tparam0(tp: TypeParam): NodeSeq =
                <span name={ }>{ tp.variance + }{ boundsToHtml(tp.hi, tp.lo, hasLinks)}</span>
              def tparams0(tpss: List[TypeParam]): NodeSeq = (tpss: @unchecked) match {
                case tp :: Nil => tparam0(tp)
                case tp :: tps => tparam0(tp) ++ Text(", ") ++ tparams0(tps)
              <span class="tparams">[{ tparams0(tpss) }]</span>
          mbr match {
            case trt: Trait => tparamsToHtml(trt.typeParams)
            case dfe: Def => tparamsToHtml(dfe.typeParams)
            case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
          def paramsToHtml(vlsss: List[List[ValueParam]]): NodeSeq = {
            def param0(vl: ValueParam): NodeSeq =
              // notice the }{ in the next lines, they are necessary to avoid a undesired withspace in output
              <span name={ }>{ Text( + ": ") }{ typeToHtml(vl.resultType, hasLinks) }{
                if(!vl.defaultValue.isEmpty) {
                  Text(" = ") ++ <span class="default">{vl.defaultValue.get}</span>
                else NodeSeq.Empty
            def params0(vlss: List[ValueParam]): NodeSeq = vlss match {
              case Nil => NodeSeq.Empty
              case vl :: Nil => param0(vl)
              case vl :: vls => param0(vl) ++ Text(", ") ++ params0(vls)
            def implicitCheck(vlss: List[ValueParam]): NodeSeq = vlss match {
              case vl :: vls => if(vl.isImplicit) { <span class="implicit">implicit </span> } else Text("")
              case _ => Text("")
            vlsss map { vlss => <span class="params">({implicitCheck(vlss) ++ params0(vlss) })</span> }
          mbr match {
            case cls: Class if cls.isCaseClass => paramsToHtml(cls.primaryConstructor.get.valueParams)
            case ctr: Constructor => paramsToHtml(ctr.valueParams)
            case dfe: Def => paramsToHtml(dfe.valueParams)
            case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
          mbr match {
            case tpl: DocTemplateEntity if (!tpl.isPackage) =>
              tpl.parentType match {
                case Some(st) => <span class="result"> extends { typeToHtml(st, hasLinks) }</span>
                case None =>NodeSeq.Empty
            case tme: MemberEntity if (tme.isDef || tme.isVal || tme.isLazyVal || tme.isVar) =>
              <span class="result">: { typeToHtml(tme.resultType, hasLinks) }</span>
            case abt: AbstractType =>
              val b2s = boundsToHtml(abt.hi, abt.lo, hasLinks)
              if (b2s != NodeSeq.Empty)
                <span class="result">{ b2s }</span>
              else NodeSeq.Empty
            case alt: AliasType =>
              <span class="result"> = { typeToHtml(alt.alias, hasLinks) }</span>
            case _ => NodeSeq.Empty
    mbr match {
      case dte: DocTemplateEntity if !isSelf =>
        <h4 class="signature"><a href={ relativeLinkTo(dte) }>{ inside(hasLinks = false) }</a></h4>
      case _ =>
        <h4 class="signature">{ inside(hasLinks = true) }</h4>
